
There are no dry topics

There are no dry topics, just dry training.

If you don’t believe me, consider these two creative, participant-centered learning activities that replace the lesson normally used to teach rules and benefits.

These activities were designed and facilitated during the Professional Trainers Certificate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Continuing Studies.

Note: For both activities, participants sit five per table. Activities work best with an even number of participants and no more than 5 content items.

Use art to teach rules and assess retention. (With thanks to James Phetteplace)

1. Provide a list of the rules.

2. Have each participant at each table draw a picture to illustrate one of the rules so that all the rules are drawn on the table.

3. Ask the participants to write the ruler they just drew on the other side of their paper drawing.

4. Pairing two tables, ask for a volunteer representative from each table.

5. Have the table representatives exchange pictures of their respective tables with each other.

6. Have one of the table representatives show the pictures from the other table to your group.

7. See how fast that group can recite the correct rule by looking at the other group’s pictures.

8. Repeat actions (6) and (7) with the other table.

9. If you wish, this can be competitive so that the group at the table that recites the correct rules the fastest wins a prize.

Research has shown that visual images are much more easily recalled and recalled than words, so this activity is very effective.

Using color-coded questions and answers to teach employee benefits. (With thanks to Tara Pray)

1. Provide color-coded reference pages with relevant information about new benefits.

2. Pairing two tables, give the participants at one table small pieces of paper with the questions and the participants at the other table small pieces of paper with the answers.

3. Color code the writings Q and Q with the relevant benefit information.

4. Have the different color coded pairs work together to discover the information shown by the Q and A.

5. Provide a fill-in-the-blank worksheet for all questions, leaving answers blank.

6. Have each pair read their questions and answers so everyone can write them on the worksheet.

7. Also ask each pair to point to the reference page where they found the questions and answers.

The resulting worksheet with questions and answers on key benefits, as well as the relevant reference page, becomes a useful job aid.

How do you make “dry” themes come to life?

Home Kitchen

The Revealing Nature of Goa Sausage

To enjoy one of the signature dishes of Goan cuisine, you literally have to rip out its entrails. Goan sausage does not make it to the plate in its original form, which resembles a long, smooth cylinder coiled in a spiral. There is no such thing as just frying it for Goan sausage. First, the cook has to open the lid and pour the insides of the sausage over some onion slices that have been previously simmered in additional oil.

Underweight individuals may want to add potato slices for extra nutrition… anyway, Goan sausage offers a sumptuous collection of bites surrounded by a deep red spice blend. You can definitely enjoy a tasty treat, but not one that is easy to digest or for the faint of heart thanks to a heavy load of cholesterol. As you may have guessed, Goan sausage belongs more to the comfort food category than to the healthy one… this asset is shared with the country of origin.

Just like its sausage, Goa can satisfy your heart and cause you trouble at the same time. Although it is now considered one of the signature dishes of Goan cuisine and some people call it a must-have in every kitchen cupboard, Goan sausage did not originate here. The art of sausage making was brought to Goa by the Portuguese, who invaded the country about 500 years ago. They converted masses of the local Hindu population, who never ate sausages, into Roman Catholics with a wide variety of non-vegetarian dishes made from newly imported ingredients.

Portuguese missionaries brought cashews from Brazil. As fervent believers in alcoholic sustenance, they discovered the potential of palm toddy as a base for hard liquor. This led to the production of feni from palm and cashew nuts and, consequently, to alcohol addiction among the population. Tamarind from tropical Africa, tobacco, potatoes, pineapples, papayas, and two varieties of chili peppers from Mexico were other imports of the invading Portuguese. Therefore, ingredients from various parts of the world provided Goa with a rich cuisine of its own, unique in India, a mixture of East and West.

All of this can be experienced today by simply cutting the skin off a Goan sausage. Immediately, the characteristic aroma of ground spices wafts through the air, tickling the taste buds and promising more delights. Normally this calorie bomb is made with pork but if you are lucky you can find beef and wild boar sausages. The minced meat is salted, mixed with masala and marinated. After being stuffed into a sausage casing, it is cured and dried. This centuries-old tradition of preserving meat without a refrigerator means that these sausages have a shelf life of more than eight months.

Goan sausages have to be tough, as local farmers sell them under the sun at city markets. Many families still raise their own pigs and use them to make sausages, mainly for the monsoon season when fresh fish is scarce. However, like Goa, the humble sausage loses its guise as a cheap, simple meal available for a few rupees in many bars and restaurants once it goes international.

You can buy Goan sausages online for about the same price as Parma ham or smoked salmon. In all fairness, the prized Goan sausage must be said to meet UK food standards. The original sold in Goa may have some trouble gaining international support as local food production sometimes lacks supervision and does not always follow the rules… However, once outside the country, the Goan sausage negates its humble origins and is transformed into an expensive delicacy.

The same experience can be done with and in Goa. If you book your vacation on the international market, it can become an expensive affair. Many people pay thousands of dollars to spend a few days in the luxurious resorts dotted around the beautiful southern coast of the country. In these 5 star skies, pampered and sheltered from any disturbing sight, wealthy tourists can experience the sweet life and leave Goa thinking that it is truly another tropical paradise of sun, sand and sea.

Unfortunately, these people have not opened the sausage and have missed discovering the soul of Goa. To explore the different morsels of Goa, one has to bring some time, patience and an inquiring mind. Once the sausage is cut open, you can see a variety of different bits and pieces. There are white dice of butter that resemble some of the tourists who have contributed to the wealth of the country. Like lard, these pieces somehow lack public recognition. They offer an easy target for media criticism from various factions of Goan society. Politicians especially condemn this influx of white meat as a deterioration of the local culture whenever they need a scapegoat.

Although they bring millions into the country, no one really thanks these people for the role they play in providing a lot of income for many local citizens. They share this fate with lard and its cured form, bacon: who ever praised the health benefits of lard? Ok, so maybe the actual health benefits are few, but don’t forget the tremendous amount of satisfaction and sense of relief after eating large amounts of animal meat.

At this point, you can probably guess that the author of this story is not from the vegetarian part of the population. Another ingredient that the sausage reveals is the meat. Now there are a few greyish, whitish bits left and also bits of meat that have turned brown from marinating in the masala. Like the so-called hippies who came to the country and opened it up to tourism, the basis of Goa’s current wealth, the off-white pieces resisted the influence of the masala.

The throngs of peace-loving people who came to Goa in the wake of the 1960s did not think about the Roman Catholic religion and Hinduism that dominated the country for centuries. The only thing that mattered to them was living a free and cheap life and having great parties. For a few years everyone was happy until greed took over on both sides. Some members of the local community found that there is much more money to be made selling drugs and stealing from foreigners than just renting rooms and serving food. Unfortunately, some of the foreign guests joined them to profit from the drug trade.

Goa quickly lost its innocence and acquired a bad name internationally as a place where anything goes, even though the country is much bigger than these few pieces. Even if the so-called hippies brought a lot of trouble, at the same time they greatly enriched the culture of Goa. Thanks to foreigners, the flea market in Anjuna was developed. This famous market displays a sample of products that come from all corners of the planet thanks to business travelers. The flea market is still a valuable source of income for many local entrepreneurs today.

In recent years, various Saturday night markets provide more business opportunities for local and foreign entrepreneurs. Although these foreigners are often branded as “hippies”, they enabled many Goans to make huge profits. However, they are often indiscriminately condemned in the media as drug dealers and hold a very low place in the public opinion of native Goans.

Fortunately, we found many morsels of brown meat that have taken on the color of the masala in our Goan sausage. Like these pieces, many people from different parts of India and the world have come to Goa, incorporated the local spice mix and added richness to its taste. Many times there is a big fuss in the media that Goa is losing its culture under all this foreign influx.

At this point one might ask: what culture to start with? The Hindu and Muslim culture that was present before the Portuguese? Like the Goan sausage, today’s culture is a mix of many ingredients that come from all over the world. Goa has melted these ingredients into a unique masala, which unfortunately does not last forever. Once incorporated into the sausage, the masala shares its 8-month shelf life.

