Shopping Product Reviews


“In the forest or in the city, it doesn’t matter to me, when I’m driving freely, the world is my home, when I’m mobile.” Going Mobile, The Who (written by Pete Townshend).

Nearly four decades ago, when Roger Daltrey sang this song from the classic album “Who’s Next,” the mood in the country was one of “do your own thing.” Youth was about thinking freely, hitting the road, and finding yourself. That was a powerful concept at the time, challenging the status quo and breaking new ground. As we approach the end of the first decade of the new millennium, that yearning for freedom has taken over business as a way to survive, not just thrive. The advancement of mobility strategies has taken on a whole new meaning, and even a small business owner can’t afford to ignore it.

I don’t think it’s a huge exaggeration to point to the acceleration of technology, as the PC revolution was a huge factor in the way we do business today. How many of you could do without your email or your computer? Everything we do is tech-related, even the local family run general store. The manual registration used not long ago has now been replaced by a point-of-sale system backed by networked databases.

The evolution of the network brought with it the desire to return to those days of freedom. So when the ability to add mobility to the network became viable, many Fortune 100 companies began to take advantage of it, and why not, if you could have the same experience on the road or at a customer site as in the office. Going one step further, how about those workaholics who constantly burn midnight oil at the office? Why not bring that same work into their homes, allowing them to augment their business success with quality family time? Historically, the cost of many mobility technologies was too prohibitive for the average SMB, but as those costs inevitably fell, the rate of adoption increased. Now, road warriors and telecommuters are so common that they are almost the norm in every organization.

Let’s look at the key technologies that started this revolution. Without a doubt, the starting point of mobility began with the cell phone. You could answer a phone call without sitting at your desk, and suddenly sales professionals became more agile. They could be reached almost anytime or anywhere. Then came the advancement of email, which quickly replaced business letters sent through the US Postal Service, courier services, or Express Mail. These technologies provided new ways to get in touch with coworkers or customers in seconds.

This created some flexible mobile solutions for workers, but what about PC mobility? Wireless access gave workers the tool to break their shackles on their buckets and allowed them to roam around the office. But who wants to stop there? Why not get out of the office entirely? Remote access technologies like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and mobile Internet allowed the office to travel where the worker traveled. On the road, at customer sites, or even at home, the ability to be productive takes another step forward. What’s next? How about removing the tag from the phone? The introduction of instant messaging, which was originally seen as an AOL gimmick for home users, changed the game even more. Now workers had a way to connect directly with coworkers and managers, as well as see their availability status. Some organizations extend that to key customers as a way to increase their retention of important accounts, giving them immediate access to place orders or request services.

The logical evolution of these advances would be to combine them. Enter the BlackBerry and other “smart” phones. Now, a small handheld device allows users to make and receive calls, check email with mobile connectors to the corporate Exchange server, search the Internet and use mobile instant messaging. This completely tore down the office walls and opened up the world of “going mobile” for everyone: workers, managers, and business owners. With the increasing adoption of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) telephony, the business phone system became another network tool. VoIP offers simultaneous calling on an employee’s office phone and cell phone, as well as allowing that office phone to be taken anywhere with an Internet connection and sound like it’s sitting at a desk in the office. the company. When you add Internet faxing, now even the fax machine could move with the worker. This prevented those important contracts and other sensitive documents from sitting in the fax box and provided greater security and ease of forwarding.

So the revolution was in full swing. A study commissioned by Arizona-based human resources association WorldatWork showed that in 2008, more than 17 million employees worked remotely at least one day a month, nearly 40 percent more than in 2006, including companies from all over the world. the sizes and shapes.

For the most part, this all started as an option for enterprise companies. Initially, the costs to obtain these advances were out of the budget of small and medium-sized businesses. With constant pressure to bring these features to the SMB market, they finally became viable and are now, in many cases, considered the norm. Look at the evolution of cell phones. First, the huge “brick” phones of the early 90’s that were very expensive to buy and use on a monthly plan. Now it is easier to count those who do not have a cell phone. All of the other technologies discussed above have gone through a similar reduction in cost and increased availability, allowing them to be deployed in the SMB space. In many cases, including my own company, these technologies are key to attracting and retaining top talent and setting you apart from “the crowd.” While they are available, more than a few companies are still reluctant to adopt them, to brave the waters the way it has always been done. However, the rewards for those who do can be dramatic.

