
Tweetadder, Hootsuite or Socialoomph? How To Make The Best Use Of Social Media Management Apps

There are at least four widely used social media management apps now available: Hootsuite, Socialoomph, Tweetadder, and Tweetdeck. Each claim to offer you everything you need. But in practice, it doesn’t quite work that way. You have to choose which of the functions you want from each application. Here are the features of each app that can work well for managing all your social media activity.

And why not expand your footprint and choose with multiple tools? This also prevents you from becoming too dependent on one app provider. Plus, it gives you the all-important patient spread of scheduled tweets, which always need a prudent approach to avoid the dreaded Twitter deactivation. So let’s see how to get the best out of each tool.

1. Tweetadder – Allows you to schedule Twitter direct messages, but its real point of difference is finding multiple targets to follow, based on the keywords you select. A bit of geekery on the Twitterland API gets you thousands of goals. Then you can program how and when you continue, at what daily levels.

There may be a temptation to build a huge target list unless you are really limited with your keywords. It’s actually much better to do this for one keyword, in small bursts of a few hundred targets at a time. Then see the relevance of who you are following and who is following you. There’s also a neat app to decide how long you wait to be followed, and unfollow if you’re not followed within the day limit you select.

2. Tweetdeck – Allows you to display multiple accounts together and select the content and fields you want to see. Not very innovative in our opinion.

3. Hootsuite – Allows you to display multiple accounts like tweetdeck, but on more social networks. Easy to retweet and track your direct messages. But there are two points of difference that we love about Hootsuite. First is the ‘Hootlet’ that you paste into your browser bar. This allows you to capture a web page that you want to tweet to your followers, to your Facebook pages, etc. It’s very easy to add the page title, header, shortened URL, and often a thumbnail image as well, all with a single click of the hootlet button. You can then select the accounts in your Hootsuite lists that you want or don’t want to send page details to.

It even allows you to add some of your own text. And it has a box for you to add a secondary URL that you want to highlight for the viewer. It is ideal for multiple news tweets or new insights. But beware of two things that can get you banned from Twitter: One is using that secondary URL for a direct affiliate link or cloak. It’s better to use your own web page URLs and then redirect. The second thing to keep in mind is to re-edit a hootlet to highlight a high profile @username. And if you edit this back to the beginning, Twitter’s virtual police monitors will ban all your accounts on that hootlet. In a heartbeat, no appeal.

Therefore, it is better to use hootlets to spread a wide level of new content to your audience. And give due credit to the sources of the pages. Second, Hootsuite allows you to run scheduled distribution of tweets. It’s not easy to manage using Excel columns and deferring dates, but it can let you run important messages whenever you want.

4. Socialoomph – It doesn’t offer a very good search or very good account viewing interface, but it does have a wide range of innovative features, including several blogs. And it allows you to run large lists of tweets and Facebook messaging programs for much longer than Hootsuite.

Text files are also easier to set up. And they will compress long URLs for you in their software. Beware of using the same url (even shortened), in tweets scheduled for more than one account though. Twitter will block that tweet in all of its programs and, again, put that account at risk of deactivation. We prefer the Socialoomph URL shortening feature, because you can select your own new codename to use across your entire web footprint, thus staying close to your brand or theme.

But once again, use it for your own web pages and not just to cover up those volatile affiliate links. You can also set up email monitors to know when your accounts are favorited, retweeted, etc.

So it is worth investing in more than one service, under your monthly subscription fees. Be prepared to need a few more hours per week to stay on top of your shows, but it will be worth it to accelerate your entire social engagement strategy to a whole different level of impact and coverage.


Songwriting Apps: Should You Use One? Songwriter Lite Review

I’m always looking for ways to increase my efficiency AND capture my songwriting ideas on the fly. One day, when I had a few extra minutes, I was searching the app store for songwriting apps and ended up downloading…

‘Composer Lite’.

I have to say that I am enjoying it quite a bit! There was a recent update in the free version that limits the number of songs you can create to 5. Whereas the previous version had no restrictions. I guess you can’t blame the guys for wanting to get paid for a great app.

I find myself using the app regularly. In fact, I came up with a song idea while out to dinner. The app allows you to split each section, record audio for each section, and rhyme on the fly. Of course, you may have to run to the bathroom if you get too many funny looks from restaurant diners.


