
Tips on how to win consistently when betting on soccer

Even if you win 55% of your bets, you will come out ahead consistently. However, this is easier said than done and involves more than just reading and checking injury reports. If Paul the octopus selected all the winners of the recent soccer World Cup, picking the winning soccer teams should be just as easy, right? Wrong. If it were that easy, a lot of people would be making money and sportsbooks would have to close. If winning at soccer betting involves some knowledge, some strategy and, let’s face it, a bit of luck, it’s because the bookmakers set very strict lines for the games. However, if you keep the following tips in mind, you should improve your chances of winning.

Bet as soon as you can. Many of the sportsbooks post their lines as soon as they can and some offshore bookmakers do so on Sunday afternoon for the following week’s games. If you find a game and odds you like, make sure there are no serious injury issues for the team you pick. Bookmakers are not perfect and they can make mistakes when setting the line. Jump early before the high stakes kill the bugs.

Focus on a few teams. Because knowledge is important, by concentrating on just a few teams you can accumulate a substantial amount of knowledge that you can use to place your bets. Also limit your bets to just a few games every Sunday.

Avoid heavy favorites. The crowd loves favorites and will be quick to bet on them. However, they are not good options if you want to maintain your 55% winning bet average. Even if you win a few, the payouts will be small. The best strategy is to bet on the short-term underdogs because when you win, you usually win more than you staked.

Use totals judiciously. Totals set earlier in the week are generally based on fair weather predictions. In late-season games, rain or snow sometimes affects the score, and a strong wind almost always keeps the score low. In these conditions, you would do well to bet the Under

Classification of use of yards per play. One method of evaluating teams is to look at offensive yards gained per play and defensive yards given away per play. Teams that win more than they lose end up winning more games. Statistics are readily available and you can calculate the difference with a positive difference as an advantage. The general rule of thumb for calculating a point distribution from yardage differential is that every 0.15 yards is worth one point. A difference of 0.60 yards between the two teams is worth four points. As with all betting tools, use your other data and information to confirm your findings.

Don’t avoid pranksters. There is a common perception that teasers are scams and therefore best avoided. Under certain circumstances, an NFL cash-in that is a two-game accumulator may make sense.

Pay attention to injury reports. Read injury reports carefully to determine what difference it will make to the performance of your chosen team. Don’t just look at the key players because every guy on the team has to perform at his best.

Tours Travel

Fabulous! Carnival in Venice

Around 1985, I saw a photo of Venice during the Carnival (Carnevale), which included the masked and costumed revelers, it has been in my “top 10visiting list ever since.

What I don’t like about this event:

  • The beautiful city of Venice
  • A great party of 10 days in the streets
  • fantastic costumes
  • Italian food

carnival (Carnival) is the annual event in Venice during the ten days leading up to Lent, the last night being Shrove Tuesday in which there are several important balls. Of course, this is not just a Venetian tradition; Think of Mardi Gras in Rio or Trinidad during the same time of year, but my interest in fancy masquerade balls and beautiful costumes is far greater than seeing dancers in floss bikinis. The origin of the word carnevale is Latin (carnem levare or carnelevarium) and suggests a “farewell to meat”, which was traditionally renounced in the weeks of abnegation, during the period of Lent.

The history of masks and masquerade dates back to Roman times, there are records of the festival dating back to 1162. The Romans celebrated the first part of the year with a fertility festival where all levels of society including Slaves wore masks. . The Carnevale di Venezia enjoyed a long period of infamy and notoriety during the 17th century, right up to the time of Napoleon’s conquest in 1797. At the height of this event, the festival began on December 26 and ended sometime in the spring. This period of gambling and partying coincided with the loss of prominence and wealth in the region, as the centers of power in Holland and Great Britain expanded their commercial reach. The celebration continued to decline and was actually banned by Mussolini in 1930. A group of Venetians and lovers of Venice restarted the tradition in 1979.

Today the Carnival it is limited to the period of ten days before Lent and is a huge tourist attraction. The city is very busy, hotels are expensive, restaurants are full, and the streets are sometimes just jammed. There are websites and tour groups entirely dedicated to the event. The range of party events caters to the rich and sophisticated (dance and music), families with children (chocolate and puppetry), and the college crowd (bar crawls).

