Digital Marketing

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Do you want fanatic clients and clients?

Do you want to earn good money while doing good things?

It all comes down to RESPECT.

If you don’t respect your market, you can still make a lot of money. However, it will be more difficult.

I’m not talking about something mystical, “do good things and the universe will reward you.” Even if your goal is purely lucrative, listen and listen well.

Do things like ‘word of mouth’ and ‘repeat business’ make your bank account salivate?

If so, stop disrespecting the people who want to buy from you.

Respect their struggles

Most marketers are excellent at this.

If your product clears up acne, they don’t just say how it will clear up your complexion. They talk about how it will keep people from laughing at you and give you more confidence.

You’re more likely to get the job, the girl, the raise, if you’re not worried about all the pimples on your face.

Some people scoff at that. “Are you worried about pimples? First world problems?”

Just because it’s not the worst in the world doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal for the pizza-faced kid struggling to fit in at school.

Marketers respect that.

We recognize it.

We hold up a mirror to their struggles until there is no way they can ignore the problem.

That’s when we offer the solution.

Respect their time

When you start your own business, something strange happens.

Your time becomes more valuable than ever. Every moment can be spent creating new offers, chasing new leads, researching new technology, or daydreaming about new ideas.

However, people begin to treat their time as if it was worthless.

“If you don’t have a boss, you are free to take me to the airport, right?”

“Can I have 15 minutes of your time to offer you something you don’t want?”

Here’s a strange truth: everyone thinks they are “busy.”

However, most people are not.

I remember in college, I was so painfully “busy.”

Please, it was made of free time.

The same when I got my first full-time job. Funny that I only worked from 9 to 5 back then …


Whether they are busy or not, people hate wasting time.

When writing an email or anything else, ask yourself: after the reader has read this, will they be happy they did? Or will they want to recover those moments?

Nothing will be worth it to everyone, so focus on your prospects.

Will they find your message entertaining, informative, or with an offer too compelling to pass up?

(Ideally, all of the above).

When your reader thinks to himself, “reading that was a good use of my time!” something strange happens. Whether they buy or not, they are more likely to read the following message from you.

I get too many emails from people where it’s all about them.

“I have a new product for you to buy!”

Great, I don’t care. Tell me what the product does for me and why I want it. Even dismissing his message as irrelevant took a moment from which I will never return.

On the other hand, many people who send me emails are so entertaining that I will read their emails no matter what they sell. They have taught me to know that it is always worth taking time to read them.

Respect their money

Digital products are amazing. It costs the same to send someone a two-hour video as a two-paragraph message.

And you can send it to 10,000 people as easily as ten.

Everything is fast, automated and practically free.

This means that you can offer your customers and clients 10 times what they pay for something. Why not right? Once you’ve created something, there are no additional costs to deliver it.

Are you selling a $ 30 ebook? What additional reports, templates, podcasts, videos, guides, and other e-books can you add that are worth $ 300?

So for the right person, the offer becomes irresistible.

Sure, it will take time and money to create those bonds. However, once you have them, all the time and money is already spent. You can include them at no cost and with little effort.

Respect their intelligence

Don’t lie to your readers.

Don’t send them silly emails like, “I realized you didn’t accept my last awesome offer. Does that mean you’re not getting my emails? Please reply so you know it’s not a technical issue.” That’s an obvious lie, so don’t tell it.

(If you’re concerned about glitches, look at email delivery and open rates. If there’s a sudden drop, it might be a glitch. Who knows, you might want to ask your readers if they’re getting your emails. But no.Don’t do it with a crazy tactic to imply that your offer is literally irresistible to everyone …)

Suppose your readers are smart. Suppose they will see through any lie you tell, even the smallest ones.

Respect yourself

Imagine this scene:

A man in a suit on his knees, tears running down his face, snot streaming from his nose, his hands clasped as he begs a woman not to leave him.

Let’s say she takes it back (not likely, but come with me here). Are you going to respect this boy?

Of course, no!

Will you respect it?


As with love, so with business.

You want to do the right thing for your customers. You want to offer them all the value you can.

And, of course, you want to respect them.

That means respecting yourself too. If someone doesn’t want to do business with you, maybe you fight for them and offer even more value. If they still say no, keep going.

“The customer is always right” is too extreme. Sometimes the customer is legitimately insane. Too often, the client feels powerless in his own life and is hungry for any opportunity to dominate himself.

