
How to develop an effective company profile and why

What is a company profile?
A company profile is essentially a resume of your company that you use to establish your credibility with the market you serve. Your company profile helps potential customers understand your business, as well as your company’s focus, unique strengths, and relevant expertise. Your company profile demonstrates your company’s ability to effectively meet customer needs. Your company profile also helps others who come into contact with you, such as lenders, the media, and job applicants, to better understand your business.

Who would benefit from having a company profile?

A company profile would benefit any company wishing to establish credibility, including:

* A consulting company in which it is fundamental for the company to establish the base of its experience.

* A service provider with a service that cannot be evaluated prior to the sale where the prospect evaluates the company’s ability to provide the service based on their evaluation of the company itself.

* A company that lacks a recognized name in the market it serves

How can a company profile be used?

There are many ways to use a company profile, such as:

* Include it on your website as a means of establishing your company’s credibility

* Use of a printed version as a sales tool at trade shows or in mailings to prospects

* Provide it to lenders to help you secure financing

* Adding it to your media kit and including it with press releases to provide the media with general information about your company.

* Using it as a recruiting tool to promote your company to job candidates

What should be included in your company profile?

As a guide, look for a company profile of approximately 250-400 words that covers each of the following key areas:

Summarize your company background

Use the first paragraph of your company profile to summarize your company’s background information. Include in this first paragraph the year the business was founded, where the business is located, a high-level description of the products or services your business offers, a high-level description of the customers and industries you serve , and the geography it serves . Also include details about your company’s philosophy and approach to serving customers. Finally, be sure to mention achievements that quickly help establish your company’s credibility, such as awards, the number of clients you’ve served, or the size of your business.

Provide more details about your company’s products or services.

Use the second paragraph of your company profile to list the products or services your company offers. Use this paragraph to refer to the expertise and experience your company has that enables you to meet customer needs in these areas. You can also use this second paragraph to better define your target customer for the products or services you offer.

Highlight your company’s strengths and successes

Use the third paragraph of your company profile to highlight your company’s unique strengths, as well as key successes your company has had. To develop this paragraph, take the time to list the top 3 competitive advantages you think your company has over companies in your market space. Weave these competitive advantages into this paragraph of your profile. Next, list the top 3 successes your company has had and incorporate them into your company profile.

Include your company and staff qualifications

Use the following paragraph of your company profile to demonstrate your company’s qualifications by emphasizing areas such as patents, publications, trade associations and alliances, tools or technologies used to meet customer needs, accreditations, certifications, or educational backgrounds of employees. staff members.

Summarize your sales statement

Use the final paragraph of your company profile to provide a 1-2 sentence closing sales statement that explains why a client should work with your company.

Close with company contact information

After the last paragraph of your company profile, provide your company contact information, including mailing address, phone number, fax number, email address, and website URL.

Whether you use internal resources to build your company profile or work with an external resource, your company will benefit from having a company profile to establish your company’s credibility with prospects, lenders, the media, and job candidates.

Home Kitchen

How to buy a £20,000 kitchen for a fraction of the showroom price

In this article I will tell you how you can get a high-end kitchen and save thousands of euros!

The most common way to shop for a high-end kitchen is the same old routine of visiting a showroom, running into your enthusiastic kitchen salesman over their free coffee. Once you’re out of the way, it’s time to choose the kitchen you really want. From the traditional Shaker style kitchen to a modern luxury gloss white kitchen, hundreds of designs and finishes to choose from! Quite a stressful and time-consuming scenario, causing you to hand over a check for £20,000 and walk off hoping everything will go according to plan.

Step 1 – Spend £2000 – £5000 on the cabinets. How? I would advise finding a local bespoke furniture manufacturer. They may seem a little less professional, but they will certainly be more skilled and knowledgeable than an independent kitchen showroom salesperson. Always ask to see their work and an advantage would be that they are handmade and available to measure. Tell them what you want and get a price and time scale.

Step 2 – Spend £700 – £1200 on kitchen doors and kitchen drawer fronts. How? Look online or visit a local mall for your kitchen doors and kitchen drawer fronts. They will be of the same quality as the kitchen doors in the showrooms. There will also be a wider range of options allowing you to get the exact design and finish you want.

Step 3 – Spend £1000 – £2000 on appliances. How? Again, look online for your appliances, you’ll find them much cheaper than the showroom sticker price. Alternatively, visit a local appliance center to see exactly what you’re buying in the ‘meat’.

Step 4 – Spend £50 – £1000 on handles and knobs. How? Probably the most important purchase you will make to achieve the look of your luxury kitchen. Handles can complete the look and make your kitchen stand out from the rest. Try searching online for handle manufacturers and don’t be afraid to import from abroad.

Step 5 – Spend £2,000 – £5,000 on work surfaces. How? Definitely buy your countertop directly from the manufacturer. Granite is the best option. Try searching the internet for commercial granite suppliers or take a look at your local yellow pages.

Step 6 – Spend £1000 – £2000 on installation. How? Ask for recommended local Carpenters. If they are fully qualified and genuine, you will find that they will already be booked for a couple of weeks.

Thank you for reading about Kitchen doors.

Digital Marketing

The 4 best content marketing strategies for real estate wholesalers

What are the best content marketing strategies for those wholesale properties?

There are many wholesale marketing channels for real estate investors today. Many work, but content marketing is becoming increasingly important and valuable in selling wholesale homes and generating real estate leads.

Many real estate investment companies that are renovating homes are getting great results from direct mail, email marketing, cold calling, PPC advertising through Google AdWords, Craigslist ads, and various guerrilla marketing efforts. . These are powerful wholesale marketing methods and form a solid part of a complete marketing mix. However, no one can deny that a variety of emerging changes are also making it clear that a good content strategy cannot be ignored either.

So what are some of the best content tactics for wholesale CEOs to engage with today?

1. Blogging

Blogs have been repeatedly recommended to wholesale CEOs over the last two years, although they have proven incredibly profitable for many, but most have yet to fully embrace them. This is tragic considering the long-term benefits and high ROI it offers, while also having the potential to drive high-quality traffic and short-term leads.

2. Guest blogs

While on-page blogging can develop as the heart of a real estate company’s business, off-page guest blogging on company and other people’s blogs can be just as important. This is even more true as the results of email marketing and other link building efforts are affected by Google’s ongoing changes. Done well, guest blogging improves long-term SEO and search engine rankings, helps attract short-term leads, increases visibility, and reinforces your status as a trusted expert with investors. So look for relevant, high-quality blogs, online magazines, and news sites that accept your content.

3. Social networks

Most investors are well aware of the need and reported benefits of engaging in social media, but few yet recognize how important it is, or are doing very well. Having profiles and posting some weird retweet or ad is not enough. It’s all about content and that means original and interesting content is requested. Ask questions, host contests, link to blog posts, highlight your successes, and find out how you can help others in your network.

4.Press releases

While it is potentially one of the most powerful forms of wholesale marketing to improve branding, positioning, and driving web traffic by commanding your own media with press releases, it is still sorely neglected by many wholesale CEOs. Check out the variety of free and low-cost options out there today to dramatically improve visibility and credibility.


Why Teach Your Child Nursery Rhymes?

You want your child to be a good conversationalist, right?

Before a child can be an excellent conversationalist, they must be able to remember sounds, words, phrases, and sentences. Nursery rhymes are a great and fun way to help your child develop these skills.

Sing or say some of these rhythms to your baby every day. From a very young age, he will show that he recognizes and enjoys familiar patterns of sound and rhythm. Add simple actions that he will learn to anticipate.

As he gets older, repeat the same nursery rhymes many times and continue to add new ones to the repertoire. Recorded versions can be useful to help develop memory for words and melodies, but most recorded songs and rhymes are too fast for young children to develop their auditory memory and language skills. So, as often as possible, sing them or say them yourself.

Sing and say the nursery rhymes slowly, exaggerating the rhyme and rhythm, with actions when possible. Clarify the words and when your baby is old enough, encourage him to join or complete some of the words. Have a lot of fun interacting with your baby with these rhymes and songs, as this exchange will be a crucial link in her speech and language development.

Research on language development has shown the crucial importance of helping your baby develop good listening and remembering skills.

As a speech pathologist, I see many children who have not developed good auditory processing skills (the ability to make sense of sound) and auditory memory skills (remembering exact sounds, words, and sentences). This can be due to a variety of reasons, including intermittent hearing loss.

These children find it difficult to follow directions. They often do not seem to remember what they are told. Sometimes they have trouble speaking clearly. Their grammar may be incorrect or they may have difficulty speaking in complex sentences. Then they may find that telling well-structured stories is too difficult. Getting your message across to people who don’t know you well can be difficult.

