
Destination: setting without plot

There are a lot of right and wrong items in Destiny, and after hitting the max level and playing multiplayer for weeks, I can safely say that I’ve formed an opinion on both. Many argue that Destiny held back in its storytelling for being an FPS MMO. Yet The Old Republic, despite all its microtransactions and irritating replay, managed to tell stories despite being an MMO. Destiny didn’t. Let’s examine why after talking about some of Destiny’s positives.


The Multiplayer: You choose these competitive multiplayer options from the Crucible, which is The Guardian’s way of letting off steam I guess. Destiny’s multiplayer mode, as expected, is pretty smooth. The different types of games are very well made and offer different experiences depending on the player’s preferences. I prefer the “Skirmish” 3v3 game mode rather than “Clash” 6v6, for example. I find it more tactical and less chaotic. Some players will prefer “Control”, in which you and your team capture territory. There are many options here, and it shows that they have really thought about it.

My only complaint is that the vehicles are not used as often as they should. The “Combined Arms” limited game type allowed for increased use of ammo and heavy vehicles, but only lasted for three days in September! I miss the days of yore when you and your friends would carry a wild boar only to be thrown into the air by a rocket launcher.

The Multiplayer: You choose these competitive multiplayer options from the Crucible, which is The Guardian’s way of letting off steam I guess. Destiny’s multiplayer mode, as expected, is pretty smooth.

The Strikes – Strikes in Destiny are the equivalent of instances in most MMOs. These are interesting, they usually culminate in a fight with a horde of enemies at the end, then a boss is introduced, and finally you have to defeat both the boss and the horde of enemies. It’s predictable, repetitive, and a lot of fun when you have microphones. I played the Strike playlist long enough to buy most of my armor pieces, but what I enjoy the most is playing with my friends in a Fireteam. In these groups, we were able to communicate and enjoy each other’s company while trying to complete a scripted event. It was fun.

Strikes are very limited. There aren’t many and you usually play the same ones that you played in the single player campaign, only on a higher stage. This was fun at first, but as you play the same shot over and over again, it loses its shine.

I once did the same Martian hit three times in a row due to random bad luck. The worst part was that we would get to the end, then someone would quit, then the other guy would quit, and then I’d be left alone until I quit too. Despite the white-knuckled fury, I couldn’t beat her. Eventually I did, but on those three times in a row I ended up physically hating the Cabal at the end of it.

Three-Man Teams – I remember trying to conquer a boss in Destiny with my friend and I. After the Cabal invaded us for the last time, we gave up. We originally decided to partner to address it, because we wanted to record the game for YouTube. In the end we were unable to progress and a feeling of bitterness took root in our perceptions of the game. This is a problem with a three-man team: once one member leaves, you lose 33%.

I have found that you depend too much on your teammates for strikes. One person leaving leaves two people to take on an entire mission on their own, an uneasy association forged out of hatred for the guy who left. Inevitably, that association will dissolve and then you will be alone to resign. This is a big problem and there must be penalties for abandoning Strikes. So far there is a reporting system, but it is necessary to have the player’s information on the screen to report that they are leaving, and it is usually too late when they are leaving.


The Story – This has been a big deal for me as I loved the game’s setting, but loathed the lack of story. The game is amazing, and the developers have previously commented that it was inspired by “a candle in the dark.” That idea resonates throughout the game, from all the alien races that pose a threat, to the looming fear of the unknown.

The parts of the game’s story are the scenes with your playable character and the ghost or other supporting characters.

Players have asked, “Why can’t we go to other systems?” Well, within the context of the story, it makes perfect sense. You cannot go to other systems, unless you want to be eaten by creatures in the dark. The only source of light in the universe (presumably) is the Traveler, who died before the game began. His shell remains as a source of light for the Guardians, who seek to defeat the forces of darkness that plague the universe.

Great story, right? Well that’s just the stage. The actual plot of the game is almost non-existent. The parts of the game’s story are the scenes with your playable character and the ghost or other supporting characters. These never go anywhere, instead promoting a plot that ends abruptly with a conclusion based on the boss fight, which only closes the end of the game without ending the story. The true story concludes with a scene reminiscent of the end of Star Wars: A New Hope, but more enigmatic and meaningless.