You don’t respect your genuine customers, the ones who appreciate your value, when you spend too much time, mental energy, and money on these losers.

If they are not happy, sure.

If they have legitimate complaints, you’d better resolve them.

But if they are being mean and disrespectful or just for the sake of doing it?

Politely cut them off and walk away.


Richard Hambleton exhibits at the Armani Theater in Milan

“For me, the city is not a blank canvas. It is an image; a film that contains sociological and psychological elements. My urban work is added and becomes part of that image … the blank canvas is in the studio I give it definition, I work within its perimeters – I paint the whole picture … “

Richard Hambleton appeared in his first European solo show since 1985, at the Armani Teatro in Milan, Via Bergognone 59. The show opened in February 2010 with a brilliant event that was attended by many personalities. Roberta Armani, Giorgio Armani, Andy Valmorbida, Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld, Clive Owen, Lapo Elkann, Mario Testino, Carine Roitfeld, Tatiana Santo Domingo, Eugenie & Stavros Niarchos, Bianca Brandolini, Eva Riccobono, Matteo Ceccarini, Francesca Versace, Margherinita Missioni, Roitfeld, Matilde Borromeo were present among photographers and selected guests and journalists.

The exhibition was curated by Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld and Andy Valmorbida. Roitfeld’s art dealer, Feedback Ltd. works with emerging talents, giving them the opportunity to sell their art. The show was at Armani Teatro, Via Bergognone 59 (near Porta Genova station).

It was a great event. The place is made of exposed concrete, massive spaces that are made surprisingly warm by clever lighting. It is eminently suitable for an exhibition of this type, dramatic and often large works. Waiters circulated delicious appetizers placed on black trays, which included a bright white and towels (black, of course). The photographers present were quite discreet and the event had an atmosphere of discreet and assured luxury.

Richard Hambleton, born in Vancouver, Canada, in 1954, is one of the three great American Expressionist street artists, along with Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring. He was the first to make his mark in the serious art world. Today he is the only survivor, and this cannot be attributed to a quiet lifestyle. He was as self-destructive as anyone of that volatile generation, but he was capable, in addition to surviving, of continuing to work and gradually evolving his style. Marcia Resnick said of Hambleton: “His life was so awash in blood. Shooting himself all the time. He was addicted to disorder. I couldn’t hide it with him.” At the time, Hambleton was making small, square paintings, on canvases glued to wooden blocks, covered with gold leaf and overlaid with patterns in dark red. His own blood.

From 1976 to 1979, Hambleton’s “Mass Murder” installations were placed on the streets of more than 15 cities. They reproduced the chalk body outlines and blood splatters of violent crime. (Some of these have been added to the streets of Milan in the vicinity of the gallery.) “With Mass Murder something had happened. Someone was killed on the sidewalk, ”he says. “But with Shadow’s work, you walked around the corner and saw someone at a door. There was someone there. He was very direct. Like Richard Serra in a way. He was very direct and very immediate.” In the early 1980s, he began the “Shadowman” series, dark, splattered monochrome paintings – silhouettes painted on the walls of New York and elsewhere. His Shadowmen accompanied him when he traveled through Asia and Europe in the mid-1980s. When he returned to the United States in the 1990s, he began another style of work, “The Beautiful Paintings.” These are really this, particularly compared to his previous work, because he uses silver and gold leaf to create a luminous background, on top of which he lays layers of pure-colored enamels with a resinous transparency.

Hambleton himself has said: “My beautiful paintings are not landscapes, seascapes or rainy landscapes, they are escapes.” It was a difficult time for him. His gigantic collection of works by Haring and Basquiat, acquired through swaps with his own works, were sold when he was unable to make payments to a warehousing company. He was homeless and transferred his survival instincts to the streets.

Today, Richard Hambleton continues to work in the neighborhood where he has lived for more than 30 years.


How to choose a support in large hardwoods

Where do you install your deer stand in large hardwoods?

A big question every novice deer hunter has is where do I set up my stand? The question really must be how do I decide where to install my booth. Even seasoned hunters ask themselves that question sometimes when in new territory.

The answers to the question have some common rules no matter what terrain you are hunting, but a lot has to do with the specific terrain you will be on. This article will focus on what I am most familiar with, and that is hunting large forests without agriculture in the area.

Hunting in large forests can be very difficult. Apparently, there are an infinite number of places where deer can hide. With plenty of oak trees around and a generous mast in recent years, they don’t have to travel far to find food during hunting season. Most likely there is a stream or at least a small crevice where deer can get water nearby. So what does a boy do?

It will take a lot of leg work and more than a couple of hours in the woods to figure this out. The first thing to find out is where the deer lie. Think about the geographic features of the area you are in. In the northeast it is quite mountainous, if not exactly mountainous. My experience is that deer like to lie near the top of ridges when the weather is decent. They do this so they can spot a predator from a distance and put the ridge top between them and danger in a hurry. Also, the sun stays on top of a ridge longer than in valleys, so it tends to get hotter there.

In cold, windy climates, deer tend to go to valleys to protect themselves from the wind and take shelter in the thickest things they can find. One really cold and windy day after deer season ended, I was walking where we hunted and kicked three deer that were lying under a huge oak tree that had flown off a few years earlier. It was in a little narrow valley between four good sized hills on really thick cover. They let me get 20 feet away from them before they shot out. It scared us so much!

So keep the terrain and weather in mind and look for signs: footprints and droppings. Although there may be a good number of signs all over the place, there will be areas with more signs than others. Finding the actual beds is your goal. Here’s a hint: find a thick brush. Among saplings, mountain laurel, swampy areas, this is where deer like to lie down.

Now there are a couple of options. You can settle in the bedding area or attempt to ambush them on the routes to and from food and water. There are advantages for both.

Notice that earlier I said bedding areas, plural. Deer don’t go to sleep in the same bed every night like us. Depending on the weather conditions and hunting pressure, things change. So finding the active bedding area can be a bit tricky. But if you are right, you can act throughout the day. They return early in the morning. The deer will then lie down for the day, but will not lie down all day. They will get up and sail a bit. I’ve shot so many deer between 10 a.m. M. And 2 p.m. M. As early as the end of the day when the deer or more active. Many boys leave the forest at 10 and return at 2 for the evening. I think you are missing a good hunt by doing this.

One late archery season, around 1:00 pm, I had a doe come up to my tree stand and looked around a bit and finally lay down 20 meters away. He was quite alert for a while, but finally lowered his head. Every time the wind blew a little hard or a dead branch fell from a tree, he could see an ear lift to question the possible threat. Finally, about 2 hours later, his head snapped up. He got up very easily and just walked away, flipping through a bit and glancing back from time to time. You could tell she was worried but not scared. About 15 minutes later, my hunting partner appeared in the direction the doe was looking. She had made him go off into the distance, but he didn’t run away. It was a really good learning experience.

The second option is to look for probable routes for the deer to enter and exit the bedding area to find water or food. They will go through really thick stuff in the valleys or up the side of a hill. I have hardly ever seen them travel on top of a hill in daylight. There may be a sign there, but it’s almost always done at night. While bedding areas change, the best food and water supplies generally don’t. If you can find some mature oaks, you will notice that the forests are a bit more open as large trees tend to make it difficult for young trees to grow. Also, if there are houses within a mile or so, look for routes to and from the houses. Deer view their shrubs as a smorgasbord and easy to collect, especially when the ground is covered in snow and acorns are hard to find.

The trails leading to food and water tend to be many coming from the bedding area and funneling onto some trails. Try to find several places to set up stalls along these routes closer to water and food than the bedding areas. That way there are fewer trails so you can minimize the chance of being on the wrong trail that day. These mounts work best in first light and then in the dark.

By spending quality time exploring and paying attention to the type of land you are hunting, you will see more deer and greatly increase your enjoyment of hunting.

Health Fitness

Skip 100 calories today, lose 10 pounds this year

You can lose ten pounds this year without lifting a weight, without going on a diet, and without tying your running shoes. In fact, it’s what you DON’T DO that will shed those ten pounds. Just DO NOT eat those extra 100 calories a day.

100 calories is easy to find, we’ll go over that later. Here’s why it works:

By skipping 100 calories per day, you are consuming 36,500 fewer calories per year.

(100 calories a day x 365 days a year = 36,500 calories). It takes a decrease of 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. A 35,000 decrease adds up to 10 pounds of fat … 10 pounds of excess fat off your body!

According to the American Heart Association, in 2005, there were 140 million people who were overweight or obese in the United States. 72 million of them were men, 68 million women. Being overweight is defined as a BMI of more than 25. Obesity is a BMI of 30+. Overweight and obesity – Statistics.

Just think how well you can do if you add exercise as well. If you burn 100 calories a day through exercise and skip another 100 from food, it will equal 200 calories a day. That, in turn, will equal twenty pounds of fat removed from your body this year! Burning 100 calories with exercise is easy: (at a casual pace, for a 150 pound person) Bike for 10 minutes, jog for 12 minutes, play tennis for 15 minutes, walk for 30 minutes. Get started today!

100 extra calories you can do without:

1.1 can of soda (12 ounces)

2. ½ of a Klondike ice cream bar

3. 1/3 of a good mood ice cream sandwich

4. 1 tablespoon mayonnaise

5.2 McDonalds Chicken McNuggets

6.15 fries

7. 6 fries

8. 15 fries

9. 2 tablespoons sugar

10. 1/3 order of Arby’s little curly fries

11. 1 tablespoon butter

12. 1 pretzel stick

13. ½ order McDonalds French fries (small)

14. 1 can of iced tea (12 ounces)

15. 1 slice of white bread

16. ½ glass of chocolate milk

17. 1 normal beer

18. 2 Oreo cookies

19. 1 drink of most liquors

20. ½ glass of wine

21. Reese’s 8 Piece BITE Size

22. 2 Kit Kat sticks

23. ½ Milky Way Midnite

24. 2 ½ Mini Milky Way

25. ½ Dunkin Donuts Chocolate Ice Cream Donut

26.5 marshmallows

27. ½ brownie (most brands)

28. 2 ½ Burger King chicken fillets

29. 1 ounce Burger King Honey Mustard Sauce

30. ½ order Burger King French Fries (small)

31. 2 tablespoons pancake syrup

32. ½ cup sherbet (most brands)

33. ½ cup sherbet (most brands)

34.1 tablespoon peanut butter (most brands)

35. 2 large ravioli (most brands)

36. 5 ravioli, mini (most brands)

37. 1/3 slice of cake (most brands)

38. 1/3 piece of cake (most brands)

39. 1 ounce pasta (most brands)

40. 2 ‘pigs in a blanket’ (most brands)

41. 2 slices of bacon (most brands)

42. ½ buttermilk cookie (most brands)

43. 2 tablespoons hollandaise sauce

44. 1/3 of a cinnamon bun

45. 2 Mini TWIX

46. ​​½ bag of M & M’s

47. 2 tablespoons caramel syrup

48. 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup

49. 2 chips Ahoy! Chocolate chip cookies

50. 2 Oreo cookies

51.20 croutons (most brands)

52. 2 tablespoons cream cheese (most brands)

53. 1/5 Dairy Queen Choc. Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard (Small)

54. 2 tablespoons cake frosting (most brands)

55.1 ice cream cone (empty)

56. 1 KFC stick (normal)

57. 2 tablespoons pesto sauce (most brands)

58. 1/3 piece of frozen French bread pizza (most brands)

59.1 pudding (small)

60. 2 tablespoons Caesar salad dressing (most brands)

61.4 tablespoons BBQ sauce

62. 2 tablespoons of pecan ice cream topping

63. ½ of a bun or hamburger bun

64. 1/3 cup half and half cream

65. 3 tablespoons sour cream

66. 3 tablespoons sweet and sour sauce

67. ½ cup frozen yogurt

68.1 waffle

69. ½ of a White Castle Bacon Cheeseburger

70. 3 White Castle Chicken Rings

71.3 cups popcorn (popped)

72.1 cup buttered popcorn (popped)

73. 1 bite of a Burger King hamburger (assuming you take 7 bites to finish it)

74. ¼ McDonalds sausage cookie

75. 1/6 of a McDonalds Big Mac

76. ¼ Burger King’s Croissan’wich, sausage and cheese

77. 1 ounce cookie dough

78. ½ slice of pizza

79. 6 Ritz cookies

80. 5 kisses from Hershey

81. ¼ Wendy’s Frosty (medium)

82. ½ Chile Wendy’s (small)

83. ¼ Arby’s Breakfast Cookie with Sausage

84. ¼ Arby’s Beef and Cheddar sandwich

85. 10 junior mints

86. 2 Mint Empanadas from the Andes

87. 1 TWIX stick

88. 1/3 of muffin (medium)

89. 1/3 of a Danish

90.4 tablespoons of sauce (for French fries)

91. ½ popsicle (most brands)

92.3 caramel candies

93. ½ cup chocolate covered raisins

94. 1 ½ ounces of steak

95. ¼ cup cranberry sauce

96. Pepperoni (enough for 2 slices of pizza)

97.2 tablespoons tartar sauce (most brands)

98. ¼ cup Alfredo sauce

99. 1 Kellogg’s Pop-Tart

100.1 hot dog (most brands, no bread)

Legal Law

USC Pharmacy School Application Requirements and Tips from an Accepted Student

I’ll start with the statistics of the students accepted into the University of Southern California’s Ph.D. program in Pharmacy for 2009. Interviews were offered to 460 students from a pool of more than 2,000 applicants. 240 students are accepted (11 students from out-of-state schools), and the expected class size for 2009 is 190. It should be noted that USC offers its college students the opportunity for guaranteed admission as long as they complete their requirements in the TAP program. (These students occupy a large number of seats available to other applicants.)

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree is now a requirement for admission to USC. The minimum GPA requirement is 3.0 (the average GPA of accepted students is 3.60). Since the USC does not require taking the PCAT, other admission criteria carry more weight (GPA, performance in interviews, extracurricular activities, personal statements, etc.).

For the application process, it is very important to note that the University of Southern California sends out interview invitations on an ongoing basis, so it is important that you submit your PharmCAS application and your supplemental application as soon as possible. The deadlines for both are early November, but I recommend that you submit both no later than early August (I submitted my applications in mid-July, just 1.5 months after the application became available).

At your interview, a current student from the pharmacy school and a member of the faculty will ask you questions. Think of it more like a conversation where you also ask both of you questions. When you first arrive for the interview session, you will be greeted by several current pharmacy students, who will do a great job of calming you down before your interview. Take this opportunity to ask questions and warm up your oral communication skills. Don’t worry too much about the “essay” part, as this is just a test of how well you take notes on a random article you read. BE SURE to follow all the instructions provided to you as this is also a test of how well you pay attention to detail.

These are the prerequisites for the USC pharmacy program:

Calculus (for science students)

Statistics (non-commercial)

Physics with laboratory (science / life science majors, thermodynamics and electromagnetism recommended)

General biology with laboratory (excludes human anatomy and physiology, botany and microbiology)

Laboratory mammalian physiology (preferred by humans: excludes plant, cellular and marine physiology)

Microbiology with Laboratory (Fundamentals of Microbiology for Science Students)

Molecular or cell biology (for science majors, a higher division course)

General chemistry with laboratory (for science students, includes inorganic and qualitative analysis)

Organic chemistry with laboratory (for science students)

Biochemistry (for science students, a higher division course)

Human behavior (general psychology or introductory sociology)


For foreigners (holders of an equivalent US bachelor’s degree abroad):

English (expository writing)

Interpersonal communications or public speaking

For your university’s specific course equivalences, see the forms available on the USC website.

The Pharm.D. The program at USC is a 4-year program. USC is a private school, and our estimated tuition and cost of living for 2009 is approximately $ 60,000.

The University of Southern California provides students the opportunity to earn dual degrees in addition to their Doctor of Pharmacy degree. These include the following:

Doctor of Pharmacy / Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Doctor of Pharmacy / Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD)

Doctor of Pharmacy / Master of Public Health (MPH)

Doctor of Pharmacy / Master of Regulatory Sciences (Master of Regulatory Sciences)

Doctor of Pharmacy / Master of Science in Gerontology (MSG)

Doctor of Medicine / Graduate Certificate in Gerontology (Gerontology Certificate)

Pharmacist / Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


The truth behind the American bandogge mastiff

The American Bandogge Mastiff is not a purebred dog, as we normally perceive the term. Bandogge refers to any breed of mastiff of the bulldog type, and comes from a Saxon word – banda – which means chain. This is because these dogs used to be leashed during the day and released at night to perform their guard duties. The American Bandog Mastiff fits this criteria as it originated as a guard dog and the ancestry of these dogs is often part Pit Bull Terrier and part Neapolitan Mastiff. However, these dogs have been bred for several generations by some kennels, without introducing any other breed. The American Bandogge Mastiff has a homogeneous body type and is a recognizable variety of dog.

These dogs originated in the late 1960s when Mr. Swinford, who was a veterinarian, decided to produce the best protection dog possible. It is not known exactly what breeds were used at the time, but the most common theory is a combination of a pit bull and a large molosser, such as a mastiff. Most people produce American Bandogge Mastiff puppies by crossing pit bulls with large, strong Neapolitan Mastiffs. Usually the mastiff is the female. Sometimes an English Mastiff is used instead of the Neapolitan one. Another method used to create dogs that conform to the appearance and standards of this particular mastiff breed is to breed bull mastiffs with pit bulls. However, these dogs are often referred to as pit bull mastiffs.

The Bandogge American Mastiff is known for its high intelligence. These dogs are docile, but very confident. Like all mastiffs, they should have a teacher who is available to them as they are loyal but need a lot of attention. It is not advisable to have an American bandog mastiff if you are going to be outside most of the time. While these dogs were not bred to be fighting dogs, they do share aggressive traits with animals that are, at least when it comes to other dogs. That means they make a bad decision for people who have never had a dog or are unfamiliar with dogs that don’t socialize well with others. Some use these dogs for fighting, but this is a bad idea, and most of the people who breed them do it to have good pets that are excellent guardians.

Bandogge Mastiffs have a lot of drive and are easy to train. They have a small drawback when used for protection, which is their relative silence. “Bark and hold” is the preferred behavior of protection dogs, but bandogge mastiffs are generally unwilling to bark. This is because part of their ancestry comes from fighting breeds, which do not normally bark as a warning. Therefore, teaching your dog to speak can be difficult.

Shopping Product Reviews

Why Home Weather Stations Require The Right Battery

Weather stations that people can use at home are quite useful meteorological instruments for monitoring the immediate environment. These tools have the ability to provide information that the meteorologist cannot. There are many different types of meteorological instruments that offer excellent utility and accurate information for a variety of activities, including sports, research, professional photography, adventure travel, and agriculture, etc. A weather station in your home can be very helpful, especially in the fall and winter months, during which the weather can be quite unpredictable. The weather during the summer is quite predictable, but the winter months, especially in the colder regions of the United States of America and Canada, can be quite dangerous.

Unfortunately, even if you buy a top home weather station brand, it’s the batteries that often pose a problem. The colder it gets, the worse its performance. Compared to car batteries, which provide specific warnings about battery performance over several seasons, the batteries used in these weather instruments are conspicuous due to the lack of this information. Since batteries are an important part of the station system, it is important not only to be able to choose the correct battery, but also to understand the difference between the different types.

Alkaline Batteries – These batteries are good for the weather station sensor located outside your home during mild summers to cold winters. However, as it gets colder, below freezing, the chemicals in the battery start to have a problem, weaken, and may stop working altogether. However, new alkaline batteries can still work down to 0 degrees Celsius. If your battery is low, take it inside to warm it up and use it again.

Rechargeable NiMh Batteries: If you stay in a very cold region where temperatures during the winter months often drop below 0 degrees, it is best to buy rechargeable NiMh batteries. These batteries operate down to -10 degrees C, however you will need to recharge them more frequently to keep your weather station running.

AA Lithium Batteries – A new entrant to the market, these AA size lithium batteries are great for cold weather. They work even in temperatures as low as -30 degrees. However, unlike NiMh batteries, these batteries cannot be recharged and should not be used in the NiMh AA charger.

In case you have a portable weather station that works with remote sensors and has an LCD screen, it is possible that even when using lithium batteries, the screen will tend to freeze below 0 degrees. The reason for this is that LCD screens cannot work in very cold conditions. However, keep the weather meter indoors exposing it to the outside environment only when you need to check the weather and simply trust the device. In either case, weather stations display data on the screen indoors and will indicate a problem, if one exists.

Tours Travel

Making Friends: How Parents Can Help Their Children With Friendship

Some children have no problem. They start school and instantly have a gang: a best friend, birthday party invitations, play dates, sleepovers. For other children, the social aspects of school can be difficult. Sometimes this is because the child has a diagnosis of Asperger’s disorder, autism, or attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder and sometimes the child is simply shy. As a therapist with years of experience working in schools, I have seen how difficult the school day can be if a child hasn’t figured out how to make and keep friends. I know there are simple steps that you, as a parent, can take to help make your child’s friendship easier.

1. Talk about it

The first step is to talk to your child and make sure there really is a problem. Some children are more introverted than others and need a lot of alone time. Not all kids want to be the class president or the most popular student. But all children need to learn to get along with their peers, work in groups, and have satisfying social interactions. Try to talk about friendship with your child and set a realistic goal, such as a couple of friends, an occasional play date, or someone to have lunch with.

2. Get to know the other parents

Other parents are your best resource. A kind father can help pave the way for his own son by introducing him to the gang and inviting him to play. Also, parents may not feel comfortable extending or accepting invitations to children when they do not know the parents. Usually parents of young children will be waiting together at school as it is released. Even for the most introverted parents, this can be a straightforward, straightforward place to meet people and a great opportunity to allow for some free play after school. Try to arrive a little early, smile and be sociable, and let your child have free time with his classmates. For older kids, see if you can volunteer at the school and meet the other parents there.

3. Try joining groups

Find a group that your child can be a part of, whether it’s scouts, drama, an after-school class, or a sports team. This new environment can allow your child’s special abilities to shine through in ways that they don’t in the classroom. It is also a new opportunity for you to meet other parents. One advantage is that the entire team is often invited to a pizza party or camping trip. Of course, if the family is invited, you should do your best to attend as well, even if your own introverted nature makes it difficult.

4. Work on social skills

This brings us to the next point, social skills. When your child plays after school or at the pizza party, you have the perfect opportunity to see him interact. Is your child bossy, clingy, whiny, or difficult in other ways? Public places are not ideal for discussing the problems you see. Wait until you get home and then talk to your child, setting the friendship goals that you have already set. If you see major issues with social skills, you may want to address this further in a social skills group.

5. Pay attention to appearance

Your child may not care about his appearance, and you may admire his independent spirit. Unfortunately, the other children may not be as open. If friendships are affected, some degree of compliance may be a commitment that you are willing to make. Take a look at the other kids at school. Does your child stand out from the rest of the class? You don’t have to bow down to fashion and buy the fanciest, most expensive clothes, but maybe a simple move away from the too-short pants and oversized bright sweatshirt will help your kid get in on the gang. Also pay attention to hygiene and personal habits. Behavior that is okay in kindergarten can be a social death sentence in high school.

6. Beware of being too different

Your kid may be bright, unique, and know all about comets, and you can see how charming he is, but the truth is, other kids may think he’s weird. Don’t think your child has to give up his special interests and talents. Instead, try supplementing these areas with something more universally accepted. Sit down as a family and watch popular TV shows or watch a blockbuster movie. School is similar to your office, where everyone talks about the Super Bowl or the presidential primaries. At school, your child will find it easier if they’ve been to the school carnival or watched the latest episode of Hannah Montana.

7. Take the step: invite someone

For more reserved parents, the idea of ​​a child’s playdate can be a bit overwhelming. But it is an important step, because it helps move the friendship out of the realm of “school friends.” If your child hasn’t had play dates before, relax. No need to structure activities or entertain children. Discuss in advance what activities your child would like to do with a friend and then try to get out of the box. As a backup, set up some simple projects in case things don’t go well, like a simple craft project or a movie to watch on TV. You may want to set up a private signal to use with your child if you need to correct your child’s behavior.

8. A special friend

Sometimes all it takes is a special friend. If your child can make just one friend, that will make it easier for him during the school day. You will have a project partner and someone to have lunch with. Bullies will generally pick a solo target rather than a pair. For many children, a friend is enough.

9. Encourage more than one friend

That said, a friend can be a problem. Depending on the situation, your child may be demanding too much from his lonely friend. Watch for signs that the best friend is feeling overwhelmed. This can take the form of your child’s complaints that the best friend invited someone else to stay over or they would not have lunch together as usual. This shouldn’t mean the end of the friendship. It just tells your child to move around a bit and socialize with a few other children.

10. If all else fails

If these simple steps don’t help, don’t despair! There are many other options. The teacher can step in and help your child. Many teachers will deliberately set up tables and workgroups to help shy children socialize. Find a social skills group by talking to the principal or searching online. Therapists and other mental health professionals can work through the basics with you and your child.

Finally, progress takes time. Your child doesn’t have to get there all at once and things can get easier as your child matures. The group dynamics of each class will be different. Middle school may offer more children to choose from so your child can find a group to fit in. Keep pushing yourself and trying new things.