
Learning Disabilities: Gap Year Benefits for Students with Learning Disabilities

You are in your final year of high school and it is time to apply for college. All your friends are caught up in the frenzy of writing college essays, talking about first choices, early decisions, etc. and you are just insecure. School has been a long road for you and you are exhausted. You are not sure if college has a purpose for you, as you do not have career goals at this time. You feel implicit pressure from your parents to continue school. What is your job?

You have a variety of options:

Live at home and work for a while, while saving money and growing up.. I know, your parents are saying, “If you don’t go to college now, you will never go.” It is not necessarily true. The average age in community colleges is twenty-seven. Working is beneficial because it gives you an idea of ​​what is there with just a high school diploma. After doing this for several years and experiencing the “ceiling,” you may suddenly see a reason to attend college. Whatever you do, don’t let parental pressure force your decision. From everything I’ve seen as a college instructor, parents can pressure you to sign up, but they can’t force you to participate. In the end, the coerced students fail and the parents’ tuition money goes to waste. Sit down with your parents and talk calmly about the benefits of working and putting off college for now. (In the meantime, you may consider applying now and deferring admission if you are accepted. Sometimes it is easier to “get in” the application process while everyone else is doing it. In fact, it can ease the anxiety of her parents about her taking time off.)

Do practice. Connect with employers whose fields interest you and ask if they accept high school interns. Sometimes employers just want college interns, so you may need to use your power of persuasion and offer your services for free to get a foot in the door. While this is an expensive option in terms of lost income, it is often a very worthwhile investment down the road. Having multiple internships gives you an idea of ​​what interests you, but more importantly, what is not. Internships allow you to learn in a “hands-on” way, which is especially helpful for those who learn better by “doing” than sitting in a classroom. If your search for an internship fails, an alternative is to ask if you can “follow” someone in a field that interests you. Seeing what a day in the life of a public relations director is like, for example, provides you with the basis for judging whether this is a fulfilling career for you. Finally, if you find a good match and impress an employer, the relationship may result in a job offer in the future. After all, if an employer is looking to hire, isn’t a reliable “known” amount better than an outsider? In a competitive market, internships are one of the best ways to secure future employment.

You can travel. Even at a low price, this is a luxury option. However, if you have money saved (or parents are willing to finance it) and are independent enough to tend to your own needs, this is an incredible opportunity to experience new people, places, and cultures that will broaden your horizons further. your own world. Traveling requires taking responsibility for all of your own needs and can result in increased maturity.

Take the time to reinforce your academic skills. If you haven’t done as well in high school as you would have liked, your academic and study skills are probably below average. In this case, enroll part-time in a continuing education program (no credit) or developmental classes at your local community college. Strive to improve your reading, writing, math, and study skills, so you can start college with confidence, possibly advising on developmental courses.

You can connect with a gap year program, either through an educational institution or a private agency. Gap year programs can include a supervised residential program, along with beneficial work experience. A well-run program will offer counseling, counseling, and maybe even college credit; it’s a good stepping stone before venturing out on your own for the first time. This is an excellent option for students who want to attend a residential college but are not confident enough in their independent living skills. This type of program reassures parents that they want their adolescent’s first experience away from home to include some degree of supervision.

There are several advantages to taking a gap year:

You may grow up. Taking time off to work or travel gives you a real-life experience that can translate into greater maturity. This will come in handy when you are faced with the academic and social pressures of college. A gap year can also narrow your focus on what you eventually want to do. Students who enter college with a goal in mind find it easier to endure courses in which they have little or no interest because they see them as a means to an end.

You will have time to find yourself. Students who take a break and explore various career fields often find out what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Equally important, they often realize what they don’t want to do; The upside to this is that they haven’t wasted tuition money on a major, only to find in the end that they don’t care after all.

You will have the opportunity to prepare yourself mentally and academically for college. If you weren’t a “student” in high school, taking time off gives you a chance to “reschedule” yourself. Think about why you lacked motivation and what will change when you go back to school. Enrolling in a study skills course and taking it seriously will ensure that you know how to prepare for the exams. Students who take time off and are a little older may be more “financially” reflective. They may find that putting in minimal effort results in failing and retaking courses and, at best, mediocre grades. While they may graduate, will their transcript provide them with a job that pays well enough to make up for the tuition dollars spent? Will they have accumulated an academic record that allows them to earn enough income to live independently and pay off the student loans they have acquired? If taking time off results in better preparation and greater fiscal responsibility, it’s worth it.

You will appreciate college. Once you enroll in college because it is your wish, not your parents’, you will be more motivated. Add in a few years of maturity and you have an equation for success.

Google “gap year opportunities” for an extensive list of options.

All students flourish on their own schedule. If, for whatever reason, you’re not ready to go to college immediately after graduating from high school, that doesn’t mean college isn’t in your plans. Quite possibly it means you need a quality break for introspective thinking, something that a sabbatical year can provide.


How to eat a girl well

Most men don’t know how to eat a girl right. Fortunately, giving a girl an orgasm through oral sex isn’t rocket science and it’s actually pretty straightforward. Here are three keys to giving a girl orgasms that make her legs shake when she eats her.

1. Fan the flames of your arousal
Girls are not like boys, it takes time to arouse them, and the more you take your time to increase her arousal, the easier it will be to get her to climax. Enjoy foreplay and use it to really turn her on. Spend 5-10 minutes kissing her all over her neck and shoulders. And as you kiss her, continually rub her pleasure zone with your knee or upper thigh. Kiss her all over her body. When you turn her on a lot and decide to give her some satisfaction, don’t go directly from kissing her on the lips to going down. Kiss her neck, her body and move down slowly. And when you get there, don’t kiss her there yet, take your time just breathing on her and gently brushing your lips over her. By taking your time with a girl like this, you will have her relaxed, warmed up and in the perfect frame of mind to have an incredible orgasm.

2. Focus on the sweet spot
After heating it up incredibly, it’s time to hit the sweet spot. You want to focus on the clitoris. You will not give her an orgasm orally with any other part of her. You will only get it through the continuous stimulation of her clitoris. Once you are stimulating the sweet spot and turning her on, don’t stop. If you are about to have an orgasm and you stop for even 5 seconds, you will have to start over. Don’t lose focus on the sweet spot.

3. Maintain a constant movement
The final key to eating a girl properly is maintaining consistency with the movement of your tongue. There are three movements to use; a side-to-side motion, an up-and-down motion, and a circular motion. Pick one that you’re good at, or even better, one that you can notice turns her on, and stick with it. You may have heard of a technique in which you write the alphabet with your tongue. This does not work! Stay with one move. It is especially important to maintain this consistency when you are nearing climax. Many guys make the mistake of speeding up when the girl starts to lose control, thinking it will push her to the limit. Don’t speed up! When he’s around, keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing to get him there.

Learning how to eat a girl right is the easiest way to get her excited about how good you are in bed. And when you give a girl so much pleasure, she will always want to please you in return (if you know what I mean). Follow these three key guidelines and you will always give girls orgasms.

Health Fitness

5K Basics: How to Run a 5K Faster: Speed ​​Matters!

Are you looking to find your true potential? Your new goal is to run the 5km faster than your usual speed? Thinking about how to run 5k faster? Getting the best out of you in 5km is a challenge in itself, as this distance requires you to build up the stamina of a marathoner and the speed of a miler, a difficult combination to accomplish. A beginner in the race will choose this distance to run as it seems very “doable”, whereas experienced runners enjoy running fast during the short distance without having the feeling of “beating” that normally accompanies a long run. The gateways to speed are dedication and consistency, whether you’re a newbie trying to go from a steady jog to a gentle run, or a career veteran just trying to buy time. Training for a distance of 5 km will surely be useful for running other distances as well, yes, even a marathon.

The 5km run is a distance that can possibly get away from you very quickly, but if you aim for the finish line unprepared you could face unnecessary exhaustion and exhaustion in the second half of the race. With that being said, the next obvious thing to do is have a training plan designed to address the exact demand, in this case, increasing speed in a 5K run.

How to Run a 5K Faster: The 5K PR Plan

Reaching your personal best is THE GOAL! To achieve a successful PR on a 5K, there are a few different types of workouts that you need to instill in your training plan. You will be asked to go one step beyond your general aerobic runs, which will maintain your general fitness levels, but not your speed limits on a 5K. There is no one size fits all training program and you will want to modify the workouts a bit to suit your needs. What a 5K training plan will do is develop the following areas gradually but consistently:


5K speed training plan:

As has been rightly said, “Train hard and rest rested” is a good policy to follow. The fastest 5K run is only possible through a dedicated training plan. Below we’ve considered some specific 5k workouts to incorporate into your 5k speed training plan to achieve that PR!

1. Interval executions:

Interval running is used to increase a runner’s anaerobic threshold levels, endurance levels, and build muscle strength.

One minute intervals:

Start with a two to three minute walk warm up, warm up with a ten minute run with easy effort. Follow up with one minute of intense running and one minute of recovery; repeat 8 sets of the same. Relax by running with gentle effort for five minutes followed by a three-minute walk.

Two minute intervals:

Start with a two to three minute walk warm up, warm up with a ten minute run with easy effort. Follow with two minutes of vigorous but controlled effort running, and one minute of walking and one minute of jogging for recovery; repeat 6 sets of the same. Cool off by running with gentle effort for five minutes followed by a three-minute walk.

1-2-3 intervals:

Start with a two to three minute walk warm up, warm up with a ten minute run with easy effort. Then repeat the following steps three times:

One minute of vigorous but controlled effort running and one minute of easy walking or jogging to recover.

Two minutes of vigorous running and one minute of jogging and one minute of walking to recover.

Three minutes of vigorous running and one minute of walking and two minutes of jogging for recovery.

2. Tempo executions:

Tempo pacing involves completing a workout at speeds close to the 5km pace and maintaining it for a significant period of time. A tempo run is typically three to seven miles away to cover at a pace that is 30 to 45 seconds slower than your 5K race pace. This workout is meant to be a hard effort, but not a total effort, which means that at no time should you be in the oxygen depletion stage while in tempo rhythm.

3. Hill Reps

Hill reps are a workout that will improve your efficiency by training a proper stride during fatigued legs. The concept is to climb a suitably steep hill 40 to 60 yards, walk back to the base of the hill, and recover by waiting two to three minutes before going back up. Once a week, go for one rep on the hill, taking at least eight to ten sets each time.

4. Write:

Reduction refers to the reduction in intensity and mileage before the race. In the case of a short race like the 5 km, your set-up would also require being short.

One week before your 5K race:

Decrease your long run distance by 25 percent and rest the day after your long run.

Slightly decrease the intensity of your speed training and lower the number of repetitions from 25% to 33%.

Three days before the race, decrease your mileage and, if you feel like you need it, add an extra day of rest.

Legal Law

Prosecutor and novelist, Linda Fairstein, author biographies

Fairstein is a member of the American Trial Lawyers College and for 30 years headed the Sex Crimes Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. He left that office in 2002. During his tenure, he helped prosecute several controversial and high-profile cases, including Robert Chambers’ “Preppy Murder” case in 1986.

Linda was born on May 5, 1947, in Mount Vernon, New York. He graduated from Vassar College in 1969 with a BA in English Literature. After graduating from the University of Virginia in Law in 1972, he joined the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office as an Assistant District Attorney.

In 2004, Linda was named in a $ 10 million lawsuit against New York State by Dr. Oliver Jovanovic. Dr. Jovanovic, a biologist, was convicted in 1998 of the kidnapping, sexual abuse and assault of a college student whom he had met on the Internet. His case was overturned in 1999 and an unfair trial was held.

Linda Fairstein draws on her legal experience for her serial character, Alexandra Cooper, a Manhattan prosecutor. Linda says she writes her series in the first person because “I want ‘the readers’ to see the victimization and hopefully the outcome in the courtroom from Alex’s perspective.” Linda’s first Alex Cooper novel, “Final Jeopardy,” was made into an ABC television movie starring Dana Delaney.

Linda says that people who are not very smart probably commit 90% of crime in this country. She says that in her books, she can make up the murders, but the motives for the murders come from the motives in real cases. He says he has never written about any of his actual cases.

Linda centers all of her novels in notable locations in New York City. She states: “I love having places that are real and very rich in history, and then I let my imagination run wild.” She says she wants each book to be an entertaining escapism and for the reader to come out learning something new. She said that for her, writing the first hundred pages is equivalent to having a root canal, but after 200 pages, it’s easy.

Linda loves to collect historical curiosities, antique jewelry, desks, and writing objects. Collect first-edition books, particularly in the criminal and mysterious genre. He also collects 19th century British literature. She loves to read mysteries and her favorite TV show is CSI Special Victims Unit.

Linda and her husband, Justin Feldman, live in Manhattan and have a house on Martha’s Vineyard where they go every year for four months. He has a separate cabin where he hatches and writes. Linda says that being a writer has been her passion since high school.

Linda is still a lawyer and takes some cases for victims of violent crimes, usually pro bono. She also consults and is a keynote speaker lecturing on sexual crimes and domestic violence.

Linda Firestein’s books:


Alex Cooper:

Final danger (1994)

Probable to die (1997)

Cold Strike (1999)

The Dead House (2001)

Vault of Bones (2003)

The murders (2004)

Buried (2005)

Dance of Death (2006)

Bad blood (2007)

Killer Heat (2008)

Lethal Legacy (2009)


Final Jeopardy / Likely to Die (2004)

Cold Hit / The Dead House (2005)


I’d Kill For That (2004) (with Rita Mae Brown, Jennifer Cruise, Lisa Gardner, Heather Graham, Kay Hooper, Katherine Neville, Anne Perry, Kathy Reichs, Julie Smith, and Tina Wainscott)

Hell’s Gate (2010)

No fiction:

Sexual Violence: Our War on Rape (1993)

The Best American Crime Reporting 2007 (2007) (with Otto Penzler)

Lifestyle Fashion

Find the perfect answer to hyperpigmentation with Melaclear

Your skin is under constant attack from a variety of sources. These include sun damage, scarring due to an acne breakout, or any hormonal changes that occur.

Hyperpigmentation is the most common condition that you would have to endure due to excess melanin production and therefore it is imperative to have a product like Melaclear, which would address this problem adequately.

However, what causes hyperpigmentation and how is a product like Melaclear Depigmenting Serum so helpful in combating it?

The answer lies in the distinct formulation consisting of vitamin C, octadecenedioic acid, and phytic acid. These ingredients work in two ways as follows:

a) The first is by inhibiting any production or activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. This enzyme, by the way, is primarily responsible for the secretion of melanin which in turn leads to hyperpigmentation.

b) The second is through the exfoliating action. Hyperpigmented cells exfoliate quickly and completely, leaving skin soft and smooth, fully hydrated and healthy.

However, that is only the initial phase of the program. It is necessary to follow this line of treatment with the application of the Melaclear maintenance lotion also so that there is no possibility of imperfections forming or that any of them reappear after a few days. The serum should be used first and then the lotion.

This serum should be used twice a day and all you need is just one drop. Gently massage your skin and wait for it to be absorbed. Using it regularly for a couple of months to four months will give you the desired results and you can see a clear improvement in your skin condition within a month.

However, you must be careful to ensure that you do not expose your skin to the strong rays of the sun in the meantime. That would negate the benefits of the serum. If you have to go outside, use high-quality sunscreens with a high SPF so that the sun’s rays cannot penetrate and reach the serum inside your skin.

You can use Melaclear sunscreen cream which has an SPF of over 50. It has quite advanced sunscreens that could effectively keep out the sun’s rays. It also has skin tints that allow you to remove any foundation or concealer.

The protection it offers against UVA and UVB rays is invaluable as both have the ability to penetrate the layers of the skin and cause the formation of free radicals. These free radicals, in turn, can cause irreparable damage to the cells of the body and must be removed as soon as possible.

Therefore, Melaclear is the ideal depigmenting product to use, and considering that no adverse side effects have been reported so far, you can confidently use this wonderful product.


Shih Tzu rescue is quite complicated

It’s nice to talk about dogs and what men’s best friends really are, but some statistics reveal another side to the story: each year, tens of millions of dogs are euthanized around the world, including 3.5 million they came from US. These dogs come from people who think they love dogs and then change their minds. Can you imagine 3.5 million dogs? Although it is hard to believe, the figures are one hundred percent true and it is very easy to check them on specialized Internet sites. Also, if we add the dogs that are killed by their owners or other people, the number will be considerably higher.

Rescue or adoption of a Shih Tzu is a better option than buying a puppy because, however small or microscopic the impact, it will really take a toll on the statistics mentioned above. You will also save the life of a dog, you will know what noble gesture you have made and the Shih Tzu dog will know it too. You will have an exceptional pet that you have saved from certain death, and you will be surprised to find that most of the time, dogs know this. Shih Tzu rescue / adoption is an excellent idea. From this idea, you need to identify the nearest Shih Tzu rescue or adoption centers or even adoption centers or other adoption organizations for mixed breeds of dogs, visit them, and search for available dogs until you find the right dog for you.


Once you have started the rescue or adoption process, and this is the same for all races, you will discover how complicated it is to fulfill all the papers and complete all the required paperwork, but this is how you fully understand what it is. kind of dog that you take home. There is great joy in having a Shih Tzu rescue / adoption dog due to the following factors:

1. You will have a very friendly, well-trained and well-adapted dog as he will receive basic training at the shelter. Shelters generally go to great lengths to make sure the dog behaves well and adapts well to the new environment.

2. Saving a life is not a common occurrence and this performance gives you a special sense of satisfaction. At every moment you will spend in the company of your rescued Shih Tzu you will learn to appreciate life a little more, and also to love your dog a little more.

3. You no longer have to worry about taking care of a puppy, and this is a great relief for many pet owners. Your furniture and shoes will also escape being bitten by the puppy.

4. The dog will have already been trained in all kinds of treats and tricks so you will value him more. However, just one look at that miniature face that is full of pride and manners will be enough for the day.

However, before you go to rescue / adoption, check out the top ten Shih Tzu rescue mistakes that people often make.

Shopping Product Reviews

Seven major changes to the iPhone 7

Compared to previous Apple products, the new iPhone 7 brings seven major changes, including jet black, headphone jack, waterproof home button, dual cameras, new CPU, and longer battery life.

First of all, the most obvious feature of this new iPhone 7 is the jet black body color. A pristine, mirror-like surface and high-gloss finish make it look eye-catching and extraordinary. Through a precision nine-step polishing and anodizing processor, its surface is as hard as other anodized Apple products. However, it will scratch more easily and the finish is also particularly prone to fingerprints.

Second, the Lightning port has been replaced by the original headphone jack. Apple advertises that this design has two advantages: free up space and a better audio jack. In my opinion, Apple’s true purpose is to promote its new Airpods wireless earbuds.

Third, it features the waterproof. The completely redesigned case makes the new iPhone have the waterproof function as well as the spill, splash and dust protections.

Fourth, the mechanical start button has been replaced by a static force-sensitive version. With Apple’s Taptic Engine to click users, this new design provides a pretty good user experience.

Fifth, the improved dual cameras offer a pleasant shooting experience. It comes with a 7-megapixel front camera with automatic image stabilization for a better selfie and a 12-megapixel rear camera. Most importantly, it has an improved sensor and a lens that opens up to f1.8 (previously it was f2.2). That means much better night shots.

The sixth change in this new product is the CPU configuration. The new iPhone is powered by an exceptional new A10 Fusion SoC. Compared to the old A9 chip, this new one works 40% faster. Apple says it is the most powerful chip to ever exist in a smartphone.

Lastly, it provides longer battery life than previous Apple products. In other words, this new battery is the longest lasting of all Apple products. Compared to its previous iPhone 6s product, it will last at least 2 more hours during daily use.

I honestly like the new changes to the waterproof feature, the powerful CPU settings, and the longer battery life. On the contrary, I think it will annoy me that it has the only port to charge and use as a headphone jack. That means I can’t listen to songs while charging.


Bet Soccer Today – Earn Stable Income By Betting On Sports

The NFL season is just around the corner and it’s time to bet on football today! Betting on soccer is one of the best ways to earn a steady income from the comfort of your home.

So where is the best place to bet on soccer?

The best place to bet on soccer is through an online sportsbook. Not only do you get a huge bonus for signing up, but you can place bets from the comfort of your home anytime you want 24/7. For example, if you deposit $ 100 for the next football season, you get $ 100 free just for signing up! Now you have $ 200 to bet. If you find a bookmaker to place your bets, there is no way you will get a 100% deposit bonus. Also, when you want to withdraw money, click a button and the money will be in your bank account in 3-4 days. You absolutely cannot beat this and if you have a great NFL football betting system, there is no way you cannot make a steady income by betting online.

When placing a football bet, you need to pay attention to the NFL betting lines. They change quite frequently and the best time to get a line is usually Monday, right after all Sunday NFL games. Take a look on Monday when you want to bet on soccer today. You can get great college football lines and NFL lines for little money. With the use of an online sportsbook, betting on a soccer game or even betting on a soccer sport on the internet has never been easier. You can place a bet within 1 minute of the start of the game. NFL betting lines are constantly changing and finding the right line to take advantage of is the best thing to do. Betting lines for NFL games are one of the most profitable sports from which I myself made over 100,000 profits last year! I did roughly 80,000 in soccer and 20,000 in all other sports last year.

