Health Fitness

Six Pack Abs Myths for Seniors

If you want to feel more energetic and younger, a six pack workout might be just what you need! There are many myths about exercise routines and aging, and they are just that: myths. There is no reason why someone 50 and older can’t train to have the same body as someone younger. All it takes is determination and the use of the practical solutions presented in this article.

Myth 1 of the six-pack workout for seniors:

Losing strength and flexibility is a normal part of aging

This myth is only true if you stop exercising. What is true is that as people age, their bodies do not produce hormones in the same amounts or as frequently as before. This reduction in hormones makes people feel slower and more tired as they age. The old saying “if you don’t use it, you lose it” is extremely true in this case. Regular six-pack workouts with resistance bands (you can switch to weights when you feel ready to begin with) and regular aerobic exercise will boost your overall well-being and give you a renewed sense of vitality that you once had.

Myth 2 of the six-pack workout for seniors:

“I have had or have (name a disease), and I can no longer do it”

This is also normally an incorrect assumption. Regardless of their current physical condition, people have the ability to change and improve their fitness level at any age and regardless of persistent physical limitations. It is simply a matter of tailoring the exercise to the person and their limitations. This is where your healthcare provider can come into play by suggesting programs or exercises.

If there is difficulty balancing or walking, there are six pack exercises that can be done from a sitting position, and this includes aerobic exercises. Standing cycles can be used both to increase the range of motion in the legs and to add some necessary aerobic activity. The upper body cycles usually found in rehab centers or gyms can do the same for the upper body. After a while, many people find that they can move forward by walking, first with help and then later without any help. Balance exercises can include something as simple as holding onto a counter and lifting one foot off the floor.

Myth 3 of the six-pack workout for seniors:

“It just doesn’t matter anymore, I’m not trying to impress anyone”

This is by far the hardest attitude to overcome, unless you realize it’s just an excuse! It matters not only to you, but also to your loved ones. Exercise is a known mood lifter, and the ability to be able to do things without help can be a good motivator to resume or start exercising even later in life.

A great example is Jack LaLanne. Before his death at age 90, he was fully active and committed to life. He was in terrible physical condition, he did not get sick or forget, and he was strong and vigorous until his death. He had the physique and appearance of a man 1/4 his age and the attitude as well. I watched an interview with him about a year before he died and he highlighted how important it was to keep pushing yourself and striving towards fitness goals and good nutrition. He said those were the main reasons he was still in such incredible shape and he was convinced that anyone could do it if they just wanted those results.

A good six pack workout not only targets your abs, but your mind and heart as well.

Health Fitness

Watchers of walking, water and weight: the 3 questions to lose weight

I have been working seriously to lose weight for about 2 1/2 months and many people have asked me what I am doing to be so successful. I answer: “The 3 W to lose weight!” Of course they don’t know what the 3 Ws of weight loss are, so I tell them quickly: “Walking, Water and Weight Watchers.” I know this is not a formula that works for everyone, but it sure works for me! Water is an essential liquid that everyone needs, walking is a great form of exercise, and Weight Watchers is a world-renowned slimming organization that has helped millions of people lose weight and keep it off forever.

For walk:

Walking is a good calorie-burning exercise that most of us have been doing for most of our lives. Apart from a good pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothes, it doesn’t require any other equipment, so the price is right! But what’s most impressive about walking are the health benefits it provides. Walking is gentle on the joints and actually relieves back pain in some people. It has the ability to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease, build muscle and strengthen bones, and of course, it leads to weight loss! Try to walk at least 10,000 steps every day!

So far I have lost 24 1/2 pounds, but other than weight loss, walking every day allows me to relax mentally and I feel like it reduces my stress levels. The funny thing is that the further I walk, the more my body and mind seem to yearn for it. Walking has become a very healthy habit for me.


A recent study indicated that after drinking 17 oz. of water, both men and women experienced a 30% increase in their metabolic rate that lasted about 40 minutes.

A few months ago, I stopped drinking soda and replaced it with water. I can already feel a difference in my skin tone and of course it is helping me with my weight loss efforts because I am full and I am less prone to overeating. Drinking water on a daily basis is definitely a habit now and I feel so much better about it! Drink 8.8 oz. glasses of water every day to increase your weight loss efforts!

Weight controller:

Weight Watchers was founded in the early 1960s by Jean Nidetch. She started by hosting small informal gatherings at her home to discuss the topic of weight loss. Those little gatherings grew over the years and now Weight Watchers has grown into a worldwide community of millions of people who are dedicated to the task of losing weight.

Weight Watchers is a science-based program that promotes weight loss through healthy lifestyle changes to include mental, emotional, and physical health. Weight Watchers meetings are designed to provide weight loss motivation, nutrition and exercise information, and a comfortable environment where members and leaders offer support and encouragement to one another. There are hundreds of hangouts around the world, and Weight Watchers is now offered online as well.

My Weight Watchers leader is fantastic and I look forward to going to my meeting every week. Not only is she a wonderful role model, having lost 45 pounds herself, she has a natural ability to bring out the best in all of us who faithfully attend her meetings. It’s armed with scientific research, your own weight loss story, motivational quotes, exercise tips, and recipes; all of which she wraps in a warm sense of humor to give us the tools we need for the coming week.

If you’ve been frustrated with previous weight loss attempts, try the 3Ws of Weight Loss. It is the healthy way to lose weight and I am sure you will be satisfied with the results!

Contact me with your success stories at [email protected] (no matter what weight loss method you used) and I will post them on my site.

Health Fitness

Type 2 Diabetes: Five Healthy Sugar Exchanges That Help Fight Diabetes!

Eating wisely is one of the most powerful ways to fight the effects of type 2 diabetes. Both what you eat and how much you eat. Did you know that saturated fat and refined sugar make up about a quarter of the average person’s caloric diet?

Sugar is in everything and unfortunately if we are not careful about the food we eat we can end up adding excessive amounts of refined sugar to our diet. Foods like yogurt and even salad dressings, generally considered “health foods,” are often known to contain added sugar. However, there are ways you can avoid adding these foods to your diet by making your recipes at home and using healthy sugar swaps to sweeten your recipes.

Let’s take a look at five healthy sugar swaps you can use for healthy baking and to sweeten things like your morning cup of coffee or your morning bowl of oatmeal.

Five Healthy Sugar Swaps …

1. Raw honey. Raw honey is an excellent natural sweetener, and unlike processed sugar, it contains additional health benefits. Raw honey has impressive antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it a great food for supporting immune health. You can use raw honey in place of refined sweeteners in your baking recipes, drizzled with oatmeal, or mixed with your morning tea.

2. Pure maple syrup. Pure maple syrup is another great sugar alternative, as it contains vitamins and minerals and tastes great when used in healthy baking recipes. Try using pure maple syrup instead of refined table sugar when making treats like muffins, or use it to sweeten a bowl of unsweetened yogurt.

3. Stevia. Stevia is another natural sweetener option that comes with the benefit of having zero carbohydrates. A little goes a long way when it comes to using Stevia in your recipes, and it’s an ideal option for anyone who wants to steer clear of sweeteners that contain added sugar.

4. Bananas. Bananas are another healthy sweetener option, as they are naturally sweet, complement many baking recipes, and provide fiber to help slow carbohydrate absorption.

5. Blackstrap molasses. Blackstrap molasses is incredibly sweet and also contains some additional health benefits. Molasses is rich in iron and can also help maintain digestive regularity. When it comes to using molasses, you only need a small amount, so start with a teaspoon or so.

You’d be surprised how all of these natural sweeteners complement your recipes and how easy it is to avoid processed sugar when adding them to your diet. However, keep in mind that although these are natural sweeteners; they are still sources of carbohydrates, minus stevia. Just keep in mind that you use them in moderation, and you’ll do your health a big favor by choosing natural sweeteners over the toxic and inflammatory refined sugar options.

Health Fitness

3 bodyweight training routines to help you get back in shape

Let’s say we have a busy professional looking to get back in shape. This means that you were once fit, but fell off the wagon, perhaps due to a busy new lifestyle. This may mean that our hypothetical learner is intermediate.

With 2 hours to train, our trainee will exercise 3 days a week and rest 2 minutes between each set. Each session will last 40 minutes with a rep range of 8 to 12 reps per set.

Here are three examples of intermediate bodyweight workouts:

Training n. 1:

  • Squat jump
  • Hindu push-ups
  • Lift your chin

Workout # 2

  • Heel stomps
  • Narrow-grip push-ups
  • Mixed grip chinups

Workout # 3

  • One leg deadlift
  • T-bends
  • Inverted rows

I tried to use movements that a learner with at least a few years of experience could perform 8-12 reps with some difficulty. Remember, the idea when choosing movements is that you will feel pain while working on your rep range. It’s not a good idea to choose bodyweight squats in the 8-12 rep range, unless you’re a total beginner.

