
How to care for Betta fish

Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they the beautiful ones with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” under water. Although they have a great personality, they tend to be aggressive towards other bettas (male and female alike), which is why they often live in solitude. In some cases, they may be suitable for tankmates. Still, the success of this situation mainly depends on the temperament of the beta fish, the size of the tank, and other factors as well. If you are interested in becoming a betta fish breeder and often ask how to care for them, there are certain things you need to know to extend the life of your fish and keep it healthy and happy. So, here is your guide on how to care for betta fish:

How to care for Betta: set up your tank correctly

If you really want to successfully care for a beta fish, you need to take some time when setting up your beta fish aquarium. For example, your fish needs to have enough room to move. For this, you will need at least a 3 gallon fish tank, preferably a larger one. Whichever tank you choose, it should have a filter and an adjustable heater. Make sure to choose one based on the exact size of your tank so your fish don’t overheat. The recommended temperature for bettas is 78 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

• Be sure to properly cycle your new tank so your aquarium has a healthy filtration system whose job it is to establish a colony of healthy bacteria that removes toxic waste. Cycling your tank ensures that your fish stay healthy.

• Use water without chlorine and perform a 25% water change every week and a complete water change once a month. During the total water change, you will need to remove the fish and clean the gravel, sand or substrate with a siphon.

• Choose the right location for your aquarium. Your fish tank should be kept in an area where your fish are not isolated and can interact with you. Bettas are very intelligent and seem to recognize their pet owners. When choosing a location for your tank, make sure it is free from drafts of cold or excessive heat. For example, you should never keep your tank close to a window or too close to a radiator, as your fish can get too hot or cold. Also, direct sunlight can cause an algae overgrowth problem. Of course, if you have a tankmate that eats algae for your betta fish, then this will not be a problem, and they will likely like some algae growth to feed their algae eater.

• Place your betta fish tank on a flat, stable surface that will not move out of its location. You may even want to keep your fish on your desk or on a table against the wall. Either way, find a place that is not easily pushed.

Caring for Betta Fish: Choose a Safe Tank Decor

Provide a suitable and safe decoration. Sometimes your fish may prefer to hide. Therefore, you must provide a wide variety of silk or live plants. You can also offer caves and other hiding places. Whatever decoration you choose, make sure it is safe for delicate fins. One way to test this is to run a pair of pantyhose over the decoration, and if you rip the pantyhose, it is too rough for your fish.

Caring for Betta Fish: Implement Proper Feeding Strategies

Bettas tend to overeat and this can cause weight gain, constipation, blockage, bloating, and even death. Therefore, it is essential that you do the following:

• Give your beta fish the correct amount of food – Your beta fish should only eat as much food as its eyeball. That is, 3-4 marbles or 1-2 words of blood are usually enough. You should also feed your fish one or two pellets or live food at a time. This will ensure that he eats it and that not too much food gets to the bottom of the tank before he can grab it. If you don’t eat the food you were given in 5 minutes, take it out so you don’t contaminate the water in your tank.

Feed your beta fish regularly: Feed your fish every day. Some people skip a day and most feed them in small amounts twice a day. If you need to go on vacation, stay away from those weekend feeders as they can contaminate the water and cause bacterial growth and fin rot. Instead, get someone you trust to come and feed your fish every day or every other day. Make sure they don’t overfeed your fish while you’re away.

• Vary your betta food choices: Like you, bettas don’t like to eat the same kind of food every day. Therefore, you need to offer them a variety of food to make it enjoyable. Some great options are frozen premium or flake granules. live or dried bloodworms, fruit fly larvae or wingless fruit flies, and brine shrimp.

In conclusion, hopefully, you can stop looking for how to care for betta fish and go out and get one, either through adoption or by purchasing one. However, to keep your fish healthy and happy, you should follow the tips mentioned above. Good luck with your new climbing betta fish friend.

Real Estate

Tips for Wholesale Homes with Tenants

Many new investors expect to wholesale vacant homes when they go into business, but quickly find that a large percentage of properties today are occupied, including foreclosures and REOs. So how does this change the game, and what tips can help wholesalers with tenants better navigate the process more profitably?

While many, especially newer real estate investors, may find it easier to wholesale vacant homes, there are many advantages to selling renter-occupied properties in this market.

First-time home buyers still make up a small percentage of the market in most areas and certainly don’t provide the consistent volume and speed that home wholesale offers to investors avid rental units.

Properties that already have tenants take the guesswork out of end investors and give them the confidence and edge that comes with an asset that is already generating positive cash flow and profitability. This can help you generate higher profit margins and move house faster.

Of course, wholesaling properties that are occupied can also bring some need for additional due diligence and some challenges. First of all today this means figuring out exactly who is occupying the property and what the deal is.

In many cases today, even when a property has been foreclosed and classified as REO owned by a bank for years, the previous owners can still be found living there. This is a very troublesome situation for investors. While it may not seem like a huge concern to those who are wholesaling or changing real estate contracts, it can mean getting stuck with a deal that no one else wants to touch.

Make sure the property is clear of previous owners and squatters before closing or prepare to stay with them indefinitely.

Even when actual tenants are in place, it is essential to check rents, rental status, and deposits accurately. Never simply take the word of the seller, not even his agent or occupant. Official impediment letters must be obtained from all units and verified figures.

Stay on top of this at closing to ensure that all funds paid are prorated and the proper amounts are transferred to the new owner. As a buyer or broker, remember that cash back at closing due to deposit credit and prepaid rent are not earnings. Some have bragged about walking away from the closing table with thousands in cash, but that actually needs to be held for refundable deposits or forwarded to new buyers.

The buying and selling process, especially when there are multiple sales in a short period of time, can be very stressful and annoying for tenants. Be friendly, be as transparent as possible, and make sure they understand the benefits to prevent them from becoming difficult or blocking potential deals.

Shopping Product Reviews

Communication with smartphones in the digital age

A smartphone in hand embodies communication in the digital age. You no longer have to schedule your time to get information. With internet access on your smartphone, you can send data (a message, an image, a graphic, music) and you can attach sophisticated data, that you have created or captured, to those communications. You can choose to access the data that is sent to you at your convenience. The smartphone gives you options and you can choose to use it to manage your life efficiently. However, most people don’t do that.

Most active smartphone users choose to interrupt when the phone tells them that new data has arrived. Especially when contacted by a friend who made a comment, started a new chat thread, attached a funny joke or picture, or a hint of a gossip update, most smartphone users stop a conversation with a person. real to interact with your smartphone. People have gotten into moving traffic while concentrating on the trivia someone sent them on their smartphone. The smartphone has become the industry’s favorite place to give you endless options on how to communicate.

Tell your life story to family, friends, and strangers on Facebook. Use Snapchat if you don’t want your mom to see the last YouTube video you posted. Organize your photos on a Pinterest board. Post a comment on Twitter. Most of the smartphone users actively use four or more applications (apps) on their smartphone that will allow them to participate in the social networking sites where their friends hang out. If Paul Revere had a smartphone, we would have learned in school about Paul Revere’s Google, posts, and tweets because he wouldn’t have had to travel anywhere. The Smartphone, a paradigm shift in communication, can subsume your life.

A communication tool should enhance, not become, in your life. During the sailing age, ships transmitted written communications navigating through large bodies of water. The captain of a ship can communicate from shore (or with another ship) using the flag semaphore to shorten the time required to deliver a written message. Wireless telegraphy, applied at the end of the 19th century, also changed the communication paradigm. With it, the ship could deliver a communication without navigating at all. Imagine the time, cost, and effort you saved. Look at your smartphone that way too. Use your smartphone as intended to get more value out of your daily life. # Tag1writer


The Big 5: Popular US Professional Team Sports

The top 5 professional team sports in the US are the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, and MLS. The popularity of these 5 sports has grown every year and the advent of cable television, the Pay Per View model means that these 5 sports are the most watched sports in the US These are the richest professional team sports in the world. USA With men’s and women’s leagues. Financially, these leagues and their players enjoy massive success through sponsorships, advertisements, and ticket sales.

Major League Baseball / MLB Popularity

Major League Baseball started in 1903. MLB’s All-Star games attract the majority of the audience in the US, where players are selected by fan vote. Babe Ruth, Yogi Berra, Hank Aaron, Alex Rodriguez, Joe Dimaggio are the most popular players. The New York Mets, Cincinnati Reds, Pittsburgh Pirates, Boston Red Sox, and New York Yankees are popular MLB teams.

Popularity of the National Basketball Association / NBA

The National Basketball Association was established in 1946. All-star games are the biggest attraction each year, where players are selected by fan vote. Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird are the most popular league players. Boston Celtics, New York Knicks, Philadelphia 76ers, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, Dallas Mavericks are popular NBA teams.

National Football League / NFL Popularity

The National Football League was founded in 1920 as a version of rugby in which players participate in protective gear to avoid injury. The NFL Super Bowl is the most watched annual event on television. Tom Brady, Reggie White, Don Hutson, Joe Montana, Aaron Rogers, Tony Romo, Calvin Johnson are the most popular league players. Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, San Francisco 49ers, are popular NFL teams.

National Hockey League / NHL Popularity

The National Hockey League is ice hockey; one of the fastest sports in the world. The NHL All-Star game is the most popular in the US Bobby Hull, Rick Martin, Bill Cowley, Michel Goulet, Alexander Ovechkin are the most popular league players. New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, Edmonton Oilers, Los Angeles Kings are popular NHL teams.

