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Some conferences like to tap into C-level executives and industry experts as keynote speakers for their events. For example, a large technology conference would target C-level executives from large companies and industry experts as speaking resources.

Hiring a well-known executive/expert is a huge win for event planners because these speakers will draw more people to the conference based on name recognition alone and provide a significant amount of informational value. Also, these people will usually speak at the event for free, the cost of travel and accommodation, or actually pay to be on the platform. For the executive/expert, a great conference could really get your name or product in front of your target market.

This, of course, sounds like a win-win plan. The event planner qualified a top level executive/expert to speak for little or no cost and the executive/expert gained great exposure for their company in front of their target market.

Unfortunately, what seems like a win-win usually turns out to be a win-win-lose. Both people forgot about the people who are actually putting their money on the line and butts on the seats; the public -or as I like to call it- the most valuable person in the room; the client.

The customer usually ends up sitting through hours of poor delivery by someone who has no platform skills and may well have paid for the privilege. I’ve seen audience members spend more time checking email and hitting their high score on Angry Birds than listening to the person they came to listen to. Just because someone is a “talking expert” does not make them a “talking expert”.

One attendee, at a conference that will remain unnamed, said: “It was a total waste of time. Everyone was talking about ‘Cloud Computing’, promoting their latest product under the guise of poor education, and the information was incongruous from a point of view. view. person to the next”. This attendee was a director of a large company who brought 15 of his employees to the conference at a cost of $3,000 each. That conference just lost a $45,000 client. If you think it doesn’t matter because the room is full of attendees, you are sorely mistaken. Many conferences experience a significant drop in repeat attendees due to poor platform delivery, regardless of speaker name, rank, and serial number.

By not putting the customer first, this means that event organizers have to constantly fill the pipeline with new attendees because the original customers won’t waste money. And recovering them is a chimera. Fortunately, with a small investment from the hiring organization, this can be quickly remedied.

Use the professionals to improve the experts
Before the conference starts, select a single professional speaker who will prepare the audience for an amazing event and/or train the executives/experts to do it flawlessly.

For example: I have a background in information technology, which means I understood the geek language of selected executives/experts at a recent technology conference. I worked with them ahead of time to create their speeches and streamline their messages, improve delivery skills to engage the audience, and improve platform skills to deliver like a pro. As the rookies killed the audience with PowerPoint bullets; newly trained executives/experts received high engagement ratings and very happy audience members.

Reduce expenses with premium activities
This is one of the least used areas and it is the most powerful. Use your professional speaker to create opportunities to increase revenue and offset costs while leveraging your executives/experts. As part of my contract, I created a networking activity for attendees and also moderated a “Meet the Experts Luncheon Panel.” Both events were open to only 10% of the 3,000 event attendees, were hosted by a sponsor, and were sold at a premium to participants. Imagine having lunch with Bill Gates or Padmasree Warrior. This event alone was enough to cover the costs of having a professional speaker available.

Close on a HIGH NOTE
When the last day of a major conference arrives, people are ready to head to the airports; however, this is also a great time for a great mixer. Instead of seizing every moment for yet another class of some kind, use your speaker to close with an activity to solidify the benefits of the conference and get people to sign up for the next one.

Home Kitchen

Kitchen Cabinet Care Tips

Kitchen cabinets are used more frequently than dishwashers and stoves. And since they take up a lot of space, they are more exposed to elements that can help degrade their quality. Unfortunately, kitchen cabinets are removed less compared to stoves and dishwashers. During cleaning, they are often left unattended. This should not be the practice. Keeping kitchen cabinets looking their best requires regular cleaning and cleaning. Wiping with a clean cloth can help keep your cabinet doors looking original for a long time. Doorknobs should also be cleaned.

There are specific cleaning aids designed for wood kitchen cabinets. Avoid the use of abrasive and caustic cleaners. Aluminum cabinets can be cleaned with warm water and regular detergent.

The ones you can’t see are often more damaging. This is also true with kitchen cabinets. It is often common to leave cabinet tops untouched, leaving dirty the most important part of kitchen cabinets that needs to be cleaned. Avoid this by making sure to start cleaning from the top before cleaning the visible surface.

Basic maintenance of kitchen furniture.

Moisture, dust, and crawling critters can enter your cabinets at any time if drawers and doors aren’t properly closed. Make sure all doors and drawers are completely closed to keep what’s inside. Doors or drawers that do not close completely should be repaired.

