Lifestyle Fashion

Live without fear – Part 1

Recently, our new United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, pronounced that we are a nation of cowards. He specifically was referring to our reluctance to discuss matters of race. As shocking as his tactless comment is, he points to one Truth: that what we fear is where we are stuck. Until we can transform that fear-based belief, we are doomed to live that reality like the movie Groundhog Day.

Life really isn’t that mysterious. In areas where we refuse to acknowledge that we are afraid, we continue to have the same reality over and over again, in fact, that reality gets bigger and bigger until we scream “man”.

We are currently seeing an economic situation in the United States the like of which has not been experienced since the Great Depression. How did this happen? Well, it didn’t happen overnight, it grew inch by inch over a long period of time based on the belief that there isn’t enough wealth. It’s a fear-based belief that we don’t have enough money.

This belief then grew into many correlated beliefs, such as: To get mine, I will have to lie or misrepresent the facts. If I disagree with this group that has a lot of money, I will be excluded; if I tell the Truth, I will not have access to money. Go ahead and create more statements of your own. They may sound like, “I stayed with GM because I was afraid to try something new or because he was too old to do anything else.” “I bought this house and I was too scared to ask about the details of the loan.” “I lied on my loan application, because if I didn’t, I was afraid I wouldn’t get the house.” Always, it is our fear when we don’t recognize it, that causes us to make more fearful decisions, which by the Law of Attraction will create an even bigger mess.

Now multiply this by a nation of people who believe in lack. When we are afraid, we shrink and become smaller, which is the opposite of Who We Really Are. We do not innovate and create when we are paralyzed or frozen by our fears. A small fear, if left undisturbed, will grow into a huge monster to finally catch our attention that we need to transform that fear-based belief into Love and Abundance. In short, we have to change – our mind.

If we are cowards, it is only in that case that we run from fear, instead of naming it. Freedom begins the moment we stop running, get distracted and ignore it. By the minute we name it, we have chosen our new course, which is natural. For example: I am very afraid that my wife will leave me. Now I know what I want: I want a long and happy relationship with this woman. My focus now points in a whole new direction from empty to full. The question I ask now that I know what I want is this: How can we have a long and happy relationship together?

Fear focuses us on the downward spiral to nowhere. Deciding where we want to go consciously and focusing our spirit in that direction asks the Big U to send us all the information on the subject of fulfilling and happy relationships. We see them, we hear people speak as information is sent to us in response to our questions. Fear breeds more fear and gives us the result we don’t want. Refocusing to the fullness of what is wanted gives us what is desired.

If we knew this and believed this, we wouldn’t be so hesitant to face each and every fear and celebrate it as the perfect opportunity to turn the tide and chart the desired direction. Instead, we languish in fear. We hide and disguise it behind pills, TV, food, sarcasm, and hate—anything to distract us from that disgusting feeling. Meanwhile, we do not understand that the feeling of fear is our companion.

This friend has come to say, “You’re thinking wrong about all of this. The source, your Godchip, is living the opposite of what your human mind believes, that’s why you feel so bad. You think you can’t be okay.” , but the Godchip of him knows that he is in complete and perfect health.”

The gap between his human beliefs and his Godchip Saber of Truth is pain, because the absence of the Source always feels awful.

So what will we do with all this fear? He begins to recognize each one, naming them. This is a task for every American, because the collective consciousness is not going to change until each individual does their personal work. How to start?

Sit quietly and feel the issues that are troubling you. You may want to light a candle and put on some good music, but set your intention not to freak out or try to figure anything out. You are simply going to play a new game called Name That Fear. The purpose of this Game is to refocus you from feeling powerless (separation from your Godchip) to the empowered direction (the journey back into alignment with Source).

Therefore, you can make your list as follows:

Current Fear New Desire:

I am afraid that I will lose my job. I desire work that is uplifting, challenging and rewards my energy contribution.

I am afraid that I will get a really bad disease. I desire to live long and in complete and perfect health, with the vitality to do everything I want to do.

You get the idea. Make your list, and then immediately consider what new wishes have just been born.

Review this list of new wishes and feel certain in the clarity of your new focus. It feels so good to be clear that I want a challenging and motivating job every day of my life that rewards me well for my energy and contribution. And how good it feels to be clear about the desire to live a long and happy life in complete and perfect health. Phew! Clarity. Relief. Remember: this is just about gaining a new focus, not solving anything. Feel the relief of shifting your focus from fear to fulfillment.

Clarity and relief are the result of refocusing your Being on Truth and far of the lie You couldn’t have found the new direction, until you looked at that fear and named it for what it was.

The next step is to make a new list, with only your new wishes on it.


Barack Obama’s horoscope analyzed based on the principles of KP astrology (advanced Vedic astrology)

In this article I would cover the uniqueness of KP Astrology and the Barack Obama horoscope. I will firstly give an overview of KP Astrology and then I will discuss the Obama Horoscope online with KP Astrology. KP astrology was proposed by the famous astrologer Prof. KS Krishnamurti from India in the mid-1950s. Krishnamurti Paddhati o KP took the best of Vedic astrology and Western astrology to derive a unique style of horoscope interpretation. Unlike traditional Vedic astrology which gives importance to houses, KP gives importance to nakshatras or constellations. Nakshatras are the same as Vedic astrology but more importance is given to it. Above all, KSK came up with a unique discovery of “sub”, which is nothing but the subdivision of nakshatras. According to KSK, a planet is good or bad depends on which nakshatras it is positioned with respect to one’s ascendant and even more so on what”sub” of that nakshatra is positioned.

In Vedic astrology, the zodiac is divided into 27 nakshatras or constellations each covering 13 degrees 20 minutes. Each of these nakshatras has its own lords. Each of the 7 planets, including 2 nodes (rahu and ketu), are the lords of 3 nakshatras in total. For example, Ashwini, Magha and Moola are ruled by Ketu. KSK has subdivided these nakshatras into 9 unequal parts (governed by 7 planets and 2 subs) known as “substitutes“.Division of sub it is based on the Vimshottari Dasa system followed by Vedic astrologers. Now, to judge whether a planet is favorable or unfavorable is based on the position of a planet in that particular zone (degree, minute) of the zodiac with respect to the chart under consideration. Now, to place an example, according to traditional Vedic astrology, Jupiter should give a beneficial result if it is positioned in Cancer (where it is exalted), but according to the KP system, it can also be malefic if it occupies an inauspicious constellation and “sub“So much so that Jupiter can be beneficial even when placed in Capricorn (where it weakens). Now the next question is how to determine if a planet is favorable or not. Another unique KSK finding was the unequal division of houses according to in the Placidus system and in this system, the house that begins where the top has fallen is taken as the lord of the House (bhava).

Take the example of Barack Obama’s horoscope. He was born on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 pm in Honolulu HI, USA, 21n18, 157w51 (source astrodatabank) If we look at his horoscope his ascendant is Capricorn and moon sign is Taurus and he is currently running maha dasa (time) of Jupiter. The astrology student would immediately say that Jupiter is the lord of 3 and 12 in his case, so how could he reach that height in the time of Jupiter? KP astrology has the answer to the question. Its 11th and 12th cusps have fallen into Sagittarius (the lord is Jupiter) and also the 2nd cusp has fallen to pieces (the lord is Jupiter) as a result of which the whole picture is changed. Now if we look at the position of Jupiter, he is in Capricorn (where he weakens) 7 degrees 37 minutes, so he is positioned in the constellation of the Sun and sub Ketu. Again a similar contradiction arises for Capricorn ascendant, Leo (the lord is the Sun) is the 8th lord, so how is Jupiter positioned in the 8th lord star beneficial? KP again answers this. In Obama’s case, the eighth cusp has fallen in Virgo, not Leo. Sun, the lord of Leo, is positioned at 19 degrees, 19 minutes, Cancer, which happens to be the sixth bhava for him. As a result, Jupiter is significant 2, 6, 11, 12 houses and is one of the best (2,6,11) meanings a planet can have. The 2nd house means wealth and speech, the 6th house means competition and the 11th house means profit or wish fulfillment, as a result the combination of the above mentioned houses means success or a higher order. We will now discuss sublord Ketu where Jupiter is positioned. Ketu in the Obama Horoscope is positioned in Aquarius 4 degrees 39 minutes so it is in the sign of Saturn and in the constellation of Mars. Saturn in his case is the lord of the 1st house and Mars is the lord of the 3rd and 10th (the 3rd has fallen in Aries and the cusp of the 10th has fallen in Scorpio) so Ketu is significant 1,3,10 that in no way has an unfavorable meaning. So KP can fully explain the Obama Horoscope contradiction. There are many other factors that also played a role in his rise. The main factors have been the dasa of Jupiter, which apparently seemed inauspicious, but is actually a very strong planet, responsible for his rise to the position of President of the United States of America. .

Do you want to get a reading of your horoscope?

Shopping Product Reviews

Fitbit, fun, forensics and enemies

Did you track your 10,000 steps today? Has anyone else tracked them down?

Fitness trackers are big business, helping people get and stay fit and helping them share their progress with friends and sometimes strangers.

Probably the best known of these devices (and apps) are FitBit and the Apple Watch bundled apps, but they also include Moov Now, Samsung Gear Fit, Huawei Band, Tom Tom Spark, and around 350 more. The ability to map your movements is one of the most fun and attractive features of these devices.

FitBit data helps catch a would-be killer.

Fitness trackers in less joyful circumstances can provide evidence in the most serious cases. In late 2015, Richard Dabate told Connecticut police a story of a break-in in which the thief killed his wife while he was fighting the intruder. The problem was that the records requested from his FitBit showed that she was active an hour after the murder was said to have taken place, and that she walked ten times further than it would have taken her in full view of the now fictitious criminal. . Along with other computer, Facebook and cell phone evidence, and the fact that Dabate had a pregnant girlfriend, he was arrested for the crime. As of this writing, Mr. Dabate is still free on $1 million bail.

