
Why online magazines are becoming more and more popular

We have seen tremendous growth in the capabilities and opportunities of the online world. The everyday online magazine, blog, listing or website has now become the most accessible and effective way to advertise anything; be it a roll of toilet paper or the latest addition to the world of gadgets.

The average person today would rather quickly read an article or news report on the Internet, where it is immediately accessible and available, than go out and buy a specific newspaper or magazine that includes the specific article or newsletter. Think about it; You hear that one of your favorite soap opera stars has been nominated for an award. You are sitting in front of your laptop. Would you rather quickly go online and look up the story in a search engine, or waste ten minutes going to the store and looking for a magazine or newspaper that includes the story? Easy answer, right?

Well, one of the best ideas to portray valuable information and add it to the online world is online magazine. Somebody give an award to the person who thought of that! Not only are online magazines more accessible than print magazines; they are also usually free; which is an added bonus! And what’s more, online magazines are generally much more relaxed and fun than print magazines. They can contain anything from reader-submitted short stories to fun and informative articles and announcements! Therefore, people tend to enjoy them much more than print magazines.

If you start an online magazine to be the online version of a print magazine, you will benefit when it comes to exposure. This is because you can take advantage of the established brand and fame of the print magazine and thus build a larger online community, due to popularity. More and more brands are taking this route these days. Fashion houses and retailers, grocery stores, supermarkets, and pharmacies are just a few of the types of businesses that rely on your established business and brand to build a new one and reach more people online.

Brand visibility is extremely important for any business, because that’s where the market is headed: online and digital. There has been a tremendous growth in the popularity of social networks like Facebook and Twitter that are used as marketing tools. So when you decide to start an online magazine, remember that it’s important to back it up with some form of marketing; even if it is free marketing, like Facebook and Twitter. Use what’s available to build a brand, and then consider spending money on marketing, if you have to!

Home Kitchen

The history of the new home sewing machines

A New Home sewing machine that you can find on the market these days could have been made a long time ago and can be considered a collector’s item or mechanical sewing equipment as one of the modern models.

In any case, rest assured that New Home sewing machines still do wonders for any sewer.

The start of the New Home company began around 1860 when major sewing machine manufacturers began fighting each other for market leadership and patents.

It was then that Thomas White came up with what could be the first New Home sewing machine, which he named New England. Soon his business expanded, despite the many casualties he had to face then, and survived to this day.

Over the years there have already been several New Housing models that have been launched and sold to the public.

Here is model no. 914, which was one of the first New Home sewing machines ever made. It still had a pedal, a crank, and a wheel. You needed to step on the foot pedal and turn the crank to get the machine going and start creating some stitches.

The body, although made of a solid metal frame, was elegantly finished. It also came with a cabinet, where you could store the no. 914 once you are done using it. There was a drawer where you can put a number of much-needed accessories such as threads, bobbins, and scissors to name a few.

Then there was the 915 model, which basically followed the 914 model. There was no difference between the two, except that the former had a cover, which could protect the sewing machine from dust and constant movement. Perhaps one of the first half-box sewing machines was no. 4 New homemade sewing machine.

It was still ornate, but the body was made mostly of nickel. There were also a number of attachments included that I could use right away.

Newer types of sewing machines from New Home include the 104D, which is actually a mechanical model. It has an added feature, which is a carry handle so you can comfortably carry it wherever you go.

There are also twin needles that you can find included in the sewing machine, so you can sew two colors at the same time. In addition, there are feed dogs, which will later help you in creating stitches so that they do not end up bunching or stretching the fabric. For its part, another mechanical model is the L-373. There are 13 built-in stitches as well as a buttonhole function.

Owning a New Home sewing machine means you have a very solid machine that may not be as high-tech or as advanced as other sewing machines, but it can last for a long time. They are perfect collectibles, or as family heirlooms for your children and even grandchildren.


