Home Kitchen

Common Do-It-Yourself Home Repair Mistakes

People are really creative when it comes to home repairs. We will find ways to repair a leaking faucet or some ducts in innovative ways with household items, or we will develop creative wiring methods to provide electricity where we need it. Truly concerning is our ability to repair items in such a way that they can cause serious damage. For this reason, I would like to mention a few things that I see frequently, so that you can avoid these mistakes.

Note: There is not enough space here to go into details on how to perform these tasks. In addition, there are several good books, which have easy-to-follow diagrams and steps. I’ve found repair manuals like these in used bookstores, but they’re not too bad elsewhere. These volumes are great for homeowners who want to tackle projects on their own.

Extension cord plugs seem to be a favorite means of supplying power to equipment outdoors. I have seen small extension cords cut in half and through the wall where there is a small opening. The wires are then taped back together, so water can get in and short out the circuit. Most cables this size are not rated to withstand the type of use you plan to handle, so they start to overheat and the case will melt. If you need an outlet for the holiday lights, I recommend installing an outlet in your ceiling. The soffit is the board under the roof overhang. Look for a junction box in the attic that you can run a cable from. Find where a beam descends to connect the outlet box to it. The outlet does not need to be GFCI at this location, but it would be a good idea to go ahead with a GFCI outlet here. Secure the cables to the joists and joists with wire ties. If you need an outdoor tool outlet, the simplest method would be to run the cable through conduit to the outlet box. Here you would definitely need a GFCI outlet with a cover. Make sure the conduit and box are securely attached to the wall. Any wiring that extends outside the building must be secured with clips every few feet. The other big wiring problem I see is using the wrong junction box, especially without a cover.

Putting silicone balls seems to be the common solution to a plumbing leak. The really surprising thing is that most of the plumbing parts that need to be replaced due to a leak aren’t really that expensive, but here’s the kicker, you have to buy the right part. If you know the manufacturer of your accessory, finding a replacement part is much easier, but I have found that by going to a good hardware store you will find someone to help you find the correct part. Gaskets, seals, and o-rings eventually fail over time. However, sometimes pipes or tubes are struck causing damage to their threads or walls. In this case, you will want to buy a new one. Some mysterious leaks in the bathroom come from the wax seal under the toilet. Trying to make a similar-looking part fit and do the job will cause more problems.

About silicone, one type of silicone is not always acceptable for every use. Look at the label to make sure you are getting the product that will work. The best product may not be a silicone. There are latex and polyurethane putties that are far superior to silicone for one application. Latex putties are great for painting jobs and polyurethane putties are great for outdoor situations.

The masking tape is not for ducts. If you need to repair an attic duct, use the shiny tape that is intended for this job. Also, a conduit is not a conduit, which means that there are actually several different types of conduit, so you need to make sure you install the correct one for your application. Ducts for different uses are not designed to be joined together.

The last common mistake has to do with bras. Screws, nails, and bolts come in different sizes and types. There are special nails to hold the roof tiles and there are specific drywall screws. We like to wear what we have on hand (or what we can easily find in the garage or shed), which is the best fastener for the job. I’ve seen people nailing cabinet hinges. What made it worse was the fact that the nails were too long, so you could poke them inside the cabinet. Some hardware stores sell boxes with a variety of fasteners. This is a great deal if you don’t want to buy a lot of different packages. The right bra will make the job easier to do (and undo).

Perhaps I should say that all these errors boil down to planning, preparation and execution errors. Think about what needs to happen before you start. Then think about how to correct it if you need to redo it. (How will they get that nail out of the hinge?) Plan all the steps and you will be fine.


Honda Ridgeline Gas Mileage – How To Improve It With Minimal Outlay

In 2008 we’ve seen record gas prices and then prices dropped back to pre-2007 prices. People are looking for ways to improve gas mileage, but they still want SUVs and trucks. One of the most popular vehicles in 2008 is the Honda Ridgeline. Let’s take a look at how to improve Honda Ridgeline gas mileage with a few low-cost or no-cost steps.

The first step to improving gas mileage is to drive better. As you drive, you should hopefully notice the speed limit signs. If you drive within these speed limits, you are likely to use less gas. Driving over the speed limit will cause your Ridgeline to use more fuel. If the speed limit is 55 mph and you are driving 65 mph, you will notice that your vehicle uses 20% more fuel. You can calculate the speed at which you normally drive.

Have you also noticed that in the pattern of change there is the “D” with a circle around it? This is the overdrive gear. Driving in overdrive also helps improve gas mileage. The engine doesn’t have to work as hard while in overdrive, which will reduce the amount of fuel it takes to operate it and also reduces the amount of wear and tear on your engine. You should also use your cruise control whenever possible. People who don’t use cruise control tend to change their speed frequently. If you can’t maintain a constant speed, you won’t have the best fuel economy your vehicle has to offer.

Many times people just like to drive. They will drive to the grocery store and then return home. In a couple of hours they realize that they need something at the hardware store, so they will take that trip and go home. Taking several small trips and not allowing your car enough time to warm up the engine properly consumes about twice as much fuel as you would need. Plan accordingly. Make a shopping list and get everything you need in one trip. This will not only save you money on fuel consumption, vehicle wear and tear, but it will also save you something that is much more valuable to a person: time. Also, while running your errands, you need to avoid unnecessary idleness. If you have to wait a while at the bank, it is best to turn off the vehicle to avoid wasting gasoline and stop air pollution.

The last thing to do to improve the gas mileage of your Honda Ridgeline is to keep up with maintenance. Keep the engine tuned. Check your tires every time you refuel to make sure they have the correct amount of air in them. Change the oil as often as recommended by the manufacturer. Air filters should be checked and replaced regularly. Read your owner’s manual to see what you can do to keep your gas mileage where it should be. If you notice a drastic change in gas mileage, you should take your Ridgeline to a Honda dealer and ask them to look at what’s wrong.

Digital Marketing

The Tao of Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, and the Tramp Marketing Method

People all over the world are always looking for ways to make money online, but few are successful. The real side of this is that there really is no shortcut to success and one has to work diligently on it to be successful online.

A simplistic way of looking at the successful internet marketing plan is to create rich content for your website or blog, which will attract large traffic of subscribers who will find your content useful. Good content sites get you a lot of traffic, and your subscriber list grows because your information is useful to them and, over a period of time, you earn their trust. Great content generates great subscriber lists that will allow you to earn massive passive income online.

A great way to start your internet business is through affiliate marketing. What affiliate marketing means is simply that, as an affiliate, you are selling other people’s products, and in return, you are being paid a potentially high commission of up to 75%. And the easiest products to sell online are digital products, basically information products. Selling digital products means instant delivery and faster commissions.

There are many digital products to promote as an affiliate marketer, however you need to be very careful about BIG promises and hype or BS. To be successful online, you will need to work through several steps described below.

The first thing to do is find a mentor who can give you the step-by-step plan for online success. FYI, the new wave of the future in internet marketing is video tutorials, which will complement e-books that can be somewhat tedious to read. In fact, the real problem with e-books is that they try to explain something that should be proven.

With videos, you can explain anything on a computer exactly what you are doing, where you are clicking, what to type, what the screen will look like, and what the results are.

Personally, I have two mentors who have influenced me on the path to online success. Travis Sago, creator of the BUM marketing method, and Dave Bocock, author of 4-Day Money Making Blueprint, take advantage of powerful video tutorials very effectively. Theirs is a winning success formula that guides the newcomer to being successful online without all the hype and scam.

With the right marketing formula or system to learn and make money, you really improve your learning curve and start making money in your online business.


What is the best beauty product for you? 3 tips for choosing beauty products

Every month, you see many new beauty products hitting the market, all with the promise of making your skin look younger, smoother, and smoother. Millions are spent each year on advertisements and promotions for these products and for consumers to notice them in a highly competitive environment.

Free samples are often distributed in supermarkets, department stores, and even train stations. There would be countless reviews on the internet, mainly from people who are paid by manufacturers to do a favorable review on the product.

As a savvy consumer, you shouldn’t just take the word of advertisers and beauty product review writers on the products they endorse. Even if it’s a Hollywood star who gets paid to endorse the product, watch out for the subtle but powerful effects of the media on consumer preferences. To help you decide which beauty product is best for you, here are some suggestions:

1. Check the labels

There are numerous ingredients that are used to create beauty products. Some products claim to be all natural, but if you read the list of ingredients that are used to make them, you will find that some chemicals are still used. Stay informed about ingredients that can harm your skin, particularly those with toxic effects or those to which you are allergic. A product may work for some, but not for you, so check the ingredients first before purchasing the product.

2. Check online forums that may have subscribers who have tried the products.

A product that is slowly gaining popularity will surely have its own website and will be reviewed by many people. Check out the beauty forums for the latest feedback on whether these products work without side effects.

3. Test the product.

If you really want to know if a product will work, you can give it a try. One smart thing you can do is go online and check if the company that makes the product is giving away free samples.

However, be careful when providing your credit card details online, because sometimes the company will offer a free sample and then automatically charge your card after 30 or 60 days for the next product delivery, even without your approval. Make sure you can cancel your order if you don’t find the product to your satisfaction.

Be a smart consumer, especially when it comes to choosing the best beauty products, because they may not be the right product for you and you may have to live with harmful results permanently.


Are you failing in math? Part ii

When young children display abnormal behavior, it is safe to say that professional consultation is required. You can use the Clancy Behavior Scale or the ADHD test to screen your children for early detection.

Sometimes, however, it could just be a false alarm. I found a couple of cases in the past. I spoke with a couple of parents who told me that their two sons, ages seven and nine, had learning disabilities and needed professional consultants. After teaching them math for a few years, I was able to understand the situation better. They showed great progress, maintaining above-average grades and having a regular interactive response with others. I even have a normal relationship between children and their parents. I came to the conclusion that immigrant children are very easily confused by school with learning disabilities due to cultural and language barriers in the classroom. These children simply need more love and attention.

Family life is also essential: constant fights at home between parents can cause emotional instability in children. This, in turn, can halt your learning progress. Parents have an obligation to provide a loving and disciplined home environment so that their children are ready to learn. When children are ready to learn but do not learn well, it is very likely that the drop is due to the quality of the teaching of the teachers.

I was moved by a college professor when he apologized to students who failed his class. 40% of the students in the class had previously failed a midterm exam. He apologized to them and said their explanations and teaching skills weren’t good enough. Children are like blank sheets of paper waiting for the quality and motivation of the teachers. I often tell parents in front of their children that if their grades in school don’t improve, we are to blame. The only condition is that they cooperate fully with us.

Across Canada, one in ten students studies in a private school, but in Quebec the ratio rises to 2.9: 10, which is almost three times the average. This big difference shows that parents actually trust teachers in private schools much more than they do in public schools. I have shown appreciation and appreciation to many good teachers when some students showed us some quality class lessons and assignments. Unfortunately, there are always teachers who cannot or cannot answer more difficult questions. Either they tell the students that they will contact them at a later date and then either completely forget or they tell the students that they should be able to solve the questions as they are so easy, thus disguising their disability.

Every child needs and deserves to be illustrated by their parents, teachers, a good quote, a movie or a book. The very famous inventor Thomas Edison is a very good example. At school, young Edison’s mind often wandered and his teacher, Reverend Engle, could be heard calling him “confused.” This ended Edison’s three months of official studies. Edison later recalled, “My mother made me.” Anyone with the key to activating their motivation has already taken the first step to success.

There are also tools provided by the Environmental Test System to evaluate learning motivation or the Personal Curriculum System to diagnose the needs of students through the analysis of students from massive computer information.


Video games: the perfect escape?

Why oh why did you say yes to that last shandy? The kebab seemed like a good idea, but your mouth now looks like the inner lining of Phil Jupiter’s underwear. And to top it all, you are trapped in a lava filled dungeon and a bitch has kidnapped your princess. Where did your life go so horribly wrong?

I have news for you, it’s much, much worse. It’s not that you’re hungover playing Super Mario Brothers, it’s that you spend your life “working” on a computer located in a sterilized office surrounded by drones. Your only escape? A Friday night drunken session in Clapham, tonsil tennis with a rather suspicious woman fatal and bouncing in 8-bit levels crushing Goombas skulls with your immense plump Italian plumber girth the next morning (she didn’t come home with you).

Computer games started out as completely innocent. I remember that my cousins ​​had a version of Pong that, despite being an absolute nightmare to connect to the TV, it was a lot of fun for ten minutes. Bouncing the ball with the paddles was not Wimbledon. What it was, was the 8-bit version of AELTC’s prestigious tournament, which was one of the first games I played on Master System. Even to this day, the game mesmerizes me, with the added career mode, I can’t help but feel like I’m there on center court. Especially since he couldn’t play tennis for candy.

