Home Kitchen

Your Choices for Stanley Mirrored Cabinet Doors

There are multitudes of cabinet door ideas that are sure to make your contemporary decor stand out. Replacing your old door with a Stanley version is one of these creative ideas.

A mirrored closet door not only brightens up an area but also makes it appear larger. You can also have a folding or sliding model, depending on your preferences. Additionally, one can function as a full-length mirror, thus eliminating the need to purchase a separate mirror to hang on the other side of the door. This option gives you a full view when you get dressed.

Stanley mirrored cabinet doors may not come cheap, so it is recommended that you compare prices from various online retailers (ie dunbarton.com) before purchasing a replacement. Here are some for your perusal:

2700 Series Heavy Duty Steel Folding Door with Mirror Laminate:

This heavy-duty bi-fold door features a 24 gauge laminated steel mirror. It comes with a hardware system, Slimfold hat, spring loaded self-adjusting guide rods, a 3mm thick safety backed mirror and chrome handle. polished. It has a polished chrome option for the prefinished steel rail, as well as a mirror polished chrome trim. Panel color options are ivory, black, and gloss white. This door is available under model number 2750.

4400 Series Steel Framed Folding Mirror Door:

This door provides a seamless look with its non-visible frame. Standard features are bracket hinges, 3mm thick safety backed mirror, prefinished top and bottom rails to match the door, and anodized aluminum handles. Color options are vanilla, gloss white, black, architectural brown, arctic silver, gloss gold, and satin gold.

2020 series steel frame sliding mirror door with bottom roller:

This door can be adjusted for out-of-square openings. It also has top L-tracks that you can adjust for smooth and quiet operation, skip-resistant bottom roller, one-piece top rail with 1 and ¾ inches depth, 3mm thick safety backed mirror with mirror option. 4mm thick for heights over 7ft and prefinished top and bottom rails. Color options for studs and rails are Architectural Brown, Vanilla, Glossy White, Arctic Silver, Architectural Brown, Glossy Gold and Satin Gold.

2200 Series Heavy Duty Mirror Laminated Steel Sliding Door:

This heavy-duty gate is designed for constant use and is easy to install. The laminated mirror is attached to a 24 gauge steel panel. It comes with a ball bearing nylon bottom roller with one inch of vertical adjustment, a 3mm thick safety backed mirror, and a handle and lip. polished chrome mirror.

SpaceSaver overlay cabinet doors:

This door is available in various glass combinations with single and double swing frame options. You can choose a set of doors with decorative or glass mirrors or vanity mirrors. This gate is designed for easy hanging. It has an overlapping opening that does not require a door frame.

4550 Series Aluminum Mirror Sliding Door System:

The elegant design of this door makes it an ideal replacement door for your bedroom or any room in your home. The stunning anodized aluminum look of this door equals its superior performance. This door will not chip, peel or fade easily. Available finish options are satin, bronze, bright silver, bright gold and golden bronze. You can combine the door with interior trim, window frames, bathroom fixtures, and hardware to create a modern look in your home.


Motor Oil Grades: Demystifying What They Mean

Each manufacturer has a specific recommendation or minimum requirement for the type of oil a given engine will use. You may be wondering, what is the difference between different weights, grades, and viscosities? What is the difference between 5W-30 Y 10W-30? What do all these numbers mean? Can’t you use oil in your car or does it really matter?

Cracking the Petroleum Code

The terms weight, grade, or viscosity are commonly used interchangeably and basically mean the same thing. They refer to the thickness or ease with which the oil flows. Using a multigrade 5W-30 oil as an example, this type is widely used in millions of vehicles. The first number followed by “W” indicates the viscosity (or thickness) for cold weather temperatures. The “W” means winter. The lower this first number, the less viscous or thinner your oil will be at lower temperatures. Although it may seem trivial, the number is of great importance.

When engines first roar after turning the ignition key, the oil pump tries to push oil from the oil pan at the bottom to the top of the engine, to lubricate all moving parts (such as pistons, camshaft, etc.) ) Cold starts are the moment of greatest wear imposed on the engine. The thicker (or thicker) the oil, the harder the oil pump will work and the longer it will take for the engine to receive the crucial oil lubrication it needs to prevent metal-to-metal friction when starting. So you have 5W- the oil will flow faster and easier than a heavier oil which would have a higher number like 10W- Prayed 15W- oil.

The second number found after “W” specifies the viscosity at high temperatures. The higher the number, the thicker the oil will be at the optimum temperature. In older cars, it was common to switch to different weights of oils depending on the season. It is a practice that is not as common Today due to manufacturers building lighter engines and using different engine materials than in the past, it is always recommended to follow the manufacturer’s fluid specifications found in your vehicle’s manual. different than recommended will likely result in lower fuel economy or increased engine wear

Are there exceptions to the rule?

The occasional exception to the “follow manufacturer’s recommendations” rule comes into play when an engine has aged and when moving parts may have larger gaps between components. Thicker oils can sometimes improve performance and protection in such conditions, but for most vehicle owners, follow the specifications in the vehicle manual.

What do the manufacturers say?

Some manufacturers will list a range of different types of motor oil depending on the climate in which the vehicle will be used. A lighter oil may be recommended for vehicles in arid southern areas, such as Scottsdale, Arizona, while a lighter oil may be better in colder climates, such as those found in Rapid City, South Dakota. Oil in South Dakota will obviously be subject to colder engine start-up conditions during the winter months than oil in Arizona during the same time period.

What is straight oil versus multi-viscosity oil?

You should never use pure oil (SAE30, SAE40, SAE50, etc.) in a system designed for a multi-viscosity oil. Straight oils are used for smaller engines or older car engines made before multi-viscosity oils were created. Although snowmobiles, ATVs, and motorcycles have smaller engines than most passenger cars and trucks, straight oils should not be used in such vehicles. Even regular automotive oils may not be appropriate due to specific engine designs, such as two-stroke versus four-stroke engines.

Take care of the engine you depend on

All things considered, using the proper grade of oil and changing your vehicle’s oil at regularly prescribed intervals are two of the most important preventative maintenance tasks you can perform on your vehicle. Failure to do so can lead to oil depletion and ultimately cause the engine to seize. Most repairs related to improper or careless oil handling are preventable and costly. It’s better to invest in good automotive service practices now than pay a painful repair bill later. Knowing the correct oil to put in your vehicle (and why) is a good first step in caring for the engine you depend on.

Digital Marketing

What is the real purpose of content marketing?

What do I mean by a content marketing strategy?

First, you have to know the goal. What is the OBJETIVE? The goal is to attract specific prospects to you. Popular internet slang for this is boosting traffic. But driving traffic reminds me of the old western movies I used to watch as a kid. There were 1,000 head of cattle on the plains, and cowboys were riding all over the place and forcing them through a small opening into a corral somewhere. And I don’t think that image is too out of place, right? If your idea is to find techniques that will attract masses of people to your landing page, then, in effect, you are nothing more than virtual cattle.

Obviously, your prospects are much more than that. They are real people with real problems. They want your help.

That means you want to attract them rather than push them. In other words, it would be something they want to do, rather than something they feel they have to do.

What do you think makes you attractive to your prospect? The short answer is that it is your experience. They want to know that you can solve their problems more effectively than anyone else in the universe. In fact, that is what they are looking for. They are looking for an expert. That means that if you want to be chosen, you not only have to be the expert, but you have to be seen as that expert.

I want to make sure you understand this distinction, because it’s critical.

No doubt you are already an expert. You may even be the best in the world. But if no one knows that you are, then you are no more effective than the person who is not. You have to be the expert, but you also have to make sure they know it too.

In fact, they need to feel like you’re the expert they’ve been looking for.

Let me give you an example:

There is a standard rule for writing fiction. It says: show, don’t tell. Saying means what it says. Just give me a fact.

One of the most famous examples of how not to do this is contained in this sentence. It was a dark and stormy night. This is a cliché among people who write fiction. I’ve seen it in books before. Apparently this was a sentence or something inexperienced fiction writers used to put in there. And it has become so commonplace that we refer to it all the time. It’s a bit like saying that when we’re teaching people online, we say look, if you want to train your dog, it’s that kind of thing. It is a very common example that occurs when teaching Internet marketing. And of course hardly anyone wants to train their dog. And fiction writers know that starting their book by saying that it was a dark and stormy night is probably not a good idea.

Think about it. You read a statement, “it was a dark and stormy night.” That award begs the question. How do I know it was a dark and stormy night?

The answer is that you just told me. Show, on the other hand, describes what happens in such a way that you feel it. You draw that conclusion. I don’t have to tell you because it has compromised your emotions. So, for example, instead of saying the night was dark and stormy, you could say it was a moonless night, you’re in ankle-deep water, your hat flew off, and the rain stung your face like icicles. That is showing. When you read that, it makes you want to sit a little closer to the fireplace or pull the blanket a little tighter.

I’m sure you’ve seen websites where they tell you how great and wonderful the owner of the site was. They all say they care about customers, are passionate about what they do, are there to serve you, adhere to the highest standards, strive for quality, and all the rest of it. But all they’re doing is telling you. And none of us likes to be told anything.

It is well known that the best way to get someone to do what you want is to make them believe that it was their idea. And one way to do that is by showing them the facts and then allowing them to come to their own conclusions. That’s exactly what you do, that’s exactly how you show your expertise to your prospects.

You prove it by doing what the experts do. Then, when your prospects see what you’ve done, they’ll conclude that you’re the expert you claim to be.

But they will never believe it if you just tell them.

Your content marketing strategy helps show your prospects that you’re an expert so they can draw the conclusion themselves.


How to Help Your Teenager Cope With an Inferiority Complex

Teenagers often struggle with their real identities. They seek acceptance and belonging among their peers. When they fail in this aspect, what usually happens is that they develop low self-esteem.

There are many factors that can lead a child to have a low self-concept. It may not necessarily be from her peers or friends, but it can come from various walks of life. Their lack of self-confidence may even be influenced by their own parents and other family members, as well as their classmates.

The inferiority complex develops when an adolescent child focuses more on the negative aspects than the positive ones. In cases where his friends do not accept him, the adolescent is more likely to feel disappointed and depressed. There is also a tendency to sulk and not introduce yourself to friends at school or in your community.

So what can you do then as a parent? What is the right step to help your child deal with the problem?

Family therapists point out that strong support and motivation from parents is very important in overcoming the inferiority complex. Motivation can take many forms. This can be encouraging your child in all that he does, whether at school or in her community, using positive words by acknowledging her achievements and assuring her of your continued love and support.

It is at this time that parents also need to establish a strong bond with their teenagers. Find out what your child likes to do during their free time. Observe him and talk to him about hobbies you enjoy, such as drawing, painting, playing musical instruments, or martial arts. If your child likes to read, provide him with good books or go together to a bookstore and look for the reading materials available there.

Eating together as a family is also crucial. Family counselors emphasize that mealtime is an ideal time when parents and children can update each other on the day’s activities. Some parents may not know it, but eating together less often can lead teens to try not-so-great activities, like drinking alcohol or even trying drugs.

Communication is another vital aspect of improving your teen’s self-image. How you interact with your child has a huge impact on them, so as a parent, you need to learn to be calm when talking to your teen, regardless of where you are. In front of friends and family, try to say positive things and avoid scolding your child.

What parents should consider most relevant to how they discipline their teens. Harsh discipline, when done frequently, can result in a rebellious child.

Having high expectations of your teen should also not be practiced if possible. Many parents feel guilty about this, but don’t realize the negative effect of their behavior on their children. When teens are expected to do well in school or in extracurricular activities, they feel pressured, and when they fail, they develop low self-esteem.

So practice these steps and eventually you will have a more confident teen.

Health Fitness

Healing Herbs – Onions

The wonderful plant called onion has no equal in its many benefits to man. With the scientific name Allium cepa, it has a number of amazing varieties for cooking. Known to all cooks to induce tears, this plant, originally cultivated in Egypt and the Middle East, is unknown in the wild. Botanists speculate that this healing herb has been cultivated for at least 7,000 years.

It comes in different varieties within the species that vary in color, size, and flavor. It ripens and is usually harvested at the end of the first year. Cultivated around the world, its characteristic flavor and smell are derived from the sulfur compound in the bulb.

Although recent studies have shown that adequate concentrations of bioactive compounds are found in the young stem, the medicinal compounds reside in the bulb of the plant. The dried bulbs can be ground into a powder for herbal medicine; however, eating it raw is also of great value.

It is rich in minerals such as: sulfur, iron, potassium, manganese and phosphorus, fluorite and calcium. It also contains vitamins A, B, C and E, flavonoids -which help prevent cancer- and glycoquine (an antidiabetic).

As a vegetable, it can be eaten raw, grated, boiled, or pickled, while it is a favorite condiment in cuisines from Asia to Europe, the Americas, and Africa.

Onion as a medicine is known throughout the world and the ailments it is said to treat are equally numerous.