Kitchen furniture repainting

If cabinets need to be repainted, choose between latex and oil. Both provide several benefits, but most professional painters prefer oil-based paint as it provides a smoother, more durable surface. Latex-based paint, on the other hand, can be easily and quickly cleaned.

Repainting kitchen cabinets is the most cost-effective way to give your kitchen a new look. But if the task requires more than that, you must choose between resurfacing or replacing your kitchen cabinets.

kitchen cabinet lining

Renovated kitchen cabinets provide several advantages to homeowners, especially in cost. It is usually cheaper to repair kitchen cabinets than to replace them. Updated kitchen cabinets bring a clean, fresh and updated look to the kitchen area. Redefines the kitchen environment. And if you’re planning to sell your home, good, clean, newly renovated kitchen cabinets are more attractive to potential buyers.


A Brief History of Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Hybrid electric vehicles are cars that use a combination of conventional powertrains and rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS). The purpose of combining these two different power sources is to achieve higher fuel economy in hybrid electric vehicles compared to conventional cars and trucks. The batteries are then used only for support and limited propulsion needs, without any recharging due to the energy storage and renewal system.

Today, hybrid electric vehicles are produced on mass-use lines, especially as more and more manufacturers have joined the green line. The reasons many automakers jump on the green bandwagon are varied. Some producers are genuinely interested in preserving natural resources, while others show a form of interest in caring for the environment as a way to attract more customers. There are three main ways that today’s hybrid electric vehicles can reduce fuel consumption. First, they reduce the amount of power wasted during idle or low input (by turning off ICE); secondly, they collect residual energy (regenerative braking), and thirdly, they reduce the size and power of the ICE and the inefficiencies generated by underuse.

Modern mass-produced hybrid electric vehicles can extend their battery charges simply by harvesting kinetic energy through regenerative braking. Some hybrid electric vehicle designs rely on the use of an electric generator that is powered by the engine and allows the battery to be recharged. Much of the ability of existing hybrid electric vehicles is to reduce idle emissions by shutting down the internal combustion engine at idle and restarting it when necessary (this is a start-stop system). Despite the weight of hybrid electric vehicles, we must mention that their engines are actually smaller than those of regular gasoline cars. These motors can run at various speeds, which brings greater efficiency.

The manufacture of hybrid electric vehicles began in the late 1990s with the first ones coming from Honda (Honda Insight) and Toyota (Toyota Prius). Even since the early days of hybrid electric vehicles, they have become widely available to buyers. The future for hybrid electric vehicles is definitely positive, and is anticipated by some automakers who see hybrid electric vehicles as a core segment of the automotive market of the future.

Digital Marketing

A Look at Hair Drug Testing

Drug tests have become very common both in the workplace and in schools in the last twenty years or so. Generally, urine testing is the most common form of drug screening. Many people are creative in their efforts to beat drug tests and have produced many products to mask the appearance of drugs in the system. Products such as chemical masking agents and even synthetic urine are widely available, and even the most serious cases of drug abuse can go undetected. Due to the ever-expanding market for products designed to help a drug user pass a screening test, many employers are turning to hair follicle drug screening.

Although hair drug tests are significantly more expensive than urine, sweat, or saliva tests, many employers believe that the benefits outweigh the costs. Employers are often pleased that hair follicle drug testing is less intrusive, is generally more sensitive for detecting drugs and can detect drugs up to twice as far back as other methods, and can show whether the employee has stopped using drugs. use drugs or not. recently in an attempt to cover up the use. It is also more difficult to mask drugs in the system when using this type of test.

The hair follicle drug test requires taking a sample of the employee’s hair; usually only a small piece of hair is taken and is considered less embarrassing than urine collection. A human resources employee or other official within the company can often do the hair harvesting on site. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for washing and analysis. Laboratories typically wash hair prior to testing to reduce the risk of picking up drug chemicals that may come from outside sources, rather than ingesting the substance.

While most employers still rely on urinalysis for drugs among employees or prospective employees, others are recognizing the benefits of hair follicle drug testing. Most people are aware of several methods to pass the urine test; in some cases even resorting to buying urine from a “clean” friend. Hair drug testing is virtually unbeatable with today’s masking products. Although some products claim to mask the appearance of drugs in hair samples, most are based on false or inaccurate claims. Hair follicle drug tests have been shown to be more effective and less invasive than other alternatives.