I invariably find that they can’t tell me nursery rhymes, or when they do, the words are a bit ‘fake’. It’s it is important for them to get the words right and in the right order.

Children need endless opportunities to practice the language with you. They need to hear many words and sentences and they need to hear the same words repeated many times.

They also need to understand rhyme, so they can classify and store words in their brains and manipulate sounds in a way that helps them learn to read later. Of course, Nursery Rhymes is full of rhymes and puns, as well as a wide variety of vocabulary and endless variations in sentence structure. And little kids love silly things.

Actions have been shown in research to stimulate speech and language. Nursery rhymes and action songs provide wonderful opportunities to combine words with actions. You can invent your own actions, appropriate for your child’s age. Babies will join in the actions long before they can say the words, and then they are learning how to interact successfully in communication with you!

So show your child how to have lots of fun with words by sharing nursery rhymes, books, and stories. Sing them, say them, do the actions! It will prepare your child for a lifetime of great communication.

Health Fitness

Funny or not: our growing obsession with memes and GIFs to communicate

We netizens are constantly craving a new obsession and these lively, sarcastic images have certainly become an integral part of our culture. It is said that a picture says a thousand words, and companies use these visual assets as various forms of communication in social media marketing, newsletters or blog posts. It is being adopted as a perfectly acceptable mode of communication for brands, political leaders, official emails and social networks.

What is a meme?

Memes refer to a piece of digital content that has photos with captions that relate in a very effective way to convey answers or situations. Anything and everything can be turned into a meme, like; a photo, a video, a person, an animal, a fictional character, an action or even a GIF.

What is a GIF?

A GIF is a form of meme, which can move. The animated styles of GIFs make them more effective for communicating digital content.

Creative expression takes a leap:

Memes and gifs have paved the way for nonverbal communication in digital mediation environments. They offer concise and flexible expressions for a variety of complex verbal and visual feelings. They simply facilitate the way communication occurs, reducing the problem of misunderstandings when reading a text message. Various sentiments, such as sarcasm or exaggeration, can be easily reflected through memes or GIFs.

The growing preference for GIFs:

GIFs are the perfect middle ground between classic images and heavy videos and offer the best of both worlds value. They draw attention to moving images, with or without sound, which makes them quick to consume and easy to digest. An idea can be expressed better and broader compared to a single photo.

Why do we use memes and GIFs?

The richness and nuance of various sentiments can be condensed into a single post using memes or GIFs. It is fast becoming the most efficient form of cultural expression, even in mainstream marketing communications.

When a YouTube video takes some time to watch, these GIFs can serve the purpose in less time. They take up less file size because they are shorter and do not require Flash Player. They can be automatically played on various platforms and can be implemented in multiple ways. They add meaning to something written or even to express better responses to various scenarios.

Education and marketing using GIFs:

GIFs are used not only to make you laugh, but also to convey serious meaning to your content. People use GIFs for educational purposes, like; drawings, illustrations and slow-motion videos to describe scientific concepts.

GIFs have been popularized by brands by using them in various advertisements and modes of internal and external communication.

What does the future hold?

These GIFs and memes are here to stay. They will be used in an even broader sense to promote marketing content, drive more traffic, and create more interest from marketers. There are several websites and blogs that use memes and GIFs to enrich the experience of their visitors. GIFs are suggested to be the future of photojournalism.

Everyone on the internet has fallen real, deep, and madly in love with GIFs and memes, and I hope to see many more in the future.

Legal Law

Caregiver Versus Personal Assistant – Salaries and Benefits

Are you a caregiver or personal assistant working in a home or private home? As a domestic worker, whether as a caregiver or personal assistant, are you entitled to the minimum wage? Do I pay for overtime? Other benefits?

If you are hired directly by an individual or family, your benefits are different from those of someone who is hired by a private business or agency and are governed by general employment laws: applicable federal and state statutes.

An employee who lives inside, unlike an employee who lives outside, is subject to the special work rules described below.

A caregiver or “custodian of care” is defined in Section 15610.17 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code as:

“…an administrator or employee of…public or private facilities or agencies, or persons who provide care or services to the elderly or dependent adults, including members of support staff and maintenance personnel.”

A “personal assistant” is not entitled to overtime compensation unless: (1.) he or she is an inside employee; or (2.) he or she does general housework (cleaning, cooking, feeding, dressing, or supervising) that exceeds 20% of total work time; or (3.) perform nursing duties (check pulse, take temperature, administer medication) more than 20% of total work time.

