
Online business software solutions can help minimize the impact of the summer school break

School holidays are fast approaching: a full six weeks in which parents are challenged to find ever more inventive ways to entertain the kids. Small business owners who are also parents often face the toughest challenge of all, as the concept of taking an extended vacation is something many simply cannot afford. So how can you juggle childcare without letting your business suffer?

We do not for a moment suggest that we have all the answers; After all, work-life balance is something every parent, whether employee or business owner, has struggled with for eternity. However, with the increasing advent of remote work and technological advances in cloud computing systems in areas such as online accounting software, it is now possible to work from home more efficiently than ever before.

Here are a few ways you can free up time this summer for childcare without losing focus on your business:

1. When you’re housebound, get your home office in order

There’s no doubt about it: come the school holidays, going to the office is going to be a headache, unless you have a really good childcare support network. Be smart and set up your home office ahead of time so you’re ready to go as soon as the holidays roll around. Find a quiet room (or a quiet corner, if you can’t spare an entire room) to set up your computer, bring essential files home, and make sure your office staff knows how to forward calls to your mobile or landline . Make sure the whole family knows this is a work area, so your paperwork isn’t covered in well-intentioned crayon art or gooey jam sandwiches! Finally, make sure your essential business software is accessible from home. The easiest way to do this is to make better use of cloud computing solutions, which store your software remotely rather than on your computer, such as online accounting software and remote file storage. Take full advantage of this innovation and you will be able to work as efficiently from home as from the office!

2. Hanging out with the kids? Make the most of mobility

We know that during the school holidays, parents are called more than ever to transport their children to events, parties and field trips. While many of these are family occasions, parents often spend a lot of time sitting around, either waiting for events to end or simply keeping an eye on proceedings. Why not bring your laptop and wi-fi dongle and use the time to answer emails and keep tabs on your finances, which you can do with online accounting software?

3. Find the time to make your workday more flexible

As hyperactive as children can be during the holidays, at some point they have to sleep. That’s the perfect time to catch up on the day’s work, and if you use the right software, you can do it at home. Online accounting software is designed for quick login and instant access to all your financial information, so even if it only takes a few minutes of your precious time before the little ones wake up again, you’ll be able to make the most of it. that time. you have, like accessing up-to-date debtor information and sending follow-up emails, to keep your bank balance in good standing.

We know that running a business is often a 24/7 job, so adding bored kids into the mix will be even more of a challenge. However, with the right advice, online software solutions, and a little planning, it is possible to keep your family happy and your business prosperous during the holidays. Happy Holidays!

Accounting software from online accounting provider Fusion Accounts

Home Kitchen

Drawer pulls: choose the style according to the room

Drawer handles used to be a strictly functional way of opening and closing drawers, today they have really become a way to define them and make them stand out with designer touches.

There are so many types of drawer handles available now that they literally take up pages and pages in catalogues. Most home improvement stores dedicate entire aisles to them. They are made from a full range of materials, from very simple functional wood to very exotic bone. Some are very ornate and have very intricate designs. The handles in many cases really make the piece. There are very simple and elegant ones that are made of pewter, brass, stainless steel and other simple metals. There are others that are shaped to resemble other items, such as baseballs, soccer balls, or miniature forks and spoons. The sky is the limit on what can be done to look like mangoes. They are also offered in a variety of finishes, to complement a décor.

Deciding which of the many drawer handles to choose can be difficult because there are so many options. Taking a few things into consideration will help narrow down the choice. What will it be used for? If it’s kitchen drawers, then knowing that the kitchen is one of the busiest areas of the home should persuade you to lean towards more durable types. If they are for a dresser that was refinished, trying to match them to the period the dresser comes from is a good idea, or if the dresser will be used in a child’s room, one of the more quirky options might be a good option. . . If they will be used in a bathroom vanity, then choosing something that is durable and moisture resistant might be the right way to go.

The cost of these handles can be really outrageous, the more ornate and unique they are, the more expensive they will be. Clearly, a budget is always important, so finding something that fits within the price range you’ve set yourself probably narrows down your options a bit.


