
A nation without hope is a nation without tomorrow.

The dreams of the young, what can they be? In a world filled with storms of despair, the only luxury now is our ability to dream. The jokes of our existence are nil, leaving so many languishing in despair waiting for some of their dreams to come true. But, in reality, their hopes and dreams are too often simply dashed.

The recurring nightmares of the transvestites who are everywhere have always erased any hope they had. Now, we are in the twilight of man’s existence, although some still think that humanity will survive. Even from time to time there are fleeting moments of joy that can give hope that not everything is useless.

How can we be sure in a world that is constantly changing that whatever hopes and dreams we have will not evaporate into thin air? Inflationary trends that have only exasperated life today have left behind the livelihoods of millions. For years, the public has been defenseless against the overly powerful union that our government has become.

As the pages of time pass, the weariness that prevents frustration has taken its toll. The enormity of bewildering human events has always upset the desired results that we always try to achieve. The results continue to favor a select few who tip the scales of society. It is the result that has destabilized and profoundly determines one’s ability to reach that ladder of upward mobility.

The United States is full of spineless political stances, while the country is in the tailspin of prolonged decline. For decades the country has watched the opportunity levels for millions of people wither and die on the vines of corruption that has been allowed to spread. Where once there was hope and opportunity, all that remains today is a barren land where dreams are lost and hopes have died.

The giant of political convenience continues to ignore the plight of millions. Where there is so little hope of salvation from the powers that be stands as a testament to the growing subservience of the government. A wall of indifference from governments that by virtue of their position continue to be selfish. Self-service in a bureaucracy that doesn’t care about the general public welfare. This is what we face today as a nation.

The harsh reality now is that many are looking for ways to recapture some semblance of a quality of life that somehow equates to a time gone by. A time when inflation was kept in check and disposable income eased the financial burdens of many. A time when trespass and government mandates were rarely enforced. Far away from today.

Can we as a society recover from the further erosion of our basic core tenets of our founding? Justice, liberty, morality and education have succumbed to political correctness and government corruption. To save this nation there must be a unified effort to first realize how far we have fallen and then implement a management plan for long-term stability and progress. A leadership plan for this nation is something this country has not had since John F. Kennedy. The future is in our hands. We must not remain complacent and allow this nation to fall apart. We owe it to our forefathers and to our Founding Fathers to act.