
You are unique, why does your resume sound like everyone else? 7 tips to stand out

How many resumes are received for a job offer?


Of course, it depends on the position, the industry and the demand; and what little research i found was an average of 75 for each position in 2009 and up to 250 for each position in 2013.

Needless to say, there is a lot of competition for the big jobs. So many that many companies use the software as a first step to weed out a vast majority in an attempt to come up with a manageable number to review.

With all this competition from other candidates and computers weeding you out, why would you want your resume to look like everyone else’s when you’re not like everyone else?

The common sense answer is that you wouldn’t; however, the difficulty is figuring out how to make your resume sound like you to get the attention you want and deserve.

Here are some tips and suggestions to make your resume your own and stand out from the crowd:

1. Know what you are selling

Your resume is your personal sales statement. In order to sell any product, you must know the features and benefits. What do you bring to the table, how can you add value, what makes you better at what you do than your competition?

2. The proof is in the pudding

It’s not enough to tell a potential employer that you have x years of experience in a field. Time does not equal quality or value. Haven’t you ever worked with someone who’s been in a company for a long time and you wonder how he’s still there because he has no idea what he’s doing? Exactly.

It is important to demonstrate your experience, skills and value. Instead of telling them that you prepare reports (no value, just statement), demonstrate the value of this task, perhaps something like, “compile and submit x monthly reports that identify new avenues and opportunities for growth.” What is the value of what you do?

3. Duties vs. Worth

To be frank: no one cares what you were hired to do; they care what you did. Listing job duties as bullet points is simply posting your job description on your resume. It only tells the reader what you were hired to do, which shows no value.

To determine value, think about these questions:

Who do you work with?
How do you work with them?
What is your job?
Who benefits?
What is the value received for doing what you do?

From there, you can create a value-focused bullet point for each task by integrating the answers to these questions into your bullet point.

4. Templates are a start

There are many templates available to use when creating your resume. These are fine, as a start; however, they do not customize your resume for you. If you don’t know how to get started, templates can be a good starting point. Just remember to customize it after you fill in the blanks.

5. If this is you, it should sound like you

We each have our own style and that can’t be captured in a template or sound like everyone else. If you are very dynamic, see more of what you want and use words that reflect that side of you. If, on the other hand, you’re a behind-the-scenes type of person who uses dynamic words, it’s counterintuitive.

Think of it this way: When you read a book, you get a picture of a character based on the words that are presented. This helps your mind to form an image of that character in your mind. The same thing happens when someone reads your resume: a picture of you is being formed based on the words you think of.

6. Research

Keywords are king. If you’re having trouble finding the right keywords, search for job postings for the position you’re looking for, copy and paste them on; This gives you a word cloud of the keywords used in the post.

Another option is to Google similar resumes to see what phrases or keywords are used. Don’t copy and paste the entire resume, just use them to sample and personalize them.

While searching for similar resumes, click on Google’s “Images” tab and look at them from a visual perspective. At this point, don’t read them, just let your eye drift over the many, many resumes in front of you and see what naturally appeals to you. You can then emulate this design in your own style.

7. Would you hire yourself?

Writing your resume is a daunting task and not fun at all. Sometimes we get so caught up trying to say the right thing that we end up saying nothing. Take a step back from your resume and read it as if you were the hiring manager and ask yourself, “Would I hire this person and why?”

Challenge yourself to show that you own that next job, and make sure your sales presentation supports that sentiment.

Finally, relax and don’t try to write the only summary of all time in one place. Your resume will need to be adjusted and modified for each position. It is an evolution at every step, so allow yourself to grow and modify it as you go through the process.

The first resume you write may not be the worst or the best, but through the process of reviewing, tweaking, researching, and modifying, it will come to the fore and catch the eye of the right hiring manager for the right job.


General tips to save on auto insurance

One of the many responsibilities associated with driving is the ability to pay damages in the unfortunate event of an accident. Many drivers don’t realize that they can significantly reduce the amount they pay for general auto insurance without sacrificing the amount of coverage they receive.

The following guidelines are guidelines only. There is no guarantee that your auto insurance provider will apply in all of the scenarios listed below. The best idea would be to take notes on the areas where you think you could generate some savings and shop around. Force insurance companies to compete with each other.

Type of car you drive

This should be common sense, but the type of car you buy will have a direct effect on how much you pay for general auto insurance. In some US states, your insurance company will lower your premiums if your car has certain safety features, such as anti-lock brakes, anti-theft devices, etc. If you are going to buy a car in the near future, make a list of five or six vehicles you are thinking of buying. Call your insurance company and ask what rate you would pay for each vehicle.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the top ten most stolen cars in 2008 were;

• Honda Civic (1995)

• Honda Accord (1991)

• Toyota Camry (1989)

•Ford F-150 (1997)

• Chevrolet C/K 1500 (1994)

• Acura Integra (1994)

• Dodge Ram Pickup (2004)

• Nissan Sentra (1994)

• Toyota Pickup (1988)

• Toyota Corolla (2007)

Avoid add-ons like spoilers, new tires, etc. If they get damaged, your insurance company will never value them as much as they paid for them. Additional custom add-ons also make your car have a higher profile, which in turn makes it more likely to be stolen.

insure old cars

If you drive an older vehicle worth less than a few thousand dollars, it may not be necessary to fully insure this vehicle. Of course, make sure you have the minimum coverage required by law, but the cost of insuring a vehicle shouldn’t be more than it’s actually worth.

If you have a small accident with a new or old vehicle, try to avoid filing a claim. If possible, pay for damages out of pocket because the more claims you file, the more your premium will go up.

What to tell your insurance provider

The insurance company that insures your home may also offer general auto insurance. Depending on the insurance company, you may be eligible for a discount for purchasing two forms of insurance from the same company.

Ask your insurance company if they offer any discounts through your employer. If you work for a large company, you may be eligible for an insurance discount. Finally, ask if you qualify for a low mileage discount. If you are not a frequent driver, insurance companies will understand that there is less risk of you having an accident, thus lowering your premiums.

What your insurance provider won’t tell you

1. Your chosen profession may be affecting your rates. Believe it or not, but your job may be affecting your rates. If you earn a high salary, your premium may be lower because the insurance company knows that those who make more money file fewer claims than those who make less money.

two. Pay your insurance in semi-annual or annual installments vs. monthly installments. Every time you submit a payment to your insurance company, there is an administrative fee to process your payment. By paying in semi-annual or annual installments, you negate many of these monthly administrative fees. This strategy requires financial discipline.

3. Increase your deductible. By increasing the amount you pay before your insurance company gets involved to help you, you’ll significantly lower your premium and won’t affect your coverage in the event of a serious accident.

Four. defensive driving school. In some states, you may be eligible for a general auto insurance discount if you complete a defensive driving school course. These courses can be taken in the comfort of your home over the Internet. Before you sign up, make sure your insurer offers discounts for such courses. In some states, the discount can be as high as 10%.

Hopefully, there was information in this article that will allow you to stay on track and keep some money in your pocket. Remember, driving is a privilege and not a right.

Home Kitchen

Clever cabinets: the simple solution

It doesn’t matter if your house is old or new, your kitchen will eventually need an update or a makeover. There are many ways to do this: you can completely redesign your entire kitchen, give your old style a lick of paint, or you can stick to the above suggestions in between by replacing your kitchen cabinets and drawers that will bring style to your kitchen. and finish what you want and at a fraction of the price.

A complete kitchen remodel can cost you an arm and a leg; let’s be honest, who can afford it in the current economic climate? Fortunately, there is a solution that can bring a breath of fresh air to your kitchen: cabinet replacement. Replacing your cabinets can completely reinvent your kitchen, and we’re talking about more than a few door changes here. Many homes that are built with prefab kitchens often lack the personal touch or the vital ingredient to make your kitchen your own. If your current kitchen cabinets are too small or your drawers are in the wrong place, then it’s time to head to your local custom cabinetmaker to find something that really suits your needs.

The best thing about asking a specialist for help is that they know all the trade secrets that can help you have the truly ergonomic kitchen you deserve. Is your fridge too big for your current setup? Do you need a spice rack? Do you need solutions to save space? More than often, the answer is yes to all of the above and more. The service is relatively cheap and fast, with a professional design and quick installation included in the service. A complete kitchen refurbishment can put your kitchen out of commission for weeks and possibly months, while a quick cabinet replacement service can give you a brand new kitchen in a matter of days.

A typical service will include an on-site inspection by a professional, who will measure your kitchen cabinets and guide you through style options and potential space-saving solutions. Once a style is agreed upon, your professional cabinetmaker will begin building your dream fixtures in the shop and return to install your new cabinets and remove your old ones. It’s a quick process and saves a lot of hassle.

Any professional cabinetmaker will be able to make your dream come true, no matter what you ask for. If he wants solid hardwood cabinets, they will offer him a variety of finishes using only the best quality, eco-friendly and sustainable wood solutions. If you feel like you need a modern finish, with stainless steel fascias they will give you hundreds of options for your handles and fixings. Glass panels, mirrored surfaces, vinyl siding – it’s all there for you to choose from.

Regardless of what you choose, you can be sure that a kitchen cabinet replacement service will revolutionize your kitchen and will certainly be cheaper than a complete repair. The next time you’re in your kitchen, take a look around and try to visualize how a new cabinet arrangement could change your life.

Digital Marketing

What is the best place to live in the United States and Canada? An almanac says it all

During the recession, many families are reconsidering where to live and considering making a mistake, something they take very seriously and cannot afford to make a mistake. But where do they move too? Where can they get all the information they need to make an informed decision? Well boy, do I have the perfect book to help with this quest:

“Places Rated Almanac; Your Guide to Finding the Best Places to Live in the United States and Canada” (Millennium Special Edition) by David Savageau with Ralph D’Agostino; IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., Foster City, CA; 2000.

This book is a wealth of information on places to live, listing some 354 metropolitan areas ranked by crime, weather, arts, recreation, sports teams, job base, education, transportation, energy, pollution, cost of living, and health care . considerations There is so much data in this book that you will be impressed and will make you consider things you have never thought about before, such as the number of restaurants, churches or parks. How about bike lanes, traffic times, yes, everything on the list.

What about high paying jobs? Cost of houses, rents or business locations? Rainy days, sunny days, cloudy days, stormy days, well it’s all here in one giant almanac book and you can cross reference to your heart’s content. All suburbs and drive times to the city are listed as well as trains, buses, subways, light rail, airports, number of airlines, it’s a demographic dream come true, perfect for business or just deciding where to live and hanging up your hat, raise a family or retire.


Don’t Throw That Poem!: Tips for a Successful Poem Scrapbook

“The roses are Red

violets are green

I’m so sorry I hit my brother.

But he was being mean.”

Kids don’t just say the weirdest things, they write them too. Whether this poetry emerges from creative writing exercises in schools, or in SONG FROM THE HEART, HOPE THROUGH SONG FROM THE HEART, and JOURNEY THROUGH SONG FROM THE HEART The case of writer Mattie JT Stepanek, now deceased but never forgotten, 13 years old, due to special circumstances, muscular dystrophy, which bring a remarkable gift, rhymes can easily be lost over time, moved, throw away school papers or simply forgotten.

While our children’s poetry may not make it into best-selling books and CDs (Stepanek teamed up with young country star Billy Gilman to produce a CD), those sweet or inquiring verses from childhood and angry and angsty teen songs bring pleasure, joy and comfort. They are as much a part of history as official family records. How many of us wish we had saved our poems from clutter, neglect, oblivion, or (we hope) well-intentioned suggestions from parents that “you’re just not a poet” — or even a parent throwing away our writing? longings? You can bet Mattie Stepanek’s mom would never throw away her early poems!

Whether we have the gift of becoming poets or not, whether our children are Emily Dickinson or not, those scribbles and typescripts are part of our lives, our thoughts, our feelings. They are gifts in themselves, and loving children everywhere have the creativity to gift them. Mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, are moved beyond words when they receive a card on construction paper, or even created on the computer by a young Bill Gates or Charles Schulz. That card can contain a poem about “The best dad in the world”. Want to throw it away and keep all the store-bought greetings you take for granted? You can even take your spouse to fight with love poems, and you want to keep them too.