Soccer, especially a football bet, is the most profitable risk you could take. There will be many college football preseason polls and even many people giving their fantasy football predictions on the internet. All of this helps you decide your sports choice, but the only way to go is to get a professional sports handicapper. I found a professional sports handicap over a year ago and it led me to quit my day job, buy a new house, buy a new car, and live like a rock star. You can do this to bet on sports. With an online sportsbook, you can bet on fantasy football predictions, best fantasy football players, fantasy football strategies, etc. Anything you want you can bet online! I wish you the best of luck in deciding how you want to bet on sports and where to find your options! If you are as lucky as I am, you can find an amazing sports handicap for less than $ 50 a month!

Tours Travel

SuperCharged Secret 3, credit card utopia


Let’s take a brief moment to recap:

If you’ve been following this journey with me, learning the 5 super charged secrets of the credit card utopia, then now you know 2 very important things:

  1. Now you know how to take advantage of zero or low interest credit card offers.
  2. Now you know there is safety in numbers and you know the magical “Who’s Who” of the major credit card companies. You know that one of them, in my opinion, stands out for consumers.

With me? Well. These are two essential fundamentals that you must follow in order to live in the credit card utopia.

Now let me spice it up.

What could be better than interest-free credit cards? What could be better than having the best, lowest guaranteed credit card in your wallet?

1) How about cash? Would that work for you?

How about a big fat check at the end of the year, in thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars?

Would you like to get PAID thousands of dollars every year, just for spending money you ALREADY SPENT?

You may find that I am not talking DIRECTLY about interest rates. But listen, I can’t get much lower than zero interest. I need you to think creatively with me now.

2) Rewards cards, also known as incentive-based credit cards. Let’s start there.

These are no secret. Many of us have rewards cards. I have several, in fact, and I get a lot of rewards for spending with them. I earn airline miles, receive gas vouchers, and get discounts at online stores … AND … I get cash.

But let me tell you about a HUGE secret that most people are not yet fully exploiting for their personal and financial gain.

3) My family and I are starting to make money from Cash-Back offers:

Cash back, Cash-Back cards, those are the ones I want to focus on here, for a second.

How do these cash back cards lower the interest rate? Well at this stage it’s a game of semantics, but if you have 9% interest, for example, and you use a cash back credit card that pays you 3% on all transactions … Well, that it’s like getting a 3% discount on the rate, so your charge is more than 6%. It’s not EXACTLY so, but you get the point.

More importantly, let’s dig deeper.

4) I’m going to tell you how to TURBO-CHARGE this mechanism, and EXPLOIT IT FOR EVERYTHING IT’S WORTH.

You see, your credit card company wants you to spend as much money as possible on your plastic.

Yes, they would like to charge you interest on the debt. But even if you pay it every month, did you know that they still make a profit on the transaction from merchant fees?

Yes, the credit card charges the merchant a fee for swiping your card. It can range from 1% to 6% …

It does not affect you, the consumer (directly), but it does give you an idea of ​​why you can become a business partner with your credit card company.

5) Secret n. 3 Revealed: This is what my family and I are doing:

We use our cash back credit card for EVERYTHING.

We have simply restructured our expenses so that all expenses, or almost all expenses, go through our credit card with cash back.

Supermarkets, restaurants, shopping, gastronomy, gas … Everything. In fact, at the time of writing, American Express® has developed a Bill-Pay type system so that we can pay some of our bills using our cash back credit card.

You can imagine? A credit card company that develops online bill payment. Now how smart is that?

6) Let me ask you something. How much money do you spend each year on expenses?

Don’t take out your calculator, because the answer is simple. Basically, you spend … AS MUCH AS YOU EARN …

The vast majority of us do. So, let me ask you the same question in a different way: How much money do you make?

How much is 3% to 5% of that?

I will give you an example. If the average household income (and expenses) were around $ 50,000, then that means a smart consumer, with a cash-back credit card, could generate a check each year for between $ 1,500 and $ 2,500.

7) Holly Cape Canaveral, Batman !!! That’s $ 2,500 in free cash, every year!

What would YOU do with all that free money? Buy a vacation, a new TV, some jewelry?

Are you getting it now?

You should begin to view the Cash-Back credit card as more than just an incentive or reward.

Frankly, it is a new source of income.

8) Now, here is the heart of the question on how we do this. It’s simple.

The first step is to gather all of our credit cards, put them in an envelope, and store that envelope in our safe in the attic. We replace all of our plastic in our wallet with the cash back credit card of your choice. We also put an emergency debit card in our wallet, but the main method of spending now is to use the cash back card. This takes care of gas, food, restaurants, etc.

The second step is the expense restructuring process through the online bill payment system with our cash back credit card company.

We redirect as many expenses as possible through our cash back card. It takes a little time and it doesn’t happen in a day.

But do the field work. Be a smart consumer like me and my family.

9) There is also an advantage!

The advantage is exceptional! Have you considered that my family and I really only have to make one payment a month? That is the goal we are moving towards anyway.

So think about how many bills you pay each month. Wouldn’t it be nice to make one payment for all your expenses, instead of a check to your gas card, a check to utilities, a check to the credit card company, etc.?

Consider the convenience and time you save by just making one payment each month.

10) A lot of information to assimilate, right? Let’s break down here:

If you have followed my train of thought then you have come to the secret knowledge of how to mine and exploit the power of these cash back cards for all they are worth. If you do this, even just the first part, you will take an incentive program to save money and recharge it in a real income producing technology.

Nice, cool, huh? SHHH! It is a utopian secret.

We have enjoyed providing you with this information and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Remember to always seek good advice from those you trust and never turn your back on your own common sense.

Editor’s Instructions: This article may be freely distributed as long as copyright, author information, disclaimer, and a hot link (where possible) are included.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in articles, reviews, and other materials included in this document are those of the authors. While every care has been taken in collecting this information and every effort has been made to present accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information contained in these pages or any information accessed through this site.

Arts Entertainments

The best karaoke songs of 2011: country and pop

Another year has passed us, so it’s a good time to review the year and see which songs top the sales for the year 2011. As we mentioned in our review last year, there are similar criticisms. Ours is different because it shows what people wanted to sing last year and not just what they wanted to hear. No review can be completely accurate, but we think the following lists provide a good review of the best music that came out in 2011 that karaoke singers were requesting.

The best karaoke pop songs of 2011

# 1 – Rolling In The Deep – Adele (Many people assume that Adele is a black singer because of the sound of her voice, but she is not. What you hear from her are powerful voices with the feeling of emotion behind each note. That it’s exactly what a good singer wants from a song. The challenge for any singer with ‘Rolling In The Deep’ is to match the emotion and feeling that Adele brings to her original version. Of course, you can get away with it if you can’t. match Adele’s vocal quality and still please your audience if you’re a six-year-old singing this song with all your heart, like Alexa Narváez did on YouTube with over 13 million views today).

# 2 – Someone Like You – Adele (Yes, Adele appears with the two best pop songs of 2011. ‘Someone Like You’ tells of a person who accepts the fact that his previous lover has moved on. Better and sings that he will find a ‘someone like you’, claiming to have come to terms with the status of their breakup, but obviously revealing otherwise. Perhaps this song became so popular because most of us have been heartbroken in the same way that it is relate this song).

# 3 – Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO with Lauren Bennett & Goonrock (Well, I thought LMFAO must be a band, and possibly every letter in this group’s name represents one of its members. Man, am I ever out of the loop? LMFAO is an acronym for Laughing My Freaking Ass Off. LMFAO is actually a duo made up of Motown founder Berry Gordy’s youngest son, Stefan, aka Redfoo, and his grandson Skyler, aka SkyBlu. The song was one of the songs. popular dance songs of the year. If it’s fun to dance by then it must be fun to sing.)

# 4 – On The Floor – Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull (If anyone remembers the 1989 Lambada, they will no doubt notice the borrowed beat for the lead riff. What can we expect from J-Lo’s next big single? In The Stream ‘or’ Afternoon Delight ‘.)

# 5 – You And I – Lady Gaga (Unlike most of Lady Gaga’s tunes and perhaps a little less successful than some of Gaga’s dance songs, this tune was highly requested as a karaoke song. ‘You And I ‘is a blues, rock, and country-inspired ballad that gently showcases the classic Queen song’ We Will Rock You ‘).

# 6 – Moves Like Jagger – Maroon 5 with Christina Aguilera (This song has a catchy hook and was popular with the karaoke crowd, and what has made it more attractive is that it is a female / male duo.)

# 7 – Mr. Know It All – Kelly Clarkson (The original American Idol is still going strong five studio albums later. This song once again capitalizes on strong vocals and the ‘you don’t know anything about me’ hook will linger in his head long after. the last note of the song is played).