These days, games like the Grand Theft Auto and Halo franchises take escapism to whole new levels, letting you explore entire cities and indulge your wildest fantasies while channeling hordes of bad guys. There is a magazine on my desk right now stamped with the word “hero”, if only. And while escapism is almost at its peak (except for virtual reality), it started in the 1980s and had as much impact then as it does now.

Adult life, fundamentally, hasn’t changed much in the last thirty years. Despite numerous advances in technology, supposedly to make life easier, for most of us it’s the usual 9 to 5 hours. Slaving to line someone else’s pockets only to get home in an hour unholy completely exhausted. Eat your dinner, hit the TV, sleep, repeat. Crudely enough, I hypothesize that life requires five different needs: achievement; relaxation; emulation; competence and belonging. Right now, sitting here in a nondescript office, I feel tense, bored, alone, and like this is just another day to kill on a seemingly going nowhere highway. No need is being met, I want to be at home playing video games.

Achievement is the easiest. Those who are successful in life and feel like they are living a good life can point to a number of accomplishments. Whether it’s a continuous progression through the ranks at work, raising descendants, or jumping out of a plane, nothing beats feeling a sense of accomplishment. For those hungry for these types of events, video games offer an easy alternative and their impact is almost immediate. Going back to early arcade games like Pac-Man and Asteroids, you are instantly rewarded with level progression and accumulation of points (sometimes to get to the celebrated leaderboard). Home entertainment systems like the ZX Spectrum brought games like Manic Miner to the fore. This increase raises the other point that these needs are not only related to adult life, but also to children. For growing children, a sense of accomplishment can be gained by doing well in school, in PE, being praised for good attendance, etc. How often would this really happen? Sometimes in elementary school, I felt a greater sense of accomplishment after nailing a few Sonic levels than anything I would have done during the day. With the xbox360 console, Microsoft brought the “Achievement” point system based on unlocking hidden secrets or even simply completing levels. Why did they do this? We all love rewards, even more so when they are obvious. As unnecessary as this development was, it adds another level of achievement to the already existing subtle one.

This brings me to the next “need”: relaxation. Or should I say, relaxation through detachment. It doesn’t make sense for me to go home to play a computer game where the protagonist is a customer service advisor who has to answer the phone and answer emails all day. They say that during lunchtime it is advisable to have lunch outside the office, so that your mind is distracted from work and relax accordingly. Video games work on the same principle, as they can take you out of work, out of your home life, and into something much more wonderful. The aforementioned Super Mario Bros is a great example. I think it’s the first true example of an ethereal world where you can explore and unlock hidden rewards at your leisure. Earlier consoles and computers had games that contained hidden levels, but the graphics and memory available prior to 1985 had trouble doing anything on this scale. Add a hero story where you have to rescue a princess and you have the whole package. I could talk about detachment all day, but the upshot is that video games take you into another world with the push of a button where you can easily forget what your life is really about.

As I mentioned earlier, when I was a kid, I was really bad at tennis. Someone who wasn’t terrible at tennis was Stefan Edberg. Although Wimbledon on the MS was licensed, it did not contain actual player names. But my word, did any of the characters resemble the Swedish master himself? When you are growing up, role models are important. It seems pretty obvious to say so, but how many children lack the right role models in everyday life? We admire people and want to emulate them. We see them achieve great things and we want to achieve them ourselves. When we can’t do something, video games (especially sports titles) are an easy way to emulate our heroes. I played the Italy 90 World Cup on Mega Drive a lot more than I should have, simply because it was the only way to recreate the tournament that was available to me. The emulation even comes down to wanting to be said Italian plumber hero (one was pretty useless with the ladies too) or a spiky blue hedgehog foiling an evil genius.

Emulation follows the competition. There is nothing like winning a game. All that coding and you’ve still beat the CPU. Have that Edberg. It’s also great to show that you are the best at something, that you are better than your peers. At work, I have few colleagues simply because of the mediocrity of my work. Do I want to be better than them? The feeling is barely tangible. Competition is good for the human spirit. The constant challenge is how people get better and successful people thrive on it. The rewards are sometimes obvious, a big trophy, a big raise, but sometimes they are not. Video games offer competition at all levels. Defeat the CPU, defeat your friends, defeat the world. Video games offer a challenge when life falls backwards. Do you want an arena to show that you are better than your peers? Celebrate a Days of Thunder at the NES competition (not everyone was impressed …). Multiplayer games existed in abundance since the days of Pong and now video game tournaments have grown into a multi-million dollar industry of their own.

That brings me to my final point: belonging. Sega or Nintendo? If you like retro games, that question alone is probably stirring something inside of you. Why? Because choosing a console isn’t just about choosing a gaming machine, it’s about choosing a gang, a way of life that must be better than its counterpart. Both children and adults experience segregation on a daily basis. I was lucky in school because I had good friends that I still socialize with to this day. Others weren’t so lucky. When you move into the professional world, it is natural that you want to work for a company that you belong to. In your personal life, it is natural to want to live somewhere in a house with the people you love and where you feel you belong. Even before online games with their vast communities and friendship came along, just saying on the playground if you were a Mega Drive or SNES guy, you started a positive conversation about Sonic or Mario alike. It wasn’t just consoles, it was who you were.

As much as a vacation may satisfy your relaxation needs or going to a soccer game satisfies your need for belonging, there is nothing as complete as video games to provide the complete package after a long day in the face of coal.

Health Fitness

Improve your performance by going green

Numerous articles related to nutrition talk about preferring a diet rich in green leafy vegetables. Ironically, the ancient Greeks and Romans were aware of its nourishing power; They grew kale and collard greens and the Romans took them away on their empire-building campaigns. This good practice sustained their armies and their populations in general. Modern diets include many processed foods and you may not have been exposed to these traditional sources of nutrition.

If you are in that unfortunate group, then you may be looking at the greenery selection at the grocery store and wondering what to select and why. A brief overview of the top green leafy vegetable options and their nutritional benefits can make your next trip and your transition to a healthier diet a little easier.

At the top of the list is almighty kale. In some supermarkets there are a variety of different types of kale leaves, but the most common is the classic kale. As a general guide, the darker the color, the higher the nutrient density. This applies to kale and most other leafy vegetables. A one-cup serving of chopped kale provides a whopping 134% of the RDA for vitamin C, 133% vitamin A, and 1,180% vitamin K. That one-cup serving also provides about 2.9 grams of protein, which makes kale a good source of plant protein. You can increase the nutrient density of that breakfast yogurt smoothie or lunchtime salad mix by adding some chopped kale.

A close cousin of kale is collard greens, a well-established dietary component in the southeastern region of the United States. In addition to offering vitamins and minerals, steamed cabbages have proven to be an excellent cholesterol-fighting food, outperforming medications specifically designed for that purpose. The cabbages can be mixed with other vegetables, steamed, and served with olive oil and seasonings.

Before kale’s rise to the throne of leafy greens, spinach was the nutrient source for the leaves. Popeye was on to something when he drank a can of spinach to build muscle. A 6-ounce serving of cooked spinach provides 6.4 mg of iron, which directly supports muscle development. Spinach leaves also contain a substance in the leaf membranes that is known to suppress appetite. This helps reduce cravings and promotes weight loss. Spinach can be added to salads, yogurt smoothies, and served as a nutritious garnish on its own.

Since we’re on the salad topic, romaine lettuce is a great choice for the leafy part of any salad, not just the famous Caesar salad. Romaine lettuce provides more B vitamins in the form of folic acid than even mighty kale. Folic acid helps improve fertility and sperm count in male humans. This substance is also indicated as a great nutrient to fight depression.

Next on the list is Swiss chard, which contains more than a dozen different antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that have been shown to reduce insulin resistance and improve glucose tolerance. Swiss chard can be a great addition to a weight loss program where a defense against diabetes is needed. Swiss chard can be sautéed and served as a garnish, or it can be added to stews and other mixed vegetable dishes. Cabbage is another leafy vegetable with powerful anti-inflammatory powers, while also providing calcium, iron, and other minerals.

Finally, instead of leaving out the fun-looking garnish on the side of your plate, the green parsley leaves, you might want to take a second look. Just a sprig of those tiny leaves can provide an entire day’s supply of vitamin K. Parsley also helps control your appetite, making it another weight loss friendly food. Chopped parsley can be added to any salad, vegetable stew, and garnished over steaks and grilled fish.

