
Easy-to-follow ways to achieve your health and wellness goals

Most people make New Year’s resolutions. Most of these New Year’s resolutions are wishes for health, wealth, and happiness. There is something about a new year that makes people want to start off right and so they make resolutions.

The word “resolution” comes from the verb “resolve”, which means to come to a solution or a decision about some puzzle or question. Frankly, most New Year’s resolutions are mere wishes and not really resolutions because very few of them come true.

For resolutions to become reality, they need to be more than just wishes, but real action plans with action steps. Since health and fitness directly affect our personal well-being and the well-being of our families, we must make the choice to be fit and healthy.

But how?

Here are some ideas:

Know the state of your health. See your doctor before starting any exercise or diet regimen. Get a complete checkup and tell your doctor about your health and weight loss goal. People often go on crash diets out of desperation that never have a happy ending. Make sure you choose a healthy eating plan that allows for long-term success, so you don’t set yourself up for failure from the start.

Express your resolution as a principle. Let your resolution be the guiding principle that will define all the food and activity choices you make throughout the year. Articulate it as a theme or motivational phrase if you can. The catchier and shorter it is, the easier it is to remember and the easier it is to use to discipline yourself and join forces against inactivity and excess weight. For example, if you use “Thin is in 2015”, it’s catchy, but it’s not very accurate. A spaghetti noodle is thin, but so is a flagpole. But if you phrase it as a command, “Lose 52 pounds in 2015.” It is no longer a desire or a wish, it is both a goal and an order.

Break it down into small tasks. 52 pounds is a big figure. But then again, you have 12 months or about 52 weeks to lose those 52 pounds, which translates to about 4 1/4 pounds every month of the year or 1 pound every week. there you go You can check your resolution: “One pound a week in fifty-two weeks makes fifty-two pounds lose in 2015.” One pound a week is not only a healthy weight loss rate, it’s also a very achievable goal.

Think of particular action plans.. Answer the question: how do you intend to lose a pound every week? This is where you have to think hard.

  • You can’t starve yourself because starving will become a boomerang in binge eating.
  • You cannot deprive yourself because deprivation can mean malnutrition.
  • You cannot abstain from all your favorite food because you will feel frustrated.

Think in terms of what you can do rather than what you can’t..

  • Substitute plain unsweetened tea for soda.
  • Substitute potato chips and salsa for vegetable sticks and salsa.
  • Eat fish and chicken instead of pork or beef.
  • Bake, boil, or poach instead of frying.
  • Grill instead of sauté.
  • Squeeze lemon juice and a bit of olive oil over lettuce instead of using cream dressings.
  • Eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk to the market instead of taking the car.
  • Start a cardio regimen or join a fitness class.

Find a training partner. It is much easier to jog or walk when you are with a friend: the mile goes faster because of the company and the conversation.

Make sure your training partner is someone who knows you well enough to be a drill sergeant when you feel lazy and need it; and a cheerleader when you’re feeling drained and need a helping hand.

continually challenge yourself. Take baby steps at first, but as you get stronger and more confident, lengthen your stride. If you tell yourself that you’ll walk around the block before breakfast at first, do so until it becomes part of your routine (about a week or two) and when you’re no longer panting around the block, walk to the next block. and return

Gradually increase the amount of time you walk or walk more times around the block or go further and further until you build up endurance and strength. Once you get bored of walking, try jogging. And then running. Up your game to keep things interesting.

Find ways to measure your progress. Keep a log on your refrigerator door and write down how many blocks you walked today. If you wear a pedometer, write down the number of steps you took each day. The feeling of accomplishment will fuel a greater determination to stick to your exercise routine or physical activity.

Also monitor weight loss and inches, this is more positive reinforcement that will keep you going.

designate a weightin day. If you weigh yourself every day, chances are you’re in for an emotional rollercoaster experience, as the reading on your bathroom scale is often affected by your daily grooming habits, the clothes you wear, and the amount of food you eat. liquid you drink

Instead of going through a roller coaster experience, take a break and weigh yourself once a week or once every two weeks.

Reward yourself. If you lose 5 pounds enjoy a movie. Surely a 20-pound loss deserves your favorite bottle of perfume or a new device? Whatever the reward, remember to choose something meaningful, rewards reinforce behavior, which can keep you straight toward your goal in the long run!

Be kind, loving and patient with yourself. Be your own cheerleader and your own drill sergeant. Hug yourself when you feel disappointed that you didn’t reach a milestone. Give yourself good advice and talk about yourself so you don’t give up. Cheer up to return to normal.

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The need to immediately stop the technology skills gap of new college entrants

Universities are gradually evolving from the purely traditional system to the modern technologically induced system. The rate of this technology-driven status of universities globally is unprecedented. This makes it imperative that new entrants who are not up to speed on information and communication technology (ICT) skills are brought up to speed in relatively short times. Therefore, an immediate orientation course in ICT aimed at developing students’ skills to cope with the technologically loaded university environment should be the prerogative of universities. This would help boost teaching and learning activities in universities while maximizing expected behavior change in students after their university education.

Course activities in today’s universities are simplified in technology. For example, teaching and learning materials are now in electronic format. These electronic resources must be downloaded by students from specific websites provided by the teacher.

Sometimes some teachers conduct virtual classes online with their students due to geographical limitations due to emergency workshops, conferences and meetings. Additionally, numerous assignments require students to conduct extensive research using online databases. Most of these works must be sent electronically to the professor’s email address or uploaded to a virtual platform created by the professor or the institution. So, if a student is lacking in ICT skills, how can he or she cope with this technology-induced college environment?

Some may argue that students at the upper secondary school level were required to take ICT lessons to shield them from technology-immersed tertiary education. True it may be, most of the students at the high school level were not privileged to have had this opportunity due to many challenges. This may be due to a lack of technological equipment, as well as a qualified instructor in the field to better manage the delivery of instruction. This group of students in most local communities and some urban centers are therefore highly technology deficient. When they find their way to universities, they find themselves in a completely hostile environment filled with technology that they must quickly catch up to on their own. Fast learners can pick up these ICT skills quickly from friends who had the privilege of technology training, while slow and timid learners end up throwing in the towel on a college education.

Others experience the first unfair rating attack as the main by-product of their technology skills deficiency. Unfortunately, these ‘snail-to-tech’ students are mocked by their peers and some professors who have tech privileges. This is experienced a lot when group assignments and presentations are going to take place on virtual platforms. Demoralized students are often victims of absenteeism at conferences that are solely based on technology. This gap that exists between students who are proficient in technology and those who are deficient must be closed.

An immediate remedy would be the organization of ICT classes tailored to the requirements and expectations of university students. This short course or orientation must be carried out in the first week of the student’s entrance to the university. It can even be scheduled as part of the orientation sessions that are normally enacted at virtually every university in the world. This training aimed at equipping new entrants with basic ICT skills would help them to be able to cope and succeed in their new technology driven environment.

Tertiary institutions should prioritize the organization of these ICT lessons, as the traditional face of universities is rapidly transforming into a technology-induced condition. This great feat would help bolster academic work at universities while stopping the evil of student absenteeism due to lack of tech skills.

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Assault Lawyer – General Information

An assault attorney is one who primarily deals with assault cases. This legal professional may be a defense attorney or a prosecutor. A defense attorney tries to defend his client in the court of law and ensures that his client is released or receives the least possible punishment, such as a modest fine and jail time or probation. A prosecuting attorney is one who provides evidence against the perpetrator and convinces the court of law to give him the most severe punishment for his crimes.

This type of law professional may pursue criminal and/or civil assault cases. The attorney who defends someone accused of assault is called a criminal assault attorney (usually a criminal defense attorney). The attorney who represents the victim of an assault is called a civil assault attorney (usually a personal injury attorney). This legal advisor helps the victim obtain compensation for her injuries. In most cases, the court appoints an attorney. The law establishes that every person accused of a crime has the right to have a representative, regardless of whether he is guilty or not. If the accused cannot afford an attorney, the court provides a defense attorney. In the event that the victim is charged with assault, the court appoints a lawyer specializing in assault cases to defend the victim.

Likewise, the victim also has the right to have a lawyer specialized in assault cases to prosecute the perpetrators in the criminal jurisdiction. After the criminal court, the victim has the right to bring the perpetrators to the civil court. In this type of court, an experienced assault attorney convinces the judge to provide compensation to the victim for medical bills, hospital bills, property damage, and for the pain and suffering the victim has suffered. . A good attorney can get compensation for his client, even if there were no injuries or property damage.

Assault attorneys can be found all over the country. An assault victim has to look in the yellow pages of the phone book or search for assault attorneys on the Internet. After finding the list of assault attorneys, one has to do some research to find out who has won the most cases and schedule an appointment with them.

Whether you are an aggressor or a victim, the first thing you do when you are taken to the police station is ask that your lawyer be present during the interrogation. If you are an aggressor, the police can force you to confess. If you are a victim, the police may be able to convince you to drop the charges. Therefore, always remember to have your lawyer by your side, to know what to do in the given situation.


Wireless technology reaches your body

The same technology the Navy has used for communication — sonar — could be used to treat heart failure, diabetes or other illnesses.

The University at Buffalo, a leading research center, is working on the ability to use this technology for medical diagnosis and information transmission.

The advance relates to sensors that use ultrasound. Ultrasound has been used by military submarines and in medical offices. Just as navy submarines communicate with each other, medical devices such as a pacemaker could communicate and transmit relevant data using radio waves. Exploration in this area has been under development for more than 10 years. However, the focus was on electromagnetic radio frequency waves, similar to those from GPS units or mobile phones. The drawbacks of electromagnetic radio frequency waves include the amount of heat produced and the energy that is needed. Since the body is mostly made up of water, more than 65 percent, electromagnetic waves do not propagate easily. This research focuses on creating ultrasonic networks across body sensors through a closed-loop combination of mathematical modeling, simulation, and experimental evaluation.

“This is a biomedical breakthrough that could revolutionize the way we care for people suffering from the major diseases of our time,” said Tommaso Melodia, PhD, UB associate professor of electrical engineering.

Dr. Melodia is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER grant for his research, “Towards Ultrasonic Networking for Implantable Biomedical Devices.” The NSF Career Scholarship is considered a highly respected award and will last for 5 years.

“Think about how the Navy uses sonar to communicate between submarines and detect enemy ships,” Melodia said. “It’s the same principle, only it applies to ultrasonic sensors that are small enough to work together inside the human body and help treat disease more effectively.”

“We’re really just scratching the surface of what’s possible. There are countless potential applications,” he said.
Research will focus on several areas:

  • Design a test bench and evaluate through an ultrasonic network simulator, design transmission protocols and networks for intra-corporeal sensors,
  • Design the first existing reconfigurable test bench for the experimental evaluation of ultrasonic networks.
  • The project will also create an academic program in ultrasonic networks and their applications; a new postgraduate/undergraduate course in acoustic/ultrasonic networks; and expand technological work in this field.

Melodia is a member of the Signals, Communications and Networks Research Group of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the UB. The group conducts research and development in wireless networks and communications, cognitive radios, extreme environment communications, secure communications, data hiding, information theory and coding, adaptive signal processing, compressed sensing, multimedia systems, resonance imaging magnetic and radar systems. To read more about Dr. Melodia’s research project: