Health Fitness

Bulk up fast by eating 400g of protein on workout days – Serious Trainers Only!

Food on a strength training day is incredibly important if you want to see results. It is recommended to eat at least 250g of protein on a weight lifting day. I am going to go further and tell you which foods will help you achieve 400g of protein in a training day. If you do this twice a week on one training day, you can expect to see results very, very quickly.

400g is a large amount of protein that will probably only be consumed after about a month of allowing your body to get used to eating large amounts of protein on a daily basis. Here are some of the foods and techniques that will help you achieve the hallowed “400 in a day.”

It is important to note that due to the unusual levels of food consumed in a day, you should only eat what you are comfortable eating and NEVER force eat. This is simply a recommended guide on how to achieve 400g of protein in a day and should be tailored to your size and stature.

Protein shake

You will need about 4 shakes during the day, 3 small shakes with a protein content of about 30g and one large shake after training that has about 50-60g of protein. This shake should be taken as soon as possible after finishing the workout.

Big meal after training

After your shake you need to have a high protein meal, consisting of protein only, your goal is 100g of protein here. The 2 easiest foods to do this without spending a fortune are whole chicken or canned tuna. Tuna is very high in lean protein, you are looking for around 4 cans of tuna to complete the 100g.

between snacks

Eat protein-rich snacks, such as almonds and dried walnuts, between meals or shakes.


Implement the use of eggs in your diet to get the most benefit from high protein foods. Take 4 to 6 eggs in the morning along with a glass of milk. On training days, eat a breakfast rich in carbohydrates.

4 meals

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the 3 main meals that people have every day. But for your high-calorie training program, you should implement a fourth meal to make up for the extra protein intake. The best time to place this is around 9 o’clock.

If you manage to hit 400g in one day, twice a week, you’ll soon be able to achieve significant muscle gain using a proven muscle building system.

Legal Law

Welcome to the flexible working revolution

Businesses across the UK are embracing the new trend that is helping them cut costs, attract talent and dramatically improve productivity.

Technology has changed the way we communicate and is currently changing the way we work. Gone are the days when office workers spent every working moment in a faceless cubicle, working in a vacuum. The rise of digital communication tools, collaboration applications and productivity suites, coupled with the benefits of the ‘always on’ nature of the web, have freed modern businesses from their IT chains.

Flexible working is the natural evolution of work in this brave new digital world. Today, businesses large and small can operate anywhere, anytime.

What do we understand by flexible work?

Essentially, it means freeing yourself and your colleagues or employees to work in the way that suits you best. That may mean mobile work via your smartphone; work from different locations thanks to remote access to the company network; holding meetings via video conferencing; Working at home; and flexible hours, which allow staff to adjust their work schedule, coming in at 6 am and leaving at 2 pm instead of the typical nine to five. At the heart of it all is technology that helps your team work the way that works best for them, from anywhere.

Flexible working is not a new concept. A recent survey by workplace provider Regus shows that 83% of companies already offer flexible working to staff. The concepts of hot desking and video conferencing have become common parlance in the business language. Smartphones and laptops are ubiquitous. New business tools and software, once the preserve of start-ups, have ensured that even large international corporations with thousands of employees can adopt flexible working practices. In fact, more than 65% of Fortune 100 companies are already deploying or testing whiteboard computers to help facilitate flexible working, and if it’s good enough for the world’s top publicly traded companies, it just might be good enough. good for business.

flexibility is key

The global population of mobile workers will grow to almost 1.2 billion by 2013, more than a third of the global workforce. The benefits for companies are multiple. By implementing the technology and processes to facilitate flexible working, rigid and outdated infrastructure can be overhauled, representing significant cost savings: Currently, around 70% of IT budgets are spent on maintaining IT equipment. Inflexible and isolated data centers.

Flexible working can also be invaluable for both recruiting and retaining staff, especially those with family commitments. It is a legal obligation to consider flexible work requests from parents with young families, and the government has considered extending the law to include a broader demographic. However, beyond the legal requirements, research by shows that expectant or new parents are more likely to stay in employment if their employer offers some work-at-home or flexibility. Beyond parents, flexible working can help maintain work-life balance for all employees, as they have the right systems and technologies in place to improve

By reducing the time your staff spend traveling and giving them the tools they need to work on the go when they travel, downtime becomes a productive enterprise again. Over time, these hours add up. And it is not only companies that benefit, but also people. The boost to morale and productivity generated by eliminating an employee’s daily commute or endless trips to and from meetings cannot be underestimated.

