
Three tips for successful professional bull riding

Becoming proficient in professional bull riding requires great determination and stamina. But that alone may not be enough to guarantee success in such a demanding sporting event. In order to be a successful rodeo contender, there are several things to keep in mind that will help keep you safe and possibly put you ahead of the game.

1. WEAR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. It has always been a tradition for a cowboy to wear his cowboy hat. He is perhaps one of the most vivid icons of a cowboy, setting the tone for the modern west. Safety helmets have been designed to protect the cowboy from head injuries. In addition to helmets, protective vests were also created to prevent life-threatening chest conditions. Professional bull riders are at higher risk of injury or death than any other athlete. A cowboy wearing a helmet or padded vest (the bulletproof vest) may destroy Western appeal a bit, but it may preserve his career for several more years or even save his life. However, many tough cowboys refuse to let helmets and padded vests ruin their image, so they ride unprotected. Between 1989 and 2009, 49 tragic injuries occurred in rodeos resulting in 21 deaths. At present, more and more professional bull riders are falling into the trend of wearing protective gear and believe that it has prolonged their career and health.

2. PHYSICAL HEALTH. Staying healthy requires a lot of effort, including consistent exercise and adequate rest. It is especially important to develop your core strength, which is a key factor in professional bull riding. Some professional cowboys train six days a week to stay in good physical shape. Balance is a crucial element in professional bull riding and can be improved with yoga and strength training. Metabolic conditioning is another fundamental skill for bull riders. Resistance exercises, such as full-body deadlifts and squats, will help train your metabolic system for competition. Also, short sprints several times in a row, 20, 30, or 40 yards, will help you stay on the bull longer and also prevent injury.

3. PERFECT YOUR TECHNIQUE. Training requires an investment of time and money, but it is something that will define your performance as a professional bull rider. Technique is one of the most important aspects in professional bull riding, training with a good trainer at a reputable school is a good way to learn to perfect your technique. At a bull riding school, you will learn exercises to improve your skills, train with certain exercises, and have your wrinkles analyzed by professional trainers. Your technique can be the difference between a losing score and a winning one.

Truly, professional bull riding requires extreme courage and mental toughness. In addition to using the proper equipment and adopting habits that will put you in optimal health, it’s important to perfect your technique to prevent potentially dangerous injuries and improve your skill. Certainly bull riding is nothing to ride a horse and should be taken seriously. By wearing protective gear, maintaining the best health, and getting the proper training, you just might find yourself at the top of the rodeo contender rankings and possibly in the money.

Tours Travel

Understanding approximate numbers: why, when and where we use them

Why, when and where we use numerical approximations.


An APPROXIMATE value is an INACCURATE value close to the actual value.


The difference between the actual value and the approximate value is the error.

Although an approximation can often reduce the complexity of a problem, each approximation will introduce error.

We often assume that these errors will offset each other when adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing numbers. However, arithmetic can also aggravate small errors. When this happens, many small errors can combine to produce one giant error.


We use ballpark numbers for a myriad of tasks: to get a quick estimate of travel times, project our grocery spending for the week, guess how tall the neighbor’s tree is, predict how many pounds we’ll weigh next week, predict a grade in a test etc.

Approximations make arithmetic less complex and reduce the time and effort required to process numbers.

The use of approximations can give us a useful answer quickly.

The approximations are practical.

Rounding a number can allow us to evaluate a course of action immediately, without waiting for an exact number.

At the very least, approximations can often show us how to understand and appreciate the implications of an important decision without waiting for further study.

However, we have all experienced how errors introduced by the use of inaccurate numbers can lead to catastrophe. For example, using rough approximations in your calculations may mean you underestimate your expenses and run out of money.


Five ways in which approximations are used are discussed below:


An approximation is often given as a range of values.

A RANGE of values ​​that approximates the exact value is used in each area of ​​life.

How much will lunch cost? Somewhere between $50 and $110 at one of the high-end restaurants; or $5 to $15 at the sandwich shop down the street. How much is your house worth? How much does it cost to repair your car?… and so on.


A number is often approximated by rounding it to a certain number of significant figures.

Sometimes rounding a number is strictly for convenience, like rounding 999 to 1000.

Sometimes there is no choice.

For example, the square root of 2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097 (and so on). However, no one can calculate an exact value for the square root of 2 because it is an irrational number. 1.4142135623730950488016887242097 is an approximation. You have no choice. You must use an approximation for the square root of 2.

Also, it is not necessary to use 31 decimal points for most problems. The square root of 2 usually rounds to something like 1.4142. The rounded number is another approximation.

A great deal of time in school is spent teaching students how to approximate numbers by rounding.


Approximations are used to simplify formulas and make them more useful.

For example, if you are on the deck of a ship, how far can you see when the weather is clear? This is called the distance to the horizon.

There is a formula to calculate this distance.


� d = distance to the horizon

� D = diameter of the Earth

� h = height of the observer above sea level

� R = radius of the Earth

Using an approximation, this formula can be reduced to the following:

d = 3.6 * sqrt(h)

�d is the distance to the horizon (in kilometers)

� h is the height above sea level (in meters)

Using the approximate formula, an officer standing on the deck of a ship can mentally estimate the distance to the horizon with very little effort.


As an example, consider surveys of likely voters conducted before an election.

Assume that 56.5% of likely voters favor candidate A+ or -3%. This is an APPROXIMATION, which means that the actual number of voters favoring candidate A is between 53.5% and 59.5% (a RANGE of POSSIBLE VALUES).