Find out sets

  • To find out how many sets to do in each workout, you would need to perform all the exercises for a set, time them, and find the average time it takes to complete that set. Instead of doing all the exercises, you can choose three exercises to save time.
  • Let’s say it takes 30 seconds to perform a series of squat jumps, 35 seconds to perform a series of Hindu push-ups, and 48 seconds to perform a series of pull-ups. The average is 37.66 or 38.
  • With the 2 minute rest period, each set will take us 158 seconds. We divide that into a 40 minute session, or 2400 seconds, and we get 15.19. This means that we have space to perform 15 sets in 40 minutes, or 5 sets per exercise.

Going from here

You will most likely find that some workouts can be completed in less than 40 minutes and others take more than 40 minutes. I am simply giving you the tools to create a preliminary design. What will give you the most success is carefully monitoring your results and gradually adjusting your workouts for greater efficiency.

Health Fitness

What makes a good viral meme?

What exactly is a viral internet meme that you might be wondering? Well, I’ll give you a little definition. Viral memes are anything that is transmitted electronically over the Internet and is gaining huge and fast popularity. Eventually, a meme will get many millions of views from people around the world.

A meme can be something as simple as a picture, a joke, or even a viral video (mostly). You may have already seen or heard something viral on the internet. Some notable examples include Scumbag Steve, The RickRoll, The Double Rainbow Guy, and Chuck Testa.

That’s just a small number of memes, you have to understand that there are literally thousands of internet memes floating around right now … and the number is growing rapidly every day.

Memes have the power to grab our undivided attention, entertain us wildly, and also give us hope to be a viral star one day. There is something magical about a viral meme that cannot really be described. Once it is in vogue, it spreads like wildfire and never stops.

Internet memes have become an integral part of our entertainment, culture, and everyday life. All that said, what exactly makes a good viral meme?

Well, I’m glad you asked. There are several different characteristics of a good viral meme, but there are some qualities that are more noticeable than others. In particular, a viral meme should get you emotionally hooked in some way. That’s not to say it has to be sad or something like that, but there should be an element that “draws” you in, so to speak.

After all, it’s that “hook” element that draws you in again and again and ultimately makes you share it with all of your friends and family. Think of everything viral that you have seen on the Internet. Okay, well, as I might conclude, they all had something that attracted him and captured his attention, even if it was only for a short time.

Good internet memes should also make you think (ideally) and challenge your mind in some way. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated. It should introduce you to something you haven’t seen before. And if you really want to get a good reaction, make your viral meme or video have a comedic element. It is sure to win over the people.

It’s not that difficult to make viral memes, and with a little effort, and just being yourself and expressing your true side, you should be able to pull it off.

Health Fitness

Helpful Tips on Pilates Reformer

Pilates exercises are one of the most popular exercises today. These exercises were developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s. The great thing about Pilates exercises is that anyone can perform them. This includes everyone from athletes to seniors to women who are trying to get their body back before pregnancy. Pilates focuses on six fundamental principles which are: alignment, breath control, precision, concentration and fluency. In this article you will find useful tips to help you get the most out of Pilates while exercising with the help of a Pilates Reformer.

Pilates Reformer is among the most popular Pilates equipment. As mentioned above, it was developed in the 1920s. Today, the Pilates Reformer is still widely used due to its versatility, as it can help you perform many exercises correctly in comfort.

Pilates trainers are familiar with the right to use these exercises and know what areas to focus on. You can also recommend exercises that are most helpful to you. As soon as you start the first exercise, which is directly above the stroller, you will need the guidance of an instructor. As an expert in this field, he can inform you of the correct position, so that you do not put excessive pressure on your body.

The Pilates determination is a balanced development of the deep and superficial muscles that stabilize, align and move the body, especially the abdominal and back muscles that many teachers may also refer to as the main strength bar.

Before moving on to some rather complex and confusing mat Pilates exercises, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the Pilates Reformer. However, never try to try Pilates without following the instructions of a fully qualified Pilates instructor. The benefits of having professional training is that your instructor will make sure that you are doing exercises that target certain parts of the body that really need to be precisely strengthened and repaired.

