Health Fitness

The Myth About Soy: Does Soy Make You Fat?

Did you know that you could be poisoning your body with high levels of toxins produced by too much soy in your diet? Research has shown that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weakened thyroid, which commonly leads to heart problems and excess fat. Could this explain the dramatic rise in obesity today?

Are you suffering from obesity or excess weight? If you’re following a diet rich in soy, you could be taking a serious toll on your health, not to mention sabotaging your weight-loss goals.

Most people are unaware of the many powerful chemical toxins that soy contains. One of them is phytic acid, also called phytates. These acids prevent the body from absorbing essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and especially zinc. Unfortunately, soybeans are very resistant to phytate reduction techniques, such as prolonged slow cooking, so removing this toxin is nearly impossible.

Soy also contains powerful enzyme inhibitors. These inhibitors block the absorption of trypsin and other enzymes needed by the body for protein digestion, causing severe gastric upset, reduced protein digestion, and can lead to chronic deficiencies in amino acid absorption.

Because of the way soy is manufactured and processed today (quickly and cheaply), it doesn’t matter what kind of products you buy, organic or not. They all carry high levels of toxins and should not be eaten, or eaten only in moderation, as is done in Asian cultures. Contrary to popular belief, soy products have never been a staple food in Asian countries. Historically, soybeans were used by the poor in times of extreme food scarcity, and only then were soybeans carefully prepared through prolonged fermentation to destroy soybean toxins.

The average US vegetarian diet today includes soy in extreme excess of what Asians typically consume; they generally use small servings of soy to supplement their meals. The standard Asian diet consists of more natural products, much less fatty meat, more vegetables and more fish. Their diets are also lower in chemicals and toxins, as they eat far fewer processed foods (canned, jarred, pickled, frozen).

So if you think that will keep you and your kids from getting fat, think again. These claims come directly from the soy industry, which has led us all to believe in its “health food” qualities. It really doesn’t make sense, especially when we know that farmers feed soybeans to animals to fatten them up and slaughter them as quickly as possible.

Soy also contains an abundance of isoflavones (phytoestrogens), which actually interfere with the thyroid gland’s ability to make thyroid hormones, and that means weight gain, tiredness, and depression. A diet rich in soy is also rich in isoflavones, and you don’t need much. Just one glass of soy milk a day, said to contain between 30 and 45 milligrams, is enough to suppress thyroid function. And with a weakened thyroid, you will find it increasingly difficult to lose weight.

It is the isoflavones in soy that are supposed to protect us from heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and the discomfort of menopause. not so

But the most alarming and extremely sad effect comes from feeding our babies soy. While everyone knows, breastfeeding is the best; mothers today think they are doing their newborns a service by giving them soy-based formula instead of traditional milk-based formula. In fact, it is causing devastating harm to our children.

Babies fed exclusively soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula, the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. Premature development in girls has been linked to the use of soy formula, as has underdevelopment in men.

Moms who eat soy during pregnancy also put their babies at risk because isoflavones cross the placenta. This can upset hormonal balance, especially during the first three months, when male fetuses are at a crucial stage of development and adequate testosterone is absolutely necessary. Other problems associated with both sexes fed soy formula for babies include extreme emotional behavior, depression, asthma, immune system problems, pituitary insufficiency, thyroid disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome.

In general, there are an overwhelming number of other health problems that can be associated with soy foods, including: bladder, prostate, colorectal, thyroid, and breast cancer; precancerous lesions; heart disease; type 2 diabetes; malnutrition; stunted growth; flatulence; pancreatic problems; low libido: early puberty; anemia; zinc deficiency; osteoporosis; intestinal damage; malabsorption and leaky gut syndrome; kidney stones; allergies; infant death; disruption of the immune system; thyroid disease – and the list goes on.

The soybean industry is a mighty multi-billion dollar industry. And the public relations and funding of its advertising as a “health food” is actually causing a “health crisis.” Soy is dangerous, for you and especially for your children. Don’t get caught up in their marketing tricks.

