
Find a snow cone stall location

Rent, Rent, Rent

A property tycoon, Lord Harold Samuel coined the phrase, “There are three things that matter in property: location, location, location.” No other factor is as important to the success of your business as the location you choose.

Location is not the only consideration. You also need a quality product, a clean booth, and friendly employees. You also need signs that are bright and visible from the main street and sidewalks. None of this will do any good if you can’t attract customers to your area. Careful determination of new sites is essential for most retail businesses. I can give you some general guidelines and things to consider when making this decision. It’s time to put location at the top of your to-do list. Below are some of the things you should consider.


For a basic snow cone stand, a little common sense is the main component in making the decision. There are software tools that will give you traffic patterns, demographics, and other data, but you need to locate your booth not only in your city, but also in neighborhoods that you know. You should know, just from living there, the main areas to look for locations.

You should be looking for an area with young families and kids or high school kids who can drive. Elementary, middle and high schools are good areas. Parks, swimming pools, and children’s sports complexes are also good indicators of the correct demographics. High-traffic areas like malls, restaurants, and stores are another good indicator. Depending on your city, pedestrian traffic or vehicle traffic will be much more important. Another indicator is if there are other kid-friendly businesses in the area. Do you see an area with a concentration of ice cream parlors, toy stores, game rooms or other similar businesses? If these businesses are successful in this area, chances are you will too.

Once you’ve decided on the areas to consider, you need to test your locations to see what will work best. The easiest way to check is to simply go out and look at the area. Park in the place that interests you and watch the traffic. Are there many children running around the local park? Do you see as many cars as you expected? Do families go in and out of local businesses? Sitting and watching on both a weekday and a Saturday may be the best way to really get to know an area.

Leasing and Renting

There is more to do for your snow cone stand at this point. Just because you’ve found your dream parking lot or store front doesn’t mean the job is done. Hopefully, there is more than one place that you think will work for your business. If this is the case, you should start contacting business owners to sign a lease. Your rental agreement is almost as important as the location itself. A good landlord can make your business run much better, but a more difficult one can cause you a lot of trouble and stress.

There are generally 2 types of business owners you can work with: small business owners and large chain stores. Small business owners are much easier to work with. You can usually deal with the owner personally and the business owner will appreciate the rental income. The corporate headquarters typically handles the rental of parking spaces for a major chain store. In this case, you can’t just walk into your local Wal-Mart, Target, or Best Buy and sign a lease. Trying to deal with a corporate office means spending a lot of time on the phone trying to find the right person to talk to. Even when you find them, you should expect them to care enough to call you back. The person on the other end of the phone will not see any of your rental income, but they have to go the extra mile to help you. There is no incentive for this to happen. There are also a number of chains that have a general policy of not dealing with small businesses or renting parking spaces.

The amount you must pay for rent will vary considerably from city to city and place to place. In my experience, $250-400 was an average rental range, but this may not be accurate for your situation. I suggest asking other snow cone and concession stand owners to get a range of the going rate. Be sure to indicate if the lease includes electricity for your booth and how you get the power. Other topics that are easy to forget are where you can empty your dirty water tanks and dispose of your garbage. You also need to make sure there are places for your customers to park and the hours you can keep the stall open. This may seem obvious, but you need to make sure that you and the owner are on the same page. If you don’t explain this in detail, then a different set of ideas can get you into a lot of trouble.

Take into account all the costs associated with the initial opening of your business and the location. This information is crucial to correctly budgeting and planning your opening. When it comes to starting a business, underestimating the costs and time involved is one of the most common and dangerous mistakes new entrepreneurs make. It is also one of the simplest to avoid.


The best advice I can give someone is to be thorough in your research. There are no perfect or simple answers. Know your city, area and particular location. Test your assumptions and do the legwork to make sure the place is as busy and kid-friendly as you thought. Good luck!


Recharging Stations for Electric Vehicles Investment Opportunities

Venture capital firms and investor-owned utilities (IOUs) invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Some stations include covered solar panel charging stations. Cities across the United States are setting up electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in downtown areas and suburbs, building support for electric cars.

This boost of green energy is highly visible. Will this market ever be complete with gas stations? Lawmakers in Washington have approved a bill to allow electric power utilities and IOUs to invest in the electric vehicle charging sector. These investments receive the usual rate of return approved by the PUC.

