
Increase typing speed like a pro

3 tips to speed up your writing

There is absolutely no denying that writing can be a boring and exhausting task. Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer Anne Tyler once said, “If I waited until I felt like writing, I would never write.”

If professional authors and writers need to force themselves to write, one can imagine the willpower it takes an ordinary person to sit down and put the pencil on the paper … or the fingers on the keyboard just to produce a fragment of contents.

Even if you love writing, there will be times when you just won’t like it. What do you do then? You may still have deadlines to meet or your blog may need to be scheduled for publication. You have no choice but to write … and it can feel like torture.

The best way to solve this problem will be to become a more productive writer. Basically, that means you can write more in less time. For example, if it takes you an hour to write your weekly blog post, by becoming a faster writer, you may be able to write two posts in the same hour.

Then you will have content for two weeks and you won’t have to worry or worry as often about having to write. Being faster also means that your work is completed sooner. If you are a freelance writer, you will be able to get more work done and double your earnings.

You will have more free time to do whatever you want. There are many benefits that can be increased by just typing quickly. This article will give you three tips that will make you a faster writer, if you follow them.

Learn to write

This may sound like very basic advice, but most slow writers are also slow typists. Your typing speed has a direct correlation with how quickly you can produce content. Even if you know how to type, you should try to become a typist faster.

The faster you are, the better. You can think with your fingers. There will be no lag between your thoughts and the words that appear in front of the screen. The best writers usually write very fast.

You can learn to write online at sites like There are many such sites. Find one that you like and get started.

If the idea of ​​learning to write sounds like too Herculean a task, there is always the option of dictation software like Dragon Naturally Speaking. You will be able to dictate your article or any content you want to write.

Another option would be to express your content and record it. You can then send the audio file to a transcription service where everything will be typed in.

Whichever option you choose, what really matters is that you try to accelerate the rate at which your thoughts are converted to text.

Use a countdown timer

Another important tool that you should use is a countdown timer to increase your typing speed. You can use a timer online at

The goal here is always to try to get more done in less time. For example, if you take 15 minutes to write a 500 word article, you should try to do it in 14 minutes or even 12 minutes. Use a countdown timer every time you write and always try to beat your personal best.

Over time, you will become much faster and you will also be more focused.

Have a fixed schedule

Writing is a habit that must be cultivated over time. Ideally, you should have a set time to write. Some people do well early in the morning before anyone else wakes up … while others work late into the night while the world sleeps.

It doesn’t matter which way you go, but what you will have to do is figure out what works for you. Writing should almost seem like a ritual. At the same time, in the same place and for the same duration.

Try to make it mechanical and predictable. This is great for getting your mind and body used to writing. Once you’ve gotten used to the ritual, the moment you sit down at your desk at the specified time, your mind is ready to write. You will be in the ‘zone’ … and you will photograph your thoughts and put them on paper or in your word processor quickly and easily.

If you follow these three tips, you will see your typing speed improve and not only will you type faster, but you will also type better. The fear and hesitation you anticipate at the idea of ​​writing will dissipate. It may not go away completely … but you won’t hate writing as much as it used to, since you know you can do it fast.


Young and reckless dream – E-Sports

Even esports have been officially recognized as a sports project, they are still full of controversy. How long have e-sports been removed from the wild recognition of the public and traditional sports?

Current: the coexistence of difficulties and hope

On July 22, 2014, Newbee won T14 and won $ 5 million in prize money, causing a sensation. Such a large number of bonuses even attracted the attention of many traditional print media. E-sports expanded their impacts with this opportunity successfully. On the other hand, some opinions of media workers reflect the thoughts of the general public: Can playing games also make money? It shows that esports still have a long way to go if they want to be accepted by traditional minds.

It can be said that, with the impact of network addiction, public misunderstandings are not accidental. According to voting by People’s Daily Online, only 20% of voters approve of esports being counted as a sports project. This survey also reflects that people do not understand esports and confuse them with online games.

Difficulties come not only from the outside, but also from the inside. There are famous players Sky and Newbee, but also normal players who find themselves in a difficult situation do not even get a job with a stable salary and receive the support of their family. Even Newbee dared to confess to her parents after her success. Also, from a hobby to a career, hard training cannot be neglected. Professional players need to train at least 10 hours every day.

Like other traditional sports, retirement also exists among esports players. The golden age for esports is between the ages of 18 and 25. Having a poor education during this period is one of the biggest reasons for public misunderstanding.

As an industry that is gradually exploring the business pattern and forming an industrial chain, it still has a long way to go. Although facing barriers and obstacles along the way, China’s esports industry is still full of hope with the efforts of the government, capital, gamers, and manufacturers. It is being transferred to be a traditional and serious industry.