# 8 – Lighters – Bad Meets Evil & Bruno Mars (Bad Meets Evil is a duo made up of rappers Royce da 5’9 “and Eminem. This duo actually formed before Eminem gained popularity in 1999, they broke up and they have now since reunited. The song ‘Lighters’ is an alternative hip-hop song, different from hard core rap, especially with the added vocals of Bruno Mars.)

# 9 – We Found Love – Rihanna (Rihanna once again hits the top of the charts with a catchy dance song. Many versions of this song also include Calvin Harris in the credits, but we haven’t heard a duet or cover version. no version featuring vocals other than Rihanna.)

# 10 – I Do – Colbie Caillat (Like Colbie Caillat’s first single, Bubbly, this song is a happy, carefree sunny day song that talks about taking relationships to the next level. A perfect tune for the upbeat romantic. ).

Honorable mention:

Mistletoe – Justin Bieber (Some people may wonder why Justin Bieber once again is not in the top 10. He also did not reach the top ten with any of his songs in 2010, possibly because although his songs have great appeal, when he does get to sing them there will be a much smaller audience. Taken together, the karaoke versions of his songs outsold any other artist in 2011, Justin Bieber was the best-selling karaoke artist of 2011. The season-ending release of ‘Mistletoe’ almost reached top 10. It was in high demand in late November and December. Many are yearning for a fresh new Christmas song and this song met that need precisely.)

The best country karaoke songs of 2011

# 1 – Dirt Road Anthem – Jason Aldean (This song talks about country life, but adds a bit of ‘country rap’ into the mix. Very popular melody and choice for karaoke singers).

# 2 – Just Fishin ‘- Trace Adkins (This song is about a father and daughter fishing together. Another feel-good country song that pulls on the strings of your heart “).

# 3 – Country Girl (Shake It For Me) – Luke Bryan (This song is quite different from Luke Bryan’s previous hit ‘Rain Is A Good Thing’. The title should be a dead giveaway that this song is not a ballad or a storytelling song. It’s a dance tune that comes straight to you and became popular and became one of the most requested country songs to sing).

# 4 – Hell On Heels – Pistol Annies (There are some songs that are country cross overs; songs that can be played on both pop charts and country charts. Not this song, it’s definitely country. Pistol Annies make a declaration of a woman’s anger, singing ‘sugar daddy, I’m coming for you’).

# 5 – You Lie – The Band Perry (Another country tune about an unhappy relationship. You lie down like a Persian rug, like a raccoon dog basking in the sun, like a penny in the parking lot. It seems like a lot of country songs are about That Bitter Feeling. that you have when you discover that your partner is not that important and that people love to sing about it).

# 6 – Honey Bee – Blake Shelton (This catchy tune performed well on the Billboard 100, as well as being # 1 on the country charts. The song’s sheer appeal (and the fact that people sang it) helped. to put it in the top ten of our list).

# 7 – Barefoot Blue Jean Night – Jake Owen (This song recalls the fun you had on your barefoot blue jeans night of the southern summer. Your friend Frankie got hitched on a horned Cadillac on the hood!)

# 8 – Story Of Us – Taylor Swift (an upbeat tempo song that by its title could indicate that the song would be about a happy relationship. Unfortunately, the chorus is ‘the story of us is a tragedy now’).

# 9 – This Is Country Music – Brad Paisley (Although not as commercially successful as some of Brad Paisley’s previous hits, ‘This Is Country Music’ epitomizes what many feel a country song is about. Music fans country can pride themselves that their music often has some substance to its lyrics or message, which is not the norm with a pop tune).

# 10 – Just A Kiss – Lady Antebellum (Lady Antebellum songs are very popular in the karaoke world due to their duet ability. The way Charles Kelley and Hillary Scott effortlessly change lead vocals in their original performances makes many singers want to do the same in karaoke versions. The challenge is to find two singers with the same vocal skills as the lead singers of Lady Antebellum).

So once again, another year has given us a lot of new music. So you, the karaoke singer, should stop singing the same old song. You don’t want to subject the crowd to once again singing the same song you sing week after week, no matter how well you sing that song. There is a lot of new karaoke music to choose from. Sometimes it can seem like there is no good new music out there. However, it may seem that way because you’ve gotten into the habit of listening to your ‘iPod’ with your pre-selected music options. Start getting used to listening to the radio or turning on a music channel more often, then you will find many new selections to choose from.