Shopping Product Reviews

Who Invented Google?

The search engine was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. To mention who invented Google, it began when two computer science students thought they could improve the Internet search technology available during the 1990s. After graduation, it took them a while to transform their idea into Google.

The name Google was used after a googol, the name of figure 1 followed by 100 zeros. Edward Kasner and James Newman found the number in the book Mathematics and the Imagination. For Larry and Sergey, the name Google simply represents the enormous amount of unlimited information that a search engine should accommodate.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University as computer science graduates in 1995. During 1996, they began working together on the writing of the program to build a search engine. Initially it was called BackRub, for its ability to perform return link analysis. They were trying to find better ways to scan the internet and submit specific information for a search query. Later, they finally found a workable mathematical method that evaluated page links to help get the most relevant results.

Motivated by the criticism they received about BackRub, Larry and Sergey started working at Google. They operated from their bedrooms and even built a web server using cheap, borrowed, used PCs. They maximized credit card limits to buy terabytes of disks at discounted prices. In the process, they tried to license the search engine technology, but to no avail after realizing that no one was interested in their product at such an early stage of establishment. However, they decided not to give up on Google and tried to seek more financial help, made product improvements, and advertised to the public themselves.

In September 1998, with capital support from some companies, Larry and Sergey launched Google Inc. from their Menlo Park garage in California. During that time, was already responding to more than 10,000 queries a day. It stood out from other search engine companies because it relied more on search results than web content. People who visited the web page basically have two options, either to enter some search terms or press the “I feel lucky” button, which would take users to the most popular results. The search was quick, the results were really useful, and Internet users were getting more and more excited about using Google.

Therefore, on September 21, 1999, Google has officially removed beta testing status from its title. Therefore, Larry Page and Sergey Brin were listed as the people who invented Google.


Karma, Fate, Covid, The Big Lies

If you are a devout believer in karma, destiny and destiny, then you will not like what I am about to say. However, if you are seeking the truth and have an open mind, seeking objective facts, then you can enjoy the concepts I will present here and see where your own musings lead.

Religion has always had to do with control of the masses. That is their aim and purpose, to keep large numbers of people under control and easy to manipulate into blatantly ridiculous or evil acts.

Going back in history to the rise of Christianity or Islam, we can see that the massive growth of those religions was based on wars, conquering weaker cultures and forcing conversion with the alternative like death. How can decent human beings attack and murder unarmed innocent cultures? Being so controlled by the concepts of religion and the promise of a better next life.

The purpose of religion is to control, and governments are the modern ‘church’, they are both the same concept, they control the masses. Religion was fading from their power, leading to the emergence of radical religious movements and some governments turning religion into laws and cultural norms. Governments are losing their power to control the masses and needed to find a way to regain full control over the population.

The Internet has caused a great deal of trouble for the people in power, it has spread information and incites the independent thinking of the people. Events like the Arab Spring (a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that swept through much of the Arab world in the early 2010s), or massive riots in the US, could not have happened. without Internet. Governments needed to find a new way to control the people, and learning the lesson of religion, they found a way to make people follow them like sheep based on the concept that the government, like religious leaders, are trying to protect you, yeah you personally.

Controlling a massive population is very difficult if they are strong, so as in any war, if you want to win, you have to weaken your victim so that it is easy to defeat.

Religious authors came up with the concept of karma and destiny. What happens to you now is your destiny because of something you did in previous lives. You have no idea what that was or who you were, but you accept your destiny and life situation now, because you deserve it, it is your own fault; karma, destiny, and if you are obedient now, in the next life you will have a reward.

That next life could be heaven or a new human incarnation, depending on which religion you subscribe to, but the point is that you will do what you are told and not fight for something that you cannot be sure you have, except through blind. faith.

Religions also love the concept of telling you that you are so inferior that you can never understand God, which makes sense, but that everything is God’s will, and God has a plan, so you have to endure and accept what be. You are too stupid to understand, so “trust me” and I will tell you what is really happening. If you believe them, then you are right, you are too stupid to understand why you gave up the precious and unique human qualities of common sense and logical reasoning.

If destiny, karma and God’s will are real, and everything is as God wants it to be, and we are created by God, then why do we have this innate desire to improve things, correct mistakes, help others? and to change ourselves? Obviously, God put those feelings in us, since everything we are was made by God.

If God gave us the desire to change, then why does God give us that desire and then tell us not to do anything about it because everything is how He wants it to be?