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Legal Law

Cure for Cancer Mathematics

The concept that cancer is endemic to tribes but not species has been associated with the evolution of science itself. Tribal science evolves the human intellect through the development of weapons of war. This evolutionary process becomes a form of neurological cancer when the DNA shows that the human species is harming itself. From that medical perspective, both tribal science and the science of human survival are part of human evolution. Therefore, both sciences can be programmed together with relevant antidote information to generate simulations of human survival. The irrefutable medical diagnoses thus obtained will instigate a crucial and beneficial conflict dialogue between hostile tribes. As a result, relevant technologies will become apparent, enhancing the transition to our functioning as a single species.

The Western educational system has access to this antidote information, yet remains governed by tribal scientific traditions that use dysfunctional information. Epidemiologists refer to this phenomenon as a 3D epidemic transmitted through the mass manufacturing of dysfunctional communication and information devices. Non-essential information is now overloading our educational system, creating considerable global social chaos. This medical disorder is induced by tribal science’s outdated obsession with the survival of the fittest paradigm.

The founder of the American National Foundation for Cancer Research, Szent-Gyorgyi, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine. His ‘Letter to Science’ of 1972 warned that the prevailing science was cancerous because it allowed itself to be governed by the ‘Second Law of Thermodynamics’. He postulated that the energies of thermodynamic chaos became entangled with living information to develop universal consciousness, thus the prevailing understanding of thermodynamics was indeed cancerous. He referred to this cancer of tribal lore as inherited from our Neolithic ancestors.

The visual mathematical proof of the antidote to this disease has been extrapolated from the association of Western education with Plato’s educational system in his ‘Science for Ethical Purposes’. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Plato’s Ethics: An Overview, first published Tuesday September 16, 2003; substantive revision Wednesday December 6, 2017 comments on Plato’s description of the geometric nature of courage, wisdom and moderation with comment “If justice is health and harmony of the soul, then injustice must be disease and disorder”. Plato’s ‘Everything is Geometry’ concept considered the living soul to be a perpetual phenomenon. This integral aspect of the life process was given mathematical credence within the geometric sensibilities of Georg Cantor.

Mitosis in healthy cell division has been imaged as a 3D electromagnetic infinite fractal expression obeying Cantor’s geometric access to infinity. This visual evidence contradicts the prevailing thermodynamic understanding that all life must die out. Twenty-first century quantum biology cancer research understands that healthy life information flows in the opposite direction to balance the thermodynamic energy flow of chaos, as predicted by Szent-Gyorgi in 1972.

Despite the limitations of Plato’s tribal science, his ingenious geometric insight into a deeper, ethical, universal purpose is truly remarkable. He provided the crucial antidote information to solve the existing 3D global medical epidemic. His lodestone electromagnetic anima, believed to exist within the confines of his plane geometry educational system, is now clearly visible to the general public.

Salvador Dalí’s conviction, derived from Platonic theories of Science-Art, that the flat plane of a painting contained hidden 3D stereoscopic images, was made visible to the public last century at the Dalí Stereoscopic Museum in Spain. Since then, the rather cumbersome presentations of it have been greatly improved by Australian science and art researchers, in which 3D images can be seen interlaced within paintings to provide crucial information on neurological antidotes. During the 1980s, the relevant ancient Greek mathematics was programmed into a computer to obtain seashell life forms that evolved over a period of fifty million years, rather than evolving towards Einstein’s thermodynamic extinction.

In 1990, the world’s largest research institute, IEEE in Washington, reprinted this as an important mathematical and optical discovery of 20th century science:

Illert, C. 1987, The New Physics of Ultrafine Elastic Conoids, Il Nuovo Cimento, and Formation and Solution of the Classical Seashell Problem II Three-Dimensional Tubular Surfaces of Seashells. Il Nuovo Cimento, 1989. The Science-Art Centre… selected from world literature for reprint in Spie Milestone Series, vol. MS 15, Selected Papers on Natural Optical Activity, Pages 12-23 and 24-33, Section One. Chirality and Optical Activity, 1990.

In 1995, the Basic Research Institute of America transposed optical mathematics into a physics format. Attempts to use quantum mechanical mathematics to generate healthy simulations of seashell life forms over time have resulted in biological distortions that verify Szent-Gyorgyi’s observation that tribal lore is a form of cancer.

During 2016, Quantum Biologists and Quantum Art Movement International along with Australian Science-Art researchers presented the 3D antidote information along with supporting information in Rome, Italy. The Science-Art presentation was then entered into the Russian Art Week International Contemporary Art Competition, where it received a First Prize Diploma. In 2017, the World Art Fund in Russia, in collaboration with the Quantum Art Movement group, included the antidote information in its Science and Art Research Project.

The problem remains that mainstream international tribal science considers it ethical to link science with aesthetics, which is the carrier of the global epidemic. For example, in 2017, two American universities created a ‘Time Crystal’ showing that our understanding of thermodynamic reality was, in fact, an optical illusion. However, they expressed their intention to merge such information into artificial intelligence technology. Under such circumstances, the worldwide 3D epidemic would accelerate into a terminal state of entropic and thermodynamic chaos.

The philosopher Immanuel Kant investigated Plato’s concept of the lodestone’s electromagnetic ability to demonize aesthetics, as mentioned in his dialogue between Socrates and Ion. Kant used the difference between aesthetics and ethical artistic wisdom as the basis for the electromagnetic golden age of Danish science. He deduced that the future of ethical thought belonged to an asymmetrical electromagnetic field evolving within the creative artistic mind.

The European Space Agency’s Planck Observatory photographed the oldest light in the universe and revealed that it was asymmetric in nature and that it was born before the creation of symmetric electromagnetic light. Thus, Plato’s evolving ethical science moves from its dark abyss to the creation of asymmetrical light, then to the creation of matter within its current symmetrical state of reality.

In 1957, the New York University Science Library published the book ‘Babylonian Mythology and Modern Science’ explaining that Einstein deduced his theory of relativity from Babylonian mythological intuitive mathematics. Einstein’s tribal worldview insisted that the life process must evolve toward thermodynamic extinction. Therefore, he could not accept David Hilbert’s argument that Cantor’s asymmetric mathematics validated Szent-Gyorgyi’s cancer research conviction. Einstein’s physical reality was maintained by remaining in a symmetrical state of existence, obeying the dictates of symmetrical light pointing to chaos, rather than in the opposite direction of Plato’s evolving ethical science. The discovery of the Plank Observatory demonstrated that Einstein’s worldview was cancerous in nature.

Philosopher of science Timothy Morton, professor and chair of English at Rice University in Texas, argues that Plato’s demonization of aesthetics has ushered in a new electromagnetic age, which he refers to in his article ‘Art in the age of asymmetry’. Charles Proteus Steinmetz also echoed Kant’s anticipation of an asymmetric, spiritual, ethical electromagnetic technology. He was a leading figure in the electrification of the United States of America, who claimed that the development of an asymmetric spiritual electromagnetic technology would have been far superior and morally more beneficial than the one he had been paid to help invent.

Plato argued that the merits of learning plane geometry should not be studied for its practical uses but to train the mind for ethical understanding. He let arithmetic become the first of the subjects of education, then the investigation of science relevant to him became the concern of the student. From the published Notebooks of him, Leonardo da Vinci wrote that visual perspective became clear in the five terms of Plato’s mathematical logic. Leonardo then made the statement that completely divorced his tribal scientific genius from Plato’s concept of an infinite, living, holographic three-dimensional universe. leonardo had written “The first object of the painter is to make a plane look like a body in relief and project from that plane…”he emphatically stated that the flat plane of a painting surface could never contain a true 3D image.

There is no doubt of the mechanistic genius of Leonardo da Vinci. However, the visual evidence that the paintings may contain important unconscious three-dimensional stereoscopic images means that he was certainly not the great man of the 15th-century Italian Renaissance that tribal lore claims him to be. This simple fact explains the magnitude of the current 3D global epidemic of dysfunctional information. It also provides the evidence to explain the crucial importance of 3D antidote technology belonging to Plato’s atomic ‘Science for Ethical Purposes’, necessary to generate simulations of sustainable human survival plans.

Lifestyle Fashion

5 dangers of bulimia that could kill you

I suffered from bulimia for almost 10 years. I experienced many of its terrible side effects and was lucky enough to escape with my life. Many people never seek help for their bulimia and live with it for years, even many decades…

Too often, bulimia kills.

