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3 fun ways to use chalkboard paint in the kitchen

Chalkboard paint is a hot topic right now. The material is applied like normal paint, but once dry, it works like a chalkboard. Some people even use magnetic paint as a base coat to make the fake board work more like the real thing.

Three Great Uses for Chalkboard Paint

Design magazines are full of beautiful kitchens that make good use of chalkboard surfaces on walls, countertops, and even appliances. This guide will focus on three of our favorite ways to use it in the kitchen to make your unique mods as useful as they are beautiful.

1. Keep an ongoing shopping list

Apply the paint to the refrigerator, the front of a cabinet, or perhaps the inside of the pantry door, where you’re most likely to be standing when you realize you’ve run out of a very important ingredient. Use your new whiteboard to keep an ongoing shopping list. Take a photo of the list with your cell phone and take it with you to the supermarket.

2. Label your dry goods

You can use cute stencils to apply this special paint to your favorite glass or ceramic storage jars. This is a great way to keep track of dry goods when your inventory rotates seasonally. Apply paint to a small portion (enough for the name and date of the contents) or cover the whole. There are no rules for something as fun as chalkboard paint! Don’t forget that chalkboard paint comes in just about every color available, so you won’t be stuck with traditional black or green.

3. Create an ever-evolving accent wall

This is the first idea we had after discovering the joys of chalkboard paint. Simply create your board between a couple of windows, on a small wall, or even make a border near the ceiling. The options are limitless: the location doesn’t even have to be convenient, as long as you don’t plan on making constant changes. Use chalk markers instead of regular chalk to create a stunning graphic mural on your kitchen wall.

Did we mention that we love chalkboard paint? It is a simple and effective way to give your kitchen a peculiar character. Just be sure to invest in dust-free chalk (masters trust it) to keep dust off your food and dishes; after all, the kitchen whiteboard is all about functionality and convenience.