Major League Soccer / MLS Popularity

Major League Soccer (MLS) that started in 1994 is nothing but soccer. MLS All Stars is the most popular game seen by people. David Beckham, Landon Donovan, Didier Drogba, Kaka, David Villa are the most popular league players. New York City FC, New York Red Bulls, Colorado Rapids, Houston Dynamo, LA Galaxy, Sporting Kansas City are popular MLS teams.

City rivalry is what defines these professional team sports in the US These leagues do not have a relegation / promotion policy and the teams play each other year-round.

Tours Travel

Lewis and Clark defined the destiny of the nation

“Great joy … we are in sight of the Ocian, … this great Pacific Ocian that we long to see, and the … roar or noise of the waves crashing on the rocky shores … can be heard clearly “wrote William Clark in his diary, after more than 18 months of traveling across the country.

Sunlight filters through the trees and into a quiet clearing, highlighting the lush ground. As you enter the log dwellings at Fort Clatsop, near the Oregon coast, you must crouch at the hanging doors to peer inside and understand what life must have been like for Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. His expedition team wintered here in 1805-06, following their pioneering journey from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, a round trip that turned into an 8,000-mile journey.

Hoping to find a Northwest Passage, President Thomas Jefferson sought exploration of the vast country west of the Mississippi and chose his secretary, Captain Meriwether Lewis, for the task. Lewis invited his friend Lieutenant William Clark to share the leadership. They both came from military backgrounds with Indian tribes.

President Jefferson felt that the mission of the expedition was not only to chart the new territory of the United States after the Louisiana Purchase, but also to define the destiny of the nation. The expedition was the first official exploration of unknown territory by the United States government. The requested funding from Congress was $ 2,500, but the final cost would be closer to $ 40,000.

Maps of the time depicting the west were sketchy and, in some cases, totally false. The lack of detail in western cartography suggested the enormous task facing the expedition. Many maps showed that the Rocky Mountains were narrow and unbreakable. Crossing the Rocky Mountains was going to be the hardest part of the explorers’ journey.

In December 1803, Clark began training the men who had volunteered to go on the expedition, turning them into an efficient team. The youngest man, George Shannon, was 17 years old, the oldest, John Shields, 35. The average age of men was 27.

During the winter of 1803-1804, men built a fort, calling it “Camp River Dubois”. Located on the Wood River at the fork of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, north of St. Louis, Missouri, it was across the river in Illinois. By the spring of 1804, using the $ 2,500.00 that Congress appropriated, Lewis and Clark had accumulated more than ten tons of merchandise for the trip.

On May 14, 1804, William Clark and the Corps of Discovery set out from Camp River Dubois to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean and a week later Meriwether Lewis joined the group in St. Charles, Missouri. The group of 45 began their journey with a 55-foot covered keel boat and two smaller boats.

The group was fortunate to average 10-15 miles per day, as traveling the Missouri River was difficult in part due to the river’s strong current and many obstacles, such as floating trees capable of sinking a boat. In the spring of 1805, the keelboat would be returned to St. Louis and the Corps of Discovery continued in canoes and on foot.

On July 4, 1804, the Corps of Discovery approached what is now Atchinson, Kansas. Here they observed the first July 4th celebrated west of the Mississippi by sharing an extra helping of whiskey, firing the barrel of the keelboat, and appropriately naming a stream “Independence Creek.”

As the group moved to the Great Plains, they began to see unknown animals in the east: coyotes, pronghorn antelope, and black-tailed deer. They were also intrigued by the little prairie dogs that built vast underground villages. When the men encountered ferocious brown bears, who attacked them, they discovered that the brown bears were truly the kings of the western plains. In all, they would describe 122 animals that had not previously been recorded.

During the winter of 1804-1805, Lewis and Clark recruited a Frenchman by the name of Toussaint Charbonneau, who had lived with the Hidatsa Indians (sometimes referred to as Minnetari) for many years, as their interpreter. They got not only Charbonneau, but his 16-year-old Shoshoni Indian wife, Sacagawea, and their newborn baby, Jean Baptiste. Captured by a raiding group of Hidatsa warriors five years earlier, Sacagawea had been kidnapped from her homeland in the Rocky Mountains and taken to the village of Knife River. Lewis and Clark knew that they would likely meet their people in the Rocky Mountains and that the Indians there could provide horses for their overland journey.

Once Discovery’s body was in the country of the Sacagawea people, the young Indian woman became invaluable when it was discovered that the chief was her brother. The chief provided the group with guides and horses for the difficult journey of the high Bitterroot range.

Lewis celebrated his 31st birthday on August 18, 1805, and wrote in his journal: “Up to now I had done little, very little.” He promises “in the future, to live for humanity, as I have lived up to now for myself.”

On October 16, 1805, the group reached the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest, where Clark estimated that he saw 10,000 pounds of salmon drying out in an Indian village. On the 18th, Clark observes Mount Hood in the distance. Seen and named in 1792 by a British ship captain, it is a fixed point on the expedition map.

