
Steam cleaning of nurseries and nurseries

What’s the old saying … “spouses, (I don’t want to insult one gender over the other) can’t live with them and can’t live without them”? In my experience, that also applies to children. They are the absolute joy of our lives and can break your heart 100 times a day.

However, one thing is certain about children, individually they are difficult to keep clean. As a group, it is impossible to keep them clean and they are precursors to germs, bacteria and everything else that causes disease. And they will pollute every place they go as a group. That includes nurseries and nurseries.

As the owner or operator of a daycare or daycare, you have the impossible task of trying to keep the children in your care clean and free of germs that can be passed from one child to another making them sick or aggravating their allergies. Once they are gone for the day, try to clean the school as best you can so that the children return the next day to a healthy, germ-free environment.

Consider parents evaluating daycare for their children to attend. There are many factors that parents consider and one of the most important is the cleanliness of the facility. After all, your child’s health is a major concern for all parents. Four stars in the cleanliness category for the nursery school can easily be obtained, which can ensure that a clean, healthy and safe environment is a high priority. You can make your school or daycare stand out from the rest by putting a little extra emphasis on cleanliness.

If you use traditional chemical-based cleaning methods, you could be creating new problems by trying to solve the problems caused by germs and bacteria. Also, if you store chemical cleaners at school, there is always the terrifying chance that children will discover them and who knows what might happen then?

Is there a better way to clean your nursery or nursery? Try a steam steam cleaner instead of your old-fashioned cleaning methods that include potentially harmful chemical-based cleaners. Steam cleaners are “kid-friendly” and environmentally friendly. They clean more thoroughly in less time and with much less effort. Steam cleaners also disinfect while cleaning, killing germs, bacteria, mold and mildew.

Steam steam cleaners only use water to clean and are capable of cleaning almost any surface in your nursery or nursery, including stuffed animals and toys where germs and bacteria live and breed. While in daycare or nursery school, children spend a lot of time with their favorite stuffed animal or stuffed toy where they can contract untold numbers of germs and viruses. With younger children, these objects are often in the child’s mouth, which could create some serious problems if the object is not properly disinfected. Conventional chemical-based cleaners cannot effectively clean these germ and virus precursors without damaging them over time. A steam cleaner will clean, sanitize and sanitize stuffed animals and toys with a single application using only steam created using nothing but water.

A steam cleaner creates a low humidity steam vapor at temperatures of 212 F or higher to clean, sanitize, and sanitize the surface to be cleaned. Heat along with gentle scrubbing cleans and disinfects the surface for you. Cleaning with a steam cleaner removes chemical residues while sanitizing the surface you are cleaning. Because steam cleaners use only small amounts of water to clean, they are virtually mess-free, as well as being quiet and portable.

There are three different types of steam cleaners that can and should be used in nurseries and nurseries. First, you should have a full-size steam cleaner to use for cleaning the entire facility. This type of steam cleaner can be used anywhere, from the main rooms of the facility to the kitchen and bathroom. All areas can be fully cleaned and sanitized with a full-size steam cleaner.

A steam mop should then be used for those occasions when something is spilled on the floor of the facility or for when one of the children has an “accident”. A steam mop is ideal for these times because it heats up quickly and can be used quickly and easily.

The last steam cleaner you should have in your facility is a small handheld. Like a steam mop, a handheld steam cleaner is easy to use and will heat up quickly for those times when you want to quickly clean a stuffed animal or toy that one of the children has coughed or sneezed on. Handheld steam cleaners are also useful for those areas that you want to clean quickly but cannot use a steam mop.

When looking for the best way to clean, sanitize, and sanitize a nursery, you should always consider “kid-friendly” cleaning products. Steam cleaners are “kid-friendly” and also environmentally friendly because they use only water, keeping potentially harmful chemical cleaners out of the reach of children in their care.


Sleeping Beauties book review

The literary world is quite familiar with the name ‘Stephen King’. With each new book, the author brings a whole new level of excitement to horror readers. With the name ‘Sleeping Beauties’ your attention is drawn towards epic fantasy written for children, but be careful because this book is actually quite scary when it comes to concept.