In these three cases, the domestic worker is no longer considered a “personal assistant” and is entitled to overtime pay. Otherwise, light housekeeping and cooking duties qualify as work exempt from overtime compensation.

Personal Assistant as defined in CA IWC Wage Order 15:

Section 2(J) of the California Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Order No. 15-2001 defines “personal assistant” as follows:

“‘Personal attendant’ includes nannies and means any person employed by a private head of household or by a recognized outside employer in the health care industry to work in a private home, to supervise, feed or dress a child or person who by reason of advanced age, physical disability or mental deficiency need supervision. The status of ‘personal assistant’ shall apply when a significant amount of work is not required in addition to the above.”

In fact, the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) has historically adopted the standard used in federal regulations, 29 CFR 552.6 on “escort services”, namely:

“…(T)he term ‘companion services’ shall mean those services that provide companionship, care and protection to a person who, due to advanced age or physical or mental illness, is unable to attend to his or her own needs. Such Services may include domestic work related to caring for elderly or infirm persons, such as preparing meals, making beds, doing laundry, and other similar services Incidental, ie not exceeding 20 percent of total hours weekly worked”.

Federal regulations, 29 CFR 552.6, supra, further clarify that:

“The term ‘companion services’ does not include services related to the care and protection of the elderly or infirm that are required and performed by trained personnel such as registered nurses or practitioners.”

Therefore, the acceptable duties of a “personal assistant” involve activities of daily living such as getting in or out of bed, showering, bathing, using the toilet. The “supervisory” duties of a “personal assistant” would include assistance with obtaining medical care, preparing meals, purchasing personal items or groceries, using a telephone, and even managing money.

As long as the general housekeeping duties performed do not exceed 20% of the weekly work time spent by a “personal assistant,” he or she is exempt from the protections of California Wage Order No. 15-2001, such as the compensation for overtime, etc. , except the minimum wage. But prior to 2001, a classification as “personal assistant” also excluded the minimum wage in California.

This overtime compensation exemption also applies to “personal assistants” as well as other domestic workers, such as caregivers, who spend 20% or less of their work time performing general housekeeping duties, who are employed by an agency and sent to private homes to work. .

Benefits of domestic workers:

A. Minimum Wage:

The state minimum wage covers all employees, including domestic workers (in-house employees, caregivers, and “personal assistants”), but excludes legitimate independent contractors. California’s current minimum wage is $8.00 per hour as of January 1, 2008, an increase of 6.7% over the previous minimum wage of $7.50.

There are several factors that determine whether a person is an independent contractor or not. But the main factor is the control by the employer of the means, form and result of work. An independent contractor runs his own home service business, owns his tools and materials, and controls the manner and outcome of the work.

Independent contractors are not covered by the minimum wage and overtime compensation statutes.

B. Overtime pay:

Domestic workers who are not live-in employees, as well as “personal assistants” who perform general housekeeping tasks in excess of 20% of their weekly working time, are entitled to overtime compensation consisting of one and a half times their regular salary. for working more than eight (8) hours in a day, or more than (40) hours in a week.

Residential employees must be paid one and one-half times the regular rate for all hours worked over twelve (12) hours (instead of over eight (8) hours) in a work day for five (5) days labor. On the sixth and seventh days, resident employees must receive double the regular rate for all hours worked over nine (9) hours per day. See California IWC Wage Order No. 15-2001 3(A)-(B) (8 Cal Code Regs. 11150(3)(A)-(B)).

Under federal law, 29 USC 213(a)(15), “any employee employed from time to time in domestic service to provide child care services or any employee employed in domestic service to provide companionship services to persons who (because of their age or illness) are unable to care for themselves” exemptions from the minimum wage and overtime pay are granted.

C. Other benefits for domestic workers:

1. Hours and days of work:

An inside employee is entitled to at least twelve (12) consecutive hours off duty during each twenty-four (24) hour workday, and the total lapse of hours for a workday shall not exceed twelve (12) hours, except that: (a) the employee must have at least three (3) hours off duty during the 12 hours of work; and (b) the employee who is required or permitted to work during scheduled off-duty hours or for 12 consecutive off-duty hours must be paid one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for all such hours worked. . See California IWC Wage Order No. 15-2001 3(A).