Some calculations are so complex that they cannot be solved analytically.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be solved.

The solution of many nonlinear equations can be approximated with a high degree of precision using trial and error.

The problem is that these approximations often require so many trials that hand calculation is impractical.

However, using the computer, billions of calculations can be completed in a few seconds.

Approximating a solution by trial and error is important in mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and other fields.

Calculating the square root of five is a simple example of how trial and error can be used.

To use the trial and error method: 1) guess the square root of five; 2) multiply your guess by itself to see how close the multiplied results are to five.

Repeat steps 1) and 2) over and over again until the desired degree of accuracy is achieved.


don’t assume "Them" are organized

One mistake I find we often make is assuming that other people are organized. For example, if we call a potential customer and leave a message on her voicemail, and she doesn’t call us back, we assume she doesn’t want to talk to us. We might even call back once or twice. So we “take the hint” and give up. The underlying assumption in this scenario is that the “customer” is organized and consciously chooses NOT to call us back.

Imagine this instead. The “client” receives the message from her and thinks “I have to call her back tomorrow”. They jot down his number on a piece of paper or a post-it note sitting on his desk and rush to attend to some other interrupted interruption. tomorrow comes; your piece of paper gets lost in the flurry of other pieces of paper on the desk and is inadvertently forgotten. You call back three days later. Once again, the “customer” thinks, “I was meaning to call back here. I’m going to retype your number and call back in a couple of minutes, as soon as I’m done with THIS…” Once again, the “client” intent to contact you are lost in the frenzy. That night, the “customer” wakes up at 3 am and thinks: “Damn! I wanted to call X!”. Now wide awake, they lie there worrying that they didn’t call him (plus all the other calls they couldn’t return).

Now it is the following week. You think, “I’m going to try one last time to catch up with them.” This time, when they get their voicemail, they think, “I’m so embarrassed. This is the third time they’ve called and I still haven’t called them back. They must think I’m a complete mess! Now me.” I’m too embarrassed to call back.”

End of stage. You think they don’t want to talk to you and intentionally don’t return your calls. They are embarrassed by their own disorganization and too embarrassed to call even if they could find their number.

How often do you think this is so? Statistics indicate that 60% of us are disorganized, so this must happen at least 60% of the time? I called a potential client repeatedly over a 6 month period. When I finally caught up with them, they said, “Thank you so much for your persistence! I’ve been meaning to call you back many times.”

RSVPs are another good example. We think people don’t RSVP because they aren’t interested in attending or are just too rude to RSVP. In reality, most people mean to RSVP, but never actually do. A dear friend of mine, Diane Furie, an event planner here in Albuquerque, doesn’t even expect people to RSVP from her anymore. She just calls until she catches up with them and asks simply “Are you coming?” The attendance at their events is astronomical and this is one of the reasons. She has realized that it is us, not her!

The moral of this story is, NEVER assume that the person you are trying to communicate with, expect to hear from, or leave a message for is organized. You are wrong more often than you are right (60%, remember). We are all overwhelmed and overworked with too little time and too much to do. Give us a break and call back. We really want to talk to you, if only we could find that sticky note…

Real Estate

What is real estate white label crowdfunding and how does it work?

real estate white label crowdfunding

Real estate white label crowdfunding is a fundraising strategy that is ideal for real estate firms. It allows companies to capitalize their projects by creating a crowdfunding site that can be customized to fit their needs. This strategy also allows them to connect with a network of investors and business owners. These investors are able to buy equity or receive interest in the company.

Typical white label crowdfunding real estate sites capital raises are between $1 and $3 million. If you want to get involved with real estate crowdfunding, make sure that you know what it entails before you sign up. There are many factors that you should take into account before investing, including whether you will be a part of a regulated program and how much risk you will be taking on.

In order to start a real estate crowdfunding campaign, you will need to form an LLC and create a crowdfunding website. Then, you will be able to post your property and ask for funds to help you reach your goals. Depending on the project, you may be required to pay a fee for the funds that you raise. You can also hire a team of developers to build the site.

What is real estate white label crowdfunding and how does it work?

Before you start your crowdfunding campaign, you will need to choose a platform that is reliable. Make sure that the platform is easy to use and offers security to protect all users. Additionally, it should support two-factor authentication and data protection solutions. Also, the site should have a good online reputation. This includes customer reviews, average monthly search volume and complaints.

While there are many white label platforms, it is important to select one that supports your needs and is safe for all users. Some of the features you will need include:

Choosing the white label crowdfunding real estate sites depends on your investment objectives. For instance, if you are looking for a peer-to-peer lending solution, you will need to find one that offers low interest rates and a low entry point. A white label site can be a great way to jumpstart your business, but it is important that you make an informed choice.

Crowdfunding software makes it easier for you to manage your portfolio of real estate investments. In addition, it is a great tool for obtaining exclusive deals and staying up to date with the market. Many platforms offer low fees and a variety of features.

If you are considering real estate crowdfunding, you should consider how the new SEC regulations will impact your business. Title III of the JOBS Act is still being written, and it is expected to have a profound effect on the entire industry. As a result, the Securities and Exchange Commission is closely monitoring the real estate crowdfunding industry.

White label crowdfunding solutions can help firms capitalize their real estate projects, while allowing them to stay relevant. They also offer a more efficient way for firms to connect with investors. Choosing the right platform is essential to avoiding common pitfalls.