Regulators in many states did not prohibit investor-owned utilities from selling electricity at retail charging stations. Can anyone imagine arriving at a Shell or BP station to find electric vehicle charging stations located near air compressors? When will the changes in the automobile industry be reflected in the gas station industry? Electric cars travel 75 to 179 miles on a charge. This issue currently prohibits traveling across the country in electric vehicles.

There are more than 23,000 charging stations in the US This infrastructure investment exceeds $130 million. These infrastructure costs decline as technology improves and public support increases. Large areas in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California are excellent states for this new investment.

Utilities operate large transmission and electrical networks and invest in major infrastructure projects. They are ideal investors and sponsors to build networks of charging stations. Investors could include car companies with large electric vehicle divisions.

This type of investment is permitted in the deregulated subsidiaries of Electric Investor Owned Utilities such as ConEd Solutions, NRG and DTE Energy Investments. Returns can be higher, and better or more efficient technology can often be found in this area of ​​venture capital. The return on investment in small and medium cities could be 8% to 12%. Many cities will want to own and control these investments. The data generated by these stations will help city managers place more as demand increases.

Green energy markets are expanding in commercial and industrial businesses. Imagine that large corporations install many electric vehicle charging stations as part of their employees’ annual goodwill expenses. This will happen soon.

Will money from pension funds enter this sector? Hedge funds and other energy investment investors will enter this field as the electric vehicle market matures. Ford, Toyota and Tesla are selling a lot of electric vehicles. This makes sense in a country full of environmentalists and a nation determined to do the right thing to move our auto industry forward.

Digital Marketing

How to have more inclusive and authentic brand marketing

Add diversity to your brand with integrity and honesty

In recent years we have heard more and more about diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace. The words “diversity” and “inclusion” are similar, but they do not have exactly the same meaning.

VernÄ Myers, a well-known advocate for diversity, puts it this way: “Diversity is invited to the party. Inclusion is invited to dance.”

Inclusive brand marketing is similar to D&I, minus the HR department. It refers to how it represents people of diverse backgrounds in all forms of its advertising. That means considering factors such as:

• Age

• Ethnicity

• Gender

• Sexuality

• Appearance

Beyond making your customers feel represented, inclusive brand marketing can help you:

• Reach more potential customers

• Build loyalty and trust

• Drive engagement on social media and website

• Increase leads and sales

From your website to your Instagram feed, inclusive marketing can be an integral part of your marketing strategy, but only if you’re doing it authentically.

Let’s look at three ways to add diversity to your brand in an honest and approachable way.

1. Serve your target audience, not everyone.

Inclusive marketing is not about trying to find a stock photo with every possible demographic.

Instead, it’s about knowing your business inside and out, and making sure your target audience is well represented in your marketing campaigns.

Remember: your customers can tell the difference between a forced opt-in attempt and a genuine one.

And if they feel represented in a real way, they’ll probably be more motivated to support your small business. According to the 2019 consumer survey conducted by Google and The Female Quotient, 64% of all respondents took some action after seeing an ad that they felt was diverse or inclusive.

2. Stay true to your brand.

You may remember the Dove Real Beauty campaign. Her first ad featured a fresh-faced woman sitting down and having her hair and makeup done professionally before images of her were digitally enhanced and placed on a billboard.

Of course, it looked incredibly different from start to finish, with the idea that what we see in magazines, on TV and online is not reality.

Since then, Dove has built its marketing on this concept, using women of all backgrounds, shapes and sizes in its campaigns and promising not to digitally retouch images.

I’m not using this example because I want you to be like Dove. I want you to take a hard look at your business identity.

If you don’t sell plus size clothing, including a larger woman in your advertising will fail. If you sell plus size clothing, wearing a skinny model will alienate your customers.

Once again, it all comes down to having a deep understanding of who is interacting with your business.

READ: The Importance of Brand Messaging for a Successful Website Redesign

I’m sure you landed on someone’s website and felt that something was just…wrong; or maybe you were suddenly turned off without even knowing why.

Most likely, you quickly clicked back to find a competitor’s website, where you felt more comfortable and secure.

Your visitors might feel the same way if you don’t pay attention to how you come across to your target audience.

In this article, I’ll share 5 questions you need to answer to determine your business identity and create the most effective website possible.

Read more on our website.

3. Always be empathetic.

To reach your customers, you need to tell relatable stories, not just sell products or services.

Find out what the tastes, needs and pain points of your target customers are. How will your product or service make a difference in their lives?

Once you have an idea of ​​what makes them tick, tell that story through empathetic marketing. Empathetic marketing means putting yourself in your customers’ shoes to serve them better.

And unlike sympathy, which is feeling compassion, empathy means imagining yourself in someone else’s situation.

Your audience wants their needs to be understood and acknowledged. And that goes beyond a multicultural stock photo.

Maybe it’s interviewing an expert who is from the demographic you want to represent, or highlighting testimonials from real people who use your product or service.

How to add diversity to your brand every day

As marketers, we must continually evolve our strategy (or pivot entirely!) Going forward, that will need to include more inclusive marketing as well.

Your customers want to feel like you genuinely understand them. Increasingly, consumers interact with companies not just because they want to buy something, but because they share the beliefs and values ​​of that brand.

So research your target audience. Dive deep into your data. Hear what your customers are saying, whether it’s online reviews or comments on social media.

Commit to trying to do better every day to help your customers believe on your brand!

For the success of your business,



The 7 causes of reading difficulty and dyslexia

Reading is a neurological process carried out by the brain. When a child finds it difficult to learn to read, the reason almost always lies in the mechanics of this neurological process. By understanding the process, how it can go wrong, and the symptoms of each potential problem, it’s much easier to understand the situation and fix it. This article is an overview of the seven main causes of difficulty reading and their symptoms. For more details on any particular cause of difficulty, check out my article on it.

Cause #1 – Hearing deficit

In a conventional reader, the eyes focus on the text, the visual cortex analyzes the images, letter shapes are recognized, that information is passed on to the auditory cortex where letter patterns are mapped to possible individual sounds in the letters. words, the sounds are blended into a word, the word then goes to the linguistic cortex to be understood, and the meaning of the word goes to the prefrontal cortex to be stored and manipulated as part of a sentence.

In 80% of struggling readers, the auditory cortex is not involved in this process. Instead, the reader sees the text and recognizes a complete word. That information is then passed directly to the prefrontal cortex. So the word “cow” is processed in the same way as the image of a cow. The main symptoms of hearing impairment are early success in reading, followed by increasing frustration as the child ends up in a reading plateau between 6 and 9 years of age. So he will see a lot of wild guesswork and a slow collapse of confidence as he goes along. the text becomes more complex.

Cause #2 – Dyspraxia

To navigate a line of text, your eyes perform a very delicate dance from one group of words to another. Each jump is called a flip. This is controlled by the six extraocular muscles around each eye. If the feedback loops and motor control used for this process are weak, then the child will find it very difficult to deal with the lines of text. The main symptom of this is the ability to read single words, but great difficulty with sentences.

Cause #3: Short-Term Memory Capacity Limitations

Your short-term memory will usually hold between 5 and 9 items. If you’re at the low end of that range, learning to read will be difficult and laborious. The reason is that as a learner you are putting a lot of information into your short-term declarative memory as you read. The main symptoms of this are slow decoding of words, great difficulty with long words, and poor ability to follow the meaning of the sentence.

Cause #4 – ADHD

To learn to read, you need to sit still and work for periods of 10 to 15 minutes. It is a strenuous mental activity and gives little reward in the early stages. All of this makes it difficult for a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The main symptoms are lack of concentration, restless fidgeting and easy distractibility.

Cause #5 – Word blindness

There are two parts to the linguistic cortex; Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area. Speech and text are understood in Wernicke’s area and generated in Broca’s area. So if the reader misses Wernicke’s area, the text may be read aloud without being understood at all.

Cause #6 – Stress spirals

The brain reacts to stress by shutting down the cerebral cortex and focusing on the most basic processes in the brainstem. This typically leads to fight, flight, or freeze survival reactions.

Reading engages almost every element of the cerebral cortex, and therefore stress has a major impact on a child’s ability to process text. The main symptoms are a reading ability that can dissolve as mistakes are made, frustration increases, and a failure-stress-failure spiral develops. That will lead to rising emotions potentially with aggression, defensiveness, or a sullen lethargy.

Cause #7 – Irlen Syndrome

The eyes are very sensitive to changes in intensity. This is how they pick up patterns. Some people have a hypersensitivity to black text on a white background, which makes it very difficult to focus on the words. The main symptom is that the child complains about the text “moving” on the page.


If a child is struggling to read, it is almost certain that one or more of these 7 factors is causing the difficulty. They all have fairly simple solutions. So if you can spot the underlying problem causing the difficulty, making good progress with reading becomes easy.

Health Fitness

How to Assess Your Fitness Level

Most of us like to think that we are fit and healthy and don’t have to exercise. Whereas, there are some who hate the very idea of ​​exercising and try every excuse to avoid it. Whatever category you fall into, an assessment of your fitness level will bring reality to light. Whether you are underweight or overweight, both conditions are not good for your health and need rectification. Therefore, it is essential to test your fitness levels from time to time to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Here are some standard fitness tests to help you assess your fitness levels:

1. Weight: Your weight can tell a lot about your physical condition. Measure your weight on a scale and compare it to a height and weight chart to find your ideal weight. Other factors such as age, cholesterol levels, and physical activity will also determine if your weight is ideal. However, on a broad scale, the height-weight chart tells you if your weight is normal and within limits, underweight, or overweight.

2. BMI Scores: Another easy method to assess your fitness level is to know your BMI score. If you can calculate it yourself well, otherwise you can use a standard BMI calculator to find out your ideal body mass index which will give you the ratio of your fat to lean muscle. A BMI score of 20 to 25 is ideal and makes you fit and healthy. A score above 25 indicates that you are out of shape and that you should do something about it.

3. Take the Mile Walk Test: The best way to assess your fitness is to take the Mile Walk Test. Take a brisk walk for a mile and see how long it takes you to complete the walk. If you can finish the walk in 10 minutes, your health is optimal. If it takes longer, you should work on improving your speed without running out of breath.

4. Take the speed jump test – all you need for this is a bag of chalk. Dust your fingers with chalk and squat on the floor and touch your fingers to the wall. Then pushing off with your feet, jump as high as you can and touch the wall again. The difference between the two chalk marks will tell you the distance of the vertical jump. This test shows the power of your lower body.

5. Do the stretching exercise: Take a yardstick and mark it at the 15-inch mark. Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and stretch to see how far you can get within the 15-inch mark.

6. Resting Heart Rate – Measuring your resting heart rate is one of the best methods of determining how fit you are. For this, you need to measure your heart rate as soon as you wake up in the morning or after you have been lying down and resting for at least an hour. For a fit and healthy person, resting heart rate is usually below 60. Anything above 60 indicates that you need to do some serious cardio to get fit and healthy.

All of the above tips are necessary to assess your fitness levels and before beginning a fitness program. Get help from your doctor or athletic trainer to improve your fitness levels.

Legal Law

Approvals to establish an Indian satellite system and provision of satellite service in India

Approvals, registrations and authorizations required to establish an Indian satellite system and the provision of satellite services by satellite operators in India

In my previous articles on the provision of satellite services in India, we discussed the regulatory framework and possible entry options available to foreign satellite operators to establish their commercial presence in India and provide satellite services in the Indian subcontinent. One of the entry options is to establish an Indian Satellite System (“ISS”) by the foreign satellite operator to provide satellite services on a commercial basis in India and be eligible for all preferential treatment accorded to such systems in providing services in India. India. . In order to establish an ISS, the foreign satellite operator and/or the Indian domestic company, as the case may be, (“Satellite Company”) will need to obtain various approvals and registrations with the Indian regulatory authorities.

Constitution of the Indian Company

For the purpose of creating an ISS, the Satellite Company would have to incorporate a company (“Newco”) under Indian law. Under the Companies Act of 1956 of India, a company limited by shares can be incorporated as a private company or as a public company. Under tax and other statutes and regulations, public and private companies typically receive similar treatment. Satellite Company may therefore consider the incorporation of Newco as a private company.