  • Portable!
  • The chord selection feature allows you to choose your key, then when you go to add a chord it gives you all the relevant chords in that key!
  • Let’s add its own tab showing the guitar string diagram
  • Automatically backs up to your Dropbox account
  • Record separate audio for each section if necessary
  • Built-in rhyming dictionary… use it by selecting the word and clicking the right arrow on eligible rhyming or synonyms or other items in the dictionary.
  • You can send yourself or your co-writer a cover of the song you’re working on.


  • 5 song limit unless you upgrade to Pro/Full version for $5.99
  • It can take up space quite fast on a smartphone with low memory
  • Difficulty switching to chord charts for other instruments.
  • You have to tap once to see the menu which is normally hidden by ads at the top of the screen (took me a minute to figure it out)

A few other things to note, it took me a minute to realize that I needed to tap once on the screen in View/Edit mode to make the ads at the top disappear. Otherwise, the ads block the menu to add new chords, skip to the next section, etc.

And it took me a minute to figure out how to use the rhyming dictionary. You have to select only the specific word you want… then tap the right arrow next to the cut/copy/paste options that appear to access the dictionary, thesaurus and rhyming dictionary. It’s not a big deal, just be prepared for it.


It always seems like $5.99 is a huge cost in app land. I’ve found that every once in a while, skipping my weekly Starbucks and buying an app like this… makes my life so much easier. I’ve been looking for a way to record my ideas in one place, on the go. Whether you are a serious songwriter or just looking for a way to simplify your life. This is undoubtedly an excellent option.

There’s also a Mac Store version for $9.99 that I haven’t used. Frankly, I probably won’t. I find the ease of porting my iPhone much easier, plus I’m not sure the Mac and iPhone versions will sync together… which makes it useless in my world.

Do what I do… ask everyone for gift cards to the app store for Christmas and birthdays!

Check out Songwriter Lite in the app store here:

Or the full version at:

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


8 SEO Facts Every Digital Marketer Should Know

Search engine optimization is a very important part of digital marketing. Here are some search engine facts that a digital marketer should know. These SEO facts 2018 can really help you plan different marketing strategies.

1. Most users click on the top 5 search results:- According to the latest research, 75% of users click on the first 5 search results displayed by the search engine. To be more precise, 32% of users click on the top result compared to 18% of users who search for the second result. This statistic shows very clearly that the higher your website ranks, the more visits it will get.

2. Users don’t often scroll past page 1:- Only a mere 20% of users are persistent enough to scroll to page 2 of the search results. So if your website is on page 2, then you need to work on your SEO and digital marketing strategies.

3. Mobile Friendly Keywords Are The Need Of The Hour:- About 50% of users start their searches on a mobile device. When people use their phone to search, they tend to use different keywords. Additionally, when it comes to searching for local businesses, 88% of searches are initiated on a mobile device.

4. Mobile SEO and Local Businesses:- As we mentioned earlier, users tend to search for local businesses on their smartphones. The number of smartphone users is increasing year by year, so it is very important to plan your keywords according to the increase in mobile searches.

5. Websites with more pages are likely to attract more traffic:- The number of pages on a website plays a direct role in determining the amount of traffic it generates. It simply reflects the importance of the relevant keywords.

6. About half of search queries are 4 words or more:- It is a clear fact that short keywords will help you appear higher in search results. But at the same time, it is very difficult to rank for those keywords as short keywords are very competitive. Therefore, instead of going for short competitive keywords, you should only use the longer ones effectively.

7. Organic search continues to trump social media traffic:- Although social media traffic is increasing by the day, organic searches are still the way to go. Organic searches account for 41% of total search, which is 3 times the traffic from social networks. Therefore, going completely to social media platforms to generate traffic is unwise.

8. Quality content:- Google loves rich, defined content that gives appreciation to users and answers questions. Whenever you’re trying to get a site on the first page of Google, make sure you incorporate plenty of substance.


Movie Review: To Catch a Thief (1955)

Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

Screenplay by John Michael Hayes adapted from the novel by David Dodge.

Cary Grant – John Robie

Grace Kelly – Frances Stevens

Jessie Royce Landis – Jessie Stevens

John Williams-HH Hughson

Charles Vanel-Bertani

Brigitte Auber – Danielle Foussard

Jean Martinelli-Fossard

Georgette Anys – Germaine

Easily one of the most beautiful and compelling movies ever filmed. It’s no coincidence that Robert Burks won the 1956 Oscar for Best Color Photography. A delight to the eye for a tourism poster of an entertainment. After seeing it, you will also be a fan of the beauty of the French Riviera.

