Real Estate

Wat doet een makelaar?

een makelaar

Een makelaar in onroerend goed heeft veel petten op. Ze zijn niet alleen verkoper, maar ook transactiecoördinator en vastgoedrechtexpert. Ze vormen de brug tussen kopers en verkopers en helpen bij het navigeren door dit doorgaans ingewikkelde proces. Een goede makelaar is goed op de hoogte van de lokale markt en heeft een sterk netwerk van contacten. Ze zullen op zoek zijn naar mogelijkheden om eigendommen te verkopen en zullen hard werken om op de hoogte te blijven van lokale vastgoedtrends.

Makelaar Capelle aan den IJssel

De eerste taak die een makelaar zal doen, is klanten zoeken. Ze kunnen dit doen door middel van cold calling, e-mailbereik of het ontwikkelen van mond-tot-mondreclame. Ze zullen ook werken aan het opbouwen van hun eigen invloedssfeer, een groep mensen die ze al kennen en die geïnteresseerd zouden zijn in het kopen of verkopen van hun volgende huis.

Zodra een makelaar een klant heeft, zullen ze er alles aan doen om hun droomhuis te vinden. Dit omvat het doorzoeken van de Multiple Listing Service voor beschikbare woningen, evenals het werken met lokale makelaars om meer te weten te komen over nieuwe eigendommen die op de markt komen. Vervolgens plannen ze afspraken in om de klanten de huizen te laten zien die aan hun behoeften voldoen.

Wat doet een makelaar?

Als het tijd is om een bod uit te brengen, zal een makelaar zijn klanten adviseren over hoeveel ze kunnen bieden en namens hen onderhandelen. Ze houden rekening met verschillende factoren, waaronder de huidige markt en vergelijkbare huizenprijzen. Ze zullen er ook voor zorgen dat de voorwaarden van het bod eerlijk zijn voor alle betrokken partijen.

Een van de vervelendere taken die een makelaar zal doen, is het voorbereiden en uitvoeren van contracten. Ze werken samen met escrow-bedrijven, geldschieters, inspecteurs en andere leveranciers om ervoor te zorgen dat alle details voor de sluitingsdatum worden geregeld. Ze zullen ook al het papierwerk dubbel controleren om er zeker van te zijn dat er niets wordt gemist dat de transactie zou kunnen vertragen of kosten zou kunnen toevoegen.

Het komt regelmatig voor dat er problemen ontstaan bij een vastgoedtransactie, zeker als er sprake is van grote schommelingen op de woningmarkt of als de opdrachtgevers starters zijn. Een bekwame makelaar kan deze problemen oplossen en de deal sluiten.

Een laatste belangrijke taak die makelaars zullen vervullen, is het uitvoeren van een rondgang door het pand net voor de sluitingsdatum. Zij zullen ervoor zorgen dat de staat van het huis is zoals vermeld in het contract en dat er geen schade is aangericht sinds de eerste inspectie. Dit bespaart zowel de koper als de verkoper tijd, geld en kopzorgen. Ze zorgen er ook voor dat de datum van de hypotheekverplichting wordt gehaald en houden toezicht op de ondertekening van documenten bij de sluiting van het onroerend goed. Dit is meestal een zeer hectische dag voor alle betrokkenen en het is essentieel dat al het papierwerk klopt.

Real Estate

Five levels of estate planning

The Five Levels of Estate Planning is a systematic approach to explain estate planning in a way that you can easily follow. Which of the five levels you need to complete is based on your particular goals and circumstances.

Level One: The Basic Plan

The situation for level one planning is that you do not have an established will or living trust, or your existing will or living trust is out of date or inadequate. The objectives of this type of planning are:

o reduce or eliminate estate taxes;

o avoid the cost, delays and publicity associated with probate in the event of death or incapacity; and

or protect heirs from your disability, your disability, your creditors and your predators, including ex-spouses.

To accomplish these goals, you would use a vicarious will, a revocable living trust that allocates a married person’s estate between a credit protection trust and a marital trust, general powers of attorney for financial matters, and durable powers of attorney for health care and living wills.