Registration in CAISS

In the year 1997-1998, the Government of India (“GoI”) announced the Satellite Communication Policy Framework (“SatCom Policy”) and formulated the rules, guidelines and procedures for the registration of Indian satellite systems by Indian companies and allowed use of foreign satellites (ie uplink from India) in special circumstances, provided the satellites were coordinated with INSAT satellites. Pursuant to the SatCom Policy, the Government of India authorized the Indian Space Research Organization (“ISRO”) to establish a Committee to authorize the establishment and operation of the Indian Satellite Systems (“CAISS”) , with its Secretariat at the ISRO Satellite Communications Programs Office. Headquarters in Bangalore.

For purposes of CAISS registration, Newco will be required to submit a detailed project proposal to CAISS stating the details of its project, including Newco’s aims, objectives and background, including its capital structure; the satellite proposed to be launched or leased, spacecraft description, satellite manufacturing and launch details, capabilities of all payloads and system, network description and characteristics, orbit spectrum requirements, satellite launch vehicle the spaceship; data and location of satellite launches proposed by Newco, etc.

The Satellite Coordination Program Office, which acts as the CAISS Secretariat, reviews and examines the request in light of the SatCom Policy and the rules, guidelines and procedures approved by the GoI. Subsequently, the Secretariat will submit the request for consideration by the CAISS.

In terms of the DoS Internal Rules for the approval process, the requesting company must provide its orbit spectrum requirements with alternative options indicating priority and the requesting company must have an orbital slot before submitting an application to CAISS.

Once CAISS grants its approval to operate the satellite system, Newco will need to coordinate with the Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing to initiate inter-system coordination and issue authorization to operate the satellite in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. The GoI may also authorize Newco to coordinate directly with other satellite system operators on technical matters. The status of ISS implementation would continue to be monitored by CAISS.

Foreign Investment Approval

The GoI’s foreign direct investment (“FDI”) policy in Indian companies, whether through the establishment of wholly owned subsidiaries or joint ventures, is regulated by the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999, and the Foreign Exchange Management (transfer or issuance of securities by a person resident outside India) Regulations, 2000 (“FDI Regulations”). In terms of the FDI Regulations, FDI is automatically allowed in almost all sectors except where the proposal (i) requires an industrial license; or (ii) falls outside the notified policy/sectoral boundaries or in sectors where FDI is not permitted; etc.

Proposals that do not meet the prescribed parameters for automatic approval require the prior approval of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (“FIPB”), which is a competent body operating under the Department of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, to consider and recommend FDI. The FIPB is made up of members from the Department of Economic Affairs, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others.

Under the FDI Regulations, an Indian company may receive foreign equity investment of up to 74 percent to establish and operate Indian satellite systems subject to prior FIPB approval. Once FIBP approval is obtained, the Indian company can receive funds directly through banks licensed to deal in foreign exchange and issue shares to foreign investors subject to prescribed reporting with the Reserve Bank of India ( “RBI”) within 30 days after receipt of the amount of consideration of shares and issuance of shares to foreign investors.

Satellite Company will need to file a detailed application with the FIPB to obtain its approval for foreign investment. The application must be supported by documents including brochures and profiles of Satellite Company or its affiliates, business plan/project report, Newco memorandum and bylaws (if Newco has already been incorporated), etc.

Presentation of Report to the RBI

Once Satellite Company obtains FIPB approval, Newco will be required to receive funds from Satellite Company through internal remittances through banking channels and file a report with the RBI within 30 days of receipt of the consideration amount.

Upon receipt of the funds, Newco may issue shares to the Satellite Company and file a report (in the prescribed manner) together with an appropriate certificate from Newco’s company secretary. The price of the shares that Newco will issue to the Satellite Company shall not be less than the fair valuation of the shares performed by a chartered accountant under guidelines issued by the former Capital Issues Controller.

Miscellaneous Licenses and Registrations

Newco would need to obtain additional registrations and licenses, including a permanent account number and a tax deduction account number under the Income Tax Act of 1961, registration under the Stores and Establishments Act, and the business and professional tax records depending on the state in which Newco is located. registered/incorporated. Operating licenses for the services to be provided by the ISS (in addition to being a satellite operator, if applicable), will need to be obtained separately from the relevant administrative departments, such as the Department of Telecommunications for telecommunications services and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. . for TV and radio broadcast.

