Digital Marketing

Can you stay productive at work during the holidays?

The song says, “Oh, the weather outside is awful …”. I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but it doesn’t look good for a white Christmas in Michigan. No matter the weather outside, you’re stuck inside an office building checking papers all day while your boss and his family fly to sunny beaches during the week. It can be depressing, especially when you look outside and see nothing but gray skies. With so many people using their vacation time over the holidays, it can turn into an empty office. So can you stay motivated to work when you’re one of the few left behind?

Try some of these tips to end 2017 strong.

Clean your office

Take your time and go through your office area, closet, filing cabinet, desk countertops, email inbox, whatever and make sure which items you need or which can be thrown away. Cleaning is a great distraction from daily boredom, so find some time for your office.

Hold and schedule meetings during slow times

You can invite current or potential clients to your office during the holiday season. The business meeting can be as formal or informal as you like, but be sure to fill the space with plenty of refreshments. You can serve sandwiches or have a local restaurant for lunch. Do what you do don’t poke the eggnog.

Start completing your 2018 calendar

Many businesses are given an annual budget to spend before the end of the year, and the excess funds cannot be carried over to the next year, so they are lost. If you act quickly, you can build relationships with these companies and then do business with them when the end of the year comes around, they will have excess cash that will not be available by the New Year, so why not spend it now?

Take a look at your marketing plans

Take a look at your goals and see which ones have been met and find end dates for your other plans. If you have any pending goals, you can add them to the list for next year. The end of the year worries a lot of people for the year ahead, but this is your chance to stay one step ahead.

Party !!! Go to ALL networking events or holidays

When the holidays are in season, you can bet there will be Christmas parties. But while others are busy socializing, you may be busy building relationships with the people you meet at these events. Keep your eyes open because you never know when you will pick up a new customer.

Announce year-end offers

If you are a small business, discounted prices and packages for existing customers, or even new customers, as an excellent way to form alliances with a strategic business. Deals allow you to reach that difficult customer you’ve been trying to get, and at this time of year, many bosses want to look good in the bottom line.

Get out of your same old routine

I have coffee from somewhere new or just add two sugars instead of one. No matter what it is, try something new. Break the monotony.