An official of the General Administration of Sports of the State says that: All sport is the product of the development of social productive forces and changes in society. Track and field from the agrarian age; cycling races from the industrial age and e-sports from the information and technology age, which represents the attitude of government departments. There is a phrase that could judge esports objectively: esports players are not a group of people addicted to games, but someone who tries to achieve themselves in games.

Manufacturers and capitals will focus on chains and players in the esports industry. Except for organizing competitions with high rewards, the popularity of live streaming platforms, such as Douyu TV or Zhanqi TV, provides stable earnings for esports players.

Future: passion will last forever

Only passion and hope can help this industry develop, change and advance. To be frank, esports is a high stakes career. Great pressure and prejudice must be accepted no matter who wants to be part of this industry. It has nothing to do with wealth, reputation, and status. Pleasures deep in your heart matter. Focus and dedication matter.

I admire those athletes who try to challenge the limit of being human again and again. But I also admire esports gamers who put their precious time and energy into it, even risking being misunderstood. They also deserve a hug, a bouquet of flowers, and a friendly smile.

Health Fitness

How to use supplements to lose weight?

Supplements are not a good option for weight loss, but they are becoming popular by the day. It is better to exercise and diet rather than take supplements. However, it is not possible to recover from an illness without medicine and health advice. Likewise, good supplements will do the same job for you.

They will help you lose weight and achieve your natural balance. There are basically 4 reasons to use a weight loss supplement.

  • Stimulation for exercise

  • Increased rate of metabolism

  • Appetite suppression

  • Melt the fat

You need a weight loss plan before using a supplement. This plan will give you a sense of direction and tell you how to use a specific supplement. Write down your health goals and divide them into different groups.

Different supplements serve different purposes. During your diet course, you may feel hungry all the time or you may find it difficult to stop having cravings. Supplements will help you control cravings and diet. Appetite suppressants do this job. Be careful when using this supplement. Feeling hungry is a good thing and we don’t want to fool our digestive system. Overuse of this supplement is not good for your health.

Weight loss cannot be achieved without diet and exercise. If you have a hard time exercising, stimulant supplements like green tea or products made with caffeine will do the job for you. Walk 20 minutes a day and do cardiovascular exercise.

Some supplements will help you increase your metabolic rate; which means you are burning more calories per minute. With the passage of time our metabolism slows down and that is why we gain weight and lose muscle mass. Supplements called “thyroid regulators” do the same job.

Do not use thyroid regulators without your doctor’s consent, because they will inject certain hormones into your body and affect your thyroid gland.

Some supplements are used to melt fat. Some side effects are associated with these supplements. You may feel weak or tired while using this supplement.

Here are some good rules for using a supplement. They are rules, so you will have to follow them.

Consult your doctor before using any supplement or weight loss product.

Read the label, dosage, and precautions.

Do not take more than the prescribed dose.

Tips for using a supplement:

  • Start small. You may feel dizzy, headache, or sore. For example, if the prescribed amount is 1 tablespoon, use half a tablespoon for the first 3 to 5 days.

  • Proper diet plans are necessary for your health. Eat properly. Don’t starve yourself.

Best of luck!

Legal Law

How to Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Code Exam

The International Code Council (ICC) The Structural Masonry Code Exam is a nationwide exam that is given to interested individuals who are in the building construction industry or not. Passing the exam increases the candidate’s chances of a successful career in the special inspection industry and also earns him a Certificate of Completion which is required to be called a “Special Inspector for Structural Masonry”. The certificate is an affirmation that the individual is committed to complying with and implementing the ‘Code of Ethics’. The ‘Code of Ethics’ requires the Special Inspector to have a strong commitment to the safety of the public. This is the main concern of the special inspector during the performance of his duties in the construction of commercial and / or residential buildings.

Helpful Tips to Successfully Pass the ICC Structural Masonry Code Exam

Mainly, the ICC The Masonry Code Exam does not differ from other exams in the sense that the candidate must follow the given examination guidelines and must prepare to pass. If you are an aspiring building inspector or a seasoned veteran who might lack the knowledge and competence in the subject of structural masonry, you can search for schools to obtain the necessary study information and / or instruction to successfully pass the exam. .