While traveling through the Columbia River Gorge, the Corps of Discovery explored and camped on both sides of the vast river. In what is now Clark County in Washington, explorers logged five camps and assessed the area as the best location to settle on the western side of the continental divide. In 1825, Hudson Bay built Fort Vancouver here to serve the Oregon Territory and protect the British claim.

When Clark made his “Great Joy …” journal entry in November 1805, the party had mistaken an area 25 miles from the actual mouth of the Columbia River, which today borders the states of Oregon and Washington, with its long-sought goal of the Pacific Ocean.

Clark will later estimate that they had traveled 4,162 miles from the mouth of the Missouri to the Pacific. Your estimate, based on dead reckoning, will turn out to be within 40 miles of the actual distance.

Bad weather kept the group in the river gorge for two wet and hungry weeks before Lewis, said to be the group’s great strategist, set off in a small shelter in hopes of finding a suitable winter camp for the group.

In the middle of the coastal wetlands, he located high ground surrounded by lush ancient forest, south of what is now Astoria and north of what is now the town of Seaside, an area in the northwest corner of what is now the state of Oregon.

The final decision to make this their westernmost headquarters was made by a vote of the entire party on November 24, 1805, including the young Indian woman Sacagawea. The log fort they built was named after the local Clatsop Indians. From December 7, 1805 to March 23, 1806, the Corps of Discovery wintered at Fort Clatsop.

Judging by the selection of this site, Clark wrote in his diary on December 7, 1805: “This is without doubt the most eligible situation for our purposes of any other in your neighborhood.”

Along one of Seaside’s quiet residential streets, overlooking the ocean, visitors can view the Corps of Discovery’s original winter site “Salt Works” or “Salt Camp”.

Lewis’s journal entry for January 1, 1806 read: “This morning I woke up early this morning to the discharge of a volley of small arms, which were fired by our group … to usher in the new year. … at present we were happy to eat our boiled moose and … just our thirst with our only drink of pure water. “

The Corps of Discovery’s winter stay at Fort Clatsop was dull, dreary and wet, all but 12 days of their 106-day stay it rained, but it gave the party time to organize their return trip. “In this place … we wintered and we stayed … and we have lived as well as we had the right to hope,” wrote William Clark in his journal before the Corps of Discovery took hold and began to trace the Columbia River to turn back. home.

When the group left on their return, they camped in the delta area of ​​the Columbia River Gorge, east of present-day Metro Portland-Vancouver. A group of traveling Indians informed them that game was scarce upriver, so explorers spent more time here packing game for food and clothing.

Although it took 18 months to reach the Pacific, the return trip was made in a third of the time, leaving Fort Clatsop on March 23, 1806; they returned to St. Louis on September 23 of that year. Both Lewis and Clark returned as heroes after a journey that lasted two years, four months and sixteen days.

On the nation’s Capitol, President Jefferson praised the efforts of the men, saying, “It is fair to say that Messrs. Lewis and Clark and their brave companions, through this arduous service, deserve the good of their country.”

Jefferson rewarded both men with appointments. Lewis became governor of the new Louisiana Territory and Clark became a brigadier general in the militia and chief Indian agent.

The Lewis and Clark expedition failed to find a Northwest Passage, but they shaped the boundaries and future of the United States. After Clark’s refined map was published in 1814, the first to accurately show the interior continent of the American West, settlers and merchants began traveling the route he and Lewis had opened.

His expedition also provided a useful background for the United States to claim the Oregon Territory. During the Lewis and Clark bicentennial from 2003 to 2006, millions of tourists, mostly history buffs, visited communities along the 3,700-mile trail and participated in local celebrations. These celebrations were a 200th anniversary shared with the union of Native Americans and whites.

Imagine standing where Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and most of the Corps of Discovery actually lived. The Lewis and Clark Interpretive at Fort Clatsop, offers a full-scale replica of the fort on the original site.

After 1806, the forest and the elements soon recovered the original fort, but in 1955, using Clark’s sketches, a replica was built on the same site and is managed by the National Park Service. Dressed in buckskins, the rangers recreate what life might have been like for explorers.

Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area remains one of the most beautiful places along the Lewis and Clark Trail. On both sides of the gorge are several interpretive museums, including the Maryhill Museum (WA), the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center in The Dalles, Oregon, and the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center in Stevenson, Washington.

There is something very special about seeing places along the Lewis and Clark trail through the eyes of a child, making this a great trip to take with your children or grandchildren. Lewis and Clark’s story offers one of courage in the face of overwhelming forces. Whether you choose to hike the entire route that Lewis and Clark traveled or hike parts of the trail, there is always something interesting to do and see along the trail that was pioneered by early explorers.

Arts Entertainments

Simplify your wardrobe and closet

Okay, raise your hand, even if you can’t see them … How many of you have done any of the following in the last 90 days?

