
Marriage Saving Tips – Because You Can’t Imagine Life Without Your Spouse

Tips to save the marriage it can come from many sources. But which of those sources can you believe? And can any of them hurt your marriage MORE?

There are very few things in life that are more heartbreaking and devastating than a divorce. Statistics show that divorce rates are at an all time high. Everyone has their fair share of problems. Singles, couples, marriages, etc. Can you imagine what life would be like without your spouse?

As difficult as it may be, keep it in mind when looking for tips to save your marriage, and it will give you the motivation to keep going. Because you’re having such serious problems right now, this article provides some great marriage-saving tips.

Have you ever heard the saying “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”. When I first heard that, I thought it was ridiculous. But the further I got in life, the more sense it made. You have to think of ways to do what you want to do. Right?

For example, imagine that you are going to do the shopping. Do you have a list of things you need? Or do you just go in and buy what looks good right now? What happened when you brought the purchases home?

When you planned what you wanted, you probably got most of what you needed. If she didn’t plan it, she probably just remembered a little bit of what he needed and ended up having to go back to the store.

Before you even start looking for marriage saving tips, you need to know what to look for. If you’re just looking for marriage saving tips, you’ll find tips for everything from gambling to boredom. Think about what is really going on in your marriage.

There are many different types of marital problems, but what is the problem in YOUR marriage? If you can talk to your spouse about your thoughts, it will be easier. But you can do it on your own when needed.

Usually (not always) when a marriage reaches this point, there are several problems. Take some time to think about these issues. Problems this big don’t happen overnight. It took them a while to develop to this point. Right now, we need to go back in time a bit and find some of the smaller issues, the ones that started this whole mess to begin with!

Think of one of the biggest problems you are having right now. Reduce that a bit. For example, you two have money problems. What led to this? Have any of you lost your job? Are there unnecessary expenses? Is there an addiction to wasting money?

These are all minor issues. You’re now closer to finding the root of the problem (or one of the problems), so you can fix the massive problem you’re trying to solve right now. Smaller problems are much easier to treat. Of course, the best marriage-saving advice is to prevent these problems from getting worse, but that’s easier said than done.

Because you have identified at least one minor problem, you can begin to take steps to fix your marriage. If you have money problems, then start to see why. In today’s economy, many people are facing job loss, foreclosure, etc.

The most practical advice to save the marriage is for BOTH of you to talk about what’s going on. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to even bring up the subject of money, but you have to. If there are family problems, then deal with it. WHY are there problems?

Try to make some kind of peace within the family. If the problem can be resolved (for example, someone said something that hurt someone and it was never resolved), then talk to that person. Not all, but many family problems are misunderstandings.

You were very much in love at the same time: close your eyes and remember those times. Allow yourself to remember those feelings. Believe it or not, getting those feelings back will help you save your marriage faster. Those feelings are not gone, they are still inside you two, they are just buried under all the pain and stress that you have right now. As you remember a good time, remind your spouse of it. Recreate it, if you can.

Of course, bringing back good memories won’t take away your problems. But it will make them both want their marriage to work. It will put things in a different light, so to speak, and you will be able to find ways to solve the problems you are dealing with.

Growing up, we had this fantasy image of marriage in our minds that married couples were happy. This is how life ‘should be’: grow up, go to school, get married, have children, live happily ever after. THE REALITY, on the other hand, is quite different. OBJECTIVE…

It would be very easy for me to say ‘remember the good times and forget the bad times’. You really can’t do that. But because she is seeking advice to save the marriage, she knows, in his heart, that his marriage can survive.


Cash for Scrap Pros and Cons

I did some research on the internet and put together a list of pros and cons regarding the “Cash For Clunkers” program. I made a list for the individual who is considering buying a car through the program, and also a list for the “Collective Soul”, for us to consider the overall impact on the universe, as described in this article.

So far the Pros and Cons add up to this: Singles: 4-Pro, 6-Con. Collective Soul: 6-Pro, 12-Con.



1. $4,500 + other incentives You may be able to save a lot of money on a new car if you look for more incentives than just $4,500.