Consequently, its health benefits are as follows:
The onion cleanses and strengthens the liver and kidneys. It also cleanses the blood. This herb is a natural antibiotic as it strengthens the immune system and keeps diseases at bay. Effectively controls bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, typhoid fever and dysentery; skin infections and blemishes, staphylococci and streptococci that cause inflammation of the genital organs and damage sperm. Can you believe all that?

Additionally, onion essential oils have been shown to be active against a variety of fungal infections such as candida. This yeast actually occurs naturally in the body – yes, this is true – and an overgrowth of this harmful fungus could lead to troublesome skin, urinary, and digestive infections.

The World Health Organization recognizes onion as a folk remedy for health problems such as bruises, colic, colds, and high blood pressure. In addition, it helps men with weak erections or low libido as well as in cases of impotence: onions are rich in enzymes that help in blood production. (Why don’t you take an onion bulb regularly to boost your sex life, huh?)

Onion is considered for therapeutic use in modern medicine, as it has been investigated as a possible medicine for the treatment of diabetes, cancer, and HIV. Blood cells are strengthened when onions are part of the diet, and microorganisms that weaken cells and cause bacterial and viral infections are destroyed. Can you beat that?

When combined with other herbs, it can lower blood sugar levels and thus prevent diabetes. Eating onion regularly is a natural way to lower blood sugar due to its hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic properties.

In fact, the ability of onions to regulate blood sugar in diabetes is supported by clinical evidence. An Indian study of early-stage diabetic patients showed that those who ate more raw onions required significantly fewer antidiabetic medications to control diabetes.

In addition, onions have been shown to reduce levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood. This is possible because it is rich in fibrinolytic substances that help break up blood clots and prevent coagulation (thickening of the blood).

The anti-inflammatory agents present in onions help to inhibit various inflammatory enzymes; therefore, it successfully treats skin allergies, as well as bronchitis caused by allergies, with ethanol onion extract.

It is no secret that fibroids, tumors such as breast cancer, and infertility among women can be treated with onion, which helps dissolve tumors.

If you lead a hyperactive lifestyle and face stressful situations at work, you may need to regularly include onions in your diet. In today’s world, it is quite obvious that we are exposed to electromagnetic waves such as radio waves and microwaves on a daily basis. Our bodies receive daily doses of this all too common aspect of our lives from electric shavers, television, cell phones, computers, etc. (This is said to be dangerous in high doses.) Not scary!

All it does is affect your brain and cause stress, tiredness, headaches, and insomnia that are only made worse by medications that will only provide temporary relief. Add a few cups of coffee and you’ll find it becomes a cycle you can’t break.
Well here comes the onion to the rescue. Just blend four onion bulbs with a liter of honey. Take three dessert spoons three times a day and it will help reduce the activity of stress-causing agents.

However, onion does have some side effects when used as an herbal remedy. Anyone taking blood-thinning medications or high blood pressure medications should consult a doctor before significantly increasing their intake of this herb.

That onion can treat this voluminous list of diseases and conditions to any extent is skeptical, but some sense can be made if they are grouped into categories corresponding to the modes of action in which onion can provide relief. What this means is that onion could cause a general positive reaction in the body through its action on certain areas of the body promoting recovery in some conditions.

In fact, the onion demonstrates several different modes of action, largely due to the organosulfur compounds it contains.

These actions include:
1. Antimicrobial: bacteria, viruses, fungi
2. Blood sugar regulation
3. Blood thinning
4. Antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory

In short, this vegetable is indispensable in the kitchen. It is used as a sweetener in foods as it contains natural sugars in its bulbs. The health benefits can also be tested by simply adding a few bulbs in large dishes. It is a time-tested plant that is still as important today as it was in ancient times.

A quick tip: when stung by a wasp, cut up an onion and rub it on the skin. you will be glad you did.

Legal Law

Top 5 reasons cybercrime is ruining the internet

Following Microsoft’s launch of its new Cyber ​​Crime Center, now would be a good time to discuss the need for such a center and why the future of the Internet looks bleak without it and similar labs.

In a nutshell, the center is a multi-disciplinary task force that has been assigned the unenviable task of providing high-level policing against cybercrime or nipping criminal activity in the bud. Security engineers, digital forensics experts, and lawyers are working together to stop alarming trends including cyber fraud, cyber extortion, and cyber bullying.

Let’s take a look at why this Center was established and the main reasons why, if left unchecked, cybercrime could threaten the foundation of the Internet and the widespread communication it has brought us.