People don’t understand the real dangers of bulimia. They think that because bulimics are often at a healthy weight, that it’s a safe eating disorder… The truth couldn’t be more different.

Below I have listed the 5 scariest dangers of bulimia

1) Electrolyte imbalance

We need the correct balance of electrolytes in our body to ensure that our muscles, organs, and nerves function well. Bulimics often suffer from severe electrolyte imbalances caused by extreme vomiting or laxative abuse.

Electrolyte imbalances put massive stress on your organs and can cause sudden cardiac arrest and death.

This is what happened to Terri Schiavo. She didn’t quite kill her, but she was brain dead and in a vegetative state for 15 years…Eventually, her husband won a court case to remove her feeding tube and allow her to starve.

Terri Schiavo’s story terrifies me because when I was bulimic my electrolyte levels were very low. She had an irregular heartbeat and severe chest pain. I feel so grateful that I escaped with my life.

2) Gastric rupture

A gastric rupture occurs when a bulimic person eats a large amount of food during a binge. The volume of food you have eaten is so great that it bursts your gastrointestinal tract.

Gastric ruptures are one of the scariest of all bulimia complications… It will most likely kill you and it will be so unexpected.

I remember numerous times when I ate so much I was sure something had to go bad! Thank goodness it never did… Again, thanks to my lucky star!

3) Ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis is when high levels of acids build up in the bloodstream. These acids are also known as ketones. They occur when your body burns stored fat, rather than food sources, for energy.

It is caused by starvation, bingeing and purging, extreme dehydration, diabetes, alcoholism, and hyperglycemia.

If ketoacidosis is not treated, it could lead to sudden coma and even death.

4) Cancer!

Many bulimics suffer from constant and severe acid reflux. This is because they have damaged their ‘check valve’ which helps retain food.

1 in 10 people who suffer from terrible acid reflux will develop a condition called Barrett’s esophagus.

Barrett’s esophagus can lead to esophageal cancer. This is extremely dangerous as it is often discovered at a late stage, once treatment is difficult and ineffective.

If a person with Barrett’s esophagus is found to have severe cancer, removal of most of the esophagus is recommended. Nasty things!

It’s scary to know that bulimia can lead to cancer!

5) suicide

Bulimia and depression are two intertwined illnesses. It can be hard to pin down which started first…and which caused the other.

In my case, depression definitely triggered my bulimia… Leaving Zimbabwe (home) in my teens made my life spiral out of control. I became depressed and that depression manifested as bulimia.

Once I developed bulimia, it was desperately difficult to break the habit… The cycle of bulimia and depression ran its course for 10 long years.

Bulimia can cause severe depression. It makes you feel disgusted with yourself, alone and helpless. You feel like a freak. Most of all you feel embarrassed. Due to this severe depression, suicide becomes a real concern.

Bulimics are so disgusted and ashamed of themselves that they don’t seek help. They suffer in silence until they can no longer.

How to PREVENT and AVOID these terrifying complications of bulimia

These dangers of bulimia are what prompted me to seek help. I didn’t want bulimia to win the battle.

I have now been bulimia free for over 4 years. I am healthy and happy. I’ve managed to avoid any of the serious complications of bulimia…although I do suffer from bulimia teeth but that’s nothing a dentist can’t fix (at a price!) I’m alive and bulimia is part of my past… It’s not part of my future.

To help reduce your chances of these complications, you should try to eat plenty of fresh, healthy foods… And you should try to keep them down. Your body needs the nutrients to function properly and heal any damage you’ve already done.

The best way to prevent and avoid the side effects of bulimia is to recover.

And you CAN recover! Yes I did – anyone can. I really believe that.


the gray cricket

You have probably heard of the gray cricket or encountered it at some point, either inside your house singing or outside in your garden. For some people, the gray cricket is an excellent food source for their reptilian pets and they will choose to breed them or buy them from a store. Here you will find some history on the gray cricket, as well as its nutritional content for reptiles and other pets that eat them.


