Lifestyle Fashion

What type of footwear should I wear for a mini trampoline?

The advantage of a mini trampoline is that it can be used both indoors and outdoors. So this raises the particular question: what type of footwear will be the most suitable? Will particular footwear wear down the trampoline pad? Would it be safe to jump barefoot? How about the socks?

We are here to answer these types of questions once and for all so that you can increase your comfort and safety.

Let’s start by covering the shoes we recommend you wear for your little trampoline. Certainly you should first check with any documentation that came with your rebounder regarding certain manufacturer guidelines.

A pair of tennis, running, or cross-training shoes are ideal for exercising on a small trampoline. They have enough traction on the soles to make sure you don’t slip, but are still soft enough not to damage the top layer of the trampoline over time. Also, these types of shoes provide great support for people who have poor arches or perhaps if your feet hurt after a round on the small trampoline. These types of shoes were created to bounce, allowing you to stand your ground as you work your way toward your fitness goals.

Much better compared to tennis shoes are running shoes. Your own bare feet come with a natural non-slip sole. In addition, you will be able to experience the subtle adjustments to the surface of the mini trampoline that will allow you to get used to changes in your jumping sequence. Additionally, bouncing on bare feet can help improve foot muscles that would not otherwise be used when wearing shoes. It really depends on comfort and choice, whether you choose to wear tennis shoes or leave your feet bare.

An ideal compromise between bare feet and footwear comes in the form of Vibram FiveFinger shoes. They may sound strange, but they definitely give you the slip-resistant grip of a shoe with all the general flexibility and subtle movements that come with barefoot bouncing.

Regarding safety, our recommendation is that you do not use the following when using a small trampoline. You will also extend the life of your trampoline by following these suggestions.

Although it may be attractive to jump in your socks, especially when exercising at home, it is a bad idea. Your socks give the soles of your feet without proper grip in any way. The top of the trampoline is also stylish. Add to that the proven fact that you’ll be jumping and spinning on the trampoline and it’s a recipe for disaster.

If we haven’t mentioned it earlier in this post, it’s probably not smart to use it on a mini trampoline. We are discussing things like flip flops, sandals, heels, boots, dress shoes, high heels, slip-on shoes, the list can be much more. Use common sense and stay barefoot or in athletic shoes that have soft soles while bouncing. It will ensure that both you and your trampoline last for years to come.


How can I prevent my Jack Russell from urinating in the house? Training a Jack Russell puppy in the house

Good question. How to house train a Jack Russell puppy is one of the most daunting tasks you will face as a dog owner. However, because Jack Russells are so smart, house training a Jack Russell puppy can be accomplished quickly and easily if you follow a few basic guidelines.

Puppies 8-10 weeks old

Depending on the age of your puppy, you may be waiting too long. If your puppy is too small, physically, he may not be able to contain his intestines. Most dogs arrive in their new homes between 8 and 10 weeks of age. At this stage, they cannot hold the bladder overnight and must be removed every few hours.

If your JRT is less than 6 months old, be prepared for less than perfect compliance with home training and that you will sometimes have accidents. Be patient and be positive.


First and foremost, if you really want to learn how to house train a Jack Russell puppy, you must be willing to take at least 2 weeks off. Why? Because you will have to watch your puppy very carefully so that you can sense when he has to urinate and then intercede.

Designate your own space

Designate a space just for your JRT. Make it a space where the floor is easy to clean. This will be your play and rest area. It should be an area that can be closed easily and small enough to be manageable.

This will be your terrier’s “room” until house training begins and the cage is presented. Get her a blanket, preferably one with her scent, a bowl of water, and some toys, and store it in her new “room.”

Don’t let your home roam free

If you are serious about house training a Jack Russell puppy and want quick results, your Jack Russell may not have free access to the house until he is fully trained.

I know it sounds cruel, but there is good reason for this kind of rigid restriction at first. If you give your dog the reins of the house, he will pee all over the place. You will not have the opportunity to intercept it and take it to the appropriate place that you want it to eliminate, which is outside.

When you learn to house train a Jack Russell puppy, you will be asked to do many things that at first seem cruel to your dog. But you have to trust the process and do what they ask of you if you want results.