What if one day women disappeared from this world? In Sleeping Beauties, women around the world begin to fall asleep never to wake up again. The moment they sleep, a cocoon-shaped gauze wraps their bodies. If someone tries to disturb or damage the cocoon, what awakens is not the woman herself, but a wild creature that is purely a killing machine. The pandemic soon begins to spread and fear begins to grow among the people. No one knows the cause and everyone seems desperate, as a cure does not emerge until a mysterious woman, Evie, begins to gain prominence. Apparently, she is the only woman who can wake up after sleeping and knows a lot about it.

The only problem with the book is the long list of characters that are mentioned at the beginning of the book. For many readers, keeping track of more than 70 characters can be a bit difficult, especially when not all of them play a significant role in the overall plot. Reading their backstories and following character development seemed pointless when in the end they just didn’t matter. These useless characters, if removed, could have made the entire narrative sharper by removing around a hundred pages.

Other than that, Stephen King and Owen King have done a great job with such a unique concept that it also conveys an important message. As more and more women begin to sleep, it creates discomfort among men. They start acting crazy to the point that a simple rumor suggesting that the infection is contagious is enough for some men to start burning the cocoons. The way it has been narrated is gruesome and shocking.

When you get to the end, you realize that the father-son duo have basically tried to cheer the women up through the complex story. It all comes down to how men are extremely comfortable waging wars to solve anything, while women are the ones bearing the burden and making sacrifices. You wonder: what if your children grew up in a world full of women? Could women create a better world?

Overall, Sleeping Beauties is a bit stuffy and bursting with characters, but the concept and climax make it all worth it.

Health Fitness

Zig Zag Diet Strategies for Losing Fat and Building Muscle

I have to share with you some amazing advice for both fat loss and muscle building. It’s called a zigzag nutrition strategy.

It is quite simple to put it simply.

Just adjust your calories in a zigzag diet pattern for days, weeks, or months, even years. I do not recommend that you do the yearly or even the monthly as it will be too late to know if it is working for you or you are simply getting fat with less results and your hard body underneath is wearing off. for a long walk on the dirt road.

What I DO recommend is that you follow a zigzag nutrition pattern weekly and possibly daily. I prefer to do it weekly.

It works like this (once you know your lean body mass requirements).

First, ZIG. So ZAG.

You must first determine how many calories you are currently ingesting or, better yet, how many calories you need to maintain your lean body mass (LBM). That’s the sexy shape and muscle tone hiding under your layers of fat and water. Once you determine what the machine needs to feed, start planning your ZIGZAG diet strategy.

Now, this is all assuming you are eating clean, low glycemic, moderate protein and good essential fats to begin with. We can even zigzag your primary macronutrients as well, but we’ll talk about that later as we’re focusing on zigzag calories for now.

Start your ZIG by reducing your total calories by 200-500 per day. I suggest you do this during the week.

Now the ZAG should use the required daily amount and add 200-500 calories per day for 1 week.

This will provide you with the calories needed to maintain your lean body mass, but surprisingly you will have a leaner body by following this method after 1-2 months. Bill Phillips wrote about this with Dan Duchaine, Mauro DiPasquali, TC Loma, and a few others many years ago (almost 20 years ago). Dan Duchaine reported that this “cycling” trick resulted in +1 to 2 pounds of body fat and -1 to 2 pounds of body fat every 2 weeks for months and months.

That alone is amazing, as it means you could be the same weight you are today in a year, but you actually have 12-24 pounds less fat and 12-24 pounds more muscle than today. This is a GREAT opportunity to change the way you perform, look and feel without changing anything in your diet.

If you had the opportunity to NOT diet and do what you do today, just change the amounts you eat today instead of tomorrow by following a ZIGZAG nutrition strategy, you should at least consider it.

Anecdotal reports on this come from many, including the guinea pigs with Dr. Jekyll’s original gear above, myself, and many of my clients, and are as follows:

  • Higher energy
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Greater healing and recovery.
  • Decrease in pain.
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Decreased weakness.
  • Increased fat loss
  • Decreased loss of muscle mass.
  • Greater strength

And the list goes on, it is quite amazing, but you will have to experiment and experience it for yourself to be a true believer, believe me, you will become a believer in this ZIGZAG diet strategy.

Remember this all starts with a good nutritional foundation. If you need to do that, there are resources on the internet, but you have to start with a great nutrition game plan for this to be truly effective in the shortest amount of time.

