Real Estate

Bad faith nondisclosure claims may result in penalties

In 2014, an appeals court in California in the case of Peake v. Underwood provides a lesson on why a real estate buyer should not base claims of non-disclosure of defects on fine reasoning that the non-disclosure of the grade to which home repairs were made when a physical inspection report shows that the same type of defect existed on the property.

The Sellers had purchased a home in 2007 and were represented by a real estate agent in the transaction. The Sellers sold this home to the Buyer approximately one year later and the Sellers were again represented by their previous agent. The buyer was represented by his own real estate agent.

Two years after they purchased the home, the Buyer sued various parties, including the Seller’s agent. The buyer alleged that “standing water was caused to penetrate the foundation … causing the foundation and attached floor structures to deteriorate.” The buyer claimed that it “only realized the extent of the [water-intrusion] damage “after you bought the house and the seller’s agent did not disclose this problem.

The crux of Buyer’s allegations was that Seller’s agent (I) had been aware of the unrepaired water damage and deteriorating floor structure at the time of sale, but did not disclose these facts, and (ii) knew or it should have known, and not to disclose, that the repairs made to the property “were not appropriate and did not meet applicable building codes and standards.” The Buyer alleged that this failure meant that the Seller’s agent had violated the disclosure laws required by California law by failing to conduct a competent and diligent inspection pursuant to sections 1102 and 2079 of the California Civil Code.

Not long after the Buyer filed its complaint, the Seller’s agent’s attorney sent the Buyer’s attorney a series of communications explaining the legal and factual deficiencies of the Buyer’s claims against the Seller’s agent and encouraged the attorney to consult with a expert in real estate standards of care. Seller’s agent’s attorney emphasized that Seller’s agent had provided Buyer with all the information in its possession, including documents showing potential subfloor issues, and noted that an agent’s legal obligations are limited to a visual inspection. The Seller’s agent’s attorney reminded the attorney of his continuing duty to reassess the merits of the Buyer’s claim and cautioned that if the Buyer did not dismiss his claim, the Seller’s agent would seek sanctions from the Buyer and the attorney under section 128.7 of the Code of Procedure. California Civil.

Approximately one year after the complaint was filed, Seller’s agent served Buyer and his attorney with a motion for sanctions under section 128.7. The Seller’s agent argued that the cited statutes under which the Buyer requested liability (Articles 2079 and 1102 of the Civil Code) required a real estate agent to disclose only visible defects and that the rotten subfloor problem was not visible on a reasonable inspection . It also argued that the statutes did not require the seller’s agent or broker to independently verify a seller’s representations.

In support of his motion, he submitted the three-page Legal Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS) provided to Buyer during escrow, stating that Seller was not aware of any “[f]flooding, drainage or grading problems “on the property. This form clearly indicated that the representations on the form were made by the Sellers, not the Seller’s agent.


Finally, the Seller’s agent presented evidence that the Buyer received the aforementioned inspection report from a previous sale of the property that revealed substantial problems and deterioration in the subfloor of the house.

Given these facts, the court ruled that the Buyer’s complaint was frivolous and that both the Buyer and his attorney were aware of the utter lack of merit of the claims against the Seller’s agent. The court gave little or no weight to the allegation that the Buyer was not specifically advised that all repairs (i.e., repair of the rotten subfloor structure) were not completed by the previous owners. The appeals court very quickly concluded that the fact that the subfloor is not visible and its exact condition cannot be reasonably determined by visual inspection. Because of this, the broker is not charged with investigating this particular condition.

The court addressed Buyer’s claims that Seller’s agent committed fraud by failing to disclose knowledge of the unrepaired condition of the subfloors. It is a well established law in California that when the seller knows facts that materially affect the value or suitability of the real property and also knows that such facts are not known, or within the reach of the diligent attention and observation of the buyer, the seller’s agent has the obligation to communicate them to the buyer. Failure to do so may subject the seller’s agent to fraud claims.

The court noted that even assuming that the seller’s agent knew more about the incomplete repairs and the extent of the subfloor damage than was actually disclosed, the Buyer herself was notified of the defective condition of the defective subfloor. The buyer was aware of the property’s drainage problems and had received old photographs of rotten subfloors. These facts meant that the Buyer was in the know to investigate whether any necessary repairs remained after the drain problem was repaired. The court held that the Buyer was not reasonable to conclude that because the sewer system was repaired, this also meant that the subfloor was repaired.

In the end, the trial court fined Buyer and his attorney $ 60,000, the amount incurred by Seller’s agent to defend himself in the action.

This case is a warning to eager plaintiffs and their attorneys that they will be accused of having knowledge of faulty property conditions revealed in inspection reports issued years before the buyer purchases a home. The court found that Buyer’s argument that it relied on statements that the drain was repaired as the functional equivalent of saying that the subfloor was repaired was simply untenable. In other words, they are two different defects and the Buyer cannot claim that he was somehow convinced that all the defects were repaired.

In the absence of a previous physical inspection report specifically mentioning some rotten subfloors, one wonders if all the references to the drainage and repair issues would also have supported the court’s conclusion that the complaint was frivolous. While the drainage issue caused the subfloor to rot, would the buyer be contacted to investigate the subfloor if they only had prior knowledge of a prior drainage issue? That answer is not as clear cut and would involve other issues like the sophistication of the buyer and the reasonableness of, for example, not hiring a home inspector. That is a case for another day.

This case is a good reminder to pay attention to each and every fact in any inspection report done on the property because the facts in it can put the heart of nondisclosure claims at stake.

Shopping Product Reviews

Heart-healthy diet: what you need to know

Heart disease is among the leading causes of death for both men and women in the United States. While certain lifestyle factors, such as maintaining a stable weight and exercising regularly, are important to maintaining a healthy heart, the foods we choose to eat are just as important. A healthy diet is one of your best weapons in the battle against heart disease and feeling healthier. In fact, choosing to eat a heart-healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by 80% (

When you don’t know where to start, choosing to make simple changes to your eating and nutrition habits is a great place to start. To help keep things in order and understand the reasoning behind the various nutritional recommendations, consider some of the following tips.

Pay attention to the type of fats you eat

Fat is essential to your diet; in other words, you need it! However, there are types of fats that can negatively affect your heart health; specifically, trans fats and saturated fats are the two types of fats of greatest concern. These two types of fats can affect blood cholesterol levels by lowering the level of HDL cholesterol (also known as: good cholesterol) while raising the level of LDL cholesterol (also known as: bad cholesterol) in your blood. When HDL and LDL cholesterol levels are not within the normal range or are disproportionate, this can cause excess cholesterol to build up on the walls of your blood vessels, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Foods that contain saturated fat include fatty beef, bacon, hot dogs, lamb, lard, cheese, and other dairy products made from whole or two percent milk.

Trans fats are produced naturally and artificially. Many fried foods and packaged products also contain high levels of trans fat.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that adults limit their consumption of saturated fat to between five and six percent of their total calories. Consumption of trans fat should be less than one percent of your total calorie intake.

Say no to salt

Like fat, sodium is an essential mineral for life. Sodium is required for many bodily functions, including fluid volume, acid-base balance, and signal transmission for muscle function. However, too much sodium can pose risks. When sodium is elevated in the bloodstream, this can increase water retention in the blood vessels, leading to an increase in blood pressure. Over time, if high blood pressure is not resolved, this can put great pressure on the heart, contribute to plaque buildup, and ultimately increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Sodium is a tricky ingredient and requires a bit more effort and attention to detail when it comes to reducing it. A good place to start when it comes to reducing sodium intake is to check the Nutrition Facts labels on products. Companies are required by law to list the amount of sodium, as well as other ingredients, in their products. As mentioned above, sodium can be sneaky and added to food in large amounts without you even noticing.

One place where sodium likes to hide is in the meals and dishes you order at a restaurant. In fact, more than 75% of sodium intake comes directly from processed and restaurant foods (wow!). So, to help reduce sodium intake when choosing to eat out or order takeout, don’t ask for added salt on your dishes.

Although these tips may sound demanding, your sodium intake will drop significantly and your heart will be happy. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day, which is about the size of a teaspoon of salt (the recommendation is even lower, 1,500 milligrams, for people with chronic diseases and those over 50 years of age ). ! Implementing these tips will not only help you meet this recommendation, but will also reduce your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease, and more.

Don’t skip the vegetables (or fruits)

As many of us know, eating fruits and vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet. A reduced consumption of products is linked to poor health and an increased risk of serious diseases. In fact, an estimated 3.9 million deaths worldwide are attributed to inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables (2017). Therefore, including fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet is something that cannot be ruled out.

Incorporating fruits and vegetables is very easy! Whether frozen, canned, or fresh, each will be nutritious enough. If you have found it difficult to include fruits and vegetables in your diet, start slowly. Try to gradually increase your servings of fruits or vegetables throughout the day. If you now eat only 1 serving of vegetables or fruits at a meal, add one serving at lunch and one at dinner. Slowly adding more and more fruits and vegetables to your plate will make this tip seem less overwhelming.

The good thing about eating fruits and vegetables: they are all good! The AHA recommends filling at least half your plate with fruits and vegetables to meet the recommended 4 ½ cups of fruits and vegetables per day. Although this recommendation may seem impossible, remember: all products count, which means canned, fresh, or frozen varieties can help you reach your goals, improve your diet, and improve your health.

Whole grains, refined cereals, and dietary fiber – OMG!

Let’s first understand whole grain, refined grain, and fiber. Whole grains contain the whole kernel, which includes 3 parts, the bran, the germ and the endosperm, offering all kinds of important nutrients such as B vitamins, folic acid, fiber, iron and magnesium. On the other hand, refined grains have been ground and processed, which depletes the grain of the aforementioned nutrients.

Dietary fiber comes in two forms: insoluble and soluble. Increased fiber intake is associated with reduced levels of “bad” cholesterol (remember: LDL cholesterol) and decreased risk of heart disease. Another advantage is that high-fiber foods can help you feel full longer and have fewer calories. High-fiber foods are generally whole grains as well. Therefore, increasing your consumption of whole grains means that you also increase your fiber intake. Why not kill two birds with one stone and switch to more whole grains?

Incorporating whole grains can help improve blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetes. The AHA recommends that at least half of the grains you eat be whole grains and that you consume 28 grams of dietary fiber per day. This includes foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole oats, whole wheat barley, and more.

Be picky about protein

For many of us, meat is a primary source of protein. However, popular meat sources such as hamburgers, steaks, and bacon, while high in protein, are important sources of saturated fat (reminder: the “bad” fat). A high consumption of this type of protein can increase the risk of many health complications such as obesity, high cholesterol, plaque buildup and, of course, heart disease and stroke. Making a switch to heart-healthy protein sources can help significantly reduce these risks and help maintain a heart-healthy diet.

Making changes to your “meat eating” habits can be difficult, however it doesn’t have to be impossible. A simple tip for managing your protein and meat intake is to treat meat as Besides of food, instead of Main event. Try to limit meat to 6 ounces a day, which is 2 servings (innuendo: individual portion of meat = size of the deck of cards).

As for heart-healthy protein sources, the AHA recommends including fish, shellfish, skinless poultry, and trimmed lean meats, such as various cuts of pork. Starting to incorporate these alternative sources of protein into your diet will help you get on the right track with your heart health.

Remember, it’s all about taking simple steps to protect your heart and your overall health.

A heart-healthy diet will be your greatest protection against heart disease and stroke. Get started today by using these heart healthy tips and continually evaluating your nutrition. Don’t let heart disease rule your world, make the changes that best suit your lifestyle and health goals.

Which of the suggestions above fit the health goals you have in mind?


Do you need to shed light on something? A track lighting installation may be what you need

Maybe you have a box of knickknacks or your favorite reading chair is too far from an electrical outlet to have a lamp next to it without running an extension cord across the room. Track lights will allow you to elegantly display those collectibles or trophies in your choice of colors to enhance them. Or maybe that favorite chair is in the middle of the room where the only way to turn it on is with a dangerous extension cord that everyone trips over. This easy do-it-yourself track lighting installation will put the light exactly where you want it in less than an afternoon.

Decide where you want to place the lighting rail?

When deciding where to place your lighting track, you need to consider how you are going to supply power to it. The easiest way is to replace an existing device that you don’t need. This can be on the ceiling or on the wall. If you don’t have an existing light that you can replace, don’t worry. You still have two options. The easiest option is to mount the lighting track near an existing wall outlet and plug it in. If the outlet is controlled by a wall switch, so much the better; however, you can always use a power cord with a built-in switch. There may be rare cases where you cannot install the lighting track near an existing power source. If this is the case, you will need to install your own, which will be described last. Once you’ve decided where the lighting rail will go, keep it in place and, with a pencil, mark the mounting holes.

Mounting the lighting unit on a track

Install wall / ceiling anchors according to package instructions. I prefer Molly Bolts or EZ Anchor Toggle Bolts as they provide the most strength except they screw directly into the bolts and are the easiest to install. You don’t even need to drill; just tap them through the drywall with a hammer in the places you marked above. The molly bolt will require you to insert the supplied bolt and tighten it as much as possible, collapsing the bolt wings on the far side of the drywall. With the EZ anchor bolts, you will need to turn the anchor a full turn with a Phillips screwdriver to anchor it. If you are using existing power, drill a small hole in a blank plastic cover and insert a rubber grommet to protect the cables. If you are installing your own light switch, drill a small hole in the drywall and push the power cables through the hole. With at least three or four anchors installed, hold the light rail in place and install the bolts starting in the middle and working outward. Unless you are connecting a power cord to a wall outlet, do not fully fasten the rail to the ceiling yet.

Track connection to power

For those installations where you will be using a power cord to a wall outlet, I prefer a 3/8 to ½ inch staple with a matching colored piece of plastic to protect the power cord. You can also use a product called WireMold. This protects and hides the cord. For installations where you will be using an existing power supply, such as a removed lamp, route the power cables from the light rail to the junction box through the grommet on the cover and connect the cables from white to white, from green to green. and black to black using wire nuts. Holding the stripped ends of the two (or three) wires together, place the wire nut over the wires, and turn the nut clockwise until the wires begin to twist. Repeat this for all three cables. Some tracks will not be equipped with ground wires, so they will only have two wires to connect. Once the connections are made, close the box, using the blank plastic cover, and tighten the anchor bolts enough to prevent the rail from moving.

Connection to an existing light switch.

Decide which light and switch you want to control the track lighting and carefully remove it, exposing the wires behind the light. Most houses have their electrical wiring through the roof access space, so you will need to find the roof access door and climb. Have a helper touch the ceiling in the room where the new track lighting is being installed to help locate it. Locate a light that is controlled by a switch using a tool called a tick tracker, and ask your helper to turn the light on and off to help you verify that you have the correct light. Turn off the switch that supplies power. Insert the rail cables into a Handi-Box from the back. Next, insert one end of a length of 14/2 Romex cable into the box and fasten the box to a stud or beam. Connect the cables as described above and close the box using a blank cover. Route the cable to the junction box identified above and push it into the box with the other cables. Exit the ceiling and connect the cables to the switched power as described. Reattach the lamp to the wall or ceiling and make sure all mounting bolts are tight.

The last step is to install the light fixtures where you want them and orient them according to the instructions supplied with the light kit. Now you’re ready to enjoy light where you want it, when you want it.

Tours Travel

America in the Caribbean

Tea USVI includes four uniquely different islands; St. Croix (The longest), St Thomas (The busiest), San Juan (small, quiet and picturesque).

The mixture of American Y Caribbean influence makes the Virgin Islands of the United StatesAmerica in the Caribbean“.

The local population is made up of citizens of other Caribbean islands, Americans, Europeans and Hispanics. While English is the primary language, you will also hear the dialects of Spanish, French-Patois, and Creole.

The musical rhythm of the islands is a mix of calypso, reggae, steel drums, R&B and hip hop. Local bands sing songs on political and social themes, accompanied to the beat of washboard instruments and pumpkins.

St Thomas It is the main cruise port in the Caribbean and the main destination for duty free shopping. This is the most popular tourist destination in the Virgin Islands and offers many dining options, a variety of accommodations including hotels, resorts, and fine villas.

St. Thomas is legendary for its hundreds of duty-free shops that line the streets of Charlotte amalie, The capital city. Between the three main strips are side streets and alleys filled with dozens and dozens of shops where you can literally “shop till you drop“. U.S Citizens are allowed $ 1200 in tax-free purchases and you can send gifts to your home, family or friends without duty or tax.

St. Thomas is an extremely mountainous island with little flat land. From a distance, the slopes are covered in bright and colorful flowers. Venturing up the hillside you find yourself surrounded by a subtropical forest of palm trees, mangroves, and mango, papaya, breadfruit, and coconut trees.

Two of the best views of the island’s hills are in Drake’s Seat, which offers a panoramic view of nearby islands, and another favorite viewing spot is San Pedro Mountain. Since there is little flat land on the island, every corner offers another fantastic view. And the Skyride to Paradise Point, a modern aerial cable car, is your trip to the best tourism in the Virgin islands. The trip is 7 minutes one way and takes you 700 feet above sea level.

After sightseeing, stop for lunch at Frenchtown. This unique city is located approximately half a mile from Charlotte amalie. This area is popular with locals and tourists, and is home to many excellent restaurants and bars. Frenchtown is home to the descendants of immigrants from the French island of San Bartolome.

Aside from the beautiful beaches, stunning hilltop views, first-class shopping, and excellent restaurants, the weather in St. Thomas is always constant. The temperature never drops below 70 degrees and never goes above 95 degrees. Here you will find perpetual sunshine, refreshing trade winds, and showers that last only a few minutes.

Charlotte amalie It has a beautiful natural harbor and many sheltered bays, making it a perfect destination for beach lovers. St. Thomas offers some of the best beaches including Morningstar Beach, Coki Beach, Bluebeard’s Beach, Hull Bay, Limetree Beach, Magens Bay, Sapphire Beach, and Vessup Bay. Two of my favorite beaches are Magens Bay and Sapphire Beach. Magens Bay is protected by reefs and offers excellent swimming, while Sapphire Beach offers wonderful views of St. John and the surrounding islands..

Moving on to the biggest island, St CroixYou will find the pace a little slower than St. Thomas. Two major cities, Christiansted Y Frederiksted They offer their own distinctive flair with Danish history and architecture. Both towns offer quaint little shops where you can find bargains on perfumes, china, glass, and jewelry. Shopping in St Croix is ​​not as extensive as in the St Thomas shopping district, but it is less crowded and you can find many unique items to buy..

St. Croix also has an excellent variety of hotels, resorts, villas, excellent restaurants, and extensive beaches. Sandy Point, the largest beach in the US Virgin Islands it is a protected reserve. The waters are shallow and calm, and this is a nesting ground for sea turtles. There are many other beautiful beaches with sheltered coves, which make this island a hit with families and honeymooners.

Another favorite spot for visitors to St. Croix is ​​a trip to the National Park in Buck Island. This island is home to Turtle Beach, voted one of the best beaches in the world by National Geographic. Buck Island is a world-class dive site, with a unique ongoing trail. Half-day and full-day excursions are offered.

San Juan, the smallest of the US Virgin Islands offers limited lodging, restaurants, and nightlife. What St. John does offer is peace and quiet in the perfect tropical Caribbean paradise.

Life is very laid back and the locals are extremely friendly, always ready to strike up conversations and provide directions and information. If you are looking for an active nightlife, this may not be the ideal destination. There are about four little bars on the island, and after dinner the island’s favorite activity is going to bed.

Two-thirds of St. John is a 7,000-acre US national park. The geography of the island is a rocky coastline, overlooking crescent-shaped bays and white sand beaches. Each beach is pristine with turquoise waters, secluded emerald keys, and panoramic views. Trunk Bay is the most popular beach and undoubtedly one of the best in the world. If you think it’s an exaggeration “Google“”Trunk bay“, and see for yourself.

For the more adventurous, there are miles of hiking trails, and St. John offers some of the best diving and snorkeling in the Caribbean. The turquoise waters mix with hundreds of rainbow-colored fish and coral.

While shopping on St John is limited compared to the other two islands, shoppers will find distinctive quality items and unique local crafts not found on St Thomas or St Croix.

Cruz Bay It is the main city, with gift shops, well-stocked supermarkets, dive centers, and jeep rental services. There are only two luxury hotels on the island, along with expensive villas. For the budget conscious, there are more offers at the eco-resort and the campgrounds in the National Park.

Island hopping is quite popular for visitors to the Virgin Islands.. Traveling between St Thomas Y San Juan it can be done easily with a 20 minute ferry ride. The distance between St Thomas Y St Croix It is much larger, and trips can be arranged by private boat or seaplane. Tea British Virgin Islands can be reached from St Thomas by ferry or plane. And, the island of Puerto Rico it’s only 50 miles away.

Arts Entertainments

Five More Things Youth Baseball Coaches Should Practice But Not

In my first book, Baseball Chronicles, one of my most popular articles in terms of feedback was “Four Things Coaches Should Practice But Shouldn’t Practice.”

The four things I mentioned were: pitchers who don’t practice fielding from the mound, catching a foul ball near a fence, non-slipping players who practice fielding wild pitches or passes. When reading some of the comments I received, many of the readers were a bit misunderstood on my point. There must be hundreds of things that coaches should practice, but we don’t. I just picked four of them that I see will appear year after year. So keeping in the spirit of practicing rather than just telling your players, here are five more things that come up over and over that most coaches don’t practice or review.

1) Call timeout. About once every two years, I witness a runner slip into second position and get up without calling a time-out or calling a time-out and the referee doesn’t recognize it. A smart infielder will put his glove with the ball on the base runner when he gets up from his slide. And they call him when he slides off the base, if only for a moment or he assumes he has time. We need to teach our young players that asking for time out in organized sports is very different from asking for time out in one’s own backyard. Coaches should practice having their players slide onto a base and then call for a “time out” with the coach as the umpire. The coach should not deliberately acknowledge the time-out immediately by keeping the runner on the ground. Each and every player must go through this at least once.
It is the same situation when the batter calls for time. Coaches should also practice this by teaching players not to get out of the batter’s box until the umpire gives them time.

2) Rundowns with too many pitches. I am obsessed with this. We practice tours almost once a week. Many youth baseball coaches teach how to get a runner back to where they came from. I take the proactive approach that streaks are a gift to the defensive team and you have to get away with the start. The ideal number of throws is none. And after that, I teach my players that the ball should not be thrown more than once. I use the term “sprint mode” and teach my players that once the runner enters this sprint mode, it is difficult for him to stop and change direction and that is when we take our only throw. This has to be practiced.

3) Base runners stopping at the beginning. We see it all the time. A player will hit a slow groundball and run to first base only to stop right at the base as if the base were a wall, which will slow him down when called when, if he had gone through the base, he would have hit it for a hit. . We tell our team to go through first base, but how many of us take the time to practice this? This is one of the easiest things to do and when you practice it, it will stick in the player’s head. Place a cone ten feet beyond first base and have your team form a line. With the “go” command, they run one at a time and run through the base to the cone. Simple but it works and should be practiced with even your best base runners.

4) Covering the 1st on the ground on the right side. Another of my obsessions. Have you ever watched a youth baseball game when the ball is hit to the right side of the square and the pitcher remains frozen on the mound? This can cause a manager to turn gray during the course of the day. We practice this by giving each pitcher a shot from the mound. Simulate a pitch and I’ll throw a ground ball between first and second base. The pitcher has to run off the mound for cover first. One key here is to make sure the pitcher hits the first base line about 6-10 feet before the base and then rotates it towards the base. Whoever fields the ball must lead first baseman with the ball. This should be practiced with a runner who simulates the conditions of the game.

5) Pennants in high tones. Every player who plays for me in our league knows that we play a lot. Each and every player must become skilled bunters during the course of the season. We even practiced two-strike bunting, a strategy most baseball purists disapprove of. We are always changing our touch signs to make sure opponents don’t pick it up. Even with all this practice, it drives me crazy when a player is tapped and on the next pitch, it’s over their shoulders and offered anyway. So now the batter is getting into the hole with a strike on a ball outside the strike zone and the other team knows we are hitting. Coaches should tell these young players that when they are bumped, it doesn’t mean they have to bunt at all costs. We want the balls to touch in the strike zone. This must be told to the players and practiced. We do a lot of bunting in batting practice and whatever coach is pitching, I tell them to get their balls out of the strike zone. So we are practicing that my players recognize the balls that can be touched and that they withdraw their bats if the ball is out of the strike zone. Coaches need to practice this.

I mentioned in my first Baseball Chronicles that practices are the place to teach and games are the place to reinforce what is taught. I don’t know of any other formula that is more effective for most young baseball players. Even practicing many of these mistakes that come up over and over again, we have to remind ourselves that these players are still children twelve and under.

Home Kitchen

Mahogany Hardwood Floors: Advantages and Disadvantages

In times past, before this wood was used for flooring, it was especially used to make canoes in the Central, South and Caribbean region of America. It has also been used to make boats, yachts, furniture, musical instruments, and doors. It is now a popular hardwood floor. Mahogany wood is known for its longevity and hardness. The reddish brown color of mahogany wood floors exudes warmth and can work with any style or type of furniture. Using this type of wood flooring can create a rustic or classic look for your home.

Advantages of using mahogany wood flooring

• It is harder than any other hard wood such as pine or oak. For example, this flooring is approximately 28% more stable and 70% stronger than oak. It is scratch and water resistant because it has no cavities or groves in the wood along with the hardness.

• Mahogany floor planks are typically cut from quarter-cut logs. This helps to ensure its durability. There is less chance of these planks bending due to heat due to their strength.

• There is a uniform grain texture, which in turn gives the floor beautiful patterns that go with all types of furniture.

• Absorbs sunlight so it doesn’t fade easily

• The floor has many color variations ranging from orange to dark brown. The tint that is most consistent is the one that is reddish-brown in color. With this wide range of colors, the homeowner can choose between different combinations of furniture and floors.

Cons of using mahogany wood flooring

• Due to its hardness, it can be difficult to sand, shape and cut, affecting the workability of the wood. When using mahogany wood for a new flooring installation, it is advisable to have a professional hardwood flooring company cut and install your flooring. It will be faster and the installation more orderly.

• Although mahogany floors absorb sunlight, over time the wood will darken and have a richer color. It’s a good idea to get mahogany flooring in a light color, which will eventually get darker.

• Being a dark colored wood, it will show more pet hair, paw prints, dust and other debris more easily, so you will need to sweep or mop the dust at least every day.

• When comparing mahogany floors to other hardwood floors, it is more expensive. The cost can be approximately thirty dollars per foot for each board due to the rarity of the wood and its durability.


Private taxis: easy, fast and comfortable

How do you get around any new place you choose to travel to? Do you drive yourself? Do you walk from store to store, from restaurant to restaurant? There is a better way: choose a private transport. The right taxi company can offer a wide range of services to make your trip more comfortable, easier and faster. Not sure what services a taxi company could provide that would increase your comfort so much? Here’s a closer look.

Airport services

While getting around any city can be challenging, getting to and from the airport is even greater. Between road construction, traffic congestion, and the challenge of finding a place to park, it’s enough to give anyone a migraine. You don’t need the hassle. With the right kind of airport shuttle service, you get a “pick up and drop off” service. You can arrange to be dropped off directly at the terminal and then have the company pick you up again when you return. It’s simple and easy, ensuring you don’t have to worry about frustrating travel conditions.

Pick up and drop off by appointment

Do you think renting a taxi means that you will have to hail one? Things have changed and major service providers now offer service by appointment. Just call and arrange your pickup, telling the provider when and where. Your driver will arrive early, making sure you don’t have to wait. You can schedule appointments for trips in or out of the city, to the airport or even when you arrive from a domestic or international flight. It has never been easier to enjoy a relaxing trip with a professional driver.

Luxury vehicles

Do you think you are limited to standard cars when you rent a luxury private taxi? Think again. While many standard sedans are on offer, the right company can provide you with a number of other travel options as well. If you prefer something with a more luxurious touch, opt for the white glove service, which includes an upgraded vehicle, in-car Wi-Fi, and personalized greetings. Car options can include anything from executive cars to sleek sedans, limousines, and more. It’s one of the most luxurious ways to travel, whether you’re dining out for a drink or heading to the airport for a business trip.

Professional and courteous drivers

Whether you are choosing to travel within the city or take your flight to the airport, relax in the knowledge that you will have a professional and courteous driver. Not only will your driver be fully informed about local streets and traffic challenges, they will also be professionally trained and vetted to ensure the best customer service at all times.

With a high-quality service provider, you have luxury travel options in, out, and throughout the city. There is no need to worry about driving, walking or how you will get to the airport terminal on time. Get the peace of mind you deserve.

Digital Marketing

8 benefits of having a real estate website

Whether it’s your old school or on the cutting edge of technology in your dynamic real estate business, everyone needs a website in this day and age. The benefits of having a real estate website are many and the risks of being left behind without one are very real. So what exactly are these benefits? Read on for a short sample.

1- Build a strong web presence

Make them find you easier and instantly through Google searches or links on other sites. Have your office address, phone numbers, email address, logo, current listings, and specialization displayed with a click of the mouse. Appears in more places, in more categories, and associated with specific strategic keywords. If you combine your real estate website with the rest of a comprehensive marketing campaign, people can find you in so many different ways, it will be hard to lose your business!

Make sure to create a list on Google My Business for local lists, which are area specific. Yes, you can select who will see it first, depending on where you live.

2- Generate more leads

This is obvious. Gone are the days of paying thousands of dollars for ads in the Yellow Pages and billboards on the highways, hoping enough people will see you and maybe call your office. Do you also want to pay someone just to answer the phone full time and rely on methods the average customer no longer uses? Your real estate website is like your modern “headquarters.” This should be the first and foremost place your leads find you, and if you use an online form to collect customer information, real estate leads are immediate, free, and warm. A website can also serve as the place to direct customers to your social networks, or vice versa, and have the public subscribe to your impactful newsletter for regular announcements.

You now also have a comprehensive database of lead information for ongoing listing distribution or announcements.

3- Provide more exposure to your properties

Most of a real estate website should be devoted to property descriptions. This is the opportunity to display detailed descriptions, brilliant digital photos, and 360-degree virtual tours. You can use as much or as little space as you like, provide clickable links, and make it a more interactive visitor experience. The listing created on your real estate website can also be shared (free of charge) via external links to your own social media pages, other real estate websites, community websites, or anywhere else that leads to it. your marketing efforts.

Again, gone are the days of paying for print advertising in a weekly or monthly magazine with black and white photos, lost among thousands of other listings in the same book. This is no longer effective and may even be a waste of money.

4- Tell them more about yourself

A real estate website is the perfect place for potential clients to learn more about you as a professional. This is more important in real estate than in almost any other service business. Speak up and display photos that showcase the awards you’ve won, the events you participate in, community involvement, as well as your personal background and qualifications. When people get to know you this way (as an individual), they like you and trust you. This perfectly complements your social media and other real estate marketing strategies.

5- Tell them about your business

Why wait for a local journalist to write an article about you in the local newspaper or magazine? Do you want to be known and respected in the local community? Modern technology puts power back in your hands. Post the information yourself and engage readers to see it through strategic web techniques.

At no additional cost, you can regularly post and update details such as the regions you work in, your years of experience, and areas of real estate expertise. Do you have a knowledgeable team? Are you influential in a hot part of town? Do you specialize in condos, income properties, or commercial buildings? Put that there, forever and visible to the whole world. Include high-definition photos and videos to reinforce your message and make a strong first impression they won’t forget.

6- Create a brand for your practice

If you have never managed to transform yourself (and your practice) into a brand, or maybe you never thought about it, then this is the way to go. Think of the top and most successful real estate brokers in your area. They are very well known names, right? The public is familiar with their names and faces, in the same way that they know the name of the local grocery store, florist or school. Top-of-mind awareness is very important in any business.

Think about it. Your image everywhere, a logo that people will remember, a slogan that comes out of the mouth. A properly executed real estate website can start this process for you and position you and your agency as the brand of choice in your local market.

7- Use it as part of your listing presentation

A listing presentation is what an agent shows the home seller to convince them that they are qualified to sell their home. It typically includes statistics, a marketing strategy, pricing, relevant experience, and the added value the agent brings to get the job done. If much of this information is already on your website, you will save time and effort. Perhaps your potential salesperson has already seen many of these details and is already impressed by you even before you make the first call.

8- Exchange information more easily

There is no need for new potential customers to call and wait to speak with your receptionist. This little gesture can only to turn off the ultra-busy and impatient shopper aged 25-50 who’s used to having their questions answered instantly these days. No longer do you need to schedule an appointment, drive to meet us, and spend time just getting initial “this is how we work” information. All of this can be accomplished with a few short lines on your real estate website, which people can read in seconds and move on to the next step.

Customers don’t need to wait for a form to arrive by fax or stay on the phone during business hours to fill in their personal information.

This also allows existing and potential customers to provide feedback in an open forum, so you know what they are looking for. All of this can be done 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and not just during office hours (when potential clients are busiest).


Benefits of Using Flash Card for Kids as Learners and Improvers

You may have heard of the most emerging flash card for kids to use among parents. This is one of the most efficient educational steps parents should take for their children. This should be done at the preschool level and in elementary school, for the betterment of the child. If you have not provided this to your child before, you should do so today. It contains a number of wonderful functions, which are very difficult to achieve with other methods. It contains a number of wonderful functions, which are very difficult to find elsewhere.

How to use flash cards for learning purposes?

You may be thinking about using the flash memory cards, let me tell you that you should use the image oriented ones to get started. This will be useful for easier viewing. Especially for preschoolers, it’s a good try.

Second, you need to use a number of tactics so that your child can learn to verbalize things easily. In this matter, you can use different types of phrases and your child’s phonemic awareness. It will not be difficult to remember things for your child. You can identify all the images that rhyme the same. Therefore, you must give your child a greater opportunity in this regard. This will help improve your child’s reading ability. You can see the improvement in a short time. Your child will become the same as you want him to come out.

The games that are generally played on the tremendous type of flashcards for kids are good for many kids, too. They help increase the ability to learn and visualize. Not only that, this also makes the child’s memory sharp and conventional.

How do flash cards help to improve?

Free flash cards for kids help to improve the child’s knowledge ability. Those parents who want their children to improve their predefined skills. They should use this extra ordinary flash card for kids. There are different benefits related to this:

  • a) It helps to improve the child’s visual memory in a simple way.
  • b) Help the child to associate.
  • c) If you want your baby to improve comprehension, these flash cards are the basic target item, which is helpful to improve memory to be very sharp.

Other benefits

There are a number of other benefits related to children:

  • a) Help children to give extra help with their difficult tasks.
  • b) Sometimes the level of frustration rises to a very high peak. These cards are helpful to keep your child busy with a number of activities. These help close the frustration level.

Key elements of role-playing games for PC

While PC RPGs come in a variety of sub-genres and styles, there are a few core elements that most titles share. While a particular RPG may not offer all of the following items, I’m sure you’ll see that each one shares at least one or more. Note that there are some exceptions to these precedents and that the act of classifying the genre of a game ultimately rests with the decisions of the game developers and players.

Possibly the most recognized of these building blocks is the process of gaining experience and leveling up. Almost all PC RPGs released in the past incorporate this idea to one degree or another. As players progress through a title and battle enemies along the way, it is common practice to reward a player’s character (or team of characters) with experience points for victory, commonly abbreviated “XP.” As a character reaches the set XP milestones, they will gain a level. Often times, a character will learn additional skills as various levels are reached.

Another fairly common element is turn-based combat. Although this element was much more popular in PC and console role-playing games of the past, it is still widely used, especially among series where the original titles offered this type of game. As the name implies, enemy battles are generally conducted much like a chess match in which an opponent can attack or use an item only after their enemy has done so. Battles continue in this manner until an opponent has lost all HP (life points) and the winner is decided.

The final element of PC RPGs that I would like to discuss is interchangeable weapons and armor. While this is probably the least used of the three elements, it is still a very recognizable ingredient within the genre. When playing a game that offers this style of play, players have the option of collecting multiple sets of defensive armor and weapons throughout the game. Most of the time, a character can wield only one weapon or wear a single set of armor at any given time, but the ability to change these items at any time adds a more personalized experience to titles within the genre.