The only way one can accept karma and destiny is through blind faith. There is no logic or reasonable explanation that we should suffer in this life for things done in a previous life that we have no idea what they are, and that if we are good now, in a next life, that we will not know at that time. time on this, we will get a reward. Or if we donate to the church and religious leaders, after we die, we will go to heaven, guaranteed, or your money back!

It is about preventing independent thinking and logical reasoning, which is the way in which you will grow and evolve, and replacing it with blind confidence in everything you are told, regardless of the facts that prove it to be false.

As God said in the story of Adam and the apple; ‘Now that Adam has eaten from the Tree of Good and Evil, we must prevent him from eating from the Tree of Eternal Life, IN ORDER NOT TO BE LIKE US.’

So kick him out of the garden now that he knows the truth about what we’re doing before he rebels and attacks us. Read the story with logic, the mind of a child who has not been programmed, and see what you think of the story.

A little lesson in behavioral psychology is appropriate to put this in context. When a person is sure that he knows something, it is impossible for him to realize that he is wrong. No matter how much you tell a person who has a closed mind, but who is sure that he has an open mind, that he is being closed-minded, you will never get to them. When the student is sure that he knows, it is impossible to teach him anything. Do you know what the biblical story means?

Fast forward to today, the end of 2020. As I said before, the Internet has caused massive riots and riots, major changes and difficulties for governments to control their people, and it cannot be stopped. The only solution was to find a way to weaken people through fear so that they would voluntarily renounce their rights and freedoms.

And then we have Covid. The government tells you to stay home, stay healthy, and stay healthy, breathe through a mask so your body cannot get fresh oxygen, which is vital for making blood and keeping your brain working optimally. , do not stand more than one or two meters away (depending on each city, it seems that the virus flies further in some areas than others), take your temperature every few minutes, from one store to another in the same center commercial, a family can live together, a couple can have sex, but they cannot sit at the same table in a restaurant. The worst is, record every place you go, have your phone run the app that tracks all your movements and locations throughout the day.

He cannot visit his dying wife in the hospital, he cannot see his grandchildren on vacation, the atrocities that are taking place in the name of keeping us safe while destroying our humanity, our basic need for human interaction and connection, our Right to earn a living and work for a home and food, any visiting alien from another world would be horrified.

All in the name of our safety. However, the obvious facts show that there is nothing to fear apart from the fear propaganda that governments are pushing through the fear-selling press. A person works in an office and is said to have it. Everyone in the building should isolate themselves. No one else is sick.

What catches my attention every time there is an advertisement that someone in this building, or that store has covid, they isolate people there, but what about the stores, restaurants, gas stations, banks, ATMs automatic, in all the other places where that person was? day, not to mention the previous days of that person’s life?

Obviously, this virus is not that contagious. And the deaths, in some countries like Malaysia, report the details of the people who died RELATED to covid, note that no one dies FROM covid, but always related. Almost everyone is over 70 years old and EVERYONE had some other terrible disease like cancer or heart or lung disease. Basically, they were dying anyway and were under treatment that made them easily susceptible to death from any cause.

Why do some countries not report cases that have fully recovered, but simply increase the number of cases as if they were all active, when in fact less than one percent of people die? That means 99% recover. There are not many fatal illnesses that have such a good recovery rate, even the common flu kills more people of all ages and health conditions. And why do you consider that asymptomatic people suffer from it? If you are not sick, why have you been tested?

Yet people go on and live in fear even if the evidence clearly shows that all of this is unnecessary and that things are not what the government tells us they are.

It is about the few controlling the masses. They have weakened the masses with an economic depression that has led to emotional depression and despair. That leads to blind faith when a tasty treat comes along and proclaims that he will save and protect you, and promise you a better future. This is what Hitler did. Germany was in total economic collapse and Hitler said it can solve all problems during WWII. Germans are not bad people, but desperate enough, we see what people can do.

People in power, governments, the 1%, whoever wants to believe they are in control, have taken the same concepts from religions to control people through the idea of ​​destiny and karma to eliminate self-will and the impetus to defend. the individual rights that we all have and the desire to make a change and improve our lives.

So what better way to keep the slave and the servant passive than to tell them that it is God’s will that they have this life destiny, or that there is a deadly attacker and we are at WAR? It doesn’t take much thought to see where this all leads. Religions have done it in the past, the war with the pagans, the war with the infidels, the war with the invaders before they invade us, and now the war between them because you never know who is next to you with the disease deadly to go through. If you get too close

The fear of hell or a terrible rebirth already controls half the world’s population. Now they are also trying to control the other half. I just want to encourage everyone to think for themselves, investigate and be cautious about what is said in a way that implies categorical truth without supporting the statements with evidence from both sides.

This world has always been based on keeping people uneducated and therefore under the control of educated people and therefore involved in knowing better. The Internet has given us all the opportunity to be self-taught, if you know how to find the truth among the lies. A middle class was born and raised in India, China, and other countries in the last 20 years. They are all being destroyed now because their jobs and small businesses have been closed. Power is returning from the masses into the hands of the few.

Question everything. Why are women considered incapable of learning? It is not only Muslims, although they are still doing that to women, treating them like foolish animals, but Christians and Jews, until not long ago, also said that women should not be educated, they should not learn to read. Why would they do that? Because women are smarter than men and men were afraid. Brute force won out over intelligence.

Now governments are scared, there are too many people with access to too much information, so they are desperately trying to stop people from joining in and potentially rebelling. The powers that be are using an imaginary war with an invisible enemy. Don’t join the fight, just live your life and encourage everyone to live because you’re going to die someday anyway, so please don’t miss any more days.

Arts Entertainments

Strange behavior in the celebrity bathroom exposed

The behavior of celebrities is sometimes a bit flamboyant. The following is a look at the bathrooms of some of the top celebrities.

Flower Girl: During a concert tour in 2007, superstar singer Barbra Streisand made two strange requests to go to the bathroom at the hotels she was staying at. The first request was that the toilet should have pink floating metals and the second request included pink toilet paper. Obviously her things don’t suck

Hot Buns: Mega Star and Jay-z’s wife, Beyonce makes some bathroom demands for her bathroom backstage. The toilet has to be disinfected, which is normal, but in addition, the water in the toilet must be 78 degrees. Maybe this is your secret to keeping your butt tight.

Golden Girl: Famous R & B performer Mariah Carey requests upon arrival that the taps be replaced with solid gold taps and that the toilet seat be replaced with a new one. I am happy to run under running water

Not a seat in the house. Madonna, the legendary artist, has been filling the seats for years. However, the material girl finds it necessary to have a new toilet seat for every day she stays in a hotel. I wonder how much a used Madonna toilet seat would cost for eBay.

House without bathroom. Cliff Richard will not appear on Celebrity Big Brother. No, it is not a bad contract. The star made it clear that she had to have her own bathroom off set. The show’s producers felt this request was ridiculous and did not comply with Cliff’s request.

Kelly doesn’t need a toilet. According to an interview with the American Idol icon, Kelly Clarkson admits to peeing in the shower. I guess Madonna would have her bathtub removed if she stayed in an old Clarkson suite.

Not much action. Jackie Chan, best known for various action-packed roles, only flushes the toilet once at the end of the day. I can’t beat the green hustle. We waste a lot of fresh water with every flush of the toilet.

It makes things move: Pole dancing aficionado Kate Hudson installed a stripper pole in her bathroom. That is multitasking.

Business or pleasure. George Michael has twice been found performing illegal acts in the bathroom. In 1998, George was caught committing indecent acts. He was also caught in the late 1990s with illegal drugs.

Stand confidently. Former Senator Larry Craig was arrested in the airport bathroom for taking a broad stance. A broad stance is not a crime, but supposedly invites bathroom dwellers to engage in sexual behavior. If only George Michael were there to save the day.

Feeling of a little blush. During an interview with Jay Leno, A-list actress Cameron Diaz admits that she lives by the catchphrase, “if it’s yellow, leave it soft, if it’s brown, flush.” Again, green is good, but I wouldn’t want to be in the next row after an asparagus dinner.


8 apps and sites that will put cash in your pocket

Do you live paycheck to paycheck? If you’re like a lot of people, your cash barely lasts until the next payday. While a windfall would be nice, it’s not likely. With little effort, you can change your spending habits, and you may have a few dollars left over at the end of the week. Save a little here and you can spend a little there.

There are many ways to cut expenses, save money, and earn a little extra money. While each method can generate a seemingly negligible amount of change, together they add up to big savings. By the end of the week, he’s managed to keep a good deal of his hard-earned dough.