You can choose to participate in the carnival celebrations in various ways depending on your tastes, energy level and budget. You can simply walk the streets or sit in a cafe and watch the amazing costumed characters that roam the streets. Spend some time in Piazzo San Marco, there are all kinds of special performances during the day and night. Choose to paint your face and have fun. Or you can buy tickets to any number of events, ranging from very affordable to very expensive.

We booked two nights in a great hotel just off Piazza San Marco. The arrival in Venice was actually easier than anticipated; there is plenty of signage, large car parks, and a central arrival point for the water transit system. Tea vaporetti (water buses) are very efficient, there are multiple routes and destinations available, at a minimum, every visitor will end up in #1 or #2 at some point, cruising the Grand Canal and Canale delle Giudecca (respectively). Buy an unlimited multi-day ticket; you will end up using the system.

Venice at any time of the year is beautiful; there are endless museums, galleries, and historic buildings to engage with all kinds of interests. Two things I would highly recommend;

  1. A visit to the island of Murano where the glass factories are located. You can take the “scenic” boat tour we did by mistake and actually see all the islands or go straight. In any case, Murano is full of glass and restaurants and is a nice break from the crowds of Venice.
  2. The Secret Itineraries Tour of the Doge’s Palace. This tour is something beyond the normal tour and it’s really fun!
Arts Entertainments

First Argentina and now the EU – Who will be next?

To be realistic, we must recognize that the growth rate of the federal government has been accelerating and continues to accelerate under the current administration, while at the same time, the private sector continues to shrink. So the real question is “How will the government sustain itself?”

The logical solution would be for the government to do what we should all do, and that is learn to live within our means. Realistically, the government (ie most politicians) will never support such an approach for multiple reasons, including getting enough votes to secure re-election. Also frustrating this approach is the fact that US debt is becoming less attractive to foreign buyers (Source: Washington Post, April 7, 2010). So the only alternatives seem to be:

1. Print more money,
2. Generate more revenue by raising taxes, or
3. Discover new ways to access OUR assets.

Just to put the factual background, let’s go over what happened in Argentina. In 1902, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world. At the time, the United States was the only country close to Argentina in terms of being the second most powerful economy in the world. Both countries were behind Great Britain.

In 1916, a new president was elected. The campaign appealed to the middle class and was based on “fundamental change.” The changes that were implemented included: “mandatory pensions, mandatory health care, and support for affordable housing…. to stimulate the economy.” These programs resulted in two important changes: (1) the government assumed more control over the economy, and (2) new taxes were assessed to finance the government’s efforts. Not surprisingly, after some time government payments exceeded taxpayer contributions.

Do you think this is starting to sound a lot like US entitlement programs, specifically Social Security and Medicare? If you’re still not worried, read on!

The situation in Argentina only got worse under the Perón administration when the target of all the rhetoric was first focused on the “rich” and then broadened to include the “middle class”. Under the Juan Perón administration, the government expanded rapidly, unions grew, and social spending accelerated geometrically. Long after Perón’s departure, the government continued to spend far more than it could afford, resulting in “hyperinflation” in 1989.

For 1994, the net result of all new income taxes, taxes on the rich, value added taxes, etc. totally crushed the private sector. In 2002, Argentina was experiencing an economic collapse much like the Great Depression in the United States.

In short, in a period of 100 years, Argentina went from the number two position in the world to a state of extreme poverty in which it could not meet its debt obligations.

Just think what would happen if the United States follows the same path as Argentina. As the Heritage Foundation reported on October 31, 2008, the president of Argentina “announced that she would go ahead with her plan to seize the nation’s private pension funds… the seizure of the funds is necessary to protect Argentines.” of the global market crisis. But most observers believe the real motive is to use the $30 billion in seized assets to relieve the massive debt obligations his… government has racked up.”

If our government took the same approach, perhaps more subtly, IRAs alone would provide access to around $4 trillion. Just think of how many new government spending programs, new czars, and new agencies that kind of money could support!

