
Mark Twain – Financial Troubles and Recovery

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, also known as Mark Twain, was born in Florida on November 30, 1835. Of seven children, he was the sixth. Not only is he known for his writings, but he was also a famous journalist and comedian. He is known for producing magical writing that attracted a worldwide audience and earned him as a famous writer. To this day, Twain is highly remembered and many read his work.

Twain made a lot of money from his writing. Some of his famous works were The Golden Age, Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, A Tramp Abroad, The Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur’s Court and Huckleberry Finn. A large part of this money was lost due to bad investments. These investments were mainly due to investments in new technologies, especially the Paige typesetting machine. It was a designed mechanical device that was known to amaze onlookers when it worked. The problem with this device was that it was prone to many breakdowns, so Mark Twain spent a whopping $ 300,000 on the device. Before the device was perfected, Linotype replaced it on the market. Because of this, Mark Twain lost a large part of the profits made from his books, as well as a large part of the money inherited from his wife Livy.

Mark Twain was very fascinated with science. He developed a strong friendship with Nikola Tesla. Together with Tesla he spent a lot of time in Tesla’s laboratory. Twain is said to have invented a new type of steam engine, the Kaolatype and baby bed clamp.

Another source of Twain’s financial troubles was the publisher. He also lost a large chunk of money through the publisher. The publisher enjoyed great initial success selling Ulysses S. Grant memorabilia. Shortly after this initial success, the publisher went bankrupt and lost a lot of money. This was due to the idea that it was similar to selling Ulysses S. Grant memorabilia. It was thought that the public would now be interested and would buy the biography of Pope Leo XIII. The idea backfired and only fewer than hundreds of copies were sold.

To recover financially, Mark Twain began lecturing alongside his writings. Together with his new friend he recovered financially. The lasting friendship lost in 1893 with Henry Huttleston Rogers, a financier, who was the director of Standard Oil. The recovery process began when Henry asked Twain to file for bankruptcy. After this, he asked Twain to grant his wife the copyright of his written works. This prevented creditors from seizing his works. Rogers then went on to take over Twain’s money entirely until all creditors were paid.

Finally, to fully pay off all creditors, Twain continued to lecture around the world, even though Twain had no legal obligation. In 1900, Twain returned to the United States after having earned enough to pay off his financial debts.

Digital Marketing

Medical Communications: Considerations for Using Text Messages and Social Media

For starters, physicians should know that, in 2011, the American Medical Association issued guidelines in its Code of Ethics for physicians using social media:

• Physicians must safeguard patient privacy and confidentiality online and via text message, and must refrain from posting identifiable patient information;

• Clinicians should realize that privacy settings are not absolute and that once on the Internet, the content is likely to be there permanently.

• If interacting with patients on the Internet, physicians must maintain the same professional and ethical boundaries as they would in any other context.

• Doctors are strongly encouraged to separate personal and professional content online.

• Doctors must defend the profession and must act if their colleagues post unprofessional or unethical content.

• Physicians must recognize that online actions and posted content can negatively affect their reputations with patients and colleagues, can have consequences for their medical careers, and can undermine public trust in the medical profession.

Interactions with other doctors

Connecting with other doctors through social media is a great way to share information and improve the profession. However, most of the time texting and using social media to work with other doctors is not appropriate.

Messages between physicians for the purpose of treating a person must be documented in a timely and appropriate manner in the patient’s medical record. Right now, that is excruciatingly difficult to achieve consistently and successfully.

There are at least some popular social media platforms that are exclusive to doctors only. Some of them say they allow anonymous posts and interactions. However, clinicians must realize that almost nothing on the Internet is actually anonymous. Doctors must ensure that they respect the ethics and obligations of the practice of medicine when posting something on any site, whether their names are available or not. HIPAA does not subsidize just because a doctor’s name is not directly related to a publication. It also does not subsidize because a patient’s name is not mentioned in a publication.

Good practice is for a physician to steer clear of the post or text message before sending it, consider what it will be for, and consider whether to preserve the confidentiality and ethical obligations that are necessary for the situation.