Are you ready to be flexible?

A cultural shift towards more work/life balance has created a genuine need for a new way of working. And companies are crying out for ways to increase productivity while lowering costs. Add this to the growing awareness of the environmental and financial impact of endless travel for work, and all signs are pointing in one direction: that flexible working is the way of the future.

Businesses cannot afford to remain rigidly in the past. The businesses that will thrive today and tomorrow are those that can be truly flexible.

Lifestyle Fashion

Professional Makeup Brushes – Natural vs. Synthetic Fibers and How to Choose the Best Cosmetic Brush

If you are looking to buy some professional makeup brushes, you may be wondering which fiber is better. The answer to this question depends on both your personal preference and the intended use of the brush. The following is a description of the different types of hair used to create makeup brush sets. Understanding the different types of bristles can be helpful when trying to choose which brush is right for you.

goat hair:

Goat hair is the most common fiber used for makeup brushes. The bristles are not as soft as squirrel bristles and some of the other natural fibers, but they are good at holding up large amounts of dust. Goat hair is a good choice for blush, bronzer, and face powder brushes because you’ll get an even application and makeup won’t get caught on the brush.

sable hair:

Sable hair is soft and fine, and makeup brushes made from this hair often have pointed tips. The spiky shape and softness of sable hair make it an ideal choice for shadows and eyeliners. As with most natural fibers, the powder transfers easily to the skin and does not lag behind the makeup brush.

pony hair:

Pony hair is strong and durable. It tends to have a cylindrical shape where there is a constant thickness from root to tip. The tips tend to be less pointed than those of squirrel hair brushes. Pony hair is a versatile fiber and is good for powder, blush, and eyeshadow makeup brushes.

camel hair:

Camel hair is a generic term used to describe makeup brushes that are made from a mix of squirrel, goat, or pony hair.

Squirrel Hair:

Squirrel hair is the softest type of natural hair. This softness makes squirrel hair brushes the most luxurious brushes and also the most expensive. Like the sable hair, the brushes are wide in the middle and have a pointed tip, making them ideal as smudge brushes and for use in eye wrinkles.

Squirrel Mix/Squirrel Mix:

Makeup brushes made with a blend of squirrel and other natural fibers are a more affordable alternative to pure squirrel brushes.


Synthetic makeup brushes are made of nylon, which is less absorbent than natural hair fibers. Because they are less absorbent, synthetic brushes are generally used to apply liquid-based products. Synthetic brushes usually do not last as long as natural fiber brushes.

Fiber Duo: natural/synthetic blend

A mix of natural and synthetic fibers is often referred to as a two-fiber brush. This blend of fibers increases the durability, rigidity, and liquid-handling ability of the makeup brush. A common type of duo fiber brush is the stippling brush, which is very popular with people who want an airbrush-quality application of liquid foundation.

Real Estate

Green Living Tips to Save Money

Often people don’t realize that going green doesn’t necessarily mean having to spend a lot of money on eco-friendly products. It doesn’t even mean having to drastically change your lifestyle. What it means is doing everything you can to help the environment. There are many ways consumers can practice money saving tips and go green at the same time and it’s much easier than people think.

To begin with, the way people should view the possibility of practicing environmentally green living is by making small adjustments to their lifestyle. This could be as simple as producing less waste for the environment.

Green living could also encompass purchasing produce, such as fresh fruits and vegetables from certain locations. By following these simple ways to help the environment, consumers can also practice money-saving tips.

How to save money and adopt a green lifestyle

Wholesale Organic Produce at Farmers Markets: Consumers can save quite a bit of money over their lifetime by purchasing their produce at the local farmers market or public markets. The produce is often fresh and picked daily. Wholesale organic products are also very cheap. Consumers can save between 50% and 75% by buying their products in these markets.

Use Recycle Bins – The more people practice good clothing recycling, the better the environment will be for years to come. Buy 2-3 recycling bins and separate all necessary items such as paper, plastic and cardboard.

Go Green With Financial Statements: Take green living to another level by having all bank and credit card statements sent via email. This will prevent additional waste from being produced and will help the environment in many ways.

Use energy saving light bulbs: If a house has many windows, less electricity will be used inside the house. According to, investing in products like energy-efficient light bulbs can help consumers save money on their utility bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Try replacing old light bulbs with new energy efficient bulbs. Many of these provide a good amount of light, but use less electricity. These are also very inexpensive, so consumers can also practice money-saving tips.

Make Natural Homemade Cleaners – Nothing is more annoying than unpleasant odors in the home. Many store-bought household cleaners not only impair the sense of smell, but also irritate sensitive allergies and can cause respiratory problems. Making all-natural cleaners from scratch is a great way to protect the family from harmful chemicals when cleaning and disinfecting the home. These are very easy to make, include simple ingredients, and are very inexpensive. Adopting a green lifestyle does not mean having to make great sacrifices to help the environment. People can make a difference in the environment by making small adjustments to the way they live. Buying organic produce in bulk at your local farmer’s market helps support local agriculturists and is also a great way to save money on fresh fruits and vegetables. When consumers use recycling bins and recycle paper, plastic, and cardboard, they help prevent additional waste from being produced. Replacing regular light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs can help lower the cost of utility bills and helps prevent greenhouse gas emissions. Green household products, like natural homemade cleaners, help reduce respiratory problems and are great for the environment.

By using some or all of these tips, consumers can feel good about helping the environment and practicing money-saving tips.


Home Depot website, energy efficiency information,

Shopping Product Reviews

Good Writing: Using Word Clouds to Determine the Main Point of an Essay

A word cloud is a visual representation or “cloud” of any body of text. Typically, a word cloud program creates an image of your text, with the most frequently used words in a large font and the infrequently used words in smaller and smaller fonts. These visual maps allow visual learners to determine the main point or theme of an essay.

learning styles

Psychologists have identified several different learning styles. These learning styles include

  • Verbal: Learns primarily through the use of words.
  • Kinesthetic: Learns primarily through movement.
  • Auditory: Learns primarily through hearing.
  • Touch: Learn primarily through touch
  • Visual: Learn mainly through sight.

Visually Disadvantaged Learners

In a writing class, students who have a verbal learning style have a distinct advantage. The text they read consists mainly of words; grammar exercises are made up of words; the essays they write are all words. But what about students whose learning style is not verbal, but visual? These students are at a disadvantage. Sometimes these students stagger through their essays unable to articulate a main idea, while their verbal counterparts just wade through.

word clouds

A word cloud can be seen as a “drawing” or map of an essay. Once a student has written an essay, that student can submit the essay to a word cloud generator, and that student can literally “see” the main point of the essay by looking at the size of the relevant words he or she uses the most. in the trial. For example, if a student wants to write an essay on the topic of “animal rights,” that student might expect to see the words “animal” and “rights” in large, bold type in the essay’s word cloud. But what if the words “animal” and “rights” are very small? So that student knows, visually, that he or she might want to revise the essay to emphasize the main theme.


Using word clouds to help visual learners determine the main point of a draft is just one tool among many that can help a student write a better, more focused essay. Like any tool, these visual maps have limitations. Words like “is” and “the” are not normally included in a word cloud. Only “content” words are drawn. This feature can be a limitation if the teacher is trying to emphasize the limited use of the verb “to be”.

final thoughts

Used correctly, word clouds can be a useful tool for visual learners to determine the main point of their essay drafts and revise them accordingly. I have used this tool successfully in the writing classes I teach. Students often print and mail different clouds because they find them eye-catching. Most importantly, visual learners get a visual image of your essay, with the main point, as you’ve articulated it, in big, bold type.


College Football Futility Rankings – Week 4 – When Losers Fail

September 17, 2007

When a loser fails, does that make it a win? Not always, but this week the top two seeds, Duke and Iowa State, fall short of expectations by winning their games. That’s why you play them.

The action of week 3 brought a series of curious results. In a major milestone, Duke planted an ‘L’ in someone else’s backyard for a change by introducing Northwestern’s Wildycats to the bottom of the loser’s barrel. And after accomplishing the unthinkable by losing to Kent State and Northern Iowa, the Iowa State Cyclones put all their eggs in their team’s field goal basket to beat royal Iowa 15-13, without scoring a touchdown.

Michigan threw a wet towel on Ohio State’s delusion of not losing to Notre Dame. Now the South Benders take sole possession of the national attention focused on their winning season. The Irish lost convincingly to a starting team with a quarterback who had never played a down and who couldn’t, without fake ID, buy a beer. Giving up 31 straight points in the first half had many ND students pulling out their fake IDs and taking I-90 to downtown Chicago before the Michigan gang took the field. Recognizing the now real prospect of a significantly longer losing streak, Irish fans are mustering their courage, liquid and otherwise, to look down the latrine of their 2007 season. what the Irish enter the top ten for futility this week.

The Louisville Cardinals also learned a bit about what it was like to be Murray State in Week 1, giving the University of Kentucky a win. It was Kentucky’s first win over a top-tier opponent since disco was king. Kentucky snuck through early season wins over Kent State and Eastern Kentucky to sneak up on and beat the Cardinals 40-24 in a defensive battle.

Trying to sneak up on people is a Nebraska employee strategy. The Huskers spend the beginning of the season beating up the smaller schools and then ambushing the Big Boys when necessary. Unknown within Nebraskaland, the Big Reds are considered one of the Big Boys and are not allowed to sneak up on anyone. Consequently, the Cornhuskers were ambushed at home 49-31 against #1 USC. USC’s 21 straight points in the third quarter sealed the deal.

#11 UCLA made a trip to the forgotten time zone to take on Utah and was blown outright by the Utes 44-6. The UCLans just didn’t know how to set their watches for start time and thought they needed their passports to get to Utah. Going into the game, the Utes racked up losses to Oregon State and the Air Force. They needed to play at UCLA to recover.

And after weeks and even years of pounced on the Futility Sword of Self Sacrifice, Troy University earned a huge 41-23 victory over a reasonably talented Oklahoma State team. Some of the historic beatings suffered by the Trojans include a 56-0 thrashing of Nebraska in 2006, as well as starting 2007 with a 46-26 loss to Arkansas and a 59-31 thrashing of Florida. The Trojans held on and kept scheduling games against good schools and eventually pulled off a solid win. So congratulations to Troy! This is what makes the games worth watching.

Seeing last week’s losers take the field brought some interesting results and scrambled the top ten of football futility, giving us a new top level of misses. When schools like Vanderbilt start getting conference wins, things get really confusing, so hang in there.

1. Syracuse

The wind inside the Carrier Dome was causing problems for the Illinois kicker, as he nearly missed on the second half kickoff, scoring about four yards. This got the ball up to 29 and led to a Syracuse field goal. Unfortunately for the Orange, they were already down 17-0. Counting on the opposing kicker to hit the top of the ball to improve his position on the field is a difficult way to rack up points.

If Syracuse can figure out how to create wind inside their Carrier Dome, they should be able to find a way to score touchdowns. The Orange sport is now 0-3 going into week 4 with a game against Louisville. The oranges better figure out how to get the wind to blow the ball across the face of the card if they want to win this one.

2. Army

The Mules lost to Wake Forrest this week as expected. The Deacons gave their offense the day off, allowing special teams and defense to score the points. Army fell 21-10 in this one to extend their record to 1-2. Army better start setting expectations for this weekend when the Knights take on a ranked BC Eagles squad that is on a 3-0 skid after beating the G Tech Wrecks.

3. State of Utah

In the Week 3 Ben Dover Memorial Game, the Utah State Aggies put up a tough fight against the University of Oklahoma before being defeated 54-3. The Aggies threw everything they had against the Sooners, but the Sooners’ second and third strings scored 38 points in the first 30 minutes. After that, it was easy for the Sooners, but they clung to a 51-point margin of victory. Save your ticket stubs from this one, folks. Someday they’ll be worth something, like, well… never mind.

4. State of San Jose

Another new addition to the top ten worst, San Jose State jumped ahead of several previously ranked schools by virtue of its stellar 0-3 record. However, the Spartans have a chance this week against newly ranked Utah State. This is the rotten game of the week as the 0-3 Spartans bring their experience from losing to AZ State, KState and Stanford to the line against Utah State.

5.North Carolina

The Tar Heels had an absolutely Nebraskaesque (no USC) schedule set to kick-start their football program. Unlike the Huskers, North Carolina came out and let the VA Cadavaliers beat them 22-20 at home. However, the lucky Heels now take their show on the road to South Florida, so they may have a chance to win on the road. Should South Florida take them out on the South Florida steam, look to the Heels to start a run at number one.

6. State of North Carolina

The Wolfpack may have seen their best game of September. The next few weeks will bring ranked opponents, so NCState better enjoy their win over Wofford. The ‘Pack scheduled this game in mid-September so season ticket holders would have to purchase tickets as part of their ACC package. This is solid business planning. Perhaps big business should be in charge of the football program, as the Wolfpack is now heading to the meat of the ACC calendar.