However, along with the benefits, there are significant potential drawbacks. Joe Cogliano of the Dayton Business Journal recently wrote about a law firm in Ohio struggling with some of them, including jealous coworkers staying in the office, supervisor distrust, lack of recognition and visibility for telecommuters, and training challenges. of Equipements. Add to that the potential for loss of corporate data, unauthorized access to networks, and leakage of sensitive information. For many small and medium-sized businesses, the path to competition and victory requires driving faster and faster cars. Adding some or all of these tools can dramatically alter the perception of the organization, showing a progressive side that can be very attractive. Take the time to fully understand and plan for the inclusion of mobility, understand what it will bring you and how it will change the way you work. If you ignore them, you might just hear your customers singing another Who classic, “Who are you?”


Is Bitcoin safe?

Bitcoin is reportedly entering forbidden territory as it creates a series of controversies between “high” society and savvy digital investors. These digital marketers are trying to earn their share of the billion-dollar-a-day digital pie, while corporate society seeks to slow the spiraling rise in value of what appears to be a “monetary threat.” Some of those who strive to exploit the poor and vulnerable do not have this as they attempt to inoculate the masses in an attempt to stamp out this growing “digital monster”.

These seemingly corporate crooks continue to stifle how the less fortunate spend their money while trying to build financial cartels across the globe, but thanks to digital technology, Bitcoin has revolutionized money control in the 21st century!

The cons

Despite the growth of digital currencies like Bitcoins, it would behoove me not to reveal the cons of these virtual currencies. Due to the fact that your fingerprints are encrypted, they cannot be traced online. Although one gets the pleasure of privacy and security when trading, it provides another gateway to hide and make illicit transactions.

When this happens, drug dealers, terrorists, and other suspected culprits will continue to conduct their illicit trade undetected using Bitcoins.

The professionals

However, in the midst of monetary chaos, Bitcoins offer anyone tremendous investment opportunities and growth potential. No one controls virtual currency as it is accessible to the public in cyberspace and the value continues to rise while society stumbles over the rubble of inflation.

A common man in the streets can buy, save, trade, invest and increase his chances of financial success without the interference of government restrictions, controls and fiduciary regulations; hence spiraling inflations become a thing of the past.

Many truly believe that the number 1 problem in our society is establishing financial monopolies. When a corporation chooses to control currency, gold, and fuel, it uses its power to dictate how the money should be spent.

Regulations set by multiple large and wealthy corporations are only geared towards adding more wealth and power to their portfolio rather than benefiting borrowers seeking financial help. Also, those at the top try to drain the swamp so others can depend on them while they can become richer, but they can’t control the digital currency!

The brighter side of the coin

The time has come to open your eyes to the world and that is what Bitcoin is all about. Those trying to control the world are threatened by this Frankenstein, but I doubt they can stop it or call the shots. Currently, 1 Bitcoin is worth $844099.07 Jamaican dollars or $6895.80 US dollars. The cost of 1 Bitcoin in 2009 was 0.05 USD!

Tours Travel

Ode to the famous Pronto Pizza

Last week we didn’t feel like cooking. Some days, like everyone else in America, I feel like going out for a piece of pizza. We have been on the hunt for a good slice since we moved to Florida. We heard there was another Famous Pizza Soon It’s opening soon in the Heathbrook Mall (off Route 200, Ocala, FL for Florida locals) so we decided to check it out.

To our delight, she was having her grand opening that same day! When we arrived we were greeted by the staff who were more than helpful. They excited our senses as they described all the wonderful offerings they could make to us. The smells were intoxicating. There was an eggplant pizza in the oven about to come out. So I decided to go for it. My partner, a native of Italy, opted for a spinach and tomato slice which looked beautiful and fresh. George, the manager, also talked him into getting a bowl of classic spaghetti and meatballs.