Additionally, physician interactions with other physicians on purely social media, especially with superiors at work, can blur the lines between professional and personal life. Supervising physicians (employers, assistants, teachers, etc.) should not attempt to connect with their subordinates through social media and subordinate physicians should think twice about asking to communicate with supervising physicians.

Interactions with patients

First, before any interaction with a patient through social media, text messages, video conferencing, or similar transmission, physicians must comply with each and every telemedicine statute applicable in the states where they practice. Telemedicine laws are constantly evolving to keep up with changes in the area of ​​communications, and physicians are well served to familiarize themselves with the laws.

The WADA Code of Medical Ethics contains an opinion on the use of email to communicate with a patient. Perhaps most importantly, the Code states that email correspondence should complement a doctor’s personal encounters with a patient. Additionally, a physician is held to the same professional and ethical standards by email as he or she is in person. Medical advice or patient-specific information should not be transmitted over an insecure connection and without prior authorization from the patient.

Although the WADA has not published guidance regarding text message communications with patients, clinicians are encouraged to consider using the same guidelines. For example, text messages containing specific patient data should not be delivered over a public or insecure connection. Copies of the text message should be kept in the patient’s file to ensure continuity of care. And physicians must realize that they are subject to the same level of attention over text messages as in their office encounters. A single text message delivered without a complete picture could subject the physician to as much responsibility as an incorrect in-office evaluation. Appropriateness of care cannot be sacrificed for ease of communication.

Messages sent to patients via social media are even more troublesome. Patient privacy laws generally preclude providing specific patient information in this way. Furthermore, even if patient-specific information is not transmitted via social media, failure of a physician to maintain proper professional boundaries with his patients can tarnish the reputation of the profession and subject the physician to disciplinary action.


Group coaching model that is super simple to implement

A group coaching program can be really difficult to implement or very easy to implement. Some of the common things I hear when I refer a client to start group coaching are:

1) I don’t have time to talk to dozens of clients every week

2) I don’t have time to spend 5-10 hours a week writing lesson plans

3) I cannot be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by email

4) It just takes too long.

5) It’s a lot of work technically to do.

And the thing is, they are all valid, because in many of the older models, this is how it could have worked.

In fact, maybe as you read that list, you are thinking, yes, that’s me, I want to start a coaching program, but it seems like too much work.

So let me ask you this:

What if I showed you a way that you can train 100 – 1000 clients in just 2 hours a week, and they get almost the same results as working with you 1-1?

If that was cool, if you felt like, “yeah, I could do that,” then read on!

Because I’m going to show you a super simple coaching model that really works.

Before I get into this, I want to go over one concept: and that’s the idea that group coaching doesn’t get the same results as 1-1 coaching.

The point is, coaching itself is not what works.

The ACTION and implementation of your clients gives them results.

The main reason 1-1 coaching generally performs better than group coaching is because with 1-1 coaching, the client feels compelled to finish their work before the next scheduled call.

How many times has your client told you, “Yesterday I remembered that I had not finished the assignment you gave me and I thought about canceling today’s session, but I decided to work late to complete the job” or something similar?

The thing is, if that client had been in group coaching, they probably wouldn’t have done the job.

But is it really group coaching or client motivation that gets the job done?

Your client should step up and do the work on their own. You are a coach, not a babysitter. You are a coach, not a high school teacher. It is your clients responsibility to get the job done. You need to learn to manage your time and learn to focus. You can teach him those things, but he has to.

You are a coach, not a personal assistant, personal planner, or timer.

Now here’s the thing, if you’re willing to limit yourself to helping only 20 clients at a time, when you have within you the ability to change possibly millions of lives (I mean, how many people NEED what do you help with?), then you probably shouldn’t do group coaching.

But what if you knew that there are 1000 people RIGHT NOW in your circles whom you could significantly help, as long as THEY were personally responsible for your results?

So yes, 1-1 coaching gets better results. But it’s not for teaching (think about it, if you have 20 clients, over time you work with all of your clients on the same 95% of the material that you work with everyone else, right?). 5% of your individually trained material is unique.

So why are you doing 1-1 training with a 5% difference? Why not just do a group coaching session that teaches 95%, then open the call for group questions and answers, and anyone who needs a unique 5% solution can speak with you personally.

When you do that, do you open yourself up to being able to genuinely HELP 100-1000 people rather than limiting yourself to your own ability to deliver 20 hours (or less) of quality 1-1 each week?

(And before I give you the blueprint, let me just say this, maybe you have 100-1000 group coaching clients, PLUS 1-1 clients who really need personal attention because they want to do much, much more than you teach most of the clients. and they really need more personal attention to outperform your average client. They are willing to pay more for their time. And you are willing to coach 2-5 1-1 clients at a time. And that’s okay. I think Sin However, most of your coaching can, and should, be done in a group setting. Read on to see how easy it is.)

Here is the model:

-> One group coaching call of 60 to 90 minutes per week.

On this call, you will teach a topic for 45 minutes. The rest of the time is spent training, answering questions, etc. Clients learn EXACTLY what they need to learn and can talk to you as if it were 1-1, but you are not teaching 1-1.

-> After the call, send a recording of the call to your customers via autoresponder. This takes 5 minutes.

Each week, you record the 45 minutes of training you take and add it to the autoresponder campaign you have created for new customers, so that all new customers are sequentially exposed to each lesson you’ve taught.

This allows you to literally double up as you only teach a topic once, and whenever a client needs instruction on an already taught topic, you simply send it to that recording.

And they can always take the call live.

This total coaching program, with 100-1000 clients, only takes 60 to 90 minutes per week for the actual delivery, plus approximately 10 minutes per week in the queue of the emails in the delivery of your autoresponder for the coaching clients. .

That is less than 2 hours a week.

You can help hundreds of clients instead of 20.

It only takes you 2 hours a week instead of 20.

And if you REALLY want to work with 2-5 1-1 clients, you can.

Can you see how easy this can be?

It really can be that easy!

That’s what I do.

It’s what my clients do!

And you can too!

Now, you might have questions like these:

1) Well, do I have to offer email access?

Answer: you can if you want. But it is not necessary (and with 1000 clients, it is not possible for me to answer all their emails, so with many clients, no, if they want a question answered, they just have to come to the call [which they should come to anyway, right?]) Fair enough?

2) Do I offer access to Skype? No. Skype distracts me a lot. Skype is only useful to me for specific pre-planned conversations, where Skype would be faster than the phone. But if you’re looking at your skype box 24/7, can you say DISTRAAAAACTION?

3) Do you conduct a webinar or teleseminar for delivery?

Answer: here’s the thing: I often find that new coaches want to offer webinars for their training. They think it is more personal. Then they spend 5 hours a week preparing a powerpoint and find that 99% of everything they teach can be talked about rather than shown. If you REALLY have to show something, record what you want to show and send the recording before the call in an email. Have your clients watch the video before the live call. They can ask questions about whatever they want during the call.

Also, the webinar means that you MUST be online for the call. It means that you must have a good internet signal. It means you have to transcode the recording, upload a bulky mp4 file, and let’s face it, that can take hours of your time or your assistant’s time. PLUS, your client has to WATCH the video every week.

Instead, I use teleseminars. Many reasons.

1) I don’t have to prepare a PowerPoint.

2) I don’t have to be online (I have made coaching calls from Costa Rica, on the road, in my car, walking in a neighborhood when I was out of town traveling and my car was in a store, from a ski resort resort, and many other places). With a teleseminar, I just call the dial number and voila, I’m on the call.

3) Recording is done automatically by my teleseminar provider. That means that within 5 minutes of the end of the coaching call, I can email my coaching clients with the recording.

I don’t have to upload, download, transcode, deal with 400MB, nothing.

If I don’t want to, I don’t have to think about my coaching call until next week.

The system is easy when implemented in the way I just described.

You can easily train 100 – 1000 clients in a productive group coaching call, 2 hours a week with your full participation, the entire program runs almost completely on autopilot except for 2 hours a week on your part.

And you have the rest of your week to live, to focus on getting new clients and truly enjoying the business life you thought you would have now!