In addition, no inside employee shall be required to work more than five (5) days in any workweek without a day off of not less than 24 consecutive hours, except in an emergency. See California IWC Wage Order No. 15-2001 3(B).

2. Rest and meal periods:

Domestic workers are entitled to a ten minute paid break for every four (4) hours of work per California IWC Wage Order No. 15-2001 12(A), and a thirty minute meal period every five (5) hours worked, like other types of employees, under California CBI Wage Order No. 15-2001 11(A).

Otherwise, the employer shall pay the employee one (1) hour of pay at the regular rate for each day of work that the rest period or meal period is not provided. See California IWC Wage Order No. 15-2001 12(B), 11(D). But “personal assistants” are not granted meal and rest periods.

3. Wage deductions for food and shelter:

The employer may subtract food and housing credits from the employee’s paycheck if: (a) the employee actually uses the meals and housing is provided; (b) meals and housing are used as wages to meet the minimum wage; and (c) the employee executes a voluntary written agreement, crediting meals and lodging at the minimum wage.

The meal credit can be deducted as follows: breakfast – $2.45; lunch – $3.35 and dinner – $4.50. Housing can also be credited at $31.75 per week for one bedroom ($26.20 if shared). See California IWC Wage Order No. 15 – 2001 10(C).

In short, whether you are a caregiver or “personal assistant” entitled to particular wages and benefits in California or in other states depends on whether the general housework you perform exceeds 20% of your total work time.

(The author, Roman P. Mosqueda, practices wage and hour law in California.

This article is not legal advice and an attorney-client relationship is not established with the reader. For specific employment law issues, consult a competent attorney.)

Lifestyle Fashion

Animal Symbolism in Feng Shui – Your Key to Success, Happiness and Wealth

Below are some common animals used in sector activation in Feng Shui. There is a long list of animals that you can use, this is just a sample of them.

Cow: The Chinese honor the cow because it pulls the plow that is used to prepare the fields for those who harvest their crops and represents the season of spring.

Skull. It symbolizes fidelity and longevity. Placed with a water source in the north, it represents good fortune, wealth, wisdom, and longevity for mother and father.

Dolphins: Considered magical creatures. They are said to help you think more freely and creatively. You can place dolphins in your child’s room or in your office.

Continue: The dragon is one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui and is the animal of the East. They can be placed almost anywhere in your house, but at least I would have one in the East. The dragon is considered “Almighty” and is said to bring wealth, prosperity, power, protection, great success, good luck and abundance. If you have a dragon holding or protecting a round object, it is said to be the Pearl of Life and symbolizes wisdom and great achievement. They do not belong in bedrooms or bathrooms.

Eagle: An image or figure of an eagle in full flight is an excellent symbol of success, strength, power and authority. Always have an eagle flying or perched in a tree, don’t display it looking fierce and predatory. The best location in your career sector or in the N corner of your desk or office

Elephant: Elephants are considered sacred creatures in Feng Shui and are probably best known for their symbolism of wisdom. They also symbolize good luck, fidelity, fertility, longevity, and virility.

Fish: (Arowana, Money Carp). The fish is a symbol of wisdom, faith, freedom, integrity and purity. In Chinese, the Arowana is called “Kam Lung Yue” which means golden dragon fish. This name is synonymous with great wealth in abundance. The fish represents Yang energy that brings good fortune to your home or business. The fish also symbolizes freedom from restriction. The fish is often seen on the soles of the Buddha’s feet, representing the power of energy.

Fu Dogs: Fu dogs are part lion and part dragon. They are used to protect your home or office from negative energies and to prevent evil or people with bad intentions from entering your home. The male represents dominion over the world at large, and the female represents offspring and home. These are meant to be placed on the ground and flank the front door. Place the male with a ball under his paw on the left side of the door as he faces out. The Female with a lion cub under his paw should be on the right.

Horse: In a galloping stance, the horse represents nobility, fame and recognition and is also used for single people looking for a life partner. Don’t show a rare horse directly in front of or behind you. The best location to place the horse is in the living room and in the South sector of your home or office. Do not display the horse in any of the bedrooms.

iguanas: The iguana symbolizes creativity, spontaneity and joy. This is a good item to place in your child’s Personal Development section.