7. Iowa State

The Cyclones threw a wrench in their drive to number one by stealing a win over Real Iowa thanks to five field goals. A win is a win, but scoring enough points without scoring a touchdown is still boring. This may have been the strategy when the Hawkeyes yawned to get enough sleep to allow I-State to kick a field goal in the 4th quarter to win. Next up for I state is Toledo, who has previous experience against teams like Ohio State. Toledo has a chance on this one, so stay tuned.

8. Duke

The Blue Devils fell just short of their attempt to repeat their perfect, winless season in 2006. They beat Northwestern in Evanston, IL on Saturday to snap one of the longest losing streaks by BCS level teams. This battle of intellectual stars resulted in a cerebral thriller 20-14 with a total of 7 points scored in the entire second half. Congratulations, however, to Duke and good luck. They have every chance to climb back to the top of the futility rankings with a schedule that includes four currently ranked teams. Who would have thought that the November 17 game against Notre Dame could be close?

9. State of New Mexico

The other top ten Aggies useless notched a win over nearby Texas El Paso this week. It’s a good thing these two schools play soccer because there’s not much else to do in that part of the country except walk across the bridge to Juárez for decent tequila. These schools are so close to each other that fans from each school gather along the Texas-New Mexico border to throw rocks at each other. Coaching staffs from both schools observe the festivities to recruit and train quarterbacks.

10. Our Lady

How unusual is this? The Irish are not only included in the top ten of worst college football, they were also shut out from another school 0-2. One can only imagine the pain in South Bend this week. Notre Dame’s recruiting network is melting down and reaching critical mass. ND physics students know exactly what this means and seek to throw a carbon rod into the smoldering radioactive mass to prevent them from exploding. The ND coaching staff seems like the best thing to do, so stay tuned to see who’s next in two weeks. The last coach to rack up five straight losses gave his final salute to Touchdown Jesus shortly after.

Now that the 2007 season is solidly underway, there are some great games and matchups to enjoy. Will Duke and I-State get back on track to lose on Saturday? Can Syracuse stop an angry and driven Louisville from taking their lives? For answers to these and other important questions of our time, visit

Tours Travel

10 Things to Do in Regina, Saskatchewan

1. Royal Saskatchewan Museum

The Royal Saskatchewan Museum is the first museum to open in the province and on the prairies. It is unique to have three separate areas in the museum. It includes the Life Sciences Gallery that educates tourists about the province’s landscapes and biological diversity, the First Nations Gallery where you learn in depth about the traditions and history of Saskatchewan’s aboriginal communities, and lastly, look at dinosaurs and reptiles in the Gallery of Earth Sciences.

2.RCMP Academy

Regina is home to the RCMP Academy, a depot division that has been running and producing trained police officers. Tourists visit the depot on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, where the ‘noon parade’ can be seen. Other things to see at RCMP Academy include the Centennial Building, the Firearms Complex, and the RCMP Heritage Center.

3. Saskatchewan Science Center

The Saskatchewan Science Center houses a collection of permanent exhibits, as well as special exhibits that appear from time to time. The museum is also famous for hosting social events, such as Adult Science Nights, After Dark Film Series, and Fantasy Food.

4.Warehouse District

The Warehouse District has recently been modernized into a lively neighborhood filled with shops, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Over the years, it used to be an area full of warehouses that accommodated goods for the nearby train station.

5. Wascana Center

The 9.3 square kilometer land mass is built around Wascana Lake. The fourth largest urban park in the country, it is even said to be larger than Central Park in New York City. It is equipped with buildings, facilities and attractions that make it easy for tourists to always forget about their other schedules while enjoying the whole day looking at the lake. The center is also home to a large number of waterfowl, including ducks, geese, and other birds.

6. MacKenzie Art Gallery

The MacKenzie Art Gallery is home to more than 3,800 pieces, with more than 160,000 people viewing its artwork annually. Some famous artists who have works in the collection include Patrick Hayman, Bill Vazan, Ivan Eyre and Roger Ing. This is simply a perfect place that any art lover will want to be.

7. The last mountain lake

The city of Regina Beach straddles the shores of Last Mountain Lake, just northwest of Regina. In summer, the city is a famous tourist area and is a prime location if you want to enjoy your day at the beach. Activities like swimming are quite good and you can also have a bite to eat at one of the restaurants by the beach.

