Lifestyle Fashion

6 types of health that make it up Part I

“Take control of your health the natural way”

What does physical health mean?

Physical health can be explained as the “condition” of your body. Good physical health is when your body is working as it was designed to function.

What are some things that affect my physical health?

Below are four categories of things that affect this type of health. You cannot always control the things that affect your physical body. However, you can take preventative steps to minimize injuries and help your body function at its best. Lifestyle. This element of physical health can be one of the most difficult to control at times. This includes our diet, our emotional health, our level of physical activity, and our behaviors. Diet and exercise can be some of the most problem areas for some people. These are things we can change in our lifestyle to help our bodies stay healthy.

Environment. Our environment includes the type of air we breathe, the places we live in, and our surroundings. We may have to change our environment if it is really bad for our health. We also have choices about how we treat our environment.

Inheritance. There may be things in our genetics and chemistry that are perceived as abnormal. They can make it more difficult to achieve full health. Like high cholesterol. That runs in my family. My mother has it. I have it. My daughter most likely has it. Knowing that helps each of us make decisions about our health care. Although we cannot control our genetics, we can control how we treat our diseases.

Health care. These are the services we receive to help us prevent illness, detect illness, or treat illness. There is a lot of information that we can now use that will allow us to use good mother nature to help prevent or treat diseases as well.

What can be done?

While physical health has many components, here are some areas that need to be addressed:

Exercise strength, flexibility and endurance

Nutrition and Dietnutrient intake, fluid intake, and healthy digestion

Drugs and alcoholabstinence or reduction of the consumption of these substances

Natural healthaddress minor ailments or injuries and seek emergency care as needed

Rest and sleepRegular rest and relaxation, along with high-quality sleep.

Stress relief simply relieve the body of negative emotions and overwork