The great news about all of these great nutrient options is that they’re affordable, available in most supermarkets year-round, and even easy to grow in your own garden or in a pot on a patio. Most have long production seasons that often span several years. Go green, it’s easy and it will make you stronger.

Legal Law

Top Ten Reasons Law Firms Should Consider Selective Legal Outsourcing

In the last quarter of 2008, the United States faces economic challenges never imagined even a few months ago. How will businesses manage and survive constraints on credit, demand, and growth? How is the economic recession affecting lawyers and law firms serving the business community?

It is an obvious fact that companies can only consider modifying two streams of income, income and expenses, to increase profitability. If incomes are low and not expected to increase dramatically anytime soon, law firm clients will pick up the hatchet in order to survive. Legal fees will be under extreme scrutiny. Legal outsourcing, while still a nascent industry, is gaining momentum and is being considered in more corporate boardrooms. As pressures to outsource mount, lawyers wonder whether they should embrace outsourcing legal work abroad or resist. In the face of global economic challenges, coupled with the increasing loss of American jobs, why would an American law firm even want to consider legal outsourcing? Are There Valid Reasons Every American Law Firm Should Consider Specific Legal Outsourcing?

Several weeks ago I received an email from an attorney who was considering outsourcing some of his law firm’s legal work. Faced with resistance and challenges from many at his law firm who wanted to maintain the status quo, he asked me for advice on what he should say to his partners. Why should the firm outsource legal work abroad, a practice considered by some to be adventurous and risky, rather than stay the course, doing it “like we always have”? I responded with the top ten reasons every law firm should consider selective legal outsourcing:


Outsourcing some legal work to qualified providers in India will result in significantly lower overhead costs for the outsourcing law firm. When evaluating comparative costs, the law firm will do well to carefully calculate the true costs of hiring an attorney or paralegal. Those costs include salary and bonus, health insurance, vacation and holiday pay, sick time expenses, FICA, office space and equipment for the attorney, legal assistant staff and secretary assigned to that attorney, pension and profit sharing. , car and parking expenses, CLE seminar costs, and other employment benefits such as life and disability insurance. The actual annual cost of an attorney earning an annual base salary of $ 150,000 to $ 175,000 is most likely in the range of $ 250,000 to $ 300,000 per year. NONE of these customary expenses increased to a law firm using supplemental offshore legal providers.


Selective outsourcing will improve the efficiency of your law firm. Because Indian attorneys work while American attorneys sleep, it will be as if your law firm has a full-time, fully-staffed night shift. A colleague can assign some work at 6pm in the afternoon and the completed homework on their desk when they arrive at the office the next morning. Litigation cases will move more quickly through the court system with less need for time extensions.


As a child, not many of the sermons I heard from my pastor stuck with me. But one, when I was fourteen still rings a bell. He said, “Ninety percent of any worthwhile effort is backpacking, connecting, day after day. Only ten percent of our work tasks are necessarily fun and enjoyable.” I have always remembered that statement. In more than two decades as a trial attorney, I have enjoyed strategizing and trying cases before juries. But I didn’t necessarily enjoy all the trial and deposition preparation, investigation and briefing, document review, and other mundane essentials of the practice of law. A law firm that incorporates outsourcing into its practice will inevitably foster more satisfied attorneys who dedicate their time and energy to the most challenging, fun, and rewarding parts of the practice of law. Only legal “housework” work is outsourced and “basic” work remains on the ground. This allows more time for client interaction and development by the firm’s attorneys.


Law firm clients, particularly business clients, are everywhere looking for ways to reduce their legal expenses. Many ask why they should pay, for example, $ 200- $ 300 per hour for document review. Gone are the days when legal bills were simply paid without scrutiny. Also, annual increases in hourly rates will not be well received by customers looking to cut costs. Wise law firms put the interests of their clients before their own. What is good for the client will ultimately be good for the law firm itself.


The Rules of Professional Conduct require that: a. “An attorney must seek to achieve a client’s legal goals through reasonable and permissible means.” (Rule 1.2) b. “An attorney will explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to allow the client to make informed decisions about representation.” (Rule 1.4 b) c. “An attorney will use reasonable efforts to expedite litigation in the best interests of the client.” (Rule 3.2)

An attorney is required to explore and discuss with his client all reasonable means to achieve the client’s objectives. An attorney cannot charge excessive or unreasonable fees. It would seem that one could say that an attorney is required to discuss selective outsourcing as a way to reduce the client’s ultimate fee obligation and promote the client’s interests.


Clients have long questioned the rising legal fees for basic legal work and “chores.” However, they felt as if they had no other choice. They needed legal representation and they wanted good quality work. As there was no significant degree of variation in fees from one law firm to another, clients tended to “stay put.” This trend is beginning to change as customers learn that they have options. Lawyers who selectively outsource are reporting a more satisfied and loyal client base. Clients who perceive that their attorneys are looking out for their entire interests, including fee costs, tend to remain committed to their existing law firms and even refer other clients (whose attorneys refuse to outsource).


If your law firm is not outsourcing, make sure your competition is. August 21, 2007 Bloomberg. com reported that even long-established AMLAW 100 law firms like Jones Day and Kirkland & Ellis are outsourcing under pressure from clients.


It is reasonable and acceptable for US law firms that outsource legal work abroad to charge a reasonable supervisory fee in conjunction with outsourced legal work. It is axiomatic that an attorney who outsources legal work, whether to an associate, contract attorney, or offshore provider, ultimately remains accountable to his client for the quality and timeliness of the delivery of the legal product. If an attorney assigns research and writing a brief to a junior associate, the assigning attorney will not routinely present the final work product to the court without review and supervision. The same goes for legal outsourcing abroad. The published ethics opinions of the San Diego, New York, and United States Bar Associations indicate that a lawyer who subcontracts abroad may charge a reasonable supervisory fee.


Clients communicate with each other. Executives from major companies play golf and have lunch with each other. The Corporate General Counsel attends CLE meetings and seminars, sharing information and ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs. They know about offshore outsourcing and the dramatic cost savings that can be achieved. Therefore, it is unacceptable to ignore legal outsourcing and, as a managing partner at a law firm told me, “I have no appetite” for it.


Doing nothing is not an option. Some are outsourcing. Many more are considering it, whether driven by keen business sense or financial realities. Outsourcing is like a big, sinister wave just a few miles offshore. It is preferable to surf the wave than to wait to be swallowed, overwhelmed by its power and left wondering what happened.

British economist Herbert Spencer is credited with originating the term “survival of the fittest” in the mid-19th century. Although it also applies to biology, Spencer applied the concept of survival of the fittest to the free market economy. In a free market, companies and businesses will do whatever it takes to survive. If that means outsourcing some American legal work for the greater good of the entity’s own survival, then so be it. The model of ever-increasing salaries and legal expenses followed by even higher legal fees charged to clients can no longer sustain itself. Legal outsourcing is here to stay. The wise will find out, survive, and prosper.


Everything you need to know about Lucy’s law

The further we advance, the more cruel we become. The increase in atrocities committed against animals firmly establishes this fact. To combat the atrocities of animals, Lucy’s Law has been introduced. As human beings, we all have a responsibility to protect wildlife and make this planet a better place for everyone to live. Strong initiatives must be taken to stop any kind of atrocities in animals and since dogs are our favorites among all other animals, we must try to immunize people so that they do not harm these loyal and lovable animals.

How can dog lovers support the initiative?

From the drafting of a law to its implementation, the entire process is not only complicated, but also requires time. As a dog lover, you just can’t wait until Lucy’s Law is recognized. There are few things you can do until Lucy’s Law gets your legal confirmation.

This cruel and barbaric business flourished because there are people who buy puppies from outside distributors. Be a responsible pet lover and avoid buying dogs rather than considering adopting a puppy. And you can also encourage others not to go puppy shopping when they can easily adopt a dog from a foster home.

Continue the crusade against treating dogs as a commodity and a breeding machine at the puppy farm using your personal contacts, social media, and other popular channels.

Show your support for organizations that fight for the rights and good causes of dogs. You don’t need to give them financial support, but you can at least show them your verbal support. Share their posts, like their pages, and ask others to do the same.

Make everyone around you aware and informed about the atrocities that dogs suffer on puppy farms and try to generate a social conscience. The more information people have, the more effective the campaign will be.