Another important thing you need to know about the duration of the Pilates Reformer class exercise. Well, a typical session usually lasts about an hour. It is recommended to arrive a few minutes early to stretch, relax and prepare for the session.

In the end, it all depends on you, what you get out of these Pilates reformer exercises. The more you put in, the more you go out. This will undoubtedly benefit you if you can formulate a procedure that sticks.

Health Fitness

Syntrax Nectar Review – Is Nectar a Good Protein Powder for Women?

Many women these days use protein powders on a regular basis, but it can often be confusing trying to find the right protein for you.

Looking to gain muscle mass, lose weight, or have a meal replacement shake?

In this Syntrax Nectar review, we will look at this protein powder that claims to be high in flavor and ideal for women looking to lose weight.


Whey protein powders (and most supplements in general) don’t always taste great and usually require them to be mixed with something like milk, yogurt, or ice cream (in a shake) to be tasty.

However, in their Nectar protein, Syntrax has managed to create a protein powder that tastes great WITHOUT the need to mix it up … in other words, you can eat right out of the jar on your cereal or however you like.

This is great news and a good way for women to avoid consuming any excess calories in the form of milk or other additives.

The taste is really the biggest plus for Syntrax Nectar Protein, and women love its variety of 8 sweet flavors.

Low calorie profile

Another point in favor of Syntrax Nectar protein powder is its low calorie profile. At just 90 calories per serving, this must be one of the lowest calorie protein supplements on the market, and ideal for women who are mindful of their calorie intake, especially if they are on a fat loss diet.

How does it compare to many other protein powders?

Well, the popular muscle-building protein shakes typically provide up to 300 calories per serving, and even the “light” versions have around 180-200 calories … so you can see that Syntrax Nectar is one of the lowest. by a significant margin.

There’s a whopping 23g of protein per scoop and ZERO carbs and fat. This is great for women looking to minimize calorie intake, but may not be ideal for those looking for a meal replacement protein powder (MRP).

MRPs are best with a more balanced protein, carbohydrate, and fat nutritional profile.

High quality protein content

In our review of Syntrax Nectar protein powder, we found that the quality of the protein in the powder is also top-notch.

Derived from a whey protein isolate (a pure form of protein) called Promin, this is one of the fastest and most easily digestible proteins available, so it is quickly absorbed and used by muscle tissue for repair and growth. Syntrax Nectar protein also contains more bioavailable amino acids than cheaper whey isolates on the market, which means muscle tissue repair is even faster.


Many protein powders on the market can be a bummer when it comes to mixing them into liquids or oatmeal, etc. They often clump together and don’t dissolve properly, which can be frustrating and tricky.

Syntrax Nectar, on the other hand, mixes phenomenally well with just about anything: water, milk, ice cream, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

It can foam a bit, however, more than other whey proteins on the market, so this may be something to consider if you want to use a shaker or mix it heavily.


As mentioned above, the mixability, while good, is a bit frothy so you need to take that into account.

Plus, the lack of carbs and fat means that while it’s great for women looking to get pure protein, it’s not ideal for those looking to get a healthy meal replacement or use it to build muscle mass quickly.

However, Syntrax Nectar Protein is great for women looking to get some pure, healthy protein in a sweet snack that doesn’t compromise their fat loss diet plan.

Health Fitness

Healthy high-calorie foods for weight gain

Without a doubt, gaining weight is as difficult as losing. Having a good body and a healthy weight is important to living a long and healthy life. And if you are one of those skinny people who is struggling to gain a little more, this article is for you. Here we share a list of foods that you can add to your diet and that increase your weight in a short time without putting any adverse effect on your health. So, let’s take a look.

  • Protein shakes: If you want to gain weight, you must increase the amount of protein in your diet (as recommended by your dietitian). And drinking protein shakes are the easiest and most delicious snacks you can give yourself that not only help you reach your weight gain goal, but also satisfy your cravings. Try making homemade protein shakes with some natural fruits for real-time benefits.
  • Dairy products: Milk, cheese, egg, yogurt, butter, and to name a few, are some of the dairy products that you should add to your diet. They are rich in calories and help you gain weight without effort. So be sure to include them in healthy amounts with expert advice to reap their real benefits.
  • Rice: Rice is a low-carb food that is again one of the easiest ways to gain a few extra pounds without putting in so much effort. Make sure to have a bowl of rice regularly if you want to see quick results.
  • Nut Butter And Walnuts: Nuts and nut butter like peanut butter are certainly a high calorie food that is perfect to add to your diet if you are looking to gain a healthy weight. These are healthy and have enough nutrients that your body needs to function properly.
  • Starchy carbohydrates: Starchy carbohydrates help you gain a healthy weight. Include potatoes, quinoa, oatmeal, corn, beans and vegetables, pumpkin, buckwheat, etc. And in a few days you will see the results that will surely surprise you.
  • Dark chocolate: It is high in calorie density and therefore may also have some positive effects on your weight gain goal. Make sure to add a healthy amount and if you have any other health problems, see your doctor first.