Gray crickets, also known as house crickets or acheta domesticus, are commonly found in the United States and are often found in pet and bait stores across the country. The average life cycle of these insects usually lasts two to three months depending on your climate. Gray crickets generally need a warm environment to grow and live, which ranges from 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They grow to about 16 to 20 millimeters long and will vary in color, but will mostly be gray, brown, or yellow. Many times their wings will cover their abdomens and they have a chirping sound characteristic of their species.

The female gray cricket or acheta domesticus will lay 50 to 100 eggs and will come to be known as nymphs. It will generally take 8-12 weeks for crickets to reach their full maturity levels. When pet stores and bait shops breed crickets, they will usually provide them with warmth, food, water, and a good place for them to lay their eggs. Crickets can be raised in stores, but can also be kept in the homes of reptilian pet owners.

nutritional content

As part of a varied diet for most reptiles and even amphibians like frogs and turtles, crickets make an excellent staple food. Most commonly, crickets are found in pet stores, bait shops, and also through online stores that breed and sell them as reptile pet food. Most stores will gut or feed your crickets high calcium each day before selling them to others to distribute to their pets. There are also powders or calcium powders that can be sprinkled on top of the crickets before consumption. These dusts or powders can also be purchased at stores that sell gray crickets for reptile diets.

Most of the nutritional content that crickets provide depends on what they are fed. In general, gray cricket contains a large amount of moisture, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Of course, when crickets are put on a calcium diet, they provide about 21 milligrams of calcium. Since a concern most reptile and amphibian owners may have is making sure they feed their pets a diet that is high in calcium and also low in phosphorous, crickets are a great way to make sure the diet is sticking. What normally goes into the acheta domesticus.

Real Estate

How do you get an unorthodox loan?

An unorthodox loan is defined as a loan that is not obtained through ordinary lenders or through ordinary channels. It may be a situation where your income is variable, your purpose for the loan is unconventional, you own a business, or a loan is for investment purposes. Since the typical proof of income, tax return, employer reference or statement probably doesn’t apply to you, there is information you can use to expand your options for obtaining a loan.

Who is the lender?

The first variable to consider is: Who is the lender? The underlying questions here are: What types of risk are they willing to take and how flexible are they in applying a solution for these risks? The typical lender of choice for people is a bank. Banks are known for being conservative and conventional in their lending practices. So if you have non-standard risks, you may not get the best deal on your loan, or the loan may cost you a lot. Banks should not be ruled out because there are cases in which exceptions are made depending on how the loan is proposed. Other lenders that are available to you as a borrower are private lenders, smaller institutions, or mortgage brokers. Private lenders are lending their own money and may service real estate or business deals. Smaller institutions like credit unions or smaller banks may not be as strict as major banks. Mortgage brokers are people who can shop around and find the best deal from many different lenders, both traditional and non-traditional. If one type of lender doesn’t give you a satisfactory loan, try another type of lender.

What are the lenders’ concerns?

Depending on what the money is being borrowed for, different options are available.

The underlying issues in obtaining a loan for the lender are: Can I trust the borrower to repay the loan on time? Is the thing he is borrowing money for valuable over time? What risks are there that the current circumstances change, putting me at risk? Will I make enough money to make this loan worth it? If you can show that you can repay the loan and that the risks are under control, you can get a loan a high percentage of the time.

What is the money lent for?

If you are looking for a loan on an asset that generates income or is likely to appreciate in value, the risks associated with the loan may be limited to looking at the asset alone. For example, if you are looking for a rental property loan and there is a history of consistent income over a long period of time, this loan would be considered lower risk. Whether the borrower has any other income may not be relevant. The assets and financial history of the borrowers may also not be important. A similar example might be a business with a proven history of earning. If statements from an unbiased third party can show how much the business earns, the borrower’s track record may not count in this situation. If the property under consideration is land that has a long horizon before it is developed or a new business with no track record, the lender may resort to asking for something else as collateral or relying on the borrower himself to be solvent.

Does the borrower have other ways to repay the loan?

The borrower may want to borrow money to purchase a piece of land that has no income, but there are 5 other rental properties that are paid in full and are generating income that far exceeds the value of the loan. The risk of this venture is low as long as the lender has access to these rental properties as collateral. If they don’t and the land is being appraised as a stand-alone situation, the lender may decline the loan or charge a much higher interest rate. Other means of repaying a loan are a business that generates a lot of cash flow or guaranteed investment income from another source.