Keep your eyes on him every minute

Your job is to keep an eye on your cub like a hawk. If you have to wash dishes, tie him up with a leash, this way he can only go so far and you can still catch him in the act if he starts using the bathroom.

During Jack Russell house training, it’s important that you catch your dog in the act, pick him up, and take him outside so that he associates grass, dirt, and concrete with going to the bathroom.

Be prepared for lots of trips to the bathroom

If you can’t stay home with your puppy for two weeks, find someone who can. The more you can catch your dog in the act and pick him up and carry him outside when he has to urinate or defecate, the faster he will train in the house.

Buy a box

I know you think it’s cruel to put a dog in a cage. But really, dogs love the idea of ​​having a burrow. They like to snuggle in corners and hide. It comforts them. For them, a box is like their own home.

The purpose of the box

The purpose of the crate is to teach your dog that it is his safe haven and that he should not get dirty in it. So how does this help with training at home?

Dogs hate sleeping where they poop.

So when your dog is in his crate at night and he starts whining, it’s a sign that he needs to go to the bathroom. Immediately take him to the backyard and let him do his business. Then praise him, even if it’s 2:00 am!

By the way, if you are in the house but you cannot take care of your puppy, you can put it in the cage. But just leave it there 2-3 hours. Then take him out to go to the bathroom.

What box size should you get?

Your crate should not be so large that your puppy has a lot of room to move. If that happens, he will just go to the extreme and use it as his bathroom. We want to avoid that. Get a box that is large enough for it to stretch and stand.

Don’t leave him in his cage overnight without being able to relieve himself! Remember, if you are less than 6 months old, you have not yet developed strong bladder muscles.

When should I go to the bathroom?

There are three times when one more puppy needs to relieve himself:

1. When you first wake up

2. After eating.

3. After a vigorous game

If you pay close attention to your puppy, you will sense when he has to go to the bathroom and you will start to take it before he shows symptoms.

Your Jack Russell will also need to go to the bathroom just before bed and a couple of times during the night.

Remember, your puppy is still learning and doing the best he can. When he has accidents, and he will, don’t yell at him, rub his nose (that doesn’t work), or hit him. You will only scare him. Congratulate him on the great job he does when he goes to the bathroom in the right place!

Real Estate

Make Money Easily Online – Become A Commercial Real Estate Explorer

There are many ways to easily earn money online. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of them in your email inbox.

One opportunity you may not be aware of is becoming a commercial real estate explorer.

What is a commercial real estate explorer?

He is a person who looks for properties for investors that meet a specific acquisition criteria.

Here’s the deal: This opportunity has nothing to do with sales, data entry, or any of those other questionable potential online business opportunities you may be aware of.

A property explorer uses the Internet to search databases of real estate listings that meet investor criteria. There are literally hundreds of these databases, many of which are free to use.

Advantages of the opportunity

There are many things that make this opportunity attractive.

First, the price to participate is very modest. It costs less than $ 100.

Second, the money is really good. Frankly, there is no comparison between what you can earn doing this and all the other opportunities combined. It really is one of the ways to easily earn money online.

You can really make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Third, the support the company offers is incredible. While they won’t hold your hand or care for you, they will provide the weekly training, personal guidance, and weekly Q&A to help you succeed – that’s more than any of the other opportunities.

The fourth thing is that you can actually do this from home. There is no travel involved. Plus, it really only requires about twenty hours a week of work on a consistent basis.

The best part for me is that the company, Maverick Real Estate Investments, is not one of those dumb companies promoting the next business opportunity. It is real. And they sincerely want to see you successful because the huge amount of money for everyone involved comes when you find a promising property.

They are committed to empowering you to be successful at it.

Maverick Real Estate Investments is in the commercial real estate business. That is its purpose. And they have created this business opportunity, so that they can attract people to help them find properties that match their profile for the acquisition.

Makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Disadvantages of the opportunity

Are there any negatives? Yes, a small one. But you can’t really blame the company for it, it’s just the nature of the commercial real estate industry.

If you need to earn money right away, this is not the opportunity for you. Patience is key. While you can realistically earn six figures or more in a year, the fact is that it takes time to find a property that investors want to acquire. It has to fit their profile (in which they will train you thoroughly).

And even when you find a property that fits your profile, they need the time to do whatever it takes to change the property, which could take up to 18 months.

But still, you have to admit that it is very good money. And let’s face it, if you were to do business yourself, it would take AT LEAST that long to make a modest profit, let alone the money you would make as a property scout.

Now, they offer an interesting way to get paid faster. But I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you really needed the money. They can pay you $ 15,000 when they buy the property and $ 15,000 again when they sell the property. It’s good money, but they prefer you partner with them and they pay you when they sell the property and there are profits to distribute. Facilitates your cash flow.


Simply put, this opportunity is legitimate. It is lucrative. People ARE making money, a lot. And it is a profession that you can easily do from home over the Internet. Although not perfect, it is one of the few easy ways to make money online that is realistic and easy to do.

Shopping Product Reviews

Collectors V Resellers, can’t we all get along?

Tens of thousands of years ago, the first humans survived as hunters and gatherers. Our ancestors went out into the wild with basic tools and weapons to hunt meat, and roamed the forest in search of fruits, vegetables, and berries. At the end of a hard day at the office, these simple folks would sit around the campfire to divide the spoils of the hunt. One of the cavemen always took a little more food than he could eat because he thought he could use it to trade later. If he didn’t want to clean up after himself, he’d just take someone else with some meat. Didn’t you feel like going out to hunt a mammoth? Wow, he would only offer a handful of berries for any man who went in his place. Once the other cavemen realized what he was doing, some of them started talking about it and an endless discussion began.

Okay, now my understanding of the dawn of our civilization might not be one hundred percent accurate, but the point is that if we fast-forward to 2016, essentially the same thing is happening today. No matter how far we’ve come as a species, there are always conflicts and there is always someone who seems to get ahead at someone else’s expense. But who is right and who is wrong? Is someone doing you wrong or is it just your perception of the situation because you are not getting your way? These are important questions, and when it comes to the subject of collectors and resellers in the retro gaming community, there is no easy answer.

The idea of ​​the retro game collection is simple. The collector wants old games. Maybe they want to preserve the history of video games for future generations. Maybe you really like to play old games that remind you of yesteryear. Maybe you just think that retro games look great on your shelves. Whatever the reasons behind this, the collector just wants to collect.

The collection has something that most of us can relate to. When you are in school, there is usually something that is popular and that all children like. When I was in elementary school, all those years ago, they were Garbage Gang trading cards. Man, we loved the Garbage Gang. We were crazy about them. Pretty much everyone in our class, boys and girls, collected the Garbage Gang, traded the Garbage Gang, and played with the Garbage Gang on our lunch break. That mindset sticks with many of us as we grow older, only most of us don’t continue to collect Garbage Gang until adulthood (I sold my full set in 2010 and put it to rest). As adults, our homes are filled with movies, music, books, and a lifetime of photos and memories. We have shelves full of books. Maybe it’s photographs or paintings or furniture. I like travel photographs and I hang them everywhere, but I will also always have a collection of games. There is something satisfying about having a collection of things that you love.

The idea of ​​reselling is, again, simple. Like our caveman friend from before, someone will always notice that there is a gap in the market. Value is essentially what someone is willing to pay for something. You may not think that a handful of berries is enough compensation for going out and taking on a woolly mammoth in battle, but if someone is willing to fight that mammoth for you, that’s what the berries are worth. The principle hasn’t really changed over the years. If someone is willing to pay a lot of money for something, that is what it is worth.

But at what point does selling something become morally questionable? Well, what if our caveman friend with the berries knows that his friend really loves berries and knows that he will work for them? Is that fair? What if your friend starves and puts him in a dangerous position because he knows he needs food so badly? So it’s a bit more questionable, surely, and you can understand why some may find that tactic aggravating.

Collecting versus reselling is an argument that has emerged within the retro game collector community in recent years precisely because of this moral gray area. Collectors want to collect because that’s what they like to do. Whether they are doing it to play games or to look at or to preserve, they are doing it for the sake of collecting and not for their own personal monetary gain. Resellers have noted that these collectors are looking for old games, so they are looking to acquire games, particularly rarer titles, and then sell them to collectors for profit.