The 1970 Shelby Mustang and Mustang Parts

1970 was the last year for the old Shelby Mustang. It is not commonly known that Shelby never sued any 1970 Mustangs in that year. All the cars produced were actually 1969 Mustangs outfitted with the classic Shelby makeover. Even some of the cars that were already on dealer lots were upgraded to become 1970 models. Under Shelby’s strict supervision, of course. The main changes from the 69 Shelby Mustang to the 70 Shelby were the addition of a black chin spoiler and black hood stripes.

I don’t think they will have much luck doing this today, but in some cases even the VIN number on the car was changed from the first number 9 (for 69) to the first number 0 (for 70). Any way you look at it, the 1970 Shelby Mustang was a beautiful car. Truly one of the most iconic cars of all time. I will never forget being 11 years old when I saw the new Shelby sitting in front of the local gas station in the small town where my grandparents lived. It was a red convertible. I was sitting right on the street with hundreds of cars whizzing by every day. I don’t think you’re likely to see one sitting on the street now. It’s great to see these cars live in most with great care (and value).

From a Mustang Parts point of view in 2010 an American company started reproducing the 5 star wheels for the 69 and 70 Shelby. I have had the pleasure of seeing these wheels and selling some as well. They are an absolutely stunning reproduction. We have the available on our website.

Digital Marketing

Christmas in America vs. Christmas in Italy – Two Pleasant Holiday Destinations!

There are similarities and differences between Christmas in America and Christmas in Italy. The Christmas holiday originated with the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25, the shortest day of the year. Therefore, the main reason we celebrate the holiday is to celebrate the birthday of Christ. Another reason to celebrate Christmas includes the changing of the seasons and the days that will get shorter before getting longer again. The shortest day, which does not necessarily fall on Christmas, is the winter solstice, which is also a pagan agricultural holiday to mark the changing seasons. Quite simply, we celebrate Christmas around the world as an inspiration to imitate the ethical behaviors of Christ, who unconditionally loved all men and women, regardless of his beliefs or background.

Americans and Italians provide countless special Christmas games and activities for their children, both at home and at school. Santa Claus, who is he?Babbo native” In Italy, it brings surprises to children on Christmas day. Almost all children receive some gifts on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas day. Children open their packages or empty their stockings while family members enjoy watching them rejoice over surprises Gifts for children range from sweets to stuffed animals to other more sophisticated toys.

The exchange of gifts between family and friends is the commercial aspect of the holiday that has been embraced by merchants large and small. Spending money in stores stimulates the economy during good years of prosperity. One thing that sets America apart is that Americans receive more merchant catalogs in the mail each year to show what items will be available before and after the holidays. Americans not only enjoy finding bargains on gifts, but also attend good deals the day after Christmas. Americans tend to hunt for the bargains, and now Italians have even started their own bargain sales on “Black Friday” the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. Reports indicate that Italians began most of their Christmas sales this year (2015) with decorations in their stores right after Macy’s in New York held its annual Thanksgiving Day parade. In fact, I was a witness to this case in Novara, Italy.

People in Italy and the United States often enjoy shopping for friends and family. There are many similarities between the gifts they give because both Americans and Italians like toys, electronics, clothes, and food for friends and family. Too often, some people forget that the meaning behind the season is to express the simplicity of love. Instead, some people expect big gifts or try to see who gives the best and most expensive gift of all. Christmas gets frustrating for those out of work who don’t have money to buy gifts, but some struggling people have been smart enough to bake cookies, do crafts, or provide a free service for their loved ones instead of giving the gifts. traditional. There is no doubt that both Americans and Italians occasionally forget the spirit of the season, that Christ would have recommended helping the poor and needy during the holidays. Regardless of one’s background, there is always a risk of forgetting the true meaning of Christmas as we try to outdo our neighbors, friends, and family. The essence of the season is not about “looking good” or “beautiful figure rate.”