15 things children want from their parents

15 things children want from their parents

Although it may seem like it, children are not too complicated. Very few things are asked of us in their early years; however, these requests are essential to help them grow into kind and respectful additions to society.

As parents, there are 15 main things that children will want from you as much as possible. If you can do your best to provide these things to the best of your ability, your child’s future will be brighter than ever.

Here are the top 15 things kids want from their parents:

1. Good night

Going to bed is much better when parents spend quality time with their children. Take time out of your day to tuck them in, sing them a song, or read them a bedtime story.

If you don’t have any books, you might consider making up a story yourself or telling them about your childhood. Children are very receptive to parents who also use their imaginations!

2. affection

The display of affection is one of the essential experiences that children have during their growth. Parents should always remember to give plenty of praise, cuddles, and love, even after a long day.

Even a friendly one-on-one conversation can go a long way for a child who wants to be heard. Share some time asking your child about his day and what he enjoyed most.

3. Private time

Having a good connection with your children means giving them your full and undivided attention as much as you can. Children will benefit from feeling that their time is valued, especially if it is planned and not rushed.

With more than one child, it is essential to give each one their time with you. It’s hard to connect when there’s a lot of hustle and bustle, so let them pick a place and an activity you can enjoy together.

4. Advocates of positive eating

Lots of kids are picky eaters, but that’s no reason to throw in the towel and serve pizza every night. Children need to learn that healthy foods can also be delicious and satisfying, and that starts at home in the kitchen.

Work on meals together, or even help them grow some vegetables in the garden. Kids need to learn early on that dessert isn’t the only delicious food, so they’re set up for long-term success.

5. Plans to wait

Show your children that you love spending time with them and offer them fun things that they crave with you. You can plan fun events on the weekend or surprise them with weekend activities if they’ve been good.

Showing your kids that you’re excited about quality time will make them feel good about themselves and their relationship with you.

6. Conversations before bed

Bedtime means winding down, but it’s also a great time to tap into beneficial conversations. Set aside time before bed to talk about your day, your friends, or whatever else comes to mind.

Let them lead the conversation; Children like to feel heard.

7. Time to play outside

Studies have shown how beneficial and vital outdoor play can be for children. Not just kids, either; People of all ages benefit from being outdoors!

Encourage children to stay away from screens and televisions and explore the outside world instead. Let them spend as much time outdoors as they like, whether it’s playing, walking, or socializing with the neighborhood kids.

8. Time to watch your favorite show

The only thing better than watching your favorite show is watching it with a loved one! Grab a blanket and curl up for a good cuddle while your child enjoys his favorite shows.

You can let this be a quiet time, or you can ask them questions to engage them.

9. Discipline when necessary

Children need guidance when it comes to learning about appropriate behaviors and responses. Showing discipline may not be a parent’s favorite thing to do, but it teaches a child that you care about them and want what’s best for them.

Even if they don’t show it, children find value in being disciplined.

10. Leave special messages

Surprises are always nice, even if it’s a little note or a ‘just because’ gift. Consider putting notes in your child’s lunch bag or backpack, especially if he’s having a rough day.

Having that little joy of happiness is always lovely when it’s unexpected.

11. Being silly

Sometimes kids look for approval to goof around, but the best way to give them permission is for parents to goof around themselves.

Playing dress-up with your children and acting out stories will help them come out of their shells and work on their imaginations. Children can be tremendously creative when they don’t feel like they have to hold back or act in a certain way.

Surprise them with costumes, crafts, or a pillow fight! The options are endless.

12. To be less stressed

Surprisingly, children are very observant and receptive. They often notice when their parents are stressed or upset, and it affects them too.

Many children want to see their parents happy and relaxed, which in turn makes them feel more positive as well. Regardless of what’s bothering you, try to keep things simple.

If you’re short on time, don’t feel bad about ordering dinner. If the house is messy, invite your kids to help you get things done faster. Don’t let anything take longer than it should; work together now, play together later.

13. Playdates

Adult time is fun, but it can also be beneficial for everyone to have playdates with other parents! The kids can socialize together or they can hang out with the adults and get comfortable with their friends.

14. Orientation

Children don’t have all the answers; in fact, adults rarely have them all! However, children will look to their parents for guidance in all kinds of situations.

They may seek you out when they meet a stranger, face a new experience, or are unsure how to express their feelings. If you have established a level of trust in your relationship, your child will feel safe enough for you to point him in the right direction.

15. Approval

Parents sometimes don’t realize it, but their children always seek their approval for all sorts of things. More than anything, they want to make their parents proud!

Be on the lookout for opportunities to stand up for them, even if it’s the smallest achievement. Doing so can increase your self-confidence and your willingness to try new things.

Essential things to keep in mind

Parenting is hard and covering all these things every day is not always possible. However, keep these 15 things kids want from their parents in mind and practice them as often as you can.

They will help you build a strong relationship with your children and encourage them to become successful young adults.

Health Fitness

Slimming With Stack

One of the main concerns of millions of people in the world is weight gain. There are people who are overweight and this leads to many diseases. There are many factors that result in weight gain and this is why it is very important that you exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body weight and keep diseases at bay. With the help of the right diet plan and exercise regimen, you will be able to shed excess body weight and successfully exhibit the body you want!

There are many people who have heard the name “Pilates” which is a form of exercise. This form of exercise helps you lose weight to a certain extent and keep you in good shape. To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume and with the help of Pilates you can achieve this successfully. It is a form of exercise that helps you burn calories and, in the process, lose weight. This form of exercise is one that helps you tone and strengthen the body muscles in your body.

With the help of a Pilates trainer you can learn the weight loss exercises you need for your body type. To achieve maximum weight loss, you should practice Pilates for at least 20 minutes a day. In this way, you can lose weight and also strengthen your body. It is a very good form of cardiovascular exercise and helps you shed those extra pounds and tone your body accordingly. It is very good to protect your body against any kind of injury.

If you decide on a weight loss program that involves Pilates, you should be sure to consult a doctor who will determine your body type. After this, you should go to a certified Pilates trainer who will teach you the various forms of exercise that suit your body. Pilates should be practiced at least three times a week to get the desired results. The best part of this exercise is that you have the freedom to combine it with other forms of exercise like jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. to lose weight. With the help of Pilates exercise program, you can lose excess weight and get the body you want.


How to remove urine stains from your mattress

In these tough economic times, we are all trying to keep our expenses to a minimum. It is especially difficult for those who have children and pets; something is inevitably urinated, vomited or chewed on and it is Murphy’s law that it is the most expensive item to replace. So we’re always looking for ways to remove stains, odors, Kool-Aid, or restore what’s been chewed on. One of the most expensive items are mattresses. Mattress prices have skyrocketed, but there are some inexpensive alternatives to throwing out your stained mattress and having to buy a new one.

First of all, the best way to keep urine out of your mattress is to buy a plastic mattress cover, these are quite inexpensive but can also be expensive for queens and kings. However, even the best mattress cover can rip or have a hole. If there is a bedwetter in the house we know what that can mean, a wet mattress. Don’t be discouraged, just try these cleaning tips below before throwing out your mattress or giving it to your dogs to lie on.

First, remove the mattress and simply place it outside in the sun. Believe it or not, this is one of the best ways to remove not only urine stains but also odor. The sun has a natural whitening and deodorant action. Leave the mattress in the sun for 8 hours. This may be all you need to do.

If the odor and stain persist, the next step is to use 3% hydrogen peroxide on the mattress. Put in a spray bottle and spray the area until saturated, then remove the excess with an old towel. Lay the mattress on its side against a wall or piece of furniture to allow for better aeration. Let dry completely; this usually takes 24 hours.

Then, once the mattress is semi-dry, put the mattress back on the frame. Get a box of baking soda and sprinkle generously on the stain. Rub it in and let it sit on the mattress overnight. Vacuum the mattress the next day to remove the baking soda.

You can repeat any or all of these steps if necessary.

These are inexpensive ways to try to remove odors and stains from mattresses. It’s also a much healthier alternative to chemical-laden commercial products that are unhealthy and usually don’t work.

Real Estate

Hard money loans for beginners

Hard money loans are good for first-time investors as a source of credit, since most of the time, people in California start their debt before they even start their credit, this phenomenon stems from the influx of student loans. This could be a good indication of the future success of hard money lenders. This is often the case for people who have bad credit or don’t qualify for other lines of credit or loans.