FitBit data helps an innocent man walk free

In May 2016, Nicole Vander Heyder left for the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin, but never returned home. Her bloodied and naked body was found in a nearby agricultural field. Signs initially pointed to her boyfriend, Doug Detrie, who was arrested but nonetheless seemed shocked by the news and protested his innocence. Detrie was held on $1 million bail, but the apparent evidence (blood in the car, in the garage, and a suspicious stain on the sole of his shoe) did not hold up (the blood in the car was not the victim’s). ). , the blood in the garage was not human, and the suspicious stain was not blood) so he was released. Data from Doug’s FitBit showed that he only took a dozen steps during the time period in which Nicole died.

DNA evidence from Nicole’s clothing pointed to another man, George Burch. Burch’s Android phone had Google Dashboard data associated with his Gmail account showing GPS location data leading directly to Nicole’s home. Ultimately, he was charged, found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison where he still insists he is innocent.

FitBit data used to try to find a missing person

In July 2018, Iowa student Mollie Tibbett went for a run and hasn’t been seen since. Police received her FitBit data from her in an attempt to locate her, but have not disclosed to the public what they found in that data. It seems that the geolocation information there was not enough to find it. Additional data from her cell phone and social media accounts were analyzed for clues to her, but as of August 6, 2018, there are no reports that she has been found, although there appear to be persons of interest. . Hopefully, her FitBit’s location data will eventually help investigators pinpoint her current location.

FitBit data banned by the military

You may have heard news lately that the Army has raised concerns about military movements and security being compromised by data from fitness trackers and devices like the Apple Watch. One military official was quoted as saying, “The moment a soldier puts on a device that can record high-definition audio and video, take photos, and process and transmit data, they are very likely to be tracked or reveal military information.” secrets… The use of portable devices with Internet access, location information and voice calling functions should be considered a violation of national security regulations when used by military personnel.” But did you know that this news is from May 2015? And did you know he was a Chinese military officer in the Chinese army newspaper, Liberation Army Daily?

That’s right, some foreign governments have been banning these types of devices for years.

FitBit geolocation data banned by the US military.

In 2013, the DOD distributed 2,500 FitBits to military personnel; In 2015, the Navy planned to run a pilot program to help enlisted men and their superiors track fitness goals and “allow Army leaders to track the fitness of their Soldiers in real time.” .

Aside from military members, Fitbit has a user base of more than 10 million people. Information can be viewed online, on a mobile device, or through the desktop app. Fitbit tracks movement and allows users to record other health information in the app. Fitbit then uses this information to show your progress over time.

A companion app manager, called Strava, helps map and display subscribers’ movement maps using FitBit and other fitness tracking devices. In November 2017, Strava published its Global Heat Map of 3 billion individual global GPS data points uploaded in the previous two years. Zooming in on the maps, as Australian security student Nathan Ruser did, revealed favorite trails used on previously undisclosed bases by military exercise buffs. Traces of heat maps around and in Mogadishu could have provided potential targets of places frequented by military personnel for Somali dissidents.

As you can imagine, on August 7, 2018, the Army banned the use of geolocation features on iPhones, Apple Watch, FitBit, and other fitness trackers with the following directive: “Sure enough, immediately, Department of Defense is prohibited from using geolocation features and functionality on and non-government issued devices, applications and services while in locations designated as operational areas.” It has not banned the use or possession of the devices entirely.

The (FitBit) Law of Unintended Consequences

There are three types of unintended consequences (according to Wikipedia)

A Windfall: A positive windfall, such as an accused murderer going free and proven innocent of charges because of your FitBit. Instead of showing the achievement of athletic effort, he showed inaction when the crime would have required a lot of movement, as with Doug Detrie and Nicole Vander Heyder.

An unexpected inconvenience: An unexpected harm that occurs in addition to the intended effect of the policy, such as a FitBit showing an alleged victim of a crime instead of being the perpetrator as with Richard Dabate and his wife.

A perverse result: A perverse effect contrary to what was originally intended, such as when military personnel using a FitBit to track their physical progress are revealed as potential targets for an adversary.

With any luck, none of these occasions will fall in the lives of any of my readers.

Stay fit, follow up, but be aware that you may be revealing more than you intend.

Tours Travel

7 Easy Steps to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search

If you want to optimize your website for the latest type of search, which is based on voice, there are a few steps you need to know to do so. Voice search is becoming more and more popular all over the world, so every website needs to be optimized for it. If you don’t, you’ll miss out on some potential customers looking to buy the services or products you might have available. Read on for some of the steps to optimize your website for voice search.

Steps to optimize any site for voice search

Voice search is when you perform a search using any assistant or search engine while speaking on your tablet or mobile device. These have started to increase dramatically in recent years, which means that this is definitely something you cannot ignore. Here are 7 steps to help you optimize for this, such as:

1. Creating FAQ Pages – You need to make sure you have an FAQ page for your website if you don’t already have one set up. This would allow you to answer questions about your business, the products, or even the services you have to offer. These should be in question format and contain your long-tail keywords.

2. Fast Site Loading – Although it may not seem like it, one of the things you need to do is make sure your page loads fast. If not, you’re more likely to lose a customer, so reduce the size of your videos and images so they load faster.