It’s easy to see why collectors might find resale so despicable. Reselling effectively increases the market value of games, making it difficult for collectors to do what they like to do. A reseller may go to a yard sale and see some old games that they know are worth a lot of money to the right people, but to the people who sell them, they are just rubbish that are sold for pennies. Have you seen Toy Story 2? It’s essentially what the chicken man does when he spies on Woody at the yard sale. He knows that the cowboy toy is worth a lot of money and therefore wants to try and trick Andy’s mother into selling it for next to nothing so that he can maximize his profits. Chicken Man could be an animated comedy villain (voiced by Wayne Knight, no less) but there are people who do that every weekend to try to make money off video game collectors, and so isn’t that something we should be upset about?

There is something that seems inherently shady about buying games that you know are worth a lot of money from someone who doesn’t have that knowledge and is selling them cheaply, and then exploiting that situation for your own benefit. But is the reseller really the culprit?

For many thousands of years, gold has been a valuable asset here on Earth. The reason it is so valuable is that it is so rare. As I learned in a documentary starring Professor Brian Cox a couple of weeks ago, gold forms when massive stars explode, and those are such rare occurrences, that if you were to collect all the gold that the human race has found, you would just do it. . fill three olympic pools. Today, we place value on things other than shiny rare metals that we dig out of the ground.

Games and gold are not that different. Resellers are essentially today’s finders, going out and looking for the precious items that they can then sell to the highest bidder (literally, in many cases, as these games end up extensively on eBay). Resellers look for a rare or valuable good and then sell it to make money. Collectors find it in poor taste because they think it increases the cost of the games they want to collect and because the resellers in question do not buy the games for the love of collecting, but for the love of profit.

But should collectors really envy resellers for a money-making opportunity? We all make money in our lives. And we all do different things to make money. Is it worse to make money selling old games than, say, selling your old clothes? Presumably, somewhere, there is someone who loves to collect old clothes. Are you currently on an internet forum somewhere, complaining about people who don’t mind collecting clothes who go to charity shops and take all the bargains?

More importantly, do the actions of resellers really negatively impact collectors’ ability to collect? Value is what someone is willing to pay for something, but if they can get it cheaper elsewhere, they likely will. A reseller cannot charge too much for the game they bought at a garage sale because unless there is only one copy, someone else will sell it at a much more reasonable price and the collector could just buy it from them. This is how the free market works. Purchases and sellers together determine the market value of an item. So if collectors don’t pay ridiculous prices for games offered by resellers, those resellers will have to lower their prices. It seems shortsighted to believe that there are evil resellers who buy up all the old game stocks and have all the poor collectors rebuild their houses so they can afford a copy of Stadium Events on the NES or Power Strike II on the Sega Master System.

The truth, as is often the case in this type of conflict, is somewhere in between. Resellers are essentially buying something and then selling it for a higher price. That’s exactly the same as stores around the world do, including stores that collectors often go to in search of classic games to buy. Collectors often get a handful of games from forums or a Facebook game page, knowing they already own most of those games and are only buying the package for one title, then they sell those duplicate copies of the games they own, unknowingly becoming resellers. I have done it myself. We all have …

There is no real black and white answer here. It’s easy to understand why some collectors hate the idea of ​​resellers getting in before them and finding a bargain-priced classic game. But there is nothing fundamentally wrong with someone selling items to make money. It is no different than how any store works. Buy low, sell high; it is the general principle under which any company operates around the world.

Maybe it’s time for collectors and resellers to lay down their guns and do their best to get along. A good friend of mine, who is a true and staunch collector, has befriended one of the aforementioned resellers and is now being offered the first choice on the fresh mint stock that the guys find every week. Sounds like a great solution to me! There are more than enough classic video games for everyone, and if you occasionally have to pay more money than you’d like to pay for something, then that’s the nature of collecting something. If you want something so desperately, then you need to be prepared to pay for it, and if you’re not, are you really that committed to collecting or just hoarding?

Hobbies cost money. My bank balance can attest to that. Over the years, I have spent a fortune on things that I enjoy and I wouldn’t even dare to guess how much money I have spent on video games. It bothers me? No. Games are my hobby, which is why I have been collecting games for more than twenty years. As we mentioned earlier, value is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for something. That also counts for collectors. How much will you pay for something you like to do?


GS Warrior’s MVP this season is Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry has everything new around him: a new season and a new coach. Despite all these developments, he has reaffirmed that he is the Most Valuable Player of GS Warriors.