Medical Emergencies: Leading Cause of Bankruptcies in the United States

There are various reasons why people file for bankruptcy. What may seem like shocking news is that most people are ONLY ONE major health issue away from considering bankruptcy as an option. How can this be when most families have some form of health insurance? On the one hand, everything depends on a series of circumstances. Here are some examples of what to consider:

• What kind of insurance do you have?
• What kind of medical problem do you have?
• What is the copay percentage?

Medical bills are actually the biggest cause of bankruptcies in the United States. In 2013 alone, nearly 2 million people filed for bankruptcy citing medical bills as the reason. Even health insurance provides minimal help in preventing these cases.


One reason is that the average copay in most plans is 20%. This works well for checkups and minor injuries, but if you get seriously ill or have a serious accident, you could potentially rack up a bill of more than $50,000 where you would have to cover 20% or $10,000 along with the deductible. . For almost anyone, this would be a life changing tragedy and would require seeing a bankruptcy attorney.

Who is affected?

Of those who cited medical bills as their reason for filing for bankruptcy, 78% of them had some form of health insurance. Most of those affected were educated, middle-class families. 1 in 5 Americans will have trouble paying medical bills this year. Accidents and life-changing diagnoses can happen to anyone.

Even with adequate savings and good spending habits, the burden of some medical bills is simply too much for most people. This is a problem that an estimated 56 million Americans will face this year alone.

What can happen?

Since most health care institutions use their own means to collect debt, overdue health bills are treated the same as other types of debt, regardless of the fact that you are now unable to keep your job due to your problem. of health. You can expect similar means of debt collection, such as multiple phone calls, court-ordered actions, and other harassing techniques.

How to tackle the problem?

Bankruptcy is, and should always be, considered as the final option and should only be seriously considered once all other options have been exhausted. Lawyers who specialize in bankruptcy are also experts when it comes to finding working solutions for debt. Your best course of action would be to seek the assistance of a bankruptcy attorney as soon as you are faced with a massive medical bill.

The common belief is that credit card debt or mortgages are the main causes of filing for bankruptcy. Most people are caught off guard by bills so high that they find themselves at a loss for what to do. Just knowing that 3 out of 5 bankruptcies are caused by medical bills is already a good start. Knowing is always half the battle and is always better than being caught off guard.

Digital Marketing

How can you livestream your events on social media platforms?

Live streaming is one of the greatest innovations to come out of the use of the Internet. In fact, a larger percentage of internet traffic is now attributed to making your events available live to the public. And the percentage share of Internet traffic is expected to increase even more in the coming years. So why is broadcasting your moments to the online world so important? The reason is that there are numerous advantages associated with live video streaming platform and live video streaming services.

One reason is that by making your event live, you can interact with attendees. These attendees are the ones who cannot attend the live event in person but can watch it through the streaming service. So in a way you can argue that they attended. The other reasons are, of course, that it can increase support and improve the user experience.

The type of event that will be broadcast on the platforms will depend on what you prefer. You can showcase a cooking competition, a music concert, a training session, a festival, and even a wedding, which is rapidly growing in popularity. Of course, as already mentioned, there are a number of platforms like live streaming to Facebook, Go Live Broadcast, and other social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Periscope.

Social networking sites like Facebook Live are becoming more and more preferred as a platform for live streaming due to the sheer number of people who use them. According to recent statistics from 2017, users of social networking sites number about 2.46 billion worldwide. That’s a lot of potential viewers for your event or even potential attendees.

Most of the available platforms are increasingly integrating the use of various social media platforms for instant live streaming across multiple platforms. You’re talking about streaming via Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitter Live, and Periscope. That can be done through the use of live streaming platforms and live streaming devices.

Requirements for commissioning using these services:

Of course, in addition to identifying your live streaming platform/app and registering, you must have the following:

A reliable internet connection
A high-performance computer/smartphone
A webcam or camera with a video capture device in case you are using a device

As devices can be purchased, or you can use the platforms that have many plans: basic, premium or business plans. There are some platforms that offer free trials, often for a period of usually 1 month. The main downside of free trials is that they are limited in terms of features and functionality and therefore you may have limitations when streaming.

Live streaming of your event

After knowing the importance, the ways available for live streaming and the necessary requirements, all that remains is the action itself, which is simple. When you have a live streaming device, the first step is to connect your device to any video source or camera. With one touch of the provided app, you can modify the title of your event, start, stop and pause and launch and use other functions and features. There is a feature to stream across multiple platforms simultaneously.