Currently there is only one ISS in India, which is Agrani (Zee Group/Dish TV company). However, so far Agrani has not been able to establish a satellite system even though it has entered into a long-term collaboration with ProtoStar I Ltd. for lease/purchase of transponder capacity. There are currently no other applications pending before the CAISS for consideration for the creation of an ISS.

My next article on the subject will deal with the procedure and costs involved for Newco registration as an ISS with CAISS in India.

Seema Jhingan

Lifestyle Fashion

Healthy Suggestions – Spring Cleaning for Body, Mind and Soul

When you look out your window you see the evidence of the new birth of Spring everywhere. The trees shine green again, the tulips bloom and the birds return with their songs. In harmony with nature, we too want to feel new again.

It is natural at this time of year to want to clean the house. The cold, dark days of winter leave us feeling sluggish and unmotivated. The excess of winter fades our skin and widens our waist. Spring allergies can indicate an overworked liver thanks to all those holiday celebrations. Unfinished projects and clutter in the home impede the flow of energy through our lives. The spirit is ready to wake up from hibernation and enjoy new connections.

This article provides excellent suggestions to begin cleansing your body, mind, and soul of the past. Get ready to have the best spring of your life.

refresh your body

Spring is naturally the most popular time of year to start a cleaning program. A cleanse can help us shed unwanted pounds and improve our energy. According to Chinese medicine, spring is associated with the liver, an essential organ for digestion and the elimination of toxins. Some foods and drinks that are especially hard on the liver include alcohol, chemicals, drugs, fried foods, and meats. An overworked liver can cause low energy, stress, mood swings, and inflammatory conditions.

There are many types of cleanings to choose from, depending on the needs of the individual. A simple recommendation is to make a few days of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, along with plenty of water. Increase exercise and sweating to help the body eliminate excess toxins. Adding more vegetables to your diet now will help refresh, cleanse, and strengthen the body. In Staying Healthy with the Seasons, Dr. Elson Haas also recommends lemon water, fresh cold-pressed organic olive oil, milk thistle herb, and olive leaf extract to support and sanitize the liver.

Along with what you eat, how you eat your food is also important to your overall health. Eating a meal under stress disrupts the body’s ability to properly digest and absorb the nutrients the food provides. Before you start eating, take a few slow, deep breaths into your belly. While you eat, chew well and stop when you feel full. These subtle changes can bring great healing to your body.

Clear your head and home

In winter, we spend most of our time indoors and this often leads to a large accumulation of clutter. A cluttered desk, closet, or room is also often an indicator of a cluttered mind. We hold on to material possessions that we no longer need and this creates stagnant energy in our lives and in our homes. As Karen Kingston writes in Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui: “an orderly home means an orderly mind.” She suggests trying the clutter test on every item in your space. Ask, “Does it give me energy when I think about it or look at it? Do I love it? Is it really helpful?” If you answer “no” or “sort of” to any of these questions, let it go. Throw it away, give it away or recycle it. Make room in your mind and in your space for the new. This same principle applies to the clutter of ideas and limiting memories in your mind. If they are not serving your life purpose, it is time to say goodbye.

As you transition your wardrobe from cold weather to warm weather, fill a few bags with unworn clothes and drop them off at your favorite charity. A general rule of thumb to follow is that if you haven’t used it in over a year, you won’t miss it.

nourish your soul

The spirit or soul is what connects us with something greater, with Nature itself and with our innate creativity. Feeding your spirit is a very individual experience. For some it means religious celebration and being part of a like-minded community.

Others find inner peace through yoga, tai chi, or meditation. For some, a spiritual experience can be as simple as a walk in the park, a day at the beach, an afternoon of gardening, or laughing with a child. Whatever your preference, create the time to connect with yourself. Take deep breaths, write in a journal, reflect.

Once the land of your life is replenished, what will you plant? Allow yourself to daydream, an activity that is often overlooked but extremely important. It is by daydreaming that you learn more about your true self, your creative desires and desires. Visualize the life you want. Create an action plan and take your first small steps. The spring rain will make your dreams grow and bloom, the summer sun will give them strength and power, and the autumn harvest will bring you success and achievement. But only if you start today.


Ayurveda therapy for sciatica and disc problems

Sciatica is a set of symptoms that include pain that can be caused by compression or general irritation of one of the five spinal nerve roots that give rise to each sciatic nerve or by compression or irritation of the left or right sciatic nerve or both. .