The answer is scrapbooking. Poetry on paper is perfect for keeping on scrapbook pages. You may want to create a scrapbook for family poems and created cards, or multiple scrapbooks if you have more than one poet in the family. You can organize family scrapbooks by writer, theme of the poem (Dad, Mom, the family dog ​​or cat), or by occasion: birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, graduations, new homes, weddings, baby showers, etc. Or you can include poems in scrapbooks you have created to record these occasions, scrapbooks containing decorations, invitations, announcements, pressed flowers, etc.

Some tips for successful poetry preservation:

*While it’s tempting to include the yellowish paper your child wrote their first poem on, consider recopying it onto nice paper and including it. You can include the original article if you wish, but do so alongside the typed or handwritten version.

Do the same if a poem has stains or spills.

* If you haven’t dated a poem by your child, look at the writing and compare it at different ages. Always indicate the age of your child.

* Always date family poems, either on paper or by noting them on a printed or handwritten label.

* If you can’t guess when a family poem was written, look at the occasion. If it was his 50th birthday or a particular wedding anniversary, you know the date (unless his memory is like a man’s!)

* When you have started to make a scrapbook with family poems, always choose thick paper for future poems or paper that resists well.

* If the poem comes with a photo, include the original even if the photo image is on the paper the poem is printed on. Or include a photo of the event or a photo of the family member the poem is about for an illustrated poem!

* Consider writing a page that includes sample quotes from family poems, a sort of “Best of the Jones Family” list.

*Finally, if someone in your family doesn’t mind hearing your voice recorded, make a CD or cassette of the poems and include it with the scrapbook.

You may never get your poems read across the country, but you and your family will treasure the memories they bring. So start writing and happy scrapbooking!

Health Fitness

How To Walk Slim – Lose Up To 9 Pounds Per Week

Walking is one of my favorite things to do and I have emphasized to many people the power of walking. This exercise routine does a lot without a lot of effort or strain and the results are very satisfying. Walking does more than help you burn fat, it also:

Help fight colon cancer! A study from the Washington School of Medicine found that any form of walking can reduce the risk of colon cancer; Brisk walking can reduce the risk in women by 44%. Walking also protects your eyesight. According to government researchers, it reduces the risk of developing cataracts. Washington scientists say that walking three or more times a week gives us a 32% chance of getting dementia.

Researcher Arthur Weltman, PH.D and other scientists have discovered a new way to burn more fat while walking. This method takes less time than the traditional walking routine which is 40-60 three or four times a week. It’s called the Uva approach, two of the walks a week will be 45-60 minutes but at a comfortable pace and the other 3 will be only 20-30 minutes and should be brisk but able to carry on a conversation without being nervous. too breathless.

This works because leisurely walks burn around 300 calories an hour: brisk walks can burn 300 calories in as little as 30 minutes. UVa rays not only help you burn more calories, but also increase your fat-burning hormones by 80%. This workout is so gentle that you probably won’t even notice that you’ve been doing a high-intensity workout. A high intensity workout routine is great for burning more fat and calories, it increases a growth hormone called HGH that your body produces and this is what dramatically increases your fat metabolism.

The afterburn from this method is incredible! Even 48 hours after training, your body is still working to recover from walking. When you do exercises like this, your metabolism is so high that it can take a long time for the body to calm down and return to its normal state.

UVa also reduces appetite, strenuous exercise activates anti-hunger hormones and you start eating less without realizing it. Eating right will also make you lose weight faster! Here is a quick and healthy breakfast recipe; 2 wholemeal toast with honey,

3 to 4 strawberries

Scrambled eggs use nonstick spray instead of butter.

Walking does amazing things for your body, so get up and start shedding pounds and before you know it, you’ll be back in your old jeans! If you are looking for a great weight loss pill, the lemonade diet offers quick results while detoxifying your body.

Walking Tip: Make sure you have good walking shoes to support your ankles, legs, and feet.

Lifestyle Fashion

Body Detox: What Is Detox And What To Expect

Doing a body detox is a way to improve your health and well-being. Detoxification is a way to get rid of bad toxins in your body. This will only raise your energy level by flushing out these toxins that make you feel sluggish and tired. Doing a detox will give you energy and at the same time help you lose weight.

There are two types of toxins: controllable and uncontrollable. The controllable ones come from what you take in through food, drinks, etc. You can reduce the intake of these toxins through a body detox. The uncontrollables come from things like the air you breathe and the environment you subject your body to, like your bathwater.

You will find all kinds of diets and articles on the internet about detoxification. Some claim to complete the process in 2 days and others in 10 days. However, they are all very similar. Detox time depends on the level of toxins in your body and how strict you are with the process.

The foundation for detoxifying your body is living and eating healthy, also known as cleansing and restoring. Refreshing refers to the process of restoring electrolytes and other nutrients that your body loses during the cleansing process. Healthy eating refers to eating organic, nutrient-rich, and minimally processed foods. You should eat less animal protein and eat more alkaline with fresh vegetables. Cut out alcohol, sugar, processed foods, sodas, and trans fats. All of these items put harmful waste into your body.

Sleep is another important process for detoxification. Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a night. Sleep is a way to allow your body to rest and heal. It allows your body to focus more on the detoxification process.

You must drink a lot of water. This helps your kidneys remove toxins from your body. At the same time it keeps you hydrated and will also help to suppress your appetite. Purified water is better than regular tap water.

Exercise is also another important part of. This helps with circulation and breathing. It will also help your skin sweat and stretch. Exercise will also help with weight loss.

Taking a detox bath can also help with the process. Put 2 cups of Epson salt and half a cup of baking soda in your bath water. Some people also add their favorite essential oils.

Hope this helps and good luck with your detox process.


Bully Sticks are one of the most popular natural and healthy organic dog treats or bones

Bully Sticks Dog Bones have quickly become one of the most popular types of dog treats on the market today. Bully Sticks often fly off pet store shelves for many reasons. Bully sticks, also known as beef pizzles, pizzle sticks, beef sticks, steer stix, are made from 100% bull penises. Bull penis is a unique ingredient of bully sticks. Some vendors and dealers say they sell bully sticks made from “beef tendons” or “dried muscle” since that part of the anatomy is a sinew and a muscle, and this may sound less repulsive to some people with psychological barriers who think in feeding the bull. private to his angry friends.

Pizzle Sticks last a long time, are a natural and healthy treat for dogs and do not harm your dog’s belly. Concerned pet owners are often looking for dog bones that are safe and nutritious at the same time. Bully sticks for dogs, also known as pizzle sticks, beef sticks or beef pizzles, are 100% beef, so your dog will be able to digest them. Pizza sticks are safe for both puppies and older dogs.

Like most dog chews, Steer Stixs for Dogs promote healthy teeth and gums. The chewing action will remove unwanted plaque buildup from your dog’s teeth. The chewing action will also massage your dog’s gums while preventing bad breath. They are very popular with dog owners because they last a long time. These sticks are great for teething puppies because they will keep them busy for hours. It will give your pup or dog something totally healthy and safe to chew on, therefore leaving your shoes and furniture alone. This is due in part to the fact that dog bones are very difficult to chew and are only softened by the dog’s saliva. Chicken drumsticks are a good dog bone to give puppies because they won’t splinter or break apart and are safe for their tummies. This is a common concern among puppy owners.

There are many different brands of chew sticks on the market today. American brands include Merrick, RedBarn, Bones Galore, and Jones Treats, and the pizzle sticks made by these companies are generally made in the United States. It’s a good idea to buy chews that are made from free range cattle, grass, organic sticks so you don’t have to worry about their safety. Free-range cattle do not eat feed that has been treated with pesticides, antibiotics, or other harmful chemicals. Ideally, your meat sticks should be smoked and baked, not sun-dried. As with most natural dog treats and chews, bullysticks are certified and inspected by the USDA.

Because dog pizza sticks are also mostly 100% natural, they are much easier to digest than many other dog bones available. There are many websites that are dedicated to selling only bully sticks. However, dog treats have become so popular that they can be found in almost every pet store, but it’s usually cheaper to buy meat sticks online. Although dog meat sticks are one of the safest dog bones, it is important to supervise your dog while chewing on a bully stick. Size does matter, so get pizza sticks that are appropriate for your dog’s size. Bully sticks come in 4-inch, 6-inch, 12-inch, and a full bully stick that is up to 3 feet long.

Real Estate

Vacation Property Resale Vs New Vacation Home: Exactly Which Should You Buy?

If you’re considering a timeshare, one of the first concerns you’re likely to ask yourself is “where will I choose?” Should you spend money on your timeshare directly from the resort? Or would you prefer to buy your getaway property on the secondary market?

From the point of view of most clients, as well as professionals, it usually makes more economic sense to obtain a timeshare on the resale market. Getting a second-hand timeshare (from a previous owner, rather than immediately from the vacation spot) can help save thousands; occasionally up to 60% off resort developer prices. In many cases, reselling a timeshare provides the exact same amenities and accommodations that a vacation resort offers, even when the price is less than retail price.

First class features:

Purchasing a resale timeshare does not necessarily suggest that you are purchasing a “used” product. The best known getaway companies around the world play with a considerable number of timeshare resale owners. By buying on the secondary market, you can get a lifetime of service from hotel companies like Hilton Grand Vacations Club, Marriott Vacation Club, Disney Vacation Club, and Hyatt Vacation Club for a fraction of what you could waste by ordering direct or on resort accommodations. similar tourist attractions for a week.

Smart Choices:

In many cases, second-hand buyers turn out to be more informed buyers. That is simply because when people decide to buy a timeshare on the second hand market, as opposed to a timeshare presentation, they have likely taken a little time to thoroughly research and take into account their lifestyle. vacation getaway. They realize that they will have annual vacations every year, so they plan accordingly. Timeshare consumers who purchase directly from the resort often do so through timeshare “introductions.”

Avoid high pressure sales:

These types of presentations seduce guests with a “prize” for attending (dinner vouchers or tickets to the nearby amusement park, to illustrate) that are actually gleefully disguised snippets to lure you into a high-pressure situation unprepared. It is these types of notorious timeshare salespeople that trap potential clients; convince these people not to go home to explore, that this is a “one time plan” and that you’re missing out on a great adventure if you don’t sign up now. It is frankly a fallacy. Buying any type of real estate shouldn’t be a snap decision, and certainly shouldn’t happen during a high-pressure event.

Choose a licensed timeshare brokerage firm:

Several industry experts agree that the safest and smartest approach to purchasing a vacation property on the secondary market is to speak with a licensed timeshare broker. Choose a broker with a current real estate license and BBB accreditation. Both are indicators of outstanding performance and reputation.

Shopping Product Reviews

Will children learn the necessary skills to read and spell using Leapfrog Tag?

What is Leapfrog Tag?

Leapfrog’s basic tag system consists of the Tag pen and a small built-in speaker. The Tag pen is used to read and play along with Tag compatible books. The system comes with an introductory reader (Ozzie & Mack), but also offers a range of classic children’s stories, as well as licensed books like SpongeBob SquarePants, Kung Fu Panda and others. The idea is that as the child touches key words or areas, the Tag pen will speak, reading the words in the book or playing simple games through it.

Can Leapfrog Tag help children learn to read?

Within this product, and many others, parents assume that by clicking on a word, the child will hear it and learn to link what they see to this word, and they will be reading! That these products will magically bring books to life. This is not how children learn to read at all.

While this is a fun and quirky toy, anything that focuses on ‘whole words’, rather than learning how the word was ‘put together’, will not give your child the skills to read and spell with confidence. We know this from clinical studies and research conducted around the world on early literacy development. Examine the studies, or read the government reports, and you will realize that in order for ALL children to learn to read and spell, and to prevent reading failures, they must be taught specific skills. Children will not learn to read and spell by themselves, or simply by sharing books and stories with them, they need to understand certain concepts, that is, how the ‘code’ works in English.

Children who fail most of the time have poor “phonemic awareness.” This means the ability to distinguish and manipulate the individual sounds of the English language. Unfortunately, many teachers still do not choose to take a preventative approach or offer direct and systematic phonics instruction until the child is failing. Therefore, any parent who wants to prevent difficulties should focus on anything that helps their child learn the sounds of words. You may also be interested to know that research over the last decade has shown that the brains of children who are actually failing change when they are taught using a synthetic and direct phonics approach, to more closely resemble the brains of children with great literacy skills. . So now we know that as long as they are given the opportunity to learn using a good phonics program, all children can be successful. Why wait until they’re failing though? A preventative approach seems much fairer to children and will prevent associated problems such as low self-esteem and increased misbehavior. If parents and teachers knew that some US prisons actually predict future prison admission by looking at reading scores from years 3 and 4, there might be a shift in thinking and in the opportunities we offer our sons. So creating something that helps kids is great – Leapfrog Tag doesn’t currently offer them that opportunity. Also, not only do we appreciate quality resources, children also need a real person to guide and instruct them. It is actually very different from teaching concepts related to math or science. Literacy research shows this need for direct instruction in phonics.

What are the skills children need to read and spell?

Although there are a variety of skills, including the ability to really understand what they are reading, these are some essential skills. Children must learn that:

1/ Words are made up of sounds, for example cat has 3 sounds i.e. c+a+t and shout has 3 sounds i.e. sh+ou+t

2/ Sounds are combined in our speech to form words and are represented on paper from left to right using images/symbols that represent these sounds.

3/ Sometimes 2 sounds form another, for example, ‘s’ is one sound, ‘h’ is one sound, and ‘sh’ is a different sound.

4/ Sometimes a sound (on paper) can be interpreted as having two or more sounds in speech; eg ‘ow’ could have 2 meanings, eg as a cow or as a bow.

It may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. What we are trying to do is teach children the sounds of words, how to represent them on paper (letters), and how to manipulate and mix them. You can’t do that if you’re working with ‘whole’ words from the start: children need to understand from the start that words are made from sounds, and that written code is directly related to our spoken language.

Imagine if a child was asked to learn the full word ‘nip’, and then asked to spell the word ‘pin’. They can’t do it if they learn it as a whole word, because they don’t understand how it’s done. up. However, if they learn the sounds ‘p’, ‘i’ and ‘n’ then they can also spell ‘nip’ work because they would just be manipulating the sounds they already know.

Free ways to teach your child to read, write and spell

Using Leapfrog Tag and other electronic games is fun for kids, of course; however, they are likely to be confused about what reading and spelling is at a basic level; they will think of the wavy lines, the word, as a whole, instead of looking at the parts of the word. They will think that reading is more about memory and using the visual clues on the paper to guess the word.

When we teach reading and spelling, we really need to focus on the words that we say, and how they are pronounced, the sounds that are used in the words. For example, the word ‘show’ is pronounced with 2 sounds: we say ‘sh’ followed by ‘ow’. When children can ‘hear’ sounds, it’s just about learning how to put those sounds on paper. So start with individual sounds and words that can be created using individual sounds. You can start with the sounds ‘s, a, n, i, p and t’, which are the first sounds taught in Jolly Phonics (a synthetic phonetics program). These sounds are chosen because you can create many words from these sounds. . Children can learn to ‘spell’ words using those sounds, by learning to hear the sounds in words, and also to ‘read’ them, by recognizing the individual sounds on paper and reading (pronouncing) them from left to right. Correct.

Teaching children to read and spell is actually quite easy if you cut your way through the confusion (which usually comes with a price tag) and simply arm yourself with information. This product could have been really cool, if it had focused on the individual sounds of words instead of whole words. So there is definitely room for future development, and I appreciate that the product developer’s intentions are good. We all want children to learn to read and spell with confidence; however, we must use methods and resources based on solid literacy research.

When you understand the skills kids need, you can introduce and reinforce these concepts yourself, at home, in the car, while shopping, and it can be fun and FREE! Okay, maybe it’s not completely free. You need to make the cards to show what the sounds look like (the letters are really just pictures of sounds) and you can make a variety of games using a card and a pen. But we are talking about a couple of dollars instead of hundreds, if not thousands! It is something that can start as soon as the children are talking. If they are able to produce the sounds in words, then they can learn the pictures that are used to represent those sounds.

Here’s a free clip on YouTube that gives a FREE quick overview of what parents can do for themselves: No links to any products, or anything for sale, just free parenting tips, and this is a free chat forum for parents run by literacy specialists who moderate it free of charge just to be a part of raising literacy standards –

If you buy games for the purpose of helping your child to read and spell, make sure they actually introduce and reinforce skills that we know are required from years of clinical studies and research in this field. Simply put, anyone can teach a child to read, write, and spell! You don’t need fancy electronic games and equipment, and you can often speed up the process by avoiding them, when they’re not in line with the many government reports and recommendations that parents and teachers can easily access online.