For a ZIGZAG nutrition strategy to work for you, first determine how to create a strong and clean nutrition program. A game plan so to speak.

If your goal is to lose fat, then you need to know how much to feed the body. Cut that down by 200 calories and that will give you a baseline to start your Zigzag nutrition formula.

If your goal is to gain muscle, then know what you need to power the machine and work above your baseline at 200 calories and begin your ZIGZAG diet game plan.

Let me make it easy for you.

ZIGZAG for Fat Loss with 2000 Calories

2,000 calories – 200 calories = 1,800 baseline calories
1800 calories – 200 calories = 1600 calories on restricted ZIG days
1800 calories + 200 calories = 2000 calories in ZAG recovery days
The net average is 1800 calories, the fat loss is much greater than that and so are the gains in lean body mass in the process.

ZIGZAG for Muscle Building 2000 Calories

2,000 calories + 200 calories = 2,200 baseline calories
2,200 calories – 200 calories = 2,000 restricted ZIG days
2,200 calories + 200 calories = 2,400 ZAG days of recovery
The net average is 2,200 calories; the lean muscle gain is greater than that along with the side effect of fat loss

All of this is fine and done for you, but you still need to know what ratio of primary macronutrients works for you. That’s different for everyone and it will change from goal to goal, from season to season.

The simple math for fat loss will suggest that you eat less carbohydrates than you do today to lose fat. You can slightly increase your protein and healthy fats to offset the calories from the carb restriction and experience greater fat loss while consuming the exact same calories as last week.

I would only suggest swapping 100-200 carbohydrate calories for protein and fat at a time and giving it 1-2 weeks to evaluate the net results. Once you feel that you are satisfied with the results of your fat loss or that you are at a sticking point, you should consider a ZIGZAG strategy.

If you are just starting out and have no idea where to feed your machine or what proportions to eat and how to implement the ZIGZAG nutrition method, try this simple math:

200 pounds – 20% body fat = LBM (lean body mass)
200 pounds – 40 pounds of body fat = 160 pounds LBM
160 pounds LBM x 10 calories per LBM = 1600 calories
ZIG days (-200 calories) = 1400 calories
ZAG days (+200 calories) = 1800 calories
This may sound lower than you are used to, but remember that the goal is fat loss and maintenance of lean muscle mass and you cannot lose fat while consuming too many calories.

The ratio I would recommend you start with is 40% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 30% fat.

1400 calories ZIG days
Protein = 560 calories / 140 grams
Carbohydrates = 420/105 grams
Fat = 420 / 46.6 grams

1800 calories ZAG days
Protein = 720 calories / 180 grams
Carbohydrates = 540/135 grams
Fat = 540/60 grams

Now that you know how to do this for fat loss, you can do the same process for muscle building, but instead of multiplying your LBM x10 calories, you will use x12-15 calories per LBM. To stay slim, try the same proportions, this will ensure a lean muscle building experience without adding unwanted fat.

Of course there are those who claim to be tough winners, many are too lazy to work hard enough on their nutrition, exercise and supplement programs, but even they will be surprised to use a ZIGZAG method to slim body gains. Gone are the days of raw MASS giving up all lean attributes, but if you need that kind of program, there are places and merits for that too.

I love knowing that it comes down to two things with nutrition. Simple Science = Math and Personal Choices = Art of creating a program that works for you. Most of the simple science is available to you, just choose wisely and make the right proportion, meal times, and food choices that work for you.

Make ZIGZAG programs work for you. You can alternate between fat loss, muscle building, the MASS program every week or month and notice incredible fat loss and muscle mass gains.

I mentioned ZIGZAG of the primary macronutrients and this can have amazing results for you too, but it is a bit more complicated to suggest here and it leads me to another article to increase your lean body lifestyle, fat loss and muscle building goals.

Remember that when 90% of the world does ZIG at the rate of 1 strategy, it is time for ZAG and make a difference. 90% of the time, the 10% who run backwards are successful in their efforts.

Legal Law

Essential functions of mass communication

In the 21st century, the media and the media are increasingly playing a pivotal role. Business companies are connecting with their customers and stakeholders more than ever through social and traditional media. Businesses use contemporary forms of communication to share information, news and opinions. Let’s look at the essential functions of mass communication.