2. Less gasoline. You could save a lot of money at the pump.

3. Reduce repair costs.

4. Environment: Your driving will cause less pollution.


1. Insurance: It usually costs more to insure a new car.

2. New debt: Is it wise to take on more debt in your financial situation?

3. Wasted Parts – Your old car will be destroyed. Whether or not some of the parts will be recycled is questionable.

4. Added value to your old clunker. The used car market may heat up due to decreased supply. Your used car may be worth more than the coupon after this Cash for Clunkers program leak.

5. More gasoline. You may be inclined to drive more knowing your car gets better gas mileage.

6. Comfort zone. You KNOW your old car. And he knows what repairs you have done to it and what is likely to go wrong.



1. Increase sales at car dealerships.

2. Increased sales of new cars to consumers who might not otherwise buy right now. For high- and middle-income people with good enough credit to get a car loan, it gives them a down payment.

3. Older vehicles are often less fuel efficient than their modern counterparts, so taking them off the road and replacing them with newer cars would likely lower the oil consumption of individual owners and the nation.

4. Old vehicles typically don’t run as clean as new vehicles, so removing and replacing them on our roads would likely reduce vehicle exhaust emissions, lessening the impact on the environment.

5. Older vehicles were not held to the same crash and safety standards as newer cars and tend to be less safe in an accident. Replacing them with newer vehicles could lead to fewer car accident injuries and deaths.

6. Automakers are struggling right now, especially domestic automakers. Providing a financial incentive to buy new cars would likely lead to an increase in car sales, generating revenue for automakers and helping them weather the economic downturn, while also stimulating the economy.


1. Artificial and unsustainable boom in car sales.

2. Crushing those vintage cars makes those parts and vehicles harder to come by and therefore more expensive.

3. Many companies make parts and upgrades for older vehicles. A reduced supply of older vehicles would negatively affect your sales.

4. The automotive restoration and customization industry relies on vintage cars as the basis for its products. A reduced supply of older vehicles would negatively affect your sales.

5. For low-income people, it makes it more difficult to find and keep an old vehicle.

6. Convince low-income people, those who drive clunkers, to go out and finance a new car when we are still in the midst of the consequences of easy credit in the housing market.

7. Deliver vehicle donations to charities. Some charities that rely on vehicle donations for funding say they are receiving fewer cars and trucks, because donors change their minds and decide to switch vehicles into the Cash for Clunkers program.

8. Some older vehicles actually get better gas mileage than some newer ones. Replacing them would negate any benefit to the environment or America’s oil consumption problem.

9. Encouraging consumers to scrap running vehicles could shorten the life of cars and encourage the production of new cars, which would have a greater adverse effect on the environment than keeping the old car.

10. This proposal would not necessarily benefit automakers that are financially worse off, as there is no guarantee that consumers will use their incentive to buy a vehicle from one of those manufacturers and not from another company.

11. The program is not restricted to AMERICANS, and is not restricted to vehicles made in AMERICANS, but comes from AMERICAN taxpayer money.

12. It costs more than $4,500 per exchange. It costs approximately $6,000 per vehicle, taking into account the cost of additional government staff, office space rental, equipment, employees, web development, form printing, etc.

Digital Marketing

Starting your business online

Any business starts with an idea. Turning the idea into a profitable business takes time and dedication. It doesn’t happen overnight. There are some pretty easy ways to turn your business into a profitable website.

Online businesses are part of the Internet. The Internet is full of people searching for things from all over the world. This is one reason to have a website. You will be able to reach many more people than a local business. To start your website, you need to have a domain name. This is the name of your online business. You can search places like GoDaddy to find available websites or domain names. Typically a domain name will cost around 7.99 and up for a year. You will need to pay this cost each year to keep your website or business name online. You want to be sure that your domain name fits the type of business you have online. If you sell clothing, you don’t want to use a domain name that corresponds to selling pet food. You should also make sure that this is a unique name that is only used by your company.