Eating more calories than your body needs is the only secret to gaining weight, keep that in mind and adopt a healthy diet plan that will help you reach your goal in no time.

Health Fitness

How to lose 60 pounds in 2 months

Is it possible to lose 60 pounds in 2 months? Yes, it is, and many people have done it before. You can also do this if you do it the right way.

Is it safe to lose 60 pounds in 2 months? Well, it depends since we are all unique. It may be safe for others, but it does not mean that it is safe for you.

So what’s wrong with losing 60 pounds in 2 months? There is nothing wrong with losing weight quickly, as long as it is done the right way. You know that, in theory, one could lose up to 20 pounds a week by following a very ambitious diet and exercise plan, devoting more than seven hours a week to rigorous exercise and under the care of a doctor.

You would need to lose just 7-8 pounds per week to reach your goal, which is much less than 20 pounds per week. I think there is nothing wrong with losing 60 pounds in 2 months if you do not have any health problems. Check with your doctor first before you go to make sure it is safe for you, as I already mentioned, we are all different. What is safe for others may not be safe for you.

The most important key to losing 60 pounds in 2 months is good diet and exercise planning. You need a proper plan to follow. The plan should fit into your daily lifestyle, which you can follow, not just quit after a week or less.

The first thing to do is find out why you can’t lose weight.

1. Can you cut down on high-calorie foods and drinks?

2. Do you feel stressed when you don’t eat your favorite foods?

3. Is exercise killing you?

4. Are you too tired to exercise because you are obese?

5. Are you bored of following the diet program?

6. Do you think you have tried many weight loss programs but they don’t seem to work for you?

The list goes on and on. As you may already know, the basic rule of thumb to lose weight is to eat less but maintain a healthy diet and exercise more. It sounds very simple to say, but it is not in practice. You could overcome this problem by gradually changing your lifestyle. I understand that it takes time and you may not lose 60 pounds as fast as you want. This is why you need to find the right plan for you by trying out many weight loss programs and seeing what works best for you. Most of the people who successfully lost weight may have had many failures, but that didn’t stop them from trying. You need to keep your motivation high in terms of weight loss. Think positive and you have already won half the battle.

Health Fitness

Mommy Makeover – Get back in shape after pregnancy

Children are truly one of the greatest joys in life. However, when you have a baby, they gain weight and changes occur in their body that can be very distressing and often impossible to correct with diet and exercise alone. While managing weight gain and exercising can improve your body after having children, some body changes don’t recover no matter how hard you try. Fortunately, a modern plastic surgery procedure called Mommy Makeover can help you get back in shape after pregnancy and regain your original body. Mommy Makeover is designed to restore the shape of your breasts and tummy after the changes that have occurred during and after having a baby.

How your body changes after having children.

There are a number of normal physiological changes that occur in your body when you have a baby. However, the most frustrating changes for many mothers occur in the breasts and abdomen or tummy. After the cessation of breastfeeding, the mammary gland (mammary gland) atrophies and becomes smaller and sinks into the chest wall. Also, the skin on the abdomen becomes loose and sags down and stretch marks can develop. Also, in many people there is excess fat under the skin of the abdomen and flank area. These changes can persist even after weight loss and conditioning through diet, exercise, and exercise.

Breast ptosis is the formal word for Saggy Breasts when the Aereola of the Nipple is below the Inframammary Fold, the fold below your breast. When the areola of the nipple is above the inframammary crease but the mammary gland sinks below the crease, the condition is called glandular ptosis.

Abdominal laxity is the term used to describe the sagging of the lower abdomen or tummy. In some people, the two abdominal muscles that make up the “six pack” divide or separate, a condition called Diastasis Recti, which is a separation of the two muscles called Rectus Abdominus.

Stretch marksthin-skinned, red or pink areas on the abdomen, are formally called Abdominal stretch marks.