Health Fitness

Advantages of portable fitness equipment

Many of us find it very difficult to go to a gym regularly. It can be due to many reasons, such as the location of a good gym, the cost factor, etc. One of the most common reasons is frequent travel. Portable fitness equipment is the best solution for this.

For those who see portable equipment such as some spring gadgets and light resistance bands, it would be a first to know that technology has evolved a lot and today you get a variety of equipment that can give your body a complete workout that is no less. in any way other than in any well-equipped gym. With the use of portable fitness equipment, you can easily achieve your goal of a general workout from the comfort of your home and achieve your goal, be it increasing overall appearance and strength and fitness or an increase in performance. in any sporting activity, or a simple cardiovascular exercise.

Advantages of portable fitness equipment

  1. With this equipment you can keep track of your routine training without interruptions, making it a better form of training to improve your health.
  2. You can choose the custom activity for you and you can get help online to get the maximum benefit, under the supervision of an expert.
  3. There is a wide variety of portable fitness equipment to choose from, depending on your choice and your budget.
  4. You can stick to a routine exercise program without having to worry about the hours and dress codes associated with a normal gym.
  5. The total weight of any equipment is very less (about 1 pound to 2.5 pounds) and it can fit in a very small bag that can be easily carried anywhere.

Variety of portable fitness equipment

There is a great variety to choose from. Some of the elements in common use are:

  • Jungle gym: It is used for complete weight training exercises such as push-ups, leg curls, core unfolds, runners, etc.
  • TNT cable: It is used for resistance training including squats, cable cleanings, presses, full extensions, Russian twists, resisted running, diagonal raises, push-ups, rows, etc.
  • Power jump rope: This is great for general conditioning of the whole body.
  • Upthrust: This has been voted the best exercise equipment by Men’s Fitness magazine. It has an adjustable resistance key for push-ups.
  • The energy bridge: This is a jump training device that is simple to use and is one of the best weight training equipment available on the market today.

Portable fitness equipment makes daily workouts easy and simple to stick to goal setting charts. It makes it possible to train anywhere, anytime and leads to full fitness.

Health Fitness

River Yoga Advanced Teacher Training

Advanced Teacher Training

The River Yoga advanced teacher training is for people who have a strong desire to teach yoga. The program is a comprehensive 4-day program that will allow you to rediscover your voice and your place in the world. This training is structured to meet each student on their level. It includes aspects of Metta (Loving Kindness) and respect for the body. In addition to teaching yoga to others, the advanced training will help you become a better yoga instructor.

The advanced training is comprised of four modules: Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, and Prenatal. You will learn the techniques and benefits of various styles of yoga, and learn how to sequence a class properly. The advanced training will also include study with some of the best teachers in the world. During the program, you will gain an understanding of your own practice and learn cues. This will help you teach more effectively.

advanced yoga teacher training online

The River Yoga advanced teacher training combines nyasa with modern science. The advanced training program is designed for adults and will cover the basics of asana and breathing. The program consists of twelve weekends, and will offer enough time to complete all of the requirements for a 500-hour advanced teacher certification. You can also opt to combine the advanced training with additional hours of continuing education. The advanced course is a perfect fit for those who have no experience teaching yoga or want to add on to their existing skills.

River Yoga Advanced Teacher Training

The advanced teacher training will be a perfect combination of science and yoga. While you’ll learn the fundamentals of yoga and the basics of meditation, you’ll also be exposed to the inner wisdom of the teacher, allowing you to teach your own students. Once you have completed the training, you’ll be able to instruct your own class with ease. You will learn the techniques of the advanced class, as well as how to adapt the techniques to the needs of your own students.

The advanced teacher training focuses on the integration of language and subtle energy. You will learn how to create a yoga practice that integrates these two aspects. The course includes chanting, meditation, and dhyana. This course will provide you with the knowledge to be a better yoga teacher. The instructor training also teaches you to modify poses that don’t harm others. Your students will learn to adapt these new styles of practice to their unique situations.