1. Temptation. As the years go by, more and more people are on the Internet. It provides a fast and international way of communication. As more people see that they can “hide” behind your device, the greater the temptation to try something criminal. It’s very easy to lie to someone when you can’t see them. This is a recipe for disaster.

2. Trust. The more people who have been duped through Internet crime, the more likely the average person will start to stay away. This is not what those who are developing viable and up-to-date technologies want to see. However, as is often the case, the few (but increasingly) ruin it for the many.

3. Hack mania. The culture of “hacking” has become a competitive nightmare. The so-called “smart” culture has become a race to be the smartest. This doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Hacking, in many cases, is nothing more than a low-level curiosity.

4. Laws that cannot be updated. The Internet started about 30 years ago. It was the wild west. It’s still the wild west. Technology moved beyond existing laws. Basically, there were no laws for anything like the Internet. Legislators have tried to address this, but when you fall behind, it’s very difficult to catch up in this type of game.

5. No deterrence. For example, it might seem like fun to a 12-year-old to waste time hacking into bank information or stealing money from credit cards. He rides his bike home from school. Get’s on his laptop at home and does his thing. So he steals money from a 6-year-old retired grandmother, who lives thousands of miles away, secretly thinking, “Wow, so easy and who’s going to catch me?” reality of her transgression because she lives in a virtual world. Until something is done to force a return to a world of reality, it is clear that this type of offense may become the norm rather than the exception. These people have not only taken away the livelihood of others, they have made a complete mess of one of the greatest discoveries on this planet.

The Internet is a beautiful tool, when used correctly. Hopefully the Cyber ​​Crime unit can help curb unwanted activity, and we’ll all have a safe Internet experience for a long time to come.

Lifestyle Fashion

My husband isn’t sure about our marriage so I’m not sure how I should deal with him: tips to help

I sometimes hear from people who feel like they must walk on eggshells around their unhappy and insecure spouse. Often your spouse has admitted that they are no longer sure about the marriage. Many times a separation or divorce has been suggested.

I heard from one wife who said, in part, “My husband told me last week that he’s not sure he wants to marry me anymore. He finally agreed not to seek a separation or divorce for at least a couple of months.” So I know I have at least a little time to change this. But I feel awkward, or like I’m at a spouse audition or something. I feel like I only have a little time to win. about my husband and this makes me feel like I have to pretend to be someone else or like I have to put on a happy face when I really don’t feel like it. I myself is the one my husband should be in love with. But I don’t think acting natural is going to work. Because I’ve been acting natural for the last few years and clearly, this doesn’t make him happy. So how are you supposed to act with a spouse who is not? sure about your marriage?” I’ll try to address these concerns in the next article.

Your behaviors and actions are as important as you might think: I know it’s not fun to feel like you’re under a microscope. But the wife in this scenario was right to suspect that her behavior mattered. Because when her spouse is unsure about her marriage, she may believe that they will be watching both you and the marriage closely to help her assess his next course of action.

I know this can make you feel very uncomfortable. But if you can see the bright side, you’ll see that this can offer you the opportunity to show your spouse exactly and precisely who and what you want them to see. And as a result, this gives you the opportunity to get the result you want. So, now let’s talk about showing the woman that she is more likely to make him recommit to her marriage.

Who does your husband want to see in Oder to feel more secure in their marriage?: Many wives tell me that right now they have no idea who (or what) their husband wants. Common comments are things like, “I don’t know who he wants me to be. I’m a wife and a mother and I try to be as caring and exciting as possible. But the reality is that I have a lot of obligations and even though I’m doing my best, I’m going to be that sexy young lady you met for the first time.”

I understand these frustrations. And many wives are right in their assumption that her husband wants to turn back the clock and wants to see that more naive, younger woman who first turned his head. But here is the best news. You’re probably closer to that younger, more carefree version of yourself than you think. I firmly believe that you probably haven’t changed. It’s your circumstances that have. You have more responsibilities on your shoulders and more people depending on you. And as a result, it’s harder for you to be so optimistic and so happy that you get lucky. But, I promise you that it is not impossible for you to frame what you already have in order to attract your husband back to you. I will discuss how to do it right now.

Shine a light on what you already know he loves: Let’s be honest. Her history with her husband probably means that she knows her personal likes and dislikes. In short, you know what makes it tick, even when it comes to yourself. Most people understand intellectually that people are attracted to other people who make them feel good about themselves and their lives. To that end, you don’t want to walk away as if you’ve already lost him and your marriage (or as if you’re afraid of losing him).