Use of the Facebook live streaming service

1. Using your mobile device or computer with a camera, go to the news feed in the Facebook app to go live. There is a “live” option that you need to tap on. Another option for live streaming is through your profile. There is a live video option from the “What’s on your mind” menu, when tapped.

2. Facebook will request access to your camera if it is the first time. You must allow it. Any subsequent access to the camera will be automatic when live streaming.

3. Choose your preferred privacy settings. You can choose to broadcast live to your friends or audience. There’s another “just me” option, which is great when you’re new to the service and want to give it a try. Nobody likes to embarrass themselves, you can rely on live streaming for this.

4. Describe your live broadcast. Give it a catchy title.

5. Choose a location or an activity and tag friends.

6. Before “Go Live”, you need to set your camera to the correct direction/view. After setting up the camera and broadcasting live, you can interact with your viewers.

7. When you are done, click “Finish”. There is the option to publish the video so that other people can see it even after the broadcast has ended.

8. Save your video for future use; adjust and watch again.


Being a teenager can be the best time of your life

Being a teenager can be the best time of your life. High schools have energy and life around teenagers, giving them the opportunity to gain the skills they will need to be successful adults. Sometimes in our journey through this labyrinth called life we ​​come across stumbling blocks that turn into mountains. One day the life of a teenager is normal and carefree and the next day it seems dark and gloomy.

A teenager’s life can change with the introduction of a new friend. Life can change when a friend moves away. For some teens, the freedom of driving can be life-altering. Maybe the teen will get a part-time job and it will change her life. A child may meet someone online who can dramatically influence them. Regardless of the influence, once we identify a troubled teen, intervention should be made as quickly as possible. The longer the child explores the forbidden lifestyle, the more difficult it will be to re-engage. In fact, sometimes, there is no way to recover them, they are lost forever.

There are many programs for troubled teens. Some communities have systems in place to help the child, parents, and other family members affected by the changing behavior of the troubled teen. Parents and teens just need to look at local churches or parent groups through local hospitals or behavioral health organizations. Parents should recognize as soon as possible that the child needs help, because the sooner the better.

There comes a time when the behavior is out of control and the child and parent must be separated for a while. There are also programs to help with that transition. Parents must think of their child. They must figure out what will be the best fit for their personalities. Parents should think about the other children in the home. As parents, you are setting an example for everyone. If you do nothing, you can regret it with the next child.

There are military programs; there are girls’ homes and boys’ homes. There are programs just for the weekend and programs for weeks or months at a time. There are schools designed to help these children in and out of state. With a little research, parents and teens can find the right program for their situation.

Health Fitness

Do you really need an ergonomic chair?

Until recently, many people thought that an ergonomic chair was intended for someone who had a health problem, back pain, or even someone who was prone to filing a lawsuit or two. But the truth is that these types of chairs are ideal for anyone who spends some time sitting at a desk during the day and will make them not only more comfortable, but also more efficient throughout their workday.

What is an ergonomic chair?

The main difference between an ergonomic chair and a traditional one is that an ergonomic chair is designed with the human body in mind. These aren’t always the most comfortable chairs and you certainly wouldn’t spend time lounging in one, but they are designed to support all the areas of the body that tend to start to ache when sitting for a long time.

They usually have some type of support for your neck and head, as well as lumbar (lower back) support. They usually have arms so you can rest your elbows while you type, and they’re designed so your knees are at 90 degrees as are your hips. In other words, you can’t slump or sit cross-legged in one of these chairs.

Because you need it?

Research shows that more and more people are suffering from various repetitive stress injuries and disorders as a result of sitting in a chair and working on a computer for hours on end. By using an ergonomic chair, you will do your best to protect your joints, tendons, muscles, as well as distribute all your weight evenly.

Chairs for all sizes

Although in a perfect world all humans would fit in all meats, that is not the case. The average ergonomic chair isn’t designed for someone over 250 pounds, so you’ll find that there are chairs for larger people as well. Also, people who are very tall also have special needs, so if you’re taller or larger, or if you’re buying chairs for people who are, keep in mind that many online office supply stores have chairs. office chairs that are ergonomically designed for “big people”. and tall” friends.