You already have your domain name, but that’s not all. You have to choose a web hosting provider. For your website to work properly, you need a good company to host your website on their server. Some good web hosting providers include BlueHost, Startlogic, and web hosting resellers. Make sure it is a trustworthy company with good reviews. You don’t want to have your website with error messages or saying that this website is under construction. If they can’t see your website, chances are other people can’t. If you want to avoid this option, you can use a company like Wix, which will do these things for you for a monthly fee.

Now you need to include your business and product information. Even if your business is an eCommerce website, having good content is important. In other words, describe your products well. Also make sure you have good photos of your products. An image says more than a thousand words. Even if you go through a company like Wix, you are responsible for managing the images, products, and information on your website. If your website is more of a blog or information website, you may want to use WordPress which is free for blog type websites.

To be a profitable business you need to make money. You may need to use money to advertise, but make sure you reach a targeted audience. You want people who visit your website to want to buy from you. There are several ways to advertise your website for free. Social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn are great ways to do this.

To attract the right people to your website, make sure you do good SEO or search engine optimization. WordPress Ecommerce is a great program to use to make this step easier. There is a learning curve, but if you check the forums and do some research, you will learn how to do this step yourself. You may want to hire a programmer if it’s too complicated. Make sure you use good keywords and keyword phrases. If you sell perfume, you don’t want to use keywords like pets, food, or words that have nothing to do with your products.

These steps may seem a bit overwhelming, but study each one at your own pace. Stay focused and keep doing what you know how to do. It takes time for your website to be a productive online business, but it’s very possible. Keep learning and stay motivated.

Health Fitness

pilates in the barn

I’ve come to believe that behind every young, fit, successful equestrian athlete is a slightly bloated, middle-aged, underemployed suburban housewife with a short brown haircut and 125,000 miles on her odometer. Yes, there are Horse Show Moms who look fresh, happy, and fit, but that’s not what she was seeing in the mirror.

After years of taking our youngest daughter to the barn every day (and still trying to keep the rest of the family fed and supplied with clean socks and underwear), I was exhausted and it seemed. Something had to change.

For me, the change came when my husband sat me down at the kitchen table and said, “I want my wife back.” He wasn’t sure if he was referring to the fact that he was never home or that he was no longer the slim, fun, energetic girl he had married.

Anyway. . . Oh!

Then he said, “If we are going to continue to encourage our daughter’s addiction to horseback riding, we must include the needs of you, mine and the rest of the family. And we will do it with pre-tax dollars, which means we we’ll do like a real deal

“Since that day, I’ve learned that our conversation isn’t unique. It happens on kitchen tables and in the parking lots of horse stables across the country. It usually starts with something like, ‘That horse cost how much?’ ? Who do you think I am, Michael Bloomberg?

“The strategy we chose to comply with the saying ‘before the tax dollar’ was to purchase a small horse boarding facility near our home. Our trainer, Mariano Bedoya, helped guide us through the process and assisted us in recruiting to our farm manager, Jorge Viton, from Wellington, Florida.

Owning a barn is a lot of work, but it has also become a place that the whole family can enjoy. Our youngest daughter is enjoying her rides more than ever, the older girls are promoting our facility by taking lots of pictures and posting them on Facebook, the boys are willing to do chores as long as it involves a tractor, ATV or power tool and my the husband even has an “office” filled with a new drill for making jumps and a variety of fishing rods.

But the best part of our barn, for me, is the new Pilates Reformer Studio. When we purchased our barn, I insisted that we include space for a small Pilates Reformer Studio. Pilates initially seduced me while recovering from knee surgery years earlier. It looked elegant, confident and easy. Easy? Say oh! As the trainer guided my every move, I learned the beautiful and challenging nuances of proper and effective Pilates work. There were plenty of days where I told her, “There’s absolutely no way I’m going to be able to do that move right,” but ended up blushing like a little girl in my first pony lesson when “I did it!” and I think it’s the perfect on-site program for my daughter and the other serious equestrian athletes in our stable. With proper instruction and supervision, it is possible to experience strengthening, lengthening, and balance without pain.

Pilates teaches you to calm down and listen to your body and respect the movement of the equipment. Can you imagine a more perfect training for riders? Our Pilates trainer has no specific experience training equestrian athletes, so we employ dressage trainer and rider Betsy Steiner to run regular, year-round clinics at our stable. Betsy helped coin the term “Equilates” and is the author of the book A Gymnastic Riding System – Using Mind, Body, & Spirit.