Both Italians and Americans like to sit down and eat a lot of food with their family members. Some families live in difficult financial times with too many bills, high mortgages to pay, and no job. Fortunately for most, there are merry festive meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, when it’s also a time of festivity, possibly even more hours of festivity in the southern Italian region than anywhere else. Many of the dishes served are similar and others are different. Most Americans and Italians have a meat main course, some side dishes, salads, and some sweets at the end. The food served differs within the regions of Italy, with southern Italians tending to eat more seafood, while their northern counterparts eat more meat. Americans often enjoy turkey, ham, and roast beef. That said, dietary habits on both sides of the ocean are changing, so more and more people are turning vegetarian and serving dishes like vegetarian tofu and lasagna. Although most Americans literally go nuts for spaghetti and pizza, those two dishes aren’t usually eaten on Christmas Day and are reserved for before and after the holidays.

Italians and Americans often enjoy helping the poor at Christmas. This can be done by giving money at church and elsewhere. In American schools, students take food drives to give to the poor. In part, this is done wisely to teach young children compassion for others. Italians give their donations to help the poor at the supermarket instead of at school, and there is the famous Community of Santo Egidio that helps people in Italy at Christmas. Fortunately, the American branch of the Salvation Army rings its bells every year in front of grocery stores to help anyone in need get a warm coat, some shoes, clothes, and food. Countless Americans regularly donate food at churches and there are even homeless shelters. In some parts of Italy, Santa Claus tells stories and gives gifts to any child who shows up for the reading event.

Most people would agree that the true meaning of Christmas is to be different from Scrooge and more like Saint Francis. People must help all those in need, regardless of their origins. This message is emphasized by Pope Francis and other leaders with strong moral values. Catholics try to emulate the goodness of the saints who were not worshiped but rather observed for their great deeds, while both Protestants and Catholics follow the teachings of Christ and the various books of the Bible. People of other religions, even spiritual non-believers, feel the need to help others during Christmas, since the main point of such a widespread holiday is to love our neighbor and respect the world we live in as Christ did. . Few would argue against the notion that supporting humanity and nature is appropriate.

Italians are lucky enough to be able to eat many variations of Panettone, a large cake that often has fruit and vanilla. That same cake is now sold in American stores, but versions found in Italy tend to be more delicious. Such a cake can be easily baked at home in America with a good recipe using baking soda and/or baking powder. Alternatively Americans eat tons of fruitcake which is also delicious if one buys the right brand, one such delicious brand is from Collins Street Bakery in Texas!

Italians extend the national holiday until the day after Christmas, Santo Stefano, a day that has been an official holiday since 1947. Although Americans generally don’t pay much attention to the feast of Santo Stefano, most of them are still free. from work the day after Christmas. unless they work in the retail market and offer sales to vacationers. On Santo Stefano day, Italians enjoy another special meal as well as a nice passaggiata or walk around the city with the family. It is a good time for long family discussions or to visit the mother’s or father’s side of the family. Italians are very fortunate to visit markets, see small parades, and see nativity displays such as those found in the small nativity museums known in Italian as presepi.

Both cultures display lights in their homes and in the city. For Americans, it often turns into a festival of lights competition. Perhaps some of the most famous American lights can be found in New York’s Rockefeller Center. Italian lighting is usually carried out by the town hall or town in which you live. There is more lighting in big cities like Rome or Florence where the streets are filled with tourists. Certainly, almost all people have trees in their houses, as well as some lighting around the trees. Americans display more real candles than Italians, and one of the great American pastimes has been going out and cutting down real evergreens (that were bred for that purpose) every year. The felling of the tree was done with a father or grandfather in the tradition of a pioneer. In Italy, trees are more scarce, so they are usually fake trees that are reused year after year. Murano glass from Venice makes an excellent Italian ornament or decorates the home throughout the year in the form of lamps and small sculptures.