Lion: It symbolizes courage and bravery. He is considered the guardian and protector of businesses and homes. A pair of lions with both front paws can be placed on the ground on either side of the main entrance to your home or business to protect wealth.

love birds: Because lovebirds form a bond with their mates and are said to languish when one dies or they are separated, they represent devotion, fidelity, and romantic happiness. Best located in the SW of the house or the bedroom. These are the Western culture equivalent of the Chinese Mandarin Duck.

lucky cat: The lucky cat has very powerful symbolism to bring luck and good fortune into your home. They can be placed in your Good Luck Sector or in the SE corner of your home or desk. The legend behind the Lucky Cat is as follows: In the 17th century, there was a dilapidated and poverty-stricken temple in Tokyo. The temple priest was very poor, but he shared what little food he had with his pet, Tama. One day, a feudal lord was caught in a storm while he was hunting and took shelter under a large tree near the temple. As he waited for the storm to pass, the man noticed Tama, the priest’s cat, beckoning him to enter the temple gate. The feudal lord followed the cat into the temple and instantly, lightning struck the place where the lord had been standing. So the cat saved his life. Since then, the Lucky Cat has been considered an incarnation of the Goddess of Mercy (Kwan Yin).

Mandarin ducks: Like love birds, Mandarin Ducks represent devotion, fidelity, and romantic bliss and should be placed in the SW sector of your home or bedroom.

money frog: This is a mythical animal known as “Chan Chu” and is said to appear every full moon near houses that will receive news of increased wealth and good fortune. Also called the “Three-Legged Money Frog”, it is usually placed just inside the front door facing INSIDE the house. The coin in its mount must be placed with all four symbols facing up, not down. It can also be placed in your wealth sector and next to a cash register. They should never be placed in a kitchen, bedroom or bathroom.

Panda bear: This beautiful animal is one of the most endangered animals in existence. It is called Da xiong mao which means giant bear cat in China. The Panda is believed to have magical powers that can ward off natural disasters and evil spirits and is also a symbol of peace.

Peacock: The peacock is the Western cultural equivalent to the phoenix in China. Placed in the southwest of your home or bedroom, it is said to attract and enhance happy relationships and marriage.

Phoenix: The phoenix is ​​an imaginary creature from ancient Chinese Feng Shui. The phoenix is ​​usually red or crimson in color and symbolizes the luck of fulfillment of wishes. The south corner of your home or office can be activated by placing the phoenix there. The phoenix is ​​said to bring opportunity, fame and recognition. When combined with his “soulmate”, the Dragon, he puts SW to attract happy relationships and marriage.

red bird: It can be an image or a figure/statue of any type of bird, a parrot, a cardinal, etc. Put in the South for protection.

Roaster: If you have a lot of minor office politics in the workplace, displaying a rooster in your office is said to counteract this negative energy. The rooster is said to quell arguments, backstabbing, and politicking. Also, pointing a rooster’s beak towards a beam or column in the home will deflect the negative chi they may bring.

Tiger: The tiger is considered the king of wild animals. It is seen as a symbol of royalty, power and bravery. An image of the Tiger is believed to dispel negative chi. The Tiger is very important in Feng Shui because its stripes represent the auspicious balance of Yin and Yang.

Turtles: The turtle symbolizes support, longevity, endurance, wealth, a happy family, long generations, good luck and fortune. Because the tortoise is one of the celestial animals, it is said that it also possesses protective powers. Legend has it that the turtle has in its body the secret of heaven and earth and the design of its shell shows the Lo Shu magic square that is the guide to life. Turtles can be placed anywhere, but you should have at least one in the north sector of your house. They can be oriented in different directions depending on the material they are made of. For example: place glass turtles facing north, metal turtles facing west, wooden turtles facing east or southeast, ceramic turtles facing southwest or northeast. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful symbol of wealth, health, prosperity, and protection and should be placed in the north or southeast.

Wild goose: Because wild geese always fly in pairs, they are great to put in SW part of your home or bedroom to enhance your romantic relationship. Geese are messengers of good news and represent married status.


3 things to know before bringing home your new German Shepherd puppy

German Shepherds can make great family pets, but gsd puppies require proper training and at least a partial raw diet. This article provides basic information on German Shepherds that will help potential new owners decide if the GSD is the right breed for their family.

1. Potty training. In many ways, German Shepherd puppies are just like any other breed of dog. For example, puppies will quickly learn to keep your business if you lock them in a cage instead of allowing them free reign throughout the house. This is due to an instinct your gsd pup was born with that motivates him to keep his kennel clean. Potty training without a kennel is possible, but the pup must have free access to her potty spot and won’t learn to keep her business as quickly. In this article, potty training and crate training are the same thing.

