
6 ways to choose video games for kids

Video games are the popular gifts for kids today. As a parent, you need to ensure that the games your children play are fun, affordable, and safe. It is true that video games should not be the main source of entertainment for your children, but playing games from time to time will not hurt. Here are some easy ways to choose the right game. Keep reading to know more.

1. Read reviews

Reading reviews is one of the ways to find the right one. All you have to do is search for the game titles that interest you. These reviews are left by other parents. For example, you can go to Common Sense Media. The reviews will give you a pretty good idea of ​​how suitable a game would be for your kids.

2. Check the rating

Make sure the titles you choose are appropriate for your child’s game. Typically, the ESRB rating system is used to rate games. For example, the rating can be EC or AO. The important thing is to skip the titles that have an “M” rating. In reality, the problem is that these titles can contain inappropriate material, such as strong language, sexual content and intense violence. Apart from this, these products can be too addictive for your children. For example, games in the Call of Duty series may not be a good choice for minors. As for the overall rating, you should choose the ones with higher than average ratings.

3. Choose free games

Your child may be looking for games based on his favorite TV shows. For the most part, these types of titles are free. So money is not an issue, but be sure to consider the ESRB rating. You can find them online on many websites. Therefore, you do not have to go from one store to another.

4. Know the impact of your game

If you want to check the impact of a certain game on your child, a good way to do that is to sit down with your child at the PC. This way, you can easily find out if it is educational or kid-friendly. As soon as you become familiar with a particular title, you can give your child free access to it. However, don’t let your children play all day.

5. Your children’s interests

Do you kids love sports? Maybe they like art and enjoy their favorite morning cartoons. Choosing the right ones will help them develop their skills in that particular sport.

6. Play time

You can let your child play their favorite games, but make sure they don’t spend all their time on a mobile device or PC. They should do their school work on time and do other activities. As a general rule of thumb, about an hour of playtime is sufficient for most children.

If you don’t like technology, choosing the right games can be a challenge for you. However, reading reviews can help you make the selection much easier. Hopefully this article will prove useful to you.


Heavy rain hurts player scrutiny

No, we’re not talking about the weather: Heavy Rain was hailed as the best game of 2010 and is still one of the most popular games of 2011. This storm isn’t going away anytime soon, and for good reason. With its highly original and intriguing gameplay that closely resembles interactive fiction, Heavy Rain follows a gripping story in which, just like in real life, your decisions have direct and subtle effects on how the events of your future unfold. . It allows you to experience the nuances of reality in a virtual environment. Given that this is a serial killer, we should be grateful that it remains within the confines of the PlayStation 3.

Without revealing too much, the serial killer in question is the Origami Killer, whose weapon of choice is rain, hence the title Heavy Rain. He uses the rain to drown his victims and the objective of the four protagonists is to stop him. You take the perspective of each of these characters and, at different times, you will be presented with options. Depending on what you choose to do (or not do), what happens next will be different. Characters may not be present in the future due to your actions; characters can even die. There is not necessarily a game over. Rather, there are different results as a result of your performance as a player.

Video games have long eluded the presentation of true choice and free will, which is what makes Heavy Rain so groundbreaking. Until now, most video games have simply offered the “correct” option and the “incorrect” option, and usually the “correct” option is blatantly obvious. Consequently, the wrong decisions lead to the end of the game or the bad end, and the correct decisions lead to the good end or the best end. Games like these fail to capture the ambiguity of what free will really is – the right choices aren’t always obvious, and sometimes there isn’t even a right choice.

But eventually we have to choose, or not make a decision, and there will be different consequences that cannot easily be classified as better or worse. This is the three-dimensionality that video games haven’t quite achieved, even though they made the leap from 2D to 3D a long time ago. Heavy Rain brings the virtual world one step closer to ours, while preserving the fantasy of video games. If you are looking for a unique and innovative gaming getaway that provides “reality”, Heavy Rain is a great option.

Health Fitness

Syntrax Nectar Review – Is Nectar a Good Protein Powder for Women?

Many women these days use protein powders on a regular basis, but it can often be confusing trying to find the right protein for you.

Looking to gain muscle mass, lose weight, or have a meal replacement shake?

In this Syntrax Nectar review, we will look at this protein powder that claims to be high in flavor and ideal for women looking to lose weight.


Whey protein powders (and most supplements in general) don’t always taste great and usually require them to be mixed with something like milk, yogurt, or ice cream (in a shake) to be tasty.

However, in their Nectar protein, Syntrax has managed to create a protein powder that tastes great WITHOUT the need to mix it up … in other words, you can eat right out of the jar on your cereal or however you like.

This is great news and a good way for women to avoid consuming any excess calories in the form of milk or other additives.

The taste is really the biggest plus for Syntrax Nectar Protein, and women love its variety of 8 sweet flavors.

Low calorie profile

Another point in favor of Syntrax Nectar protein powder is its low calorie profile. At just 90 calories per serving, this must be one of the lowest calorie protein supplements on the market, and ideal for women who are mindful of their calorie intake, especially if they are on a fat loss diet.

How does it compare to many other protein powders?

Well, the popular muscle-building protein shakes typically provide up to 300 calories per serving, and even the “light” versions have around 180-200 calories … so you can see that Syntrax Nectar is one of the lowest. by a significant margin.

There’s a whopping 23g of protein per scoop and ZERO carbs and fat. This is great for women looking to minimize calorie intake, but may not be ideal for those looking for a meal replacement protein powder (MRP).

MRPs are best with a more balanced protein, carbohydrate, and fat nutritional profile.

High quality protein content

In our review of Syntrax Nectar protein powder, we found that the quality of the protein in the powder is also top-notch.

Derived from a whey protein isolate (a pure form of protein) called Promin, this is one of the fastest and most easily digestible proteins available, so it is quickly absorbed and used by muscle tissue for repair and growth. Syntrax Nectar protein also contains more bioavailable amino acids than cheaper whey isolates on the market, which means muscle tissue repair is even faster.


Many protein powders on the market can be a bummer when it comes to mixing them into liquids or oatmeal, etc. They often clump together and don’t dissolve properly, which can be frustrating and tricky.

Syntrax Nectar, on the other hand, mixes phenomenally well with just about anything: water, milk, ice cream, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

It can foam a bit, however, more than other whey proteins on the market, so this may be something to consider if you want to use a shaker or mix it heavily.


As mentioned above, the mixability, while good, is a bit frothy so you need to take that into account.

Plus, the lack of carbs and fat means that while it’s great for women looking to get pure protein, it’s not ideal for those looking to get a healthy meal replacement or use it to build muscle mass quickly.

However, Syntrax Nectar Protein is great for women looking to get some pure, healthy protein in a sweet snack that doesn’t compromise their fat loss diet plan.

Legal Law

How to Attract Women Using the Law of Attraction: Become a Magnet for Beautiful Women

If you are looking for the best way to attract women using the law of attraction, then simply align your unconscious mind with what you want. In this case it is to attract beautiful women.

You will see that our conscious mind is our goal setter, but it is our unconscious mind that achieves it.

No matter how much conscious effort you make, it will all be in vain if you are not unconsciously consistent in your desire to attract women.

So what we need to do is have the right mindset to attract and attract women. Our confidence and self-esteem must be in the correct amount necessary to take action when necessary and any self-limiting beliefs and fears must be removed from our unconscious mind.

You will see that the law of attraction is always working. It is always sending a constant frequency out into the universe based on our habitual thought patterns. It doesn’t matter if they are positive or negative, in the end we will reap what we sow.

If you think that attracting women is difficult, then that is the frequency that you are sending out into the universe and the universe will respond by validating your belief by presenting you with a reality in which attracting women is difficult for you.

When you understand how to attract women using the law of attraction, you can effortlessly attract a large number of women into your life. Picking up girls, approaching women you don’t know, and creating sexual tension will be easier for you if you have the right mindset.

Imagine if you had the belief that women find you irresistibly sexy. What do you think your reality would be then?

Like everything, the law of attraction would manifest reality for you to validate your belief. You will see that women find you irresistibly sexy.

Not only that, but because of that belief, you would also behave differently around women. You would have more confidence around him and maybe even some blatant arrogance. Your fears, if you had them, would also begin to diminish, all from changing just an unconscious belief.

Beliefs are constant filters of our reality that work at an unconscious level to dictate what we will and will not do. If you think you can approach a girl and get her number, you will be ready to act, and as if you don’t think you can do it, you will hesitate and be paralyzed by approach anxiety.

To install a new empowering belief that harnesses the law of attraction to attract women, you must first erase the old self-limiting belief.

Lifestyle Fashion

An apple a day: fun activities with apples

Fall is just around the corner and what better way to mark the season than with a month of apple-related activities? It’s the time of year for fresh baked apple pies, apple festivals, and Johnny Appleseed’s birthday! Take a trip to a farmers market or orchard to pick your own apples. Throw a party to celebrate Johnny Appleseed’s birthday. Serve apple pie and apple juice and plant apple seeds in their honor. These activities will also pair well with your fall, farm, or harvest themes.

Apple tidbits

Tell children these cool facts about apples to spark their interest and excitement about apples …:

  • Apples come in all shades of red, green, and yellow.
  • 2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States and 7,500 varieties of apples worldwide.
  • The Pilgrims planted the first American apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Apples are a member of the rose family.
  • The most nutritious part of the apple is the skin.

Make your own applesauce

Applesauce is easy to make. Five pounds of apples makes about 2 quarts of applesauce. Peel, core and cut the apples into quarters. Put the slices in a pot and cover them partially with water. Boil the apples until soft. Let the children use a potato masher to mash the apples and make applesauce. Add sugar and cinnamon to taste.

Dried apple rings

First, peel, core, and cut the apples into chip-sized circles. Next, dip the circles in fresh lemon juice. Use a wire cutter to cut a clean, white-lined clothes hanger. Next, decorate the hanger with some apples made of craft paper and add the apple rings. (Don’t let the apple slices touch each other.) Finally, hang the apples in a dry, airy place and let them dry for a week or two. Tip: Turn the apples every day.

Apple tasting

The next time you go to the grocery store with your child, point out the different types of apples. Tell your child their names. Buy a few different types, and when you get home, let your child taste them. Ask your child how each one knows, how each is different, and which one is his or her favorite. To add to the fun, buy or make different things made with apples, such as applesauce, dried apples, apple pie, apple butter, and apple cider. Let the children taste the treats.

Apple toss

Place a laundry basket or bushel basket and red bean bags or small red balls. Use masking tape to paste a line on the floor. Place the basket a couple of feet from the line. Have the child stand behind the line and try to throw the balls or bags (apples) into the basket.

Plant apple seeds

Talk or read a story about Johnny Appleseed and how he planted apple seeds. Provide young children with paper drinking cups, apple seeds, potting soil or soil, and water. Have the children fill their cups with dirt first. Then ask them to place their finger on the ground to make a small hole. Next, have them drop a seed. Moisten the soil with a small amount of water. Place the cups in a well-lit area and water occasionally.

Apple Relay

To play, you need an apple for each team. In the word “forward,” a team member places an apple on the back or hand of the first player. The first player runs to the end of the course and returns without letting the apple fall from his back or hand. If the apple falls, that player must stop where it is and put it back on. Once the apple is back in place, keep going from where it fell. When the player returns to his team, he places the apple on the back or in the hand of the next person in line. The first team to finish wins.

Apple smile

Cut an unpeeled red apple into wedges. Wedges should look like a smile. Spread one side of an apple slice with peanut butter. Add three or four miniature marshmallow “cloves” along the edge. Spread another apple slice with peanut butter. Place it on top of the marshmallows for a big, toothy smile.

Visit to find a bushel full of other great apple-related ideas.