Unfortunately, simply putting the “ergonomic” label on any chair can increase the price, so it’s really up to you to determine what you need in a chair and what your own definition of “ergonomic” is. If you’ll be spending a lot of time typing or sitting at your desk, it’s worth investing in a properly designed chair. You will have many more comfortable working hours and you will also find that at the end of the day you feel much better.

If you’re looking for the best price on an ergonomic chair, it goes without saying that you should shop online where you’ll find them in all sizes, colors and materials, and at a price that fits your budget.

Legal Law

When would you need to hire an immigration attorney?

One of the most common fallacies when starting an immigration-related application is to immediately seek professional services for help, in the form of immigration attorneys. If you can afford it, it is absolutely great to have as you have a person who basically verbally interviews you, records all your information and also asks for all the necessary papers and documents, and then fills out all the application and other necessary forms for you. It saves a lot of personal research headaches and time to assemble applications.

But can you really afford a $400 an hour service? Typically, 80-100 hours are billed, bringing the total cost of an immigration application to anywhere between $5,000 and $30,000. Not only that, sometimes lawyers charge INS fees separately, so you may have to pay another $500 to $1000. And with attorneys, they are likely to choose the most expensive courier services, since you pay for them, and the costs keep rising.

It is never really necessary to hire an immigration attorney if your immigration case is very simple. By that, I mean he has nothing to hide, no heinous visa overstays, no illegal work for 20 years, and no criminal record. If you are a law-abiding person and have done everything legally, from coming to the United States on a visa that you legally applied for without false documentation, and living and working in the United States following the rules to maintaining your particular visa status, you really there is absolutely no reason to hire an immigration attorney. I also assume that if you are reading this article, you can read and write English at a level that you can understand and fill out immigration application forms.

There is much information freely available online, even provided by the attorneys themselves, to help you locate the correct forms and understand the correct circumstances for applying for each category of immigration. In addition to that, there are a variety of immigration forums where people, ordinary people who are not lawyers like you, come together and share their experiences and methods on the immigration process. Usually, with a few hours of online immigration research, you can have a pretty good understanding of what forms you’ll need and what documents you’ll need. After that, it is a matter of time and effort to submit the application and let the INS process the application through their processes.


Shar Pei – Training to stop biting

Dog biting problems can pose a potential danger to your dog and everyone around him, therefore it is only right that you use the most effective way to get rid of this behavior – Shar Pei training. Although definitely not a miracle cure, training your dog to obey various commands is a great way to help him get rid of unpleasant behaviors like biting.

The Shar Pei, like other dog breeds, uses its mouth to examine things and interact with other dogs and their humans. And more often than not, people think it’s cute to see a puppy bite its owner’s feet or hands. But you’ll surely agree that the sight wouldn’t look cute anymore if that pup had grown into a 50-pound adult dog.

Biting is a natural behavior among dogs and it can be difficult to completely get rid of this behavior. But luckily there is that process called bite inhibition where it allows a dog to determine and control the force of their bite.

Start your Shar Pei training when you are playing with your puppy. If he bites you, even if you’re just playing and the bite doesn’t really hurt, let out a high-pitched “ouch” to scare him into interrupting him from biting your feet. Stop playing with him for a while so he realizes that the fun stops every time he bites, so he needs to stop.

If the initial process doesn’t seem to work, another option is to leave the room for a while. Despite his attempt to play games with you, don’t give up or look at him. This should be enough to condition his mind that biting won’t do him any good and will only waste the things he loves: you and your precious time and attention.

Real Estate

What is a hard money loan and how does it work?

A hard money loan refers to one type of loan. However, what sets it apart from other types of loans is that it is secured by real estate. In addition, they are considered bridge loans or short-term last resort loans. Basically, they are used in different real estate transactions. Lenders are companies or individuals, not banks. Keep reading to know more.

key takeaways

Below are some of the salient features of these loans.

  • Mainly, they are used for real estate transactions. And this money comes from a company or individual rather than a bank.
  • Generally, this type of loan is granted for a short period of time. The purpose is to quickly collect money at a lower LTV ration and higher cost.
  • Since these loans are not traditionally foreclosed, the funding time that is reduced is usually quite quick.
  • It is interesting to note that the terms of these loans are negotiated between the borrower and the lender. Also, these loans use real estate as collateral.
  • Although repayment may result in default, they still leave a large amount of profit for the lender.

How does a hard money loan work?

