
Can you really trust a design graphic?

Almost everyone in the family gets excited when the mother is conceiving a child and everyone would also want to know if the baby is a girl or a boy. Knowing the sex of the baby, most couples rush to the store to buy clothes and other things for the baby. This is especially true for new parents.

Today, most couples rely on the results of the doctor’s ultrasound to find out the sex of their unborn baby. The image of the baby’s body tissues shown on the machine screen is outlined by the echo patterns produced by the bouncing of high-energy sound waves off internal tissues and organs.

It is quite interesting to note that long before this modern imaging method was invented, the Chinese people in particular had already devised a method of knowing the baby’s gender in advance. They use the conception chart.

Conception chart is also known as Chinese gender chart, Chinese birth gender chart, and Chinese gender selection birth chart. This method of knowing the sex of the expected baby is an ancient method, discovered in the 13th century in a place near Beijing, China. He was buried for more than seven centuries in a tomb believed to belong to a Chinese nobleman. If you go to Beijing, you can find that ancient Chinese conception table at the Beijing Institute of Science.

This table has two variables: the month in which the baby was conceived and the age of the mother. It looks like a multiplication table where the rows and columns are headed by the two variables. In the cells below or next to the column and row headings there are letters “B” and “G” representing boy and girl respectively. The months can be placed at the top and cross of the grid, while the ages are on the left side down or vice versa.

The sex of the baby can be determined by crossing the first variable with the second. So, for example, if an 18-year-old mother conceives in September, the baby is a boy as predicted by the conception chart. If a 30-year-old mother conceives in May, the baby is a girl. When the mother is 45 years old and conceives in January, her baby is a girl.

To date, scientists remain skeptical of its accuracy, as no scientific study has verified it yet. Science holds that gender is determined by the baby’s chromosomes. Those who believe and use the ancient Chinese conception chart method claim that the conception chart is 93% accurate.

Trying this method can be fun. Like in a guessing game, finding out that the table’s prediction is actually correct after you or your wife have given birth gives you a sense of victory. You can find many copies of this table online, so surf the web for one and predict your child’s gender in no time. But if you want a very accurate and reliable answer, you’d better see your obstetrician for an ultrasound.


Prank Game – A fun trick game that everyone will enjoy

I remember it like it was yesterday. My sister had just come home from a long trip, and my family and I were all together playing family games. Before my sister came home, we had all decided that we would play a prank on my sister and do a trick on her that we had never played before.

So, we take out the camera, grab the lipstick, and we all try to keep our faces straight. The game was called: “Inchypinchywinchy”. Yes, the name says it all! No skill is required in this game, it is not educational, intellectual, challenging or competitive in any way. You just have to try not to laugh and reveal the ‘secret’ to the victim. To this day, it remains one of the funniest and most memorable games we’ve played as a family. It was just a trick / joke game, but it was a blast. Have fun playing the game, but be sure to do it with someone who doesn’t know what’s going on!


# of players: 4 or more

Required items: Lipstick

Those who play will sit in a circle around the room. The person who has never played before will be called a victim. Next, the person sitting to the right of the victim will need lipstick. In preparation, this person will rub a small amount of lipstick on their finger and then hide the lipstick so that the victim cannot see (or smell) it. Everyone else will keep a straight face and will not laugh, look at the victim, or reveal anything. The game begins by having a person turn to the person on their left and, with their index finger, they will do something random to their neighbor’s face. While doing this, they should say: “inchypinchywinchy”. Some examples of some random movements one could do are: pinch his cheek, rub his nose, squeeze his chin, pull his earlobe, draw a line on his forehead, etc.

The only rule of the game is that the person making the random move and the person receiving it can’t laugh at all (everyone else can when it’s not their turn). The random movement only needs to last a few seconds, but neither person can laugh. If a player laughs, they receive a strike (3 strikes and one player is out of the game). It is important that the rule is applied so that the victim thinks it is a real game (strange as it may seem). But, obviously, you have to be more lenient with the victim so that they are not eliminated from the game. The game continues around the circle with each person making a random move towards their neighbor on the left. (It can be helpful for others to play dumb and pretend this is a strange game for them too, so it’s not just the victim wondering what’s going on.)