Yes, I know, expansions are taking place, so a conclusion would be premature. However, I expected some kind of narrative structure, some format in which an introduction, a body, and a conclusion were present. Instead, we get a plotless setting, a story that was so interesting, so tantalizingly taunting, that it got nowhere. What are the goals of the Queen and her brother? Where do the Vex go and why? Are there more travelers out there? We get few responses and even fewer characters.

The Raids – There was only one raid when I played: Vault of Glass. It was incredibly difficult and I could never beat it. Finding people to connect with on a Fireteam before attempting to tackle it was also a futile effort. Even when he had a good team, we would lose and eventually one of the players would quit, and like the Strikes, we couldn’t progress with just the two of us.

The equipment that is dropped in the raids is superior to what you would find in an attack. However, it was so hard to find something and you got so little reward for your hard work that the costs didn’t match the profit. I think I got a Mote of Light once, but beyond that I never got a good team.

And explain to me how Bungie could design matchmaking for Crucible and Strike game types, but NOT for raids. Heard they are fixing this (or have it fixed) but it should have been an option from day one.

I wish there had been more character development, more plot advances, and more characters overall.


To be honest, I had a lot of fun with Destiny. It was nice and I fell in love with the environment and the universe. However, a plotless setting is somewhat sad and lifeless, and Destiny fits the bill perfectly. I wish there had been more character development, more plot advances, and more characters overall. In total, you interact with four or five characters in cut scenes (if so) and ultimately their stories are not important.

I don’t like giving review scores, because I don’t think a score can adequately encapsulate a complete opinion about a game. I’ll say this: if you like building sci-fi worlds, this game does it very well. If you like consistent storytelling, this game gets it wrong. Finally, if you like fast-paced multiplayer with unique abilities, Destiny gets it right.

Health Fitness

Cauliflower Cream with Curry

Like the fashion industry, the food industry has its trends. What is fashionable now? These veggies are gaining attention: Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower. Recipes for these vegetables are popping up everywhere, on the Internet, in magazines, newspapers, and even in conversations. If you haven’t tried this trio before, you might hesitate to do so.

But your grandmother and mother were right when they proclaimed, “Eat your vegetables. They are good for you!” Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.

According to the Self Nutrition Data website, cauliflower contains 25 calories per serving, three grams of fiber, two grams of sugar, and two grams of protein. It also contains vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

My husband loves raw cauliflower and he likes crispy slices in salat. I recently bought a head on sale and found out the reason for the reduced price. The vegetables were beginning to soften. Since I couldn’t put it in a salad, I thought about mashing it like potatoes. Then I thought of the soup. I live in Minnesota and it is winter, with freezing winds that can reach minus 41 degrees. The soup sounded great.

Cauliflower and curry go well together so I added a little to the soup. If you don’t like this spice, leave it out. If you love this spice, add more. Cooking the curry for a minute before adding the other ingredients brings out its flavor. After the vegetables are done, the mixture is purred with a hand mixer. You can also use a stand mixer, but I use a handheld one because it’s safer. I don’t have to pour hot soup into a glass container and can puree soup right in the pot.

I garnished the soup with garlic butter croutons, but other flavors would taste good too. Here is my recipe for Cream of Cauliflower Curry.


1 tablespoon of olive oil

1 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon curry powder

1 medium yellow onion, minced

1 slice of celery, chopped

1 cup baby carrots, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

1 box (32 ounces) unsalted chicken broth

1 cup of water

1 chicken bouillon cube

3/4 medium head cauliflower, cut into small pieces

8 ounces Neufchatel cheese, room temperature

3 tablespoons of chopped Italian parsley (to decorate)

Packaged croutons (for garnish)


Put olive oil and butter in a soup pot. As soon as the butter has melted, add the curry powder and cook 1 minute. Add the onion, celery, and carrots and cook until the vegetables are soft, about 10 minutes. Add the cauliflower, cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the Neufchatel cheese. Remove the pot from the heat. Puree the mixture with a hand mixer. Garnish with chopped parsley and croutons, or omit them and serve the soup with crusty bread. This recipe freezes well.

Legal Law

I kicked out my spouse, but now I want him to come back, how do I do it?

Sometimes we say or do things based on the emotion of the moment. This can be especially true when we feel like our marriage or spouse is changing in an undesirable way. Sometimes we take this so far that we ask or tell our spouse to leave. And we might be surprised and disappointed when they actually do. But that’s when things settle down that reality hits us, and serious regret sets in. We realize that we want him to come back when he only did what we asked of him, which is to leave.

Someone might recall this scenario: “My husband and I have been arguing about money for the past seven months. We have had problems before, but our fights have reached a whole new level. My husband invested more money than we could afford. I was upset when I found out. When we discussed it, I asked him if there was anything else he needed to know. I told him that he could also bring the bad things out into the open. I told him I’d rather find out about everything at once than find out later. I knew it all and there was nothing else to tell. Well, last week we got a statement in the mail. I don’t normally open financial information documents. I usually leave that to my husband. But something told me I should. So I did. And I found out that there were other accounts that I didn’t know about and that we’re in a lot more financial trouble than I knew. So when my husband got home, I let him. I called him a liar. He said that’s exactly me. Notice the reason you didn’t tell me, because I knew you would overreact. He was so angry that I told him to take his things and leave. He tried to reason with me, but I didn’t calm down, so he finally left. Now I have been without my husband for almost a week and I have calmed down. I am still angry. Very angry. But I realize that I’d rather work with him to get us out of this mess than to end my marriage. But now I don’t know what to do. I was the one who asked him to leave in the first place. I don’t want to sound stupid by saying that I suddenly changed my mind. And he could be so angry that I asked him to leave and refuse to come home. “

It is normal to worry about how you will be perceived in a situation like this. When my husband and I parted company, I was very scared to admit what I was really feeling. I didn’t want to sound desperate and I didn’t want to be in a situation where my feelings would cause my husband to distance himself. Also, it sounds very silly now, but I hated the idea that I would love or miss my husband more than he did or miss me. This is silly because I made my pride more important than getting my marriage back on track, which should have been the real goal.

However, receiving a negative response from your husband is a real concern. And I think there is a way to approach this issue without so much risk. The next time you talk to your husband, you could try a conversation like this: “I have been thinking a lot in the past week. I am so sorry. I had a right to be very angry. You don’t like to be cheated on. But I can tell. that I still overreacted. I wish I had never asked him to leave. I have no idea what his feelings might be about it, but I’d be willing to try to stay together in the future rather than scatter at the first sign of problems. I know we have a difficult road ahead of us, but I suspect it would be easier together rather than separately. “

Then listen to what your husband has to say. You may well say that you feel the same and that you are relieved. Or you can say that you are still processing things and that you need time. And that’s okay. The real goal is to let her know that you are aware that you overreacted and to lay the foundation for positive communication in the future. You may not come back right away, but even if you don’t, that gives you time to talk about things and to define and understand issues.

Sometimes people are so eager for him to come back that they rush things. They don’t talk about the issues and then pretty soon they’re fighting again and coming home is not so happy after all because you’re dealing with a repeat of what happened before. It is best to take your time while communicating regularly and working to find a solution. That way, your return home will be much more harmonious.

Lifestyle Fashion

What is tarot card reading?

Tarot reading, or tarot card reading, is a practice of using cards from a deck of tarot cards, to obtain information about a person’s past, present and future. It is a subset of fortune telling. Until the 18th century, tarot cards were used like a normal deck, to play card games. It was only in the 18th century, that Protestant clergymen and Freemasons began to apply some divinatory meaning to all the cards.

They suggested that the cards and pictorial representation were indicative of the past, present, and future of the person selecting them. Thus began the process of finding a hidden meaning within the cards.

The deck of Tarot cards had 78 cards. These include 14 cards of each suit (clubs, spades, diamonds, and hearts), along with 22 trump cards. Trump’s cards include the Madman or the Wizard, among others. These were the original game deck.

Let us now understand the distribution of these tarot cards, for divinatory purposes.

