
Howler of Ozark

Black cats are considered a sign of pure bad luck. If you see a black cat cross your path, you need to be careful about your plans for the day, as it is a premonition of a very unfortunate event that may befall you. In addition to symbolizing unfortunate events, black cats are often associated with witchcraft and mystery. However, Ozark Howler takes feline mystery and misfortune to a whole new level, featuring a black cat as a cryptic beast.

The Ozark Howler, also known as the Ozark Black Howler, is said to stalk the forests and surrounding remote areas of Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Often described by witnesses as a very large cat, the Ozark Howler is said to be larger than any huge feline species discovered, such as the lynx, lynx, or even cougar. Also larger than most canine breeds, this monster cat is said to be as large as a typical North American forest bear.

According to stories and legends, the Ozark Howler has a very robust and stocky body that is supported by thick and strong legs that allow it to move quickly whenever it is chasing prey or trying to escape from hunters. Rather than being covered in fur like typical mountain beasts, this giant cat is said to have long, shaggy hair that is as black as night.

With horns protruding from its forehead, locals often refer to the Ozark Howler as the devil cat. Its devilish appearance is matched by its loud and mysterious howl that is often described as a combination of the howl of a wolf and the cry of a moose.

Note that the Ozark Howlers name is derived from their haunting nightly screams that echo from the area where it is commonly said to be seen, the Ozark Mountains.

Aside from the eerie howl and horns, the Ozark Howler is said to have glowing eyes that allow it to detect and perceive its prey even from a distance.

This monster cat is said to feed on smaller animals in the forests, as well as livestock on the farm in nearby communities.

According to cryptozoologists, the Ozark Howler may be a new or unidentified feline species. However, some anthropologists propose another theory. They speculate that this monster cat might not be a cat after all. Rather, they hypothesize that the creature could be another version of the dark dogs of death from British legends.

There is a website that describes the Ozark Howler and many other cryptozoology creatures in detail, this website is called: Unknown Creatures and it can be found at this URL: