
The slow drain of cyber in the United States

Filly Intelligence, a comprehensive security and intelligence firm, suggests that the United States is not taking action in response to the serious threat cyberspace poses to our nation. Despite increased awareness of the risks associated with cyber and digital systems, broad swaths of the economy and individual players, ranging from consumers to large commercial enterprises, are still not taking advantage of available expertise, processes and technology. to protect your systems, and neither are they. protection measures evolve as quickly as threats. This general lack of investment puts businesses and consumers at greater risk, leading to economic losses at the individual and aggregate level and posing a threat to the national security of the United States. Threats grow at the speed of the network and the traditional static line of cyber defenses is no longer adequate to prevent the capabilities of malicious actors.

There is an unrecognized danger to commercial industries that do not achieve sufficient safety programs. The danger in the ongoing trend of the ongoing series of low-to-moderate-level cyberattacks is that they impose cumulative costs on America’s economic competitiveness and national security. Many of the constant trickle-down attacks are directed at proprietary intellectual property, business plans, and technologies (manufacturing, supply chain, etc.) that form the competitive base of many American companies.

There are potentially devastating long-term consequences of the cyber threat facing the industry today. This trend in cybercrime hurts America’s commerce, competitiveness, innovation, and the overall global economy. We expect US industry executives to continue to compete more aggressively for business in international markets and to increase capital expenditures in the global economic environment.

The current trend of low-grade cyber theft of competitive intellectual property, information, and data from US commercial companies may create a theoretical “innovation tax,” which could seriously erode the incentive for US companies to engage in research and development.

Small American businesses are clearly under attack, not only for their information and technology, but also for using them as hedging attack vectors on other partner systems. Last year, almost half of cyberattacks globally (43%) were against small businesses that employ fewer than 250 workers. (Symantec Report) These cybercriminals are carrying out theft through small businesses, they will steal a bank account by issuing fraudulent wire transfers by emailing the bank and posing as the account owner whose credentials they have also breached. Let’s face it: Cybercrime is a big payday these days, it is now profitable to steal customers’ personal identity information, request fraudulent tax refunds, commit health insurance or Medicare fraud, and even steal intellectual property.


The Lord is Good to All – A Bible Memory Verse Game for Preschoolers

What a blessing it is to know that God shares his goodness with everyone. Even people who don’t believe in Him are inundated with His goodness and grace. This shows how abundantly good and loving our Lord is. Play this memory verse game with your preschoolers to help them learn that the Lord is good to everyone!

How to play this Bible memory verses game:

There are 2 ways to play this game.

Number one: community workers

Gather some community worker costumes and hats. You can make your own, or you can buy some costumes at a local party store that may be near you. Look for costumes for community workers, such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, grocery clerks, construction workers, and waiters or waitresses. The more accessories you use, the more fun your kids will have.

Place all of the costumes in a bucket that you will take out of. Have a child come over and dress them in one of the costumes. Let’s say you choose a police officer’s uniform. Let the child stand in front of the rest of the class. Then say the following:

This is Jake (or whatever the boy is called). He is a police officer. Work hard to keep us safe.

Let’s tell Jake that God loves him by saying Psalm 145: 9: The Lord is good to everyone!

Be sure to invite the children to say Psalm 145: 9 with you.

Help the child remove the costume. Pick a new child to put on a new costume and play the same game.

Number two: all over the world

Gather some colorful pictures of children from around the world. It would be nice to turn the images into “popsicle” puppets by simply adding a popsicle stick or tongue depressor to the bottom of the image. Put all the pictures in a basket or box so that the popsicle sticks stick out.

Ask a child to come over and pull out a “puppet.” Then say the following:

This is Akiko. (Choose a name that you think reflects the nationality of the child’s photo.) Akiko is from Japan.

Let’s tell Akiko that God loves her by saying Psalm 145: 9: The Lord is good to everyone!

Be sure to invite the children to say Psalm 145: 9 with you.

That’s! This Bible memory verse game will give your preschoolers many opportunities to learn and recite Psalm 145: 19.


5 tips to follow for a pleasant camping trip in the desert

Spending the night in a desert is a completely different experience compared to when you are in the forest. The climate is warmer and there are few or no trees and plant life around. However, it is a fascinating place to visit and a good place to enjoy a good bonfire under the starry sky.

Dessert camp requires careful planning and preparation. Follow these helpful tips for a more enjoyable experience!

Pack the important things

To be prepared

Before embarking on the adventure, it is important to do some research on your chosen destination. Read articles or blogs about other people’s experiences camping in the area to find out what to expect.

One of the most important things to discover is wildlife – the desert is home to various animals and insects and you may encounter snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. Learn in advance what to do when you find them.

Make a list of the essentials

The best way to make sure you don’t forget anything important is to make a list. Write down all the essentials such as food, clothing, toiletries, sleepwear, kitchen utensils, navigation tools, etc.

Since the weather will be mostly warm (depending on where you are and the time of year), don’t forget your hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, bug spray, and clothing appropriate for the weather. But be sure to pack warm clothes too! Some nights can be chilly and you will need some blankets and a sleeping bag for the right weather.

Fill with gasoline

Driving through the desert can take hours and you don’t want to run out of gas and be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Carry fuel or fill up your gas supply as much as you can. The further you go into the desert, the gas stations will be less and more in between.

Arrive before dark

It is very easy to get lost in the desert, especially at night. Once the sun goes down, the area can get very, very dark and it will be more difficult for you to navigate. Schedule your trip wisely so that you arrive at your campsite before dark and have time to set up camp.

Bring lots of water

The desert is hot and dry and water is scarce. Your biggest threat as a camper is dehydration, so make sure you have enough water throughout the trip.

Consider these very helpful desert camping tips for a fun and hassle-free outdoor adventure!

Health Fitness

Tips and strategies to increase physical activity and lose weight

Tips and strategies for using more physical activity to lose weight. You must make a conscious effort to increase your daily physical activity. At home, make time to garden or mow the lawn yourself rather than handing it over as a contract to others. You could also get more involved in cleaning the garden, every little physical activity counts. Don’t worry if some people see it as added stress, as long as you know that the physical activity and creativity involved in determining where to plan, shape, and trim your flowers and shrubs help you stay physically active and mentally fit.

When you go to social gatherings and sporting events, volunteer to clean and move the chairs and tables. At work or at events, go up and down the stairs instead of using the elevators or elevator. Stay healthy, stay active should be your motto.

Consistent daily walks are one of the ways you can easily lose weight and clear your mind. Even if you’re around the block, walking can do wonders for your health. It can also help reduce your stress level. Try to walk 10,000 steps a day or 4 miles a day. If you don’t have space at home, go to your neighborhood park. If it is closed or not secure, walk on a treadmill or jump rope. Aim for 500 jump ropes per day.

If you don’t like walking or going to the gym, consider swimming exercises, joining a dance class, or even playing tennis. If you have a pool at home, swimming may be a very beneficial way to increase physical activity and help you relax. Focus on low-impact exercises and avoid strenuous exercises that can easily damage your body. Examples include walking on the treadmill, dancing, and jumping rope.

The good news is that once you find the tips and strategies that work for you and do them regularly, you will see the pounds gradually begin to drop. Increasing your daily physical activity will also improve your mood and make you approach your daily tasks and goals with more optimism and hope. On the other hand, if you spend most of your days, sitting in the car (don’t buy your food or fill your pharmacy prescriptions on the go, all the time), sitting at work in the office and sitting in front of the TV or Internet at home, then your daily metabolism will be low and you will find yourself gradually gaining more weight, while increasing the risk of negative outcomes such as deep vein thrombosis. Please get up and move!

Lifestyle Fashion

Belief is closure

The NOC in CONstructs:

There are many schools of esoteric wisdom and many divisions or hierarchies in each of them. Some of the initiates think they know everything once they see what their school has put into the ether to make them think what they want to think. Carl Jung describes something related to this in his The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Make it clear that once a person enters the afterlife, they will see what they thought they believed or hoped to see at first. Astral ‘travelers’ who are wrong and have little awareness of history will think that they are finding evidence of the involvement of God or extraterrestrials in the cultural development of the Earth. Wizards and priests of the past knew very well that most people “traveled” every night. In the pre-Christian era, this “journey” was conscious and most people were more skillful and conscious. The intellectual schools of Thoth-Hermes or Imhotep-Asklepios of which the prominent historian Michael Grant tells us that the main Old World system of thought is reflected throughout the world.

The Mediwiwin Society of North America and the Toltecs or Chanes / Dragons join the pantheon of expert spiritual scientists about whom modern quantum physicists point out that Eastern philosophies were more expressive. The Mandukya Upanishads, the I Ching, and the Tao or Zen – all of these systems, including the Yoga of my early adulthood and the search for truth, are noted by Capra, Heisenberg, Wigner, and people like Zukav, as well as top awards Nobel of all hard sciences. It was these schools of philosophy or thought that let me know that our story was made up and not very close to reality. It goes both ways. Knowledge must be verified through other means of awareness and all facts must be included. There should be no anomaly in any true story that our culture or science understands. Belief is the “closure” of the mind! But the ‘belief’ or ‘faith in some game WITH which the Noahdists, Brahmins or other Kabbalistic types might have made has a very negative side. Build the kind of obsession and nationalism that drives Gihads of many kinds. It makes people say they speak for God or ‘consult a higher authority’ when they create War on Terra (Or is it terror?).