So what makes a good authentic Italian pizza, and why is it so hard to find? There are many components to making a great pizza. Some places have part of the equation but lack others. All the components have to be present for a pizza to be unforgettable. The first component has to be that it is cooked in a wood fired pizza oven. Check one for Pronto Pizza. Second, it should possess a full-bodied tomato sauce with herbs and garlic as a backdrop. Check two for Pronto Pizza. Third, the toppings should not be overdone. There must be a perfect mix of ingredients with each bite. Check three for Pronto Pizza. Then, fourth, is the cheese component. It should be soft and gooey, but taste like cheese, not just sticky plastic. Score four for Pronto Pizza: The cheese on their pizza has a nice flavor and a salty bite at the end. The pizza tastes like pizza here. These are the things we love about Pronto Pizza and will keep us coming back again and again.

The spaghetti and meatballs had a wonderful sauce full of onion and oregano flavor. The pasta was cooked al dente, and the meatballs were so big they had to be cut in half to serve. All of this was topped with fresh parsley and melted cheese. It was so big we had to take some home and it lasted for 2 more meals! For $6.95, that’s hard to beat!

But there’s more Famous Pronto Pizza also offers fresh, crisp salads made to order with more than 20 items to choose from, including salami and sun-dried tomatoes. They have baked pasta, chicken, seafood, and even some low-carte options! Most meals are under $12 and come with salad and the most delicious garlic rolls imaginable. They also have desserts like the Chocolate Corruption Cake and Italian classics like Cannoli. For a fast food type of place, Pronto Pizza also has a great atmosphere. So check out the newest member of the famous Pronto Pizza family. You will not regret!


Songwriting Apps: Should You Use One? Songwriter Lite Review

I’m always looking for ways to increase my efficiency AND capture my songwriting ideas on the fly. One day, when I had a few extra minutes, I was searching the app store for songwriting apps and ended up downloading…

‘Composer Lite’.

I have to say that I am enjoying it quite a bit! There was a recent update in the free version that limits the number of songs you can create to 5. Whereas the previous version had no restrictions. I guess you can’t blame the guys for wanting to get paid for a great app.

I find myself using the app regularly. In fact, I came up with a song idea while out to dinner. The app allows you to split each section, record audio for each section, and rhyme on the fly. Of course, you may have to run to the bathroom if you get too many funny looks from restaurant diners.


  • Portable!
  • The chord selection feature allows you to choose your key, then when you go to add a chord it gives you all the relevant chords in that key!
  • Let’s add its own tab showing the guitar string diagram
  • Automatically backs up to your Dropbox account
  • Record separate audio for each section if necessary
  • Built-in rhyming dictionary… use it by selecting the word and clicking the right arrow on eligible rhyming or synonyms or other items in the dictionary.
  • You can send yourself or your co-writer a cover of the song you’re working on.


  • 5 song limit unless you upgrade to Pro/Full version for $5.99
  • It can take up space quite fast on a smartphone with low memory
  • Difficulty switching to chord charts for other instruments.
  • You have to tap once to see the menu which is normally hidden by ads at the top of the screen (took me a minute to figure it out)

A few other things to note, it took me a minute to realize that I needed to tap once on the screen in View/Edit mode to make the ads at the top disappear. Otherwise, the ads block the menu to add new chords, skip to the next section, etc.

And it took me a minute to figure out how to use the rhyming dictionary. You have to select only the specific word you want… then tap the right arrow next to the cut/copy/paste options that appear to access the dictionary, thesaurus and rhyming dictionary. It’s not a big deal, just be prepared for it.


It always seems like $5.99 is a huge cost in app land. I’ve found that every once in a while, skipping my weekly Starbucks and buying an app like this… makes my life so much easier. I’ve been looking for a way to record my ideas in one place, on the go. Whether you are a serious songwriter or just looking for a way to simplify your life. This is undoubtedly an excellent option.

There’s also a Mac Store version for $9.99 that I haven’t used. Frankly, I probably won’t. I find the ease of porting my iPhone much easier, plus I’m not sure the Mac and iPhone versions will sync together… which makes it useless in my world.

Do what I do… ask everyone for gift cards to the app store for Christmas and birthdays!

Check out Songwriter Lite in the app store here:

Or the full version at:

Give it a try and let me know what you think!