A comprehensive 200-hour training focuses on the integration of science and philosophy into the practice of yoga. In addition to yoga, advanced teacher training will also provide you with business and marketing skills. In addition, you’ll learn how to properly integrate the two. In addition to this, you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to incorporate a range of techniques into your practice. This is an ideal way to integrate these two aspects of the practice.

Tours Travel

Thinking of buying a condo hotel? Here are 20 things you need to know!

1. What is a condo hotel or condotel?

Think of a condo hotel (also sometimes called a condotel or hotel condo) as buying a condo, albeit one that is part of a four-star caliber hotel. Therefore, as a homeowner, when you are on vacation, you will get the benefit of more four-star services and amenities than you would in a typical condo.

2. What type of services and amenities are found in the condo hotels?

If you can imagine the subtleties that you will find in a luxury hotel, then you can imagine a condo hotel. Features often include resort-style pools, full-service spas, state-of-the-art gyms, fine dining restaurants, concierge services, and room service.

In some places, like Las Vegas, you will find condos with their own casinos, shopping areas, and entertainment venues. In places like Orlando, you’ll find condos with their own water parks and convention facilities.

3. What is the difference between a condo hotel and a traditional condominium?

The big difference between a hotel and a condo hotel is that a hotel generally has one owner, either individual or corporate, but a condo hotel is sold unit by unit. Therefore, a 300-room condo could have up to 300 owners.

4. Is it obvious to hotel guests whether they are staying in a condo hotel or a traditional hotel?

A hotel guest will likely never know that the hotel has multiple owners because the property is operated as a traditional hotel and is often under the management of a well-known hotel company such as Hilton, Hyatt, Starwood, Trump, or W. las Individual units of the condominium hotel will look identical in design and decor to all the others, just as they would in a traditional hotel.

5. Who usually buys condos?

They are primarily sold to people who want a vacation home but don’t want to deal with the hassles typically associated with second home ownership, such as property maintenance or out-of-season tenant hunting.

6. What is the demographic of the typical condo buyer?

The spectrum of condo hotel buyers is quite wide. There are families who want a second home in a vacation destination. There are baby boomers who are about to retire and want a place where they can “spend the winter.” There are also many investors who buy a condo hotel unit with little intention of using it; they are in it for the potential real estate appreciation.

7. Can you live in a condominium hotel?

Condominium hotels are not normally offered as primary residences. In fact, many of them limit the use of the condo hotel unit by the unit owner (usually 30 to 60 days per year) because the unit is expected and needed in the hotel’s overnight rental program, where it can be offered to guests and generate income.

8. Who gets the money when your condo is rented?

The hotel management company splits the rental income with the individual condo hotel owner. While the exact percentages vary from property to property, the typical rental split is in the 50-50% range.

9. Who finds the hotel guests and then cleans and maintains the condo hotel units?

The hotel management company markets the property and reserves to hotel guests. He also maintains the unit and ensures the proper functioning of all hotel services and amenities.

10. What are the advantages / disadvantages of buying a condotel over buying typical rental properties?

Advantages include:

· Hassle-free ownership; no problems with the owner

Rental income to offset some or perhaps all of the property expenses

A fantastic vacation home available to use whenever you want

A real estate investment at a time when other investments may seem less attractive

Strong likelihood of appreciation

· Pride of ownership: “I own a part of a Trump”

Disadvantages include:

The annual cash flow could be equal to or less than the annual costs of ownership.

Pets are generally not welcome.

The owner’s condo hotel unit can be rented whenever the owner wishes, so advance reservations are required to ensure availability.

The condo hotel unit is subject to the same market downturns that affect all hotels in the competitive market: hurricanes, terrorist threats, warm winters in the north, gas prices, etc., all of which can affect the rate. occupancy of a unit and the amount of income it generates.

11. Are condo hotel units difficult to finance?

Not at all, but they generally cut 20%, whereas condos can be purchased with less cash. It’s also important to make sure you use a mortgage broker who has been successful in making condo hotel financing deals. Many banks don’t make them yet, but more and more are getting involved as condo hotels become more available.