Cary Grant, as John Robie, returns to play a decent and well-meaning guy (despite his background as a notorious cat burglar) who gets caught up in an affair that threatens to land him back in jail.

This time he is suspected of committing the recent series of robberies that have deprived the super-rich of Nice of their precious jewellery. Robie claims his innocence to no avail. He’s still the best suspect the police have. So the French police keep riding his tail. Robie’s only way out is to find the real thief.

Robie accomplishes this by collaborating with insurance agent HH Hughson (played by the prim and proper John Williams, who also played the police detective in another Hitchcock-Grace Kelly film: Dial M For Murder, 1954).

Five parallels between “To Catch a Thief” (TCT) and the other Hitchcock classic “North by Northwest” (NBN) in which Cary Grant also starred:

1) In both movies, Grant plays a guy who gets into trouble early on, practically five minutes into the movie.

2) Both movies have that famous scene where a female character is hanging from a high place and Cary Grant grabs her wrist at the last moment and carries her to safety. On NBN, she is the protagonist hanging from the colossal relief of George Washington on Mount Rushmore. In TCT, she is the villain who hangs from the ceiling of Villa de Silva.

3) NBN has the famous scene of the crop duster. In TCT, a similar-looking police plane chases from low altitude the boat in which Grant flees the port of Nice.

4) Jessie Royce Landis, who plays “Jessie Stevens” on TCT, plays Cary Grant’s mother on NBN (even though Grant was ten years older than her). Landis played Grace Kelley’s mother not only on TCT but also in “The Swan” (1956).

5) On NBN, Hitchcock makes his signature appearance by boarding a public bus at a city bus station. In TCT, Hitchcock makes his characteristic appearance by sitting right next to Grant as an anonymous passenger in the last row of a passenger bus traveling the dusty back roads of the French Riviera.


— This was the last film that Grace Kelly filmed with Hitchcock. Soon after, she married Prince Rainier of Monaco and left the movie business for good. If she hadn’t done that, she definitely would have faced Cary Grant in “North by Northwest.”

— French actor Charles Vanel (as Bertani) couldn’t speak a word of English. All of his lines were dubbed.

— Half of the film (most of the interiors) was shot at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles.

— The film was shot using PanaVision technology, the main competitor to Cinemascope technology at the time. In PanaVision technology, the film ran horizontally, not vertically.

— Screenwriter John Michael Hayes also wrote that other great Hitchcock classic, “Rear Window (1954).”


12 types of vintage products that you can sell through online auctions

All kinds of antiques, from dolls to furniture, are certainly great sellers. But most of us are not antique dealers and may not know or care enough about them. So here are twelve things that are selling like crazy that you can profit from using online auctions. (The list is not in order of priority.)

1. Corners

Many people are coin collectors. You can buy all kinds of foreign currencies on the Internet; Mexican pesos and Brazilian currencies. Now that we have the euro, the coins in old money can only increase in value as they become a rarity.

These are very cheap coins. Some people have packaged them up, like a hundred world coins, and sold them at auction for £60 and £70. Many of those coins, like the Mexican peso and the Brazilian peso coin, cost less than one cent.

Also, Indian Head pennies and antique silver, and even some current silver that’s not that old, what’s called junk silver but still silver, is very popular. Some people offer these things much more than what can be purchased as base metal. It’s crazy, but that’s how it is.

2. Pocket and hunting knives

Both old and new hunting and pocket knives are very popular items. This category also includes swords.

It’s not for everyone, but if you’re interested in or have some knowledge of survival skills using knives, or find the history of swords fascinating, these articles work well online.

3. Watches and Rings

People like some unusual watches and rings. Some of New Mexico’s turquoise watches and jewelry were originally popular twenty years ago. But then it went out of style and no one would wear it. Now, once again, it is popular.

If you can buy such jewelry at a good price, you can double and even triple your money.

4. Music boxes

Music boxes are very collectible and very popular. They are relatively easy to ship to customers. A visit to any junk shop, auto trunk sale, mall, or antique market will usually yield at least one music box.