3. Local SEO Optimization – Another area where you need to optimize when it comes to voice search is local. This is because there are so many people searching with the terms “near me” or “close to me” and if it’s not on the map, they’ll miss it. Also, be sure to use multiple terms for the areas around you, including city names or even zip codes.

4. Schema markup – You need to make sure that you are using schema markup as it can make everything easier in terms of finding the menus and even the prices. The more you use this, the easier it is for search engines to find this information and it can help your site appear in the results. Customers will want to be able to search for a specific price range or even an item on a menu and this will help them find your page.

5. Long Tail Keywords – Not only do you need to be sure you are using your targeted keywords, but you also need to expand them to long tail keywords. These sound more natural in question format and are often used in voice searches. Find out which ones would draw the most attention to your website and then expand on them using local SEO terms and much more.

6. SSL Secure Page – Another step you need to make sure you are doing is getting an SSL certificate for your website. This will help ensure that it is completely secure, which will not only help increase your search engine rankings, but also make customers feel safe. If they’re going to buy something off your page, they’ll want it to be secure so their data and personal information is safe. This is something that everyone would look for, so go ahead and do it.

7. Use short sentences and simple words: If your industry is complicated, you’ll want to make sure that what you’re writing isn’t complicated. When it comes to creating your FAQ page, be sure to use simpler words, if possible, and keep your sentences short. Nobody wants to try to read something that is too long or something they can’t understand, so make sure it is easy for beginners to read and understand.

It is extremely important that you are thinking about this when you are optimizing your website for voice searches as they are beginning to take over the online world. If you don’t do this, you will miss out on sales and potential customers.

There are many things you will need to optimize your website for and it keeps changing based on technology and improvements. The last method you need to optimize for is voice search and you need to make sure you have an FAQ page. You also need to make sure you’re using long-tail keywords and local information for your business and a markup scheme to enable them to find prices, menu items, and more.

I hope this helps. Still have a question, feel free to connect with EZ Rankings – Affordable SEO Company!


Why Cheap Dependent Company Insurance May Not Be Cheaper

Learn about the auto insurance companies that brag about their low premiums on national TV, radio, and social media. They really want you to internalize their messages.

However, the truth of the matter is that there may be a misconception about what they mean.

“Replace your current coverage with ours,” they proclaim, “and you’ll find savings on your auto insurance!” Or “Give us ten minutes and we’ll present you with a cheaper rate than others.”

The real facts indicate that most vehicle drivers will not realize any savings by switching to a direct insurance company. This is because no dependent company has the means to offer coverage other than its own. The gloss of a cheap quote can actually be the mask that covers a higher insurance deductible and less liability coverage.

To underscore this important lesson, we bring you this true story involving someone who decided to go with the ability of an independent agency to find personalized auto insurance for him.

A motorist who had previously been insured through one of these highly publicized dependent companies promoting ‘cheaper rates’ decided to go with an independent agency known for its impeccable customer service.

Following a review of this man’s ‘affordable’ auto policy, the insurance specialist discovered some serious gaps in coverage. Realizing that this could cause serious problems if the policyholder is ever involved in a car accident, he went to work reviewing the many policies offered through his company’s network of providers. She identified an excellent plan that covered the gaps and had a competitive low rate attached.

The client was pleased with the find and left with a new peace of mind due to his newly purchased policy.

By a twist of fate, it wasn’t long after this policyholder was involved in a car accident that left his vehicle in total disrepair. Since the other driver was at fault in this collision, it was assumed that the other driver’s insurance company would pay for the damages.

But there was a major downside to this. The other insurance company offered to pay well below the full value of the car.

That’s when the new policyholder whose car had been totaled decided to call his new company. The insurance company gave him no trouble, no problems. Instead, they sent him a check for the amount that was actually worth his car—three thousand dollars above what the at-fault driver’s insurance company was offering!

Guaranteed: The happy ending to this true story would have been very different if that ‘cheap premium’ policy with gaps in coverage had been in force.

Now, be the judge, is that ‘cheap’ policy really ‘cheap’?


What is a UFOC Uniform Franchise Offering Circular?

What is a UFO?

The UFOC was a response to unethical behavior in the 1960s and 1970s. Today franchises are regulated by law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires certain information to be disclosed to prospective franchisees before a contract can be signed or any payment made. The information is presented to the potential franchisee in the form of a document: the UFOC.

The FTC requires franchisors in all states to provide a UFOC. Additionally, some states require that the offer must first be approved and registered by the state before it can be promoted to potential franchise buyers. These states include: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Certain states, such as Illinois and Minnesota, have even more stringent requirements for the franchisor. This, in turn, offers better protection for the prospective franchisee.

What does the UFO contain?

The UFOC contains 23 items of information that must be current as of the end of the franchisor’s most recent fiscal year. If there is a material change to the information in the document, the franchisor must do a review (to be issued quarterly). The disclosure document must be delivered to a prospective franchisee at the earlier of: the first personal meeting of the franchisor and the prospective franchisee or ten business days before the execution of a contract or payment of money to the franchisor.