12. How long have condo hotels been around and where are they located?

Condo hotels have been around for several decades, but the great wave of four- and five-star condo hotels that have made their way across the country began around 2000 in the Miami area. The Miami-Fort Lauderdale area still has the majority of condo hotels, but areas like Orlando and Las Vegas are developing condo hotel properties at an even faster rate and will likely overtake South Florida soon. Other emerging areas are places like the Bahamas, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, and Dubai.

13. How much do condominium hotel units cost?

That’s like asking how much a car costs. There are condo hotels of different qualities. Some require larger amounts of money than others, obviously.

There are inexpensive condo hotels for as low as $ 100,000. They are usually found in properties that have converted their use of an existing hotel. They are the size of a hotel room, lacking in kitchen facilities, luxury franchises, and other first-class amenities.

Then there are the four-star or higher properties that can start in the $ 300,000 to $ 400,000 range, but can go as high as $ 800,000 for just one unit of study. One- and two-bedroom units cost substantially more than a studio. Of course, the studios come fully furnished and finished, and will be significantly larger than a typical hotel room, and may attract guests due to their name, such as the St. Regis, Ritz, or W.

14. What are typical maintenance costs?

On average, around $ 1.00 to $ 1.50 per square meter. ft., but the range may exceed $ 2.00 sq. foot in the most luxurious properties.

15. Do you buy condo hotel units after they have been built, or can you buy pre-construction condo hotels?

Unless you’re in a rush to start your vacation or need to complete a 1031 exchange, it’s best to buy pre-construction condos as soon as possible. That’s when prices are lowest and unit selection is greatest. You will likely wait two years or more before closing and taking possession of your condo hotel unit, but you will have fixed the price and will reap the benefit of maximum appreciation.

16. Is there anything else investors need to know about condotels?

Buying this type of real estate involves more than the old phrase “location, location, location.” While most condo hotels are located in desirable locations in resorts and commercial areas, the most important thing is a good franchise with a strong reservation system.

Also, don’t be fooled by an aggressive rental division. One way or another, the property developer will have to staff, maintain and operate the hotel and its services such as restaurants, bars, spas and swimming pools with their share of the proceeds. If you give him a very favorable portion of the rent, he is also more likely to charge you a higher monthly maintenance fee. Of course, this goes both ways. If the maintenance division offered is closer to 50-50, then your maintenance should also be more reasonable.

17. Any suggestions for investors when choosing which condo to buy?

Get good advice. That means you don’t want to rely solely on presentation provided by an on-site salesperson in a condo. You want to speak with a broker who specializes in condo hotels and who knows and understands the entire condo hotel market, not just the facts surrounding a single property. He or she will listen to your wants and needs and then offer recommendations on which properties best suit your needs. You will have the opportunity to compare prices and consider the pros and cons of each available property.

A good broker can make the difference between buying a condo hotel that will be problematic and will not live up to your expectations or one that will provide you with years of great vacations, good yearly income, and a substantial profit when you sell.

18. Does it cost more to use a real estate broker to buy a condo hotel than to buy a unit on your own?

No. With new condo hotel properties, prices are always set by the developer and are exactly the same, whether you buy directly from a seller on the property site or through a broker.

The broker commission is always paid by the developer and is already included in the price, regardless of whether an external broker participates in the sale or not. Since the representation of a broker is free to buyers, it makes sense to ask for their help and get the benefit of their advice before making a purchase.

19. How can prospective buyers find a good condo hotel broker?

Ask your friends for broker recommendations or search online for “condo hotel broker.” Visit the condo hotel broker websites and see if the information they provide seems complete and unbiased. If your website seems to focus on the sale of homes or office space, and the condo hotel information seems like an afterthought, steer clear. Your best option is to work with a condo broker who specializes.

20. How can buyers find out about new condo hotel properties coming on the market?

Condo hotel brokers can be a good source of information, as they often learn about properties before they are released to the general public. Another option is for them to subscribe to a condo hotel newsletter like the one we publish called the Condo Hotel Property Alert. We offer it free of charge on our website and it has a different condo property that goes on the market in each edition.