  • Did you put on an outfit only to find that you liked the top or bottom, but didn’t have the matching top or bottom that you liked to wear and therefore changed?
  • Did you try more than 2 outfits for a single event?
  • Did you try something in your closet only to find that you don’t like the way it looks anymore, but left it in your closet anyway?
  • Did you argue with a child (or have a long conversation) about what they were going to wear?
  • Did you rush to find a matching outfit for your child?
  • Did you want to wear something only to find that it needed to be patched, ironed, or dry cleaned, so you chose to wear something else?
  • Have a ton of clothes that need repair, ironing, or dry cleaning that haven’t progressed through any of the aforementioned processes in the last 3 weeks?

This week’s challenge is geared towards your personal wardrobe, but I highly recommend doing it with the children’s wardrobes if you are responsible for dressing them in the morning. It’s just amazing how much time we spend putting on and taking off, looking for a missing garment or ‘match’, running errands to dry clean or fix, iron, soak, take something off in frustration, and then add to a pile that we’ll then have to fold to! that we can repeat the process later!

Since getting dressed is something we do on a daily basis, it is important to approach the simple path. When we don’t have good routines and practices, what should be a simple task becomes a source of stress and waste of time. Not to mention, it’s not a great feeling to put something on and decide you don’t like the way it looks first thing in the morning.

This is how I went through the practice of simplifying my wardrobe. You can do this exercise over the course of a week or take a long weekend to get everything in order.

First, wash and repair everything you own so that everything is clean and ready for a clear decision. Take off any special occasion clothing that you need to keep but don’t wear regularly. Store them in one end of your closet, or better yet, in a different closet.

Start with three piles …

1. Your favorite clothes: you wear them a lot, you feel good about them and they are comfortable.

2. Things you don’t use for any reason.

3. Things that are between 1 and 2: You don’t love them, but you use them.

Now let’s review stack 1, the most important stack.

The first step is to match everything. What bottoms go with what tops? Layer these adorable outfits in ensembles, making sure everything matches (and yes, a pair of jeans can have multiple matching tops). The goal here is to make sure the underdogs are left behind.

If you find that you have pants or tops that you love, but don’t have an adorable matching counterpart, see if you can find something in stack 3 that works. Make sure to try it on and be satisfied with the combo. Otherwise, put this ‘adorable lost item’ in its own closet area.

Once you have completed this step, ask yourself the next question of the combos you have made.

Are these combos easy to maintain? Move the ones that require special care to your own group.

Now count the combos you have left. How many there are? Next, think about how often you will do your laundry. If you do your laundry weekly, do you have 7 sets? If you do the laundry twice a week, do you have 3 or 4? If you find that you have enough outfits to get through between washes, then you have discovered your main wardrobe. Carefully return these items to your closet, keeping them grouped for easy “grabbing”.

Now we have to look at these other piles that he has made. If you find that you have enough comfortable outfits to last for multiple washes, then it’s time to seriously think about trimming your wardrobe. Why keep something on stack 2 or 3? If you have a lot of matching combos on stack 1, why settle for something that makes you feel less than wonderful?

If you find that you are missing stack 1 combinations, take the yellow pages and find a consignment store. Take items from stacks 2 and 3 and put them on consignment or hold a yard sale. Use that money to fund more combos 1. (Make sure you try everything before you buy!)

Once you’ve stored your combos in your closet, check to see what you have in your favorite set of odds and ends. Make a list and keep it in your wallet of items that need matches. Decide if it is worth the time and money and the maximum that you are willing to spend on the article. Keep this with you while you run your errands and check it out before adding new clothes to your wardrobe. So you are buying on purpose, rather than on impulse. People have asked me what I think is a good amount of ‘combos’ to have ready. Personally, I think 10 is perfect for every area of ​​life … 10 combos at home, 10 combos at work, and then 4 combos at church. If you live in a seasonal area like me, then you’d have 10 for summer work, summer home, etc. and 10 for winter.

Also return to your wardrobe any of the most maintenance combinations. Store these items in a different area of ​​the closet and remember that when you remove from this section, the investment of time is greater. Make sure you have a plan to get your garment dry cleaned or ironed so that it doesn’t clump together and become a clutter of clothing.

There are many great options to buy wonderful clothes without spending a lot of money. However, when it comes to buying clothes, it is very important to have the right mindset. You want to go to a day where you are not pressed for time and plan to try everything on (even t-shirts)! Everything suits everyone differently. If you prefer to shop by catalog that’s fine, just make sure stores make returns easy. I like Newport News because they have great clothes in all sizes and the return process is very easy and the last time I ordered, there was no time limit for returns.