UFO Standard Items:

1. The franchisor, its predecessors and affiliates

2. Business experience

3. Litigation

4. Bankruptcy

5. Initial Franchise Fee

6. Other fees

7.Initial investment

8. Restrictions on the sources of products and services

9. Obligations of the franchisee

10. Financing

11. Obligations of the franchisor


13. Trademarks

14. Patent, Copyright and Proprietary Information

15. Obligation to Participate in the Real Operation of the Franchise Business

16. Restrictions on what the franchisee can sell

17. Renewal, termination, transfer and dispute resolution

18. Audience figures

19. Earnings Claims

20. List of outlets

21. Financial Statements

22. Contracts

23. Receipt

How do I use this franchise document?

The UFOC is similar to a securities prospectus. It can provide the information you need to evaluate a company or target potential sales customers. A reputable franchise company, whether publicly traded or privately owned, must provide this disclosure document.

The UFOC is most valuable to potential franchisees, prospective franchisors, franchisors, investors, finance companies and franchisees’ vendors.

Standard UFOC Items Description:

1. The franchisor and any predecessor. This section contains historical background material on the franchisor as well as any predecessors. Includes corporate and trade names, address and principal place of business. A description of the franchise should include information such as the nature of the franchise and the business experience of the franchisor, including direct experience in a franchise.

2. Identity and business experience of the people affiliated with the franchisor. All names of persons who have significant responsibilities in the operation of the business or in the support services provided to franchisees must be disclosed. Also included is information indicating the individual’s current position with the company and business experience for the past five years. If a marketing representative or franchise broker is involved, the same information is required.

3. Litigation history. Detailed information on criminal, civil and administrative litigation involving any of the company’s officers, owners, directors or key executives is disclosed in this section if the allegations or proceedings involve the prospective franchisee.

4. Bankruptcy history. The franchisor must disclose whether the business or any of its directors or officers has filed for bankruptcy within the last 15 years. Information about each action should be included.

5. Franchisee’s initial franchise fee and/or other initial payment. This section establishes the franchise fee and any other initial payment that must be made by the franchisee at the time of execution of the franchise agreement. The section discloses the payment terms and fees, the use of such money, and whether the payment and fees are fully or partially refundable.

6. Other charges. All other fees are itemized, including royalties, advertising fees, insurance costs, training costs, auditing and accounting costs, consulting, leases, modification costs, and any other fees associated with the franchise.

7. Estimated initial investment of the franchisee. Estimated expenses associated with opening a franchise are counted with a high and low range given for real estate, construction, equipment, fixtures, permits, furnishings, signage, inventory, working capital, etc. This section must include the name of the person or persons to whom the payment is made for the above, under what terms and if reimbursement terms apply.

8. Obligations of the franchisee to buy or lease from designated sources. Any requirement that the franchisee purchase goods, services, supplies, equipment, or insurance for the opening and/or operation of the franchise from a source designated by the franchisor must be disclosed. Franchisors must also disclose whether they receive income from approved vendors as a result of franchisees’ purchases.

9. Obligations of the franchisee to buy or lease according to specifications or from approved suppliers. A more detailed elaboration on sourcing supplies, this section details any franchisee’s responsibility to purchase or lease, either from pre-approved vendors or in accordance with the franchisor’s specifications. Specifications for purchases are not normally included, but prices, discounts and procedures for the franchisor to approve suppliers are usually quoted.

10. Financing agreements. All financing programs offered by the franchisor or its designees are described in this section.

11. Obligations of the franchisor: other supervision, assistance or services. This section describes the initial and ongoing services and support of the franchisor. It is often divided into two parts: service obligations of the franchisor and services that can be performed by the franchisor. Some types of service and support described are training, advertising material, site selection, market research and computer services.

12. Land rights. If the franchisor grants exclusive rights, the territory and rights will be described in this section. The conditions that the franchisee must meet to retain these rights, as well as the right of the franchisor, are also disclosed.

13. Trademarks, service marks, trade names, logotypes and trade symbols. The franchisor must disclose information regarding the registration of trademarks, service marks, trade names, types of logos and trade symbols with the US Patent and Trademark Office. Also included is a list of states and countries in which trademarks are registered, as well as any limitations imposed on the franchisee for the use of these trademarks.

14. Patents and copyrights. This disclosure lists patents and copyrights that may be involved in the operation of the franchise and which may cover trade secrets and confidential information.

15. Obligation of the franchisee to participate in the operation of the franchise business. If the franchisor requires the active participation of the franchisee in the operation of the business, this must be stated. The terms and conditions of participation must be defined.

16. Restrictions on the goods and services offered by the franchisee. The limits or exclusions on the goods and services that can be marketed by the franchisee are established in this section.

17. Renewal, termination, repurchase, modification and assignment of the franchise agreement and related information. This, the longest and most complex section, covers the franchisor’s requirements and franchise options when a franchise is to be renewed, terminated, repurchased, modified or relinquished.

18. Arrangements with public figures. If the franchisor has any compensation or endorsement program with a public figure, he must make it public. If the public figure is involved in owning or managing the franchise, that must also be disclosed.

