Legal Law

Is it worth investing in Law School?

Does Michigan’s economy really need six law schools that inject more than a thousand recent graduates into the service sector each year? Unlike many job applicants, most new attorneys are heavily in debt; some carry more than $ 100,000 in student loans. This can quickly lead to despair.

The economy is still hurting in several key sectors here in Michigan. Both the auto and real estate sectors appear to be recovering, but the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high. Most experts say another half decade of “recovery” awaits us.

In downtime, higher education, as an industry, performs remarkably well. People take a hard look at their job prospects, and many decide to improve their skills by earning additional credentials.

Law school is something that almost half the population considers at one point or another. Yet in this tough economy, have law schools turned this recurring American dream into a debt nightmare?

A whole generation of newly created lawyers, facing student loans the size of a modest first home, find themselves in the same difficult situation as those who overbought real estate during the boom years. Just for these new attorneys, there is no foreclosure process to make debt go away.

And the prospects are, well, terrifying. Established small and medium-sized businesses will lease offices, but will not pay salaries. The largest firms are reducing their lists of attorneys. A Northwestern Law study estimates that the large firm sector has lost more than 15,000 attorney and staff positions since 2008.

Corporate legal departments are cutting legal expenses; Anything that can be outsourced is sent to India, where there are a glut of cheap lawyers eager to review documents for about $ 20 an hour.

Despite this bleak outlook, law schools report that up to 93% of their graduates “are known to be employed nine months after graduation.” This statistic is reinforced by the annual rankings of law schools published by US News & World Report.

However, employment as a barista at Starbucks is different from working in the legal profession. To improve their statistics, some law schools have been known to temporarily hire a battalion of their recent graduates for $ 20 an hour to work in the placement office. The US News statistic does not account for these distortions.

This grim subject was the focus of recent “hype” marketing techniques employed by Lansing Cooley Law School. The correlation between a shortage of jobs and an absolute glut of lawyers is well documented in the blogosphere.

However, all is not bad. Students with high motivation and qualification can persist in good jobs in their chosen field, even after removing their pink glasses.

In our free society, with its trade, temptations, and disposable marriages, there will always be a strong demand for legal services.

Lifestyle Fashion

Valentine’s Day is Coming – Spend Your Money on You, Not Your Narcissistic Emotional Abuser

If the narcissistic emotional abuser you are in relationship with has not yet made plans with you for the next Valentine’s Day and in years past has left you feeling worthless and unimportant, then this year, “Why not do something different?”

Instead of wondering and hoping it will show you a little love and knot your stomach, go out and buy something with money that you would have otherwise spent on it and treat yourself.

Over months or years, how many disappointments have you experienced from the narcissistic emotional abuser who falls short when it comes time to show him how important you are to him? However, you would never think of treating him the way he treats you.

Why do you keep having the same behaviors expecting a different result? Have you ever heard the saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result?

Your choice to show yourself a little love this Valentine’s Day can be a time to celebrate. You don’t need to be tainted with a negative attitude. That you treat yourself has nothing to do with the narcissistic emotional abuser at all.

You are simply making the decision to celebrate this special day of love differently. In advance, without worrying about disappointment, you can expect to wake up with wonderful plans for the day that will make you feel on top of the world.

If by chance lightning strikes the narcissistic emotional abuser with whom you are in relationship and surprises you with a gift, simply express your sincere thanks.

If he makes a comment that you haven’t given him a gift, you can kindly and respectfully share that based on previous Valentine’s Days and that you didn’t receive anything in the past, you thought he wasn’t interested in giving gifts. Thinking that he was not interested in celebrating Valentine’s Day or any other holiday by sharing gifts, he decided to change the way he does things.

This small but huge change is the beginning of your empowerment within this type of relationship. You are stepping out of the victim role by showing yourself that you have options.

You can choose to continue doing what you have been doing in the past, which was spending money on someone who did not belong to you. Or you can choose to buy yourself something.

Valentine’s Day is coming – spend your money on yourself, not the narcissistic emotional abuser!


Wire Fox Terrier dog breed: temperament, health problems, grooming and living conditions

Temperament: The Wire Fox Terrier is fearless, daring and cheerful. This dog is affectionate and good with children. They will show great loyalty to the family and love the company of their family. This dog should not be trusted with non-canine pets as it has such a high hunting instinct. They will love to go exploring and really need a good enclosed garden to be kept in the lead when they go for a walk.

This dog needs good socialization, when it is young, which will help a lot for the dog to mix and get along with other dogs. This is a dog with good intelligence and can be taught to perform tricks. It can be a dominant dog with high energy levels. If this is not released with a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, they can become stressed. This dog needs to have both full walks and his mental energy to use it on a daily basis.

This dog needs a 100% consistent firm owner who has good leadership qualities to allow this dog to not take on the role and develop small dog syndrome. If they contract small dog syndrome, they will have behavior problems such as dominance, protection of objects, excessive jealousy and barking along with separation anxiety. This does not have to happen, and the owner can solve it by complying with the natural instincts of the dog and becoming stable, firm and, above all, consistent with the firm rules to follow. This dog really needs good daily walks as they burn energy helping the dog to be calm.

Health Issues – Epilepsy is fairly common in the Wire Fox Terrier and there are some minor concerns, so check with the breeder.

Grooming: For the wire fox terrier, a good weekly brushing is all that is required, if it is just a pet dog. If you want to show the dog, more care is needed. Strip the dogs of their fur several times a year, but there is a complicated routine of caring for the show.

Living Conditions: The Wire Fox Terrier will do well in an apartment if it is given the right amount of exercise per day.

Real Estate

How to get rich without going to jail

If you ask the average person to tell you how to get rich, most will start to name potential industries that can make you big money if you know what you are doing. You’ll hear things like becoming a real estate investor, getting your Ph.D., coming up with something cool, or opening any number of brand-name businesses.

But, there are some other things that are probably much more important than choosing an industry that has produced millionaires in the past. Speaking of millionaires, that’s not really the measure of being rich. Rico is a very personal definition. Many people would rather earn $ 75,000 per year with no debt and total time off than be a billionaire with tons of debt and no time to do anything.


All success begins with having the right mindset. If you want to be rich you have to believe that it can be done. You have to believe that you can do it. Anyone with a defeatist attitude has no chance of being rich. Even if they win the lottery, they will probably go back to what they were in a few years.

Personal growth

Self-improvement is something that goes hand in hand with mindset. You must have a central desire for constant knowledge and to improve yourself. If you don’t have this, it is very difficult to move on. There are people who go to jail for very long sentences and leave with a high level of education. Prison is not the best place to educate yourself, but the point is that these people decided they had to do more. They had to improve. It is essential that you know the importance of education. This is not only formal education, but also life and business education.

Determination and drive

Much of the success comes from drive and determination. It’s the basic “never give up” mentality that will get you to the top. Even when times seem excruciatingly tough, you must keep up the momentum to keep going. This also relates to the disputed belief in mindset.

Find a mentor

One of the fastest ways to be successful at anything is to find someone who has already done what you want to do. Sometimes you will have to pay a fee to gain access to such tutoring, and sometimes you may be lucky enough to come across someone who is willing to teach you the ropes. A great example of this would be the TV show The Apprentice hosted by Donald Trump. Even though it was a television show, anyone who is selected by Trump to work with him is clearly on the fast track to success. You may not have access to Donald Trump, but there is someone who is successful, wealthy, and humble enough to show you how.

Deliver a quality product

During a meeting in Florida, a man was asked how his restaurant was so successful. He said a mentor told him never to offer his clients cheap meat or ingredients. He never forgot that lesson and it helped him build a huge following for his business. The same concept applies to you if you want to get rich. Inexpensive products and services pay off. Even if you are successful today, it usually won’t last tomorrow. The main mission here is to focus on delivering quality to your customers and it will inevitably turn into profit.

As we all know, few things are absolute and we are never promised tomorrow. However, that should never stop you from aggressively pursuing your dreams. If you want to be rich, be rich. The only thing that will stop you is you.

Shopping Product Reviews

Being a spammer and abusing the Internet

Let’s face it, no one likes getting spammed in post, but getting the same amount of spam in your email inbox is even more annoying. Spam is unsolicited emails that you generally receive with the intention of selling you something or generally scamming you out of your hard-earned money.