What about stacks 2 and 3? Good question! After you’ve completed the above tasks, I want you to stand up and look at the nice combos you made and how you think about how they make you feel. Then look at your other two stacks. Do you really want or need to keep them? Do you want the mess? Personally, when I did this, I took it all to a women’s shelter. There were 18 bags of clothes, shoes and several. Honest. (I told you I wasn’t born simple!) I was a little paranoid and nervous while doing it and I thought my husband would have a fit, but I did it anyway. When I walked into my closet the next morning, I felt great. There are no crowded things everywhere. Without searching. Do not debate. You don’t have to try something on and then throw it in a pile. I loved everything that was there.

If you are not ready to put up with the big gift, do this. Pack it all up in bags and boxes and store it out of the way or stack it in the closet. Live with your simple wardrobe for the next 30 days. Then come back and see if you’re ready for the big giveaway.

Once you’ve completed this process with your everyday wardrobe, consider applying the principles to your special occasion clothing as well. Since special occasion clothing is rarely worn, keep only your ‘stack 1’ combos.

Then consider applying these principles to simplify young children’s wardrobes as well.

Excerpted from the 30-day Walk Into Simplicity class.

(Visit [] to learn more about this class)


Binoculars Field of View (FOV) explained

The field of view is the amount of area that can be seen through binoculars. The amount of area is the total footage from left to right that your eyes see through the binoculars.

The field of view of binoculars is normally etched on binoculars and is typically expressed as “360FT / 1000YD”. What reads as “The field of view of these binoculars is 360 feet wide at a distance of 1000 yards.”

This means that if your target was centered 1000 yards away, you could also see 180 feet of terrain on both the left and right sides of that target. Or if you were just scanning the terrain, you could observe 360 ​​feet of coverage at any time.

Better quality binoculars tend to have a field of view between 315 and 390 feet at 1000 yards. Those are general guidelines, but will satisfy field of view requirements for bird watching, hunting, marine activities, and most spectator sports.

Linear and angular field of view.

Both readings will result in the same measurement at the target distance of 1000 yards.

Linear field of view is most often used as it is expressed in feet and yards in a factual statement (330FT / 1000YD). That expression can be quickly understood to mean that at 1000 yards you will see 330 feet of terrain from left to right with your binoculars.

The angular field of view is expressed in degrees. For example, a reading of 6.3 degrees means that the binoculars view will expand outward 6.3 degrees from each of your eyes.

Conversion to linear or angular field of view is done with a factor of one degree equal to 52.5 feet.

The angular degrees of 6.3 will become 330.75 feet (6.3 degrees X 52.5 = 330.75 feet).

The 330.75 linear feet will become 6.3 degrees (330.75 feet / 52.5 = 6.3 degrees).

Magnification versus field of view.

Magnification and field of view are two binocular features that work in opposition to each other. In general, more powerful binoculars (12 X 50) will have a smaller field of view (290FT / 1000YD), while less powerful binoculars (8 X 42) will typically have a wider field of view (380FT / 1000YD).

Most binoculars tend to fall into the 8X or 10X magnification ranges because at higher power binoculars often have poorer image quality and smaller fields of view.

The most common linear / angular fields of view binoculars are between 6.0 degrees / 315 feet and 7.5 degrees / 390 feet. Wide-angle binoculars start at 8.0 degrees / 420 feet and go straight up.

Home Kitchen

How to Plan Your Kitchen Cabinet Storage for Maximum Efficiency

Planning for kitchen cabinet storage is one of the most important considerations when planning a kitchen remodel or addition. It is important to plan only for the genuine needs in your new kitchen because cabinets are the highest cost item in your remodeling budget. Make sure you plan enough cabinets for your needs without installing a large amount of additional cabinet space.

There are several ways to estimate your storage needs when designing your new or remodeled kitchen.

  • Measure the cabinets you currently have and replace with new cabinets in identical sizes.
  • Get everything out of your cabinets, combining items appropriately into groups that would go into individual cabinets. Then measure the items (used space) and assess the size and number of cabinets needed.
  • Keep in mind that your new cabinets are primarily kitchen organizers. Look at the items that are currently in your cabinets. What could you rearrange to use the space more efficiently? What could you move to a less accessible space (because you use it less often)?
  • Consider other items that you would like to be able to store in your new kitchen cabinets; then add this to your calculations.
  • Check out all the specialized types of cabinets available in the wood, color, and pattern you want. You can consider refrigerator drawers, pull-out cabinets, sliding shelves, drawers that hold pots and pans in the deeper lower section, and lids in a smaller upper section. There are many new settings every year.
  • Plan the location of your appliances, hob, ovens, etc. and then plan the cabinets around them.
  • The best approach to cabinet planning might be to work with a kitchen designer, your contractor, or your cabinetmaker to place appliances and cabinets where they can make things readily available where you need them for entertaining, cooking, or cleaning.

The next step in planning your cabinets in a way that will make your kitchen more efficient is evaluating how you can maximize your cabinet space with various cabinet organizers. You have access to an amazing variety of organizing devices for drawers, cabinets, and other spaces in your kitchen. For example:

  1. Use special-size drawers or odd-sized extra space to store canned goods, bottled drinks, etc.
  2. Use a Lazy Susan to make items in the back of the highest or lowest cabinets accessible.
  3. Use drawer dividers to keep a kitchen utensil drawer organized and tidy.
  4. Instead of wasting the top half of each shelf in a cabinet, install a two-tier Lazy Susan.

You can also maximize your storage space with special custom cabinets. Instead of losing access to things in the back of a base corner cabinet, install a cabinet with a built-in Lazy Susan. Another idea is to ask your cabinetmaker to build you a tall, narrow cabinet next to the oven to hold pizza pans, cookie sheets, and the like. Consider cabinets equipped with smaller shelves, slanted racks for canned drinks, etc., and install a special cabinet under the sink equipped with a slide-out rack for the trash can or a frame for the garbage bag and a small device for storing the additional garbage. trousers.

Once you understand the many options available to you when planning kitchen cabinet storage, it will be much easier to plan a kitchen in the style and design you want the most while ensuring that it will have the type and layout. amount of storage space you need. A little imagination and a little creative planning will result in the kitchen of your dreams.


History of the Ford Mustang

The birth of the Ford Mustang also saw the birth of the phrase ‘pony car’, which is a term used to describe an American car that is sporty and affordable. Most Pony cars are characterized by their low cost, their small compact size and their overpowered engines.

In the late 1950s, Ford saw sales of its 2-seat Thunderbird decline and in 1958 it introduced a new, larger 4-seat version which, after its introduction in 1958, was incredibly successful.

Competition between Ford and Chevrolet has always been fierce with both large companies trying to attract similar markets. This led to the introduction of the Chevrlet Corvair in 1960, which was the catalyst that forced Ford to create the successor to the Thunderbird, which was called the Futura and Futura Sprint. The competition led the other manufacturer to follow Ford’s lead with Plymouth introducing the Valient Signet and Dodge creating the Dart GT and it wasn’t long before Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Buick joined the competition.

All of these cars were commercially successful, but some top auto executives, including Ford’s Lee Iacocca, believe there was a larger market they could capture. They saw that there was a younger car buying niche market with disposable income looking to buy affordable cars with a sportier image.

This led to the creation of the Ford Mustang in 1964, which turned out to be a great success. Ford initially forecast sales of just 100,000, but orders totaled 22,000 on the first day alone. By the end of that year, sales had reached a staggering 618,812 units.

The Ford Mustang became the car that every other manufacturer wanted to emulate and led to the new phrase “pony car” being adopted. The term was first used by Dennis Shattuck, who was the editor of Car life magazine at the time and created it based on the equestrian-sounding Ford Mustang.

The Ford Mustang is one of Ford’s oldest names along with the F Series and the Falcon, which is still made in Australia. Over the years, there have been 5 generations of Mustangs and the 1970s saw a departure from the original lightweight Mustang urging fans of early 1964 design to force Ford back to its 1960s roots.

First generation

The first generation Mustang was created under the watchful eye of Ford’s Lee Iacocca and Chief Engineer Donald N. Frey and took 18 months. In the original prototype, the car had a mid-mounted V4 engine and only 2 seats, but this was dropped in favor of a 4-seat 2 + 2 design due to low sales figures for the Ford Thunderbird. The 2 + 2 design was believed to have been chosen due to the success of cars such as the Jaguar E-Type.

The new body design was created by Joe Oros, who produced a winning design in a competition presented by Iacocca.

“I told the team that I wanted the car to appeal to women, but I wanted men to want it too. I wanted a Ferrari-like front end, with the motif centered at the front, something heavy that would look like a Maserati, but, Please, not a pitchfork, and I wanted side air intakes to cool the rear brakes. I said it should be as sporty as possible and that it seems to be related to European design. ” – Golds

To keep development costs to a minimum, the car relied on components from cars that were already in production, such as the Ford Fairline and Ford Falcon.

Second generation

The second-generation Mustang was boosted by the 1973 energy crisis, which caused previous big, gas-hungry cars to fall out of favor due to rising fuel costs.

The new smaller Mustang II was launched in 1973 and Ford’s goal was to compete against small Japanese imports like Toyota Celica. However, the final car was much heavier than its previous counterpart, which negatively affected performance.

Third generation

In 1979, the third generation Mustang was introduced relying heavily on the Japanese market for its design. The car was designed to be more comfortable for 4 passengers, the size of the trunk was increased and the engine compartment was enlarged for easier maintenance.

Fourth generation

In 1994, the third-generation Mustang underwent a major redesign based on the original 1964 design, and for the first time since 1973, the hatchback version would no longer be available.

The original engine was a 3.8 OHV V6 rated at 145PS, but over the years it was upgraded to a 4.6L V8 producing 225PS in 1998.