Second, there are other factors that would increase your chances of passing the exam and make your test experience less stressful. Here are some helpful tips to remember:

  • The exam is conducted at an independent third-party testing center. Knowing and understanding the elements necessary to take the exam is a step that is often missed. Then you should check the ICC ‘Candidate Bulletin’ that explains all these elements.
  • The exam is provided through a computer-based testing program. Candidates have 3½ hours to complete the code and plan segments, so it is very important to know how to budget your time and determine in advance that you will allocate 1½ hours for the 60 code questions and 2 hours for the part of the plan.
  • You should also know the references that will be used in the exams. Most test takers fail the test because they miss this important step. The exam is divided into two segments. Test takers will use the required codebooks to answer the 60 multiple-choice questions and the copy of the plans provided for the 30 multiple-choice questions. References for the code portion of the exam are as follows:
    • 2009 International Building Code
    • ASTM Standards A 615, A 951-02, C 476-02, C 1019-05, C 1314-07, C 216-07, C 270-07, C 62-05, C 90-06b and C 140-07
    • ACI530-08 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures / Specification for Masonry Structures
    • Reinforced Grout Brick Masonry, 14th Edition
    • Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector’s Manual, Sixth or Seventh Edition
    • Model program for special inspection
  • And finally, it is also recommended that you bring tools such as a battery-powered calculator and a magnifying glass to help you calculate the bar splice and interpret the plans. Also, if you need guidance or study material that will successfully give you a passing score to earn your state certification, look for the right instruction.

Good luck in the exam …

Lifestyle Fashion

Understanding the physical, mental and emotional makeup of adolescents

By 1980, the world population had increased to 4.5 billion people. By the year 2000 there will be around 7 billion people in the world. Yet even among all these billions of people, there is something special about each person. There is only one you. You are one of the many at your school. You are one of the twenty or thirty in your classroom. You are one of several people in your family. And you are one of the more than 200 million people in the United States. Among all these people, you are an individual, one of a kind.

The sum of all the things that you are makes you an individual. Things like his sense of humor, his shyness or lack of it, his ability to learn, the color of his eyes and hair, and his height are his characteristics. Many of your characteristics come from your parents. They were passed on to you at birth. These are called inherited characteristics. It is also developing other characteristics as it grows. These are called acquired characteristics. You can acquire new features for as long as you live.

Physical composition

People have a lot in common, but it is their differences that make them individuals. Even identical twins do not have all the same acquired characteristics. A twin may like to talk; the other talks less.

Everyone inherits physical characteristics from their parents, grandparents, and even more distant ancestors. These inherited characteristics are called a person’s inheritance. Carried into the sex cells, inherited characteristics are the basis of the general physical makeup of each person. They also continue to affect physical development throughout life.

However, from childhood, a person’s development is also influenced by his environment. These environments, which include the food that a person is given, the people they meet, and the events that take place, are called the environment.

The environment and heredity together produce the individual characteristics of a person. For example, heredity determines that your body can only grow up to a certain point. But you need adequate nutrition, rest, and exercise to reach that height.

Mental makeup

Your mental capacity helps determine the type of person you are. This ability focuses on your brain, a mass of nerve cells located in your head. How it works is not yet fully understood. But your brain is known to be what enables you to understand and learn. This ability to understand and learn is called intelligence.

No two people are the same in intelligence. Your own intelligence depends in part on heredity and in part on how it has developed since birth. Scientists believe that no one uses their brain to its full capacity. There is always room for mental growth.

How much brain power you develop is up to you. And it is also up to you to decide which parts of your intelligence you want to develop.

There are many different types of mental abilities. Another person can be very good at math. Another may have an especially good memory. Some people are very adept at expressing their thoughts in writing. People differ as to which areas of learning they are good at and which they are not. That is why the mental capacity of each person is special.

Emotional makeup

Notice the many types of people among your friends and schoolmates. Some are carefree. Others always seem concerned. Some are kind and generous. Others are critical and difficult to please. All of these people are different in their emotional makeup. How did they come to be like this?

People are born with different personalities. But we all have the same basic needs for physical, mental, and emotional attention. How these needs are met affects your emotional makeup. Some people are lucky that their needs are well met. Others are less fortunate. When a person’s inherited characteristics blend well with that person’s environment, the result is a stable emotional makeup.

Your attitudes are part of your emotional makeup. An attitude is a learned way of looking at things, people, and events. Attitudes are learned from your family and friends. You reveal your attitudes in your likes and dislikes.

Most of your actions are based on your attitudes. Positive attitudes that show you think well of yourself will go a long way toward making a decision. But negative attitudes, which are generally based on fear or insecurity, will make it difficult for you to make decisions and work with other people.

Most feelings can be considered in some form or combination of the three basic emotions: love, anger, and fear. Every basic emotion has its place in human life. Love can make you easier to please and understand. Anger can make you go out and live to overcome obstacles. Fear can help you avoid anger. No one needs to be ashamed of feelings. But each of us is responsible to ourselves and others for how we express them. One of the goals of adolescence is to increase the ability to deal with emotions in socially acceptable ways.