Eventually it will be the turn of the person sitting to the right of the victim. Again, this person will have rubbed some lipstick on their fingers; therefore, while doing your random move, the lipstick will smear on the victim’s face. (Everyone else can laugh, but the other players don’t want to laugh excessively or give away that something is happening to the victim.) The person rubbing the lipstick on the victim should be very subtle and not let the victim see their lipstick finger.

Once the victim has taken their turn, play continues around the circle. Players will laugh and receive strikes, and some people may even be eliminated from the game. The game ends when everyone is tired of playing, or everyone leaves, or when it most likely happens: the victim finds out what is happening!


Old-fashioned milk trick

Did you know that dehydrated milk powder exists? Well there is and it’s a fantastic staple to have in your closet. Dried soy, rice, oat, and almond milk powders are also available in specialty stores for those who prefer these alternatives.

In 1802 the first known written record on powdered milk was put on paper, it was talked about how it was convenient but not yet well known. An evaporation technique was officially patented in 1837; Since then there have been many documents detailing advancements, patents and innovators. Simply put, powdered milk is made by sprinkling a fine mist of skim milk onto delicate screens, where it is dehydrated and then bagged.

To obtain skim milk, dairies let the milk settle in a cold room where the heaviest and thickest cream rises to the top; this cream is skimmed and is often sold as whipped cream. The milk is allowed to stand again in the cold position for a little longer until the second light cream rises to the surface and this, once skimmed, is often sold as coffee cream. Skim milk is the product that remains after all the fat cream has risen to the surface and has been skimmed.

Dried milk powder was once quite common. The military loved it for its lightness and usefulness in areas like the tropics, where things go bad very quickly. It did not need to be refrigerated and, if stored properly, it can keep for 4 years or more. It did not require a bulky container. It was lightweight, easy to ship, and easy to store. Just add water and you have just the right amount of milk for your needs right then and there. Add a tablespoon. of vinegar in a cup of milk and you will have a replacement for the buttermilk. Add a little less water for a more intense flavor and thickness that can be used to replace cream in recipes.

Having this product in the baking cupboard can be very helpful during supply chain disruptions due to strikes, highways, or supply problems. There is also a price fluctuation due to fuel costs. Carrying heavy and bulky milk jugs consumes a lot of fuel, while a truck can easily haul a full load of bagged milk powder without feeling too heavy in comparison.

However, we have always had it in our closet just for convenience. While we use cream in our coffee, we don’t drink milk. We use rice milk for breakfast cereal and powdered milk for baking. We have never wasted bad milk or panic when we bake because there is not enough milk. Don’t worry, just mix it up a bit and keep going.

Our cookbook, From One Small Garden, demonstrates our habit of using powdered milk for cooking. Of course, you can use fresh milk in almost any recipe that calls for powdered milk. Just skip the powdered milk and use milk in place of the water called for in the recipe.


Is your teenage daughter an emotional wreck?

If your daughter displays unacceptable behaviors, it may not be a discipline problem at all. She can be an emotional mess.

As a mother or father, you can probably relate to your daughter more than you realize. Think about it for a minute, we go on with our lives living, thinking and feeling like adults because that’s what we have now. However, we were all teenagers at one time.

Are you always looking for ways to remedy behavior problems?

I think we all do this and yes there are some great tips and ideas and of course I’m not saying we shouldn’t try at least some of them. Along with what I will share with you from my own personal experiences, there must be some kind of routine and set guidelines for everything to work together. Behavioral problems are only part of the symptoms of what is really going on emotionally within your daughter. So yes, we need to treat the symptoms as well, but that is only part of the problem and they will also be temporary solutions.