It is a common problem in today’s hectic world, affecting ordinary workers as well as people who have to sit or stand for a long time and obese and heavy people.

The causes can be some accidents or a fall from a height, rough driving and other factors that put too much pressure on the back. Initially, the pain may be minor and ignored. As the condition worsens, even during routine walking or after long hours of work, the patient may feel pain or tingling in the back or legs. If still ignored, there may be severe bulging of the disc or even rupture, which causes excruciating severe pain and the patient cannot even move even for his routine activities and eventually becomes bedridden.

At this stage, the patient will have to resort to surgery to get back on their feet.

If you bring it up in the early stages, Ayurveda can help.

In Ayurveda, there are many internal and external medications that help reduce nerve compression and irritation.

Internal medications help correct digestion problems such as constipation, gas problems, gastritis which can otherwise increase pain. Certain laxatives are given that help reduce the interstitial fluid built up around the bulging areas of the disc, thereby reducing nerve irritation. Other medications that help strengthen the nerves, discs, and muscles are also given.

Treatments include the application of cloth bags (packages containing medicine), massage, pouring of medicated liquid, bandages, etc… and special therapies, eg vasti (special Ayurvedic enema).

This treatment helps reduce inflammation around the disc bulge area, reduces muscle spasm, strengthens the muscles, rehydrates the discs and therefore reduces nerve compression and irritation in case of degeneration. It also relieves excess hydration of bulging intervertebral discs. These treatments improve microcirculation to improve healing in non-inflammatory injury areas.

These treatments, if done under proper medical supervision, will not only help you recover from sciatica, but also prevent it from happening in the future. The usual pattern of treatment includes twenty-one days of continuous application of procedural therapies followed by internal medication for two months. This has to be repeated every year at least three consecutive times.

Real Estate

Top 10 Tips for Buying RVs

10. Set a budget before you start your search so you have a clear price range in mind. Be realistic. Don’t forget to factor in fuel and insurance costs. New Class A motorhomes can range from $75,000 to over a million dollars, so it’s important to know your personal financial limits.

9. Identify your family’s personal space and activity needs and find an RV type that can meet them. Virtually all RVs have multiple floor plans available that help customize the RV to sleep anywhere from 2 to 8 people. Consider whether you want to tow your RV with a truck or other vehicle, or whether you want a motorized RV such as having a motorhome. Many RVers who drive RVs bring a smaller vehicle in tow.

8. Look online to find RVs for sale from dealerships and private parties near you. A lower price might be worth the trip. When searching an online classifieds site, broaden your ZIP code search to include an area farther away than you think you might drive. Many RV dealers offer special packages that get you to purchase the RV and then you can drive it home.

7. Research NADA values ​​to make sure you are offered a rate price. Nada Guides is the most commonly suggested RV price guide, but prices vary widely depending on what extra features the RV has included.

6. Inspect all the nooks and crannies of a potential RV to ensure its quality and cleanliness. Little things could turn into real headaches later. Most new RVs are covered by the factory warranty for the first year. But be careful about the details of your warranty, such as the requirement that you return the RV to the manufacturing plant to have it fixed.

5. Use a reputable escrow company to exchange goods between you and the seller to avoid scams. RV Search recommends to help prevent fraud and ensure a smooth transaction.

4. Consider renting an RV similar to the type you’d like to buy and take it on a short trip. So you can really see how it meets the needs of your family. Cruise America, Freedom Roads, and El Monte RV Rentals are three great places to start your rental search.

3. Find out if the vehicle comes with a warranty and, if so, what it covers and for how long. This can be a real money saver on unexpected repairs. Otherwise, consider purchasing an extended warranty such as The Good Sam Club’s Ongoing Service Plan.

2. If more than one dealer in your area has the RV you want, get quotes from all of them. The more they compete for your business, the lower the final price you pay. Just like buying a car, don’t be afraid to haggle over the price.

1. Find a reputable, qualified RV mechanic to check out the vehicle before you buy it. You don’t want to find out after the fact that it needs major repairs.