Level Two: The Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT)

The situation for Tier Two planning is that your estate is projected to be greater than the estate tax exemption. While there is a current lag on the inheritance transfer and generation-skip taxes, Congress is likely to reinstate both taxes (perhaps even retroactively) sometime this year. Otherwise, on January 1, 2011, the estate tax exemption (which was $3.5 million in 2009) becomes $1 million, and the top estate tax rate (which was 45% in 2009) becomes 55%. In either case, you can make cash gifts to an ILIT using your annual gift tax exclusion of $13,000/$26,000 per beneficiary.

Level Three: Family Limited Partnerships

The situation for level three planning is that you have a projected estate tax liability that exceeds the life insurance purchased in level two. If your $1 million gift tax exemption ($2 million for married couples) is used to make lifetime gifts, the gifted property and all future appreciation and income from that property are removed from your estate.

More people would be willing to give gifts to their children if they could continue to manage the gifted property. A Family Limited Partnership (FLP) or Family Limited Liability Partnership (FLLC) can play a valuable role in this situation. Typically, you would be the general partner or manager and, in that capacity, would continue to manage the assets of FLP or FLLC. You can even charge a reasonable management fee for your services as a general partner or manager. In addition, by gifting FLP or FLLC interest to an ILIT, the FLP or FLLC’s income can be used to pay premiums, thus freeing up your $13,000/$26,000 annual gift tax exclusion for other types of gifts.

Tier Four: Qualified Personal Residence Trusts and Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts

The scenario for level four planning is the additional need to reduce your estate after your $1 million/$2 million gift tax break has been used. Although paying gift taxes is less expensive than paying inheritance taxes, most people don’t want to pay gift taxes. There are several techniques for making substantial gifts to children and grandchildren without paying significant gift taxes.

One technique is a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT). A QPRT allows you to transfer a residence or vacation home to a trust for the benefit of your children, retaining the right to use the residence for a period of years. By retaining the right to occupy the home, the value of the remaining interest is reduced, along with the taxable gift.

Another technique is a grantor retained annuity (GRAT). A GRAT is similar to a QPRT. The typical GRAT is funded with income-producing assets, such as Subchapter S stock or FLP or FLLC interest. The GRAT pays you a fixed annuity for a specified term of years. Because of the retained annuity, the gift to the remaining men (their children) is substantially less than the current value of the property.

Both QPRTs and GRATs can be designed with terms long enough to reduce the value of the remaining interest that you pass on to your children to a nominal amount or even to zero. However, if you do not survive the established term, the property is included in your estate. Therefore, it is recommended that an ILIT be funded as a “cover” against your death before the end of the stated term.

Level Five: The Zero Estate Tax Plan

Level five planning is a desire to “disinherit” the IRS. The strategy combines life insurance donations with donations to charity. For example, take a married couple, both 55 years old, with a net worth of $20 million. Assume there is no growth or depletion of assets and both spouses die in a year when the estate tax exemption is $3.5 million and the top estate tax rate is 45%.

With the typical marital credit haven trust, when the first spouse dies, $3.5 million is allocated to the credit haven trust and $16.5 million to the marital trust. No federal state tax is due. However, upon the death of the surviving spouse, the estate tax due is $5.85 million. The net result is that the children inherit only $14.15 million.

Under the zero estate tax plan, the ILIT (with generation-skipping provisions) is funded by a $13 million second-to-die life insurance policy. These gifts reduce the value of the estate to $18 million. In addition, each of the couple’s living trusts leaves $3.5 million (the tax-exempt amount of the estate) to their children upon the death of the surviving spouse. The balance of his estate ($11 million) goes to a public charity or private foundation, free of estate taxes. Long story short, the zero estate tax plan gives $20 million (ie $13 million from ILIT and $7 million from living trusts) to children instead of $14.15 million; charity gets $11 million instead of nothing; and the IRS gets nothing, instead of $5.85 million.

In short, with a little advance planning, it is possible to reduce estate taxes, avoid probate, establish your wishes, and protect your heirs from creditors, ex-spouses, and estate taxes.


Real Estate

How To Use Free Online Classified Ads In Marketing

There are a lot of free advertising websites online that use classified sites as a source of marketing for businesses. All types of advertisers use this method to reach potential buyers. Businesses, individuals, sole traders, and even non-profit organizations use this method.