Are you constantly trying to find the next best discipline tactic?

Once again, of course, they need discipline in their lives, we already know this. Discipline is very important in the lives of your daughters not only to teach them right from wrong and have consequences for their actions, but they also love it. Believe it or not, she will feel more loved knowing that you care enough about her and her well-being by not allowing certain behaviors, yet I can’t say enough that this is only part of the problem in the first place.

Are you ready to get to the root of the problem?

Teenagers have a lot of stress on them, more than we knew when we were kids. Your daughter has a lot to deal with in her daily life and the added pressure from her peers and other children at school. The difference is that they are not armed with the tools and maturity that adults have. We as parents need to get to the root of the problem with our teens in order to get any results. Now you can take them to counseling or you can take the bull by the horns and do it yourself. First, understand that your daughter will likely yell and yell and maybe even knock on a few doors early in the process. Okay, we are ready for it. I know my daughter appreciated it all at the end, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Get a pen and paper and give it to your daughter. Tell her to write down everything she likes and dislikes about herself and to be very real about it. Next, have her write down everything she wants to change about herself, including how she feels when certain situations arise. It is very important that she is real, so you may need to point out certain things that may seem harsh to get her started on her way.

Take these “lists” and go through them one at a time, now no matter how long it takes you to finish these lists. So take the first item on the list and talk about it. Together you will need to figure out how to change it, this can take time depending on the size of your list. My daughter had a four-page list so it may seem overwhelming, but don’t let it seem like it because the purpose is to remove that overwhelming feeling of emotions running through her. It took us 6 months to complete the list by checking all of these things as we went along, it became a challenge for her that she enjoyed. We would sit down every night and she would take out the newspaper (we both had access to it in a common place) and she would say “Ok mom number 13”. You get the idea.

This will help you organize your feelings and gain more confidence. Many times our teens don’t even know what is wrong or what the problem is because they are so agitated and overwhelmed with all these different emotions and they don’t know where to start anymore, so the natural reaction is to just give up and walk with a big chip on his shoulder and he suppressed the anger to release it. Which in turn results in releasing him in all the wrong ways and at all the wrong times.


The simple way to prepare the San Pedro cactus

The San Pedro cactus is a cactus plant that has a pillar with 4 to about 9 ribbons. The plant grows quite fast and has a very strong root system with ramifications starting from the base of the stem. The cactus continues to grow until it falls under its weight and after the fall it re-roots and produces new branches. The plant has traditionally been used for healing and divination and is very popular with shamans.

It can be taken dry without the inclusion of wood stalks and thorns. The edible parts are finely ground to avoid stomach problems. The effects of using this herb include seeing and feeling every ray of light, extreme sensitivity to light, seeing people and other things radiate, and seeing magic light.Other emotions that can take effect after consumption are crying, screaming , fear, love, feeling. pleasure and laughter. With its religious background, most people are now taking it to have that heavenly feel and sight. Below is a simple method of how you can prepare San Pedro cactus.

Step 1 – Skin the cactus. Stripping the yarn would be the best starting point before carefully cutting through the plant’s dark green skin. With a serrated knife, cut the white meat until it is in the center of the plant and then discard everything else except the white meat.

Step 2 – Go ahead and prepare the meat. You can use the traditional method where you cut the meat into small pieces, add them to a bowl, and use a potato masher to pulverize. The most modern method of preparing the meat would be to cut the meat into chunks and toss it into the blender, add water, and then mix to pulverize.

Step 3 – Pour the meat puree into a crock pot and add enough water. A good amount would be enough to fill the pot. You can then add juice from 2 large lemons to the mix.

Step 4 – Let the mixture boil slightly and then cook for at least 6 hours. If you are following the traditional way of brewing, then it would be a good idea to spray a little more and then allow 12 to 36 hours of cooking.