Italians are lucky that this celebration continues until the “Befana” arrives on Epiphany day in January. Between the night of January 5 and 6, the baby brings sweets to children’s homes in Italy. The name “Befana” is actually another way of saying Epiphany but in a folkloric and secular sense of the word. descriptions of the baby they are very similar to those of the American kitchen witches that are quite popular in the United States. In some small towns, an old woman dresses up as the Befana to amuse the children. Legend has it that she helped shepherds find Baby Jesus when she was born. This legend does not agree with biblical teachings, but it is a beautiful secular twist, much like Santa Claus.

Americans usually go back to school for Epiphany, but American kids would probably enjoy such a candy-and-stocking celebration too! Many American children have at least the opportunity to study baby in their primary classes as they eagerly try to learn more about Italy. In fact, I have observed that many Italian Americans in the Atlanta area continue to celebrate Befana in one form or another with their grandparents who immigrated to the United States.

In both Italy and America, the Christmas holidays are mostly about praising God and his son Jesus, with the spirit of the season being that of kindness and the spirit of people sharing precious moments with their families. The result is that the citizens of Italy and the United States try to be nice to each other in anticipation of a greater heavenly kingdom while making this world a much better place. We all share the tradition of contemplating those artistic nativity scenes with Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Angels and Shepherds in them! Angels, bells, wreaths, and candles continue to be the shared symbols of the Christmas season with Christians and others who recognize the beauty of a little child who grew up to be a fine example of how we should live with love for one another. all over the world. May some beautiful Italian and American traditions stimulate peace and goodwill on earth! These shared festivities are for everyone on earth who wants to visit two fascinating countries as their Christmas vacation destinations!


What size bedding is used for sofa beds?

Having family and friends stay over is fun, which is why many people strive for sofa beds (also known as sleeper sofas and sofa beds) and/or futons. These instant beds are extremely convenient and can be placed almost anywhere in the house.

Sofa beds and futons are especially good if you don’t have an official guest room. Maybe you can reuse another room. For example, they can be placed in an office, living room, or family room where it will function primarily as a sofa, but when overnight guests arrive, you’ll have an instant bed.


With this in mind, take a look at the space you have available and decide on the size needed for your convertible bed. They are usually marketed as full-size or queen-size beds, but very few are double-size.


You’ll want to buy the right size of bedding for your sofa bed or futon. It goes without saying that most people have no idea what proper bedding is needed, and guests are left with sheets that shift or come off during the night.

When you go shopping, notice that the mattress is much thinner than a normal mattress. Therefore, it is crucial that you read the information leaflet that comes with it to verify the exact dimensions. You’ll need them to know if you should dress him in full-size conventional sheet sets or if he requires special bedding. Because there is a large and varied market for sofa beds and futons, some will need regular sheets while others will need specially ordered sheets. As for comforters or comforters, you can use conventional full or queen size comforters or duvets.


Another thing to consider when shopping for a sofa bed or futon is how to outfit it with the most comfort. Due to the thinness of sofa bed mattresses, your guests can feel the frame underneath. We suggest that you place additional padding, such as a feather mattress or mattress topper, under the bedding. This will give the mattress more cushioning, mitigate the feel of the frame underneath, and make for a more comfortable experience for your guest.

You and your guests need not fear the sleeper sofa or futon experience. With some consideration for the comfort of your guests, your sofa bed or futon can provide comfort, support, and a great sleepover experience.

Congratulations and welcome to the guests!

Health Fitness

One of the Best Chili Recipes You’ll Ever Eat

I was given this recipe many years ago while visiting El Paso and have been working on perfecting it into the best Texas Chili you will ever eat. True Texas Chili is never made with beans, but you can add beans if needed. If adding beans, use canned beans and wash them well before adding them to the pot during the last thirty minutes or so of cooking time. If I were going to add beans to this chili, I would wash four, fourteen to fifteen ounces of beans and add them to the chili in the last thirty minutes or so of cooking time.

This is a very tasty chili and makes a chili that can be enjoyed with cornbread or you can put this chili on hamburgers or hot dogs. It also goes great with Homemade Chili Cheese Fries.

The first chili was probably made around 1800 or a little later somewhere on a Texas cattle drive. Chili was first made to use the toughest cuts of beef and then before you knew it, chili spread throughout the United States and then the world.