Here are 8 ways to turn a pinch of technology into great money-making opportunities:

1. Invisible hand it is a browser plugin. When you shop online, it lets you know if there is something less expensive than the item you are about to buy. It works with Google so that when you search for something on Google, it automatically checks for the lowest prices for that item and alerts you. The prices are in real time, which means that they are the price of now, not yesterday or this morning. When you are do not purchases, the plugin remains hidden, so there is nothing in your way. This is a great way to save money!

2. Blinking price works the same way as InvisibleHand. Automatically search over 4000 merchants as you shop to bring you the best deal available. It also has the added feature of alerting you to coupons for the items you are buying now and allows you to keep wish lists for the items you want later.

3. GiftCardGrandmother is a site that sells discount gift cards. If there are stores where you shop frequently or if you are going to make an expensive purchase, buy the gift card at a discount and use it to save money on your purchase. You can also sell gift cards here, as well as check balances and search for current deals and flash sales.

Four. has hundreds of coupons for all kinds of things. Before buying, see if there is a coupon for your item. To get multiple coupons, just check each one you want and print them all at once when you’re done.

5. GasBuddy saves you money on your travels. While you’re busy driving your shopping trip, GasBuddy will show you which gas stations in your area offer the lowest prices on fuel. Locals and app users like you let GasBuddy know when they see great and low gas prices so the app can let you know.

6. Field agent – pays you to perform small tasks in local stores, such as taking a photo of a screen, checking the price of an item, or scanning a barcode. They will have a list of jobs and you just choose the ones you want to do.

7. ReceiptHog – Earn points for uploading images of your receipts, from any store, to the application. Redeem points for cash or a donation to a charity.

8. CheckPoints – Earn points by doing fun tasks like scanning brand-name product barcodes when shopping, downloading new apps, taking surveys, and more. Redeem your points for Amazon or Walmart gift cards or donate them to charities.

And while you’re at it, here’s another way to earn some pocket money.

There are apps that will pay you to review new applications on your phone. Just download, answer a few questions, and submit your comments. You get paid for each review. When you’re done, you can simply uninstall the app so it doesn’t take up space and data.

Try these three to get started:

  • TestBirds – You can test not only apps, but also websites, games … even devices!
  • ErliBird – Try new apps and games and get paid for your opinion.
  • AppCoiner – They strictly make apps and are willing to pay you to try them out! Note: AppCoiner is NOT free to join. There is a one-time fee of $ 27 and they say that you will have unlimited trials to choose from and win.
Home Kitchen

Do you want aesthetics and sustainability in home design? Choose bamboo cabinets

There is no denying the beauty of bamboo cabinets. The moment you enter a building that presents them, you are in awe. As well as adding a natural look to any space, they can be elegant in a modern décor and comforting in a classic space. Therefore, they work for any style of home or business.


No one can deny that bamboo is super durable, and all the wear and tear that a bamboo cabinet goes through leaves it unmatched by other materials. In relation to steel it has a higher tensile strength, and not many know it. The hardness rating in a bamboo cabinet equals or exceeds hardwood with ease. Due to these facts, there really is no other option that offers everything a builder would expect, and it is so impressive.

The nature of bamboo

Most of the bamboo used to build cabinets comes from the canes of bamboo plants. In reality, bamboo is not a wood, but a grass. It grows to maturity in no time, two years after being cut, which is very impressive and makes it the perfect sustainable material for construction. Regarding its growth, it is thick and strong, and does not require fertilization or abundant watering.

Quality varies

It is important for those who buy bamboo cabinets to realize that they are not all created equal. Suppliers use various methods to build their cabinets and process bamboo in different ways as well. For example, Moso bamboo is the hardest of all the types; so anyone who wants the strongest bamboo cabinet should go for this type.

While some bamboos are fully grown by 2 years, this type only fully matures around 5 years. However, this is not to say that other types are not durable. As long as it is collected at its maximum density, it will remain for life. Check with the manufacturer about these factors, as well as how the bamboo cabinets are constructed.

Custom versus precast

Many manufacturers will build their bamboo cabinets to the buyer’s specifications. Custom-made options are always the best, and if they use formaldehyde-free glues and UV-coated plywood on the inside, there should be no question that they are tough and reliable.

