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Is your spouse caught up in an emotional affair?

Something didn’t feel quite right in the marriage, so fearing the worst, John checked his wife’s phone. He felt very embarrassed about doing this, but he was concerned about the amount of text messages she received at night and on weekends. He was pretty sure the text increase had nothing to do with work, because she would have said. When he checked the messages, he found that the same boy’s name was repeated over and over again. Fearing the worst, he read some of the messages and it was as he feared, his wife was having an affair. When he confronted her, she tried to draw attention away from her by accusing him of invading her privacy. After which she simply burst into tears. The boy she was having an affair with listened to her, something John probably hadn’t done in a long time. She swore to John that there had been nothing physical, he didn’t know what to think. He was clear from his messages that his friend was showing little more than friendly interest.

Now, John isn’t the first and won’t be the last suspicious spouse to check his partners’ messages, in whatever form they come. And that’s it, with the way technology continues to develop, it has become much easier for a spouse to cheat. Just because it’s easy to have an affair, doesn’t make it right.

Once you discover that your husband or wife has crossed the line from being friends with someone to something more, you will be the victim of a variety of reactions. You may feel guilty because you went behind your spouse’s back and invaded their privacy. Despite what you’ve discovered, it’s natural to feel bad about breaking your bond of trust. A melancholic sadness because your spouse no longer feels that he can be close to you and that he has found someone with whom it is easier to share his life. Anger is a natural emotion for you to experience. Your spouse has betrayed you, if you have children then they have betrayed your family. The fact that your spouse has gone looking for someone else indicates that your marriage is in trouble. Instead of facing those problems together, your spouse would rather spend her time and energy making a different relationship work. Anger is understandable, but it’s vital that you don’t let it get the best of you. You feel abandoned, that your spouse has turned his back on you and no longer has any genuine interest in you or your family. They will follow the movements, what did the children do today, what is there to eat, what is on television, but there is no longer any meaningful connection. Your spouse may have turned you around. To justify themselves, they accuse you of spying on them, after which you can’t do anything and are constantly on the defensive.

In this article, I hope to help you understand that extramarital affair and how it relates to the state of your marriage.

If your spouse is in an intensely personal relationship with someone, chances are that relationship has crossed boundaries and turned into an emotional affair. When her spouse denies her the emotional intimacy that is her right and lavishes it on someone else, then her marriage becomes less intimate and connected. To enjoy a loving and satisfying marriage, you must be able to share your life with your spouse, you must be able to open up where she is vulnerable. Doing that with someone other than her spouse means that she is developing an emotional connection with that person.

Most people, when caught, will argue. They will go on the offensive demanding to know why they cannot have a partner of the opposite sex. If the victim is particularly vulnerable, she might even end up agreeing with her spouse. Marriage is the result of an ongoing emotional connection that, if successful, will continue to develop and enrich your lives. They made vows that no matter what, they would share their lives together. If one of the spouses, for whatever reason, seeks emotional or sexual gratification outside of marriage, then he is not only cheating on her marriage relationship, he has set himself in the path of what is a meaningless existence. .

Many people struggle to understand the breakup of their relationship. To help you understand whether or not your spouse is caught up in an emotional affair, you should ask yourself the following. To what extent is this additional relationship hidden from you or painfully obvious to you? Does your spouse notify you when someone has texted you? They may be able to tell who the message was from, that the friend really understands and listens to them, and then reads the message back to you. Okay, it’s unlikely, but it’s possible. Another indication is if your spouse feels special with her friend, but not with you. As a married couple, they must be the best of friends, they must share everything. If you are committed to your marriage, then it is inconceivable that another person could hold a more special place in your heart.

In almost all cases, the cheater knows that what they are doing is wrong. If someone is carrying out a marital affair, there will always be a feeling that it is wrong, which is why they go to such lengths to hide the truth. When you find out what’s going on, all too often the cheater will try to justify themselves by painting you as the villain. One thing you will probably struggle with is coming to terms with the question: is your spouse in a physical relationship with the other person? There is no way you can tell if the relationship has become physical unless the cheater tells you. If you look at the trouble your spouse had in hiding the affair, anything is possible.

Obviously, I can’t say whether or not your spouse has consummated their affair. What I can do is point out that your marriage is most likely going through a breakdown of intimacy, this gives you a starting point to focus your attention. Hopefully, your spouse will come clean and admit to at least having an emotional affair. Having admitted guilt, you no longer have to fight over what happened, now you can see what happens next. Repairing your marriage bond and rebuilding intimacy again won’t be easy, but following these steps will help.