What is the chance that market conditions will change?

This is a risk that can affect both conventional and unorthodox loans. The risks are different depending on the situation. If the risk of default comes from an economic downturn and widespread layoffs, conventional lending can become riskier if people lose their jobs and can’t repay loans. A real estate correction can mean that the value of residential homes can plummet, making the collateral worth less than the loan, creating a foreclosure loss. For an unorthodox loan, the risks may be more specific. If the loan is for a small auto parts manufacturer and there is a massive withdrawal of their key customer, the revenue from this business can decrease significantly while other auto parts businesses are not affected. Real estate in a given area may dip due to falling oil prices and not dip in an area dominated by nursing homes. A natural disaster in one part of the country can devastate the local economy in that area but not surrounding areas. The lender has to assess these risks before making the loan, and depending on what the terms are at the time, some loans will be perceived as riskier than others.

Who else are you borrowing money from?

Lenders want to know that they are the first person to be paid. If you’re not the first person, there’s a priority sequence where you’d be second, third, etc. This would mean that the first person gets access to collateral first in a foreclosure. They would also get first access to residual payments if they are not made on time. If you are borrowing from more than one lender, the lenders following the first lender may be taking on greater risks and the cost of these loans will be higher.

Getting an unorthodox loan is more complex than a conventional loan, and more work would have to be done to secure this loan. However, there are more options available depending on the situation, and these should be explored in detail and considered as the needs of both borrower and lender change.

Shopping Product Reviews

Social Conditioning and Expression

A notable feature of modern society is the proliferation and diverse manifestations of art. It is not just a quintessential expression of human creativity and sense of aesthetics. It is also a reflection of the values ​​and ideals of the time and of the community as a whole. The problem lies when art or any form of human expression conflicts with the value system of society. For the culture and norms of a community to find continuity and expression, social conditioning is used to instill them in each individual.

Social conditioning by its nature seeks to enshrine what society believes and stands for in almost every aspect of its members’ lives. All human endeavors, collectively known as the Humanities, are supposed to manifest what social conditioning transmits to the psyche and orientation of society. However, due to the dynamic aspect of human expression, the arts most, if not all, convey meanings that are not prescribed by the ideals of society. Furthermore, there are even cases in which many forms of creativity are considered as affronts to social values.

Ideas of what is ethical, moral, fair, decent and acceptable make their way into the minds of members of society. This in turn dictates perception and what people think. However, this is often misplaced and untrained in many cases. It fails to distinguish clearly between things that should be conditioned and those that are singled out because they are culturally repulsive. Institutions and groups in American society often attack pornography as the fundamental catalyst for the erosion of decency. However, these same groups do not find the subtle violence and promotion of atrocities harmful in cartoons like Tom and Jerry or the Looney Tunes adventures. The former is generally exposed to adults who can sensibly discern what or what they cannot act on in the explicit material. The latter freely imprints itself on the minds of American youth. This sows the seeds that could bear fruit in the future in the form of armed violence, disregard for the rule of law and rejection of values.

Society can, in fact, be shaped by shaping what and what is not allowed to enter people’s consciousness. This must be based on eradicating what may be genuinely harmful and not just something that is considered offensive from a particular point of view. Unfortunately, in the United States, the basis of what and what should be conditioned on people is often biased and dictated by moralistic sectors of society. This must be taken from them and placed in neutral hands.

This is not to say that pornography and explicit content, whether printed or filmed, are open to everyone. Most of these materials are treated as adults only and rightfully so. They remain valid tools for human expression and products of creativity. This allows them a place in the social sphere. On the other hand, cartoons are treated as trivial, funny and good for children.


Baseball players of Latino origin in the Hall of Fame

Latino players have had a huge impact on baseball. The first Latino baseball player born in the Major Leagues was Luis Castro, who played for the Philadelphia Athletics in 1902. Castro was born in Medellin, Columbia.

Since then, many Latino baseball players have played Major League Baseball. There are approximately 150 Latino players in the Major Leagues today. And many of them are stars and possibly future Hall of Famers.

Albert Pujols, for example, was born in the Dominican Republic. Adrian Gonzales of the San Diego Padres is from Mexico. Iván Rodríguez and Jorge Posada were born in Puerto Rico. David Ortiz and Hanley Ramírez are also from the Dominican Republic. Just to name a few.

There are six former Major League Baseball players born in Latin America who have been inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Puerto Rican Roberto Clemente was the first Latino elected to the Hall of Fame in 1973. Roberto was a four-time batting champion and a 12-time Gold Glove winner. After his death in a plane crash, Clemente was unanimously elected to the Hall of Fame. The five-year waiting period a player has to wait to get into the Hall has been removed for Roberto. Since this rule was added, he is the only player that has been waived.

Roberto Clemente was also the first Latino player to win a World Series as a starter with the Pirates in 1960. He is also the first Latino to win a League Most Valuable Player award which he won in 1966, and to win a Series MVP. World Cup in 1971.

Pitcher and Dominican Juan Marichal was the second Latino to be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1983. Juan was an eleven-time All Star and won the All Star game MVP award in 1965. His lifetime earned run average was 2.89. He won 243 games and struck out 2,303.

Cuban-born Tony Pérez was inducted in 2000. He was best known for his years with Cincinnati’s Big Red Machine. Pérez batted .279 with 379 home runs and 1,652 RBIs.

Rod Carew is from Panama and was drafted in 1991. Rod won seven batting titles, finished with a career .328 average and 3,053 hits. In 1972 Carew did something no player had done before and hasn’t done since. He won the batting title without hitting a single home run. He was the American League Rookie of the Year in 1967 and the Most Valuable Player in 1977.

Born in Puerto Rico, Orlando Cepeda entered the Hall of Fame in 1999. Cepeda was the National League Rookie of the Year in 1958 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 1967. He has a career batting average of .297. , 379 home runs and 1,365 runs hit.

Luis Aparicio was born in Venezuela and was elected to the Hall in 1984. Luis was the 1956 American League Rookie of the Year and won nine Gold Gloves. He finished with 2,677 hits and led the American League in stolen bases nine straight seasons.

There are three other Latino players in the Hall of Fame. Martín DiHigo, Cristóbal Torriente and José Méndez, all from Cuba, were Negro league stars but never played in the Major Leagues.

With all the great Latin players in the game today, it won’t be long before there are more than seven established players in Cooperstown.

Tours Travel

Unforgettable Acapulco

Acapulco, on the Pacific coast of Mexico, was chosen as a popular destination by many celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland and Elvis Presley. It is also the place where the Kennedys spent their honeymoon. Acapulco is a beautiful mix of exotic beaches, tropical jungles and lagoons. It is a name that is synonymous with relaxation and fun. Some of the main attractions include the Fort of San Diego, the Papagoya Park and the House of Culture.

Acapulco is also famous for its beaches. You can visit Playa Puerto Marques, a popular beach that is equally famous for its tin-roofed restaurants serving fresh seafood alongside cold beer as it is for its crystal-clear waters. You can also visit Playa Icacos, which has a series of water sports for the more adventurous. Although these beaches are very popular and attract tourists throughout the year, there are many other beaches such as Pie de la Cuseta that are secluded and have not lost their pristine beauty.

Acapulco is also known for its nightlife. There are a number of restaurants and entertainment venues and nightclubs that play Yucca (salsa and tropical music) and Zucca (music from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s) and everything in between. Clubs like Baby O are an institution unto themselves. There are a number of attractions such as bowling, beach volleyball, deep sea fishing, diving, etc. which have now become a major attraction for tourists from all over the world.

Acapulco is also a paradise for honeymooners. A view of the bay of Acapulco with millions of lights reflected in the water is absolutely stunning and one of the most romantic settings in the world. You can also take a stroll down the main street, Avenida Costera Miguel Alemán, known locally as “La Costera”.

If you want to know more about the pirate history of Acapulco, you just have to go to Fort De San Diego, a fort that was built in the 18th century to protect the city from pirate attacks.

It’s also a great destination for kids with places like CiCi, located on Playa Icacos, which is a water theme park that features slides, slides, dolphin encounters, and seal shows. There are also a number of shopping centers that have many fun areas where parents and children can have fun.

