
Five Changeable Racing Mythbusters: Break Free To Achieve Your Dreams

Aside from the statistics on the large number of races throughout our lives in 2009, there are a multitude of new perspectives on career planning and career options. Was being a network engineer in a small office an option when you were young? How about a nanotechnology researcher? Have you ever heard of international microcredits? These are some illustrations of the new trends in occupations and career options.

Even if you are not changing careers this month or this year, you will have to adapt to changing job demands and responsibilities. Also, you probably know somebody who will be helped by this informative and liberating approach. Let’s analyze the threats of Changing professional myths together. Read through, consider strategies and options for your future, and share this timely information with your friends and family.

1. Career slavery: You have to choose a career and stick with it. I didn’t realize that no one still believed in this until I started surveying high school and college seniors. Indeed, these young adults are convinced that their career choice is an irreversible decision. What pressure do they experience on Career slavery. When people look at the statistics and realize that they will likely have multiple careers in their lifetime, it is a liberating experience. Suddenly, they are free to enter the first chance. Phew! I have seen this excruciatingly anticipated step happen to 17- and 55-year-olds. They have similar problems despite being in very different stages of life, of course. The freedom to step into the future is always a good thing.

2. Closed doors: Many careers are closed doors for me because I do not have the proper academic degree. You know I have to use Thomas Edison’s example here, correct? He didn’t have a college degree and look at the influence he had on our world! It is innovation, dedication and inspiration that make a significant difference in many situations. Today, American culture expects not only a high school diploma, but also a college degree for professional careers. However, once you’ve tagged that base, you’ll have a multitude of options available to you. Most careers have entry-level positions; Keep in mind that as you gain more experience and advance further in the organization and the industry, it may be even higher paid and more exciting.

3. FULL INCLINATION, or nothing: If you are going to change careers you have to do it at full speed, or not at all. In fact, a much more successful approach is to try out your new career as a part-time position while maintaining your current career. If you really enjoy it and find it profitable, determine the best strategy for additional training and career opportunities. Another strategy is that if you are thinking of starting your own business, use the same strategy and research the details, plan your acceleration to test the waters as you continue your full-time job. This approach often works for consulting services, mail order, web-based fulfillment, and other home-based businesses that can meet product or service needs during non-traditional business hours. Just make sure your full-time job isn’t affected by your new career exploration. The references and relationships you have now will follow you and it is much more advantageous if they are always positive.

Four. The lone ranger rides again: No one can help you with your career; you have to do it alone. From the country of the seemingly self-made person, this myth seems to have become a rule of thumb. Truth be told, it’s a Golden Failure When Followed The most successful people realize that they cannot know or do everything on their own and instead surround themselves with caring and understanding advisers, coaches, and assistants. Use the recommendations of colleagues, friends, or researchers who can help you. Whatever avenue, be sure to to run, don’t walk around as you start building a crackerjack support team. Critical members of this network include a financial advisor, a career coach / advisor, a proofreader (for cover letters and correspondence), and an attorney (to review employment contracts, agreements, etc.).

5. It is a matter of luck. Successful careers are a matter of luck, you have to wait for the right door to open. Upon closer examination, it appears that many people who embrace this myth are not very successful. Successful people have sweated too much in their endeavors and they know better. At the beginning of my second career, I thought I was experiencing many lucky; However, when I told my supervisor this, he said, “You create your luck, Kathy. I see you do it.” I often remember this comment because it is natural for me to explore the environment for trends, look for opportunities and look for ways to move forward. Also, I take the initiative: I love what I do; therefore, I still want to learn more about it! To the outsider, it might seem that I am working very hard to create lucky. I think it is much simpler. The key to creating successful career opportunities may be initiative.

Whatever your current situation, consider how you can destroy the myths that hold you back. Re-evaluate them, gather new information, and delete them one by one. Where are there opportunities to advance? What would you like to be doing for work and recreation in 5, 7, or 10 years? What do you need to do to achieve those dreams? Assemble your support team and step into the world of career change and freedom!


Recovering Old Computers and Electronics at Best Buy, Costco, and Staples

Costco exchange program

In its effort to become a leader in electronics recycling, Costco has partnered with Gazelle is a leader in the online electronics recycling and reuse business. What you need to do is fill out an online form on the Gazelle website about the electronic equipment you are recycling. Gazelle will give you a quote for your item and if you agree, you can print a free shipping label online. They will even send packing material to ship your old electronics. As long as the value of your device is at least one dollar, shipping is free. If they determine that your electronic devices have no resale value, they will recycle them responsibly and free of charge. Right now, they recycle laptops, cell phones, LCD monitors, MP3 players, digital cameras, and game systems. They do not recycle faxes, printers or televisions at this time. The recycling service is only available to members.

Best Buys

Best Buys has a well-organized recycling page on their website. They have set the highest standard for responsible recycling and these standards are posted where the public can easily see and read them. They recycle a wide range of electronic equipment such as T.Vs with sizes up to 32 inches, cell phones, monitors, DVDs, laptops, etc. There is a $ 10 charge for T.Vs, monitors, and laptops, but Best Buy will give you a $ 10 gift card to offset that. They accept desktop computers without the hard drive or they can remove it for you for a fee of $ 19.99.

For large electronic devices such as T. Vs larger than 32 inches and refrigerators they have a hauling service. All Best Buys stores have a recycling kiosk next to the front door where you can drop off ink cartridges, smartphones, CDs, DVDs, batteries, cell phones, and Best Buys gift cards. You can bring up to 2 items per day per household.

Best Buys has an exchange program for used electronic equipment in good condition. The procedure for an exchange is very clearly written step by step on your website. You can take your used electronic device to a store or send your things through the mail. You will receive a Best Buy gift card for your device. For in-store commerce, they only accept certain items, such as Apple laptops, iPods, laptops, and cell phones. They take a lot more electronic equipment with their online trading programs. For online transactions, you will receive a gift card within 14 days.

For TVs larger than 32 inches, they have a free shuttle service if you buy replacement equipment. You can get large televisions and refrigerators for a fee if you didn’t make a purchase.


Recycling office technology

The Staples website indicates that you simply bring your old office electronics and accessories to any Staples store for recycling. All office technology brands are accepted, regardless of whether purchased from Staples. Dell-branded office technology is accepted free of charge. All other brands of office technology, such as laptops, desktops, printers, scanners, faxes, etc. They have a $ 10 fee. Staples have the wonderful ink cartridge recycling program where you take up to 10 empty ink cartridges and get paid $ 3 for each cartridge per calendar month per customer.

Personal Electronic Recycling

Staples recycles used electronic devices for free through Collective Good, a non-profit organization that donates used electronic devices to a charity. Devices such as cell phones, PDAs, pagers, and chargers are recycled for free. Staples also recycles rechargeable batteries in cooperation with the Rechargeable Batteries Recycling Corporation.


Which of these three electronic equipment vendors has the best recycling policy? The answer is clearly Best Buy. Their website has a well-organized recycling page that is easy to understand and use. Their commitment to recycling is shown and reflected in the standard they have posted on their page. They recycle a wide range of electronic equipment, including bulky ones like refrigerators and old computers, mostly for free. They have an online and in-store redemption program for well-used electronics for which you get a Best Buys gift card.

Costco has a good point where you can trade in your unwanted electronics for a Costco gift card. But they don’t recycle bulky electronics like televisions and printers. The good point about Staples is that they recycle a much wider range of electronic equipment and you don’t need to buy it from a commodity store. And it is convenient to recycle with staples because you can take it to any of their stores.

Health Fitness

Bicep training for police officers

The biceps (biceps brachii) is an important muscle for police officers and is fairly easy to train. It is important to understand that the biceps is a two-headed muscle that consists of a long head and a short head. This is important because there are different exercises that can be done to work each individual head. The biceps is a small muscle that does not need an excessive amount of training to develop it. Train your biceps once a week and with a healthy diet your biceps will get stronger in no time.

You should be able to work your biceps in 30 minutes, which leaves plenty of time for a cardio workout or you may want to work your triceps immediately after your bicep routine. I like to work my biceps and triceps during the same workout every week. First I hit the biceps for 30 minutes and then the triceps for 30 minutes and then there is no need to work the arms until the following week.

Many people like to work each part of the body 2 times a week, but I think it is not necessary for the average person. When you exercise with weights, you are tearing your muscles, which requires a lot of rest for them to recover and grow.

Your muscles don’t grow in the gym, they grow and get stronger when they rest outside the gym. Because our biceps are being knocked down, they need protein to grow and get stronger. You will need to eat a fairly healthy, protein-rich, moderate-carbohydrate diet to fuel your muscles to grow and become stronger.

For the average person, we should be ingesting about 1 gram of protein per body pound each day. This means that if you weigh 160 pounds, you should try to eat 160 grams of protein per day. Eating 1 gram of protein per body pound every day is not difficult once you see which foods are high in protein. You can easily achieve this by drinking a couple of protein shakes every day along with a couple of meals.

You will need to rest between each set for about 60 seconds. In some of the more advanced routines, you will take very little rest between sets and sometimes perform multiple sets without any breaks. With the beginner routine below, I’d take a pair of 20-pound dumbbells and roll them up for 2 sets of 15 reps. This will warm up your biceps and elbows for the exercise.

As with any physical activity, the key to avoiding injury is to warm up properly. Now that the warm-up series is over, I would move on to the working series. I would load a straight curl bar with a weight that I think I could do 8 reps with. Don’t worry about being precise in your estimation of the weight to start with. If you start your first set with a weight that is too easy, adjust the weight accordingly on the second set.

I would then make sure to wear a weight belt and then lift the bar straight up and bend it 8 to 12 times before lowering the bar. If you find that you can do 12 reps with that weight, then you will need to increase the weight on the next set.

If you find that you cannot do 8 reps with that weight, then you must reduce the weight for the next set. Routines with 3-6 reps per set are more for powerlifters and we are trying to achieve strength gains along with gains in muscle mass so we are going for 8-12 reps. Ideally, this is what your first set of beginner bicep exercises should look like.

Let’s say you lift 50 pounds on the straight bar and you can do 12 reps on the first set. You rest for 1 minute and then you put 60 pounds on the straight bar and you can do 10 reps. Then you rest 1 minute and put 70 pounds on the bar and you can do 8 reps. That would be a good set because you increased the weight with each set and stayed within 8-12 reps with each set.

A not-so-great set would be when you load 50 pounds on the straight bar for your first set and you can only do 6 reps. then you put 60 pounds on the bar for your second set and you can only do 5 reps.

Then he reduces the weight to 40 pounds and gets 10 reps on his third and final set. If I couldn’t do 8 reps on my first set, I’d start over and lose 20 pounds. After a few workouts, you can easily estimate your starting weight for each exercise.

So far we have done the warm-up set and a work set which was the standing barbell curl. The standing barbell curl is the best exercise for building strength and mass in the biceps, which is why we do it as our first set of work.

Because it is an important exercise, we want to do it as the 1st set when we are fresh and rested. Now for our second set of work, we will do the dumbbell preacher curls. The preacher bench can be either a seated or a standing team, depending on the manufacturer.

I prefer the seated preacher bench because the standing preacher bench is uncomfortable for me. In this exercise we use dumbbells instead of the bar. You’ll want to grab a pair of dumbbells that you think you can roll up on the preacher bench for 8-12 reps.

With the preacher bench you want to make sure that your elbows don’t hang off the end of the pad. The preacher curl is great for shaping the biceps, and this move should never be left out of a bicep workout. Do a total of 3 sets on the preacher bench using the same principles we use with standing barbell curls.

The third and final established work in the beginner bicep routine is the hammer curl. The hammer curl is a great exercise that will hit the lower part of your biceps. The hammer curl is performed with dumbbells using the same weight principles outlined above.

Do 3 sets of hammer curls and you are done with your biceps for this week. Now would be a great time to do some cardio or work your triceps to complete your arm workout for the week. Your goal each week will be to increase the weight for each of these exercises. Do not be discouraged, you will get stronger and you will be able to gain weight in no time.

After 4 weeks of this routine, you will be ready to switch to beginner biceps routine # 2. Our muscles are smart and learn to adapt to the routines we put them through, so we have to change our workouts from time to time. when.

Incorporating new bicep exercises means that we will hit our biceps from different positions and angles, leading to further muscle growth and development. I advocate adjusting your bicep training every 4 weeks for beginners. Adjusting your bicep workout can be as simple as removing 1 exercise from your routine and adding something new.

For the beginner workout, I would stop hammering at week 4 and start doing the dumbbell concentration curl. Then I would swap the dumbbell preacher curl with the barbell preacher curl and then swap the standing barbell curl with the standing cable machine curl.

After a few months of the beginner workouts, you may be ready for the more advanced bicep workouts listed below. You may be tempted to work your biceps more than once a week as you start to see some gains, but don’t. You can easily overtrain your biceps, severely reducing your strength and mass gains, and leading to injury.

Biceps routine for beginners

Warm up with 2 sets of standing dumbbell curls for 15 reps each set

Standing Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 8-12 reps each set

Preacher Bench Dumbbell Curl – 3 sets of 8-12 reps each set

Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps each set

Lifestyle Fashion

How I Cured My Psoriasis Permanently

Let me first describe my particular case of psoriasis symptoms:

  • Chronic psoriasis of the scalp
  • Small patches on the face and body.
  • Increased sensitivity to dry weather
  • Increased sensitivity to odors (perfumes, deodorants, and other cosmetic products

I decided to follow a “Blood Cleanse Diet”:

Awakening: 2 glasses of water

Breakfast: Only fruits and vegetables (except citrus or tropical fruits, not kiwi, oranges, etc.)

Most mornings I squeezed my fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, carrots, cucumbers, beets, and celery made their way into my juicer.

Food: Green salads or steamed vegetables (steamed vegetables are best if you have a sensitive stomach) with lemon and olive oil / sesame + rice (I mixed white rice with brown rice for a better flavor).

Night shade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines) are not allowed.

Teas: Green tea or chamomile (* without sugar, you can put a little honey)

Appetizers: Stewed Apples (* without sugar), Rice cakes bathed in olive oil or almond butter, fruits (without nuts as they contain different additives).

Dinner: Organic farmed fish or chicken cooked in lemon, ginger, fresh herbs, olive oil or garlic.

+ Steamed vegetables.

Products with alcohol, dairy, coffee, sugar, wheat or gluten are not allowed.

Eat at regular times and don’t skip meals. Don’t let your blood sugar levels drop.

Try to get regular daily exercise (walking is fine)

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.


If you follow these guidelines, you should see A big difference after 3 weeks, if not a complete remission of all symptoms.


Is AKC Dog Breeding For You? Things you need to know

With the economy in a major recession around the globe, people are looking for ways to earn some extra money from home. And while purebred dogs are still shown in shows around the world, there has been one more deciding factor as to who can buy puppies to breed and breed for additional income: the wealthiest continue to buy purebred puppies to breed or raise. no, and low-income people simply cannot afford to buy expensive puppies.

According to Amber Mendoza of Buckeye Bullies in Goodyear, Arizona, “People who buy purebred dogs and can afford them just like them more than anything else. They don’t necessarily want to breed them, but they enjoy them. A purebred dog can be a symbol. status, like when comparing a Mercedes to a Volkswagen. On top of that, they know that if they decide to breed or raise their dog, there is an opportunity to make money. “

If people think they are going to make money right away, they are not. It takes not only money, but also time. When the cubs are born, they are like human babies. In Amber’s case, this being Enna’s first litter, they had to separate the puppies and then give them to her every two hours to nurse … and that’s all day, as with any newborn, and that lasts two weeks . . Just like with a human baby, except there are more of them.

If you start with a puppy, you should wait 3 heat cycles or about 2 years before raising it. If it’s too early, it’s like getting a 14-year-old girl pregnant; their bodies are not yet developed for motherhood. On the other hand, if a dog is too old, it would be like getting a 60-year-old woman pregnant and that would not work well either. Therefore, it is limited to the best breeding times in its best cycles, which means no more than 3-4 litters.

So while puppies can be sold from $ 1200 and up each, there are limits to the amount of money you can make from a female.


Amber and her husband, Patrick, didn’t really set out to start a breeding business. They just wanted a purebred dog, they adored Bull Terriers and they bought an AKC female dog, Princess Enna (named after her daughter) and thought why not breed her?

While many of us have had dogs that have had puppies, breeding purebred dogs is an entirely different ball game.

Amber did her research before jumping into this because it’s not a cheap business venture. She and Patrick have spent over $ 4,000 raising Enna and all that goes into caring for their puppies.

This money came out in pieces, unlike many other types of businesses that require equipment and other costs up front.

What expenses can you expect?

So far, Patrick and Amber’s expenses have included:

Smear test: Similar to a Pap test, the woman is tested to see if her hormone levels are adequate for pregnancy.

Stallion Fee: You have to find a purebred male first, which may take some work. Stud fees typically range from $ 500 and up. Some stallion owners say that if it’s not the first time, they won’t get your money back. In Patrick and Amber’s case, the stallion owner said that if it didn’t work the first time, they could bring Enna back at another time to try it for free.

Vet Visits – These visits include vaccinations, the cost of X-rays to determine how many puppies there are and if there are any problems, or if a C-section might be necessary. Also, a new expectant mother may need medication throughout her pregnancy to avoid high blood pressure or any other medical conditions that may threaten her or her puppies.

Birthing box: Patrick and Amber made their own birthing box for around $ 200.

Med Basket – When puppies are born, these things are a must in your medical kit:

  1. Rubber gloves
  2. Tweezers
  3. Floss
  4. Small sharp scissors
  5. Suction bulb (like the one you use with babies)
  6. Betadine antiseptic
  7. Quick-Stop Liquid or Powder Bandage

Add to this: if mom gets sick or can’t breastfeed, guess what? You can bottle feed all puppies with puppy formula.

Advertising the sale of puppies

Once the pups are almost ready for adoption, add time and advertising costs to get the word out that you have them and (keep your fingers crossed) that you will get buyers.

Patrick and Amber currently have a puppy that they have submitted for a drawing – they have 80 tickets at $ 20 each and hope to get close to the puppy’s actual sale price.

This idea is attractive to those who cannot afford a purebred puppy and have a chance to win one for $ 20.

New owners will expect AKC papers to go with a puppy and there are some paperwork to do online through their website.

Patrick and Amber had to register each puppy with Enna’s AKC number, list the father’s AKC number, and other details. In turn, the stallion owner reviews the information and approves it. Then the AKC sends out a ‘puppy pack’ according to the number of puppies, each document contains the puppy’s AKC registration number.

Packages start at $ 40 for the basic ‘puppy papers’. You can also request additional brochures that you can give to new owners, as well as parental genealogy / lineage for additional costs.

Other considerations

Some people have a definite opinion regarding AKC puppy breeding, in general that unless the dog is a ‘champion’ there is no point in raising the dog for money.

On the other hand, others argue that if you’ve bought a less-than-show AKC registered dog and paid a stud fee, it’s perfectly fine to raise the puppies as a business.

The idea is to go into this with your eyes wide open, have done your research before starting an AKC dog breeding business, and understand that there will be a lot of expense.

Also, be aware that there are many purebred dogs and puppies that end up in shelters. Before purchasing an expensive breed from a private breeder, take a look at the purebred dogs and puppies currently in need of a home.

Was this a good business option for Patrick and Amber?

For some people, it is.

You risk spending a lot of money to get some money back, but Amber and Patrick will do it again with Enna a couple more times because it seems like the demand is still there. Certain breeds are still in demand for their particular traits and attributes, such as muscular build, coat type, intelligence, and temperament.

A ‘mix’ would not give you those same qualities.

If after reading this, you decide to breed thoroughbreds anything It takes more than you bargained for and you’re looking to start a new business, you need to browse through our Simple Small Business Ideas, which is filled with simple, easy-to-understand original articles to find the right type of business for you.