Lucy is a representative of thousands of dogs who are going through brutal torture, ruthless treatment and malicious handling every day in a puppy house by a group of men who can lower themselves than a beast just to earn money. Raising your voice and showing your support are the best way to be a part of this movement. Just as Lucy was rescued and spent her last years in the care of her owner, we want each dog to find a home where it can be treated with the utmost care, love and affection.

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Save money on gas: the octane factor

With the price of gas these days (over $ 3.00 per gallon at the time of this writing) most people

they are feeling the financial hardship and wondering what they can do to cut their gas costs. This article presents one of several ways to earn as many miles per dollar as possible.

When it comes to the grade of gasoline or octane you put in your car, “More is better”, right?

Not always. There are a number of myths surrounding the use of high octane gas.

Myth No. # 1: Using high octane gasoline will make my car run better.

Not quite. If your car is “pinging” or “banging,” a higher octane gas will help or remove the ping and save your engine, but it doesn’t directly add horsepower. However, it prevents your electronic ignition from delaying timing as an “anti-knock” measure when a ping is detected.

Myth No. 2: My car will get more miles per gallon by using a higher octane gas.

Since higher octane gasoline does not produce more power, you will not get better gas mileage.

Myth No. # 3 – My engine will run cleaner and produce less emissions and smog with a higher octane gas.

Is not true. Many oil company advertising methods may have you believe this, but octane has nothing to do with how “clean” your engine is.

Myth No. 4 – Octane is added to gasoline to produce a higher quality fuel.

No actually Octane it is gasoline, at least most of it. See the octane rating below.

You can save money on gas simply by using the lowest octane gasoline your car will tolerate. Using a higher octane

gas from what the manufacturer says is simply a waste of money. If you’re not sure what octane your car is designed for

To use it, you can start with the lowest octane gas (87 in most areas) and give it a try. If you ping under load, move to

next octane and only buy the lowest octane your car needs. To learn more about octane, read on.

What is “ping” or “hit”?

Most of us have heard the rattling noise under the hood, usually when the engine is under additional load like

up a hill, towing a boat or in a loaded truck. The noise itself is produced when the air-fuel mixture in the

compression chamber ignites too early (pre-ignition or detonation). This condition causes the air fuel mixture to burn unevenly and

Produces the pinging or hitting sound. This uneven burn causes flash points in the combustion chamber and can lead to engine damage.

What does Octane do?

Without going into all the chemical properties and technical aspects, basically the octane increases the

Combustion point of gasoline when under compression and retards combustion. The result is that it does

Gasoline is less volatile so it doesn’t ignite before your ignition system causes it to ignite at the correct time.

The intention of octane is simply to provide an anti-knock property.

Octane rating

The octane number you see in the gas pump is simply a percentage of the octane chemical in the

gasoline mixture. In other words, if you buy gasoline with an 87 octane rating, that mixture contains 87% octane and

the rest are lower-quality chemicals like heptane. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octane_rating

What about “Octane Boost” additives?

If your car requires higher octane gasoline, you can use “Octane Boosters” available at your local auto parts store. The cost

and the effectiveness will vary. Test a tank filled with an additive to see if your can works properly and then do the math to see

if it makes sense. Here’s a cost analysis for my 1993 Mustang GT:

Example: 1 bottle of additive to power a tank of gasoline costs about $ 5.00. With a 15-gallon tank, this adds about $ .33 to the cost of each gallon of gas, plus the hassle of going to the auto parts store to buy it and remembering to add it at every fill.

If you really want or need a high octane mix, you can make your own.

Homemade Octane Booster

There are a number of websites and blogs that post the recipes or “homemade”. I’m not going to post it here because I can’t directly endorse the

use or safety to do it yourself. However, if you are looking for a xylene or toluene octane booster recipe, you will find it out there. The chemists

xylene and toluene are of higher “quality” and can produce an increase of more than 100%. Chemical octane alone by definition can never produce more than one

octane rating over 100.

Other ping solutions

If your car continues to ping or bump even though you are using an octane gas with an octane rating equal to or higher than that specified by your car manufacturer, this

it is an indication of engine problems that you should have your mechanic check. There is a well-known problem that you may be able to

try to diagnose yourself and that is the case with a stuck or failing EGR valve. It is beyond the scope of this article to explain how to verify

your EGR valve, but it is something to examine if your car has a chronic ping problem.