
Benefits of Social Networks

Social media is of course in its infancy, at least for website traffic generators, so what are the benefits of social media hitherto under-penetrated?

lower costs

It is significantly cheaper to employ online social media strategies than it is to pay for advertising. When you use a social network, you can shortlist potential customers. You learn what your prospects like and what they don’t. That personal relationship you get when you connect with your prospect is more valuable than what you would get if you were advertised. Advertising is impersonal: the “one size fits all” concept no longer seems to work.

Credibility and Trust

Connecting with prospects on a personal level builds trust and credibility. A general rule of thumb is to offer your services, expertise, or help before asking for it. It is acceptable to promote your services when requested. If you’re not careful, your attempts could be considered spam. Instead, wait for opportunities to present themselves instead of forcing a situation.

is who you know

When you socialize, you meet others who know others. How are you going to meet the president of a large corporation? You start talking to his friends. You ask your associates if they know anyone who is related to him. And so on.

Social media relationships are supposed to benefit both parties. Never take more than you give. When the opportunity presents itself, don’t be afraid to ask your contact to introduce you to a prospect. The old saying rings true: It’s not what you know; is who you know.

There are many reasons to use social media as a marketing tactic. Make sure you have extra time to spend. While it is true that the initial costs are lower, this method requires a lot of time to research and establish relationships.