Muffin Top or excess fat on the flanks it is the fullness and sides above the hips, which can stick out from a belt or tight pants. Flank fat is often very difficult to lose after having a baby.

What causes changes in the breasts, abdomen and body after having a baby?

· Loss of breast atrophyDuring pregnancy, a part of your brain called the pituitary gland secretes hormones that stimulate your mammary gland to enlarge and start making milk. After the cessation of breastfeeding, hormonal stimulation stops and the mammary gland regresses or atrophies and becomes smaller. Loss of fullness in the breasts is called postpartum breast atrophy.

· Breast ptosis-The skin around the mammary gland is stretched by enlargement during pregnancy. However, the skin does not tighten in many people after postpartum breast atrophy has occurred. With less breast tissue inside an enlarged skin envelope, the gland sags, not unlike blowing air out of a balloon.

· Abdominal laxity-The abdominal skin is stretched to make room for the baby. After childbirth, the skin contracts and tightens, but often does not return to the original shape of the abdomen. When a proper contraction has not occurred, the remaining loose skin sinks into the lower abdomen.

· Excess fat on the flanks– Fat around the waist or side is one of the most difficult to lose after pregnancy. This area called the “muffin top” is very frustrating when you want to wear clothes that reveal your midriff or waist.

· Stretch marks-Stretch marks or stretch marks are caused by the breakdown or breakdown of collagen in the deep skin that is caused by stretching of the abdominal skin during pregnancy. This damage to the deep layer of the skin called the Dermis causes redness and thinning of the skin in the area.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

The term Mommy Makeover can be applied to a variety of different plastic surgery procedures designed to regain your shape after pregnancy. However, most commonly Mommy Makeover refers to procedures performed to restore the breast and tummy to its pre-pregnancy appearance. Typically, a breast lift or breast augmentation with implants and some form of tummy tuck is performed.

· Breast Lift-Dermal Mastopexy-This procedure is designed to correct sagging. There are many different varieties, including Anchor, Lollipop, Periareolar, Crescent, Circumareolar, Donut, and Benelli Lifts. Check out my Blog from January 2013 for a full discussion of the different types.

· Breast augmentation with implants-Breast implants can be used to restore lost fullness and cleavage after postpartum breast atrophy. For a detailed discussion on breast augmentation, visit my website.

· Tummy tuck– Tummy Tuck can restore the abdomen to a nice flat shape. The full tummy tuck requires moving the “belly button”, while a mini tummy tuck or bikini tuck only requires a removal of the skin below the belly button and a hidden scar under underwear or bikini.

· Liposuction– When necessary, liposuction can be performed as part of a Mommy Makeover to remove the “muffin top” or excess fat over the navel in patients who are candidates for a Mini Tummy Tuck.

· Stretch marks laser treatment-Recently a new laser treatment for stretch marks has been developed that really helps. It involves the use of a specific laser called a non-ablative 1540 fractional erbium laser. Stretch marks get smaller and white, but they don’t go away completely. Check my website for more details.

What is the recovery time after Mommy’s makeover?

· One week-During the first week after Mommy Makeover you will feel sore. Tightening your abdomen can cause discomfort if you straighten your posture, so you’ll walk hunched over for a few days. You may have drains that are usually removed on day one or two, after which you can shower. We recommend that you walk to avoid blood clots in your legs.

· Week two– You will feel much better the second week and can usually return to work that does not require lifting by the end of the second week.

· Week three– Within three weeks, most patients return to work and many can begin exercising again. If you have had a diastasis rectum repair, you cannot do sit-ups until six weeks and only if your doctor says it is okay.

· Week six– By six weeks you should be enjoying your new body and your surgery should become a distant memory.

· Three months- After three months, the almost definitive results of liposuction should be seen.

· Six months- At six months, the incisions should be mature and white.

Who should do your mommy makeover?

In my opinion, only a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery should perform this complex procedure. Experience is very important, especially when multiple procedures are performed in the same operation.

Seek the opinion of friends who you know have undergone the procedure. Look on websites like Realself and Loveyourlook for opinions about the doctors you plan to see. Ask your doctor specifically how comfortable you are doing this type of surgery and multiple procedures. Ask to see photos of their results and, if possible, to speak with patients who have undergone the procedure.

With an experienced board certified plastic surgeon with whom you feel comfortable, Mommy Makeover can be a very satisfying procedure and help you regain your shape after pregnancy.