You want to have confidence and optimism. You want to enjoy this time to rediscover yourselves. You want to be as playful as possible. I realize that at this point, what I am asking may seem quite difficult. But as much as possible, try not to let your fear drive you. It is so much better for you to be in control than for fear to be in control. Try not to see this as some kind of audition. Instead, look at it as a way to show your husband the best of you. In short, it should show who he really is when he’s not stressed or scared.

To do this, you may need to look at your lifestyle and workload to make the changes that make it possible. Having a perfect home isn’t as important as having a healthy and satisfying marriage, but many of us put off our marriages (thinking they will always be there for us) and focus on our tasks or what we should be doing. This is very common but it is very destructive and can be changed. See this as an opportunity to resurrect the marriage you deserve.

So, to answer the question posed, you need to act as positive and upbeat as possible with the spouse who is unsure about their marriage. Doing so will not only make reconciliation more likely, it will also make the situation more manageable.


Selling pets on free classifieds sites

There are some helpful tips for selling a new litter of kittens or puppies, or some newborn birds on your local or even national free classifieds sites.

Target the best prospects

Do you sell hunting dogs? Easter bunnies? Remember to place your ads in the most relevant categories, even if that means creating multiple ads for different or even different pets. Look at other ads, if you see a cool look or pattern in an ad, use it to fix yours.

big headlines

One of the biggest problems with advertising is, of course, competition. What your competition does almost always affects your own business, at least to some degree. Take an idea or two from your competitors’ snappy and original headlines and come up with a few of your own. A headline can definitely make or break a classified ad.

Keep your body short

Keep your ad short but packed with information. Describe the type of animal, any distinguishing characteristics you know pet owners are looking for, and provide a phone number. Half the job is done if you can get them to call or email with a pet inquiry. The good part is that most pet owners take their responsibilities seriously, once someone is in the market for a puppy, they have already prepared to commit and are likely to do so as soon as possible.

Monitor your ads

Need a way to control which ads work and which don’t? Try using a different email address for different ads, this way when one ad seems to blow the others out of the water, you can always go back, review it to see what made it so winning, and emulate it in future ads.

All of these methods can help you create effective ads to sell a litter of fur babies ready to relocate.

Real Estate

The company formation requirements of the new Irish Multiple Unit Development ‘MUD’ Act

Sean Kavanagh, MD, Company Formations International Ltd (CFI) agrees to the Owners Management Company (OMC) formation requirements of the new Irish Multiple Unit Development Act, or the ‘MUD’ Act as it is now known. calls extensively, and highlights some areas that may require specific review.

Explaining how the new legislation came about, Sean points out that with over 500,000 people in Ireland living in apartment blocks and terraced house developments, it was widely recognized that legislation to provide a legal framework for the operation and governance of these developments of multiple units was a long time ago.

This came about earlier this year with the enactment of the Multiple Unit Developments Act 2011. It is now a legal requirement for property developers in Ireland to establish at their own expense a Owners Management Company (OMC) for all multi- unit developments.

The law describes a multi-unit development as a building, or portion of a building, that contains a minimum of 5 residential units that have shared amenities, facilities, and services that may also include a child care facility. The OMC of a multiple unit becomes the legal owner of all common areas of the development and is responsible for managing, maintaining, and repairing those areas.

The new MUD legislation also applies to “mixed-use” developments which, in addition to the minimum five residential units, may include a commercial unit. Certain provisions of the Act also apply to small developments comprising between 2 and 5 residential units.

Therefore, if you are a developer, or indeed someone advising a developer, you must establish an OMC for all multi-unit developments. And if you are forming a new owner management company, the name of this new company must, among other things, contain the words Owner Management Company or OMC in the title.

Existing management companies, which appear to meet the definition of OMC as defined by law, are advised to review their articles of company to establish if changes are required to comply with the law.

Areas that may require specific review include:

  • right to vote,
  • definition of common areas,
  • automatic membership for unit owners,
  • notice period for general meetings
  • the terms of appointment of directors

In addition, any owner-managed business (OMC) for which no contract for the sale of a residential unit was entered into prior to January 24, 2011, must change its name to include the words “Owner-Managed Company” or “WTO”. . The purpose of this is to make it as clear as possible to everyone that the business is an owner-managed business.