The other thing about spam is that it is never sent to you manually – there is no guy sitting somewhere sending an email at a time. Nerd. Spam is sent in bulk through software programs that typically send this garbage in batches of about 1 million emails at a time.

It’s bad enough that much of the spam you receive is not very pleasant in terms of its content. No. The worst part is that these criminals don’t even have to pay the cost of a stamp to send you an email. It is quite free for them to do this. Spammers have some costs, but compared to the amount of cash some of these idiots make, the costs are very small.

So why do you hate spam so much? Most people hate the daily chore of having to delete some annoying emails. Or have your antivirus program go off and complain that there’s a Trojan virus hiding in that last piece of spam. That’s enough to deal with it, but when you start getting 100 or 200 spam messages every day, it means that you spend many hours each week fixing this mess.

In the early days of the Internet, before we all used email as much as we do now, spam was mostly limited to USENET groups, newsgroups that were established to discuss specific issues and topics. As that process progressed, people could cross-post or message multiple groups.

Once people started cross-posting, spammers exploited that process. They quickly learned that the same message could be sent to thousands of newsgroups regardless of their interests or topic of discussion. When email began to gain popularity, spammers discovered that it was a completely new way to develop a new audience for the junk products or services they were promoting.

As spam began to increase, we had a new problem: Spambots were born. These are programs that are used to collect emails that will be compiled into lists to send spam to people or very large groups of people.

While most of you are fed up with the amount of spam we get, for the spammer there is a good return on spam sounding in terms of cash. Some emails that you consider spam are actually known as “crazy” advertising. This is advertising directed and sent only to people who appear to have a valid interest in the product or service offered. Usually email addresses are acquired in a “legitimate” way – you filled out a form on a website somewhere.

But most spam is of another nasty kind and while most people won’t fall for the ridiculous merchandise or get-rich-quick scheme promoted in email, there is one person who will provide a credit card number or other information that provides the spammer with a solid reward. In this case, the efforts of spammers pay off.

Although it seems that spammers can get away with it without us having anything to say about it, the reality is that many efforts are being made to combat spam. Government, technology officials, companies and trade groups are forging an alliance to figure out how to fight spam and turn it into something we talk about in the past tense. While the issue may never be 100% resolved, there are now legal tools and procedures that help all of us address this issue.


If a man showers with hot water before having sex, is he more likely to have a girl or a boy?

Sometimes I hear from women who want to know what their husband or partner should do to help them get the sex they want when they are trying to conceive. One of the variables that I am sometimes asked about is warm or hot showers.

I heard someone say: “I heard that if a man takes a very hot shower before having sex, this will help to have a girl. Is this correct? Or the advice of the hot shower to try to conceive a baby boy .? “

The thinking behind this tip is that the heat from the shower will lower a man’s sperm count. And as this process occurs, more Y-producing sperm or children would be killed because those sperm chromosomes are weaker. So along this same line of thinking, the theory is that the sperm left over after the hot shower is more likely to produce a girl. Therefore, if the theory is correct, it would increase the probability that a girl is a baby (not a boy).

I see the logic of this kind of thinking, but I think it is not entirely correct. I’ll tell you why in the next article.

A man’s sperm can be affected by changes in temperature, but it has to be extreme: It is true that sperm are very sensitive to temperature. This is said to be the reason why a man’s testicles lie outside his body. However, it takes more than a hot shower to raise your body temperature, which is what it takes to have a significant impact on sperm.

Now if you were talking about a very hot sauna or sitting in a hot tub for an extended period, these things could actually lower your sperm count. But when you are trying to get pregnant, I think you would want a higher sperm count to increase your chances of conceiving. But more important than that, what a man does today affects his future sperm, not his present sperm, which brings me to the next point.

It takes 2 to 3 months for sperm to be produced. Today’s habits only affect future production: Just for the sake of argument, let’s just say the hot shower would affect the man’s sperm. The thing to remember is that it takes months for sperm to be produced. So if a man were to shower today, this would have an effect on the sperm he is producing months from now, but not in his immediate future. Therefore, showering before sex is not going to have any effect on the sperm that will be released that same day in an attempt to conceive.