So the culture of Goa, often praised but rarely explained, also remains a subject of change. Of course, it is easy to blame the parts of society, which stand out from the masala, for all the negative changes. The blame game is played around the world and does little to provide solutions to existing problems. What Goa needs are citizens who enjoy the masala mixture of the sausage. People exploring every bit of the ingredients that contribute to this traditional meal: the long list includes saltpeter and the ubiquitous feni.

Many people from around the world could contribute to making this state a better place. To analyze problems and contribute to their solutions it is not necessary to be born in Goa. The world is changing rapidly everywhere. Most of Goa’s problems are not unique to the country. Instead of cultivating xenophobic tendencies, Goa could benefit from experiences made in other parts of the world, brought here by internationally minded people.

Perhaps the time has come for Goans to embrace all the different parts of their diverse society. Without the blame game, much more time and energy would be available to address the real issues facing Goa. In the end, everyone would benefit from rolling up their sleeves and tackling issues that cannot be glossed over like ever-increasing mountains of garbage. One step towards a promising future for all the people living in Goa would be to join forces. Let’s hope Goan sausage is ready for a new recipe, just as delicious, but easier to digest.

Digital Marketing

How to play biblical baseball

Have you been to a baseball game lately? Nope? Then start your own game – Bible Baseball style!

Set up: You will need 4 bases: a home plate, a first base, a second base and a third base. You will also need a card from each of the following titles: home run, single, double, and triple. Lay out the bases on the ground in the shape of a baseball diamond and place the cards in a bucket.

How to play: Choose one child from each team. Decide who goes first. Give the child a Bible review question. If he/she guesses right, he/she now has a chance to draw a card from the cube. If they choose the single card, they move to first base, the double card moves them to second base, the triple card moves them to third base, and the Home Run card gives them an automatic home run. Put the chosen card back in the cube. At this point in the game, both teams have had their first players “at bat.”

The second child of the 1st team goes next and follows the same procedure. Whichever card she chooses will also advance any of her team members already in another base. For example, if a kid from Team A is on second base and another kid from Team A comes “at bat” and takes a double card, the first kid from Team A now goes to home plate and scores a run for his team while his teammate goes. to second base.

The team with the most home runs at the end of Bible review time wins.


Thinking of “Good Things” Christian Music for Life

Christian Radio For Life

God’s word tells us in Philippians to think of things that are “true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, wonderful, excellent, and praiseworthy.” These words barely describe radio (or television) today. A quick look at the moral wasteland that is radio today reveals that it is not a place that can be described in any of the aforementioned terms. I don’t think Jesus listens to most of what is broadcast today.

There is one exception: Christian radio. Christian Radio offers the perfect safe haven on the radio dial for you and your family. Christian radio has developed over the last decade to include various formats. No matter what your favorite style of music is, there is a Christian radio station that plays it.

My teenage daughter enjoys hard rock and even Hip Hop. Fortunately she doesn’t have to listen to secular radio to hear this kind of music. She listens online to a station that plays a Christian version of this music. The sound is the same: the lyrics are Christian, they promote Christian values ​​and they give me and my wife peace of mind. (Teenagers need to hear encouragement. It’s hard enough being a teenager and staying pure without the constant barrage modern society throws at you.)

My wife enjoys praise and worship. She is a fan of Chris Tomlin and Rita Springer. I enjoy coming home and hearing her sing her favorite songs, like “Holy is The Lord.” It is a blessing to know that her mind is thinking of this that you are “praiseworthy.” I can’t imagine coming home and hearing her sing a “Somebody Wrong Somebody” song with Willie and Waylon and the Boys. Oh!

I like everything. I enjoy Christian radio in all formats. I like Christian Rock bands like Reliant K and Switchfoot. I like to sing with the David Crowder Band and DecembeRadio. I’ve learned a lot from Christian radio with shows like “Point of View,” “Parent Talk On-Call,” and “Focus on the Family.” I especially enjoy southern gospel music and groups like the Crabb Family, Ernie Haase, and Signature Sound and the Perrys.