Arts Entertainments

Why a man’s attraction fades and how to keep it: 7 untold truths every woman should know

So many beautiful girls are abandoned every day. And as they sit there, their pride shattered, they think, “I am everything a man would seek. Why did he leave me?” The truth is, that beautiful face and sleek body doesn’t come close to what a guy needs to maintain his attraction. Sure, it’s what he notices in the first few minutes, and then he goes on to look for funnier things.

Forget the fallacy that attraction should diminish over time. I have seen many elderly couples who have been together for decades, but are still hopelessly in love with each other. We’ve compiled unspoken reasons why a man’s attraction wears off, and we’ve also offered some tips on how to avoid being abandoned.

Has high expectations.

Every man has a list of things that he wants his perfect girl to be. Sometimes it’s really not your fault if he loses interest. It is a rule that you should never change who you are for anyone. If you’re looking for someone you just can’t measure up to, no matter what you do, flaunt your assets or go.

Here’s the deal: You’re not his type, and he finds that every time he backs out, you do what he wants. A lightbulb lights up in his head and he will play with you like a puppet. But if you show him that nothing can influence you, he will respect you more and more.

He couldn’t cope with incredible revelations.

So you’re lying in bed, cuddling, and he starts wondering about the men you’ve been with. “Many?” he asks, and you say, “Well, there’s Tony, Marcus, Bryan, Olsen, Neil, Walter, and Carl …” and the list goes on as his eyes widen in disbelief. He just can’t get out of his head that you’ve been around and he’ll think differently about you. How to avoid it?

Stay away from these types of questions early in the relationship, especially when you have not yet established a stable bond. There are other unavoidable things you may discover that are not your fault at all. He may not be able to accept your religion or your ideals; It’s all about a compromise, but if you’re adamant about staying away for it, then it’s not worth it at all.

He is confused with sex and love.

Normally, a boy can draw a straight line between the two. But what if you’ve been constantly dating and now he’s coming home more often to have sex? He starts to need you more and mistakes it for love. So when there are times when you can’t give it to him (the red flag is raised or you’re too tired), he throws a hiss attack because he thinks you don’t love him. Keep the attraction strong by not giving in to his sexual needs when he wants it. He will discover that you too must have a say in this entire game.

You can’t get over the first impression.

When she met you, you were a quiet girl walking her dog. And the next time you go out, he’ll see you wild and nasty on the dance floor. There goes your attraction for the door. He is completely taken aback by your change in behavior and will think you were putting on a show the first time. Of course not, but that’s what you will think. To avoid this, you must give it gently.

First, you can go out and have a drink. Then you can take it to the dance floor. When you dance, show him that you dance for him and that you don’t mind other boys looking at you. He’ll feed his ego and he won’t mind that you’re grinding so sexy after all.

It has a distraction.

He likes girls, and when he met you, he fell in love instantly. But some kids have their own first love, one they’ve had since they were kids: toys. Your man may be interested in games and toys. Instead of throwing a tantrum when he’s not paying attention to you, you can distract him by cooking up some extra special medium or making fun of him sexually. You won’t know what hit you.

You feel the relationship is abusive.

Abuse doesn’t mean you hit him with a bat every time he makes a mistake. For men, fastidious fit this bill perfectly. Abuse may mean that you just don’t believe there is justice in the relationship. You always get away with it, and when you don’t, you make him suffer. He can’t be wrong, or you will give him a hard time. And on top of that, you really don’t give him time for anything.

You are with your friends and he has nothing to say. You use derogatory comments when you talk to him, often channeling them towards his pride and manhood. You want me to buy you material things, and you won’t get no for an answer, and you won’t show the slightest sign of appreciation. You can date someone, but drag him into WWII if he does the same.

The relationship has crashed into a wall.

Oh boy This is the hardest. What do you do when you can’t think of things to talk about or do together? Creativity is the reason many couples last for decades. They always find magical ways to spend time together. If your relationship has hit a wall, ask your man out. Dinner and get out of town. Get away from work and just spend the day in a whole new environment. Get him a gift. Do something you never do for him. You will be amazed at how it goes back to being like the first day.