I will always love sitting in the observation room, watching our daughter train. She gives me real joy. But with a pilates studio on site, I also look forward to a more balanced and fit life for this horse show mom.

Six Principles of Pilates

Pilates is a thought-filled series of controlled movements that are usually performed on specially designed spring-resistant exercise equipment. It focuses on improving flexibility, core strength, and body awareness. In the book The Pilates Method of Physical and Mental Conditioning, six “Principles of Pilates” are described. The following list applies those principles to the unique challenges of the equestrian athlete.

1. Focus!
Pilates trains the body and the mind. Like horseback riding, one must habitually be “always present” in mind and body, to be successful and safe.

2. Control!
The original name of the Pilates exercise method was “Contrology”. The exercises are all about staying cool. In Pilates, and horse riding, a perfectly executed exercise is better than 100 poorly executed ones.

3. Focused!
All physical movements spring from our core. When the core is engaged, posture is better, the rider’s seat deepens, and the chance of injury is reduced.

4. Flow!
Pilates and horseback riding are all about fluidity, grace and ease. Pilates equipment and a horse are very good mirrors of fluidity and concentration. If the flow is lost, the Pilates equipment starts pounding. The rider must match his movements with his horse to avoid collapsing, twisting or bouncing off the saddle.

5. Precision!
Proper Pilates training requires an intense attention to detail that quickly becomes second nature. Adult Pilates students find that their new mindfulness changes their daily posture and some have a measurable increase in height. A better posture results in a more elegant ride.

6. Breathe!
Deep, controlled, cleansing breaths are part of maximizing Pilates movements. Deeper stretches, longer muscles, and oxygenated blood mean fewer cramps and tight muscles when getting in and out of the saddle.

Legal Law

What is LPO?

Legal Process Outsourcing or LPO, as it is popularly known, is a practice through which law firms seek legal assistance and services from other law firms within or outside their own country. The type of services that outsourcers are looking for are legal research, legal document drafting, document review, pleading writing, contract management, litigation support, document discovery, intellectual property and patent services (search for patent prior art, patent portfolio management). , optimization of patents and patent/trademark registration processes).

LPO has become a compelling option for most companies in the west. US and UK law firms have suffered the worst economic fallout in recent years. As a result, they have started looking for options to reduce their costs. Legal services are very expensive in the US and UK with hourly rates for lawyers and consultants going through the roof. This has helped countries like India and the Philippines get a lot of legal work from abroad. The LPO market was valued at $320 million in 2008 by Value Notes research and is likely to reach $640 million by the end of 2010. Price has been the key factor for law firms looking to outsource.

Although legal work in India and other major outsourcing hubs has grown in recent years, there have also been some challenges. Some lawyers in the US and UK have started committing their fees due to the economic crisis. Some start-ups doing legal work in countries like India have been unable to deliver on their promises. This has resulted in many companies in the US seeking legal firms within their country to ensure that all processes involved are followed in an ethical manner. In addition, there are concerns looming over client confidentiality and the ethical makeup of outsourcing companies.

India has become one of the most popular destinations for companies that want to outsource legal work. This is so because there are certain very obvious advantages, such as the availability of qualified, US and UK graduate lawyers who speak English and work at cheaper rates. Also, the Indian legal system is much like its counterparts in the west. The other main LPO centers are in Japan, France, Australia, South Korea and China. Some companies are also looking into setting up their own stores in these countries to save costs. For example, SDD Global Solutions is the only US law firm to operate its high-end legal KPO service center in Mysore, India. They have managed to reduce their installation costs by almost 43 times by doing so in India. Hollywood companies such as HBO, Sony Pictures, MTV, ABC and Twentieth Century Fox have outsourced their legal work to SDD in India as this reduces their costs to just 10% of what they would pay lawyers in the US. and the response time is less.

Legal process outsourcing is an important part of the outsourcing pie. Although there are limitations and challenges around this, we can only expect growth in this sector. If the large and experienced BPO companies manage to work on the ethical and quality aspects of this vertical, we can expect unprecedented growth in the coming years.

Lifestyle Fashion

What to do if you have perioral dermatitis


I suffered from a skin problem for a couple of years before I found out it had a name. I would get these ugly bumps around my mouth, under my nose, and in the outer corners of my eyes. I put hydrocortisone on the rash and it would go away briefly, then come back a day or two later. I eventually got to the point where I was using hydrocortisone cream almost daily.

It wasn’t until I started reading a book by a dermatologist named Dr. Jessica Wu called FEED YOUR FACE that I realized this condition was called perioral dermatitis. In the book, she describes this condition and it exactly matches my symptoms.

To my horror, one of the causes of perioral dermatitis is the only thing that seemed to combat it: hydrocortisone cream! Yuck. I did some research and found that using hydrocortisone cream on the face is not recommended for a couple of reasons. One: thins the skin. Another reason is that it can cause perioral dermatitis, which is a chronic condition. Unfortunately, if you continue to use the hydrocortisone cream, it will turn into a terrible cycle and the rash will come back again and again, getting worse over time. .

This was particularly distressing to learn, because hydrocortisone cream seemed to be the only thing I could find that would help soothe my skin so it could look normal.

Even MORE horrible in my opinion is that according to Dr. Wu, another cause of perioral dermatitis is the DEMODEX MITE. Apparently, this mite lives on our skin, even healthy skin, but with perioral dermatitis it is worse. According to PubMed, one study found that mites occurred in higher numbers on skin that had been exposed to topical steroids (hydrocortisone). Hey! If thinning skin and a rash weren’t enough to put me off using, the idea of ​​skin mites certainly was. I haven’t put hydrocortisone cream on my face since then, and I don’t plan to. Ever.

Years ago, a well-meaning internist recommended that I use hydrocortisone on my acne. However, this doctor was not a dermatologist, so she apparently did not know that hydrocortisone thins the skin and can cause the proliferation of skin mites. However, in defense of that doctor, even my dermatologist has recommended hydrocortisone, on rare occasions, on my face. There is a laser procedure that removes red spots on the skin and when I had this procedure my dermatologist gave me a small sample of hydrocortisone to calm the redness. He didn’t tell me to use it on pimples, and he never recommended using it for long periods of time, though he also didn’t warn me about the potential risks of prolonged use.

me made use it for long periods of time, because the internist had recommended it to me and I mistakenly assumed it was safe.

When I stopped using the hydrocortisone, the condition became overwhelming and unbearable. I looked so bad that I didn’t want anyone to see me.

I went to my dermatologist and told her what I had learned in Dr. Wu’s book. She looked me in the face and said that indeed she did have perioral dermatitis and that it was a chronic condition. She told me that the medications she would prescribe would probably work, but would not “cure” the condition; she turned on periodically. Excellent.

He prescribed Minocyline, an oral antibiotic, and Protopic, a topical antibiotic. Protopic is very expensive. My insurance didn’t cover it and it cost over $100 per tube.

I completed both prescriptions but was concerned about side effects and decided not to use them right away. Instead, I saved them as a last resort and did some research on the internet to find some “natural” alternatives. I prefer not to take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, because they kill the good bacteria that keep candida (yeast) at bay. If you’ve ever had a yeast infection, you’ll probably never want to have one again.

So, I tried almost everything suggested in articles and forums dedicated to perioral dermatitis. Some of the recommendations were: stop using florida toothpaste, stop using anything with sodium laurel sulfate, stop eating sugar and other high glycemic foods, and take omega 3.

So, I brushed my teeth with baking soda. I washed my hair with vinegar and baking soda, because most shampoos have SLS, and I used “natural” soap. I was already on a low glycemic index diet, but stopped indulging in a little raw honey or coconut sugar from time to time.

I’ve also tried some non-toxic topical remedies I’ve read about, including aloe vera gel straight from the plant and apple cider vinegar applied to the rash. I also drank some vinegar in water several times a day, which was also suggested.