The next time you get in your car and turn on the radio, listen to what you’re listening to, really listen. Where is it taking you? Does it help you to think about things that are true and pure? Do the lyrics and commercials make you think of things that are honorable and correct? Does the announcer say things that are excellent and praiseworthy? If not, you need to find a good Christian radio station and stay there.

Health Fitness

21 Days to a Vacation Body: Look Amazing at the Beach

What is the Ideal Vacation Body?

If you look better in minimal clothes than covered up, you’ve achieved a great vacation body. This look is achieved with minimal body fat. Many people look great with their clothes on, but much less impressive in a bathing suit. It’s possible to have a lot of muscle and fill out a t-shirt, but if you can’t see your abs, then you won’t look your best in a bathing suit.

Getting a body on vacation will also make your face more attractive

A really good benefit of lowering your body fat percentage is that it also gives you a slimmer, square-jawed face. One of the reasons GQ and Abercrombie Models models reduce body fat is to make their faces more attractive. With women it emphasizes their cheekbones and gives them a model look. If you lose 10 to 15 pounds of body fat in your quest to achieve a vacation body, your face will definitely become more attractive.

The Simple 21-Day Program for a Vacation Body

Don’t let the simplicity fool you… this program works. Here it is in a nutshell.

1) Do at least 1 hour of cardio each day for the 21 days before your vacation

2) Make sure at least 20 minutes of this cardio workout is intense

3) Do not eat any calories for 4 hours before or 1 hour after your cardio workout

4) Calculate the ideal weight you are looking for and multiply it by 8. This number is the maximum number of calories you will consume each day.

5) Have a cup of coffee alone if you want extra energy for your workout

6) Do weights as much or as little as you want during these 21 days

Weightlifting comes second to cardio when looking for a vacation body

Since your focus is on losing body fat, you really don’t need to obsess about lifting heavy weights during this time. If you have the energy to hit the weights hard, go for it. If low calories and cardio are wearing you down, then skip weight lifting. Muscle tone is primarily a function of low body fat percentage. You will see very good muscle definition throughout your body if you reduce your body fat enough.

It’s not easy to have a body on vacation, but it’s simple!

I bet less than 1% of the population has ever exercised for at least an hour a day for 21 days straight. The way I see it is this… if you want to look better than 99% of people, then you’re going to have to outperform 99% of people. If you achieve this 21-day period, I guarantee you’ll be thrilled with the results. You’ll also gain the confidence that comes with knowing you’re more self-disciplined than 99% of the population.

Only 21 days for a vacation body… Time to do it!

Legal Law

Interview with “The Way Back Home” Executive Producer Ralph Clemente

For its East Coast premiere, “The Way Back Home” found its way back home. Written by and starring Central Florida native Michael H. King, filmed in the Sanford and Orlando areas, and produced by a majority Central Florida crew, “The Way Back Home” is part of a showcase of local films at the Festival Florida Film Festival 2006.

Executive producer Ralph Clemente decided to go ahead with production of this independent film even after one of its stars, Julie Harris, suffered a heart attack, a stroke and a serious car accident, one after another. In fact, Clemente had the script rewritten to suit the actress.

“I had worked with Julie Harris before on another movie, ‘The First of May,’ and knew she was an extremely talented actress,” he says. “Julie requested that we rewrite the character as someone who had survived a stroke. She hadn’t acted in a couple of years due to her health and had been in intense therapy ever since. Her assistant said making this movie with us was the best therapy you may have received.

The actress is the most honored artist in Tony history, with 10 nominations, five wins and a lifetime achievement award. In the film, Harris plays Jo McMillen, a doting grandmother, good friend to Maude (Ruby Dee), and owner of a beautiful home designated as a historic landmark. Almost a year after her stroke, her grandson Spencer Krane (King) comes to visit her from New York. Heavy emotional baggage accompanies him on the journey.

“We were lucky to have Ruby Dee and Julie Harris,” says Clemente. “The two ladies wanted to work together, so we got them both. It’s the first time they’ve worked together on film.”

He says that due to Harris’s medical condition, the crew often cared for her, sometimes even feeding her lines when she hesitated or stuttered. “She would turn to them and say, ‘I’m acting,'” says Clemente. “His performance of her was amazing; no wonder she’s a legend.”

Directing the film is another legend in the business, Reza Badiyi, 75, who was recognized by the Director’s Guild of America as having directed more hours of dramatic television (416) than anyone else in television history. His many directorial credits include “Baretta,” “Mission: Impossible,” “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” So it’s no surprise that “The Way Back Home” feels more like a made-for-TV family drama than an avant-garde indie movie.

Although Clemente admits that “the film will certainly appeal to those over 60,” the central story concerns the grandson’s escape from his big-city law job to a small town in Florida. After his grandmother’s illness and a family crisis with his Broadway actress wife, he returns home and is reunited with the grandmother who raised him.

“There are younger people in the cast and this should increase the appeal to a younger audience,” says Clemente. “He’s trying to get back to his roots and refresh his soul, although we don’t really find out why until later in the movie.”

King co-produced the film along with Paul Sirmons and Alan Lilly. Post-production specialist Oliver Peters worked on the many flashbacks that slowly reveal Spencer’s spiritual conflicts. Deezer D, Danny Nucci, Tessie Santiago, Robert Scott and Amy Landers appear as the simple people of a small town that he left behind, while Mina Badie plays his troubled wife, Faith.

Florida’s lush landscape, including tranquil lakes, lonely country roads, roaming alligators during mating season, late-afternoon thunderstorms, and native plants and flowers also play supporting roles in the film.

A joint effort between Back Home Productions, Inc. and Valencia Community College’s Film Production Technology program, “The Way Back Home” had teams of students working alongside experienced professionals.

“The director, producer, DP, art director, editor, script supervisor, gaffers and camera operators are all professionals,” according to Clemente, director of the university’s program. “Essentially, these people become free teachers for my students. There’s a tremendous learning opportunity there that money just can’t buy.”

Lifestyle Fashion

Things to do on the island on vacation

An island is any smaller area of ​​land that is surrounded on all sides by water. It is a place where you can spend quality time with your family and friends under nature. It is the perfect choice for your vacation when you are looking for a family trip, a romantic getaway or a vacation in nature.

An island is popular for its incredible view and pleasant weather conditions. It offers all the modern conveniences that a person strives for during their vacation. One can find a variety of comfortable places to stay like hotels, inns, private guest cabins, etc. In the area

Things you can do while on an island

An island offers various fun activities and diversions both outside and on the beach. One can happily spend their quality time getting involved in various activities.

— Nature walks

There are water bikes and Segways for rent for people who love adventures. One can enjoy tours on the beach of the island while having fun with water sports. Go out with your partner to have the view of the island in water vehicles and make your vacation much more exciting.

— Relaxing beaches

Not everyone wants those adventure activities. For all the lazy people, they have beach mats and chairs to relax on while sunbathing in an amazing view. After that, have lunch and dinner in the elegant restaurants that are there to serve you right on the beach.

— Excursions off the beach

In addition to the beach, you can take a tour of the place and explore it with the rental scooters and bicycles. Going shopping is one of the options that women can go to. The place would have many beautiful shops and galleries filled with unique and vintage things. Remember, there is not a group of malls, but there are beautiful stores to do your shopping properly.


For people who want some kind of activities that are similar to their usual life, they can go to golf, tennis, badminton, cinema, etc. The popular island offers these kinds of activities. Also, if you don’t want to leave your hotels, you can try these activities in your hotels only without leaving.

In general, there is something to satisfy everyone and there is the assurance that you will not be able to avoid visiting an island again and will create beautiful memories for a lifetime.

Make a plan with your busy schedules and offices and visit some island. Pamper yourself and spend the best time of your life with your partner, family and friends on an island.