Shopping Product Reviews

How to put together an army IRR pack

Package requirements, what to include in your IRR package:

1. IRR Packet Checklist, based on Figure B-59 of USAR Pamphlet 600-5.

2. DA Form 4561, Request for Assignment or Attachment of Reserve Component. Fully filled out and signed by the Soldier and the Commander.

3. Your statement/justification letter and supporting documentation. This is based on the reasons listed in AR 140-10.

4. Recommendation on the chain of command.

5. Compelling personal reason. If the specific reason is not listed in AR 140-10, it requires an exception to the policy from your OFTS.

6. Counseling Statement (DA Form 4856). This is from the commander to the Soldier and it’s face to face. Are you in receipt of a bonus? This advisory statement should alert you to the termination or recovery of the bonus.

7. Counseling Statement (DA Form 4856). From Soldier to Soldier service career counselor; it is also face to face.

Valid reasons to transfer from Troop Program Unit (TPU) to Individual Ready Reserves (IRR):

As a TPU soldier, you can forward an IRR transfer packet up the chain of command. There is no guarantee for the approval of that package or for its transfer to the IRR.

If you want to improve your chances of transferring from TPU to IRR, please refer to the valid reasons listed in AR 140-10, Chapter 4, Paragraph 9. If you have enough documents and facts to support one or more of these reasons, please include them in your IRR package. This will help you make your case to transfer to the IRR.

Job issue:

Let’s say your employer is suddenly unable to release you from work hours so you can drill…since your absence would have an adverse impact on your employer’s operation. Before, this was not a problem. His employer released him for a weekend and he was able to continue his operation. When they couldn’t free you, you were able to reschedule.

Now? Your employer needs you, on the days he needs to drill, for the company to continue its mission. Conditions had changed since he started working with this employer.

Or, you’re at a company that restructures and eliminates your job. They transfer you to another part of the company. In this new job, you are on call to go to different parts of the country and your hours are random. You cannot do rescheduled workouts. Your employer cannot spare you for any mock booking without adversely affecting business operations.

These are just two examples, of which there are many, of how your employment could become something that makes it difficult for you to meet the TPU requirements.

In your Soldier Justification Statement letter, please provide an objective picture of how your work schedule makes it impractical for you to continue with the TPU. Include statements from your employer to support this justification.

Change of address:

You accept a new job within your company. It will pay you more, it’s something you love to do, and it represents a career advancement in your civilian career. The capture? You have to go somewhere that is two days from the nearest Army Reserve facility. Your employer cannot give you enough time to get to and from the nearest Army Reserve unit.

In this scenario, you are a TPU soldier who cannot drill with any army reserve units.

Or, you get a promotion that sends you abroad. His workplace is a long flight from the nearest Army Reserve Center.

For something like this, you could send a packet to transfer to the IRR. In your soldier justification statement, include employment orders, job promotion documentation, new job description, an objective image detailing the location of your new job, your new residence, etc.

Compelling personal reasons:

This is a kind of catch-all to cover other reasons not specifically covered in AR 140-10.

What you think is a very good reason to transfer may not be what the Army thinks it is. You also have to see this from your unit’s perspective.

He is asking them to release him when they need him in the unit during drills and summer training. They have no guarantee that they will get a replacement soldier. You have to convince them to “approve” your IRR packet.

Let’s say you’re “burned out” from exercising. It just wants to “sit” on the IRR until the “exhaustion” phase is over. In the eyes of your unit, this is a subjective reason. They may be able to work with you so that you do not need to send an IRR transfer package.

In this example, your soldier justification letter should provide an accurate and objective picture of how your Army Reserve duties contribute to your burnout. You will need letters from your medical professionals to help reinforce your justifications.

Whatever personal reason you choose, make sure you can provide an objective picture. Make sure you can provide factual information from subject matter experts involved in your situation.

You also want to show that there is no other way to “solve” your current problem other than transferring it to the IRR. Before you do this, you need to exhaust the means to resolve this with the resources your drive could reference.

You’ve completed the TPU portion of your contract, now you’re ready to transfer to the IRR:

At the time of this writing, everyone joining the army, for the first time, has signed an eight-year contract. When a first-time enlistee signs a 6-year Army Reserve contract, he’s not just signing up for 6 years. When those 6 years are up, that Soldier has an additional 2 years of commitment. They can request transfer commitment to the TIR after their TPU.

This concept applies even if the TPU part of the contract was for 3, 4 or 5 years.

Once the TPU part of the contract ends, they can request the transfer to the IRR. They have to keep drilling with the unit until they get their IRR orders.