5. Christmas Season Items

All kinds of unusual items related to Easter, Christmas and Halloween are extremely popular. People have bid on items in this category very high.

6. Arts and Crafts of Native American Indians

Anything to do with Indian arts and crafts is big business, especially in the US, UK, Germany and Belgium. Old arrowheads are popular, blankets, saddles, trinkets, all sorts of things related to Native American nations.

7. Religious articles

It doesn’t matter if the religious items are Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu or any other religion. They are all very popular.

In the Middle East they have “pearls of concern.” I had an Arab friend many years ago who gave me some. They don’t cost a lot of money. I’ve seen them bid up to £25.

8. Rocks and Fossils

Rocks and fossils are very popular, perhaps because they are very collectible: they take up little space, but a collection can be interesting and start.

9. Bedspreads and Duvets

North American Indian star quilts are very popular as are the various quilts made by the Victorians. Still a popular craft today, even modern handmade quilts and quilts can fetch a good price.

10. Perfumes and Colognes

This includes perfumes and colognes for both men and women. Especially name brands at a discount where people can bid on them, but get them for less than the £50 it would normally sell for in a big department store.

11.Regional articles

Regional items have increased in popularity. People who live in Arizona and New Mexico, California, Texas can cross the border and buy extremely low priced Mexican crafts and yet double or triple their money on eBay.

If you don’t live in the United States, but take a vacation in Mexico or South America, you may still find this lucrative. This category also covers tourist items purchased anywhere in the world; such as African beads, dolls in the country’s attire, porcelain from the coastal towns of the British Isles, handbags from Egypt, it’s endless. On the other hand, there is a vast and thriving market in pre-1970s British seaside trivia.

12. Autographs

If you know or have something that has been signed by a famous person; a rock star, movie stars, presidents, you name it, are bidding big on eBay and other auction sites. Some collectors are also willing to bid on a famous person’s item of clothing or lock of hair.

So that’s just a roundup of twelve categories that sell well through internet auctions.

Of course you can sell thousands of other items. All kinds of books are sold, for example, there is no doubt about that. I’ve sold books, and I’ve had three or four different companies buy books from me and resell them on eBay, Yahoo, and other auction sites. However, you need to buy or print books cheap enough that you can ask for big enough discounts.

For example, a £25 book might be auctioned for £6 or £7. Now if you bought it for £2 or printed it for £2, making a constant profit shouldn’t be a problem. The profit margin is large enough that you walk away with cash in your pocket.


The insurance assumes an accident by the person to whom you lent your car

I had to empathize with my friend. Poor man: out of the goodness of his heart, the man lent his vehicle to a relative. And then his relative was in a serious accident, resulting in two totaled vehicles: the car he had lent my friend and the truck he hit!

For those uneducated on the subject, when you lend your car to someone else, the insurance industry refers to that driver as a permissive driver. If a permissive driver causes an accident, this is how insurance companies will respond.

Car insurance and an accident caused by a permissive driver

If you gave permission to someone who is not listed as a driver on your auto insurance policy and that person causes a car accident, the procedure is generally as follows.

1. In case the driver and the owner of the car have separate auto policies, the auto owner’s insurance will pay for damages under the collision portion of the coverage, after the policy holder pays the deductible required.

2. If there is significant property damage, as well as bodily injury to the other driver or their passengers or pedestrians, the car owner’s insurance will cover the damages and legal fees from an associated lawsuit filed against the car owner. Insurance payments are subject to policy limits. If the car owner’s policy limits lead to an outstanding balance, the driver of the loaned car can seek compensation from their own insurance company to receive any remaining funds owed for damages. If the car borrower is injured in an accident he or she caused, the related payments would generally be covered by the Personal Injury Protection portion of your auto policy. In the event that the driver does not have this insurance protection, but the car owner does, the coverage will go through that.

3. What if the person who borrowed the car was in an accident but did not have a valid driver’s license? In this case, there is a good chance coverage will be denied. Many insurance companies exclude coverage for an unlicensed driver. If this occurs, the owner of the car, you, and the “permissive driver” will be responsible for paying all damages, as well as court fees, if any.

But in addition to the related aggravation and potential wallet depletion, policyholders can find their premiums at policy renewal.

Of course, anyone working with an experienced independent agency designated to do direct business with many of the leading underwriters has the advantage of working to the advantage of the market to find the lowest premium available under the circumstances.


Five advantages of using video conferencing

Video conferencing consists of making a conference call over the Internet to transfer audio and video data. Each person on the conference call must have a camera, speakers, headset, or speakerphone. The voice of the speakers is transmitted over the Internet to all other participants in the conference call. Here are five reasons why you should start using conferencing.

save time and money

To capture new markets it would be necessary to travel. Some of the regular travel to other countries can be reduced by using video conferencing. Although nothing can replace traveling to other countries to visit colleagues and loyal customers, making use of video conferencing apps from time to time can help you save time and money. Video conferencing apps now have high-definition video and sound, providing a crystal-clear platform to communicate. Calculate the total cost of a trip, including airport round trips, flight, stay and compare it to the price of getting a video conferencing app, you may find that it can save your business a lot of money.

Productivity increase

Your business may require your employees to be located in different remote locations. With the help of video conferencing apps, they can establish a proper communication channel through which they can make better informed decisions and complete projects faster. Being able to see a person’s face is one of the advantages of conferencing apps, it would force people to focus on the conversation. Also, their non-verbal expressions can be seen while using the video apps. Teams now interact via instant messaging, phone, and email, but video conferencing apps have become an affordable yet effective method of communication.

Hire talent easily

If you want to hire from different cities, you would have a hard time without using video conferencing apps. Organizations that have installed video conferencing applications have reduced expenses and travel time. Hiring employees through video interviews has proven to be an effective way to find talent. Video interviews can be recorded for later analysis; Also, if multiple people want to interview the candidate, a video conference can easily be set up. Employee retention has also increased as a result of the conferences. Employees can now log in remotely from home to communicate with people at work. Also, you could hire freelancers who work remotely.

stay competitive

Video conferencing helps all teams in your workforce communicate productively and make informed decisions to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. If your company gets a video conferencing app, customers will be able to make a one-on-one video call with your company’s support team.

There are numerous companies in various industries using conferencing applications. Companies that make parts use video conferencing to make sure the product doesn’t lose its accuracy as it travels through the supply chain.


Does anyone remember the fashion for cabbages?

If you’re over 30, you probably remember the Cabbage Patch doll craze of the 1980s. People waited in line for hours just for the privilege of buying one of these dolls. Stores couldn’t keep them on the shelves. Some people think it was the biggest marketing gimmick of the 1980s.

The dolls were originally designed by a man named Xavier Roberts who lives in Georgia. In 1982, Roberts sold the mass production rights to the Coleco Toy Company. As you may recall, each Cabbage Patch doll came with her own name and birthday, adoption papers, and birth certificate. Each doll was said to be unique (just a little different).

For the first few years, it seemed that Coleco couldn’t produce these dolls fast enough. The dolls were in such short supply at Christmas that some stores had to call the police just to control the crowds waiting in line to buy the dolls. Other stores decided to hold raffles to distribute the dolls fairly and avoid mob-like scenes. In 1985 Coleco reported record sales of $600 million thanks to Cabbage Patch dolls.

Obviously, like most fads, the Cabbage Patch fad didn’t last long. Sales fell from $600 million in 1985 to just $250 million in 1986. There were scalpers and speculators who were left with cabinets full of dolls that suddenly didn’t sell very well anymore. Coleco then tried many things to revive the doll market by making dolls “do things” such as talk. However, things went downhill from there and Coleco had to declare bankruptcy in 1988.

The Hasbro Company obtained the rights to produce the doll in 1989. They gradually began making dolls for younger children, which led to smaller dolls. Despite the fact that the Cabbage Patch dolls were one of the best selling dolls. Hasbro was never able to revitalize the Cabbage Patch market. In 1994 Mattel bought the rights to the doll.

Mattel currently still produces Cabbage patch dolls. However, the dolls no longer have cloth bodies, they are still all vinyl dolls. The dolls are generally around 14 inches or less, and most of them come with a gimmick like swimming, eating, or brushing their teeth. Most of the Cabbage Patch dolls made by Mattel are still available at some mass market retailers such as Toy’s R US. The sticker price is usually less than $20.