How to potty train a gsd puppy:

  • Have a suitable box. If you buy one that is large for the gsd pup to grow in, be sure to use the divider or a pillow to take up the excess space so you don’t have room to get away from your business if you were to potty in the crate. This is very important, because if the puppy’s instinct doesn’t tell him that the crate is a tight place and needs to be kept clean, he can use a corner as a potty spot.
  • He should be kept comfortable with something to play with and chew on, but no food or water.
  • Let your puppy out of his crate every two hours for the first two weeks. If you’re at work and can’t do this, you’ll need a puppy sitter to do it for you. It is imperative that the pup is never forced to keep his business until he has no choice but to litter his den.
  • Take the gsd pup directly outside when you open the box. Don’t linger, play with the dog, answer a phone call, or stop to read an email. It is very important that the dog is taken directly outside so that there is little chance of an accident in the house.
  • While outside, say “go potty” or whatever phrase you want to use. Stick to your phrase and say it lovingly but clearly and with intent.
  • When your pup relieves himself outside, praise him! Get a little dizzy and take it to the top with excitement. Caress him, kiss him, hug him! Tell him he did a great job with a big smile and then go back inside.
  • Once inside the puppy must have constant access to water.

two. german shepherd feeding German Shepherd Dogs are closely related to their ancestors where they hunt for their food and eat mainly meat, intestines, bones and organs. If a German shepherd is fed kibble throughout his life, he will not get the nutrition he needs for his bones and joints. German Shepherds are especially prone to hip dysplasia, but feeding at least a partial raw diet can greatly increase your gsd pup’s chances of not developing this debilitating affliction.

Feeding a raw diet doesn’t have to be complicated. You can feed raw hamburgers, chicken with bones, cheap cuts of steak with bones, intestines, hearts, livers, chicken and turkey necks, etc. Find a meat wholesaler who has these types of items as leftovers and will sell them to you at the lowest possible cost.

Feed your puppy as much as he can eat in 15 minutes, twice a day. You can give him high-quality dog ​​food (kibble) along with his raw food. Do not freely feed your gsd pup kibble, and especially beware of kibble with corn or wheat anywhere on the ingredient list. German Shepherds are particularly sensitive to corn and wheat and will likely have some type of reaction. This is why many German Shepherds become fussy or reluctant to eat and owners cannot keep enough weight on them. The intestines of German shepherd dogs are not meant to digest corn or wheat.

If you prefer to feed kibble just because you can’t wrap your brain around the raw diet, look for dog food that doesn’t contain corn or wheat. This will cost more than the cost of cheap cuts of meat, since a good croquette is expensive. You won’t find it in your local department store, I’ve only seen quality dog ​​food on pet store shelves. Ordering it online is a good option.

3. Exercise your gsd DAILY German Shepherd puppies are energetic little tyrants! They should have time to romp and play every day. If you can’t provide the exercise a shepherd requires, don’t buy one.

Real Estate

Richardson Texas Neighborhoods

abrams way

Abrams Road HOA is a Richardson neighborhood that is close to many nearby convenient stores and is across the street from Richland Community College. The neighborhood consists of townhomes and the price ranges from $100-$200. Amenities include 2 swimming pools, tennis courts, and a walking/biking trail.

Arapaho Community

The Arapaho Community in Richardson, Texas is a neighborhood that gives area homeowners a voice in the City of Richardson and RISD. The organization focuses on providing communication opportunities with the RISD City Council and Board.

Carrington Estates

The Carrington Estates Home Owners Association is a community that strives to maintain the aesthetic beauty and functional value of the property within the development that will continue to improve and be responsive to the needs of homeowners. We focus on the needs of the many and maintain an active and cohesive family environment. Our committed and talented neighbors have come together with great ideas and have volunteered to put them into practice. We encourage our homeowners to get involved in our neighborhood, whether it’s at neighborhood socials, volunteer as committee members or street coordinators, or simply express their opinions at committee meetings.

Sherrill Park Streets

The fairways of Sherrill Park are located adjacent to the Richardson Sherrill Park Golf Course. Sherrill Park’s 280 homes are located in Collin County and children attend schools in the Plano Independent School District. The neighborhood is also conveniently located near the North Central Expressway, George Bush Turnpike, and DART.