Remember that you will not get these types of activities on a desert island. On a desert island, you will have to explore things yourself without help. But, if you don’t want to do any experiments, the popular islands are the best option for you, where you can get all the comforts while having fun.


Tips for lockdown dance tutorial

To get the most out of the blocking tutorials you learn, the first step is to follow the tutorial thoroughly and learn how to do the move. It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure that out!

After you have done this, the next thing to do is work the movement thoroughly so that you can do it easily. This is the step that most people miss when learning is blocked.

You really don’t want to be in the situation where you’re making the move, and you have to think for a long time about how to make the move. That is unless you block the movement while you are thinking because then you are still blocking, in fact the blocking occurred in a similar way!

When you learn a movement thoroughly, you feel much more comfortable doing it. Once you can move from one part of the movement to another and can do it easily, start repeating it several times in a row.

If it’s an exhaustive movement, take breaks after several repetition eights before starting again, if not, you can continue for a few minutes. For example, when doing simple claps or blocks, you can repeat the moves for a longer time because they are quite easy to do.

Once you’re comfortable with the movements themselves, you should be comfortable linking them to other movements. If you don’t do this, when you start to lock out, it will feel like you’re doing an exercise if you do the same movement over and over for five minutes.

Start working it in conjunction with other moves you know and try to figure out how you would get out of one move and start the next. So you start dancing instead of doing individual movements.

After you can put together moves, it’s important to start using your own ideas as well. Design the moves however you like and even add steps as you dance. Remember that the moves are just a place to start, go from there and start trying different things!

Real Estate

How to sell real estate wholesale and get fast cash

Of all the ways to make money in real estate investing, wholesale and honestly is one of my favorites, personally. It’s the strategy we used to avoid financial disaster in 2001, when the events of 9/11 caused my aviation business to collapse.

Wholesaling is when you gain control of a property and assign your interests to another investor at a marked price. And if it seems like I’ve chosen my words very carefully, you’re right!

Two things you MUST know before proceeding:

1 – It is a well-established principle of contract law that ANY party can assign a contract, unless the contract itself says otherwise. There is a lot of confusion in the market about this; Often the source of the confusion is well-intentioned, but real estate agents and brokers are misinformed. Again, YOU MAY assign any contract (assuming you are a valid part of the contract) unless the contract says otherwise;

2 – Anyone can sell their property without a real estate license. Ok, so what is property? Property is anything tangible in which you have any ownership interest, including a fully ratified contract of sale.

Ok, so before I get in trouble for practicing law, understand this, what I just said, and I will continue to emphasize, is that it is about BUSINESS Advice, specifically in the area of ​​real estate investment. NOT legal advice. If there is anything I have written that is confusing, or if you are not quite sure, you should talk to YOUR attorney and get his or her approval before proceeding.

And since everyone has a “prepaid” legal attorney, or attorney available to them, then this won’t be a problem. Folks, Dudettes, if you’re investing in something, or if you live in the US, you need a lawyer. Someone to look over their shoulder. If you refuse to have a team of advisers, including a lawyer, you really need to turn off the computer right now and go back to rewatching Gilligan’s Island because you’ll never get rich with a DIY (not yourself) mentality.

We continue…
So selling wholesale is the act of obtaining property under agreement (contract, letter of intent, memorandum of understanding) and then assigning your interests to another investor. This is the theory, for the actual mechanics of how it works you will spend a little more time than just reading a blog post. Something to ask now when you attend the next REIA meeting or the National Conference of Real Estate Investors.

Wholesale is great because it works in ANY market.

When you have low interest rates, as we’ve seen in the last three years, and most of the “end buyers” are rehabbers and first-time homeowners, you can sell them wholesale. And when you enter a higher interest rate environment (like now) and “buy/hold” investors start to return to the market, you can wholesale your deals to this group.

However, what I like most about Wholesale is that it GIVES YOU AN EXCUSE! That is an excuse to meet more experienced investors. How? By accepting wholesale deals with them and in exchange for doing so, you get to know what they know.

Unfortunately, there is not enough space here to go into all the details of advanced wholesale strategies, but I will come back to this in future posts. What I want to touch on now is the need to stop confusing Wholesale with “Flipping”: they are not the same. Or, more accurately, they don’t mean the same thing in all circles.
The term “Flipping” comes from the world of commercial real estate, where wholesale deals happen ALL THE TIME.

On any given day in Washington, DC, or Baltimore, or any major city in the United States, smart and astute investors are putting small pieces of property up for contract (and making millions) with no interest in closing the deals themselves. These street-savvy investors intend to take their contracts and assign them to investment groups with much deeper pockets that are in the process of “assembling” a city block to build a huge office building.

Larger investors often encourage smaller investors to do this because if the property owner really knew that XYZ Corp wants their property, the price would quadruple. A few years ago, the term “flip” crept into the language of people who do single-family businesses. “Flipping” originally meant “flipping” the contract.

However, nowadays “Flipping” means many things, including “going to jail”. HEY???
Yes, in 2003, the Federal Government (HUD) issued a ruling that broadly described “Flipping” as illegal. This ruling has to do with collusion and other bad things that resulted in several mortgages (which were government insured) going into default. This HUD decision has absolutely NOTHING to do with wholesale, but most people don’t care about the details. They hear the words “illegal” and “flip” in the same sentence and go no further.

In addition to the HUD ruling, HGTV began producing a television show called “…Flipping…”. Once again, this show has nothing to do with wholesale. On the HGTV show (which is a knockoff of a British show called Property Ladder), contestants buy, rehab, and then sell houses. If you’ve ever seen this show, you’ll know that it’s probably something you never want to do, unless you want to empty your savings account and end up in divorce court.

Unfortunately, whether it’s a federal ruling or a television show, the term “Flipping” has come to mean different things to different people. So it’s probably best not to use the term at all.
Wholesale will make you money. Flipping may or may not cause you problems, depending on the type of flipping you’re doing.

Once again, in a future article (after I discuss the other strategies) we will come back and discuss the various ways to make money selling wholesale. For now, understand this: wholesale works in ALL real estate markets, regardless of interest rates or the economy.

Shopping Product Reviews

Digital Marketing Planning Process for Beginners

This article focuses on formulating a digital marketing strategy and implementing a digital marketing plan for a company.

In this digital age, businesses cannot afford not to have a digital marketing plan as technology increasingly influences our business and social lives. In fact, a business without a digital marketing plan is a business that plans to fail.

Frankly, some business owners are still struggling to understand the necessity of having a digital marketing plan for their business. However, the case is quite different for other business owners who already have a digital marketing strategy but are unhappy and frustrated with the results, which are far below their expectations.

Digital Marketing Planning Process

Whether you have developed a digital marketing plan that is currently active or have developed a digital marketing plan that is not yet active or are in the process of developing a digital marketing plan for your business, follow the process outlined below. below to help your business. grow and succeed online. This process has proven to be very successful for many companies. With that said, it is very important that the process is followed judiciously in others for positive results.

You are just a sentence away from successfully growing your business online.

Establish a web presence

Having a website, blog, or social media page, or listing your business on local business directory websites are some of the ways you can establish a web presence. These days, businesses take advantage of these channels to increase their web presence. Without a doubt, it is highly recommended to have these digital marketing assets in your arsenal to increase your search visibility. You want to make sure that you use every possible channel to boost your online presence. The more your business is established online, the better.

domain name registration

When choosing a domain name for your business, you need to make sure that your domain name contains keywords relevant to your niche and city, not just your business name. For example, if you offer plumbing services in Toronto, the ideal domain name would be

content creation

After choosing your domain name, the next step is to develop great content for your website, content that will attract qualified leads (prospects that would end up converting), the ideal way to develop great content is to first do some research. on niche keywords and include these keywords in all your text, especially in the headers/subheads, title and meta description on your web pages. Also, it is good practice to add your business location in the areas mentioned above. Keep in mind that it takes quite a bit of time to rank for your niche keywords – it’s not as simple as ABC. It’s a good idea to hire a content developer if you don’t have the technical expertise to create engaging content:

Content is king!

Optimization of your website

As soon as you have your content ready, the next thing you need to do is hire a professional website developer who is also an expert in (On-Page Search Engine Optimization and Off-Page SEO), to develop a user and a high converting mobile device. website for your business. Notice how I put an emphasis on “user” and mobile compatibility – you want to make sure your website has a good user experience, humans are said to have a short attention span of about seven seconds, in other words you have seven seconds. to capture the attention of your website visitors. That said, it is cheaper to hire a professional website developer with SEO skills than it is to hire a separate website developer and SEO specialist. If you want to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs), then make sure your website is fully optimized (on-page and off-page) for search engines. A fully optimized website has a 90% chance of appearing in the SERPs.

What is SEO on page and off page? In a layman’s terminology, on-page SEO is when a website understands and speaks the language of the search algorithm and off-page SEO is when other websites send signals (via votes) to search engines. that your website has credibility. As soon as your other websites start sending positive signals to search engines about your website, chances are your website will show up in the SERPs.

Check Your Website Performance Online and Website SEO When your website is ready to go, there are free online tools you can use to check your website performance and SEO. Be sure to track and resolve any issues with your website, especially issues like: loading time of your landing pages, browser caching issues, header, alternate tags, etc. I cannot stress enough the importance of having your website fully optimized for search engines.

link building

You have chosen a suitable domain, created a high converting website with great content and your website is fully optimized, at this point you should start building links. Link building is a technique used in (off page SEO). It is a process by which you obtain authoritative external web pages, link to your web pages. The following are some of the ways you can build links: submit your website to business directory websites (citations), create social media accounts, and distribute content through social media platforms and other websites with high authority, optimize press releases, social bookmarking, etc. . These efforts are geared toward acquiring “link juice,” which increases your website’s authority (assuming the links are quality backlinks). Outreach (link building) is a pretty daunting task. You’re better off assigning the task to your website developer, unless you’re comfortable doing it yourself. Also, list your business on Google my business and Bing place for business and make sure it’s optimized.

Search engine marketing and social networks

At this stage, creating a Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign on Google AdWords and Facebook is certainly a smart way to strengthen your online marketing campaigns. It is essential to explore means of driving quality traffic to your website, this would help improve your search engine ranking (if done correctly). You can start with an advertising budget as low as $50 per month if you’re on a tight budget. Trust me, it’s worth every penny, because as you drive quality traffic to your website for your “focus keywords,” your keyword quality score improves, and if done consistently, you’ll likely your web pages rank high in search engines. Anyway, creating an ad is one aspect of it, optimizing the ad copy is another aspect that is very important. You want to make sure your target keywords are relevant to your target web pages. If your focus keywords are not relevant to the target web pages, search engines i.e. Google will block your website as a result. In short, avoid attracting visitors who would end up bouncing off your website, which is why you need to create relevant ads. I can’t stress enough the importance of creating relevant ads. Also, use social media platforms to promote your business. Create a Facebook ad to promote your business web pages. The amount of time people spend on social media platforms these days is overwhelming, so use this medium as an opportunity to grow your business.

Google search console

Sign in to the Google Search Console and get familiar with the basics. Follow the instructions on how to improve your search presence. If this is too technical for you, ask your website developer or digital marketer to help you set it up. This tool will not only give you insight into how your site is performing, but it will also guide you on how to resolve any issues that may be affecting your website’s performance.

google analytics

Sign in to Google Analytics and follow the setup process. This tool would help you track important metrics like conversion, customer engagement, page views, etc. You can monitor the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns, the contents on your websites, and the user experience with this tool. Basically you want to know what areas you need to improve on, once you identify the areas you can apply a solution.

final thoughts

Don’t be overwhelmed by the process outlined above, remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Get started now, apply this results-based digital marketing plan to your business, be consistent and follow the process judiciously. I guarantee that your business will grow and be successful online.

My best wishes!