New coaching decisions

The GS Warriors faced many questions in the 2014-15 NBA season. The team lost a 2013-14 first-round playoff series to the Los Angeles Clippers in seven games and after that, the team’s head coach, Mark Jackson, was fired. Although the franchise’s win total increased in each of the three seasons Mark Jackson was with the team, nonetheless, the Warriors’ front office had decided it was time for them to move on. This bold decision by the office was the subject of heated debate in the media for weeks. Several players, including Curry, were unhappy with the move; going public to express their displeasure. Former NBA player Steve Kerr was hired shortly after Jackson’s firing, overlooking a lack of prior coaching experience.

Where is the love?

A new coach with no prior experience is not the only problem the GS Warriors must face in the upcoming 2014-15 season. Kevin Love’s commercial giveaways were heating up this summer. While the Minnesota Timberwolves were looking for a valuable return from their power forward, some teams were constantly ahead of them. The Cleveland Cavaliers eventually won the draw, but along with it, the GS Warriors were one of the few teams that had a valuable offer for the Minnesota Timberwolves. The GS Warriors were reported to be offering a package that revolved around Klay Thompson; The Timberwolves’ sharp shooting guard. After Kerr disapproved of this potential move, and the Cavaliers offered a package built around Andrew Wiggins (the No. 1 overall pick in the 2014 NBA Draft), Love was sent to Cleveland. Thompson signed a $ 70 million 5-year extension with the Golden State Warriors shortly after his name was spread on trade rumors. So, with everything in the right place, GS Warriors is ready for the 2014-15 season.

The challenge to victory and discomfort

Through 20 games, GS Warriors have shown that they can overcome major injuries to key players and that Kerry can maintain his position as the league leader. From all of this, Curry has emerged as one of the best point guards on the team and as one of the best players in the NBA overall. Over 20 games, his points, assists and steals per game rank in the top 1 in the league. His game of 5.1 rebounds or game ranks second among all point guards. These have made him the most valuable player on the team and in the league. He is also a favorite for the NBA MVP award.

Kerr had a great influence on the Warriors players. Additionally, Curry’s performance continues to make a sudden impact on the court. Stephen Curry is currently at a high level in his career, offensively, and is showing an increase in dedication on defense. Unlike. now, without Kerr, the Warriors could be lost in the middle of the NBA Western Conference deck; that remains to be seen. Meanwhile, the GS Warriors’ rise to the top is truly a team effort; however, without their leader Curry, they would be nowhere.

Tours Travel

Mickey Mantle Steakhouse

Located on the Bricktown Canal, Mickey Mantle’s Steakhouse, Oklahoma City was established in 2000. The award-winning restaurant is gaining popularity, especially since it is located along the canal and across the street from the AT&T Bricktown Ballpark. Thanks to the menu that contains contemporary preparations by Daniel Nemec, Executive Chef and Juan Arias, Second Chef, the excitement lives on among OKC residents and visitors, making it the first option that comes to mind when you think in an informal dining experience.

Mickey Mantle’s Steakhouse is known for its premium aged grain-fed Midwest beef. But that’s not all you can expect from this steakhouse. In addition to daily specials, fresh seafood and an extensive wine collection await you of over 150 selections featuring New and Old World wines offered according to their compatibility with the ordered dishes. The restaurant has a jazz bar and a lounge with live music. You can sample the unique aromas and flavors of the delicious dishes in a great atmosphere that combines various elements to give you the distinctive feel that you will only find here. There is also a wide range of Mickey Mantle memorabilia to see.

Mickey Mantle’s also offers a great socializing experience with many of the Oklahoma City celebrities and hip crowd who frequent the restaurant. It gives you a great dining experience and one that you would like to return to. Mickey Mantle’s Steakhouse, OKC is also ideal for family and friend gatherings, birthday parties, and other special occasions. Guests of OKC hotels should visit this attractive destination.

Arts Entertainments

Top 5 Reasons We Love Retro Games

# 5. Games were simpler in the past

Video games have undoubtedly become more ambitious and impressive in recent years. When you look at characters like The Last Of Us, it’s impossible to overstate how far video games have come since people played Pong forty-odd years ago. But despite all the innovations within the medium, and all the new fad ideas and increasingly elaborate control schemes, there is something to be said for how much simpler things were in the games we played as children. .