I must say that asset seizure is probably beyond the realm of probability in the US. Retirement asset seizure probably won’t happen, but it could end OUR freedom of choice regarding retirement savings, one bite at a time.

Consider the following:

1. The New York Times recently acknowledged that Social Security has already begun “paying out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, a major threshold not expected to be crossed until 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office.” .
2. The US Treasury has begun submitting proposals to provide various incentives to divert money to “government-approved investments.”
3. Based on a study finding that most Americans have saved too little for retirement to supplement their Social Security benefits, there are proponents in the current administration who propose forcing workers to save 5 percent of your income. Maybe not such a bad idea, except that it is further proposed that these savings go directly into a government-run “Guaranteed Retirement Account.” The net result of this proposal would be to leave you with less to control through an IRA. Also, you have to ask yourself: What would protect this account from ending up in exactly the same condition as Social Security?

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that there is a bad wind that takes us all down the same path as Argentina. Keep your eyes open! Keep an eye out for the first step which will likely be naming the US Government Retirement Czar!

As an additional thought, if you can’t relate to Argentina’s history, take a close look at the growth of social programs in the European Union over the last 60 years, and see where they are today!

The timeline for failure seems to be getting shorter: Argentina took 100 years; it only took the EU 60 years. How quickly will the next country fail financially, and more importantly, could it be us?


Latest trends in the iOS Arena

Apple claims to be the trendsetter in the field of technology! Whatever Apple puts into practice becomes the benchmark for others to measure up to. It’s no surprise that Apple’s audience reach is continually expanding. That also means that the competition in iOS app development lately has been huge. In this article, we will take a look at the most promising developments in the iPhone field.

Fast to get even faster…

Swift really is Apple’s way of saying that now we’re going to speed up a little bit. Swift has its own set of frameworks and methodologies that are designed to be much more flexible and easy to use compared to its predecessor Objective-C. This has greatly facilitated the iOS app development process. Developers around the world hadn’t even come to terms with all of Swift’s great features that Apple had another surprise in store for them. Swift 2 recently emerged as a new coding language. It is a step up from the previous Swift 2. We can be sure of one thing, Swift 2 would not be the last technological advance we have seen from Apple.

Location tracking needs something

Modern companies want to have all the information about their clients and also about the potential clients who show interest in their services. Tracking your geographic location is highly relevant if the company needs to find out more about your nature and inclinations. Apple relies on its iBeacon technology to do that job. But it is well known that iBeacons consume a lot of battery power and also require a lot of data. Apple would surely be aware of that and we’re hoping that iBeacons technology will see some kind of facelift or a healthy introduction to a new approach to location tracking.

Enhanced Security

It has been observed that most of the smartphone apps score very low in security ratings. Most app developers will have taken this as a wake-up call before anything adverse happens on a larger scale. We expect iOS app developers to take this issue at the core of their development and really introduce some high-level security improvements to newer apps. Providing a completely secure environment remains perhaps the last frontier for all mobile app development companies.

The era of wearables and the Internet of Things calls

The use of wearables and IoT is expected to increase in the near future. Apple already offers impressive wearable devices like Apple Watch 2 and other IOT utilities. But obviously there is a feeling that more of the same is on the way. We may see this particular area of ​​mobile app development undergo a complete makeover with more futuristic features. A leading iPhone app development company will stay ahead of new challenges as the age of wearables approaches.

Cloud technologies to shake things up

Perhaps the biggest and most anticipated development to date, cloud technologies would create a major upheaval in the field of iOS app development. Cloud technology would allow the synchronization of applications on multiple devices. This would be a great step to offer a seamless user experience. In addition to this, the developers would have to work even harder to reduce the size of the application. These developments may unsettle some developers, but to deliver that surreal and futuristic experience, all iPhone app development companies will have to get used to the needs of the moment.

These are the main revelations that are expected to come to the field of iOS app development. Apple promises to deliver a more vivid and animated user experience this time around, so it’s no wonder the mobile audience is eagerly anticipating the arrival of everything they’ve been whispering about in the winds. The challenge for every expert mobile app development company will be to bring that experience to mobile devices through smart and responsive apps.