JJ Pearce

The JJ Pearce neighborhood is located in Richardson, Texas. Richardson is a friendly suburban community that is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. It is also in the heart of “Silicon Prairie” and the neighborhood prides itself on its great jobs, schools, and people. Richardson is approximately 20 miles north of downtown Dallas and is an area that is enjoying exceptional job growth due to Telecom Corridor developments, as well as other large corporate moves to the area.

Knights Bridge Properties

Knights Bridge Estates is a community consisting of 133 Landstar homes that were built between 1995 and 1999. The neighborhood is located in northeast Richardson at the intersection of Renner Road and Brand Road, next to Breckinridge Park. A beautiful 417-acre city park that is within walking distance of Knights Bridge Estates. The park features picnic and playground equipment, miles of walking and biking trails, ponds, pavilions and a waterside gazebo.

Whether you’re having a picnic and feeding the ducks, or walking the dog, the park is the perfect place to spend some quality family time.

richardson heights

Richardson Heights is an established neighborhood and most of the houses are over 50 years old. Demographics vary from young couples starting a family to retired people who enjoy a quiet and safe place to live. Its tree-lined streets and well-maintained properties offer a great investment for anyone moving to the area.

richland meadows

Richland Meadows consists of only about 200 homes, bordered by Centennial Blvd. to the north, W. Buckingham Rd. to the south, the Gulf, Colorado and Sante Fe Railroad right-of-way to the east, and Audelia Rd. to the west. Richland Meadows is attractive with mature trees and nice homes, located near Richland College and the new Spring Valley DART station.

Wyndsor Properties

Wyndsor Estates consists of 465 single-family homes in northeast Richardson, just north of Dallas off Highway 635 and I-75. Many of the homes in this neighborhood were built by Centex Homes in the 1990’s. Homes in this area offer a large park and play area with mature trees and foliage throughout. The community is adjacent to Breckenridge Park, and is just a short drive from both Lake Lavon and Lake Ray Hubbard.

yale park

Yale Park is the Richardson neighborhood located between Plano Road and Jupiter Road. Yale Park has an active neighborhood association that offers regular neighborhood meetings and block parties.

Shopping Product Reviews

3 Ways to Know You’re Getting the Best TV Service

A company that locks its customers into cookie-cutting opportunities fails to recognize individuality and the importance of being all things to all people. Having the option to choose the channel lineup, where and how to watch shows, package deals, etc. is the first mark of a great TV service. Channel listings cater to different customer interests and prevent consumers from paying for channels they don’t care about.

The power of choice is a privilege, but it can also be a daunting task with some channel packs boasting 290 options. Fortunately, making a list of the shows you’re interested in has never been easier. Alignment options allow customers to simply check the box next to the channels they want. This helps customers weigh their options and avoid overpaying. A TV service that offers these options, along with the tools to organize channels, is the first way to know that you have found a good service.


Where we find time to watch TV and how we watch it has changed dramatically in the last five years, and any service provider that doesn’t take this fact into account is not worth your time. Accessibility means watching shows, sporting events, news, and more—basically, seeing anything on your own terms. True accessibility speaks to the needs of everyone, from the college student who wants to catch up on her favorite show on a mobile phone while doing laundry, to the single mother who needs to occupy her two and three year old while she completes school. paperwork in one afternoon. doctor’s visit, to the grandfather who had to “miss” his basketball game for a grandson’s piano recital. Without the ability to record and access your favorite shows and games to watch when it’s convenient for you, the power to choose the channels you want becomes irrelevant. This is the second main way to know that you have opted for the best TV service.

Bundle deals and the need for speed

The final way to differentiate top service from mediocrity is the presentation options. Booking phone, Internet and TV services with the same company offers the most efficient one-stop-shop experience. If this is not the case, you will lose time and money. Excellent bundling means providing a variety of combinations with varying degrees of each service: phone, Internet, and TV alike. This flexibility allows that grandpa who was able to watch your basketball game after the recital to hit the delete button on the Internet service he’s not interested in using and apply those saved funds to more channels.

Similarly, households with avid gamers will want to opt for the package with the highest Mbps (megabits per second). Mbps can be defined as the upload or download speed of an Internet connection. Basically, the more Mbps you pay for, the faster your home transfers files. The need for speed and the desire for more channels can be satisfied depending on the package the consumer decides to buy. Informed consumers know how to know good service when they see it. Keeping these three features in mind will help you make the best decisions regarding your TV service in the future.