There are a number of accommodation options, from cheap inns to luxury hotels. Las Brisas is considered the most romantic resort with several private and semi-private pools overlooking Acapulco Bay or the Pacific Ocean. You can also choose to live in style in one of the many villas that are designed in contemporary Mexican-Mediterranean styles.

Arts Entertainments

Advantages of pepper spray: better safe than sorry

Of the 3 basic chemical compounds used in self-defense sprays, there is one that is the most effective and the most innovative, which is the one that I am going to expand on in this article.

The natural chemical compound used in defense sprays is called Oleoresin Capsicum, or OC. It is not a skin irritant like the other 2 man-made chemicals are.

The term “pepper spray” comes from the fact that Oleoresin Capsicum is made from vegetable oils from hot peppers. “Oleoresin” is a term meaning a mixture of a partially solid substance obtained from the sap of specific plants and trees. “Capsicum” is Latin for fruit of the hot pepper plant. OC is not harmful to the skin or any internal tissue, while the other 2 man-made chemical compounds can be toxic and harmful to human tissue.

As an inflammatory agent, OC pepper spray has an immediate effect upon contact with the aggressor being sprayed. Temporary blindness occurs when the capillaries in the eyes dilate and the terrible burning sensation from the pepper spray causes the eyes to close uncontrollably. The immediate swelling of the lungs and throat will bring the assailant to their knees in a gasping attempt to inhale more air than their swollen respiratory tissues will allow. You will only be able to get enough oxygen to keep from passing out and you may also experience nausea and vomiting.

These conditions are only temporary, but very overwhelming for the person sprayed, giving the victim plenty of time to escape. It takes 20-45 minutes for the effects of the OC pepper spray to wear off and the assailant makes a full recovery, hopefully in jail.

The other 2 chemical compound defense sprays will not have a stopping effect on someone who is high on drugs or in an intense state of high adrenaline from some forms of psychosis, nor will they have stopping power against an animal attack. OC pepper spray IS effective in all of these situations.

OC pepper sprays come in jet, cone, and mist releases.

1. The OC jet sprayer has a throw range of approximately 15 to 20 feet. Wind is less likely to blow it back into the face of the person applying the spray. If the user lands a direct blow to the assailant’s face, the pepper spray will break into small droplets, stopping the attacker and bringing them to their knees from the inflammatory effects. The downside to this jet-type pepper spray is that it doesn’t release OC as successfully as the cone or mist.

2. Pepper spray with a spray pattern wider than the stream is the cone spray. Creates a barrier of mist at its finer density and has a more immediate stopping effect on the attacker than the current. The barrier of mist that the cone emits is effective against multiple assailants and gives the user time to escape. There are a couple of drawbacks to the cone sprayer, one of which is the fact that it is uncontrollable in a strong breeze, so the user must be aware of the need to escape the vicinity immediately after spraying. The other drawback is that the smaller canisters usually only have a 6-8 foot range. Larger canisters that are 3 or 4 ounces can have a firing range of 12 to 15 feet.

3. The fogger pepper spray unit releases a high-pressure jet of a fine mist that is the most effective of the three types of spray because any inhalation quickly draws the mist into lung tissue, swelling the mucous membranes and incapacitating the assailant. Even in windy conditions, this mist works well and forms a barrier between the user and the assailant, giving them enough time to escape. It works especially well with more than one aggressor in still air because the mist will remain suspended for several minutes. The 15-20 foot spray range is also a factor in giving the user time to spray and escape. Unfortunately, the number of shots per unit is less than jet or cone spray due to the large amount of chemical released with the spray and the high pressure of each unit.

Each pepper spray has its pros and cons, but the important thing to remember is that if used correctly, any one of them can save your life. After buying a pepper spray, go through a real attack scenario without letting go of the spray. Familiarize yourself with how to hold the spray to be effective, making sure the nozzle is pointed away from you, simulate a spray, and then turn and run. Although the spray will stop your attacker, NEVER stick around to see what happens. Spray and run like never before. And call the police when you are at a safe distance. Hopefully you’ll never need to use pepper spray, but it’s much better to have it and never use it than to need it and not have it.


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