8.Casino Regina

Casino Regina accommodates over two million visitors a year and is undoubtedly the city’s biggest attraction. It has casino centers for lovers of gambling. You can choose to take part in a show if you are bored with gambling or want to exhaust your winnings. There are also numerous restaurants on site where you can have a great treat.

9. Saskatchewan Legislative Building

Speaking of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building, not only is the exterior of the building huge, the interior is also huge. A 30-minute tour of the building will take your breath away. You can also learn about its history and don’t forget to bring a camera to take photos of the building and its attractive surroundings.

10. Regina Floral Conservatory

The conservatory is a habitat for tropical plants, flowers, and trees. Take a walk through the conservatory and admire the fascinating flower displays. One unique thing is how dynamic the conservatory is, if you ever visit Regina at different times of the year your visit will always be worth it.

You can get the most out of your trip to Regina when you hire a PartyBus bus via


Head-up displays and high-tech features for the cars of the future – wait until you see it

When it comes to automotive technology gadgets in the modern car, it’s amazing what companies, researchers, and prototyping specialists come up with. Much of this technology is borrowed from the military as legacy or transfer technologies. After the military has had it for a decade or more, they eventually allow it into the public domain. We see a lot of this, and we’re going to see more when it comes to self-driving cars. Cars that park themselves, stop themselves, drive themselves and can take over in thick fog or prevent emergencies and accidents.

Another such interesting security device would be HUD or Heads-Up Displays. This is where you see everything in the window or windshield in front of you instead of on the dashboard. All the information you need is projected, so you never have to look down. This would be especially great for people using their radios while driving, looking at their GPS, looking at their speedometer, or other things. Still, it’s somewhat of a distraction, but it’s much safer than looking down away from the road and refocusing your eyes on what’s going on outside the vehicle.

If you’re traveling 60 to 80 mph, you’ll usually cover quite a bit of ground if you look down for a few seconds and then look up again. A lot can happen at those speeds, let alone really go fast when they shouldn’t. You can obviously see the value in racing, and this could also prevent people from becoming accident-prone distracted drivers. Should the new HUD systems be placed on our modern cars for the public?

The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article on January 26, 2013 titled; “Automakers are taking a serious look at head-up displays” by Chester Dawson. Well, this technology is over 3 decades old, you know, about time. I wonder if the so-called distraction will cause accidents, since many humans are not that smart, and what about older people? Will it be confusing for them and their vision of aging? It takes time to adjust the focus from near to far for the elderly.

Yeah, that makes a very good point, doesn’t it? What about the elderly who have vision problems? If they have trouble seeing up close, it may take them a while to focus on what’s on the windshield, or vice versa if they have the other problem. Yes, it’s probably better than looking inside the vehicle and looking away from what’s in front of them entirely, but this might be more than their brains can process in the amount of time needed while traveling at higher speeds. Like on the highway.

I actually hope we can figure this out and keep these cars safe for all ages using the HUD system because I think it’s safer overall. Please consider all this and think about it.


Carvel Franchise Review

Carvel is an ice cream company dedicated to providing family fun for all by offering a variety of freshly made cakes, novelties, and fountain ice cream products. This all-American favorite is the nation’s first ice cream retail franchise and is also one of the most beloved and recognized names in the ice cream industry.

Carvel has been making ice cream fresh every day for over 75 years and is the home of the original Ice Cream Pie. Today, Carvel lovers continue to seek out its creamy, crunchy delights at more than 500 Carvel stores and more than 8,500 supermarkets nationwide.

Carvel is well known for its chocolate and ice cream layered cakes and their original creations include the popular Fudgy the Whale and Cookie Puss, they also have other cakes for birthdays, holidays, special occasions and other special moments in life. Created in 1934, Carvel is credited with developing premium soft serve ice cream products served in cups, cones, sundaes and shakes; they also have handmade ice creams and famous novelty items like the Flying Saucer, Brown Bonnet, Banana Barge, and Thick Shake.

In 1934, founder Tom Carvel borrowed $15 from his future wife Agnes, filled an ice cream truck, and set off in search of the American dream. The truck stopped in Hartsdale, New York, but the dream never faded. He sold his melted ice cream to passersby and that’s where it all started.
Before the start of World War II, Carvel was posted to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he worked as a refrigeration consultant and dealer. This paved the way for him to upgrade his ice cream freezer and combine it with specially made liquid ice cream from the freshest ingredients to achieve the high quality product we know today.

His vision of the franchise is simple. They want to be a major player in the ice cream industry, a franchise innovator, and a “best-in-class” employer. They believe in variety and elasticity. They promote Carvel franchises through multiple types of venues. They put together a team of experts in operations, marketing, design and construction, and much more, whose main goal every day is to help their franchisees.
Roark Capital Group acquired Carvel in 2001, opening more franchise deals than in the previous ten years combined. With their franchisees, they are able to create memories for people from all walks of life. As a Carvel franchisee, you can realize your American dream and create memories that will last a lifetime.

FOCUS Brands is seeking new franchisees to share in this pursuit of happiness by bringing Carvel and other beloved brands to the world. They believe that this is the perfect time for prospective franchisees to join the FOCUS Brands team. Its franchisees are passionate about the other brands that FOCUS offers, and are committed and dedicated to sharing their high-quality products around the world like no other. Your franchisees are your partners and are an integral part of the success of FOCUS Brands.

The franchise fee is $30,000.00 with a total investment range of $30,000.00 to $280,000.00 and a renewable contract term of 20 years. Royalty rate is $1.82/gal.

When looking to start any business, it’s important, particularly considering today’s market, that you look for specific ways to reduce, minimize, or reduce overhead and risk. Any business is going to have risks, but it is important to have a full understanding of the amount of investment, the initial cost and the “ROI” (Return on Investment).

Most people are unaware that 80% of ALL franchise efforts fail in the first two to five years, leaving large debts behind for years to come.

One way and, in my opinion, the best way to reduce overhead, startup and investment costs is to take advantage of the new era of entrepreneurship and start a business from the comfort of your home. Opportunities have emerged in the online marketplace that are creating millionaires every day. Learn more about the exciting opportunities tied to a business model starting to pay off by visiting:

Home Kitchen

Stainless Steel Waterless Cookware – Lifetime Value

More than a million synthetic pots and pans are thrown into landfills each year. These nonstick wonders don’t seem to last very long, 3-5 years is common. If you’re reinvesting in new cookware, consider replacing your Teflon with a much more cost-effective solution. Consider the value of stainless steel waterless cookware.

The investment

Comparably priced ($150-$250) nonstick stainless steel waterless cookware will save you a great deal of money over the years. These quality pots and pans are guaranteed to last. your life.

the bargain

Durability is a good measure of value. If the cookware doesn’t last, it’s not a bargain. Also, it is better to cook on a non-stick surface that is free of toxicity. Fuming, peeling, and erosion of Teflon pose a serious health hazard, as does seepage from soft metal cooking surfaces such as copper, aluminum, cast iron, and others.

Stainless steel waterless cookware safely provides the ideal nonstick cooking surface free of toxic hazards or continual ‘seasoning’ to control rust, “…the closest thing we have to the ideal chemically inert yet thermally sensitive pansays Harold McGee in On food and cooking: the science and tradition of cooking: Scribner 2004, page 791. (Search ‘Waterless Cookware: Hype or Real for more information on McGee).

the bonus

Imagine the value of having a lifetime to explore and enjoy the most hygienic, responsive, food-safe, cook-safe, eco-friendly, and health-friendly pots and pans set you can own. Yes, ‘friendly’ because cooks, food and cookware are best served when they are engaged in a supportive relationship, one of constant service and celebration, learning and triumph.

Included in this friendship are family, friends and another very important member to be invited, seated and served at the dining table, one of robust flavor and aroma, of natural nutrients and energy, of wholesome vitality and healing health. There is no substitute for nature’s honest foods, no ‘fortified’ stuff worthy of the name ‘whole food’ (search ‘cookware without water, the healthy option‘).

The value

It’s no secret that much of today’s food has evolved for convenience, not nutrition. The composition and function of modern cookware has also evolved, and not for the better. For example, synthetic or ceramic coatings on the interior and colored enamel coatings on the exterior do not reflect the value of cookware, good health, or common sense. Coatings are cosmetic at best, ‘coatings’ applied to lower grades of steel used in manufacturing. Look under the skin for a lifetime of value.

Let’s review the purpose of food (and the cookware that cooks it) to better appreciate the value of quality stainless steel waterless cookware:

Cooking is actually a moment of truth, the culmination of nature’s food cycle, a time when the vital stash of earth’s nutrient goodness is tastefully enhanced or sadly wasted. A pot or pan is more than an appliance for heating processed foods or boiling off nature’s precious minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants. Real food deserves better. There is simply more to the enriching soils of organic vegetables and free-range meats, more to captivate the palate, the nose, the eyes, more to taste, and certainly more to invigorate and invigorate. We are, after all, only as healthy as the health of what we eat. To that end, pots and pans contribute greatly to the nutritional and flavorful fate of food. Much can be gained or lost in the simple act of cooking.

Stainless Steel Waterless Cookware honors and retains the goodness of nature’s honest efforts. As with good friends, marriage, or other mature relationships, an association with food and cooking takes time to appreciate and thrive. It is useful to have cookware that is reliable, stable, dependable, capable of ideal cooking conditions in a simple way and easy to master. Cooking is for life. We could also nurture a friendship with cookware durable and worthy enough to nurture and maintain this type of relationship.

The return on investment

Your grandmother probably used similar pots and pans a long time ago. Stainless steel cookware isn’t new, but Grandma’s originals lacked many of today’s waterless features:

– Multi-layer stainless steel construction, 5, 7 or 9-ply 18/10 chrome/nickel construction for quality

– Encapsulated heat-conducting elements (copper, aluminum, etc.) for unequaled low-temperature cooking

– Steam Control Coatings to fully preserve and retain nourishing vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants

– Efficient, thermally sensitive cookware for faster, safer, more even and more economical cooking

These and many other improvements now make today’s waterless cookware capable of cooking food the way it was meant to be cooked, the way Mother Nature intended her vegetables and meats to be served – fully appreciated, fully valued, fully themselves. Serving anything less is not a bargain, it’s a wasted opportunity for everyone involved, especially the food.

When experiencing real food (cooked as Mother Nature intended), one tends to develop an honest taste and steadfast loyalty. My personal preference gained from 30 years as a family cook, and business specialty, is waterless stainless steel pots and pans. Being in business, I’m sure I speak for others in this specialty when I share this fact: not a day goes by that I don’t hear from people looking to replace a pot handle or lid knob on their cookware. These little accessories, as durable as they are, eventually wear out. Here’s a sample of today’s customer requests from ChoiceCookery’s online Contact Us page:

“I have a Flavor-Seal by Cory cookware set that I bought in 1963. I need to replace the handles on the large skillet. Are these available?”

“My mom has a set of Miracle Maid skillets she bought when she got married. She loves them, but the cord to the electric skillet has a short and we’d like to buy a new one. Can you help us?”

“I need to replace the vented knobs on my Royal Queen waterless cookware. I’ve had them for 27 years and love them, but over time the knobs have started to lose their ability to seal in moisture. Can you give me some information on how to fix them?” order? Thanks in advance.”

“I can’t find Nutri-Seal anywhere. Can you help me? I need a new handle on my 8 qt stockpot.”

“I’d like to order a vent knob for my appliance, the Maxam KT17. It’s been thirty years since I brought these home, many kitchen mishaps along the way, and my toaster handle finally broke. Please give me a call.”

we call. And yes, all of these cooks were relieved to learn that replacements are still available.

1) Trust a brand that is here to stay. Maxam, the brand we represent, has been innovating and manufacturing stainless steel waterless cookware for over 60 years.

2) For businesses like ours, there’s a beautiful irony here. Unlike disposable cookware, our pots and pans last a lifetime. Our customers return, of course, usually to buy a cookware set for their grown children or grandson’s wedding, perhaps a handle or knob for them (a $12 replacement that snaps on easily, adding other 30 years of service and value to kitchen utensils). These people tend to share the good news with family and friends. Plus, they’re experiencing a cookware association they’re not willing to give up! Loyalty is honestly earned and yes, it is priceless.

The bottom line

Look beyond 3 to 5 years. Invest in cookware that matures your relationship with food and cooking. For me, it’s about two hats I wear and a bond between them, a hat I experience every day as a family cook, and a friendship with customers who embrace the simple joys and lifetime value of pots and pans without water.

Your friendship with food and cooking simply cannot be explored, experimented and enjoyed using less capable cookware than stainless steel waterless pots and pans. Bargain prices and cosmetic glitter just can’t appreciate in value. Consider cookware you’ll never have to (or want to) replace. The real value is maintained throughout its life, but that is only our guarantee. Cook healthy, eat honestly and prosper.