19. Actual, average, projected or forecast sales, profits or franchise earnings. There is an option here. Some franchisors will state that they do not provide actual, average, projected or forecast sales and earnings to prospective franchisees. If a franchisor makes a claim of sales, profits, or earnings, then the franchisor must fully describe the method by which the claim is made.

20. Franchisor Franchise Information. The franchisor provides a summary of franchises sold, the number actually in operation, the number of agreements signed but not in operation, and the number of units owned by the business. Information is also required on the number of franchises terminated or not renewed with the causes of termination or non-renewal in the last three years.

21. Financial statements. In this section is a complete set of financial statements, usually a balance sheet for the last fiscal year, an income statement, and changes in the financial position of the franchisor during the last three fiscal years. Most states require audited returns.

22. Franchise Agreement and Related Documents. A copy of the franchise document and any other document that must be signed by the franchisee must be included as annexes.

23. Acknowledgment of receipt by a prospective franchisee. Prospective franchisees must sign an acknowledgment that a disclosure document was received from the franchisor.

Home Kitchen

Creativity leads to family enrichment


I found much enrichment in reading stories to my daughter every night until she was twelve years old. To this day we share those rich experiences. Many years ago we sat on the sofa and I drew pictures for my daughter. She told me how she wanted the figure to look and I, to the best of my ability, drew that figure. It was just a fun game at the time, but it was that kind of creative play that honed my daughter’s creative talents in the future and brought us closer together as two who had interacted creatively. But what I’ve learned is that giving your kids personal time is better than prioritizing any video game they might play, better than any late report you might have to put together, better than huddled around the TV, better than just about anything. And here’s why…

When you interact with your children through reading, writing, painting, drawing, etc. you are joining them. Personal dialogues, day by day, father/son: “… He took the ball from me, he called me a rat, do your homework, don’t mess up the kitchen, feed the dog, clean your feet”… .. it just isn’t part of the interactive creative dialogue. Father and son are on the same level. Everyone shares creative moments: your kids enjoy listening to you read to them, they enjoy drawing pictures with them and telling stories about the pictures, they all have fun writing about the day they welcomed their cute kitty, who has now grown into a big, pompous family cat .


You are away from the petty mess of parents scolding children and children reacting negatively. Reading, writing, and doing art projects together puts everyone on the same page. If you maintain the same level of play with all the participants and forget about the father and son roles that you normally play, you will have fun!

Okay, but there’s still soccer, football, ballet, and when in the world can you find time for creative play? Take time for creative interaction. Yes, it is important that your child’s team win the next game and you should be there to cheer them on. But taking a little time, even twenty minutes, to read, write, and draw together will help you win his heart as a trustworthy, loving parent who is willing to get to know him on his level and share a creative process with him.


Life goes on, children grow up fast. Taking those twenty minutes for yourself once or twice a week will change the texture of your lives. Yes, it will be hard to keep them away from their video game and texting friends. But soon her message will be clear: “I just want to spend some time with you.” No lectures, no scolding, no insults, just time spent together on a little project to find out what you’re both made of without the roles of father and son to play. One night, try this. Turn off the TV. Turn off video games. Sit down with the children and make up a story. A small and simple story. And then everyone draws it. Pass the drawings and talk about the drawing, no criticism, no disparagement, just talk.

OK, everyone’s yawning, I know. But that will happen if you repeat it next week and the week after. You’re going to start having a good time. It can be a bit scary at first. It’s not a video game or television. It’s just you and the kids. Don’t worry. Soon, you will discover some things about yourselves, familiar things that soccer and ballet can’t solve. Like who you are as interrelated human beings, what do you think of each other and how, without competition or bad words from anyone, you can look at each other and admire each other for who you are.


Do you remember how you wanted to paint an oil painting? Do you remember the drawing class you took in community college and you loved it? Recall the creative things you’ve done, like finding the right knobs for your kitchen cabinets, installing low-voltage lighting around your driveway to dramatically illuminate trees and bushes, or making that goofy birthday card for your kid, because he just couldn’t. t find one that was correct? You got a warm glow from those projects, didn’t you? Good.


Take some creative time for yourself. Okay, currently your private time is between 10:30 and 11:00 at night, when you can read a few pages of that novel you’ve renewed three times at the local library and then collapse. Take advantage of YOUR OWN twenty creative minutes once or twice a week. Decide what you will do during those twenty minutes. Draw, paint, write? Connect to your creative mind, not for the boss, but for yourself. Remember favorite places and images from childhood. Write or draw on them. Enhance your life with color through pastels or acrylic or oil paints. Discover the magic of media and artistic skills. Sit down with a sketch pad and draw the plants in your house. Make a cake from a picture of your neighbor at your last New Year’s Eve party (it was sooo much fun, wasn’t it?)