The results were so-so. ACV applied directly to the rash helped, but not reliably. Sometimes the rash responded well and went away after use, and sometimes it didn’t.

After three weeks of resisting the dermatologist’s meds, I finally went ahead and tried Minocycline and Protopic. I ate a lot of plain yogurt to avoid a yeast infection. The minocycline cleared up the rash in a few days and my skin looked amazing.

I also found Protopic to be effective, but I didn’t like it at all. It is oily and I found it messy. Also, it created a burning sensation on my skin. There was no actual burn. It was just an uncomfortable feeling that came after using the product. This burning would persist after the mediation had been removed and would be exacerbated by sunlight.

So the bad news is that he needed the internal antibiotic. The good news is that in two years I have not had to repeat the antibiotic. However, the condition has flared up, never more severely than when I stopped using hydrocortisone to treat it.

I found that when I start to get some bumps due to perioral dermatitis, I can combat it if I drink ALOE VERA JUICE, which kills the harmful bacteria in the digestive system. I recommend pure aloe vera juice, the kind that has no added sugar. You don’t need as much, about 4 ounces added to a glass of water (6 to 8 ounces) every other day seems to keep it in check for me. The juice doesn’t taste very good, I’m sorry to say, but the results are good. If you have acne and perioral dermatitis, the juice may also help with pimples. You can buy aloe vera juice in a pitcher at Trader Joe’s. They also sell pitchers at Walmart, in the pharmacy section.

Another thing that seems to help keep the condition under control is a small amount of 5% benzoyl peroxide applied to the rash. In the past, I’ve avoided benzoyl peroxide and preferred tea tree oil for acne, but I don’t find tea tree oil to be as effective for perioral dermatitis. Dr. Wu warns that acne medications exacerbate perioral dermatitis, but this has not been my experience with benzoyl peroxide. It is a topical antibiotic and dermatologists will prescribe some type of topical antibiotic for the condition, but it will likely be stronger and more expensive than benzoyl peroxide. If you’re reading this before visiting a doctor, you can try aloe juice and some benzoyl peroxide to see if that helps first. For me, the smallest amount of benzoyl peroxide sprinkled on the rash works very well. And if I drink a little aloe juice every other day, I seem to avoid breakouts altogether.

I should also mention that I can use regular toothpaste, shampoo and soap with no problem. I am not convinced that Florida or SLS are causes of perioral dermatitis. It is possible that they do, but it is not known for sure what actually causes the condition. It’s it is, however, hydrocortisone is known to make it worse.

If you have this condition, I sincerely hope that my recommendations are helpful. I know how miserable it is to have a rash on your face that doesn’t seem to get better. While I am not an advocate of medicine, especially antibiotics, having been through this, I do recommend that if your flare-up is unmanageable and your doctor prescribes it, take it and get rid of it. Then keep your skin light as I have suggested. Hopefully, you won’t have to take the antibiotic again.

Real Estate

How to buy land the right way

The purchase of land can be seen as a means of investment that can generate an adequate return in the long term. But one must be very careful before spending a lot of money on any lucrative land that catches the eye. There have been many cases of fraud in the purchase of land and the buyer had to bear many losses. However, a piece of land, if purchased the right way, can be beneficial in many ways. All the things you need to remember before buying land are listed below.

• Requirements- Before purchasing any land, identify what your requirements are and what you are looking for. You can start with some important questions like the purpose of buying the land, how you will use it and what are your plans, what is your budget and all your costs including the cost of the land, the whole construction procedure, legal procedures, etc. . fit your budget and if you plan to resell the project.

• Right Plot: There are typically two types of land, one that a permanent structure was once built on or is still there, has become hazardous, and can be rebuilt. And the other type of land that is completely virgin and undeveloped like forests, land in the countryside, etc. You need to choose which type you will choose based on your plans and requirements.

• Means of purchase: the first option is to go to a real estate agent, but you can also investigate on your own if there is land available for sale. In addition to agents, you can also find suitable land at auctions. However, the auctions are held very quickly, so there is no time left to investigate the land. Companies that provide utilities such as electricity, water, and gas often put additional land up for sale. You can also look up land with the local authority as they sometimes own land that they want to sell.