“Two key terms for Pisces are sacrifice and ‘I believe’. Could that be the lesson of the Pisces era, sacrifice belief? By the way, there are almost six hundred years of the Pisces era to run. To stop the indoctrination of our youth in established religions, to tell children the truth and stop trying to build a moral conscience through the carrot and stick method of religion. Rather than skill itself. Yes, as a modern and progressive society, we are growing toward a more complete appreciation that freedom of speech and psychological health go hand in hand, but we are still a long way from libertarianism. {What certain Illuminati say is their facade and I know derives from the Physiocratic School Merovingia in which Dupont de Nemours initiated Jefferson.} We are still a harsh punishment, the rule of law of our secular governments simplifies what represents a change in the power base of the king and the Pap to a diverse group of opinionated people sponsored by business interests who promote a self-interest ethic.

As long as society in general and we as individuals resort to punishment as a way to modify human behavior, God as the face of human collective unconsciousness, the universal mind will not be complete and balanced. God will be too ashamed to look at his own face because of how disgusting and ugly the misunderstood aspects of his nature are believed to be. So God and the Devil sit at opposite ends of the same fence, facing each other, forgetting that they are two halves of a whole. For those who have traveled the inner landscapes, they will know that they need to be friends with all aspects of human nature and it is the individual’s job to reconcile this division of consciousness and let these two friends, God and the Devil, come home together. .

Once again, going back to the legends of the enlightened ones who guide humanity, the secret societies, the esoteric orders that boast of being privy to secrets too sacred for the uninitiated, the custodians of spiritual truth, the schools of mysteries that demand loyalty over the fear of death. . Why would God as a collective consciousness dream of the existence of such groups? On the one hand, these groups have literally cemented the interior landscapes with bricks and mortar and sign after sign. These pioneers of psychic exploration have mapped the human subconscious with such dedication that they have made it possible to travel the realms in search of answers. These groups fulfill a double function. They know that the direction of man’s destiny will come through the unraveling of a psychic thread, so they promote themselves as custodians of the keys to enlightenment. Its second function is to prevent someone from accessing this psychic thread.

God as the collective unconscious knows that as long as the hero continues to enter the labyrinth holding on to Ariadne’s thread only to return the same way he left, it is the thread itself that prevents him from finding the other side of the labyrinth. Her own tradition of trusting fate repeatedly woven by Athena / Arachne in the guise of a weaver goddess, prevents her from dropping the old thread and finding the new one. When I enter the realms of the subconscious, I want to meet Elvis and Frank Zappa, Freddie Mercury and my Aunt Shirley. I found it really annoying to be led by the custodians of the inner pathways to answer questions about archetypes as old as Janus and Isis. In a figurative sense, my imagination was being constrained by cemented traditions that do not interest me, they are so old-fashioned that they only represent tombs for thought, not repositories of the living matter of conscious construction.

So any aspirant who seeks enlightenment and is able to open his mind, raise his conscious level, becomes trapped like a fly in a web, in a stereotyped interaction with the subconscious resulting from the archetypal conditioning of the collective subconscious. What appears to have happened is that participants of the initiated mystery schools began to believe that the ritual archetypes that were deliberately woven into the mists of the collective unconscious as signals were actually real. This feeling permeates many modern schools of initiates who speak of the reality of the Otherworld as something as real as this. So the belief structure built around this Otherworld has separated it from the original purpose of the technique, which was simply an easy, step-by-step plan to gain access to the collective human consciousness. These belief structures have cemented God, as a collective conscience, in a prison. So why if this is so obvious why hasn’t it been picked up before? This is the other function of the mystery schools, to prevent people from seeing the truth, finding the keys, having access to a broader vision of God as the collective unconscious.

By structuring the collective subconscious, it has fixed on a point, anchored if you will. Imagine the evolutionary process of man’s consciousness as a precessional zodiac wheel. With the appearance of time errors, the archetypal map no longer represents the topography, but the errors are only slight and by extending the original structure by superimposing new myths on the previous frame, the map appears accurate. The two-dimensional images of the subconscious become three-dimensional. Every time the current of man’s development has allowed him to glimpse a new concept, the essence has been quickly symbolized and incorporated as a new building material in the old structure.

So the original place in the consciousness of man where the precessional development of the full nature of man has been built in such a way, became so dense, that a fortress was built, a revolving castle of Arianrhod. Instead of humanity drifting down the path of evolution, we have been fixed in space, chained to a huge architecturally designed structure contributed by every fully initiated teacher. So if this structure is what prevents man from continuing on the path to enlightenment, why was it designed by people who were looking for that very thing? Because the Architect knew that one day these structures would finally be seen for the prison that they are and God as the collective unconscious would teach himself the means by which he could escape the prison walls. In retrospect, we can say that man’s consciousness is genetically encoded not to continue development until such time as man is aware of the process and has made a conscious decision to evolve. “(7)