Fifth generation

2005 saw the introduction of a completely redesigned Mustang based on Ford’s new D2C platform. The bodywork borrowed many details from the Mustangs of the earlier 1960s that Ford’s vice president of design called “retro-futurism.”

If you want to add a Ford Mustang car wallpaper to your desktop, you can find one in our wallpapers section on the Just Customz website.

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Ethos, Logos and Pathos in a modest proposal by Jonathan Swift

Pathos is what the Irish survive and thrive on, so Swift begins her proposition with that. He presents a melancholic image to his readers in the opening lines of A Modest Proposal, recalling the beggars and urchins at the gates of Ireland, the women followed by three, four or six children. The first paragraph also contains seeds of his logical and ethical arguments, mentioning the importunity of handouts as a social evil, presumably because the practice offends certain wealthy people who are the ‘importuned’, and the unpatriotic practice of leaving Ireland to fight for an English Enemy. He then awakens the emotions of his audience once again, preparing his own nest for later inclusion in the deal, saying that whoever offers a cheap and easy solution to this dilemma should have a statue erected in his honor.

Presented a pathetic argument, the author moves to a much more ethical one. Considering a definition of Ethos as the ‘character and definition of a community’, Swift’s reference to the substitution of venison for boys and maidens is a place in A Modest Proposal that focuses on the ethical part of the argument. He does so by allowing Swift to bring up what he considers a truly outrageous idea, offered by a friend of his, a true lover of his country, who like others of his breed has lost all his deer. The guy’s solution is to replace the deer with boys and maidens not exceeding fourteen years old. With her tongue firmly installed on her cheek, Swift is legitimately disgusted at such an idea, citing the fact that such children’s flesh would be tough and wiry, therefore unacceptable for such refined palates. Let Swift be so wary of the tastes and sensibilities of the only people who matter in Ireland, like the highly esteemed gentleman, a so deserving patriot.

But the idea is reversed, as the author clearly summarizes the values ​​and ethics of the community that, at least considering the reproductive potential of the females, would constitute a loss to the public. It continues to save the energies and sensibilities of scrupulous people who, unfairly in their opinion, would censure the practice as cruel. This has always been Swift’s personal opinion, so her ideas are in line with community ethics. Clearly there have been other similar practices, in his opinion unethical, and he abhors them. He says.

So Swift goes on to pick the idea, claiming that his friend got it from a fellow Formosan, who says that those in his country who are considered rabble for whatever reason indulge in Quality People as top-notch delicacies. Always the ethical one, Swift reflects on this, mindful of the economic interests of communities naturally, and then allows eating girls who don’t have a single Groat for their fortunes, may not be a bad idea after all. The Kingdom would be no worse. He says.

As for the logical considerations of A Modest Proposal, its appeal to reason, we refer to the detailed list, beginning with the presence of too many Papists. Logic asserts that they pose a danger to the country, with their annual number of more of their kind, their sinister political leanings, and their financial allegiance to the Catholic Church through tithing, none of which, of course, found their way into Rev. Swift’s basket from a Sunday collection.

Second, again more logical, the proposal would give the poor something they have no experience with, that is, their own money, and therefore a way to pay their rent! This can be seen as an appeal to logos or pathos, as landowners, being subject to certain emotions, are likely reluctant to evict their non-paying clients. The idea of ​​tenants having money, of course, would allow landlords to increase the rent, so this is a good idea, since the corn and cattle have already been confiscated. It is obvious that Swift concedes certain ruthless, therefore unethical, behaviors to the owners, which must have been a favorite target of his pen. However, the statement seems perfectly logical and unassailable. He says.

The third in the line of logical arguments focuses again on the public coffers. Given that the expense is so great to keep children poor and unfortunate, why not use the proposal not only to enrich Ireland, but to give the country something it lacks, an industry of its own? The irony is rich; Swift goes from a discussion of cold, hard financial matters and economic concerns, straight to new dishes and restaurant concepts. Of course, the only people who can benefit are the English aristocracy (lightly veiled), those Knights of Fortune in the Kingdom, who are evidently not lacking food, but enough imagination to come up with new recipes.

Fourth, and perhaps the most logical argument, it refers to the very poor themselves, the so-called constant breeders. Swift introduces them to the argument, assuming they also understand the need for his proposal. Think, he says, once this idea takes root, you will be free of the burden of raising these children once they are one year old. Plus, you’ll have eight shillings a year! Who can deny the logic of this? Swift obviously has little respect for the Irish peasants, even though she seems to include them in her grand scheme. This is, perhaps, the way the Irish have been treated all along by another dominant entity, the English government across the water.

Fifth, he returns to the culinary aspects of the proposal, citing the gastronomic possibilities of the wealthy, whom winemakers may be able to scalp with increasingly high prices. So Swift has not only made his logical appeal to the patriots, the religious and the wealthy, but he extends the proposal to commoners and even beggars. How is it possible that it deviates? He asks.