In this chili recipe we are going to use dried chilies, chili powder and cumin for a delicious combination of flavors that you won’t soon forget. You want to take your dried chiles and remove the stems since you don’t want them in your chile. Wear plastic oven mitts and shred the chiles once you’ve removed the stems.

West Texas Chili Ingredients

1. 10 small dried chiles without stems and crumbled.

2. Two pounds of brisket, cut into one-inch cubes.

3. One pound of ground beef.

4. One pound of ground pork.

5. Two tablespoons of minced fresh garlic.

6. Half a cup of chili powder.

7. A quarter cup of ground cumin.

8. A tablespoon of ground sea salt.

9. A tablespoon of ground black pepper.

10. Two twenty-eight ounce cans of diced tomatoes.

11. Two six-ounce cans of tomato paste.

12. One large red sweet onion, diced.

13. A teaspoon of dried oregano.

14. Six cups of apple juice.

You will want to start by browning all of the meat, onions, and garlic until the meat is very brown. Don’t let your meat or vegetables burn. Start with the meat in a little vegetable oil and let it almost brown before adding the onions and garlic. Once the onions and garlic are done, drain the meat well, then pour everything into the skillet in a large pot.

Add the rest of your ingredients and begin heating over medium heat. You want to simmer the chili without letting it boil. Stir the pot of chili frequently making sure to stir from the bottom of the pot so the chili doesn’t have a chance to stick.

You want to cook this chili for three to four hours on medium heat and you want it to cook down and thicken up a bit. This is one of the most important steps in making chili. Especially good chili like this West Texas Chili. If you are going to add the beans, add them in the last thirty minutes of cooking time.

This chili is so good served in a bowl on a square of homemade cornbread. Click on that link and you will find a delicious cornbread recipe.

Legal Law

What is the Employment Law?

Employment law is that area of ​​law related to employment. Also known as ‘labor law’, it covers rulings and precedents designed to protect the rights of workers and the organizations they work for. This helps regulate relationships between unions, employers, employees, and business applicants.

Labor law can be divided into two categories. These are ‘individual work right’ and ‘collective work right’ respectively. The former here refers, of course, to laws relating to a person’s rights in his or her workplace, while the latter refers to relations between employees, employers, and unions.

A lot of this will revolve around what are known as ’employment standards’, which are the established standards that are legally expected of employees for any employee and include things like minimum wages, hours of work and more.

There are many organizations and individuals involved in the regulation and maintenance of labor law. For example, the US Labor Standards Administration is an agency in the United States that is in charge of ensuring that labor laws are made and followed. Meanwhile, employees and unions can use labor lawyers as mediators and consultants, or to help them file cases and represent them in court. If, for example, you felt that your working conditions did not meet labor standards, or that your contract had been illegally terminated, or that you suffered some type of harassment or abuse in the workplace, then you could hire the services of a lawyer. labor. to receive some kind of compensation.

The main characteristic of labor law in most territories is that the rights of both parties and their obligations will be detailed in the employment contract. From this moment on, both employers and employees will seek to fulfill their obligations in the contract and any breach could be challenged in court.

However, there are legislations and laws regarding what is written in the contract and there are certain things that cannot be agreed according to common law. For example, many states require employment to be ‘at will’, meaning that they may terminate your contract by resigning at their discretion.

So if you feel ‘stuck’ in your job, your employers may not legally have the right to keep you in your job and you are free to go. In such a situation, it would be advisable to use an employment lawyer to help you get out of that situation.

At the same time, organizations are often required to include what are known as ‘essentialia negotii’ (or ‘essential terms’) in any contract to ensure that the employee knows such things as the length of their employment, their salary, their subsidy on vacation etc. Therefore, an employment lawyer can not only be helpful in fighting with your employers or contesting their demands, but also in deciding whether or not to accept the terms of a contract initially.