Understanding and Controlling Prey Drive

Prey drive is the “buzzword” among dog people these days. Its textbook definition states that it is the instinctive behavior of carnivores to chase and capture prey, but it is commonly used to describe habits in dog training. The prey drive is what motivates a dog to chase a running ball, animals, car, or child, so it is important to teach children never to run away from a dog. The prey drive is what makes dogs chase them. Understanding your dog’s prey drive will influence how you control it, keeping your dog out of trouble.

Prey’s drive follows a sequence and is the same in all predators. The sequence begins with the search that leads to the eye, the chase, the grab, and finally the murder. Through the process of selective breeding, some of these five sequences dominate or diminish in different breeds of dogs to suit various human purposes. The search aspect of the sequence is essential for detecting dogs such as bloodhounds and bloodhounds. Eye stalking is important in dog herding while chasing is a must for racing dogs and terriers are valued for their bite and bite. Some aspects of the prey drive are undesirable in certain dogs, such as the retriever who must chase the prey and then return it to the human hunter without biting or harming it in any way. Sheepdogs stalk and chase, but inhibit grip and kill the urge to bite to avoid injuring livestock. Bull terriers have amplified grip because humans used them to restrain bulls by hanging from their noses, but there was no need for the bull terrier to seek out or stalk prey. Terriers are small, but that means very little when it comes to prey drive, as these little dogs were bred to chase vermin underground. But not all small breeds have a huge prey drive. Pekingese and Maltese make better companions and watchdogs, as they have little ambition to chase them. Dogs that were bred to protect livestock and homes have a low prey drive compared to those bred for sports, herding, or those in the group of dogs that have a high drive. The Siberian huskies, which are from the working group, show a high chase instinct, which they will do with total abandon, ignoring the call to return. Sight Hounds and Bloodhounds have a great prey drive and once the instinctual drive takes over, even the best-trained dog will ignore the call to return as well. A dog with high prey drive should always be on a leash, no matter how confident you are that it will return when called. By having an outside dog safely enclosed and on a leash, you will be able to control his instinctual reaction to chasing what he sees moving.

Different dogs will have substantially varying levels of prey drive. Search and rescue dogs, as well as narcotics detector dogs, must have enough drive to keep them searching for hours for their prey. In dog training, a strong prey drive motivates dogs to chase moving objects, which is an advantage. The characteristics of a dog’s breed, temperament, and what it was bred for define its behavior and by understanding what it was bred for, you can control its behavior through knowledgeable training and exercise. A dog prey drive is “hardwired” into them and cannot be turned on and off at will, which is what makes them good at performing specific jobs. Daily. If you don’t enjoy taking long walks or participating in dog sports, then a dog with a high prey drive would not be a good choice. Dogs that are diggers and escape artists, such as huskies and terriers, will attempt to escape if you are not supervised and you will be responsible for what you do if you are successful. Understanding prey drive is important as it will help you decide the right breed of dog for your lifestyle. Shelters are full of dogs whose owner chose a high-prey dog ​​that they couldn’t handle.

When an owner encourages the immersion of his dog’s prey, then satisfies the urge through play, the dog is happy and his overall demeanor is balanced. However, if his owner works long hours, has a hectic family schedule, and does not spend quality time with him, the dog’s energy level will increase to the point of behavioral problems resulting in a frustrated owner and possibly a new one. home for the dog. Dogs with high drive must vent their energy or destructive behaviors, such as chewing, will be their release. Chewing will soothe a dog’s adrenal system in the same way that a cigarette relaxes a smoker. Dogs with too much energy can bark too much, jump over fences or mouth parts of the human body. Dogs were bred for a specific purpose and having a dog based only on appearance or image without understanding the characteristics of the breed is a problem. Conscientious breeders carefully screen prospective buyers to ensure that the breed they choose is right for their lifestyle. They ensure that these buyers have a fenced yard, time in their day to properly exercise the dog, if the buyer is physically capable of handling the dog and has knowledge of the breed and its characteristics. If the breeder feels that their breed of dog has too high a prey drive for the buyer, they will refer you to a quality pet breeder of inferior prey drive breeds and discourage you from having a dog that does not fit your style. of life.

For owners of highly prey dogs that exhibit destructive behavior, daily exercise, such as long walks, is helpful or playing chase with a ball or Frisbee will consume energy. The stress of learning in an obedience class will drain you. Enroll your athletic or olfactory dog ​​in agility and tracking classes to use the stored energy. Owners who got their high drive dog through adoption or a private party should research the breed through the library, the Internet, or by talking to breeders and other owners. Breed clubs will educate you about your breed, talk to other people with high drive breeds, and offer breed-related activities.

And for “chewers” and diggers, confining them to a box when they cannot be observed will keep those unwanted behaviors in check.

Choosing a dog is not like choosing an article of clothing. A dog is a companion, a member of the family, so know what breed you choose and be honest with yourself when it comes to the breed you choose and your lifestyle. In other words … choose wisely.