The first step is to examine your emotional connection. Whether emotional, sexual, or whatever, there is never an excuse for a spouse to cheat on their marriage. Obviously, the victim will want to know why it happened. Once she knows why it happened, she can take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. However, trying to find a clear answer to why a spouse has gone astray is never easy. Basically, it happened because a spouse made the decision, of his own volition, to have an affair. It could even be that they were in the wrong place at the right time, the opportunity presented itself and they took advantage of it. Unless it was spontaneous, the cheater has usually developed feelings of dissatisfaction with the marriage. Instead of talking to them, they have held them back and let them poison their feelings for you and the marriage. In order to fuel their dissatisfaction and resentment, the cheater may, unknowingly or unknowingly, make arguments or facts that justify their case to continue cheating.

Take a look at your own relationship. Is everything as it should or can you see signs of neglect? Do you still have meaningful communication with your spouse on a daily basis, or are you just drifting apart leading separate lives? By taking an honest assessment of your marriage, you should be able to find ways you can communicate more, or ways you can remind your partner why she fell in love with them. They both have to work to build their relationship, one person. they cannot do it on their own, if that has been the case, then there will be areas where their connection to each other has frayed.

Step two is where you need to be able to understand types of communication, and I don’t mean just talking.

While talking is important, there is much more to the art of communication. In addition to verbal communication, there is also non-verbal communication. Both verbal and non-verbal communication contribute to the development and deepening of intimacy between you. For example, non-verbal communication could just be time spent together, maybe watching TV, it could be flirting with your partner when you’re out to dinner, or it could be something as simple as giving them a card to let them know. how much they mean to you. If you really want to save your marriage, you will have to work on your communication.

Communication unites the two, when they do not communicate, then there is no connection. So work on that communication link, use both verbal and nonverbal communication, and find ways to bond on a more intimate level. When was the last time you went for a walk together, when was the last time you sat together and watched the world go by, when was the last time you held hands, when was the last time you said: I love you ? It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you keep doing it. Be careful though, if you start doing things like this, you will begin to enjoy being in the company of others again.

If your verbal communication has reached the stage where you are basically two strangers sharing a home, then you need to start introducing new topics. It could be something you heard on the new or maybe something you’d like the two of you to do together. Draw your spouse into the conversation by getting them to talk more about their work and their hopes for advancement. If you haven’t really talked in a while, this could be a bit adventurous, but you could talk about your hopes and dreams for your marriage. If you haven’t spoken in a while, it will probably take some time to get used to a more intimate form of communication. As long as you keep working at it, it will happen, and when it does, your intimacy will deepen and your marriage will be enriched. Your spouse may not want to communicate on that level so work on them, it may take time but they will get there.

Why not work on some of the non-verbal communication techniques I mentioned earlier? Why not commit to finding a new way to communicate with your spouse, say at least once a week? Here are the steps you need to take to achieve a deeper emotional connection. Of course, communication isn’t the only element you need to work on to improve intimacy in your marriage. You have a lot more relationship work ahead of you as you work to move your marriage forward and put your spouse’s emotional affair firmly in the past.

Tours Travel

How To Make Sex Last Longer (Rock Your World All Night With These “Super” Plateau Tricks)

Truth be told, due to the nature of men, including you, sex can end almost as quickly as it begins due to a lack of control of the stages of arousal, specifically the plateau stage. If you’re looking for ways to make sex last longer, you need to learn how to identify and then control the stages of arousal.

The inability to control the stages of arousal means that most men, and most likely you if you’re reading this, will experience premature ejaculation on a constant basis, sometimes just seconds after penetration. Many men give up on sex thinking there’s nothing they can do to end the humiliation and embarrassment, but I’m here to tell you that you can do something about it. Let’s keep reading…

Mother nature designed you to climax quickly

I’m serious when I say this. You see it in all animal species. The act of reproduction is meant for reproductive purposes, so in order to keep things efficient, Mother Nature made it take little time to get the job done. Unfortunately for men, it takes the average woman 15 minutes to climax and the average man takes 7 minutes. This causes the problem.

The 4 stages of arousal

Basically every man goes through 4 stages of arousal when it comes to ejaculation. The arousal stage is when the man sees pictures of naked women, his naked lover, or anything else that he might start to turn on.

The Plateau stage is where there is stimulation through touch, oral action, or intercourse that causes stimulation to the member.

The orgasm stage is when the man actually climaxes.

The resolution stage is the moment right after orgasm when the man begins to calm down and everything relaxes.

Obviously, the man’s ability to stay within the plateau stage will determine how long he can sustain intercourse before ejaculation. He must be able to recognize when he is just before the “point of no return” and then use techniques to lower his arousal levels so that he can sustain himself for a longer period of time.