Today’s games can be difficult for people without the muscle memory that comes from years of dedicated games. Give your mom or dad a PS4 controller and if they’re like mine, they’ll spend half their time playing looking down, trying in vain to remember where all the buttons are. Use the left analog stick to walk, hold X to jog, or tap X to run. L2 is aiming and R2 is shooting, but R1 becomes shooting if you’re driving because in a car R2 is the throttle. R3 (that’s when you click the right analog stick) allows you to look back and to open the menu you need to hold down the touchpad. And that’s just part of the control scheme for Grand Theft Auto 5, one of the best-selling games of all time.

Even for seasoned veterans, the increasing complexity of the games can become a hindrance. Super Mario World is still as intuitive as it was in 1990 because the inherently simple design and play-and-play nature made it timeless. You can give the controller to a child who has never played a Mario game and in a few seconds they will have figured out how to play. This simplicity is an attractive concept, which is almost certainly part of the reason that retro games like Shovel Knight and Axiom Verge are so popular today. The easier it is to play a game, the more inclusive and immediate the fun is. Retro games have that in abundance, and that’s why I keep playing Super Mario World twenty-six years after launch.

# 4. Retro games have better music.

As game production values ​​have risen over the years, we have seen the average change in many ways. We made the leap to 3D, now we have elaborate voice acting and cut scenes that tell complicated stories that rival those seen on television or on the big screen. Today’s games feature fully orchestrated scores or soundtracks with popular music that are just as impressive as what we’d see in other media, but it seems we’ve lost something along the way too.

I can still hum the Treasure Island Dizzy theme song on the Commodore 64. I’ve been playing that game almost thirty years ago and haven’t played it since (and I’ve never won it yet, damn it) but I can still remember the theme song that sounds in the background in its entirety. I played games last week and couldn’t even tell you if they had music.

Due to the simplicity of the early games and without the voice acting to tell a story, the music had to be good. Aside from a few horrible sound effects, the game’s music was the only auditory stimulation the games provided. There are still great game soundtracks today, but they seem few and far between compared to the games of my youth. Mega Man, Castlevania, early Final Fantasy games, and iconic titles like Zelda, Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog all featured highly memorable tunes that stick with us long after we last played them. I still remember how the music of the Commodore 64 classic Prince Clumsy changes when you save the princess at the end of the game like she was playing it yesterday. We can’t really say that about Shadow of Mordor, can we?

# 3. Games used to work out of the box.

One thing that the games of yesteryear certainly did better than the games of today is that, well, they worked. You’d think it should be a pretty fundamental aspect of any product released, but it’s truly amazing how many games in 2016 are shipped broken, requiring days or weeks of server tweaks for multiplayer to work, or a huge day one. patches to correct all the errors that appeared on the disc. Nowadays, if you don’t have a decent internet connection at home, some games are really unplayable and many others are seriously hampered.

Street Fighter V launched earlier this year, and Capcom promised that the single-player Arcade mode, a staple of the series, would be available for download in July. What if you don’t have an internet connection? Well then you have half a game. That’s not a problem we faced when Street Fighter II launched on the SNES in 1991. Back then, we didn’t have the internet to act as a safety net for developers. The games had to work out of the box.

Going back and playing Global Gladiators today is as simple as placing the cartridge in your Genesis and turning it on. It works now as it did then; exactly as it should and without any problems. This is one of the many good things about retro games; If you have the game and the hardware, you are good to go. No need to download drivers, updates or patches. You put the game on and then you play. As you should.

# 2. Games used to be more of a challenge.

Today, anyone who keeps up with the latest trends in games is likely to be aware of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and the reputation these games have for punishing difficulty. Gamers flocked to the Souls series, excited to play a title that challenged them and refused to hold their hands. There are no extended tutorial sections. There is little help. You cannot pause. And every enemy can mince you unless you learn their attack patterns and act accordingly. It’s exciting for a game to provide us with an uphill fight like this, but I’m old enough to remember a time when every game was like this. And worst.

Modern games tend to explain things to the player, often to an almost insulting degree. Putting a disc in a PS4 in 2016 means waiting for the install, then the day one patch, and then when you finally have a controller in your hand, you spend the next two hours going through the early stages of the game like a kid. your first day of school. Everyone likes a little help from time to time, but there’s something to be said for simply being thrown to the bottom and told to sink or swim.

# 1. Nostalgia

Nostalgia may seem like an avoidance response; after all, looking back in rose-tinted glasses is often what fans of all things retro are criticized for. It’s easy to dismiss nostalgia as a way to justify the view that everything was much better back in the day, but the truth is that nostalgia is an immensely powerful agent and should not be ignored.

Today, we watch junk movies and regret the obvious use of CGI, but we’ll happily sit back and watch Raiders of the Lost Ark and won’t bother to mention that the Nazi melting at the end looks like he’s made out of clay. We listen to the hideous pop music of our youth with a thoughtful smile on our faces as we lift our noses at the latest Justin Bieber video. And we’ll talk about Final Fantasy VII as if it’s the second coming of Christ, completely ignoring all of the game’s flaws that we’d hang a modern game to dry for. Nostalgia is a strong enough influence to make us believe that Sonic the Hedgehog was really good. That is serious.

The reason many of us like to play old games is simply because of the feeling we get from playing them. I have played hundreds, if not thousands of games in my time as a gamer. And I’m smart enough to know that in that time video games have improved in almost every way. But that doesn’t change the fact that if I load Street Fighter II I remember the days when I would play it during summer school break with all my friends. I remember the day I finished Toejam and Earl with my brother every time I hear the first few bars of their ridiculously funky theme song. And I remember the dizzying excitement we had when we had the deaths working for the first time in Mortal Kombat II.

Playing old games, like watching old movies or listening to old albums, takes us back to a time in the past that we like to remember. Whether they are memories of old friends, loved ones, people we see every day or have lost touch, every old game we load is a window into the past and that is special. The latest Call of Duty will never compete with that.


Back to School Guide for Students

It is never too late or too early to start getting ready for school. Even if you just missed the latest deals, there is still something you can do. After all, the best things in life are free, right (at least some of them anyway)?

It is vitally important to stack paper and pencil to take those life-saving notes. They are usually cheap as chips, and if you are a college student, you can do it with just a couple of notebooks for your notes. And if you have a tablet or laptop with you most of the time, you can go ahead and download some free note-taking apps, saving you the money and effort of buying and keeping track of pens and papers.

Speaking of tablets, it’s a good thing for a student. It is very convenient to take your books there, view slides, and take notes. It saves a lot of space and doesn’t weigh as much as a book would and can provide you with some great free time activities or even allow you to start writing your articles early (I doubt anyone will anyway). If you want a tablet, but don’t know which one to buy, you can do a search for the best student tablets and you should definitely find something that suits your needs.

If you are cooler this year and you are heading to a different city or even a different country, you may consider buying a smartphone. You’d be surprised how many times your smartphone map will save it or the fact that you had access to the internet when you needed it most. If you have no idea what is on the market today, you can take a look at the top 10 mobile phone lists on Google and hopefully you will find a thing or two that are worth your attention.

This should help you get started and accumulate the valuable resources for learning. All you need to remember is that there are ways to do things for little money. Keep an eye out for the best deals and jot down some good websites, preferably blogs, that offer good tips and tricks (like the best note-taking apps) on what a regular student should have and how it will make life easier for them.

Home Kitchen

For your home or office, DMI office furniture offers quality and style at an affordable price

DMI offers a wide range of options, from office furniture to home office furniture, made from fine veneers and quality woods selected for durability and functional furniture, all at reduced prices. Styles and designs range from classic and traditional, contemporary and transitional space, and small home office space. All furniture designs are protected by DMI’s superior protective finish to protect desks from scratches and stains and all surfaces are thermally fused.

The traditional and classic home office series consists of Ambassador style, a collection of traditional home office furniture with high pressure laminate tops; Andover style a traditional design combined with maximum comfort that shows a beautiful Sherwood mahogany finish; Governor style a classic traditional design embraced with wood accent trim, modesty paneling, and swing bail trim hardware for a rich traditional look; The Keswick style, an unrivaled luxury in traditional veneer designs of spacious English cherry finish home office furniture; The Oxmoor style is more impressive in design with its delicate balance of design and functionality expressing an elegant traditional style in a merlot cherry finish.

The transitional and contemporary home office series is comprised of Americus style, a distinctive Art Deco-inspired transitional design in a rich mahogany finish with matching crotch mahogany tops and walnut edges; The Summit Reed style has a contemporary modified reed edge with split nickel hardware that provides a variety of office work surfaces with a sunset cherry finish; The Summit coping style is a contemporary design created for modularity featuring a rounded edge trim with curved nickel hardware; Belevedere style, a distinctive design that gives it a contemporary sophisticated look with figure-matching Anigre veneers; Pimlico style a mocha finish style with slightly recessed angled edges and the lids are separated from the chassis and enhanced with satin aluminum lines that complement the satin nickel drawer pulls; Eclipse style, a simple transitional sophistication in a warm cherry finish for total comfort and convenience with its drop-down conference table and slanted front desks; Belmont style in cherry veneer, an elegantly crafted transitional style; The Del Mar style features multifunctional facilities influenced by the Shaker style that changes the traditional office environment to one in transition.

The Small Home Office series is composed of Antigua style with charming details but casual elegance suitable for small spaces; Balmoor style a modern design based on old European atmospheres; The Carrington style with aristocratic details fits completely in your small home office; The Estes Park style is a design made from solid oak and veneers; Fifth Avenue style a traditional and contemporary design combined to conveniently accommodate home office equipment; Keeneland style a transitional and traditional collection of elegant home office furniture; The Midlands style expresses the simplicity and beauty in the cured oak finish design for simple furniture suitable for a fully functional home office; Rue de Lyon style, a design with additional furniture for any type of home office requirement; The Windermere style is a type of conservative design but with visible distinctive details and functional furniture; Desk styling includes Adams desk and Madison desk for home office environments.

DMI office furniture can accommodate all types of office requirements, whether they are located in the office or in the comfort of your home.


Are crossover SUVs as safe as you want them to be?

We could all have noticed the sharp increase in sales and popularity of small crossovers. They appear to be much more practical than large SUVs and sedans, and have attracted a large proportion of young customers. Consequently, these small SUVs have greatly increased in sales numbers and in popularity. However, recent tests have shown that a fairly significant number of the popular crossovers on the road today are not as safe as they are supposed to be. This test was conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), and only two of all the crossings that participated actually crossed the mark boundary to pass.

The two SUVs that passed the test were the Subaru Forester and the Mitsubishi Outlander. Actually, in real terms, it was only the Subaru Forester that scored well, as the Outlander just got an acceptable score. All other SUVs couldn’t even cross this ‘acceptable’ mark. It is interesting to note that both SUVs have recently been redesigned. Apparently, Mitsubishi and Subaru engineers were attentive to the new test presented by IIHS.

The new test that participated in the IIHS regular series of tests was the “small overlap crash test.” This test replicates the effects of the vehicle hitting a fixed and strong object such as poles, etc. from the front. The SUV under test is made to drive forward first against a five-foot-long rigid object at a speed of 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour). The test replicates the consequences of the breakdown of the front corner of the vehicle. This test verifies the efficiency of airbags and seat belts in a much better way than other frontal crash tests. IIHS has now created two different categories: ‘Best Safety Choice +’ and ‘Best Safety Choice’. The two aforementioned SUVs that passed the newly introduced ‘small overlap crash test’ were awarded the title of ‘Top Safety Pick +’, while the other SUVs that failed to pass the test did quite well in the Remaining tests were listed in the last category.

Institute Vice President Joe Nolan said: “With the redesigned Forester, Subaru engineers set out to do well in our new test and they did it. This is exactly how we expected manufacturers to respond to better protect people on these. types of severe frontal crashes “. The institute has placed the Subaru Forester and Mitsubishi Outlander in the ‘Top Safety Pick +’ category and declared them the safest option of all the SUVs that were tested. The SUVs listed in the ‘Best Safety Pick’ category were Kia Sportage, Jeep Patriot, Mazda CX-5, Toyota RAV-4, Volkswagen Tiguan, BMW X1, Buick Encore, Ford Escape, Honda CR-V and Hyundai Tucson . However, the Toyota RAV-4 has not yet undergone the retest. The Institute says the SUV won’t be tested until next year as there are pending changes to be made that will improve the SUV’s safety stats in many ways.