Check the type of hinges, front frames, drawer sliders and more to make sure they are quality built. Also, many manufacturers will allow the buyer to choose whether they prefer horizontal or vertical bamboo grain, which is an advantage to buying pre-made versions. Speaking of pre-made bamboo cabinets, even if they are in most circumstances, they will be just as durable as custom-made ones.

Bamboo is always the right choice

No matter what type of bamboo is chosen, it is sure to please. You will add value to a home or business with ease by offering a total return on investment. It doesn’t matter if the buyer is choosing bamboo cabinets for a kitchen or bathroom update, or preparing to sell their home, they will be more than satisfied with the results. Versatility, durability, and many options mean they will work seamlessly with any design.

Everyone owes it to themselves when considering bamboo for their home. It is very likely that once they see it, they will fall in love with its beauty and will be excited to install it and show it to their friends and family.


8 tips for moving a piano

When it comes to moving, there are many elements to consider. After all, it can be a stressful process, only exasperated when determining the best way to move not just those little accent pieces or heirlooms, but those large pieces of furniture like dining tables, dressers, refrigerators, and pianos.

In fact, of all the household items one may need to relocate, moving a piano is one of the dangerous and difficult a homeowner can face. As such, it is the reason most choose to hire piano moving professionals to handle the job. However, if you are planning a move and feel the need to try moving a piano, then there are a number of actions to consider before feeling disappointed and wishing you had called in a professional. Here are some tips from professional moving companies on the best way to move a piano from point A to point B.

1. Call a local piano moving company and hear what they have to say. Even if you don’t choose to hire a professional, you can learn a lot about the process.

2. Gather a group of friends to help you. Pianos can be cumbersome and heavy. You will also need lots of blankets, wraparound padding, and dollies or a flat cart.

3. Move all other furniture out of the way of the move space and chart the course from your current piano location to the door and the moving truck.

4. Wrap the piano in non-slip blankets, fold the blankets under the edge of the piano, then tie them in place. Make sure to close the lid! You should also remove the legs of the piano before moving it, as this will help it fit better through the doors.

5. Know the measurements of your piano to find out how much space to allocate.

6. Slide the piano across the floor, with people on either side of the instrument. Turn the rear wheel carefully so that the weight is on both the dolly and the piano wheels.

7. Pack the piano first so it can rest against the back of the moving truck for better support.

8. Once the piano is in its new location, plan to tune it!

Moving a piano is really a job best left to the experienced. If you are moving soon and have a piano to move, then your best bet is to work with a team that knows what to do. Talk to a local moving company or perhaps the person who tunes your piano to find out who they recommend. You’ll be glad you did, especially when you sit down to play!

Digital Marketing

Benefits of using text message marketing in advertising campaigns

Telephone advertising is a method of advertising through mobile phones. This type of advertising happens immediately where your customers get your promotional information immediately. Unlike other forms of advertising, SMS text messages are rarely reviewed and responded to and this is what makes them effective.

In addition to being one of the fastest methods of marketing, mobile phone coupons have a redemption rate of 15% to 40% compared to commonly used coupons that have achieved an increase of only 2%. This is the reason why mobile marketing is growing so fast. Also, with this method, it means that customers have the freedom to choose to subscribe to the appropriate messages of their choice. Due to this, this method becomes less invasive compared to other forms of advertising.

In mobile advertising, vendors send marketing SMS to their prospective buyers who have approved of getting them from your company. As a provider, you give your text a unique focus on keyword writing to make your text more attractive. Once this is done, the recipients receive written texts that introduce them to different services and ask them to check if they are excited about subscribing to updates to their features. After they’ve said yes, you can send promotional messages to their phones whenever there’s something going on in your business.

Mobile marketing is one of the growing techniques that you can use to promote businesses, products, offers, and new developments today. Through mobile advertising, for example, healthcare professionals can save effort and money simply by sending their patients an SMS informing them of their upcoming appointments. Compared to traditional advertising strategies, this method is more affordable, personal, and immediate. This has improved customer loyalty, attention and income, as it establishes a very good connection between customers and companies. This is one of the key factors that have led to its rapid growth.

With the current rise of the new generation of mobile phones, computers will have to be modified in a certain way as people can access the web through their mobile devices. And for people who want to get a new type of business customer, they can use mobile advertising as one way to do it. At the same time, mobile advertising is a good way in which a company can develop its profile or brand with correctly targeted customers. Mobile marketing is primarily used for unique product launches, coupons, offers, and promotions. In addition to its mobility, mobile advertising is valuable because it enables accurate records of promotion results to be obtained.