2 tricks to extend the plateau stage

  1. Be sure to use a slow thrusting motion and try to go only 2-3 inches deep, as this is a woman’s most sensitive spot inside the vagina anyway. Most men want to speed up the thrusting and go as deep as possible, which causes too much stimulation and quickly ends the game. Start slowly and then increase the speed a bit until you feel yourself getting too excited. Then slow down again until your arousal subsides.
  2. Try to keep the woman’s legs as wide as possible during intercourse to take unnecessary pressure off the head of the penis. When her legs are together, she can forcefully contract her vaginal muscles, causing excessive stimulation. When her legs are apart, she can’t contract as much.

Use the tips above if you want to know how to make sex last longer. I promise you that with some time and practice you will be able to master your arousal stages and you will be able to last as long as you want.


Part II: Managers, are you still making tough decisions?

part 2 of 2

Not all difficult decisions are negative. Some positive and fun decisions are also hard to make. Having a reproducible process for making decisions increases your chances of consistently making the right decisions.

In the sales business, you constantly make decisions from the moment you wake up and set daily goals and priorities to the moment you set an agenda for the next day. Who do you spend your precious time with today? What strategy do you use with each client? Does this last phone call warrant your immediate attention, or does it postpone attention until your prospecting objectives are met? Who do you have a face-to-face date with today and what clothes are the most suitable for such dates? Etc etc. etc…

In part one, we discuss three decision-making tools to augment the process you use to make the decisions you can comfortably live with. In the second part I will add two more theories that you can add to your repertoire.

Get in touch with your intuitive self

Many of us have met people who naturally have a strong intuitive side, and it seems that these people can come up with the best ideas and the most creative solutions with ease. You, on the other hand, may have to rely on your logical and analytical talents and information gathering skills to arrive at decisions you are comfortable with. There are ways to become more intuitive:

1. Gather as much information as you can

Especially if it’s an area you’re not very familiar with. Be careful with selective information. Get information from those closest to the problem. Be sure to take into account your own selective reporting biases.

2. Give yourself permission to brainstorm

Too often, we don’t allow ourselves to “fly” to come up with outrageous scenarios in the hope of finding a solution. This is especially evident in group decision making, where each member of the group is reluctant to bring new ideas to the table. Change the ground rules and tell everyone that it’s okay to work “from scratch,” even if those ideas haven’t been thought of.

3. Know the difference between left brain and right brain thinking

The left side of the brain is logically oriented and the right side is the creative and intuitive problem solver. When people say to you “This decision seems right to me”, consciously or not, they have allowed their right brain to work on the problem. What normally happens in group decision making is that everyone focuses on left-brain thinking. People pass spreadsheets, market analysis, and other left-brain material, and each member of the group begins to work left-brain style. But when the left brain is working, the right brain shuts down. Add stress to the mix and your right brain won’t have a chance to surface.

4. More information on “Information”

Have you ever noticed that when you stop working on something and come back to it later, you get a better solution? This process is also known as the Insight process, those “Aha’s”, or moments you’ve had where suddenly everything becomes crystal clear. One way to help this process is to change your physical environment. Instead of sitting at your desk and letting your left brain take over, move to a different place. Driving in your car may work for you. Or maybe you’ve noticed that more ideas come to you in the shower. Everyone comes up with real winners during the holidays, when you can feel the sand between your toes and hear the roar of the waves. Air travel is also a source of right-brain activity for some people. Have you seen the US Air TV commercial where a night sky is filled with hundreds of light bulbs? Another way to facilitate the Insight process without getting up from your seat in your office is to simply close the door, close your eyes, and take five slow, deep breaths. This will change your mindset immediately, helping your left brain calm down and allowing your right brain to take over.

5. Put mother nature to work for you!

Most of us have had wild ideas that come to us just before we fall asleep, just before we wake up, and certainly during our dreams. Mother Nature makes sure that we turn off our bodies every day of our lives. It is at those times of the night and early morning that our right brain has free reign over our entire mind. She captures those thoughts. Write them down or tape them immediately after experiencing them… even if she doesn’t know what to do with the thought, because those thoughts are slippery little ones that are hard to remember even minutes after we think them. She will be surprised at how much more creative she will become by making this process a routine.

Check your original premise

Work with solutions and choose the best one. If you have the luxury, sit with that solution overnight or for a couple of days. Then go back and review your original premise. Take a look at what you were originally trying to achieve. If your choice still feels correct and makes logical sense, without any modification, then it is the correct decision.

I hope this makes your decision-making process more enjoyable the next time you’re faced with an important one.