In our history, and even today, remodeling houses (buying a “Junker”, fixing it up and selling it for a profit) has been very profitable and a good source of income. It is a market with a huge risk with such large investments but it can be very profitable. This is where hard money loans come in.

These flippers or real estate investors usually use the hard money loans to buy a property at a low price quickly! The importance of speed is what makes a hard money loan different from any other loan. Investors sometimes need the money as soon as possible. Conventional loans or typical soft money can take up to 30 days to obtain. Investors are highly attracted by our quick and fast delivery, usually around ten business days. In the case of investing in houses, this is exactly what the investor is looking for. When a flipper finds a property that interests him, he wants his money fast, and sometimes his only option is a hard money loan, if he doesn’t want to lose the property. Sometimes lending hard money can make or break a business or even a deal.

How to make money on property sales can be a very long project. This may depend on how much work needs to be done on the property. There are many things to monitor before investing or remodeling a house, money is obviously an issue. Pinball may be constantly asking itself, “where is the money going to come from?” But, in a troubling financial situation, hard money loans are not a bad place to turn.

Hard money lenders get a higher interest rate, but the risk they take typically dwarfs that. Which means the high interest rate is worth what you’re getting. And most people are fully aware of the higher interest rates and still resort to this option. In most cases it is your only option. However, higher interest rates are given as collateral, as those who need these loans may have potentially bad credit or none at all. Which is a big risk for the company. In the brighter picture, hard money loans have been shown to save a client’s property or be the difference between losing or creating jobs on a developing site.


The basics of sport fishing

Sport fishing is a popular pastime in the United States and is often referred to simply as recreational fishing. The challenge of sport fishing is to find and capture the most coveted species and species in the region; the entire event may even include eating the catch of the day. Sport fishing methods vary by country and region, and the tournament and competition may depend on the specific species being targeted. From fly fishing to Marlin chasing, there are many different skill levels and components involved in sport fishing tactics.

Types of Sport Fishing

There are a few different types and forms of sport fishing:

o Bass fishing

o Deep sea sport fishing

or shore fishing

or ice fishing

o Fishing with lures

or fly fishing

or rock fishing

Each type of fish requires a different method for proper capture; Common species include tuna, walleye, northern pike, toe tag, trout, jack, sailfish, and even shark.

sport fishing equipment

To compete in a tournament or competition, every angler will need the basic tools and supplies:

or real

or rod


or fishing nets

or fish finders

or fishing line

Sport fishing bait can be as simple as fishing lures and spinners, but can also include live fish species and other small animals. Common bait options include night crawlers, streamers, oysters, shrimp, and crustaceans. Frozen bait is another option; mackerel, sardines, herring, octopus and squid are commonly used for many sport fishing competitions and events.

Sport Fishing Competitions

Anglers are awarded scores at each sport fishing competition, and these global events can be considerably large and extensive in scope. Each score is assigned to individuals (commonly known as shore anglers) and teams (boat anglers). The catch is timed and a pound test will determine what kind of value the lot has. Anglers can receive a ‘flat score’ when they land, tag and release a specific type of fish which is then split by line testing.

Some sport fishing competitions are awarded to anglers at each sport fishing competition, and these global events can be considerably large and extensive in scope. Each score is assigned to individuals (commonly known as shore anglers) and teams (boat anglers). The catch is timed and a pound test will determine what kind of value the catch has. Anglers can receive a ‘flat score’ when they land, tag and release a specific type of fish which is then split by line testing. The competitions take place on chartered boats; these sport fishing expeditions are becoming a popular way to participate in sport fishing around the world.

Tours Travel

Vancouver – Top Ten

Vancouver will host the Winter Olympics in 2010. The UK’s Mercer Institute regularly ranks it as the world’s most productive city. It has been voted the world’s most deliverable city by the UK-based Mercer Institute for three years in a row. Here are some reasons why:

1) The Stanley Park Boardwalk. Vancouver’s natural environment is stunning, and on this 6.5-mile walk around the levee you’ll get it all: the Pacific Ocean engulfs the ancient rainforest that is Stanley Park. Across the water, snow-capped mountains and distant islands dream in the mist like a Bali Hai of the northern hemisphere. The Seawall hike can get crowded. Turban-wearing Sikhs on mountain bikes and Chinese families on roller blades zoom past stately Russian matrons out for their afternoon stroll. The walk takes about two hours. Bikes and skates can be rented at the Harbor Air Seaplanes Adventure Center off Canada Place: 604 233 3500.

2) Neighborhoods – Kitsilano. Named for an Indian chief and a former Vancouver hippie haunt, Kits has heritage homes, rolling hills with beautiful views, modern shops, lush gardens, and one of the best beaches in the city. Take a number 4 or 7 bus on Granville Street and get off at the excellent Capers organic grocery store on 4th Avenue. Stroll down Vine Street to the Pacific. Swim in the huge outdoor pool at Kits. Head back up the very steep Yew Street, listen to some jazz at Rossini’s, and treat yourself to a latte with the locals at Kits Coffee Shop.

3) Fine dining: Fresh wild salmon from BC’s mountain streams, BC’s Okanagan fruits and wines are just a few of the fabulous products that help make Vancouver’s restaurants among the best in Canada. Lumiere on Broadway is considered by many to be the best restaurant in the country. If you want to try the place without blowing your budget, go to the tasting bar next to the main room and order one or more of the 16CAD dishes selected from the main menu. The papardelle with rib meat or the grilled sablefish are two big favorites. Reservations are not allowed: the popular bar is served on a first-come, first-served basis. Closed on Mondays. Light 2551 W. Broadway. Tel: 604 739 8185. Take the number 10 UBC bus or a ten-minute taxi from downtown.

4) Of the sublime… At the opposite end of the gastronomic spectrum is Casa Gelato, the home of 198 flavors of ice cream. Next to the train tracks on an eastside industrial estate, nostalgic Italian Vincenzo Misceo sits in a neon-lit, pink-painted ice cream parlor, surrounded by his flavor creations: gorgonzola pear, wild berry jalapeno, vegemite . Misceo admits to occasional failings: salmon chocolate fudge? Take the 22 Knight Bus on Burrard to Glen. 1033 Venables St.

5) The Absolute Spa at The Century. At Vancouver’s most popular day spa, rose petals are sprinkled into the tubs and enrobed in unfortunately inedible chocolate. (For real chocolate, see below.) You are then massaged as dozens of warm horizontal jets of water run over your body. In the opulent relaxation room, eat chocolate-dipped strawberries, then swim in the ozonated pool or take a eucalyptus steam bath. 1015 Burrard St. Tel: 604 684 2772

6) Hollywood North and the Chocoholic Bar. Vancouver is known as Hollywood North thanks to the tax breaks and great environment. The X Files’ David Duchovny recommends Gerard’s Lounge bar at the Sutton Place Hotel as the place to go for celebrity spotting. With its fireplace and wood paneling, Gerard’s is one of the coziest places for a martini, but frankly, who needs celebrities when the hotel’s Chocoholic Bar is just thirty feet away? Forget David, Gillian and new local Goldie Hawn and head for the crepes, cakes, mousses and sundaes at the $19 chocolate buffet. Thursday Sunday. Sutton Place Hotel, 845 Burrard Street.

7) The best cappuccino in Western Canada. Caffe Artigiano, 763 Hornby Street across from the Vancouver Art Gallery. Tired of anemic Starbucks foam cups? There are Italians in Vancouver ready with the antidote. Drawing inspiration from the original Venetian coffeehouses, Artigiano serves up a strong, creamy concoction to gallery-goers, office workers and media folks from nearby CBC studios.

8) Bard on the Beach. English actor and director Christopher Gaze took Shakespeare and placed him just a few meters from the ocean under a huge tent. Throughout the summer, three Shakespeare plays are set against the backdrop of the ocean and mountains. The Bard, being the Bard, is a perfect fit for seagulls, seaplanes, cruise ships, even the occasional passing coyote. Tel 604 739 0559

9) Vancouver has the cheapest CDs in North America. Downtown, try A&B Sound at 556 Seymour for pop and rock music. Sikora’s Classical Records at 432 W. Hastings for classical music.

10) Jericho Beach and Spanish Banks – These long stretches of beach lie beyond Kitsilano, on the headland that is home to the University of British Columbia. If they hadn’t messed around with the architecture, UBC would have been the most beautiful campus in town. It’s not, but these two beaches with views of the islands of the Strait of Georgia and the mountains and forests of Vancouver’s North Shore are something of a tradeoff. Excellent swimming from June to September – lifeguard patrol. Yes, we are hundreds of miles north of San Francisco’s icy no-swim beaches and yes, we do swim.