It will take a month or so. After these creative times, you will feel the ripple effect. It’s a good feeling caused by instructing your conscious and subconscious to be creative and delve into the parts of your brain that give you a healthy and well-balanced (even wise!) sense of being. Then increase those minutes. Try twenty to thirty minutes a day. The ripple effect will be more like a positive tidal wave of good feelings, tapping into the powers of your mind that have been dormant for too long.

self-improvement, creativity, family enrichment


ECU Remapping – Custom Remaps vs. Library Maps

You already know how ECU remapping can improve your car’s performance: more horsepower and torque, smoother handling, better fuel economy. Now all you have to do is find someone to do the job. You will probably notice that some companies advertise custom or personalized maps and other companies talk about using library maps. It is really important to know the difference between the two types of reallocation. Custom reallocation can be more expensive, but it has significant advantages that make it worth the cost.

Custom or custom remapping starts with the file that is in your car’s ECU at the moment. The technician downloads the car’s original ECU map and then modifies parts of it to improve engine performance. Files for many different processes are adjusted with expensive software. The technician must understand the best way to recalibrate each setting; in other words, he must know what he is doing.

In addition to the maps that control fuel combustion, the ECU also contains data relevant to your vehicle, such as immobilizer information, software updates, manufacturer error corrections, etc. For this reason, only the files that need to be changed are touched during the reassignment; other vital data about the car is left untouched. The map is then returned to the ECU, overwriting the existing file. The service provider keeps a copy of the original ECU file, just in case. Bespoke Remapping is always tailored to your particular vehicle, ensuring the best possible results.

Remapping with a library file is quite different. The technician does not use the original ECU file of your car. Instead, a modified ECU map is chosen from a library of perhaps 10,000 generic files. The library file is copied back to the car’s ECU, overwriting everything including vehicle-specific information that might have been in the original file.

Now this collection of library files has a shady past. It consists of ECU files that someone compiled from unknown sources, copied onto a CD and sold for a few pounds on the Internet. Many, if not most, of the ECU files were stolen from professional remappers. As a result, you really don’t know anything about the quality of the files or how they might affect your engine.

Remapping the ECU with a library file is a mistake that can have dire consequences. The library file may not contain the immobilizer software that keeps your vehicle safe. You will not have any recent software updates or crucial bug fixes. And let’s not forget that a service provider using library files is likely to cut corners in other ways, with cheap tools and minimal technical training.

What happens when you replace a vehicle’s unique ECU map with a library file? Certainly the engine could make more power after the remapping, but there’s no guarantee that the improvement will be as expected. Your engine system can develop sudden failures and stop working as it should. The ECU could freeze up and become inaccessible, so you won’t even be able to repair the damage. Without the normal security features, your car could be more easily stolen. And worst of all, you may be forced to spend a lot of money replacing the ECU or repairing the engine.

Now that you know why custom maps are so much better than library maps, how do you find someone to get the job done? First of all, make sure that the company actually offers custom remapping performed by qualified technicians. It is not difficult to know if it is a professional or an impostor. Just ask the technician a few questions about how the remapping is done, what type of files you use, what engine settings are changed, etc. A qualified and experienced person will be able to perfectly explain the finer points of the reassignment process to you. And if anyone mentions library files or tries to convince you that library files are just as good as custom files, cross them off the list.

There’s nothing wrong with shopping around, but don’t make price the deciding factor. This is a high-tech industry and technology costs money. If you find a service provider with very low prices, ask yourself why. In all likelihood they are using library files and cheap tools to remap.

You should also make sure of the after sales support of the company. Is there a trial period after reassignment? Do they keep a copy of the original map in case you ever want to change it back? Does the labor come with a guarantee? Does the company guarantee improvements in BHP, torque and fuel economy? Make sure you are satisfied with the answers to these questions

Remapping the ECU is an effective way to increase engine performance, but if it’s not done correctly, it really puts your car at risk. There is no doubt that bespoke or custom remapping is a better option than remapping with library files. You’ll get the best results, and just as importantly, protect your expensive vehicle from damage.

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The power of education

Strength comes in different forms. A person who displays and uses physical attributes is considered strong. Someone who demonstrates calm in times of stress or trouble could be considered emotionally strong. An individual exhibiting above average intellectual ability could be classified as mentally strong. Educational strength, although not as widely recognized, is a life-changing factor capable of helping anyone who develops it.

Quality education it produces the kind of force on which life can be built. Its foundations are reinforced with the strength of knowledge, its pillars are built on the support of wisdom, and its structure is solidified with the cement of trust. Without it, the winds of luck and circumstance can blow through one’s existence like a hurricane through a tree house.

Reading today’s reports on the challenges facing public schools would leave readers shaking their heads and thinking, why bother? Poverty, class size, family problems, technological insufficiency, bullying, physical and online, student attitudes, student health, obesity at epidemic levels, insufficient or excessive parental involvement, funding… when Taken together, it is not surprising that such a bleak and negative picture presents itself.

Education is the foundation of our future

The truth is that we have to care because our future depends on it. The power of education is enduring, and forms a foundation for understanding and addressing the critical issues facing our country and the world in the 21st century. Contrary to the pessimistic headlines emanating from critics of public education, success stories abound of schools struggling to overcome ever-present challenges and obstacles to everyday learning.

Education, particularly in our public school system, has received a bad, and some would say unfair, review. Unfortunately, accentuating the negative is what makes the news headlines so much more prevalent than the positive stories that occur daily in classrooms across the country. Teachers work hard every day to develop academically strong students who can apply that strength throughout life.

Students from all walks of life receive a quality education that will make a profound difference in their lives and in their communities. Learning the three R’s and discovering their connection and meaning to the world outside the walls of the school is to build the kind of strength that only literacy can provide.

The educational force gives birth to new ideas

The educational force gives birth to crucial ideas and options to address some of the most serious problems facing the United States and the entire planet. Discovering sustainable solutions to address present and future concerns can only be achieved through continuing development of public educationand a dedicated commitment to interactive instruction, engaged learning, and quality graduates.

More than ever, social issues are impacting our students and their pursuit of a meaningful and productive life. Poverty remains a major contributor to academic failure. Among children under the age of 18 in the United States, 41 percent are classified as low-income and nearly 19 percent, one in five, are considered poor and live in poverty.

Statistics like these represent sobering, and in many cases insurmountable in the short term, factors in achieving the kind of school success needed to permanently reverse the continuing trend of ‘disadvantaged termination‘in our schools. However, through education we find knowledge, and through knowledge comes hope. Hope for the future, and hope for a better life. We find strength.

“I did what I knew how to do then. Now that I know better, I do it better.” -Maya Angelou


Teen Driving Safety – Thinking Outside the Box of Graduated Driver License Laws

Car accidents are the leading cause of death among American teenagers. Sixty-one percent of teen passengers are killed while riding with a teen driver. In response to those two declarations, most US states and territories have adopted GDL laws. GDL is the acronym for Graduated Driver Licensing. While the GDL does not guarantee that your teen will avoid being ticketed or injured in a crash, there are ways to help assess the maturity and experience of the teen driver that can increase her safety.

If you have a teen eager to learn to drive, becoming familiar with the GDL in your area will be one of the most important laws to understand. However, thinking beyond the GDL requirements and restrictions is essential to increasing the safety of teen drivers. Parents are the key to teen driver safety when they know which “knowledge lock” to open.

As an injury prevention educator for a local hospital, I teach youth and parents how to use GDL components effectively. In an effort to reach more parents with this important information, I share much of what I teach through a series of articles.

Most components of the GDL law include: Minimum supervised driving requirement; Transportation of siblings and relatives; peer-to-peer transportation; Curfew; Driving record. These five components generally focus on the minimum legal requirements, but do not explain how to use the components effectively to include security considerations.

The first article in this series explained how the brain’s maturing role of the prefrontal cortex is intrinsically involved in adolescent driving development and focused on how to help a teenager develop well-practiced driving skills to prepare them for obtain the license.

Thinking outside the GDL box for passenger restriction and curfew

passenger restriction

While GDL passenger transportation laws vary from state to state regarding siblings and relatives vs. peer-to-peer transport, it is important to note:

1. Younger siblings are the second most difficult passengers to control; drunk passengers are the most difficult to control;
two. Older siblings are often critical and annoy the new driver;
3. Most GDL laws allow the immediate transportation of up to three equal passengers in the second 6 months of license;
Four. The potential for a fatal crash is nearly doubled when three identical passengers are being transported;
5. Sixty-one percent of teens killed in car crashes are passengers of a teen driver.

NOTE: Even as veteran drivers, parents have a hard time controlling drunken child passengers. Why would we think newly licensed teen drivers are capable? Endangering the teen driver and their passengers for convenience is dangerous. Protecting the teen driver and her passengers is risk management that is within a parent’s control.

Strategies to consider for passenger transport between siblings and partners

Allowing teen drivers to transport their siblings after the first year of solo driving

Parents help teens select their fellow passengers based on the trustworthy behavior of the teens they are considering

Once peer-to-peer riding is legal, allow teen drivers to only carry one peer-to-peer passenger at a time for the first year of license.

Allow the transport of two passengers in the second year of license

Postpone transporting three passengers until the teen has driven without citations or accidents for a minimum of 2.5 years.

Parents should always be the drivers when teen teams need transportation and never rely on teen drivers to provide transportation.

In addition, the exposure to legal liability extends to the parents as long as the children are dependents taken as a tax deduction or the parents pay the greater amount of support for youth over the age of 18. Considering that car accidents are the leading cause of death among 15-20 year olds provides a good reason to ban college-age youth from driving when they are in school until their senior year. However, even veteran drivers who do not drive for long periods need time to redevelop driving acuity, therefore driving acuity is also compromised for youngsters who do not drive for long periods and therefore , require some “driving supervision” before being allowed to drive alone again.


Most GDL laws include a curfew from midnight to 5:00 a.m. However, a large number of accidents involving teens occur right after school, between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. , and more than 40% of teen crashes occur between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Speeding and distractions are recognized as major contributors to late-night crashes among teens, but they may not realize that driving at night requires an additional skill set.

Curfew Safety Strategies to Consider

Focus on developing the teen’s safe, sound, and reliable daytime driving skills.

Periodically drive with your teen to assess whether good driving habits are being eroded by unsafe behavior.

Practice night driving with the teen for a period of two years before allowing teens to drive at night.