• Things to know before you make a purchase: To be on the safe side, gather adequate information regarding the following: whether all legal titles have been cleared to the property; if reserved land is sold in the name of land ‘for sale’; agent history; the documents you will need to proceed with the purchase.

Taking into account the above information, you can take a step towards buying the land of your dreams. However, the key is to do a lot of research before making any kind of big investment.

Shopping Product Reviews

How the iPhone 4S can replace a standalone MP3 player

The Apple iPhone 4S is well known for the variety of tasks it can perform. In this article, I will discuss how the device works as a music player and to what extent it can replace a standalone MP3 player.

Of course, Apple is also the manufacturer of the popular iPod. Therefore, iPod functionality is standard on the iPhone 4S, which essentially means users don’t need to have an iPod if they also have an iPhone 4S.

The iPod application is identical to the software interface found on an iPod Touch, the world’s most popular MP3 player. It allows you to view your music in lists sorted by artist, genre, song title, etc., so it’s easy to find the music you’re looking for. The controls are simple; Once you’ve selected a track, simply toggle the play/pause button, skip tracks forward or backward, and adjust the volume using the on-screen slider or the volume control on the side of the phone if the screen is locked. iPhone 4S comes with an instantly familiar iPod earphone that offers excellent sound quality and plugs into the 3.5mm jack on the top of the phone.

In a smart move from Apple, you need an iTunes account to activate your iPhone 4S when you first buy it. Therefore, you need to sign up by creating an iTunes account. In this way, you can also instantly download music from the iTunes application, which is also pre-installed on the phone. This also means that movies and TV series can be purchased and downloaded, or rented for a limited time, and can be viewed on the phone’s screen. If you download content from iTunes and also own an iPad or Apple computer, you can take advantage of the iCloud service. This was introduced along with the iPhone 4S. It is a very simple ideal, but one that is very convenient for many clients. If you download content on one Apple device, it will also be available on others. For example, if you download a song through iTunes on your iPhone, it will also be added to the iTunes library on your MacBook Pro, for example. This feature also works with other content; for example, you can take a photo on your iPhone 4S and it will be wirelessly added to the gallery on your iPad 2.

As you can see, Apple is always innovative when it comes to music features on its phones. Features like iCloud and its media ecosystem that includes iPod and iTunes integration put Apple years ahead of even its closest competitors.

The iPhone 4S is now available in black and white versions from various UK networks, most of which offer the phone for free on selected contracts.


Greyhound Racing: How to Read the Race Card

A night at the greyhound racing is a fun thing to do. Get together with friends, have a few drinks and maybe have a bite to eat watching those cute dogs chase the bunny, or rather what they think a bunny is. An integral part of your night will be choosing a dog to support the races. Just a little net for fun and maybe a little return. But there is so much information on the career card that it can be confusing to the uninitiated. To help you get the hang of it, here’s a quick rundown of what you’re presented with on the career card.

The breed card contains all sorts of useful information and recent forms (last six appearances for each dog) to help you make your selections. It may seem a bit daunting at first, although it’s not hard to get used to.

The main type (or bold) is reasonably simple. Reading from left to right, it usually has the trap number the greyhound will start from, the owner, the trainer, and a summary of the number of races the greyhound has run, won, or placed in. Below this you have the dog’s form for its last six runs. This is what you want to poll to help pick the winners. With that in mind, this is the usual kind of information that the typical UK greyhound racing card will show you for each dog in the race. Date of the last execution

Distance: The distance to be covered in the race expressed in meters. For 280,500, 660 as appropriate.

Trap Number: The number of the trap from which the dog must start the race. The dog will wear a race jacket with the corresponding number to help you identify it during the race.

Time to First Split – This is the time (in seconds) the dog traveled from the starting traps to, typically, the first corner of the race. For example, 4:57 means the dog ran into the first division in just over four and a half seconds. An indicator of how fast the animal moves away from the traps.

Race Position: This is expressed as a series of numbers to reflect the dog’s position during each of its previous six races. For example, 5631 would mean the dog started slowly and then sped up to move up to third place and eventually win. Conversely, 1246 would indicate that the animal started off brilliantly but didn’t have the speed to hold it back.

Final position: Self-explanatory. The position the greyhound finished in the race. Expressed as a number between 1 and 6.

Distance traveled (or gained in case you won the race): This is expressed as a whole number or a fraction if applicable. For example, 4th 3 means the dog came in fourth and was hit by three bodies. Or 1st 2 ¼ means the dog won by two and a quarter lengths.

Winning Dog (or dog in second place if the dog won): This will display the name of the dog that won your greyhound’s last race or if your greyhound won, then the name of the dog it beat.

Comments on how the dog ran: The abbreviations used here are intended to give a snapshot of the run. Most race cards give definitions of the abbreviations so you can follow along. For example crowded2 means the greyhound ran into some trouble in turn two and had no room or a bumpy start means the dog was hit by an opponent coming out of the traps.

Winning Time: Self-explanatory. The time recorded by the winning greyhound.

Course adjustment in hundredths of a second: Winning times are adjusted according to prevailing track conditions. A plus sign means the gear is fast, while a minus sign means the gear is slow; for example, it could be a wet track after rain.

Weight: The weight of the greyhound in kilograms. All greyhounds are weighed at the track to ensure there are no discrepancies between declared weight and actual weight on race day. It is important to compare to previous race weights for consistency.

Starting Price: The price at which the winning greyhound was returned for betting purposes. If it was a trial run, it will show the number of dogs in the trial. For example, T3 would be a three-dog trial).

Career Degree: Means the level of the career. For example, A2, A4, etc. The lower the number, the higher the breed grade.

Calculated time: the winning time after applying any adjustments. An asterisk shows the greyhound’s recent best time. Also look up the fastest time recently recorded among all greyhounds in the race over the distance. This is known as the “weather dog”.

You now have a brief explanation of what all those letters and numbers mean and an understanding of how to read a greyhound racing card. With a little practice you will become fluent and able to “read” a run. Part of the fun is using the information to form your opinion on which greyhound will win, debating it with your friends and then seeing who is right.

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Gourmet food items to make your mouth water

Gourmet food items can range from anything to fine dining to fine wine.

The term “foodie” is commonly used to describe anyone who is highly interested in and intrigued by gourmet food, but true gourmets are people who spend much of their life and time with food. Foodies enjoy food for consumption, enjoyment, and study, while “hobbyists” are usually professional cooks and chefs who specialize in many different foods.

Gourmet foods themselves are interesting, diverse, and generally consist of exotic vegetables, fruits, breads, wines, and meats.

Desserts are also considered an item that is most desired by foodies and fans. Desserts often include truffles. The truffles are made from a chocolate ganache with a center of cocoa powder.

Truffles are best known for being extremely rich, smooth and creamy desserts and are served in many fine dining restaurants. They can also include organic products and fruits such as strawberries, or even nougats and other gourmet foods.

Gourmet wine is generally considered French wine. French wine is known for its distinctive flavor as well as its close attention to grape growth, harvest and fermentation. Champagne is a type of French wine that is grown in a particular region of France.

In general, exotic gourmet food items can range from the type of food itself to the way it is prepared. Exotic vegetables and fruits often require preparation, as well as the care needed to raise and harvest them.

Organic vegetables, as well as exotic vegetables, are often considered gourmet foods because they are products that are grown and harvested to the pinnacle of perfection. Organic foods are grown under optimal growing conditions and farmers use very few pesticides. Many hobbyists use these fresh vegetables as supplies for serious recipes.

Some vegetables include avocado, eggplant, squash, artichokes and many others, considered gourmet foods due to the varying levels of difficulty in cooking and flavoring them.

Gourmet meats generally include the most virgin parts of an animal. For example, items involving meat typically include filet mignon, a very tender part of a cow, or lamb, meat from young sheep that is very tender. Rack of lamb is commonly found in many gourmet restaurants. Gourmet fish is another form of gourmet meat and often includes items like sushi.

Gourmet foods are prized by foodies and hobbyists alike, these items are used to prepare some of the world’s most exotic and interesting dishes.