Legal Law

What is a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit?

Wrongful Termination Lawsuit

If you are a victim of wrongful termination, BC Civilians who has suffered such unfortunate circumstances should not let the dark cloud of this situation overshadow their lives. The BC Claims Service can provide you with the necessary advice and representation to seek damages for all the losses that you have suffered as a result of the employer’s wrongful termination. There are many wrongful termination claims that are filed every year in British Columbia, and the Service has detailed information about them in its website.

wrongful termination

Most employers have an employee handbook that details their policies and procedures on terminating employees. However, if you feel that the Handbook does not sufficiently cover your particular case, then it is recommended that you consult your attorney. He will advise you about the exact nature of your wrongful termination claim, and he may also refer you to the appropriate BC Civilian Claims Office for more advice. He will also provide you with copies of past cases that involve the same facts as yours.

The first step in filing a claim for compensation for wrongful termination is gathering as much evidence as possible. Having solid evidence to support your case will make it easier for your attorney to build your case and negotiate with the employer. It is important to gather and document all evidence, including any letters or documents that pertain to the case that was signed by you. Deleted emails and records can be very valuable in supporting your claim. You should consult your lawyer about how to access deleted files.

What is a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit?

In addition to evidence, you will also need to supply financial records that show how much money you lost as a result of being wrongfully terminated from your job. This includes any salary that you were owed, any benefits (such as profit sharing or pension plans) that you would have continued to receive, and any other payments that you would have received, such as tips, commissions, or other payments. You will also need to include bank statements or pay stubs that record your income and expenses. Your claim can only be filed with the BC Civilian Appeal Board if you provide proof that you were terminated without just cause. This means proving both negligence and unfair dismissal.

Once you have all of the required documentation to support your wrongful dismissal claim, you must also file a request with the BC Civilian Appeal Board. To do this, you must first send your claim to the employer who is being accused of wrongful conduct. If the employer refuses to cooperate, you must then proceed to the BCA. At the BCA, you will be able to meet with an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss the details of your case. An attorney can help you obtain compensation that is fair and just for you.

Wrongful termination claims must be filed within three years of the date of the incident that caused you to seek compensation. In most cases, your case must also involve proof of negligence. If you cannot prove either of these elements, your case will fail to go forward with the appropriate compensation to which you are entitled. If you have hired a qualified BC lawyer, he or she will be able to make sure that your claim is filed correctly and that your case is given proper attention by the Board.


Does Bush have gas?

Gas prices are skyrocketing and that comes down to everything we buy. With the economy and home values ​​slowing and health care, airfare, and the cost of living rising, this comes down to one definition, “recession.” Bush can downplay anything he wants and ignore gas prices hitting $ 4.00 a gallon, but he doesn’t have to fill up his tank or worry about paying his mortgage.

Bush doesn’t need gasoline. For the rest of us, however, our dollar isn’t worth much anymore. I will not touch the cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, China or the spy tactics implemented in the United States because, after all, we must remain protected against those pesky weapons of mass destruction at all costs.

I remember when we had to walk 10 miles barefoot to school in 3 feet. of snow. I remember drinking tap water with a glass and stopping the ice cream truck with fifty cents in hand. Oh yeah, I also remember buying a gallon of gas for less than a dollar. Now the same tap water sells for over a dollar a plastic bottle, which is doing wonders for the environment, ice cream trucks require a credit card, and gas is going … four get it .

The real estate market is experiencing price and percentage drops that we have not seen in over twenty years. Banks and mortgage brokers are being strapped to their chairs and tied up because of all the high-risk junk they were going through a few years ago. However, things are changing for the better! (at least on the real estate buying side) I say this confidently because it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that now is a great time to buy a home despite the media taking advantage of the claims of the crisis. The only real crisis comes from those who refinanced their homes to pay their bills or bought a home well beyond their means with a ridiculous loan that they should have read and understood before signing. Those are the majority of the people who give up their properties and turn them over to the bank.

The seller crisis (value and equity) has evolved due to a previous increase in the belief that prices were justified. Another contributor is bank-owned houses that come to market in a distressed state and therefore tear the surrounding houses down once they have been sold. That’s called market value, and unfortunately, real estate appraisers base their value on area comparables.

What does that mean for the buyer or investor of a new home? Scream, “Buy me!” Buy me now and I will love you later. All previous owners will become tenants. All the houses that the banks are desperately trying to sell (and by the way, they really don’t know how to handle this) are selling well below the market values ​​we’re at. It costs a bank approximately $ 50,000 to sell a foreclosure. They don’t want to hold them for long. Now is the time to buy a property when the market is down. Now is the time to collect rental properties like Monopoly deeds, including dwellings.

When any market is down, including real estate, that’s always the best time to buy, and throughout history, long-term real estate investing has always performed the best. People will always need shelter and a place to call home. This is not a fashion market or an investment.

However, I only recommend that you buy, if you plan to keep the property or live in it for at least the next five years. Let the market stabilize. Of course, there are exceptions to this. You can get a fabulous deal and turn it around if you do it right: (price, condition, area, and with the right resources).

Get a foreclosure tattoo on your credit and you won’t be able to buy another home for about a decade. Where are they going to live? Many of these families who have lost their homes are decent and responsible people, ironic as it may seem. Most have just fallen into a trap, and while ignorance is not an excuse, it is not a permanent label, as the credit reporting agencies say.

Bush has big plans to save us in the eleventh hour. Maybe we can get all the banks to throw us a fondue party in our honor. Then we can open the champagne and they will forgive all the exaggerated debts releasing the nonexistent equity of ten million homes.

Bottom line: interest rates are incredible, the FHA has raised its pricing guidelines, houses are available for much less than rent, stop buying bottles of tap water, people will always need a place to call home , Bush has gas but we pay, it’s time to spend less, owning has never looked better, and God bless America because outside of real estate, we need it.


Web design tips that make your life easier

Every web designer has some secrets that separate him from other good designers. Here we managed to make a list of some tips that are really useful to improve the design. With some professional knowledge, you will discover some features of this blog. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you will learn a lot from this article. Let us begin.

Codekit for browsers

Codekit is a must if you are using a MAC system that. The browser’s reload features are worth the small cost alone. The days of updating your browser to make different changes are long gone.

Global changes

Applying the global changes is healthy advice from a professional that can really help speed things up in the early stages of your design work. You can use the wildcard CSS rule to apply the changes globally to your page. As you go through the design process, this is the great trick to have in your pocket. It sure isn’t a good idea to leave this in your live code, so use this trick carefully.

Bright contours

Whenever you work with media queries, use bright outlines for them. This trick will allow you to instantly see which rules apply and what they look like.

Number of letters

For safe and comfortable reading, 45-75 characters are generally accepted. There is a quick hack available to check the fluid and responsive layout. Put a 45 character and 75 character line on your page and make sure it resizes within these parameters.

Image size reduction

Highly optimized image sites load faster and work better on different devices. You can use the reduced images for better designs and loading rates of your website.

Export images

PNG image files are good for designing your website. If you’re exporting an image from Photoshop to PNG and it doesn’t need to be transparent, try exporting it as an 8-bit PNG. Mostly it does not affect the quality of your website, but it will reduce the side massively.

Typography palettes

A “pigeonhole” app produced by the talented team to make typography-rich site design a breeze. This will allow you to create typographic palettes.

Find color inspiration

For a better design of your website, you must use the color scheme effectively. The colors on your website are the actual representation. According to the survey, the color scheme attracts more users to your website.

User flow

User flow is the most critical part of web design. Your user should have an idea of ​​how your website is working and what the purpose of your website is should be clear to your users. The interface of your website should be easy and friendly so that your visitors stay longer on your site. Your website will be more focused by your users if your website design is attractive. Website design is also a factor for heavy traffic on your website.

Involve your customer

Get your client involved with your website as early as possible throughout the design process. Always remember that “they know your business best” and it is the only way to develop the successful digital solution to combine your knowledge with customer knowledge.


Use different prototyping tools to present the first designs to your clients as soon as possible. This could be a simple and complex prototype. These prototypes will help both you and your clients know what your client really wants from you and will make your job easier.

Share and follow buttons on social networks

Producing the great content and offers isn’t the only thing your website requires. You must provide an opportunity for your users to share your content. If your website lacks social buttons, you can lose a lot of traffic to your website that is generated from people who are already reading your content. If this term is new to you, social sharing buttons are little buttons located at the top or bottom of your content. These buttons really work to increase traffic to your website.

These are some key factors that you can use when designing your website. If you are unable to design your website, you can hire any reputable web design company to build your website for you.