Psychic Medium’s New Age Book Review: Conversations With God Book 1 by Neal Donald Walsch

Conversations with God Book 1 by Neal Donald Walsch focuses on the everyday individual challenges we face in life. He shows or describes how we can see life from a different perspective and be really happy with ourselves. In the book, Neal feels that he is having a conversation directly with God. Neal asks God many difficult questions about everyday life. The questions he asks God are the ones that are normally not answered by anyone in our daily lives. You may find this book fascinating because it fills in the gaps left by many of our traditional religious belief systems. It offers us a new perspective on life without the restrictions imposed on us by society and belief systems that have structured our thinking along a narrow path.

What can you expect to get from this book? This all depends on how open you are to reading about new ideas about life here on planet earth. If you approach this book only from the perspective of protecting your current belief system, then you probably won’t appreciate the content of what’s being discussed because you’re not really open to new ideas. If you’re open to new thoughts and possibilities, you’ll find this easy-to-read book full of ideas about life that seem so obvious. The book gives you a new way of approaching life and allows you to feel like you really have a say in your own destiny.

This book puts a lot of emphasis on the personal relationship with God. Life should not be conducted from a dark age point of view that does not allow us to think for ourselves. Neal presents in the book an attitude that encourages us to become individual thinkers who are free to question and then interpret life from our own points of view.

The ideas presented in this book will help you in your daily life by giving you a new perspective. Who says you can’t talk to God your way? I found this book very enlightening and very inspiring. Neal may not actually be talking to God directly, it may be his subconscious self giving the answers, or the answers may come from one of his guides. It doesn’t really matter where the inspiration comes from, the question is, does it make sense? If it makes sense to you, then you may find that this book can be an opening to another way of looking at life. If you’re looking for new ideas for your personal path of spiritual development, this book gives you a good idea of ​​where you are currently in life. When life is seen from a new perspective, changes begin to occur in your life. Walking the same path, day after day, only leads to the same destination. If you want to change in your life, then take another path (or approach) in life.

I feel that this book is written for all those people who need a new look at life. Haven’t we all heard the same story about what life is supposed to be like? The things that the societies we live in have taught us don’t always make sense. Those ideas can leave us feeling like we’re running in circles without getting the real answers to our questions. This book gives you a big WOW, and you get the feeling that the correct answers have been given and are now available to you.

This book is not about religion or the Bible. Keep an open mind as you read it and don’t judge where the ideas come from, just listen to the ideas. Everyone can get ideas from this book. Most of life’s great truths can usually be explained in simple terms. We as human beings can sometimes make life more complex than it really should be. Enjoy your time with Neal and sharing ideas from him.


Wild Contact Lenses: Not Just for Halloween

Do you remember the villain from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s movie “Last Action Hero”? Do you remember his eyes? In almost every scene, he wore different and wild contact lenses. There are many examples in the entertainment industry of how makeup and special effects departments are working together to create amazing looks.

Some other examples of actors or artists using contact lenses to create wild eyes are Michael Jackson in his epic “Thriller” music video. Haley Barry, who plays Storm in the X-Men movies, wears white contact lenses when her character controls the weather. Many actors in the Star Wars movies wore contact lenses, including Darth Maul and the Emperor. The same can be said for many extras in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

In movies, whenever someone is portrayed as badly beaten and with bloodshot or damaged eyes, that look is created with contact lenses. It’s much easier than editing the movie to change the look of the actor’s eyes. Many actors play blind characters. The cloudy look in his eyes are contact lenses.

Wild contact lenses are no longer limited to the entertainment industry. Many companies have created hundreds of contact lenses, which they make available to the general public. These contacts are of the same quality as normal contact lenses. They can be done to correct your vision or they can be ordered without any additional power of attorney.

Remember that all contact lenses can only be purchased with a prescription. Once you’ve been examined by an optometrist, you can buy these contact lenses through your doctor’s office or you can buy them yourself through catalogs or online. There are dozens of sites offering discount rates on hundreds of styles.

The options are too many to mention them all. Some of the types of wild contact lenses that you can buy are for the eyes of animals such as cats, reptiles, and wolves. Another category is based on horror or science fiction. You can have alien or zombie or vampire eyes. Some are meant to look very grotesque, like having the look of a shark’s gaping mouth with teeth in your eye or all black glasses giving the impression that you don’t have an eyeball at all. There are also many faddish contact lenses. For example, there are ladybugs, flowers, peace signs, hearts, and even computer circuits.

Wild contact lenses can be a great way to show off your personality. Next time you’re online, look up all the different types of contact lenses and let yourself go.