Lifestyle Fashion

Strip Poker Rules: An Erotic Foreplay Game For Couples

You may have seen sex articles that recommend you play Strip Poker to help spice up your relationship. The rules provided by Strip Poker tend to be quite simplistic, such as “wear clothes, not chips: lose a hand, remove a piece of clothing.” Getting naked in front of your lover can be exciting when you’re forced as part of a sexual game. But, when playing with two people, simply dealing cards and flipping them over to determine who gets naked doesn’t seem like foreplay. Here is a better set of Strip Poker rules designed to be played as a fun foreplay for pairs.

Any game of poker looks better when played with chips, so you definitely want to play with a good set. Essentially, any variation of poker or other style of gambling can be played for two. Due to the popularity of No Limit Texas Hold’em on television (including heads-up versions), you’ll find it easy to start playing an erotic game of Strip Poker after watching a few games with your partner.

Strip Poker foreplay
Each player starts with a set of tokens and 4 or 5 items of clothing. Before the game, each of you creates a list of 10 foreplay activities that you will do to please your lover. The list should include the sequential removal of their clothing, one item at a time, alternating with ideas from previous games. Make sure to remove the last piece of clothing near the end of the list so that you’re completely naked near the end of the game, but not necessarily (some foreplay activities are better when you’re naked). The intensity of the foreplay activities should also increase as more and more clothing is removed. For example, start with outerwear, then maybe some massage, kissing, and licking, then underwear followed by oral pleasure. As each one is done, cross it off the list.

Play with normal no limit betting rules. However, if he goes all-in and loses all of his chips, he will forfeit the next activity on his list. If it comes to removing clothing, the winner may remove the item. They also have the option to caress, fondle, kiss and lick the newly exposed erogenous zones. When you’re done, redistribute the tiles evenly and play again for the next erotic delight on your lists. If you lose all your tokens after being naked, you must fulfill a special mutually gratifying sexual favor agreed upon at the beginning.

erotic twist– A variation of the above rules involves having the winner of each round and/or receiving sensual pleasure from their lover. Each player would include foreplay ideas on their list that they would like to receive from their partner at different stages of undress. The first to get naked and cross off the final activity on their list wins a sexual fantasy of his choosing.

Frisky Strip Poker is an editable PDF template that you can use with sample activities. I hope you enjoy playing this variation of Strip Poker specially designed as an erotic game for couples.


The Bull Mastiff: Is It The Right Breed For You? Pros and cons of the property

The Bull Mastiff is a very large breed of dog. Tall, stocky, confident, athletic and strong. But in contrast, they are well known for being one of the most gentle, loving, loyal, docile and faithful breeds. Maybe the perfect family dog…

In the 1800s, the Bull Mastiff breed was used to protect large, wealthy rural estates, helping to catch poachers or thieves. They were successful in this role due to their reluctance to bark, which allowed them to sneak up and use their weight to immobilize their victim until their owners told them to let go. As a general rule, they don’t bite, which means it’s safe for your dog to play roughly, albeit a bit like a wrestling match! And if your Havanese barks, go see why, it could be warning you of something important, they are excellent watchdogs.

family dog

Bullmastiffs are also known as the “babysitters” of the dog world, widely considered to be one of the safest breeds to have around children or babies, their calm demeanor means they tolerate being pulled, climbed and generally harassed and will never lose. check. However, they can be clumsy and could easily knock over a small child with a flick of their tail, so be careful!

Their coloration is described as fawn (a light beige), red (a medium brown with a very slight red tint), or brindle, which is a mix of brown and black. The average size of the male is 25 inches tall and weighs around 50-60 kg. Bitches are generally smaller in size, 20-25 inches tall, weigh around 45-55kg.

Bull Mastiffs can be quite lazy, a ten minute walk will satisfy them on a cold rainy day, but they still love nothing more than a family day out in the woods or on the beach. Never ‘walk’ your dog too much, even if it looks like they might go on and on, they are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia which can be triggered by too much exercise. Other health problems can include arthritis, swelling, and lymphoma cancer.

Family always comes first for a Bull Mastiff, but if properly socialized they mix well with people and other dogs, sniffing and playing with other dogs, they don’t jump on people, which is comforting given their size! However, they don’t mix very well with their own breed, which is worth noting if you’re out for a walk. Also, when walking your dog, be aware of others who may be uncomfortable seeing a large breed dog off leash, especially if they have a small dog or children with them, always be ready to call your dog to your side and trust that they will come immediately when called; otherwise, it’s best to keep them in the lead at all times. Extendable leashes still give your dog a lot of leeway.

Taking your Bull Mastiff to training classes when he is young is the best way to enable him to interact with other people and dogs, and how to behave within a community in a safe and friendly manner. They learn well and enjoy pleasing their owners by doing as they are told.

Be careful with your furniture!

Bullmastiffs love to chew and play, if you don’t want them to practice in your house, furniture and possessions then you need to make sure they have plenty of toys to distract them. Because they have such strong jaws, be sure to do some research and pick a toy that lasts more than a few minutes before it gets destroyed! Look around your house for cheap alternatives, old shoes, tennis balls, plastic bottles are so much fun for them.

A large crate is a must for a Havanese, it is useful for transporting them in the car and is a place where they can relax and snooze indoors. eating! When it comes to their food and personal space, don’t let them get territorial, there should be nowhere they can go that you can’t and no food bowl that you can’t take away from them. Try them on this so they know. who is the ‘leader of the pack’.

If you are looking for dogs for sale, many people who choose a Bull Mastiff as a family pet never buy another breed of dog again (myself included), they are a wonderful asset to any home and make a loyal, loving and often loving pet. entertaining. However, they are large, they need a confident owner and careful training and socialization. Never make the decision to purchase a Bull Mastiff lightly.

Real Estate

Renter’s Insurance: Scam or Reward?

An oft-pondered, though seldom-considered device that may or may not be a good idea: renters insurance is certainly a phenomenon that once pronounced itself in your presence. Too often, it is seen as applicable to all or none, with no middle ground. “Renters insurance is a good idea”…or “Renters insurance is a scam”; Did you hear any? Thought so. Oh how generalities plague market demand. Anyway, I’ll take one unusual approach, which shows how to determine if renters insurance is a good or bad idea for YOU…specifically.

A brief description: What is it?

Renters insurance exists to protect the belongings of residents who do not own the homes in which they reside. In addition, it shifts financial risks away from liability to the insurance company, which means that if an accident occurs at your rental property for which you are legally responsible, the insurer (the company) will incur the financial damage. Examples here include but are not limited to someone tripping on your rug and breaking their arm, leaving a bathtub running and destroying people’s property in an apartment below you, or even shooting fireworks indoors and burning your entire building, including all of your neighbors’ (anyone?) possessions.

Getting back to personal property loss – here are the 17 types of perils that result in the loss of your property that will be covered by renters insurance:

  • Electrical surge damage
  • Ice, snow and sleet damage
  • Water damage from utilities
  • fire and lightning
  • falling objects
  • volcanic eruption
  • Resulting loss of glass or any glazing material considered to be part of the building
  • Stole
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism and mischief
  • riot
  • hail and wind
  • Aircraft
  • Burst
  • vehicles

Nationally, the most considered property loss prospects for renters are Burglary and Fire. Depending on your area and the location of your home, flooding can also be a problem; however, flood insurance is not included in a standard policy, requiring a rider to be included. Regardless, for our purposes today, we will focus on theft, fire, and liability. There are two types of policies: actual cash value coverage and replacement cost coverage. The first (ACV coverage) covers only the depreciated value of your items, not the actual cost of replacing your items; For this, RC coverage is required. We’ll get into recommendations between the two in a moment.

Here’s the rough calculation process we suggest to help you decide if renters insurance is a worthwhile purchase. Keep in mind that most insurance policies have annual costs between $150 and $300 with some type of deductible.