Step 5 – With a clean cloth, filter the pulp. You can secure the cloth over a swamp container with a rubber band so that it can filter more easily. Pour the juice mixture through the strainer and then let it sit.

Step 6 – Let the pulp cool down before wrapping it in a clean cloth and squeezing out the remaining liquid. You can then discard the pulp.

Step 7 – For the juice in your kettle and simmer over low heat. You can turn on your fan to help the evaporation process. After a few hours of boiling, the juice should be about 2 ounces of a double amount.

Step 8 – After evaporating to 1 oz, pour into a glass cake pan and heat with a fan for 24 hours so you have resin at the end. Then you can take the resin-like substance and make balls and then cover with lemon juice to make candy.


Start Them Young: A Parent’s Guide to Building Children’s Brain Power

Developing brain capacity is like building muscle: the more you use it, the more you improve. The same goes for memory training.

In this age of information explosion, it helps to start memory training from an early age and prepare your children to tackle the tasks ahead with improved performance. Although life is more hectic these days, the brain is such a powerful machine that it can definitely keep up; the secret is to pay attention.

Teach your children to focus, not only on the information they need to remember, but to always do homework with some thought. This avoids unnecessary memory leaks. Help them develop their brain power by following this step-by-step guide.

1. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Children are sometimes easily forgotten because the things they do at a young age are often routine, which can be classified as meaningless chores. Help them store routine activity in their brain memory by saying it out loud as they do it. This also helps limit distraction. Applied to introductions, if you can’t repeat it during the conversation, do the repeat while walking away.

2. Try chunking. Ever notice how we recite the phone number in chunks? Instead of saying 2, 3, 7, 0, 4, 9, 0, we say 23, 70, 490. This is because the brain can process so much information at once that it is certainly not a problem to put parts together. Teach your children this strategy to help them better remember more information.

3. Get meaning. One of the reasons children, or people in general, forget is that the information they are trying to memorize means nothing to them. So help your kids develop brain power and avoid this trap by giving meaning to words. Instead of memorizing a random list, try to find some order and create meaning through mnemonics.


Hypoglycemia: hope for healing with essential oils

Hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar falls below normal levels, causes tiredness, depression, and physical weakness. Depending on the severity, this can be a debilitating condition. There are practical steps that can be taken to control and possibly alleviate hypoglycemia. Essential oils can play an important role in your efforts to recover from this condition.

Eating protein at regular intervals, about every four hours, can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Regular exercise is also key. Avoiding all types of sugars is essential. Sometimes hypoglycemia can be complicated by food allergies. Wheat is the main suspect. You may want to experiment with eliminating wheat from your diet. Improvement usually occurs within two to three weeks after taking this step.

You may also need to explore with your doctor the possibility of other related conditions, such as Candida or yeast overgrowth. Some experts believe that the thyroid is involved in hypoglycemic syndrome. According to reflexology, the use of essential oils on thyroid-related areas of the foot may be helpful. Peppermint and lemongrass oils in the thyroid areas of my feet have been reported to reverse individual hypoglycemic episodes in a very short time. Essential oils can reduce hypoglycemic symptoms by normalizing sugar cravings and stabilizing sugar metabolism in the body.

Other suggested essential oils include Lavender, Thieves, EndoFlex, Cinnamon, Cumin, Cloves, Thyme, Coriander, Lemon Verbena, and Dill. Natural sugar substitutes like agave may also help. Finally, goji berry juice, commercially packaged as Ningxia Red, can be calming and healing for people with hypoglycemia and other fatigue-related syndromes.


Why should children learn to cook? Check out these great reasons for kids to start cooking

Children are more likely to eat what they prepare. By putting their own effort into their culinary creations, children will most likely eat their own creations because they are proud to have made them. In addition, they know what is in the food they eat and that helps them make healthier choices.

The increased self-esteem that comes from completing a project is priceless. Children learn real recipes and real life skills by preparing food. From planning projects, organizing, and choosing the right foods to making a plan to completion, cooking is a great way to learn these important life skills at a young age.