Hard money loan terms are generally based on the value of the real estate, not the creditworthiness of the borrower. Since conventional lenders like banks are not lenders, private lenders or companies are more interested in this business.

Also, these loans can be a good option for property buyers who have plans to renovate a property and sell it again. Here you may be thinking that the cost of this type of loan is quite high. But the good thing is that the additional cost is offset by the loan being paid off fairly quickly. In most cases, the loan is granted for a period of 1 to 3 years. Apart from this, they also offer many advantages.

Apart from this, this type of loan is also considered a great investment. You can find many people who have done this business and are happy with the practice.

Special Considerations

In general, unlike bank financing or financing programs offered by the government, the cost of these loans is significantly higher for a typical buyer. However, this cost reflects the higher risk assumed by the lender. But the good news is that the extra cost is worth it as the money is available quickly. The approval process is less strict and the reimbursement schedule is also quite flexible.

In addition, these loans can be a great option to deal with situations of change. For example, if you need money quickly for short-term financing but have a low credit score, you can give it a try. Since the amount is issued fairly quickly, you can use the funds to avoid foreclosure, for example.

Pros and cons

Now, let’s take a look at some pros and cons of hard money loans.


First of all, the approval process is much faster than the mortgage or conventional loan process. The thing is that private lenders are interested in this type of business as they can make decisions quickly without having to do a lot of checking. In other words, they won’t check your credit history. These are the steps that slow down the process and make the borrower wait for weeks.

Usually these investors only care about repayments. In addition, they have the opportunity to resell the property in the event that the borrower defaults on payments and becomes delinquent.

Another advantage is that lenders do not apply the conventional underwriting process. Instead, they evaluate all cases one by one. Applicants can often sit down with the lender and discuss the payment schedule based on their circumstances. Apart from this, the borrowers can avail many opportunities during the time they have. So, this is another great advantage that you can enjoy if you go for this option.


Since real estate is used as collateral against default, these loans come with lower LTV rations than regular loans. This ration is between 50 and 70%, unlike the ration of regular loans, which is 80%. However, if you are an experienced pinball player, it can be even higher.

Apart from this, the interest rates of these loans are also higher. For subprime loans, the interest rate can be even higher. In 2019, for example, hard money loan rates were between 7.5% and 15% depending on the loan period. On the contrary, the prime interest rate was only 5.25% in the same period.

Another drawback is that these lenders may not offer loans against owner-occupied properties due to compliance rules and regulatory oversight.

I hope you now understand what hard money loans are and the pros and cons associated with them. For more information, you can consult your mortgage broker.

Shopping Product Reviews

Camping at a Family Campground vs Camping in the Wilderness

You have decided to get back to nature and go camping. You ask yourself, “Should I take the family on a family camping trip or try to create our own wilderness camp?” There are big differences in the two styles of camping, and it depends on your level of knowledge and comfort when you go on that camping trip. What are the differences between camping in a family campground and camping in the wild?

First of all, you have to prepare differently for each type of excursion. For wilderness camping, or primitive camping, you have to be willing to do it all yourself. From finding a suitable campsite, outside of a flood zone or river basin, to pitching your tent, building your fire pit, and finding your own toilets. It takes a confident independent camper to survive wilderness camping, so make sure at least one person in your group has this experience.

“Roughing it” is one of the best ways to connect with nature; nevertheless. Remember, in the desert, there are no showers or toilets. Family campsites offer services that allow you to spend it comfortably. You still have to pitch your own tent, however the fire pit is built for you (there may also be a grate nearby); Restrooms are also close by and there is always a ranger to check on you or help you in any way. Even though these camps might be a bit cushy compared to primitive camps, you’re still having a rough time.

If you are camping with children, you may want to seriously consider a family camp. As you know, children and camping have two things in common, they both require patience. Make things easy for yourself with the conveniences of family camping nearby. No matter where you choose to camp, you’ll need to bring the necessary gear for camping with your family, such as extra clothes and shoes as they’re bound to get dirtier, bug spray, sunscreen, a first aid kit, raincoat. equipment, games, flashlights and bedding.

If you’re a first-time or inexperienced camper, try a family camp until you feel completely comfortable tackling it on your own. Until you feel confident to take on nature to the fullest, enjoy your bond with nature at a family camp.