That is why this theory is not solid in my opinion. Not only is a hot shower not enough to lower your sperm count, but even if it did, it would affect what happens months in the future. So to answer the question posed, there are old superstitions that suggest that a man’s hot shower before conception favors a girl, but there is little science to back it up.

And, if this couple wanted a girl, the best idea would be to have sex before ovulation when the woman had an acid PH and was also preventing orgasm. These things have an immediate and significant effect. Also, with this method you can maintain a high sperm count for the best chance of success. Remember that each sperm chromosome increases your chances of pregnancy, so you should have a high count, not a low one.

Tours Travel

Buy a new bike

Unless you plan to buy a cheap bike at Walmart or your local sporting goods store, buying a new bike can be a tedious process. If you’re looking for a high-end road or mountain bike for serious recreational use, there are several things to consider before purchasing: price, quality, components, weight, and warranty. There are tons of resources online, including manufacturers’ websites, where this information can be found. Another good way to understand this information is to visit your local bike shop and speak with an expert.

When it comes down to it, you need to create a budget and price range first. When it comes to bikes, you usually get what you pay for. However, there are certain cases where you will pay a bit more for certain brands, such as Trek or Specialized. For example, let’s say your budget is $ 2,000 and you are looking for a new road bike. You’ve been shopping for weeks looking at every bike imaginable until your face is blue. Eventually, you find a Trek that you really like and notice the level of quality of the components (aka groupset) that it comes with. Remember a smaller company bike you were looking at last week equipped with top-of-the-line components where the Trek in front of you is mid-level. What surprises you is that they are the same price. This is common when it comes to bike companies. After all, Trek is a well established company and people know the name, so they are willing to pay more. You may get better quality and better warranty with the brand, but you may not get the high-end components on a bike in your price range. But in the end, does it really not matter? What I used to tell my clients is that what feels best and is in your budget is what you should get.

As I mentioned before, you get what you pay for. If you are looking to buy a good bike that moves amazing, be prepared to shell out some money. A decent bike can cost anywhere from $ 900 to $ 1,300 depending on whether it is a mountain or road bike, full suspension or hardtail, or made of aluminum or carbon. The lighter the bike, the more expensive it will be. This is due to the materials the frame is made of and the technology used to design the frame. Also, the quality of the components and the wheels that the bike comes with influences the overall price.

Bicycles in the $ 1,500 to $ 2,500 range are probably the most common among those who ride regularly. The bikes in this range are great for those who are going to ride a lot and are looking for the durability, comfort and efficiency of a bike that will be used several times a week. These bikes typically have an aluminum frame with mid-tier components and should last a long time if properly maintained. Components can be easily upgraded when parts wear or break and are a joy to drive.

Plus, bikes that cost $ 2,500 and up will generally feel amazing … much like how a luxury car drives versus a cheap compact car. These are probably race-ready machines with top-of-the-line components and made of carbon. They will be very light and more efficient on ascents, descents and fast driving on flat terrain. The frames will feel stiff and there will be very little power loss when pedaling, especially uphill. The bikes in this range will likely come with a high-end wheelset and drivetrain to provide a nice smooth feel. This is even more prevalent on bikes that cost more than $ 4,500.

The most important thing when buying a good bike is doing your homework. Whether it’s your first time shopping for a $ 1000+ bike or you’re looking for your fifth top-of-the-line bike, always be sure to try the bike and several others in its price range. Talk to the bike shop experts, read online reviews, and visit various company websites to see how they design and build their bikes. Also, compare the different warranties offered by bike manufacturers. Some offer an additional guarantee that you pay a bit more for, so be sure to research that as well. Taking the time to do your homework and research will ensure that you are confident with your purchase. Bicycles can cost a lot of money, and your new bike should be something that fits you and is happy with, not what a salesperson thinks you will be happy with.

After purchasing the bike, make sure it fits you. Most bike shops have expert bike installers who will be more than happy to make sure your new bike fits you well and is comfortable. If you buy the bike from a store that doesn’t fit you, they will generally be more than happy to spend 30-60 minutes making any necessary adjustments to ensure proper fit. After all, if the bike is not comfortable, how motivated do you think you will be to ride it?