Children have the feeling that they are contributing to the family and the satisfaction of having helped do something for the whole family to enjoy.

Meanwhile, children learn more about proper nutrition and become more aware of the foods they put into their mouths. Plus, cooking and eating at home is fun, cheaper than eating out, and generally healthier, too. Kids can start out on a rainy day, as cooking or baking is a perfect activity indoors when the weather is bad outside. Start with simpler recipes or snacks, such as fresh fruit kabobs, keeping in mind the limitations for younger chefs. As children learn to prepare their own food and even breakfast and lunch, they will feel more secure with all kitchen appliances and utensils under adult supervision. This teamwork with a parent or sibling also fosters valuable family time and bonding. These are some of the good reasons for children to cook, enjoy cooking, and provide great-tasting, healthy foods for the whole family.

There are great instructional videos on the web to help kids get started, including a group of kids videos for kids at


Pill-free fever

For those of you who have children, you will fully understand my next statement … “There is nothing more terrifying than watching your child burn with a high fever in the middle of the night.” If you don’t have children, you probably don’t. But think about it for a moment … a child with a fever over 104 degrees (up to 102 or 103 is common in young children, not so much in adults), anyway, that child would be warm to the touch, listless and could have seizures , And the doctor’s offices are closed! I think the scariest part for parents is that they have no control, they can’t fix that.

Generally, conventional medicine directs parents to uncover the patient, take ice baths, and take ibuprofen and acetaminophen. In addition, they instruct parents to “let the fever run its course.” What? Sit back and let the fever ravage my child’s body?

An adult with a fever (theirs rarely exceeds 103) is not susceptible to seizures, but will still feel listless, often accompanied by a headache. Adults generally have to take care of themselves and don’t really feel like moving; therefore, adults quickly become dehydrated. Dehydration gets ugly:

  • Lack of sweating, which leaves the patient in a difficult situation, if the patient cannot sweat, how will he reduce the fever?
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Low blood pressure
  • Fast breathing
  • In severe cases, delirium

When I was little, I would always take fever-reducing medicine, put ice packs on my neck, wrists, and chest, and wait for it to pass. The aggravating factor was that the fever lasted for days. When I was older, I started seeing a naturopath and he recommended “The wet sock treatment”. Let me tell you, my family laughed at that for weeks. But one winter, my nephew was around 19 years old and developed a fever that stayed at 104 for several days (about a week). He had become listless, could not eat, and began to hallucinate. I suggested the Wet sock treatment to my sister. We laugh at having done such a thing to a sick person. But she said they had done everything conventional and nothing worked.

She called me the next morning and said, “It’s a miracle. I never would have believed wet socks would do anything, but her fever came down at night and she is celebrating Thanksgiving with the family.” I asked him if he cared about the treatment, considering how sick he was. She said two things:

  1. He said he was so out of his mind that he really didn’t care what was done; Y
  2. He said the cold wet socks really felt so good. He said his skin felt like it was on fire … the socks felt good.

So what is this crazy and miraculous treatment? Is named The wet sock treatment for a reason … it’s wet socks. Keep reading …

You will need the following supplies:

  • thin cotton socks
  • thick wool socks
  • frozen water
  • a warm bed

Follow these steps to implement this treatment and obtain excellent results:

  1. Check that the patient’s feet are completely dry.
  2. Take a pair of thin cotton socks and put them in the coldest ones, here is water that you can access.
  3. Squeeze the socks and place them on the patient’s feet.
  4. Immediately place THICK WOOL socks over wet socks.
  5. Put the patient to bed, well covered with sheets and blankets.
  6. Allow the patient to sleep, preferably overnight.
  7. In the morning, check on the patient. You MUST find that the patient’s fever has dropped AND that the patient is drenched in sweat.
  8. You should also find that the wet socks are completely dry.

How or why does this work?

Tea Wet sock treatment it is a natural method of stimulating the immune system to fight the flu (or an infection that causes fever). Basically, this treatment is a warming compress; This means that the body has to work to warm up cold socks. The cold triggers the immune system. “The body reacts to cold socks by increasing blood circulation, which also stimulates the immune system. You have to ‘rev up’ the immune system, so that it is ready to battle the affliction or condition,” according to Jamey Wallace, ND, director Clinic physician at Bastyr Center for Natural Health.

A good side effect of the treatment is that it appears to have a sedative action; many patients report experiencing deeper sleep during treatment.

This treatment is free and safe for all ages. It can be repeated three days in a row to continue obtaining benefits. However, the added benefits will likely pale in comparison to the drastic initial response.

So this winter, put down the pill or syrup bottle and grab a pair of wet socks!


5 must-see parks and gardens in San Diego

San Diego is a year-round tourist destination and is packed with beautiful parks and gardens. In addition to gazing at the impressive biodiversity, you can also hike and ride beautiful trails in the well-groomed green spaces. Whether you are traveling alone or with your family, you will have many options in the city of San Diego that can make it a perfect day out. This article will tell you about some of the most popular parks in San Diego. But, before you include these beautiful places in your itinerary, be sure to book your tickets to San Diego in advance, as booking airline tickets to San Diego at the last minute can be expensive.

Balboa park

Spread over 1,200 acres, Balboa Park is an acclaimed cultural park in San Diego. The park has open space areas, areas of natural vegetation, well-kept gardens and walking paths. In addition, it is also home to the world-renowned San Diego Zoo, some notable museums, and various theaters. With so much to offer, the park can easily fill you up for a day. And you can end your day by shopping for souvenirs for your loved ones at the hidden gift shops here. Since there is so much to see and do, consider saving some money with cheap air tickets to San Diego so you can enjoy your day to the fullest in Balboa Park.

Mission Bay Park

Mission Bay, the largest human-made water park in the United States, is packed with activities for everyone. The park’s orthodox attractions include walking trails, bike paths, and playgrounds for children. If adventure is what you are looking for, you have options to enjoy model yacht sailing, kayaking, and kite flying. The park has 27 miles of shoreline that includes 19 miles of sandy beaches catering to both water sports enthusiasts and beach lovers alike. Mission Bay is also popular as a perfect picnic spot with families, who also love to cook their food over campfires.

Cabrillo National Monument

Your trip cannot be considered complete until you visit the Cabrillo National Monument. Situated high on the cliffs at the edge of the Pt. Loma peninsula, the monument and park are best known for its iconic statue of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer who arrived at the port in 1542. This is a great place to pose for a photo. . Look around for panoramic views of downtown San Diego and the majestic mountains. You can also visit a small museum run by the National Park Service and discover the history of how the city was discovered through various exhibits.

Kate O. Sessions Memorial Park

If a park for you means views, tranquility and happy faces; Kate O. Sessions Memorial Park is your place. You will find children running, families having a picnic, and people soaking up nature. Plus, panoramic views of the hills, downtown San Diego, Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, Mission Beach, and more will captivate you. Visit the park at night if you love star gazing.

Ellen Browning Scripps Park

This large grassy area is located on the road to La Jolla Cove. La Jolla resident Dr. Seuss is said to have been inspired by the park’s windblown trees to write The Lorax. The park is an ideal destination for a picnic and spending time with the family. The small cabins that line the park offer perfect shadows and places to enjoy the sunsets and sunrise. If you drive to Ellen Browning Scripps Park, you can find many garages near the park.

The other acclaimed parks in the city of San Diego include Escondido’s Kit Carson Park, Torrey Pines State Beach and Park, Mission Trail Regional Park, and Waterfront Park. Since San Diego is clearly packed with beautiful green spaces, you need to plan your trip carefully to make the most of it. Also, find San Diego airfare deals and cheap San Diego tickets online so you can enjoy your vacation within your budget.