Home Kitchen

Are you worried that your dishwasher won’t fit in the kitchen space you have at your disposal?

Many people are frustrated with the awkwardness of their small kitchen. Naturally, a smaller kitchen will not be able to handle a large amount of furniture, but still; You can cover the basics and save space if you know what you’re doing. For example, don’t keep your drawer and refrigerator in separate places. If possible, squeeze them on top of each other! Also, there are many different dishwashers available today if you are looking to purchase one. Yes, they even make them specifically designed for smaller kitchens!

I don’t want to be that ‘Mr. obvious’, but let me tell you, many people rush to a store and buy a dishwasher before checking the proper dimensions for their kitchen space. What happens is that they end up with a purchase that they have to return or simply exchange for something else. Of course, there’s the hassle with logistics, and there are costs involved if you decide to drive it yourself.

As for the ideal size of your dishwasher, that mainly depends on the size of your kitchen sink. Considering the fact that it is more practical to have your dishwasher right next to it, it is best that you carefully inspect the dimensions. And if your kitchen is very small, try looking for Slimline dishwashers, surely you have already heard of them. Basically, they are designed in such a way that they make the most of the space, but without taking up too much.

Oh, and did you know that they also make portable dishwashers? What I mean by that is that you can pick it up and store it elsewhere if you need extra space. They are also quite a bit cheaper compared to their standard counterparts and are mostly in the $2-$300 range. That is certainly something that anyone and everyone can afford.

You definitely don’t have to let a lack of space hold you back. The secret is to rearrange things in a different way if necessary and buy smaller kitchen utensils. Either that or get portable stuff if you can. If you are not sure what to buy, be sure to ask the shopping assistant, they will guide you in the right direction. And there’s always the option to check the dimensions online if you’re not sure. So yes, there are many things to do there.