Step 1.) Analyze your liability risk for damages

  • Those who live on the second or higher floors are more likely to be liable for damage to neighbors’ property, considering that people are directly below. Waterbeds can ruin your life; if it does go off, be prepared to cover the damage from those living below you.
  • You have a dog? If so, renters insurance will provide protection in case the animal releases its testosterone on its neighbors or visitors. Be especially careful if there are small children living nearby.
  • Those with frequent visitors are more likely to have a non-resident sustain some type of injury at the residence in question. Be careful… you never know when a friend will get into a dispute with you.

If you think your home is high risk, that’s an automatic trigger to start looking for insurance. If not, dig deeper and let’s discuss your property’s value and potential loss.

Step 2.) Assess the value of your total possessions, separate out “stealable” possessions

  • “Stealable” possessions are items that can and are available to be stolen in the event of theft: televisions, DVD players, computers, jewelry, or even cash that is normally kept on hand, among other things. This is to assess the potential damage should you be the victim of theft, as it is unusual for all possessions to be lost.
  • Total Possessions: Include everything here, from your shoes to your hair dryer. The estimates are exactly as stated, estimates. Just imagine losing it all and consider the costs of getting it all back. This is necessary to assess your loss in the event of a catastrophe such as a fire where all is lost.

Step 3.) Calculate your risk of loss

  • There are 105 million homes in the US, and there are about 350,000 fires for which a Fire Department can handle. It is necessary to stop the flames, so based on history, there is almost a 3% chance of a catastrophic fire in your home. While not all of these fires will destroy everything, it’s worth keeping your chances of complete destruction to 3% as it helps to accommodate for obscure risks like falling objects or vehicle damage.
  • For burglaries, check out Neighborhoodscout to look up crime rates in your state and even your specific area. Let’s use the state of Georgia as an example where there are 46 robberies per 1,000 people per year (4.6%).

Step 4.) put it all together

Now I know that my risk of total loss is about 3% and my risk of theft is 4.6%. If my total possessions are worth $25,000 and I calculated my “stealable” things to be worth $5,000, here’s how to calculate the annual risk of loss for me.

(.003 * $15,000) + (.046 + $5,000) = $275

– Essentially, this takes 3% of your $15,000 in total items and adds it to 4.6% of your $5,000 in “stealable” items… add them up and you get the risk of covering potential property losses. value to you on an annual basis. Also, if your home is, by your estimation, considered “risky” in terms of liability, then an insurance company quote of $275 a year isn’t too bad.

Next, let’s be clear about who should definitely look into renters insurance:

  • Families with children (essential)
  • Those running businesses from home: Everything you worked for could be lost.
  • dog owners
  • And, my favorites, the ones with waterbeds on the second (or higher) floor

Keep in mind that even if you live at a friend’s house, a negligent act on your behalf that results in the loss of a roommate’s property leaves your checkbook on the hook. To back up a bit, when deciding between ACV (actual cash value) coverage and CR (replacement cost), you really need to consider how much it would cost to replace your items. ACV will simply take the depreciated value of your items and give you what you are worth. However, it may actually cost you more to replace such items as you will have trouble finding similar items for the money you received. If your stuff is getting old, get replacement cost coverage (a little more expensive, but worth it). If your stuff is relatively new, you can probably slip in with the least expensive ACV coverage, since your stuff hasn’t had a lot of time to depreciate.

Finally, it’s important to know exactly why you’re buying renters insurance and what items you’re actually protecting. This way you will really understand whether or not it is worth your time and money to sign up. Monthly costs can be lowered by raising your deductible or simply by taking precautionary measures to avoid catastrophes (fire extinguishers, deadbolts, etc.). If you’ve got a few extra dollars to spare, and Mr. Insurance Broker’s quote seems like a good deal, go for it, but if it just doesn’t add up… you shouldn’t be ashamed to turn the other cheek to insurance. It’s your world, protect it as you see fit. Bada bing, bada BOOM…. Salloum. Until next time.