Sharing news and information

Sharing news and information about local and global events is one of the main functions of mass communication. While Facebook and Twitter are known as social media platforms, they are also vital news outlets. Companies are increasingly using social and traditional media to reach a large audience and engage readers. With the latest tools, customers feel connected and informed.

Opinion discussion

The discussion of opinions is another essential function. The media shapes the opinion of the audience and through social media one can participate in interactive discussions. The audience is exposed to various points of view and forms its own opinion. Articles in newspapers and magazines provide an in-depth analysis of an event that shapes one’s opinion.


Surveillance is related to the constant flow of public information about events that occur around the world. Television networks, magazines and newspapers around the world collect information and present it consistently. Surveillance can be divided into:

Warnings about threats due to climate change, cyclones, etc.

Updates on new products, recipes, stock market behavior, etc.


Interpretation is closely related to surveillance. Today, communicators have realized their responsibility to provide reliable and correct data to avoid undesirable consequences. Today, communicators not only provide information about events, but also their meaning and ultimate significance. Analytical articles, round tables and documentaries fulfill this function.

Cultural transmission

Mass communication is equally important for cultural transmission. People who participate through forums, blogs, newsletters, etc. They are developing relationships that were not possible before. The media presents role models that people emulate and are inspired by. Diverse communities are virtually connected even when physically separated.


It is one of the most obvious functions. In the past, entertainment functions were fulfilled through interpersonal interaction. Today, as people have more free time, the need for quality entertainment has increased. Through various television and radio programs, people can relax and enjoy time with their friends and loved ones. Videos and creative work can be posted directly to video sharing channels like YouTube and Vimeo.

The value of entertainment remains one of the central functions of communication.

Lifestyle Fashion

Kyphosis Treatment: It is true that people decline as they age, have you ever thought why?

One of the causes of this decrease in height is thoracic kyphosis, also known as a rounded upper back.

WhatIs it kyphosis?

Kyphosis occurs when there is excessive curvature of the spine, eventually causing a humpy appearance in the upper back.

Between 20 and 40% of older adults experience kyphosis.

The biggest change in the thoracic curve occurs in women between the ages of 50 and 70, but I’m noticing that younger people have excessive thoracic curvature.

Causes and treatment

Some of the generally known causes of kyphosis include:

  • degenerative changes

  • compression fractures

  • muscular weakness

  • altered biomechanics

The main causes of kyphosis are poor posture and ineffective movement patterns. This leads to muscle imbalances that further exacerbate the problem.

Having poor posture and skeletal misalignment, even for short periods of time during the day, causes negative changes in your central nervous system.

The length of the muscles at rest is damaged, some muscles remain in a shortened, partially contracted state, and others are overstretched and weakened. If the length of the muscle is not corrected, the connective tissue around the muscle hardens and permanently traps the muscle in place.

Over time, forward flexion can cause bulging and subluxation of the vertebrae.

The more time you spend in a flexed (bowed) position, your head begins to retain a forward position. This causes increased stress and weight on the spine and neck.

The head should be directly on the body, creating a straight line from the shoulders to the ears.

By practicing correct posture and performing exercises to strengthen your back and neck, you can lighten the load. This will give your spine a break.

Why is exercise important?

Exercise, combined with good posture and chiropractic care, can help improve the roundness of the upper back.

The researchers looked at the effect of spinal extension exercises on kyphosis. They found that strong back muscles are better able to counteract the forward pull of the spine. That means that exercises that strengthen the extensor muscles can decrease the angle of kyphosis.

Exercises that can help:

I recommend these five exercises to help prevent or improve a rounded upper back. Consistency is key and these should be repeated a minimum of three to four times a week to see results over time.

Always consult a doctor before starting an exercise routine and be sure to listen to your body. If exercise or stretching increases pain, stop and get help.

1. Mirror image

For this exercise, simply do the opposite movement of the posture you are trying to correct.

  1. Stand tall, against a wall if necessary.

  2. Slightly bend your knees

  3. Move your chin slightly and bring your head back directly over your shoulders.

  4. Imagine that a small lead weight is attached to your tailbone, hanging between your legs, allowing you to feel gravity and where your center of mass is.

  5. Gently tuck your hips in so that your tailbone points downward.

  6. Feel as if you are bringing your shoulder blades back and down. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. Take a break if you start to feel pain.

2. Head retraction

This exercise is performed lying on the floor and is ideal for neck muscles that are often stretched and weak.

  1. Pull your chin toward the floor, like you’re trying to pull a double chin.

  2. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat five to ten times.

3. Superman

  1. Lying on your stomach, spread your hands in front of your head.

  2. Keeping your head in a neutral position, facing the floor, raise your arms and legs toward the ceiling.

  3. Feel as if you are stretching your hands and feet away from your body. Hold for three seconds and repeat 10 times.

4. Life extension

The goal of this exercise is to stretch tight chest muscles and strengthen weak back muscles.

  1. Begin to stand tall, with soft knees, core engaged, chest upright, and shoulder blades back and down.

  2. Once you are in an ideal posture, raise your arms to a Y position with your thumbs pointing back.

  3. In this position, take two or three deep breaths, concentrating on holding this pose as you exhale.

5. Foam roll of the thoracic spine

  1. Lie on the floor with a foam roller under you, in the middle of your back.

  2. Gently roll up and down on the foam roller, massaging the muscles of the back and thoracic spine.

Food to go!

By making small changes to take care of your posture today and prevent kyphosis, you can reap the health benefits for years to come. So take a break from your phone, practice good posture, and work towards a better quality of life.


Design and Art History – The Psychedelic Movement (CA 1960-1970)

In the late 1960s, something happened to an American generation that would mark them forever. It is a story of war, the fight for racial equality and the explosion of the counterculture, it was a time when a generation rebelled and lost their innocence in the fight against injustice. Vietnam was the first televised war and the images were inescapable.

A decade that ended in disappointment and anger began on a high moral note. Thanks to Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King jr, it seemed that the time for racial equality in America had finally come.

There is so much to write about in this age that it is very difficult to select just one thing to focus on. Although there is an absurd amount of art and design that stems from this time period. When we talk about the “sixties” all we seem to recognize is music, psychedelic rock and artists like Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix in particular.

However, album art and festival posters is a good place to start. Just as music was a force to be reckoned with, so did the album artwork and poster designs come hand in hand. One thing that seems to be happening again with most visual artists at the time is a relationship with “Underground Comix.” These were small-press or self-published comic books, generally socially relevant and satirical in nature. These featured content that was deemed inappropriate and prohibited by the strictest media.

Rick Griffin:
When looking for band posters, it’s hard to avoid finding a Grateful Dead poster somewhere, anywhere. The artist behind these was Rick Griffin. He was an American artist and one of the leading psychedelic poster designers in the 1960s. His work within the surfing subculture included both movie posters and his comic strip, Murphy.

Victor Moscoso:
A Hispanic American artist, Moscoso was the first of the 1960s era rock poster artists with formal academic training and experience. After studying art at Cooper Union in New York and after attending Yale University, he moved to San Francisco in 1959 to study at the San Francisco Art Institute. Here he later became an instructor. He was one of the first rock poster artists to use photo collages in his artwork.

Bonnie MacLean:
Another American artist who made a name for herself at the time was Bonnie MacLean. He was born in Philadelphia and graduated from Penn State University in 1960. He then moved to New York where he worked at the Pratt Institute while taking drawing classes in the afternoons. Later he moved to San Francisco, where he met and worked with a man named Bill Graham, who became famous as a promoter of rock concerts at the Fillmore Auditorium. There he worked alongside another artist named Wes Wilson.

Wes Wilson:
The aforementioned artist Wes Wilson was also one of the leading psychedelic poster illustrators in the 1960s. Working with Bill Graham and Bonnie MacLean, he was a big part of promoting venues at the time with posters and illustrative work for musicians and bands. The font and letters on the posters from this era were created by him. He popularized this “psychedelic” font around 1966 which made the letters appear to move or melt. These lyrics are still used in more recent albums and artwork for artists such as Foo Fighters, Kyuss Lives, and The Queens of the Stone Age. This in turn shows that the psychedelic movement continues to influence artists, especially in the world of metal, desert rock, and stoner rock. The style lives on as a staple.

Modern poster styles:
The posters still influenced by the styles of the artwork can be traced through tributes and inspirations on rock and metal posters from the present to this time. Various modern posters can be seen on the Malleus Rock Art Lab web pages if interested. I personally find a lot of inspiration through his images.

Thank you for reading.