Tarot Cards: Suits and Other Specifications

• The modern deck is divided into four suits. Like a playing deck, it has aces, clubs, diamonds, and hearts; the reading cards are divided into 4 suits, namely: Coins, Swords, Cups and Wands.
• Each suit had 14 cards and the numbering is put on the card to represent the objects in numerical form.
• So, if there is a card with the number X and the image is that of Wands, it will be called ‘The Ten of Wands’. Similarly you have the ‘Four of Pentacles’ and ‘The Nine of Swords’, etc.
• Along with these you have the 22 trump cards. These trump cards are important, as most of the time they are read as cards that talk about events or circumstances, past, present, or future.
• The most famous trump cards are; The fool, the wizard, the tower, the high priestess, the lovers, etc.
• Each card represents a certain meaning or has some connection to the life of the individual who draws it.

Tarot card spreads

Tarot cards are arranged in different ways, to form different shapes, depending on the type of reading or the purpose of the reading. Although it is not mandatory, it was traditionally done that way.

1. Tetraktys Spread

Here, 10 cards are laid out to form a pyramid. 4 cards at the bottom, 3 in the top row, then two at the top, and finally the last card at the top. This spread is used to predict a person’s general condition and well-being. Covers basic physical elements and spiritual elements.

2. Cross and triangular extension

This spread is formed by placing three cards on the bottom, followed by 3 cards placed on top of the center card, one on top of the other, then two cards on the side and a last card on top. It represents a cross and is used to measure a general sense of a person’s life direction.

3. Extension of the Celtic cross

The best known diffusion of the whole process, the Celtic cross aims to give an idea about the general life and expectations of the person. People choose this reading mainly because it covers many aspects of a person’s life and provides an overview.

4. Propagation of the relationship

As its name suggests, this extension aims to answer all questions related to relationships. Not necessarily love relationships, but any relationship. The spread uses 9 cards, where the first 5 are placed one on top of the other and then three are dealt in front of the fourth card.

5. Propagation of past lives

This is also known as reverse propagation. It is in the shape of an inverted triangle, the exact reverse of the Tetrakyts spread, and speaks of past life effects. Tarot card reading is done all over the world and is followed in great numbers. Although there have been reports of many hoaxes, it is an occult science that has attracted worldwide attention for years.

They say that in life you have to play the hand that is dealt to you. Tarot can show you your cards. Even if only for pleasure!


Raising a puppy – How to raise a Havanese

Looking for a new puppy friend? Why not consider adopting a Havanese puppy? Havanese puppies are a great addition to any home. Because Havanese puppies are small in size and have a very sweet demeanor, they are especially popular with families with young children or other pets. Dogs are friendly, loving, affectionate, and eager to please their owner. Many breeders and dog lovers are eager to have a Havanese puppy.

However, it would be completely irresponsible and inhumane to adopt one or more Havanese puppies before you know whether or not you can properly care for them. Raising Havanese puppies and training them at home can take a long time. Some people even find that Havanese puppies require a lot of maintenance. However, if you find that you can provide a loving home for a Havanese puppy, your loving company will make the time it takes to train him worthwhile.

It can be difficult to take time out of your family life to raise or train a puppy. However, Havanese puppies require constant grooming and vigorous training from the start. For people who do not have flexibility within their daily schedule to train, groom, and walk a Havanese puppy, the care required by a dog owner can seem overwhelming.

House training can seem like a pain at first, because Havanese puppies tend to require more training than other dogs, especially in the toilet training department. However, the natural intelligence of dogs will facilitate training. Grooming is another task that can take a lot of time out of your day. Havanese puppies require a lot of haircutting and brushing because they are one of the only dogs that does not naturally shed their long fur. Finally, walking your Havanese puppy is another important part of caring for. These puppies are energetic and need daily exercise. Havanese puppies are not for everyone, but if you can blend their needs with your life, you will reap the many rewards of training these adorable puppies.

For families looking to adopt a Havanese puppy, your first step should be to consider what would be required of them as pet owners. Havanese puppies can require a lot of maintenance and caring for them is not an easy task. Raising Havanese puppies takes time and effort on the part of the owner, and many busy moms and dads don’t have time to give. In addition, it is important to ensure that you can keep your pet, so there is also a monetary commitment.

After evaluating the commitment you will have to make to have a Havanese puppy, prospective owners should discuss their own lifestyles. Is it possible to incorporate a new puppy into your life? For many flourishing families, the answer is “no.” Those who determine that they can love and raise a Havanese puppy will be in for a rewarding experience. These cuddly and cuddly pets will love you back!