Most of these services also offer top notch service. This means that most ads are displayed from last to first. This means that if your ad was last published, it will appear at the top. The truth is that this is overrated; The most important thing is to optimize your ad using the main search terms. Normally, sponsored ads are above all other ads based on a search term. This works much like Google Ad Words, where you can pay to sponsor a search for a term like “cars in Idaho.”

This means that your ad will appear at the top every time someone searches for this term. One of the best ways to take advantage of this method of advertising is to run more than one ad using different keywords and use related niches. So if you have a carpet cleaning service, you can advertise in home repair, real estate, interior decorating, and other related services. Therefore, your target market should not specifically be people searching for the term “carpet cleaning.”

The key is to test keywords and ads and see which ones produce the best results in terms of conversions. In essence, what this means is that you test terms like ‘carpet cleaning’, ‘carpet cleaning service’ and ‘carpet cleaner’; Based on the results, specifically traffic and conversion, I would replicate this campaign on paid services like Google AdWords and Bing Ads.

You can also use affiliate marketing to generate leads using these keywords. Once you have this down to a science, it now becomes rinse and repeat. As a marketer, you will see the benefit of these tests. This means that finding a cheap source of advertising is critical to success and the best source is free online classified ads.

Real Estate

Purchase of bank-owned REO properties using money from private investors

Many real estate buyers know that there are fantastic deals available on the real estate market. The sheer number of bank foreclosures has led to a tidal wave of bank-owned REO properties that has flooded the market with low-priced properties. Shrewd investors are taking advantage of this situation to grab houses at bargain prices.

If you are considering investing in bank-owned property, you will need to be a cash buyer. This means you must show “proof of funds,” which is usually a bank statement showing you have the cash available to purchase the home.

If you don’t have the cash available, you’ll need to borrow the money from someone who does. If you have a relative or friend with access to cash, they may be willing to lend you money to buy a property in exchange for a first mortgage on the property. They will effectively become the bank and you will be required to make a monthly payment to them.

There are professionals in the real estate business who make these types of loans to people who are not related. They are called hard money lenders. The only difference between a hard money lender and a private investor is the interest rate. Borrowing from Aunt Sallie could cost you 8% per year in interest. A typical hard money mortgage in today’s market would be 15% plus 3 points up front.


Why would someone borrow money at such a high interest rate? Let’s see an example. Suppose you could buy a bank-owned REO property for $40,000 when the home has an actual market value to a cashless buyer of $80,000. Paying 15% interest on a $40,000 loan equals a monthly payment of just $500.


Suppose you waited 90 days to obtain title and then sold the property to an FHA first-time homebuyer for $79,900. Suppose you paid a 6% commission to the real estate agent and another 6% to pay buyers’ closing costs. He would still net $70,000 from this transaction. After paying the hard money lender the $40,000 he borrowed, he would still have $30,000 in profit. Even if he held the house for six months before finding a buyer, he would only have spent $500 per month in interest for 6 months. The total interest cost on him alone would have been $3,000. This would leave you with a net profit of $27,000.

Or put another way, without using any seed money (borrowing all the money) you could make a profit of $27,000. How easy would it be to sell a home like this to a first time home buyer? The answer is that it would be extremely easy. Buyers are putting down just $3,000 (3 ½%) to buy a home with a monthly mortgage payment that is almost equal to their monthly rent. You are paying all of your closing costs. And the government will give them an $8,000 tax credit if they buy before the end of 2009. Everyone wins. The bank can quickly sell your property to a cash buyer. The cash buyer can trade in the property and make a quick profit and the ultimate FHA buyer can own a home for the same monthly payment as the rent.

The trick to the transaction above is to find an $80,000 property that you can buy for $40,000. This is the part that requires training, knowledge and experience. Finding deals like this is an art form and the people who find these deals are known as “bird dogs” or “property scouts.”

Many bird dogs sell their deals to cash investors for a small profit. This is known as wholesale. For example, a wholesaler might contract to purchase the old home for $40,000 and then sell it for $45,000 to another cash investor. In this way, the wholesaler does not need to borrow money from a hard money lender. The wholesaler simply finds a deal, signs a contract to buy it, and then turns the contract over to a cash investor for a profit. This is known as an “assignment of a contract” and the profit paid to the wholesaler is known as the “assignment fee”.

Banks don’t want wholesalers to change the contracts on bank properties. For this reason, banks do not allow assignable contracts. This means that a wholesaler cannot transfer a property from a bank to another cash investor. The reality is that there are still ways to assign a property. One way is to buy the property in a land trust and then assign the beneficial interest in the land trust. Another way is to buy the property in an LLC and then assign the membership interest in the LLC. However, the problem with these methods is that the ultimate buyer may not want to have a land trust or LLC.


For this reason, the best way to sell a property from a bank to another investor for cash is to have what is known as a double closing. This means that the wholesaler essentially buys the house from the bank and then simultaneously, on the same day, sells it to another investor for cash. The downside is that the wholesaler will pay double the closing costs.


If a wholesaler has a signed contract and wholesales the deal to an end buyer, then if the wholesaler is low on cash, they may need what is known as “transactional financing.” Transaction financing is perfect for bank properties and short sales that a wholesaler offers to an end buyer. Since banks do not allow assignable contracts, the wholesaler will need to schedule a double closing with the ultimate buyer. Double closings, also known as simultaneous closings, allow a wholesaler to schedule two consecutive closings for the same property on the same day. The wholesaler will need to have a source of funds to pay for the first transaction. This is where transactional funding (also known as same day funding) is needed.


Our company offers transactional financing to all of our private tutoring students. However, our students must schedule both closings with our title company in order for us to offer transactional financing. We will only offer transaction financing if both closings are with our title company (independence title and escrow).


If you are looking to trade in a property from a bank, you will have two contracts and two closings. The first contract is between the bank (seller) and you (buyer). The second contract is between you (seller) and your final purchaser (buyer). The ultimate buyer is the person who will ultimately be the long-term owner of the property.




A bank


C – Final buyer


Suppose you have a contract with the bank to buy a property from the bank for $40,000 (first contract). This is known as the AB transaction.

He markets this property to its cash buyers and finds a buyer at $45,000. You sign a contract with this buyer in which you are the seller and he is the buyer (second contract). This is known as the BC transaction.

The difference between the two contracts (after deducting closing costs) is your profit that you will walk away with at closing. As there are two contracts there are two closures. This means that you will pay double your closing costs.

The transactional financing fee we charge is 2% +$495 with a minimum fee of $1,250. For example, if you were to request $40,000, your fee would be $800 + $495 = $1,295. We will only provide transaction funds if you use our title company (independence title) for both closings.


For more information on transactional financing, visit


Copyright © 2009, Lex Levinrad

Real Estate

The search for commercial real estate “on the rise”

“Upside down” is when you owe more than the property is worth . . . and it feels like you’re hanging on your heels. Many homeowners understand the pain of being upside down right now.

What we all look for in Commercial Property is “UpSide”

“the other way around” it is a term for any additional profit increase you may find on your next commercial property. Any little thing you can do that will give you and your investors a little extra profit boost down the road.

Another term for this additional gain is “Value Added.” Add value and then reap the additional rewards.

Upside comes from a simple source. . . Problems you can solve. That’s how it is. . . You’re looking for troubled properties… just make sure they’re the ones you can successfully tackle.


If you find a property with a vacancy rate of 15% in a market where the average is 5%. You MAY have some Upside available to you there. It all depends on whether you can actually bring the Vacancy Rate down to the Market Rate once you own it. And I assure you… when you do, there will be a great return on your efforts.


Upside is a three step process It’s not that hard to find trouble in an ugly old strip mall or an apartment complex with a bad reputation and a highly motivated salesperson. Finding the problem is the first step. This is the easy part.

1) Find the problem

2) Fix the problem The $64,000 question is how can you fix it? And it can be worth MUCH more than $65K to you.

This is where you can lean heavily on your local team…especially your property manager.

Your property manager will know the neighborhood, market rents, and standard amenities for this area. They may know this building well…perhaps they even managed it in the past. You can sit down with them even before you submit a letter of intent and brainstorm an action plan to address the issues on this property and realize the silver lining.

Bail: Keep in mind. . . you are betting that you can fix a problem that the Seller couldn’t. Don’t get arrogant here. Make sure you and your property manager can see a step-by-step solution based on strategies the seller didn’t use or execute well.

3) Harvest the silver lining Remember the multiplier effect of the Capitalization Rate on any extra income you may retain on the property. The math is pretty simple.

Increase in Income / CAP Rate = Increase in Value

When you produce just $100/month in additional profit. . . adds a full $20,000 to property value at a 6% CAP rate.

$1200 (per year) / 6% CAP Rate (0.06) = $20,000 in Increased Value

Become an UpSide Hunter The search for “Value Added” properties with “Upside” is what drives certain commercial property investors to uncover tarnished, polluted or downright tacky properties and become experts in rehab or repositioning. When you trade properties with significant challenges, you can see annual returns of 30% and much more for your efforts.

It all starts with a simple question. . . The shortcut to finding additional profit on your next deal begins with a simple question to the listing agent,

“What is the silver lining of this deal?”

Here’s to a safe and profitable investment.


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You cannot edit, delete or change the text. Copyright 2008, Investortours University.

Real Estate

Farmers Insurance Agency offers tips to help ensure financial health

Omaha insurance agent and philanthropist, suggests the following to ensure financial health for the coming year and beyond:

  • Develop a budget and stick to it. Start by making two columns, one for expenses and one for income, and add them together. Whether you earn as much as you spend or not, see where you can cut corners, like luxury items, pay off debt, and build savings.

  • Add line items to your budget, such as taxes, savings, college funds, and vacations

  • Add financial goals to your daily calendar, like paying off student loans by a certain time. Consider paying off the largest balances first and try transferring any outstanding balances to accounts with lower interest rates

  • Constantly review bank and credit card records to make sure transactions are accurate and see where you can cut spending

  • Pay credit card bills in full, cut off cards you don’t need, and try to use cash whenever possible

  • Take advantage of programs through work, like discounts on phones, computers, and fitness memberships.

  • When you shop, buy in bulk, clip coupons, look for sales, compare prices, buy generic or store brand, and stick to your shopping list.

  • At home, use a programmable thermostat, test the air system for holes that need repair, and ditch the house phone and bundle your cell phone plan into a family plan.

  • Take care of your car’s engine and tires to save on gasoline and repair

  • See if there are any additional expenses you can eliminate, like ditching cable and switching to Netflix or Hulu for a small monthly fee. Some subscriptions like Amazon Prime already come with TV and video included.

Some of these tips may seem like big changes, however once you start making these changes and see results, they will become daily/monthly habits. practicing the

Through hard work, dedication, and passionate and professional attention to client needs, Manley and his small team at his Farmers Insurance agency in Omaha, Nebraska, have grown the agency into the largest Farmers Insurance agency of the state. Her agency is also the second largest in the entire Farmers Insurance region.

Manley’s service to the community includes support for Siena/Francis House, Restoration Exchange, Homeward Bound Animal Rescue, Ronald McDonald House, and The Stephen Center.

Give him a call at (402) 391-1656 and he will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Real Estate

10 Tips for Hiring a Demolition Contractor

Are you going to work on a home remodeling project? If so, we suggest that you hire the services of a demolition contractor. This is to make sure that the whole process goes according to your plan. Below are a couple of tips that can help you hire the best contractor.

1. Find a specialist

First, you may want to hire a professional who specializes in residential demolition projects. You can call a couple of local contractors to ask about their specializations. This will help you build a list of professionals you can trust.

2. Be specific

Although you may not have a great understanding of the details of the project, be sure to provide as much detail as possible to the professional. If possible, you can email your home photos to the professionals.

3. Be present on the site

Although you do not have to be present at the project site, it is best if you are there while the inspection is taking place. Plus, it will help you ask the contractor important questions.

4. Ask about your needs

After the demolition is complete, you may want to inspect the site to make sure everything is done to your needs. Therefore, you may want to hire a contractor who can make any necessary changes until you are satisfied. Therefore, do not forget to consider this indicator when hiring a demolition contractor.

5. Look for a contract that offers reasonable quotes

First of all, it is important that you understand that the service must be reasonably priced. After all, you don’t want to end up paying tons of money for a project that could be done for a much lower price.

6. Ask for references

If you have no idea how to start your search for the professional, you can start by asking your friends and family. Getting referrals is one of the best ways to hire the best contractor.

7. Hire an insured contractor

Another important thing to keep in mind is that not all demolition service providers are insured. But you don’t want to make the mistake of hiring one that doesn’t have an insurance policy. If something goes wrong during the demolition process, you may be able to cover the cost of the damage if the provider is insured.

8. Check online reviews

Another great way to hire the best contractor is to read the reviews found on different websites and review sites. Read views will help you get a great idea of ​​the service provider’s reputation.

9. Look for professionalism

Make sure the company’s contractors are professionals. Reliable companies have special uniforms for their employees, well-maintained business websites, and social media pages. If the company you are hiring does not demonstrate professionalism, you may want to find a different provider that does.

10. Request quotes

Last but not least, don’t forget to get quotes from shortlisted demolition contractors. This will help you hire a contractor within the limits of your budget.

Long story short, by following these steps, you can hire the best demolition contractor for your home remodeling project.

Real Estate

How can you sell your house in “as is” condition?

There are a plethora of home buying companies across the country that advertise that they want to buy homes “as is” plus they can pay cash and close much faster than a conventional buyer. So why would you want to contact one of these companies in your area if you have a challenging home to sell? Also, isn’t it true that those types of companies just want to try to rip you off? These are two very important questions that I am sure you have asked yourself if you have a fixer type home to sell that may not be the best fit for the retail market in its current condition. In the rest of this article, I’ll address these important questions and more to help you better understand why these “We Buy Homes” companies exist and how you can use the services they provide in your area.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to sell a home that needs a major update and/or some renovation and repair, you can be sure that the traditional way of selling a home is going to be a bumpy ride for you. When people have a “nice house” to sell, they typically call their local real estate agent, ask them to submit a listing price that is supported by comparable properties, and list the house for sale on the RMLS Realtor Network. The hope is that other real estate agents will see the property and have a buyer for it, then shortly thereafter you will be presented with an acceptable offer on the property and you will be on your way to a smooth closing. Although no real estate sale is that easy these days, that’s the general process for homes that don’t need a major update or repair.

If you’re selling a home that needs a minor fix and update for a major renovation and repair, you can expect a bumpy sales process if you plan to go the traditional route just outlined. The first reason is because most people will always contact one or two real estate agents in the initial stages of trying to sell a property… and in this type of case is where the first misstep can occur. The problem with homes that need a major update and repair (besides the obvious) is that real estate agents usually have no idea what they’re really worth, so they often throw out a number that sounds great in theory but will never quite hit. to good term. I like to call this buying the listing and some realtors will do it intentionally to help secure a future paycheck while others will do it out of sheer ignorance because they just don’t know any better. The second major pitfall you will face on this route is that you are at great risk of having multiple failed sales. This is because your home will be on show for all the inexperienced rehabbers in your market to bid, and after they’ve wasted 10-15 days of their time, most will eventually realize they’re paying too much for it. the house and back out of the deal. My home buying company buys a number of homes each year from disgruntled sellers who have been greatly irritated by the listing process, having multiple failed sales, and ultimately selling at a much lower price. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of homes that should be trading at higher prices and will eventually sell close to that, but if you know your home is in need of a major renovation and repair, you may want to think twice. List the property with a real estate agent if you want to see it sell at any time in the near future.

So what is your alternative you ask? Well, that’s where the “We Buy Houses” companies come in. You’ll see that some of those companies are experienced real estate rehabbers who have a very educated eye when it comes to buying homes that need a major renovation and repair. So now think about the process I outlined above and compare it to getting a cash offer with a quick close from a polite person who will absolutely honor the contract and close the deal on time. Now, you may not always like the cash price that some of these companies will offer if you have already talked to a real estate agent, but you have to remember that the property is only worth what it will sell for and not what a broker real estate or Zillow think it is. to worth. When people buy houses that need a major renovation and repair, they are essentially risking paying you to take on a major project. So, in exchange for that risk and the work that goes with it, there must be a reward; otherwise, no one would ever buy houses that need fixing. To make it very simple to understand, no one is going to buy a house for $150,000 that needs $50,000 in repairs to be worth $200,000 later. They may be looking to buy the property for anywhere from $100,000 to $120,000, but probably not more than that, and if they are looking to buy it for more, you can be pretty sure the sale will fall through at some point. This is one of the main reasons why some people believe that “We Buy Homes” companies are just trying to scam you, when in fact they are just trying to buy your property at a price that will adequately compensate them for all the risk and effort they put into it. they will put on it.

So how do you know which “We Buy Homes” company to call for the best deal? This is a great question and I’m sure you’ve asked yourself this at some point. Be sure to do some research on the company ahead of time to see if they have a website, personalized phone number, and anything else that makes them seem like they’re running a really organized business. Also be sure to ask if you can see photos of some of the previous renovation projects, that way you know you’re dealing with an actual rehabber and not just a real estate wholesaler who will be looking to sell the property to a rehabber for a profit. . For my home buying company, we create a comprehensive website that shows all of our renovation projects, and I always share it with all the sellers we meet with so they can check it out and see what we’re capable of. If you can find a quality “We Buy Homes” company in your area, I highly suggest selling your repair property to them if you feel the price they are offering you is fair based on the amount of repairs needed. Just remember that there will need to be a profit in the deal for whoever buys your property, otherwise it will simply sit on the market until the price drops to a point where it makes sense to take the risk of buying it. I hope you enjoyed this article and found the information helpful when trying to sell a home in need of renovation and repair.

Real Estate

Lemp Mansion: One of America’s Ten Most Haunted Houses

Lemp Mansion. His story has it all. From wealthy to suicidal, beer magnates to eccentrics, this stone mansion was built in 1868 and reigned supreme over the social elite of St. Louis, Missouri for nearly a decade. Frequent visitors included the great Vincent Price, visiting dignitaries, and the upper class of St. Louis. Built on top of a cavern of twisted underground cave systems, its secret passages, dark corridors, and history of suicides house paranormal occurrences that occur daily at the renowned Bed and Breakfast.

During my initial investigation of Lemp Mansion I was struck by the heavy atmosphere inside. A pristine white façade does not prepare you for the dark oak paneling, imposing staircase and stained glass windows within. It feels like you’re leaving the 21st century at your doorstep as you enter a world that was created by the incredibly wealthy denizens of the Golden Age of beer. You have the feeling that you are entering someone else’s environment; a sense of voyeurism that hangs over the entryway, as if the mansion’s owners have simply walked out and will return shortly to find a stranger walking across the antiquated floorboards. This sense lingers as you glimpse the first-floor parlors, dining rooms, and vintage bathrooms that still house original marble bathtubs, beveled-glass windows, and 19th-century tile work.

So what happened in this house where money was not an issue and a brewing dynasty was created? It all started with the sudden death of William Jacob Lemp’s youngest son, Frederick. William never recovered from the shock and later shot himself in the upstairs bedroom.

The family curse continued when Elsa Lemp Wright, William’s only daughter and the wealthiest woman in St. Louis at the time, shot herself through the heart one morning while her husband was showering in the master bathroom at a luxurious mansion not far from Lemp’s house. . Her suicide occurred just 12 days after he remarried her ex-husband, causing the suspension to hang over his exact movements that morning. The fact that her husband waited several hours to report her death only whetted the appetite of an insatiable public for information about the strange death of another wealthy man in the city.

After William Lemp committed suicide, the dynasty’s torch was passed to William’s second son, Billy Lemp, who was reluctant to carry the heavy load of running a gigantic brewing business with the popularity of his biggest competitor, Anheuser Busch, breathing down his throat. in the neck. As prohibition, declining sales, and depression took hold, Billy also shot himself in what is now the dining room to the left of the mansion’s front door.

Three suicides by firearm in a family. You’d think the pall hanging over this house would be satisfied. However, there would be a fourth and final death at home in 1949 when Charles Lemp, the third son, shot himself in his bedroom. He had become a notorious hermit and germaphobe in the days leading up to his suicide. Due to his fear of contamination, he laundered money, shoes were left outside the door (and washed) and visitors were discouraged. One of the few people allowed into the dark sanctuary was horror movie star Vincent Price, who had been a friend of Charles.

On the morning of Charles’s death, two shots are heard in the quiet house. Only two servants were in the residence. Mr. Lemp shot his trusty dog ​​and then himself. He didn’t want to leave the dog alone without him. And this is where the gruesome tragedies of Lemp Mansion end…or do they?

During my two-night stay at the mansion, I was amazed at the myriad of paranormal occurrences. For a lady who has slept in the beds of some of the world’s most haunted places, this is quite the confession.

My first night there I was given the attic room where a lot of activity has been reported. I was not disappointed. A little before one in the morning something started kicking the side of my bed. My impression at the time was that he felt like a petulant child kicking the wall. At 5:30 that same morning, I was woken up by the pressure on both sides of my feet through the blanket. The room was still dark and it took all my courage to reach for my cell phone and shine its light at my feet, not knowing what the little glow would illuminate. There, on either side of my feet, were two small footprints on the blanket that looked like a child’s small shoes. The traces remained long after the sensation of weight had disappeared. I was told later that a small child had died in that attic room; a deformed child belonging to the Lemp family.

The next night I was given the Lavender Lady room on the second floor. It is a spacious suite with a bathroom with a whirlpool tub and a living room. A ghost tour was going on in the hallways when I entered my room. My sister and my nephew who live in St. Louis had come to spend the night with me. Just as I collapsed onto the bed, the ancient chandelier above me went into a flurry of flickering lights. It went on for several minutes, while my sister wailed next to me. I finally thought of my phone and grabbed it, clicking the camera and turning it to video. I filmed the erratic blinking and then started asking him questions. I asked her to stop blinking if it was because someone in the room had died causing it. He immediately stopped. I then asked it to blink once if the person causing the interference died in that room. He blinked once. By now my sister begs me to “stop talking to her!” This continued for another 5 minutes and the “verbal” volleyball was finally over. The brightness of the light remained constant and did not respond to my questions.

The next morning at 5:15, as I was laying in bed getting ready to get up and pack for a plane flight, I heard two loud gunshots from outside my bedroom door. I felt as if ice water had been poured into my veins. My heart was beating. Shortly after the shots were fired, what sounded like a large dog barking was heard. There are no pets at Lemp Mansion and staff don’t report until 10 am My nephew woke up and said he just heard a big dog. He did not hear the shots.

Charles Lemp shot his dog and then himself early that fateful morning in 1949. I strongly believe that I heard what is called a residual ghost: a replayed loop from the past.

To date, the Lemp Mansion is the most haunted place I have ever known. I encourage you to visit this famous B&B in St. Louis. One tip… take a flashlight!

Real Estate

Real estate agents and technology: how to use technological devices in your favor

One of the main advantages of technology is that it can greatly increase your productivity… if you know how to use it well. Sometimes it seems that the new products out there are nothing short of gimmicks or are so difficult to understand that only an engineer could figure out how to use them efficiently. Case in point: Although most agents now use the Internet to communicate with their clients, surveys found that many real estate agents don’t fully use the Internet to capture and retain leads. An article in the Realty Times reported that the number one complaint from homebuyers about online estate agents is that they don’t respond to email inquiries quickly enough.

Real estate agents can use technological devices to help them manage their schedule, advertise, keep in touch with clients, and perform many other tasks. And many actually use technological devices. A 2002 survey by the National Association of Realtors, “Technology and the Realtor,” shows that 80 percent of realtors use between 4 and 6 devices for their work. Additionally, another NAR survey conducted in 2000 found that 77 percent of respondents used email for business purposes. However, many do not use these devices to their full potential.

Some people have the natural gift of quickly understanding how technology works and how to use it to their advantage. For everyone else, there is help.

For example, ePro, a comprehensive Internet certification program for real estate professionals, teaches the basics of doing real estate business online. Individuals who complete the course learn more about websites, online tools, and the Internet as a way to reach today’s consumers. ePro has been offered by the NAR since 2000.

For agents looking for more specific device training, the Internet is also the first place to go. In fact, many companies offer courses on how to make better use of PDAs, Blackberries, etc.

New technologies have the potential to help professionals be more productive with their time. However, these professionals will need proper training to be able to control these technologies instead of wasting time trying to make them work.