Shopping Product Reviews

Gangsters in America – Caspar Holstein – The King of Harlem Politics

He was considered a genius; a compassionate man who gave freely to the poor. But Caspar Holstein made his fortune in the Harlem numbers game of politics, which he helped invent.

Casper Holstein was born on December 7, 1876 in St. Croix, Danish West Indies. His parents were of mixed African and Danish descent, and his father’s father was a Danish officer in the Danish colonial West Indies militia. The Holstein family moved to New York City in 1894. An extremely bright child, Holstein graduated from high school in Brooklyn, no small accomplishment for a black man before the turn of the century. After graduation, he enlisted in the Navy and, during World War I, visited his homeland, which was then known as the Western Virgin Islands.

When Holstein was discharged from the Navy, he worked various odd jobs, including as a doorman in an Upper East Side building. He also became a personal assistant to a wealthy white couple, and years later, after he made his fortune and they lost theirs, Holstein supported this couple and then paid for his funeral.

Seeking better himself, Holstein wandered to Wall Street, where he landed a job, first as a messenger, then as chief messenger, for a Wall Street commodity brokerage firm. Holstein fell in love with gambling, especially horses, but he also dabbled in the stock market, examining daily figures from the Boston and New York City Clearing Houses. One day, Holstein came up with an idea that would drastically improve his situation. He knew that people in black neighborhoods like Harlem loved to gamble, but most didn’t have enough extra money to do so. When he saved up enough money to start his company, Holstein devised a scheme where people could bet as little as a penny on a random set of three-digit numbers, which would appear daily in New York City newspapers.

Using figures from the Boston and New York City Clearing House, Holstein took two middle digits of the New York number and one middle digit of the Boston number. So if the totals for the two clearinghouses were 9,456,131 and 7,456,253 respectively, the winning number would be 566; where “56” is the two digits before the last comma of the first figure, and “6” is the last digit before the last comma of the second figure. This system was so random that it couldn’t be tampered with, as it would be later, when gangster Dutch Schultz got into the Harlem numbers business and started using racing figures, which he in fact tampered with. In the early 1920s, the Holstein system was all the rage in Harlem. Holstein became known as the “King Pellet”, earning approximately $5000 per day.

Using his newfound wealth, Holstein generously contributed to worthy causes. He gave huge amounts of cash to St. Vincent Sanitarium, the Garvey nationalist movement, and financed Opportunity magazine’s literary awards, which discovered much of Harlem’s young talent. Holstein built dormitories in black colleges and financed many of Harlem’s artists, writers, and poets. He also helped start a Baptist school in Liberia and established a hurricane relief fund for his native Virgin Islands. The New York Times said Holstein was “Harlem’s favorite hero, because of his wealth, his sporting inclinations, and his philanthropy among people of his race.”

Seeing how Holstein and Stephanie St. Clair had turned Harlem into a financial bonanza due to their numbers deals, gangster Dutch Schultz barged in and took over their games. A) Yes. Schultz had great politicians, including the disgraced Jimmy Himes in his back pocket. Schultz also bought off the police and killed black number runners en masse. Schultz eventually forced St. Clair to work for him, but Holstein turned down Schultz’s offers to consolidate his numbers business.

In 1928, Holstein was kidnapped for a ransom of $50,000 by five white gangsters, whom the Harlem public assumed to be thugs sent by Schultz. News of the Holstein kidnapping made national headlines. The New York Times reported that Holstein had been seen at Belmont Racetrack just days before he was kidnapped, betting more than $30,000 on ponies. Holstein was released after three days in custody, insisting that he did not pay ransom. His explanation was that his captors felt sorry for him and released him with a $3 cab fare.

However, Holstein’s story carried little weight, as he soon reduced his political activities. A few years later, Holstein completely stopped trading him on the street and operated only as a best firing. In 1935, even though he was barely gambling, Holstein was arrested for illegal gambling. He was tried and convicted, and spent a year in prison. Holstein claimed that he was framed, possibly by Schultz, but spent his time in jail without incident. When he got out of prison, Holstein got into the real estate business, providing mortgages for people in Harlem who were avoided by regular banks.

Casper Holstein died on April 5, 1944, at the age of 68. More than 2,000 people attended his funeral at the Harlem Memorial Baptist Church. A scholarship at the University of the Virgin Islands and a housing development on St. Croix are named in Holstein’s memory.