Arts Entertainments

Dating African Americans

Do you want to date an African American? Well, don’t be surprised if dating African Americans is similar to other dating practices. It really makes no difference if you want to know my opinion. The media has done a lot of negative publicity about Black men and Black women, which is outrageous and untrue. Not all men are going to look like Lil Wayne or our beloved President Obama. You probably date someone in the middle. There are slight differences with each culture, but for the most part we all want to be loved.

So let me delve into African American Dating 101. I’ll explain, from a sistah’s point of view, what black men want and what a black woman looks for in today’s dating scenes.

Fortunately, the black man wants what all men want, which is someone who will listen to him, enjoy his company, and have a sense of himself.

Black men come in a variety of flavors, from gangster hip hop to corporate negotiators. As a woman, you need to hang out in places that have your type. The places to visit are the billiard rooms, they have tons of men playing pool after five. Black men also enjoy black-owned bars and grills, so look for a good one in your area. Outdoor jazz, blues, and R&B concerts are full of black men and women available, especially during the summer months.

Black women are everywhere and anywhere that makes a difference. They are the social butterflies of our culture, so they are able to adapt more easily. Where should you look for a black woman? Bookstores, coffee shops, concerts (skip the American Rejects and check out a Mary J. Blige concert) universities, the mall because she loves to shop and it looks good. Lastly, there are a ton of single women in church and if you can break away from your Sunday sports game, it might be worth the effort.

Dating is serious business, but if you search in the right places, you are sure to find someone when you least expect it.