Surviving her daughter:

You’re in the reserves and pursuing your civilian career. Two years later, your last remaining brother dies. You are now the only surviving child of your parents. This is an unfortunate event, but one that gives you the opportunity to transfer from TPU to IRR.

When writing your soldier justification letter, please include documentation showing that you are now the last/only surviving child of your parents.

Dependency or difficulties make it impractical to participate in TPU:

Let’s say your family situation changes and you need to provide extra care and support to one of your family members. This family member is someone on your list of dependents. You don’t have an alternate care plan… no one else could afford to waste a lot of their time and sacrifice their job to help you.

This dependent family member needs your presence. Without you, the well-being of this family member is negatively affected.

Two examples of this category are an “assisted living” situation and a “direct support provider” situation. In these scenarios, a family member cannot take care of himself. The family member requires the care, supervision, and direct support of a soldier to perform basic functions.

Statements from doctors, social workers, case managers, and other related persons should be included in this packet. Your statement should focus on the nature of the dependency difficulties and the need for you to always be available.

The pregnancy:

If you are pregnant, you may be able to transfer to the IRR. You have to be MOS qualified, and cannot be within 3 months of your ETS.

No selection for retention:

This affects TPU soldiers who have received their “official notification of eligibility to retire with pay at 60” letter. This is the “20 year letter”. By regulation, these Soldiers are subject to a Qualitative Retention Board.

Prior to the agreement of this meeting, the affected soldier receives a “pre-meeting” package. The Soldier has a couple of options. If the junta removes the soldier from the TPU, which control group would you like to transfer the soldier to?

The Soldier could choose to be transferred to the retired reserves or the IRR. If the qualitative review board decides to remove the Soldier from the TPU, orders will be issued transferring the Soldier to the control group the Soldier selected.

This is also applicable to TPU Soldiers subjected to the actions of other types of holding tables. In this situation, a soldier may have the option of transferring to the IRR.

Non-Scholarship ROTC Enrollment:

A “non-scholarship” ROTC program is one that offers a student the opportunity to participate in an ROTC program without financial benefits. These students do not receive a monthly stipend. These students pay their own tuition, fees, and other expenses.

Soldiers who are accepted into this type of ROTC program may submit an IRR packet.

Merchant Marine Academy:

If you are accepted into Merchant Marine Academy, you can submit an IRR transfer packet.

Army Regulation 140-10:

For details on each of these categories and how to apply under them, read Army Regulation 140-10, Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers.

Commanding Officer and Service Career Advisor Statements:

Did you get a bonus for signing up for your current TPU contract? If your IRR transfer is approved, you could lose the rest of your bonus. Depending on the stipulation of your bonus, you could end up having to pay back the portion of your bonus that you received.

If you are receiving a bonus, you must be informed of this fact when you submit your IRR package.

This advisory statement should also tell you about your IRR responsibilities. The commanding officer will include any information that is important to you. This includes the fact that he must continue to drill with the unit until he receives transfer orders to the IRR.

The career counselor will inform you of the opportunities that are available to you at the IRR, including opportunities to reclassify and transfer back to TPU when personal conditions favor such a move.

IRR transfer package tips:

1. Are you on your initial contract, with IRR time after your TPU time? By regulation, you are not supposed to send your IRR packet until your TPU obligation is complete. You can send your IRR transfer package the day after your “TPU ETS” date.

2. After submitting your IRR package, you must drill with your unit until you receive orders transferring you to IRR.

Don’t just go by what someone in your unit says. Some soldiers stopped drilling after “completing” their “TPU years,” because they thought they were automatically in the IRR. This was not true, they had to report to drill.

3. Track your package. If HRC does not receive your package, they may extend your TPU status through the end of your military service obligation. In this case, you will have to drill until they are 8 years old.

4. If you have unresolved medical issues, you must resolve these issues before you can transfer to the IRR.

5. IRR Soldiers still have obligations and point requirements to meet. However, you could consider active standby reserves instead of IRR if you want to temporarily “walk away” from the TPU.

In the IRR, you have to get at least 50 points per year of retirement.

On active standby reservations, you do not need to earn at least 50 points. You maintain your military affiliation, but you are generally not required to maintain a good year. Active reserve reserves are what most people assume the IRR is.

Additional references:

1 AR 140-10; provides details on the above categories as justification for the transfer of IRR.

2. AR G1 policy cards.

3. USAR 600-5 brochure.